Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 8

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- i y, ;. IT MM CANADIAN STATIUAII. UowuàIvnLU. OTXMI S P RT PICS. - ~ By Frank imohun MA 3-7234M BA'K TO WORK Holidays are oveî for another year and this reporter 15 baick ta work again. We played over 150 holes of golf and spent an enjoyable week et Harxvood. In our golfing davs,' One evening was spent at the Oshawa Golf Club. which has,1 changed considerably since the last lime we were there. No longer in use are the fairways behind Alexandra Park, which were comparativeîv easy. In ui-u opinion the nç!w holes have made the club into a real uhampionship! layout. Perhaps the high-light of aur enjoyable week at the cottage was the catching of a 15"' pickerel. Mavbe thats fot big, but to a novice (that*s me), it was quite a sized fish. AnywaY it made a nice meal. for one). Wonderful weather predorninated apart from a single rainy day a couple of wveeks ago. Only one îhing rnarred the. vacation. While at the cottage our dog sustained a bad rut on his paw, and we had to take him into Cobourg to have à few stitches in order to close the wound. That ended lus swimming for the rest of the week. + . 1 1 WHO'S GOT THE SCORE-BOOK Sofîbali fans niay be wondering vhy there is no0 storv en theStephen Fuels - Surplus Sales gaine in this weeks paper. On aur returu ta work wve rried Io track dowu tlIh score-book. onl *v to discoxer that it %was nussimng and didiît ttirn up until alter our deadline. The Fiiels %\ on. anîd we understand the score %vas 7-3. We'd like 10 thank John «Jamers.1r . ho kopt the bisc- bek -dp 10 date and 'uc'Balson wha sý rote-uip the' soccer resuits for us. ONE WEEK TO GO IN M1EN'S SOFTBALI, Last Thursday's game betxveen Ken's Mens W'ear and 9nuffy's Auto Body înight have been the' big one ini deciding which teamis will be in the pla 'voffs. Kenis \\on .5-3 to lic Snuffy's for the third and last spot Anl Auto Bod ' v \ lu would have virtually elîrnînatcd the' Clothiers but nosv il appears likely that Snuffvxs are diestined for- the sidie-lines for the second successive ea r. Stephen Fuels incet Sniii k-s oiîi-lht in Snuff ' \s loue remaining game, while Ktns will have <w o gaines in baud. against Surplus Sales and Stephen's. next xeek. Another battle is going on for- the league leadership between the Sales and Fuel-. Stephens downed Surplus last .wekta leave both clubs deadlocked for- the league leader- ship with idientical 6-4 records. l'lie two front-runners are assured of a pla 'v-off berth. The standing.,: (;.P. W rý Pis. Sui-plus Sales Io 6 4 12 .,&1_phen Fuels - 1 6 4 1'2 Kn q Men'*s Wear 9 4 5 8 Snuffy's Auto Body il 4 7 8 * + t i. t S OCCER EXHIBITION Soccer enthusiasts should circle August, ltth on their raleudars when an exhibition contesi will be played, wit;1* Dzor.ceeds going to the injured players* fund. You can aid aý worthy cause in addition t0 seeing what promises ta be a top- iiotch socer game between Nexvmarket and District AIl- Stars and the Darlinglon Al-Stars. The game m-ill be plaYed et Courtice. starting at 7 ol'clock. t t t SOCCÉER PLAYÔFFS' In the senior circuit, the final two parnes lu regular, league play xill decide whether Bowmanville Hnoper's . Jewel- lerx or Tyrone rnake the fourth and last playoff bih Bownmanville are favfourted with a one-point lead and meeting Ir1. place IVaple Grove. League-Ieading and undefeatedi ourtice will play 'lyrone in the other game. ,K*n Men's Wear Down Snuffy's Bodies 5-3 Ken's Mens,, Wear mnoved scored on Butch" Cole's dou- nut of the cellar last Thurs- ble. day night at the Central School diamond by virtue of a Sut iff.vs eut the miargîn in t,543 decision over Snuffy's Au haîf withi a pair of fifth ilu- ta Body. Thé important- wi~nng markers on anl eror b y left the Men's Wear deadlock - irst baseman Kelly, and dou-ý ci orth thrdan lat Jaý-bles by "PeanuLt" Jackmiaiij cd fr te <brd nd ls . ia and .tim Olînski. Richards sin- off sitianvexth nside rackgled in the' insuiace marker Ken'shavethe nsid. . 'i in the bottom haîf. after Fai- -with three gaines remaining_ ,while Snuffy's meet Stephenre aed 'Fuels tonight in their lotie re- The' Auto Body ralliecl for mnaiining contest. a single run in the filial frane, The winners grabbed an, as John Ford doubled and early 3-0 edge in the fir-st scared on an infield out. franîe. from which lhey were! "A,£ce" Richar-ds wvas the neyer headed. Lloyd Hamil- main cog in the Meus' Wear' ton drew a base on balls Io win, throwing a nîne-hitter- open the inning and Bob Mar- and picking up a pair of hlit,, jerrison singled. An errot- by both figuring- in the scric third-sacker Mel Burgess, on Losing pitcher. Pat Corneil aI- }1Xen Kelly's graundcer enabled lowed ten safeties. but was ec 'un ta score. with the victimized by the three first ,jthers coming on singles by inning markcrs, Iwo of which' iohi) Staînton and Ted Fai- were unearued. M"(Y. . UsuiallY ight-hittiiig Bob, Witîlniiig pitcher, "Ace" Marjerrison was the hig hitter ýRichards singied with one out foi' bath clubs witlî three sin-ntEfutbtHritnge.Sano n oeec1 %vas retired on a hoist ta left, i had a pair of saieties for the Viai,,crrison kept the rally go-: winners. as did the lasers' il-g %vth a single, and one run'Jack-mani and Ford. Thrilling! FExciting!a COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF McCULLOUGH and SPEEDMASTER KAR TS McCULLOUGH AND CLINTON ENGINES OUT- - rom $1990 up W. H.BROWN CASE DEALER 91 KING ST. W. MA 3-5497 BOWMANVILLE Motorcycle Scramb!e Draws Enthusia! Alliough aur photagrapher arrivcd a little latel lar the' many events at the beautifu-l Mospot-t propcî'îv on Monîda 'v, spectators and <iders reparted a good tuin- out anîd a \vaudcirfu1 afteirnoan of races. These mem- bers of' hie Noito\wn ?lota-c vcle Club of Nor'th Toratn- Jto toak ltime (out fî;om laading tlieir bikes ta pose foi- The Statesmati. The 'v are, tram leIt ta right. BihJ Sharpless. John De Gî-uch'v xith his 6-y ear-old daught- et' Atînette. and Dave Clark. Next big scramble xill be held on Labai- Day foi- the Canadian Championships in the various classes. The participants stressed the point that those who take part in these events are not. Town Lge. Softbadl Star of the Week Another pitcher won one of the Surplus Sales' asvards this-week, but an outfielder broke into the nes circieto1 break the mound performers' monopoly. Veteran "Ace" Richards upheld the pitchers honour, throwing a nine-hitter and figuring in the scoring svith a pair of singles, as Ken's Men's Wear took an ail-important win in ------ ati l h tun nfld2vnff her.I -Laurie Garbe. the lotie su C ow P aronFuels upset Surplus Salesta t WU1PTwn Big Show ýBail Games ra Bawmnam-ville Peai amoi-sl'a- ln Grandstand ieus defeated Paît Hope 7-4E and Oranio 26-4 i soithall at-A. TI J tractions last wcek. t x hi îear I lu a Miidav ntheI oals v Bdoutmanv-0lle - t loîa fcd ou a2-ffiit ith ad five rnafpfirh iinnghean th adccepir th in. thei- rieser tAedwin.Cosecu sinles bychAudony Cook Hele Niclsn, Shth i Bock anv d EDoth Nlv* ici rolloxxc by eDo KeÈh 1 run. ecursn.ed or the f ter an' urisirg. bDot aBS terv.'s tîrcd. ushDtaci thefa-out dobe uns, a a pair af Port Hope errai-s. The visitors opeued scoring in the first un- a b on halls and a single by R( Another run scorcd ini fifth when Rose reaclhed f on an ercoî and carie aci on1 Slatcr's single. A walk singýles by Hall and îMicbý produced a pair in the fi *frame. Brock thî'ew a tour-I- ter, whilc fannîng 1'3 ta tU the xvin. The Peai-soins' nl bits xveie divided anmoug ci plaYeî-s, with Nicholson o111Y Player to get more tI- the black-jacketed types who have done so mtîch ta bring rnotorcycie îiding int disi-epute. These mien seldom ride tiieir routi-cycles oui the hc~\a'.Thex' Joad them ou ti-ailcîs and dt-a\v tlem beliud their cars. Appaî-eitly, the special tires used foir sci-ambles cost about $35 apiece and wcar- out rapidlv oui asphiali. roads. In addition, rnast of the riders treat, motarcvele racing as a hobby atid br'imîe Iheir families with lhern an these jaunts. The lamilies picule while the bus- baruds do their raeing. As ane of thie. ridcî-s said. "Matai-cycle sceram-bliiug f is a sport with us and xve enjoy it Irernendously". Surplus Sales- A Hardy Crew of Veterans This team made up of many veterans of hardl and solîball diamonds has been having its ups and dowîîs al[ vear, but caui al\vavs be couîîted (on for same crowd-pieasing, colorful basebaîl. They aie, f tom left ta iight, front row: E. Brooks. G. Crossey, M. Tighe. R. Pollard, J. Parker, M. Yourth, C. Fergusan and lu, I Playground Report ONTARIO STREET B3 Heather We'bb O i it-uSdas - JUbY :'tth, Oic- aria stri-et svhlul c d a xx'ic(- lier andc iiisi i bîx'roajst in tir- sbiabbaxx part aitlu-h strearni ciar tllie Caîiig Fac - toms - whl e inIlltt' xiitr.oi'.ln supi-v isor svas bomba rdecl [nain thle icai' b va fx-ait i\ e boyss. This Thui-sdayvvîseuin, xViie tic (liePenn".- Fai' W'e wxoc:bd appicciatt- it if liii chiidrcîî vould hîiig nId coin- ic books and to vs hû(nioiadici caiidy or a bag of freslieIo t tht' îîh'a-grauîîd bhx vWedicosdux- aftvrccooii. Everors a i s -- came. FLET'I' .AND) J'NE ST. Bi' Audlrey Spit-er Karen NMeMvurter 'lhis xx'ek ini Arts accd Crafîs tht' arment was used as SUC( a tliome for- mally prajeets. Thi chibdron also w'ere bîiss sel iîîg tickets foi Penîis Faim- (), Augucsi 4. Oin Fridla * v tcrmîoa a s;caveflger liait \vas hielc tlb owed by refu-eshîjiîenîs MEMORIAL IPA-RK RY Ruth (,oheen Jlohnu Ferry Ou1 Moiiday al ',terjjoriaj Parksce lield a badmniîton toui-îanuiînt ta detercmie <hie teaiiîs 1ta rp'tscit the' parmk. l'iheteaiis swere Jiic:oi-girbs Bex-cils F' ruVuîanîd Naîcs- Edonidsccic -Senîior ui- <an xvas aiitted. Jetuiior hao's teani %v'as Dav'id anioisoisd Roiiuie Eteluer: Scîîuo!- boyss toai Harold Edmouîdsoiî and Ranid * Beauprie. Tue(sdas' and Wcdie(Sdas I lite cbiic'eiî cmi - jao.\d ilidisidual gaies anîd group gaules. Thu rsday and ,CESS Il vNcou haeiid U ipeti a tcaî,t inipajti, Or' sieltei'cd someone fi-om tht' îaiu, 'I'ad a mnourîner voitu udeî-siaîd. Anîd îeached out a lielping lhaîd. If a line vou'e Ivritten î'cached te soutl, Or \a<'e hclpd onue child tao make hîs goal, Baked a cake that 'vas a .io>' ta at.. Tilied the land in the draught. and heat. If yau've foughit for a cause against ail odds Becatîse *x-îu feU t< svas îilîî. gaI unouappiause, Thrhti vu narie a Suîc-ess i c' tilis ss' uld beo 1w. And the fLJILute hiuds Success lor u.Ikc. -Mar ion Ford front, batboy Damiy Cowic; back row: George Taube. the sponsat-; G. Jones, F. Cowle, R. Davey, D. Girai-di. T. Iloaaî B. MacDonîald and L. Crag6'. ThcvN play Ttîesdavs and Tliursdays aI Central Public School in the Town League Softball League. J 11'iiday the elîildroin made de- coratcoiîs for their .bats foi. Peilni Fair. Also uicý Frirlêix we held ou r spocîa n I -ut. i t was called C'arstruicîioîî 1)î.: LIONS CENTRE B,. Liîîda Brooking OnmiMamîdav alîc'îcccuci lhe Lais Centrme'lîad -i Sccxive- ger Hunt Ailiehe lii tdre-c took part ii i s oeeît aid c e-rsone ejo ed theniselvs-c vei- iiulî. Wc bîad isxo teamsî A amîd B. Surprisiingsv tach teaiîî n isscd (ini]b-va fwf'x- ulhle ar'ticle -sanîd belmeve ne tbîey wcm-e aIl liar-c. The xvinning teaîîî sas "B' caiisisîiiîg of Amiid-esx Steel <Capt.î Clîris Steci. I)ehhi McCay.AamiCragu. LiîcduVic- Fec'te's. Dcuig Paî-kvcr. Su.s ci Mc-Co\,. BickY MeCi IVancd Ami W'iggauîs. Each ch i IcI i)i c cî'c'c thiipr'îzcs of ali da cv Suc(*K- er~s and pipe vloaccer cieuple. AilI sveek xvove sx curki'rl on rral is tom the .Oriental T ii"iii- UracîuioclCraits displax'-vta he shoxvicai Ke', Meu's Wecar. Duriîg thliast <xx n xx eks, wc've beco ias-iicga a -ccbe- tween ail of ourc -bcdîeîc. The' ame svlo selîs <he cnost tiukç-ts l'ir <ho Pc'cîîcv Fan' wins a prmze. Riglît îcusx Di - aimie MFecters us in t4ie( bad having sald ine r'andla liai f books aînd Doug Firii, is e'baŽ, behimîd sellimig nine booaks. Agaîju playvgi'ouiîd(- lias liad a successful xxeck. ARTS & CRAFTS CLASSES By Limîda Brooking This week ai arts amnd eraftF we attempted <to do saie suoati eavcg. Sane of 11e wor;,-:ý of art i crced îo u ýi fie wiI' su lcO oif the aI lic-sxc'.le guc c ai: c* ip<s. fhis week we are goîng to tî'y jula lu jpainctinig anîd sureil %'iil prove qîcite est iig. The' Oiono "aine was blowrî wide open ln tht' first inniiîg when Bowmaîîville cxploded for seven runs. The locals added a single initI. second. seven ini <le thii-d, cighit in the' [oui-lb aîd finîslîed witlî <lrc tifth iîînimîg tallies, before the' giewas halted betas of darkness. Brock xxas tht' big gi un foi the xviuners, throxviîîg a four- bitter anîd elaimning foui of tht' lacals' 21 safeties. Band, Kelly anîd Barbara Huglies each coîîtîibuted three hits, as everYaone iu the line-up pîckedi up at least one bingle. Cooper- was Ocono's best. with a pair of base kîîocks. lu- ciuding a home runi. xip- big l to dive son, ,rley gon. ufne rifth bat - ross r a the ase ýose. the first ross a nd au d unal Iit- ake iin e igbt the hall by Murr-ay Walker, <tie sxxiin- ming instructor. and alsoj.udg- ing variauis types of swirnmiiig by Murray'. This es-cut was won by Robin Hood's mcii. <the scorxŽ being "30-25. The' higliest scorer was Morris Hone \in-an. ternuellon donated by Doug' Rigg. Througiiout the' xeek Michael Cawxker was Robin Haod and BilI Somersford, thie Sherifi. Thus ancexveek af day canmpinîg has been coin- pleted. We would like ta ihaok Mr. Coaînbes for the' ban af bis praperty. Mr. Riggp for do-, ing sa man 'y numeraus jobs for us. AMurray MWalker lfoi teachîing bis x-cry welconied water safety pî'ogram aîîd judging the swimmiîîg con-' tests, and a vccy special anîd very grateful thank yau ta each and every parent. xitb- out whose kindness and un- derstandicîg. we could neyer have carried an our pî-ogram. Thank- you boys for putting- up witiî us. Girls Day camp will begin August 8 ta 12--, ' we hope ta sec as nic@n a group of girls as we had of boys. eof three-baggers, as Stephen lie for the league leadersiiip. chorus line in the woldI. the famous Canadettes will bc on tap xvith their precision danc- ing. For the' first time in thle histo-Y of the C.N.E. New Catiadians xvill bc felatured in the venîng Gaudsta0îdU It's getting aî-ound to C. ropean backgrouund will be ti N.E. timne again and, as al- this year's Show. Thev are ways, the attention: s focussed the International Ballet. xvhich on the Evening Grandstand is composed of many nation- Show and what it ha., te ofici alities: the Nirkoda Dance the hundreds of thousands, Group, whose Hebrew nine who will sec Ibis annual en-! meatîs Let's Dance and the tertaînment spectacu-lar. Serbian National Group is Jack Arthur. who bas be- another baud of Ne-.x' Canai- corne a hausehoid trame ta pa- dians. The Italian Canadiani trons of the Grandstand Show Singeî-s. who camne [romn To- for his lavish productions. bas ronta, but are of Italian oni- linied up as attractive a cast gin, are also featured. ai sarsandfeaturcd pet- fa sters asnhd CNE.bs This year Bill Walker, the ever had.televîsion personalit.y. wi]l be ever ad. . the Hast and Master of OCie- This year the Show wili be mollies for thc Evening Grand- split in two. Wbile the format stand Show. xvill reinain the same for the: ____________ twa-week run. a different starl will headline the bill each MEMORIAI, HOSPITAL week. WEEKLV REPORT Commeucing August 26th' and running through until ;For the week of July 25-31 September 2nd. the eveningý inclusive: will provide the famnous coin- Admissions- 48 edy dct af Phi] Silvers and his Bîrths, 9 maie. 2 female 1l campany. Known ta millions' Discharges ---- - -54 as Sergeant Bilko cf televi- Major operatians ------- 4 sion famne, Phi] Silvers will Minor operations . 19 include that lavable character Emergency treatments- 20 Daberman, lu his gruup. Jon, Vickers, Canada's internation-1Vi tnd 7boutcs830 ta 4: ally acclaimcd opera tenor, P.m. * :0t :0pm will be an extra added attrac- 1 lion xith Phil Silvers foi- theý first wcck oniy. Making her, solo first appearance in a Grandstand Show, is Barbara Franuklin. She will take part in the Show and will sing a duet: IFIUT JOBas with Mr. Viukers. k' U MRWCIN SPITE Victor Brge, the world re- LM T n wned Danish c me ian and - FM^Po Âj OB1 pianist. makes a rcturn visit DONIE RIGNT ta the' Exhibition and will be . ~ AARC the' star of the second week, TPIC September 3rd ta September >M P 101th. The Show will include Can-r ada'3 populai- sînging trio, the Hi-Lites, who have ' ust Dl rettîrned from a tour of the' United States. The Walter dar(o Wahl and Oldfield A(t z xvill be part of the Show as will Rosemary Bailey. the chi]d oî'ganist. Again, tht' Show xvil] feature many sing- crs and, of course, the longes~ Air. iRailor Steamship TI1C KET S TO EVERYIVHERE Consul t JR Y & LO0V EL là King St. W. MA 3-3361 *owmanvuile j E' - nLom)D1. VNcKINLEY representati ve MUTUAL LIFE 0F CANADA Protection , .Savings Mearns Ave. Bowinaniviîle Telephone MA 3-5372 TOP VALUES U'N USED CARS r ainn inteIr-1 I>AI'CAMP By Verna Forait Ou Moiîdav îInOfiîcîg. saine 30 eî itiisiastit- *ouung boyvs cagei- hurried ta lieu is Citi t catch the bus xxlich, svuuli take theiii i thîcir long ax-c dDaY Caiip. Along xx tI Bertil lliggon, Rav Cromn- Bi(c, Tei-i-s- vBlack, and nîyself, xxi dit Iouiid ouri' vs sith m hsbathing suîits, aîîd towe'ls each noiîigta tht' hua utc fa bspot 0ou MI-. Coolni- bes' laud wlîce c'x.ae.t. w("Iît0ou a nature h i w, nitei- ed lents umade Rahiîîl-laod ancd sierIils meii(torts xvilich wroui t hi-uic, bcd i t a dain ox'or the scater. imade a c'ouiu- Cil r-inlgaci(]fbampoli-. acd did imciciuîi-ius aice- thbi ngs. On Woýdii.,da * v somo 24tboys renl;i iîîd xxil hi RaY. Tc-rr\- and octlc Wccker <or cc Sbeep- Mit i' i ltiedtecits.A x'ei- tii-id giouîp remîaîned on Th ,c',sdai ' v<or a breakfast and cîckout oser openri fres, sup- per, anîd gai reud -v for Parents' NfightI <laI oveicg. For that es'eît xx-c diessed 'che boys h ke Robinmi Huori s imenîanud Slîcî'iffls iemi. \Vc pîesented a prograuli ta ithe parenits cou- sistifig of opeimmg (crinonies, tox'ccg <fint s, a nioîk w-ar cha bugs, a fcr--ightîîig cercit ion ' v, soiîgs, awarIs pirt'- scuilco, anîd lîîal elîîsing pi-a '- er. Thuuse got cîg av-.. mds scere John Cunnuinghanm. b"st camp- er; Paul Charbonneau, niost poptilart camnper; Lanc;'v Burns,: nîost dcs'ilislc. Doug Firth, big- gest eater . Aftem' an vni' i-c-St ;,l io'nife tiic o- ciic x aIl -<cn' îu(i omt îi fî oi, oir f iil day. H îglîigh!tiiig the' day was water safety programn ROY w. FRONi NICHOLS 1959 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON 1959 CHEVROLET DISCAYNE 4-DOGE SEDAN fi cyl., standard transmission. 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Just like new. 1956 DUICK 4-DOOR HARDTOP One owner car, just like new. 1956 NqETEOR 2-DR. STATION WAGON One owner car, excellent condition. 2-1954 FORDS 195 PONTIAC 4-DOGE3 SEDAN Clean Car. Ail the above-'cars have heen checked and reconditioned in our sbops a nd are ready for many carefree miles of summer driving. . COACH and SEDAN Oldiohile - Chevrolet - Co and Envoy (British Duili) Cars BO VIAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks C Pi' rne MA 3-3353 Ph.l ýrvair COURTICE n NA 3-3r2 v t', '4 Me ELECTRIC SERVICE lm-Z&M-AMANCES or«UMDAY. AUG. 4th, im 'tn. e import in t1je loop. sniaslied

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