7 -f -mFT -_ r - - PA« am r ageskik, 0bb - t e. Boys o A Y D Oturned frc>m his holldays, there jeton at ll copne a and BIvstigwth&r Bi s a e e lRomeril; Girls shoe seramble, ADwl b church service Sunday SU.EM IlM.adMs.W hpaan n .Cag Bids lerew IIakCk, B Nanye, Deis evnigat 7:30. Hampoe To N. A hto n's Fa ~ jy HelenSwainNancy Drreil;Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Raiim August W.A. meeting wil About eighty attended our friends at DobeilNrhi r adM.Nra oi. 'Io N s t n s F m l ushel basket and hat, Sharon visitd Mr. and Mrs. W. Black. and famLyspent the weekend be held at the home of Mrn. picnic which was held at Ramn- Ontario.soanifniy MrMua Arimpe rc, le Wer- burn and family, Saturd'y. at ouMie Lake. J. Potts on Thurday evenng, ptan st Thursday. Mr. and e(s o rl n oln r Liigti e Afarewell PertY for Mr. had contributed towards th e paercEenrWr Miss Ann Wilson, Lakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham August lth. thi a rpBMises Grace Blackburn and joyeti a few cahoda nhewtfrnsatMtwa and Mrs. W. Newton T. Ash- gifla, and exprse terre- rand Dalton Dorreil, Howard visited M1&. and Mrs. Cleni ca * jlFaini haenteiMx.ycro eaCrdg Mr. Bb DviemPteroiughansHahavto ton and famfly, fornierly of grets at heving to leave rNa- dDrohFrdrMeis-Ram Grahami, Bowmanville, Fr!- prettY' well ln; wheat will spent the weekend et a Young districts lest we.T rvn semn npo tDuh m eventyWdns , Mr.Aho was olso com- m. ig button, Murray Byers, Har- Mr. and Mrs. George Bert- day. soon be ready for harveat. Peeple's camp at Quin-Mo-Lac. Congratulatiost rcSa etv oge aes JulY 20, inithe arena, Napa- mended and thanked for her Dorothy Ferder, Edith McLjau- Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrirn' etMr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- vstMr. a rdon . Cdbry, Mih s Marond BtterycosentheJitorweplcdfra i heeaesufcet etl Bec, anfd wes attended by a work with the Agrclural ghlin; Ladies 10 yard dash, Mr. John Graham, Bowx an- rard and Barry, visited hervstdMranMs.D thweknwtherosiheuir Io ndoRntonolsntepoerat large number of frientfe from Society, and for heýlping ii Mrs. J. Bonnetta, Mrs. Roy ville, called on Mrs. Rd. McNdfl parnts, Mn and Mrs. L. Grif- eron on Wednesday. Miss Joan Buttery, at their Webb, who plae ls nte fteggls the ferma of thc county, who the dairy tent et fair time. Taylor. and Mrs. H. Crosseman on W;- in, Blackstock, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mackenzie cottage, Bébcaygeen. Senior divislin nteDra came te sho0W their epprecia- Lunch was senved at the The Couples, Club, 18 coup- nesday. Mns. K. Cowling, Mrs. G. and family, Toronto, are holi- Mr. a"d Mrs. Gordon Shack- 5011 judging cone~ls ek tion for ail thet Mn. Ashton conclusion of the evening's les, held a bail game and scav- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby Tabb and Shirley visited Mrs. daying w1th Mrs. A. McNell. Ron was the ihcnett has done for theni duning his events. Ail joined in wishing enger hunt at Cartwright Com- were Sunday visitors at Mr. M. Cowling, Salemn, Wednes- Me. and Mrs. Archie McNeil onto- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bri- and won $25 t eue o 12 Years as egiculturel ne- Mn. and Mns. Ashton and tam- munity park Wednesday ev- and Mrs. C. Gaxrard'a. d . Lloyd Sîeon becCy.amto n t u- dgeit Bowanville, et Mrs. W. sella short COureo neu ipresentative for thia county. lly every happiness and suc- ening. The mosquitoes became Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms ted heTm pin a. Mr. and Mrs. bec City.n Thonmpson's. cational trip. huipouun The effeir was sponsored cess in their new home. so thick, the club returned to were Sunday supper guests at Cartwright Park, Ceesarea, on were Sunday irisitors of Mm. Mrs. W. Thiomçison attended Intended o ls ee jlsfl by the Federation of Agricul- Honored By Rotary the chureh. Harold Kyte with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's. Sundey. Chanlie Rice, Bowmanvile. a family picnie at Waltona Misses GraceBakunnd . ' UOlS turc, and its president, Leîand M.Aho a loaad a few well chosen words pre- Mr. and Mm~. Stuart Dorreil Mr. and Mns. Clem Raun Mn. and Mrs. D. McDonald, Park, Newcastle, on Sunday. Marion ButtrysntUc -i W naaeacted as gen- ed Ahosa loe ai~-snted Mr. and Mrs. David were Sunday callers. and family and Miss Ann Wil- Bowmanville- Mr. Harry Hill, Mrs. W. Thompson spent weekend w1thMiaEaTs ena hma.mentepst a certificate of meritorious Romeril with a gift of money Mns. Arthur Read and Lyn- son, were Saturday evening Toronto. caiied on Mn. w. lest wek with Mr. end Mra. ten at Sud'btury ana ceiman Imeiat pstservice by Napanee Rotary from the lub. Mr. David Rom- ne, Mrs. Bet Ashton and Lea, visitons at Mr. nd Mrs. AI- Thompson.F.smnethercta, A number foihn t wprden Hairmnegtn. Club et the regular luncheon cr11 led the Devotions. Mr. and et' Port Boister on Sunday. fred Garrand's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Th . -Lekefield. tendcd the HosentlihtC1un >,: Was pogramchairien. meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Francis Jose, Newcastle, Ina Beryl Read having spent Don't forget the Conununity son and femily, Carleton Mn. and M.rs. Peter Singer, meeting et Mn.BueTn',~ -b~n d A short musical prognani Mr. Ashton had been a led the discussion and gave a week et Port Boister returu- Picule being held this Satur- Place; Mn. and Mrs. RolandSwna, erSudyor-S a.Imise consisted of numbers by Den-.memben of the club sinceSwneer uayor-on. 'Ibis Curtis of Collins Bay, 1949 and was president-elect evr sfl nomto d oewt hm day on the church lawn; sup- Thonpson, Dawn and Heather, night visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Mn. Bob Daies h a Evelyn Pnice and Jonle when he wes transferred to ounchi Cwosrkfe n w Mrs. W. Martin is holidaying per et 6 e'clock. Hampton-, Mn. Lloyd Ttomp- D. Cameron's, havin returned been viaitinghi paetlx mlr and Gran Ol Opry" ulunchatorwasntserved.ul with Mrs. George Ferguson, Rev. Lokhorst having ne- son and Terry and fricnd, Ton- froni thein trip te ithe Coast. Australia, reteti latSn bers by Marie Ackerman, tural representative ln Perth byMrs .F id hadsof ,h Oshawa. *Margaret Craig, Betty Eiders county. yprsdnofOhwPe- --and William MecDonald. While lu the Rotary club bytery Women's Association Downey and Linda Harris, Aften this entertelument, he served asvc-president uest speaker at the July Donna Downey and Virginia 1I I' AI 1f. ndMrs. Ashton aud lest year and was in charge meigo lcsokWo- Colley, Nancy Staniland and N D R E DE L daughtens, Joanne and Bren. of the annuel tarmer's n 'gt es Association, hcld in Dianne Hailton. de were invited te the plat- The Ashtons left Tues day Crtwright Community park, Winners of points- Girls un- DIO N -Orn Alosae ntepa.terni. omk hirhm usa, uy2,wt 27 lad-de 6, Linda Haris;Gils 67 f0r wernAs eae. on the plat ettrtenak hlresday, Ju.eeiy ng, opened Beth Dunsinore; Boys, Rickey wap rsenPre y H MCain,etSrto with theme song. Mrs. Russel Downey. Girls 8-9, Nancy Ar- FO PreyphVFn lck, e rHdin, Mountjoy gave a splendid de- scatt; Boys, John Wolfe. Girls Pcott, Van V lek, ornisond votional. Business inoluded 10-11, JoanHtonBosBri- Jak oblc fasrepeeta B A KSTOCK plans for bazaan and cornes- an Dunsmore and George Dow.FL L Jj t >' mw tive of he frm roup wit pondene cocernng crcut ne (tid).Girls 12, Nancy F AUE whoniMr Ashton bas work- A splendàd crowd attcnded convention lu October. Staniland. Ladies,, Mrs. Wolfe. A ed for go long. Each spoke the United Church Sunday Mrs. Archer intraduced the Oldest person present Mn. W. A AL B Em 'Ashton's work end assistcd lu Community Park, July 25. the work planned for the riew present, baby Grace, Burketon.- Iw the preseutation of the gifts. Those who enjoyed swixnming women's organization which 15 After a demonstration of m ET U .S V3LE '...3,j -Mns. Ashton wes presented wcnt early enough te, have that likely to came into effect Jan- hand-spring turning and scv- BI.! m oem oeië A Lym with a six-piece silver tee set, part before the bounteous sup- uary, 1962. The ladies were eral relay games, a love1y MfiIa and each of the girls was giv- per was served. then divided inte groups by lunch was served under the MUc o wes given a corsage. Mr. Ash- ners lu the gaines which then group discussed questions per- Wolfe and a very happy et- ton neccived a leather billfold teok place: Cradlc Rail class, taining to W.A. work and ne- ternoon was brought te a close.BETFAY SIm mOc it and a cheque for a substantiel Cindy VanCamp, Jamie Mal- ceived many helpful hints. OsQ U.f9tll- amount. Both Mn. and Mrs. coi; Mrs. Gardon Strongs Mrs. Ric hard V an Ca nip Oshawa.BES U A VEd10eoz.Jar -- Ashten thenkcd those who class, Janis Dorrell, Marie thanked Mrs. Richardson for Business UhIUeh BOW AR Lnhose Bran VanCaïmp; Mrs. Neil Werny's lier splendid talk. Meeting do- U OI1 Go By rain o the Bradiburu; AMrs. Murray Byers' lunch was served by the group A c u t n yR s .o .t a .J class, Marilyn Duff, Heather in charge. A TT RU NE Dorrell; Mrs. J. Bonnetta's Mrs. John McKec bas ne- RAT J. DILLING BEST BUY - SAVE 8c MMM ME EU lass, Ndil McLaughlin, Mur- turned home from a thrce- Certificd Public Accountant O TTAnW A ray Carnaghau. weeks' visit with fnicnds at 93 Church Street VI A .___f r 0 Mrs. Roy Turner's class, Fenelan- Falls. MAnket 3-3861 u~ m .u c u o ,~ l Grdie Malcolm, Grant Me- Mr. sud Mrs. Ronald Drink- WM. J. EL COGGINSM AKTamL nh o A EXH BITON Leughlin; Mrs. C. McLau*h- water and family, Ottawa, are Chartcred Accountant l's class, Carolyn Murray hldyn with lier mother, Second Floor BEST BUY - SAVE 2e AUG. 19 TO 27 (visiter), Brenda Fonder; Mrs. Mrs. W. W. VanCamp aud New Library Building EFCTIVE avx-4ozJu E. al ae Swain's class, Dennis Ram- other relatives. Con. King and Tempenance Sts. Jvx-6 z u c al ae rit, Donald Wright; Mrs. D. Cartwright Boy Scouts sud Phone MArket 3-3612 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L QI $40 Dorrell's class, Doris Ashton, laders lef t Saturday for a week YAEFIELADR VI 4th, 5hg 1h LIBih BLEA CH $1.5Helen Swain; Mrs. Roy Tay- et Coe Hill camp.YAE RDLNE Return Returu lor's clas, Bobby Ryte, Glenn Marily, Ronald and Jim Ar- HNE O ETBY-SV 8 Reunfirst class fanes Bonuetta. cher, Whitby, are holidayin Accountants sud Auditons STB -AV 28 aise available NlMou.ntoy, Iva Br i and rs iler rce . 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 w fA EI A ENi acl' lnBinwt hi rnprns rLcne rse uBnrpc Surf - 20e off pack - Giant pkg. Good going Thursday, Glenn Larmcr's cla.ss, Jim By- Mr. aud Mrs. Austin Bea- Oshawa, Ontario DI I m SU F D TER ENT5 9E Augst toSatrda, es, onad Badbrn;Mrs J.cock are spending 10 days in p B. L. Yale, C.A. Dous 7 a naa' lassd Kyn; or nt FnridMander, B. Coin., C.P.A. U F D T IG I Auut 7te, Margaret Carnaglian; young Rev. Mernill Ferguson, Strat- MONTEITH- MONTEITH Return Limit - Aug. 29 people's class, Gloria Van Rys- fard, sDent a week with the RIEHL & CO. S A ETR AEl .rT FàlIfrato rn wick and Alcune VanCamp Cecil Huis and Roy Fergusons. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa PUA RFATramonSAVE 7o tn ~.UA IT IV E I ayaet(tied).* Mrs. Fergusan anâ Mr. and Chartcred Accountauts PrmntFny tu anyagntLadies race, Eleanos- Wcrry, Mrs. K. Vautt spent the week- RA 5-3527 ' ____________Marlon Larmer; Gent's race, end. Bowmanville PINK SALMON COC ET A BFOT ff-777oj e r eihVaCap HrodKyte;' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- Cail ZEnith 45750 cJ ~r _________________Peanut scramble was heli for son, Ian and Mary, Toronto; Pantners: 5-b aa. o Ma it prc-sohoci chlldren, sud anc Mr. and Mrs. Nooel Morton, Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. 2___for____5.5c__ ____ -Oshawa, were weekend guests A. B. Montcith, B. Com., C.A. ofRoy and Bill Ferguson. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A.WTHTEFRH E0F rw Bar-Pste ub L Min aA ST METRECAL ~~~~~~~Mr. an*d Mrs. W. J. Platten, <Licensed Trustee) WT H UCAEO ETR AE2 * ERCLNoxzema Suntan Lotion Daytona Beach, Florida, called G. E. Trethewey, C.A.rw er- lsi u For welght control 60o - 1.00 - 1.50 on Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van--R.. Lightfoot, C.A. R.5 F kl60 .)( aP Tusa. 4 C.E. Light Bulbs ai legular Price Creamed Honeylb ---- ---- $3.49 Miss Darreen VanCamp bas Ch rpI 3 c Melozets _ _ $1.50 Nivea Suntan Lotion 1.25 returned from Caravaning in ~f~ ~ m 'CSITSLA E * Thin-O-Tabt -__ $3.95 Man Tan 3.00 Montreal district sud is naw G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 27eCUIi 111 vay counicillîng at St. Chnist*oph- Chiropracter FEATURE SAVE 4 Vam SP E C ÀA . Caps Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomp- 15 Elgin St., cor o!Horsey St. -A-P R R B b9 _______4on Pu ____12 79c - 1.98 son and family are holidying Phone MA 3-5509 Re NhtU 1 z i P Ipana Plus -- -___1.29 in Kingston and points east. Office Hours:ý By Appoiutment AP G I 1.9Vle Vacuum Bottles -__ 79e SnMr. and Mrs. D'on Graham BE A 1.9Halue ClaesPst lSun s uad family, Millbrook, wereDen ai Halo 2 98mie la ee9Glas.e0 Sunday guests of Mr. sud Mrs. De tal5 fo 9 69e 29Palmolive Soai Fee 9-1.Mervin Grah'am.DRWM.R ELDDS -~Wodbryu 35e Colgates Paste Free Miss Brenda Dunsqnore of!D. -WJu.ry ubileBLLd. so c5 or6 BEEF UV Rl.3 9 Shmpo epodn Pwdr 5 Solx Toronto is holidayîn.g with ber 40 KingSt. W. owanilioavesFAUE-Sf Sbmpo PpsdntPode 5eSun Cream parents. M rs. McKechnie, Office Heurs: Tablets- 8 per Card rus we e oSnd ih pr d _11 4o - 9o 2 epsoent aste 59e 1.00Durhain, is also a guest of Mn. 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily rus Nie&- 7eam Puepodentjar ste - 59e 1.00 su5 375 ad Mrs. K. Dunsmore. Closed Sturday sd Sunday22 9FU E 43vea- 73e -m 1.tube 20o r n Distan Spays .2, 1.25 .7ho e-5ew a.ýl 35 TanGel for Sun Dura 85e Co Pyroil 2.25 A.delightful Sunday Sehool House Phoe bwcs ýs FULL 24 o.SLIÏOED)LOAVES 2.9C CH UB zLfr4 9 43erca 73 - 1.-30 Dristan Spay- 1.25 n gic aln thic unds OfR f .hoeWW A3-70 E _________63_ _____Drop_95 of St. John's Churcli, July 27. L.D.S., D.D.S-.eSWIFTS SLICD SAVEz. pkg ______________________ The guests assembled in the OffCiCOUPONT.V BARBECU Pais Hllwhere the singing 100 Liberty St. N., Bewmauville C L IS A~ LUAIBLL O P NT..T GERITOL - Liq. or Tabs., $1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 oal -hynrn and a Short prayer Phone MA 3-5604 B 7, Bth Dunsmore, Cheryl Har- RSAHL-HOGN20z.tn __- ris; Girls 8-9, Nancy Arscott, m p etr aes 0 Virginia Colley, Joanne Bal- Barnister, Soliciter Roe an35Fvuite-a2ureOz.vJa4 __________________________Donna Dowuey; Boys under 6, Bx9 ecsl w ~~~~John Hodge, Rickey Downey; Boxu 9 Newcastle228 SALA DDRSSING -- 39c JLYPWES 3io 5 ALOBoys 6-7, Donald Edgertan, Consultation by appointment Supreme - Pure -4OS. Ga un-7~o.pg fJohn Wolfe; Boys 8-9, Bnian Sonîy.Y Wlfe, Douglas Rohrer; BoysBLC PE - -37 "C ur ge oT 10-11, George Dawney, Bz-ian W. KAY LYCE]T, BA..omBrn rng eo-10Bg Dunsmiore, Warren Riohmer. Bar7ister sud Solicitor rw rn rnePke-10Bg ae 2O.Bti ~gg i QThre-legedrace:- Girls l the offices of <IvIf ÇflIV9 years sud under, Nancy Ar- R. R. Wadddll, Q.C. TLBS Blc e u scott sud Christine Langfeldt, Mlain Street, Oono, OntarioE AS---- 8c LB ID LA H--5 (Color)Linda Colley sud Joan BaIl- AdulscU Students 50e - Children 25e Beth Dunsmore; Over 9 yeams, %rg,s tm tins 9 5 CFO E Aahultrnanc lugali inia Coeyan d ogna Downcy, Patricia Colley and S- FROZEN FQODSORON WLI. IUE~ -AU. 1 -ilLinda Butt, Dorothy D-owney Phonc 1 r 16 Libby's - 2 IL poly bag WlhsFoe x m «DsuEUS UC 0ad Donna Edigerton; Boys 9 First Mortgagc Funds IW II~Al.CAEJIE-2Tn 9 years and under. John Wolfe Resideilces - Fanms Leun - Frosh Grand Kim T w TAaneUw uw and Floyd Asselsti.ne, Bnian Business Prperties "Ski Troop Af fack" Wolfe sud Douglas Rohrer E~BW A ILE - MQinsMre AND Edgertan; Over 9 years, Brian PomerY Wolfe sud George Downey, KEITE A.BMLTT. (O.D. MN1D EE Brian Dunsuiore sud Warren Optometrist MMPE Grove "Batte onRohrer; Ladies backward walk, 141 King St. E. - Bownltanville Mrs. Edgerton, Mrs. Wolfe; Office Heurs: By appolicntn' RNc Pick-a-back race, Boys, Bnian Telephone MArket 3-32U2OO OCrihMreeï Dunsiore sud Warren Roh- 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Is Blood lsland' rer, George Downey and Ric- Mauday te Saturday 1 00BAKT( 1kv Pwry, Br ý.Wolfe and Thursdav evert ri;BAKTC ByhsMre .9à.- @.a-- 1 - - 1 MPUIUMF, -ýý --- - YEU SDAT, AUG. 4tb, IOM BOWMAUVUIý^ ONTARM ~- v