Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 5

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q'uy I'A ~2 A lit A W ~1~A'I't~IRAIU IWEIANVILLE. flN9!AU.~ PAGE ,h, 1960 AU UllSfW .lc . c g - koy Nichols' Sl aff Enj'ys IrstPicnic vMonday afternoon, Aug. 1.' about 90 people, "rnioyees and their families out'Rov W.I Nichols, Courtice and B3ow- manville, attended a staff pic- nie at Waltona Perk. Newcas-1 tii. ijutfing the atternoon andj > Pvening a program of sports Was hield and en.loyed by both eh ildren and aduits. At 5:00 p.mn. a delicious mneal xas serv- ed by caterers. Each child was given money, tu spenci as he or she wîsh. Tickets were also providrd3 for ail xvh' wished to swin in the pool. Ail present wished to thank the capable committee for the work they had done. The com- mittee members wcre. Ted Miller, chairman. Evelyn Mor- rison, secretary: Biil Wade and Ernie Andor. A speciai1$ thanks was tendercd lu Roy W. Nichols who provided space at the park. s\v'immiing,! food and rcfreshmen*ts. Tubbiness Affliction Most Common The rnost common a ffliction in North A'mnerica Ts over- weight, states a report receiv- ed by the Health League, of Canada. In a eceît interv iew, LDr. E. Vincent Askey, President off the American Medical As- sociation, said people on this, continent 'are cal ing mnoreI and bettet' than ever but ex- ercising less. As a resuit. sta-! tisties show anl alarin ng large' number off peuple arr' serious-: ly.' overweight. Obesily and iË'bglife usually dont go to- The simple and obvious an- mwer to the problern, he'add-; ed, is weighl control. This is, up to the individual. On the question otf a rela- tionship between smoking and! cancer, Dr. Askey said ni h is personal opinion there is a, definite ink but he does floti know whether smoking is iheý whole cause in some cases or, just one factor arnong the other lung irritants. They in- clude most of the causes ut air pollution. Dr. Askey also roomented, he does nul believe "the Rus-! sians are up to our stand-1 ards ln medicine". H4e said! tIierr mav be isolat.d ields in which they've clone some-ý thing wr may nul vct be able ta do, such as ad\'anres in space medicine, however. ni gECner'al pr-ogress'unr brand rnedicime is utrmîîch high- Dr. Askey also touched Oni a sure point with muost Cana- dians, the cost of hospîtal rare. He said ail hospital cosis cde- pend largely on the costs for service, n ther words. labot'. in the nid days man.% hospitai employers -worked twelve- hour shifts or longer. f ~~E~(AS0Lî~L ~MOT0ll = M Il I Minding the Youngsters While Visiting Also at the Roy Nichols pienie on Monday, these Linda, 15 months; Mrs. Paul Grocneveld, Daniel 3 ai-d! ladies took advantage of the benches to i-est while Kathy 13 mos.; and Mrs. Francis Tufford, Peggy Ann,ý minding their youngsters during the basebali game.. 14 mos., and Denise, 4 years. They are, trom ieft to right: Mrs. Harvey Metcaif, ai-d'____ Complete Relaxation Features Picnic NRsDAY. AUG. 4t Winner at New Watch Booth Lands and Forests Weekly Report i. Omemee Maskinonte Hatcherv ' their night oul under the stars. «U Te fist nowninsanceof.Presqu'ile recently surprised artificial propagation of mas-' u n e ani h Y*- kinonge in Ontario was at bush. The due immediately dashed away while the start- Y~,Omemee in the year 1927. ldfw to hr n iLTrap nets were set ce iealnb hn the' Pigeo Rivr andlarg fawn finally saw the ap- bers of parent maskinong pocigdngri mei were caught and strippedo ately dropped like a stane their eggs during the springs it'tetl rs.T ee of 1927, 1928 and 1929. The, notetI rs.I ee eggs were sent lu a fish bat- moved until the Naturalist cry at Belleville and after 1 got a bit too close and then, hatching the young maskin-i in fear, it tried desperately to o nge were returned and re- run OU itS oly alegs. The leased in Pigeon Lake and tn an nyafwdy othe neaby wtersof te ad, stumbled for a few yards Kawartha chain. and again dropped from pure Commncig i th spingexhaustion. The little tad was of 1930 the maskinonge eggs lf ln a eunt h were hatched at a location on cane of its parent. the west shore of Pigeon R;:- Generally, a fawn will nul ver shot ditanc norh o move from tbis "frozen" pusl- ver e.a s r typcenhatcherfy1ion, and rernains in it only Omeree.A jr tye htchry;as a means of protection. Be- These members of Roy Nichols staff took a corn- 1themn without worrying about hasebali games, babies: was set up in two tents each' cause a fawn is so cute, il is plele rest following their big pienie meai on Monday. or swirmîng. From left to right, Sid Nichols,1 Fred pig ne the supervision a rateptinotuc Te ruh hi w chisaogand settled into Owen, Clarence oofiBi adAndRnoldre.me.H McQuade of Orne- geatmpaonltoc Thcy broughttheir Bil Waownnd chairsrn.alongHewas assistecib uh o ik tu hnigi weli known hatchery person- mîgbt be lost. Neyer do tbis. 1XT1WTTnvTIl~T ne] M thie, -Urne --as Harrv The moîhen will not be fur- YELVLflIUN Cheesmnan off Wiarton, BucI ther ihan a e hudd Svr-npathv of the commn-un-: Oakes of Kingsville, Henry yards away and xiii soon re- il.y is exte'ndeci to the aiv Jackson of Mount Pleasant turn after your departure but lie ro n o ~1 w s ff he lIe r Rolani MciÎl a oh Braspm ofPctou. if the animal has been hand- Linda~ i ihepassng o anthir. hne r apmofpecitrough not accepî il. flbr. Mr. and M'rs. MveGill' te hatchery from the Pigeon, So._ if you see a fawn under M~s. Ja es E Rchrd, Editor piior to moving lu theix horne Rver by twa gaselineen such conditions, take a gaod Mr. a es E Rihrdon Durham S. in Lindsay, gîness the resuît o hslo but by ail means leave farmeci on the farm now -oc- operation, from n n and one- -t oe itivs an euied v teir on eral athalf ta two million niaskin- i 81Flr coeBor M . îrlMr.Herlor How- al dmr-S. Gordon Martin,. lMiss WWrn Ibirl y relives and ci by lhiî' son Gerald a ereturnrd 1home on Salurdav oi-MriBwlalye, red ahrda h oeYelverton. Mr. McGilt w as pre- j year and released to PigeonFrst ae--aletn tr-op a inotor trip te Grand Mis. Frank Ardron and Mrs. off Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer~ dereased by bis wife this1 Lake Pireother nearby wa- guished Forkes. B.C., tb visit lier bro- J. E. Richards. and presented lier parents Isprina. ters dngther year 130 a Toalacragisu'nd 5d4 iber. Mr. Delbcrt Beiioger Mr. George l]unkini is visit- with seveîal suitable gifts. Mrs. Geo. Page accompani1 ed194, I icb lim ets h30t- iFresotalartae by Humai:l4. and Mîs. BcningCir, also lier iiîg iin Fenelon Faits, \vhite, Dr. and Mrs. Milton Tuckeri lie Floyd Stinsons to Toronto j chery was abandoneci in fa- I Carelessness-5. siser Ms. eseyTtirnso bs dugte, Ms.BaitLog New York City. Miss Elva "oni Friday to visit ber sisteri vour off the niew and more Present Fire Danger Ratio g ai Fort Frances, Ontario. Rev Long and family ar on Tucker, Miss Elma Tourgee, bospitalized theî-e. Mr aidMr. ar'.Cwt- >bolidays for the mont .nilof Au- a: isVd ougr o is Mi'uîie~i c permanent Deer Lake Hatche- -Medium. Mr. nd Ms. arrvCo ad Mss VclaTouree, o-1MissMargerie Wis inery aI wbat was consideredý Our tire losses ta date Ibis, ing. London, Mrs. John Cowt- gusi. rorito, Mr. Jack Wilson, Hea- spent the week with the Sid a more preferred location on, vear have been very Iow. ing Bowmanville. Mrs. L,. Mrs., Dot, Oke, Wayne andAher' nd Scott, Rochester', N. Cooks ai lheii' cottage. t he Crowe River some twvelve PlÏease bnp ta maintain this He\u.Mr. and Mrs. WVî., Carl, Lus Angeles, California, Y., arnd Miss Kathy Mottasheci The Frank Glasbergens andî miles north-east of Havelock.1 gaod record. Wilhur. Hanmpton, visited Mrs. Mrs. Keilb Wood, Donnie and Sirncoe, visited lVrs. Thornton lads spent Ibis weekend xitb The Work of Forest Rangers Fred Tamiblyn on Sunday. Glen, visited Mus. Fred Win-, Wilson and Mrs. E. Gi'ady. 1teBl a leso tnv tHlbroDpt he M.adMs irl Ii slow. r n r.Lwec r r. Roy Bari-aballi ICreek. Mr. Geor'ge Glasbergen' Ranger Sam Shieldis and hisI ph%, 'Margo andi Trevor. Ty- Winslow, Miillbrook. have moved into the Ed Mill-jspend a few daYs at chuî'ch crew of rangers have jUSt roiw, Mrs. George Cro\tbcr, Liîîda Pears is holidavîîîg son aparîment. Main Street camp ai Belleville. compleled a week or work Charles atid Janmie, Newcas- with bei- grandparents, Mr. South. Mrs. B. Todd and farn-1 Belalted congr-atulations,;ta. which featured a littie varia- tle. v;sited Mr. and Mr-. Chai, and Mrs. R. J. Pears. rli.ll ilocuytebus0a n ofoi opli u n eni tion,,from hie ordinary. les Wood on Sunday. Miszs Viola Giltîllari return- cated by the Barrabalis. on taking onlo bimself a br and Beides their routine jobs, M r. Alfred H.Dboeibre[o enra o- M,. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson new \viffe î'ecently. Best. xhesoff extinguîshing twu smnall: Starkville, altexîded the [un- pitli0on SatLurday- and Mrs. G. are bolidaying at tbeir rotlage, 1ta Mr. anid Mrs. Calvin MeKee.1 bush fires, scaling of timber, erai of bis fatlîer in Parry W. Fletcher, Pontypoul, is Mink Lake for twu weeks. : Mr. and M-s. Ernest Gray! belping ta erect a new 100'ý Sounîd un Wrdniesday. with lber. The Taylor ffamily ,hleld b ave îeturîîed home after ai high fire tower, repaîrîng and, Mu1 . Ry Hrestln Ms HryPrado c heir annîxal piriic aI Ithe1.0. 2-week trip 10 Manitoba w'biee painting îowermens' cabins, Ewcii. Sask.. visiled bis cou- trolia. is spending lwo w\eeks 0.F. Hall and in Orütno Park I bey visiled tlii daîig.tei' and! andi brushing out partage sxMrs. Ivan Farrow. withli er brother, Mr. Hectlx on Civir Holiday. son-in-law slaliuîncd ther. traits beîween lakes, the *y also Tin Stralford tu attend a Bowen, Mî's. Bowen and fam- Mr. Kcnnrth 'Hendei'son is îAuInt Ella Pallerson off Lind- 1 were calleci upan ta in~vesti- performance o onoadi' aptetiOsaaHptl., a, .crrnl vstng Mrs.1 gale a burning hunt camp andi Juet on Monday were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arrbie Wat-i Mrs. Herb Murray is assist- 1 Mabel Rowan. ta (unduCt a search for lost ________________________son, Betty Ann and Larry,, ing in Orono Post Office for1 The Art Rowans were Sun- campers. Waîe don. penta fw dys to weks day dinner gixesîs of relativesý By the timne the rangers!I Dielast week witb Mr. and Mrs. ,Mr. and Mrs. Oi-ville Chat- in Brookl.l reached the hunl <amp on Mil-1 riDieAcýWatson. tertuei Carolad Dav'id. spenl Miss BarbaratW1,o1i ii_ lars Lake, Guilford Township,ý Mrs. Frank Ardron visileci Ilhe long wcekend aI Mn. and ing wiîhh bcoî)îiî a luCr hebidn va eods a ~~~ 111 ~~~Mu. and Mrs. Har Mitîson,' Mis. Wm.. Reids' cottage aI Sm'itbs orfBtay n.Wtrwspmeio ueaeruea L Ndsy-,aI busday. Cleax' Lake. Seveî'at baIl gand'esIbis week the burning grass tu prevent Mî's. Levi Hatfyard and daut-. Mrs. John Ari'rslrong re- involving lo>cal7enthusiasîs. In further spread. As no one ap- in gbter Audrey. barrie. sperît turned hume lasI week by the playoffs off Court Bridge- peareci ta be staying in the the long weekend %with Mr. 'plane ffrum visiliiîg Mr. and norîh vs Courit Manve us. Two camp, the Ontario Provincial an#Ss î.Mitr Vr.Ge.Aisioî andgasptydeahwnig Police have been calied in ta Mus. Geo. llicks. Foxbuîo, family, Timmnins. gune l ttedJîieile dviion invetgae Mn. and Mrs. Richard Brst, YtrînJs ove bi Eleven yvoung peuple from n WCA Rite iitc ns a Jançtville adveusaî'ies by aîie of the camps near Hali- dison Hiall on Satiirdav'. TAbuur ettî y a~rton became lostinb the i Dr. and Mrs. Keith 1.\IEtnoy, nýNecedle oyupe.'l4-Hai woods lasI week while on ai I)R. DELUXE Frank and Don. Ncw York 1rsceud to play Polypool 1 combined hiking and i fshîng ~ lsai-cniinn.City, wrre tuncheon guests of /%Jr.Thi e ecmmnlypco trip. The party consisteci off ese au cond piclîoning. ClgilsabbuJ10s. t oiI Mn. ai id Mrs. D. G. Ho)oper on F1 b oidS ijddtoi- lasI Sal.. ws oec-! ilaot 0yasad SED)AN Civic Holiday. re othseiigWeas ot 1andi tbrec older counicittors. Mrs. J. E. Richards visiteci r-1 agesss aprtbela )W m1ileage. Mr'. andi Mis. Laveî'n Mce-:i1 oserhdtebhwt- Comb andFern, atThur-, s M ee ingYelverton S.S. No. b as' out success until dark. Next DR. SEDAN ton*a Park last Thursday.- The first regulai' meeting signiec an agreement witb the morning another search was1 ýcoiiorical. Mnr. Osborne Quantrill of off Durham 4-H AulornioliveDepI. off Higbwa.vs î'e muving begun ait daybreak, and aiER Carievaîr. is visiting bis bru- and Farm Machinei'y Safrty thesebool off the rigbt away 7:30 arn. the campe's vere'E E Ibmr. Mr. Evan Quantril . Mrs. Club xvas lield in the agricut- bY' Sept. 1961--- a cash settte- located, none the woisc for [)R. IIARDTOP Quantritl andi [amily. Kirby. turaI office on Thursday, July ment in lieu off înoving the pre- Finding A Fawn Yez, any way you fig îdio. spotlighî, direct jotal Mn. and Mus. Hlarolci Sey- 28. wilh Mr. Daîrympie, Agî'i- sent anlîquateci structure. The, The Park Naturalist at ali tires, chr'ome wheel iflour, Toronto, visileci bis cultural representative for ýilocal trustees have sperît onielnecatd wsiv aut, Mrs. Wm. Seymour on1 Durham County, and assist- afternoon Ibis week viewing gibIer, Port Hope, arc visiting mrhn rw x in.Friday. ant Mr. Colnam in charge. i various str'uctures in anticipa-i ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ad in this paper. A Mn. and iMis. M-ackie Moul- Statisties of farm accidents l ion off building a new one ad- 1 fred Sunday. DR. SEDAN ton, Per-th. spent a lew davs for 1959-60 were given. Itiapted to aur needs éte. Congratulations and bes t this paper's colum. quipped. lasI week xitb Mn. and i Ms. sboved in the surve.y for On-ý - - Lwse aM.ndM.ucn1 Marshall Chatterton. itario that there, were 78351 Lambier (nec Iris Oaswelt) j increased interest and 2-Ton Heavy Duty Stakle Mrs. Don Oke, Wayne andi farm accidents and in Dur- (Hoho were married Saturday,, oeald37Ï Carl1. Los Angeles, Ml. James b ain cuunty 100 accidents were lZion (H pe To nsip/Jl 23, aI Part Hope United stores.-. in hom oveauld $75O Ho,\ and son Len. Kendal, 1 reporteci. Two hundired and1 Mrs. Chartiç Raby leffî Mou- Church. ledCar tochose ror. lwere suppex- guesîs ut Mn. and!I ninety-three people iin Ontario 1 day morning for a weeks vaca- Mr. Chas. Meneilley lef.ffor, good wil.. .in iy ed arstochosef rm. Mrs. Keitb Wood and familv.i losI Iheir lives. Iin Durham tenlonwtbepansaiFu Bancroft, Monday morning, $50-00uu n n r.LnPaspul cekle..wicic and also to attend the with the Law Construction Co.I prosperity at home! Lînda andi Alani, visited Mr.i Out off 151 fatal car accu-wdigo ernee u- with whom he is enwl~oyed. andi Mrs. R. J. Pears, Orillia, dents, 99 of these were killed wedding o why a word tur last Thursday. , on provincial highways. ýday. July 31. i"' h odt Mns. Jas_ .1BaI, spen lasI Slides were sbown pointinga Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerowv When it la necessary for a 'G a raige Thuixsday' willh Mrs. Ellîs ouI where most off the farm i d David, spent the xeekend wonker ta wear eye protec- I L sHughes, Lindsay. accidents occur. Many off the with relatives aI Wellington. lion equipment it is advisable I L Garry, Jerr'y andi Ted Di-:' accidents are caused by nolh- Davidi remained for a weks' that the propen type of lens ;ALES & SERVICE onne, andi Sandra Lun, Osh- j ing but carelessness and ine- varation witb bis cousins. be uWed. Otherwise th -wear-. 3-233awa, are holidaying wilb their glect for properly and alber i. Master Davîi Raby. Grafton, er's field of vision will be gi'andparents. Mi. and Mrs. peuple. is spending a few days wîtb. reduceci. RER. 1. B'>wnulanville Aý'ehie Lutinn. Thiý is a new club for Dur*- relatives at Zion. 1 Cou grüu.atînîîiý Io Mr. and hani Couunlv. Tl is the fir-4 Mis. R. Gcrow spenii Mun-' Workers engaged in ultra art% and Accessories Mr-. Ruissell Suiclu [e. Les- off its kind'în Oiitai-ic, and is day' aftei'n-'on with Mrs. W. J. violet light should make sure Ea y2, kaî-d, n ibetir 251h iwtrding ,heung starteci i' opn nanve-, McCulilogb. Ihat their ogaggla 2ae ei- Lucky Bingo Winner 't's no wonder Mrs. J. Cunningham, R.R. »4 Bowmanville, bas a wide smile on her face. Ini front of her is a pile of bis, totalling $15, which she woni a,Fr bingo duxing the Lions Carnival, Saturday night. i___ ZMON Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Halliday and family are holidaying at their cottage at Crowe Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nay- lor and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haass a.nd famTily, Mrs. Alex MoMaser, Joan and Ross visited at James MoMaster's, Millbrook. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart and Ken visited at Fred Darts, Woodville, on Sunday. Ken stayed for a week on holiday. Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Miss Marilyn Glaspeil attended the Vice pienie at Lake Simeoe.. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Staînton and Clarke left Saturday morning for Lake Papineau wbere they will spend two weeks at a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and sons spent the weekend wîth them. Mr. and Mrs. Reford Camner- an, Bow.manville; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin and family, Ham- pton; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Staînton attended a hirthday celebration at Grant Williams on Sunday for Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Stainton and Shleila Wil- liamns. Nick Alcock left by plane on Monday for a holiday in thie British Isies. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Par- rinder, Myrtle; Mr. George Minty, Scarborough, w er e Wednesday visitoYrs at Allan Fishers. Mrs. Wilfred Frank and Da- ivid, Toronto, spent a tew days at Robert Killens. Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, is at Keith Staintons looking after Scott and Susan while their parents are on holiday.* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameront and family visited at We5 Cam- eran 's. A Shor Will Give You î USED 1959 STUDEBAKER 2-E Less than 2.000 mili 1958 CHAMPION 2-DR. Air conditioning. 1< 1952'STUDEBAKER 4-1 Overdrive. ctean, eý 1952 STUDEBAKER 2-E Two-tone green. ra signais, white wa discs. air-conditioni 1951 STUDEBAKER 4-1 Automnatic. fully ec 1947 STUDEBAKER 21. Engine completely Many older miodel Us( Priced1 Graham', STUDEBAKER S, Colfa> Ha ydon Ail Studebaker Pa a AD IN FF FOR YONE! igure it, the loca vîdends from his A, low-cost ad in kns adds up to id buying in local ieown shopper's more ail 'round (0 the Wise is WAYS PAYS TO ADVIRTISE IN nmbmn h4e~m- ,000 Prospective Custoîners Weekly PAUB Lion 'Herbert «'Deac" Goddard, at left with the huge hat, seems more elated than winner Albert Michaud of Port Hope who had won a wrist watch at a new booth started this year for the Lions Carnival. Mr. Michaud dropped in to try his luck and it certainly was good on Saturday. lwe C,&KAnTAM grATESMM. BOWUANvn-L& OMAM

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