Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 4

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PAGE FOURTE CANADIAN STATVSMAN, EOWMIANVIlL, ONTARIO EDITORIAL COMMENT Good Reading Sudden public awareness that Can- adian divorce evidence may be rigged is unlikely to impress one highly skill- ed Ontario Supreme Court reporter, naw retired, whom we once encounter- ed while reporting proceedings of a murder trial reporting says Editor Wightman of the Napanee Post-Ex- press. Divorce evidence is rarely heard by any but bored reporters, court of- ficiais and possibly a few litigants in succeeding actions at the Assizes. This time. bo the everlasting embarrassment of the gentleman appellant, the aduit- ery evidence was produced before a jammed spectators' gallery because the case had been squeezed in while the jury was out deliberating the murder ,verdict. A caunty constable testified timid- ly that when he entered the hotel room where the appellant's spouse was holed up, "they were lying an the bed. She was wearing a pink nightie and he had on a white sweatshirt. She was reading a paperback book and he was looking at a newspaper." 'Were they surprised to see you?" His Lordship asked. "Well, they certainly didn't expect to see me," the bashful caunty con- stable declared. "What did they do?" "He just sat there with the paper and she kept on reading the book," the county constable swore. After more testimony and fussing with papers, the Justice issued a decree nisi. Then the jury came in to a tense- ly-wating crowd delivered a verdict of flot guilty of murder. The people emoted ail over the place and eventually court was dismis- sed. The black-suited court rèparter folded bis sharthand notebook and walked past the newsmen's desk where we were piling up our loose sheets of notes. "Get the name of that book," he muttered to us out of the -irl1- of his mouth. jEI Y/oungman 's Columa This aid column gets around. Some af aur readers heard the July l4th effort quoted an the July 241h "Neî- ghbbunly News" broadcast. Bob Howes called here last Sunday ta show this scribbler wbat be bad done with the July 2lst issue. Bob and bis wife were barn in Engiand, they liked the article about their tree tarmn, and pramptly had several photostat copies macle ta send ta their relatives Pn "Blighty". Sometimes truth is funnier than fiction, F'r instance, Law- rence Welk's orchestra was playing a number while I was reading, and thus paying scant attention to the music, but the tune was familiar aithough I couldn't quite place it, so ask- ed my wife if she knew; she said, it's 'my sweet adjustable you". She meant, "my sweet embraceabie you." A married couple, with whom we are acquainted, r - centiy welcomed their firJ baby, which happeued to be a bit under weight, and had to spend some time in an in- cubator, which worried the brand new father. During this anxious perîod, an acquaint- ance enquired how things were Nixon. gaing and was told that, "the We were told af a henpeck- day before yesterday I bad a fiat tire; yestcrday, I had a ed busband who neyer eniay- broken spring; today; this ed a niight out with the other and e smll bby; sefellows because bis wiie made wad sa maowll bwndr him mop tbe iloors, wash the whattomrno wil bnngr disbes, do the iaundry, mow When ouI' son Fred. was a! tbe lawn. take tbe dag for a littie shaver, his specialty was walk, defrost the iridge, and calling binder twine-twinder read lier ta sleep. His ca- bine. My wiie used ta belp workens painted out that, hie me bandie fuel wood. One day, was a sap ta suifer sucb indig- we bandicd quite a lot ai nities, whicb could be ended white birch, with aur bare if be would just assert bis mas- hands. At supper time, mother culinity. Sa aur hero, in a gave us a gaod iaugb wben voice of tbunder. before lie she enquired if handling bircb leit for work. told bis spouse wîtbout gloves gave un a that. "wben I came borne main "futhery smeeling": she meant work, this evening. you have a "smothering feeling." a- goad, bot meal ready; aiter We were watching the Re- supper you will wash the dish- publican Convention on TV es, and do al the chores that and were interested in Walter I have been daing ail these Kronkite and Ed Murrow giv- years. Wbile you are thus en- ing their neactians ta wbat gaged, 1 intend ta have a bath, had transpired, plus their and dress up in a nice new guesesas e hatmigt hp-tuxedo, aiter wbicb, do yau pen, when Walter asked Ed nw hosgi tarne who he thougbt would be thec my'*black bow tic?" To which wînning team ai candidates te axe epiie"srle, olte y for the respective positions af atxtîî local "uealtparoysr President, and Vice-President. a h oa uea alu. Withaut resitatian, Ed apiued Wben aur dog, Paddy, that it would be a combina- warnts ta go outside during the tien ai "Niekefeller and Rax- nigbt, bie will junip on aur on," he ineant Rockefeller and bed, and wbine. Most tirnes, Butcb and me neyer let on, * haping hie will farget it, but <-g~ flg~ Ihe bas developed a sure wak- fl the D iEE er-upper. He jumps onth bcd, walks acrass aur bodies, dawn on the floor, around ta and the other side, and repeats the process until anc ai us goes ) is ant ast dawn and lets hlm eut. FrýTh'SUmmu FlmOBITUARY A new technique ta revive hearts has been discovered in the United Sta- tes, according ta information received by the Health League of Canada. Cardiac massage, often a life-sav- ing measure, can now be performed without opening the cbest. The metbad was* described by W. B. Kouwenhoven, Dactor of Engineering, James R. Jude, M.D., and Guy Knickerbocker, M.S.E., Johns Hapkins University School af Medicine, Baltimare. The technique consists of applying pressure, with one hand on top of the The Queen's award of the Rayai 'Victarian Chain to Vincent Massey is a fîitting capstone ta the career of aur first Canadian governor-general. As Her Majesty's persanal repre- sentative in Canada during a period when Canada became aware of ber worldwide responsibilities as a nation, M'r. Massey worked untiringly at the l ob of making Canadians consciaus both of their national identity and of their traditional link with the British Commonwealth. An ardent Canadian patriat him- self, Mr. Massey, with bis intense inter- est in the culture botb of Frencb-speak- ing and Englisb-speaking Canada, did much ta unify the country and make Canadiens of all regions proud of their compatriots and of the nation as a If wes forecast that et leest 12 people would drown in Ontario over the August 1sf weekend. This number i.s the average of the drownings that bave occurred over the seme period of time since 1956. Unfortunately, if we have a warm and bumid weekend, this num- ber will substantially increase. The worst year on record was 1957 wben 21 drownings were reported over the long weekend. Up ta the middle of July, there were 183 drownings reported in On- tario for 1960. This is an increase of 35 over the number reported for the same periad lest yeer. A drowning accident represents an unnecessary waste of humen life. Prac- tically every drowning could be avoid- ed by practising the simple water rules wbicb follows: New York Differeni - The Ontario Department of Trans-. part draws ta the attention of drivers visiting New York State ta the fect that the Stete does not issue full driv- ers' licences to drivers living in the State if fhey are under eigbteen yeers of age. The New York State issues a spec- ial Juniors licence to those between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. This means that drivers licenced in Ontario wbo are between sixteen and eighteen years of age cannot legal- ly drive a vebicle in New York Stete on their Ontario licence. Young drivers sbould be aware of this fact in order to avoid a violation of the New York State law i this respect. other, vertically downward on the pat- ient's breast bane about sixty times per minute. At the end of each pressure stroke, the hands are lifted slightly to permit full expansion of the cbest. The repart said the real value of the method lies in the fact that it can be used wherever the emergency rises ...in or out of a bospital. When the heart stops, circulatian must be res- tored promptly or the consequent lass of oxygen can do irreparable damage ta the brain or nervous system. whole. In stressing the impartance of the monarchy as 'a unifying farce bath within Canada and thraugbout the Commonwealth, he strenghtened Can- ada's awareness of its position as the senior dominion, with obligations ta the newer nations emerging on the world scene. Truly Mr. Massey, bavîng won the affection and respect of bis fellow Can- adians, deserves the highest honour the Sovereign can bestow on a Canadian. Consciaus of the honour indirectly bes- towed on this district by bis recent dis- tinction, aur readers will doubtless join us in extending ta him sincere cangrat- ulations-The Evening Guide, Port Hope. (1) Do not overload your boat. Leave plenty of freeboard. (2) If wreather is threetening, stey close ta shore. (3) Bewere of canmes. Fishing from cenees or using them as seiling craft is bezardous. (4) Keep approved life-preservers in your boat. Non-swimmers sbould weer these et ell times. (5) Do not use your boat with a motor of excess power. (6) Keep your speed down. Speed-' ing in motor boats cen be just as dan- geraus as in cars. (7) Stey ewey from areas where people are swimniing. (8) Do not ettempt long trips across open water in smell boats. (9) If your boat overturns, do not try to swim ta shore. Stay with the boat. Edito rial Br jefs In thet great Quinte centre of Pic- ton, Phil Dodds bas been writing a front page column for some years. AI- ways, be includes bits of pbilospby wbicb are amusing but most interest- ing. His letest contribution includes the following: Reasearch shows thettfaîl men are just as short et the end of the mantb as anybody else. We accept the ýresponsibility that we are in the world ta belp others. But, what are the others bere for? A model merniage is one in wbich the wife is a treasure and the busbend a treasury. qut enb14n %tateman Durham County s Ureat Family journal Established 106 yeara ago ln 1854 Also Iflcarporating The Bowmnanville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News AuthOrts0d Of SOcoud Clatie Mal bY th. POat Office Depa., Ottawa Produc.d Every Thursdazy by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Outanio JOHN M. JAMES EDiTo-PWJSE $4.00 a Y.ar, strictly ln advace GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS MGI. $5.00 a Year ln the United Stateà THUR-SDAY, AUG. 4th, lm0 H :eSUGAR and SPICE:-I 1 Dlspenmhe y Bol Smiley There's been a resounding up and bring ber back and woulé taradiddle recently about Can- get ane a them divorces?" he misde ada"s divorce laws. A couple beamed. Perhaps 1 should per. af members af aur House of mention that Winslow's wife gance Commons have refused ta play leit hlm years aga, because ed.I the annuai parliamentary game be wouidn't change from win- Smai known as "Let's Pass These ter ta summer underwear, an. Yi Blasted Divorces and Get and he's been as happy as a Home." Sa their fellow MPs hog ever since. Eac swelter and mutter in the heat ** would of the capital. There's no doubt about it, points * *thaugh, aur divorce laws need score Aiternating from delight in a drastic averhauling. And ample the exposure af the shaddy I'd be happy ta sit an the ting fabrication ai divorce evi- camrnittee in charge af draft- Dispi dence, ta shocked outrage at ing the new ones. I'd certain- cost5 the inadequacy af aur divorce Iy change a few things. 5 for laws, the metrapolitan papQes 4YOU1 are having a field day, tip- First ai ail, I'd put the cast partrg ping a heavy wink at their ai divorce on a sliding scale, ing ti circulation managers between based on your incarne. There ingci headlines. It's the best gim- would be a $25 bottorn, for cheap mick they've came across the small wage earner, run- bucki since capital punishment, for ning up ta as mnucb as $100,- niage sligpapers. 000 formakingolywood star îeadt 1 *who smkn a million a derfut AIlthi fofara abutyear. This would give the or- ations divorce has sorely coniused d r 0 hnc akok~îo my slow cousin Winslow. Last off the shackles Mien bie ar-, citing tim I aw lmhe as ealrived at tilic (t. ùeratioîî point. ly bewildered. 'Does al s1i nauthewoidariaput aerropý here stuff," he asked mU,'rin the nrriae mer-oi n "mean that ya can't have no roud mog h nurti iamen adultery no mare unless yau're k- it. W( married?" I had quite a time To adultery. as the sale ex- latef straightening hirn aut. cuse for divorce, 1 would acld woulc "No.~, ** *incurable insanity, desertion, adopt "N.nWinsiow," 1 ex- and aicoholism. Deserters andi sai plained. "It means you can go boozers would get two chian- band night on being crazy, a drunk, ces ta pull up their socks. If' bisw a wiie-beater, or a farnily- they couldn't make it stick says.t deserter, and your wife is tbey'd get a fast divorce and vr stuck witb you, for better or five vears in jail. Nothing like i io worse. It's only xvhen one ofi a stretcb on the stoiîe pile Ioa VOIC the parties ta the marriage cure a hangover. or that xvan- ý commits adultery. witb Xit- dering urge. There lies here Hoý nesses, that you can untie the the danger that mauy meni ers o knot. And as that is a Pas- wouid be happy ta do five lu !A wi time that does not encourage such a cause, and we might stanti the presence ai witnesses, You have ta build a lot more jailis, nage. have ta sort of make believe. but that could be worked out. iber, You hire a whole lot af peo- * turne pie, like detectives and law- Those would be rny basic 11How yers and a nice lady wbo reasons for a divorce suit. the h wiil pretend she's a shady Bu ol rvdeoeohroe lady Allthiscost a lt ofescape hatch. Eachi couple, ber r money, and that's why fellows along with the marriage cer- that, like you and nie seldom get tificate, would be handeda buy t divorce." large sheel. witb a pninted iflfl * '<.list on it. This would be pin- years Winslow was relievcd. "Ya, ned in a prominent place in Plusi mean 1 don't haita- look b_-er ýtheir new haime. The list Iterest SOLINA There w%~ a large attend- anee at the cEurch servicc', S-.ndav mrnîing. MnI. Don Wbitbrcad wio l'as been coil- ducting services ti rougli J:lIy gave another of U Ls fine ser- ni >ns, cb'.jcsing as lis sulject "What i" a Christian?" The beautiful fiiowers zat the aitar were TV'ared there by Mr. atid Mrs. 1,. Kellett mi iwing memory C~ the latter s fatber, Mn. D. (G. Mornnison. O'ur sincene ymp'hv is exten- ded ta the beieLved relatives in their sorew. The Three M grou~p lien enjoyable pienic at Waltona, Mnr. anîd Mrs. Bruce Tinkc and Mr. and Mis. Bruce Ormiston, Columbus, enjoyed a moctor trip through Western Ontario at the weekend. Mrs. Wes Hilils and Mrs. W. Darch ententaîned several lit- tle playmates at birthday par- ties for their daughters in July. Mir and Mis. Bruce Taylor and family and Mir. and. Mrs. Bruce Manitgomery attended the Fergusan picnic at Hamp- ton. Severa] froîn here attended the Taylor f arnily picnic on __________________________________IIparv-, Ne wc sti. e, on -Su---a---vonaay at uronu. 49 YEARS AGO D~on er pese t aveMn Mr. and Mrs. John Milîs, MRS ToF.W.Whiitbread and Miss Mai- Ajax, visîted on Sutnday vrîth 49YASAO25 YEARS AGO Mrs. Thomnas F. W. Basin- ilyn Mulrew as guests an Mn. and Mrs. E.'R. Taylor. (August 10, 1911) (August 8, 1935) ger, 369 Park Road Southb,ýsocso r. .SewnadDvd High Sehool Resuits: Re- For the second cansecutive O23 , at tedOsawrayocc r.asnd . HrldRy- r vstigaDM. ad suls o th reen exmin- yar an fo th furt tieO13,awatdedOshawuray, July nsofTn toMi. Hrold Rek-E R a\or's. ý Hspial.Sl no]dsn i ai -Tonoof wr.eanMarie Fleti, visited scycr'al; tians as far as publisbed arc: since the tropby was present- iigheendortlc gs ewBîî Ds Th c ivitdat Jaq u 0, Entrance int Faculty ai Edu- cd, a Bowmanvil]e nink cap-! monlus. She xvas in lber 77tb autn cation-Edua E. Staples and turcd the handsome Goodyearyei other relatives- tbe Wes Yel- Tutn Katie M. Stephens. Part I, Tropby at the annuai Bolin lowlees, J. and Harvey Ycl ee' an r tedd Robt. F. Trewin Part II; En- Tournament staged by the! Mrs. Basinger wvas the for-' lowliees familles. the Vice farnily picnic on Sal- france int Normal Sebools- Bowmanville Club an Civic mer Annie Caroline Hircockz, Mr. and Mi7s. C. Cook, Brant_ urday at Beaverton Florence J. Alfin, Lilian Boun- Holiday. The ink was skipped daughier of the late John and' fardi were Sunday visitors a' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thernp- saîl, Ethel Cochrane, lia by L. B. Nichais. The club's Saiah Hircock. She was born Wes, and J. Yellowlecs. sou and Mrs. N. Ycllowlecs, Gould (hiouons), Marjonie C. youngest players, Douglas Ni- March 19, 1884, at Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills and Bowrnanville, xisited at Mr. King <houons), Effie J. Man- chois, aged 15, and Clarence Derbyshire, England. She man- Carolyn, Valentia, were Sun_- and Mrs. E. Hockaday's. ning, Kathleen W. McGiIl, Witheridge, aged 16, and vet- ricd on Feb. 11, 1911 in Ca- day dinner guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Evelyn Wh-illien, Tor- Norman W. Reynolds (hon- cran Jim Infantine were tbc bourg. Mn.osnelwcs d ~ ato. visited Mr. and Mrs. N. ors), Darothy M. Sanderson, ether members ai the win- Mrs. Basinger came ta Can- Du.ing the month ai July Wottln. Clark P. Taylor (banors), J. ning rink. adMbu 0yasaoadteewl en hrbsr ransîd Mrs. N. Wotteîî and Biwei uke. n.W J BagM.P.P., G. lived foonssome lime in the Ca- vice but nemot Sunday, August Dysrieattended Dcoraon Misses Annie and Amy Ai- A. Stephens, Thomas Baker bourg arca before moving ta 7, Promotion Service will beDasevcatBlyuia lin and May Vanstone returu- and Howard McClellan, wcrc Edmouton, Alla. She bad been held ai Sunday Sebool aet 10 Sunday. ed last wcek fromn thein trip in Kingston an Wednesday ta an Oshawa resident for the o'ciock. Little Donna Wotlen atteiid-j ta Coronalion and friends in lcrR.Hn .L aKn past 17 years. Mrs Charles Sinitb, Oshîawa,cdab'tdvptyfrGi the Old Land baving had an zie King. speîît severai days witbh Mrs. Gifford, Taunton. cxceedingly enjoyable time Mr. and Mrs. E. Mayer and She was a meinher of Sun- Harald Pascoe. Mn. and Mrs. Ra-,- Osborne, wit tei Eglib eltiesdaughtens, Buffalo, N.Y., Mn. coe Street United Churcb and M.adMs a ace Lakewood, Ohio: Mr. and Mrs. wbom tbey found very bas- Mark Roenigk, Toronto, spent sang in the chair. She was Beverley and Bnian, spenit sev- R. Charlton. Mî. Vernon, Ohio, pitable. the weekend with Mn. and also a member ai the Even- eral d.ays at Horseshae Lake. Mrs. Etiielyn Bone. Fredenick- Police Magistrate W. M. Mrs. T. H. Kuight. rcady Auxiliary and an bon- W'hile thev werc away, Gar'y towIl. Ohio; Mnr. Wm. Kivdll, Messrs. Stanley Dunn, An- oary member ai the Womeii's stayed with his gr'and-.parnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kîveil and Horsey wbo came ta Bowman- chie Woods and Fnceborn Col- Missiouaî'y Society, and a for- Mn andwe Sun- Mrs.HaodPse usll ta on far alsth158,cell ville, are speuding a wcek at mer memrber ai the Motor M. and Mrs. Howd aîd oem Herb Ca.-meroni, Tyrone. visit- member Mn.fa Psete Mu rochWasaga Beach. City Chair, Mr.tontd fMily, or Omued ai Mr. J. Kivell's. sccdsman, adM. MandndMrs.A M.Hady Sheissuvyvd li er bus- ville; Miss Helen Baker, Ton-I ibro ~Urna- Mayer, batter and Murearku and Mn. and Mrs. T. Wesley band, Thomas, and threc dau- onto; Mn. Norman Milisoni, Ed- attencling swimiming classes at the only mcen uaw fuier, are Cawker were in Ottawa aven glbteîrsMrs. William Hill mouton, Mita., visited Mn. and Cedai Park swimming pool. livig the etc weekeud visiting Chanlie (Louis'e), Port Whitby; Mrs. Mrs. Tom Baker. wbo wcrc ln business on thei'r Cawkcr. own accoutit 53 years ago. Mn. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Catton Ernest Knull (Aune), Leduc, Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Mark Jas. Jeffery was living hcr.e and Helen, Mrs. S. Venton, I Alb enta and Mns. Herbent and iamiýly. Cameron, visited BELTHANY~ the bu dd nt o ito us- Dn nd udrylef o Tus-i Wurbs (Joyce), Oshiawa, and Mn. and Mns. I. Hardry andi tnens tdial d a toe ia bu i- Da o vaationyle t o r w su iv ng sons, W illiam Saley. Robert M ornta i s a patient Mn. Bd F. Weeks, ai the Ac- dyfravcto iFu James, Edrmonton and Cress- Mi'. and Mrs. Toîi Bakzer In Civic Hospital. Peierbor- ton ublihMilCa. TrioO Lake ier unoRvewell, Oshawa. Ispcnt severa] days at Coaîo-1 a bas been home for a iew Messrs. Harry Allin, Maîn- Also sîirviviîîg are a sisteî',com . and M.îs. Hlarold PhilI- days' holidays. soni Comstock and Fred Dow- iMs. William Snilbh (Nellie), Ou Fnidlay. Mr .and Mýr i P.. Peteryoroligh. spent 1t'me Mrs. Clark B. Tyler is on al ney have rcturned from a Landonm, Ont.: anîd six broth- Tom Baker and faniily spen piast we(ks vaeai ioti V.lii I Mm. visit ta the Great Wcst visit-1 successful fishaamg trip adcs ereadBnaîu iaMs alaaPali ingbe sn t KllrSak., holiday at Loon Lale. ' Cobourg: Thomas, Bownian- Sina]es ai-d fainily. Oshawa.ý 1 ~ ~W. rlIi anîd brother, Mr. R. D. Foley Blackstock: MýVaaay attende(,. villu.e: aad.Nelonî, 1Bi- am l, ii nLailt. M),.P im on~yr utHa ai W1,ianpeg, Mai. a barn danîce giveni by lvii.sh Coilumnbia andi Nathanî, Mi. anmd M S. E. Welj*i iler .oiioa Toronto, wereL Major Clame Williamns and Iland Mrs. Jas. Archer iii thoir Oshawa and Il gi'auidcbildreni. and 1 Miss Anne Werry we-ei 'ne l.1--xu th Mis- Wiunifred wife ai Portage La Prairie, barun ecently renovated on Tt em,î e.iewsSuî;day diimier guests of D.Nsiiona Taesdav. IMan,1, are visitiaîg bis fther, the Devitt fine. Te inoilsriewsand Mrs. George WVeîry. Osh -' ly likew bknt Mn. W. H. Williams. Church Starkville: NlrIs. Wmi. Read2d a i Aasmam uea ar !oe savon Tuesdyi Ross Meîîoî'al >lihspilal in St. h~~ad a pleasant day's fishiaig HomeUsî26. te lt ,inSt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knmox and1 LindsayvnWdeý,a ufr ai iceLak au caghba Jly26.Intma'lt'vi sin 1t.fasnily altended the Malcolini fr o enedysufr Mr onHlyr ri a ieLk n agtaJohn's An 'lic n Cemet cry, îaivigfona back injuries wheul Mn oh Hliam J.,isfine muskeluîige. Poi'î . pienie ai Mr. and -Mrs. b e rmaluk iae holidaying with friends at otWib. Tesr islefl rmatuk oddm Chinon ad cnipig onttc Eaniskillen; Conîgratulationas wr lib. Tesnîe I sinoesand LaeiHgron. theM ndMmseIarevcoidueted b' 11ev. John Ralî>h Crawford's al, Whitby. wibh hay ait bis faimhome. shors o Lae Hron ri on he rrial.of iiieK. Moffzit, imiiiisteu. ai Sun- j Gary aare GldngCrword. The Peel Construction Ca.l Enîikile: is Ehl il. isat tear'iaiofa t~ccoc Street Uitied Church. Whtx r oiaigwt have maved juta Betbany, be- Enikle:Ms te i-baby boy. Brian Knox. -.-______ bert bas been eugaged asi, Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. W. Palîbearers wene Nathan Mi'r. andi Mus. Don Taylor_ teacher for Eiîficld sehool W. Horn cclebratcd their 291h Hircock, Sr., Nathan Hircack, and children visited Revenend UN L DU next termi. weddiug aîîniversany by a Jr., B. Hircock, T. Hircock, A. and Mis. R. Sberwa.n, Belle- N L U Tyrone: Principal T. G. Be- farnily picnic at Orono. Hircock and N. Hircock. Ville. ker, Bowmanville, supplicd Courtice: A parcupine, rare- 1%r. and Ma-s. E. Crydermen Hre Jon n ITyrone pulpit very acceptably ly scen lu these parts, made are aoopanying Miss Jean b av h~ Sunday evening. ils appearauce on Mn. J. Wig- dhe Family Doctor' Cryderman and George Bibi- Solitia: Miss Vena Fletcher gins' faim and] was, soon is- nier on a mobor trip ta Saskat- I iaves for bier home et Kala- paîched. F~~' hwn mazoa, Micb., ibis wcek aiter Tyrone: Mn. aand Mrs. N. J. chewaI is Hn HpPrtPny visiting bier many friends Weodley, Mn. and Mrs. Lu-____ and Gail Stainton, E.nniskillen.' here. She recently graduated ther Hoaper, enjoycd a motar vstd M.adMs et. Maple Grave: Mn. and Mrs. Ottawa and called ou Mms. Cr xnenand eoa Wa Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, and Hooper's aunt, Mrs. Menti- r aiead eoa Wa Mr. and Mrs. John Munday, mer Cummiîîgs. Y/ sawsetseea as ýMaple Grave, visited their Newîonviîîe: Miss Helen v with Mn. and Mrs. RoIsCry cousin, Mn. Henry Bevis, Sti- Snell is home îrom Rochester.'~ derin and ciildren. peintendent ai the Hanse aiof________Mn. and Mis. Harvey Yel- 1 Refuge, Lekefieid. lowlees and iamiiy visited Set- Hampton: Dr. and Mrs. Our' dignity is not in what urday evening wiih Mn. andi Lamne Hastings who have we do, but what we unden-I Mrs. E. Larmer. Blackstock,1 been spcnding their haney-1stand. The whole world is i at a fenîily gatheî'ing when inoan with bis parents, have doing things.-Santayana.I Constable antd Mis. Ken Stî'ang rcturned ta Phiiadelphia. The sum ai behaviaun is tai were borne inom Ottawa for Frorn thene they wiii move retein a man's own dignity, thebb weekend. ita Atlanta, Geongia, where without intruding upan the t~ ~ ~ Mns. H. E. Tink visited the 'Dr. Hastings bas receivcd an 1Iiberty af athers.-Francis Be- Elford's ai Islay. appaintmenl lu the Generali con. Barbera Anne Ormiston, Hospital ai thal city. Success Hurnan rights rest on bu- We ETN ML' Columbus, spent the weekend * ' ' ta another West Durham boy.! man dignity. The dignity of, RETS - 17 A CAULS tBrcTn'sI Newcastle: Miss Olive Cob- man is an ideal wanth fîghl -1 ONIU 'O PAUSE AN4D REFLEX,* Linda Harvey , Scarbot'ough, bledick bas been engaged as: ing for and worth dying ifor is holidayîug ibis week wit.h . StOP eatngauMthos.vtgtti teacher ai Moorefield Schooi. 1 -Robent M. Hutchins. her cousin, Dianue Tink. 6 Id be made up of sucef lemeanors as: Bad Temn- Bad Breath, Extrava- e, Getting Fat, Not Shav. Drunk Again, Naggig, king Tee Much, and so You get the idea. ich of the ne~ed Id start with a hndred ts. Then they would keep e on each other. For ex- ,e, 10 points off for get. saused with the boys. *ays tuf End Temper wauld 5 points, with a bonus af wthrawing things. When run out ai points, yaur ner hias the option oi wip. the siate dlean and start- over, or getting a qulck, idivorce. This would iup the institutian af inar- eno end. It wouid alse ta somne eird and woan- il arguments and explan- s, and would makeé the le crue] business an ex- tg cane. Il> îa iIstî'aighttarwvard. igh. But by the time Par- ýnt got around ta passing ve'd ail] be dead and aoo for a divorce. Perbaps it Id be simpler if we just ted the divorcé laws af i. ln that faith, if a hus- igets browncd off wvith wife, ai]hie lbas ta do is in front ai witnesses: '41 rce you. I divorce yau, 1. rce you,"' and they're di- owever.' eenthe follow- of the Propliet can't wvin, :ic usually brings a sub- la]l dow'vry ta lier mar- eIf lier husband divorces the dowry must be re- ýd. with accrued interest. 'would you like ta say happy phrase three times -your Mabel, and ha rctart: "Fine. But I wand' $2,000 Dad loaned you ta the furniture. Plus ail the ie 1 made those iirst two .S. wben 1%vas working. 6 per cent comnpound in- t for 8 years."_____ giiunùig work o01 this section of 7A Highway. A new bridge is being built over McCartney's Creek at the west end ai the village. Mrs. Olive Richar'dson, Mrs. Elsie Bond, Mrs. Ross Hall and Miss Lynda Hall of Whliitby, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith on Tbursday; aIse Miss Vivian Gvould ai Markdaie foir the holiday weekend. ivit. ueQrVeOwacLL ±u *Unome irom Civic Hospita. Peterbor- aughl. Mis. P. Pa&ssaw and Mlis. De] ores Passaw ai GoId Lake: Frank Prussak of Tein enta. were weekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. Creighton Carn.& Patricia Greenî is at Canîp Artaban, -the Anglicaýn Church Girls' Suner Camp near Bail- li) foi' this veek. Mr. and M-L s. Fiéank Hamnil- ton and, theýir claugliter, Joanne of Montrea], Que., visited witl bis pirents. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamnilton for tihe weekcnd, Mrs. Ina Palmer %vas in Tor- oa to toir the weekend and guest at the wed'ding of ber nephew Reginald Palmner. Mr. aind Mns. Malcolm Lowe& and their daugliter Brenda ai San Diego, Calif.. are holiday- ing witliM. and Mis. Dontald Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Sander- son, Toronto. spent the week- end. witlî Mr. and Mrs. Hýarold Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ken-neth Spiers and Mis,- Donna Spiens. Buf- falo. N.Y.. were week#>,. guests witlî Mr. anîd Mrs. Wal-. ter Neads and Mn. and Mis. Gervin Muiligan. Miss Lily Thonipson spent the past week in Peterborough with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tlîompson. George Scott has aompleted bis preliininaî'y tests and la now a meinber of the Metro- politan Toronto Police Force. We would advise any law bi-eakers agains, trying ta n away froinCnstable Scott.L willh hi.s athietie record. At- lcndirag Lindsa.% Collegiate last ,'ar as a grade 12 student, he ba'oke the school record iunbtie 10() ' d. çlasb xviblî tbe lie ai eleveta ,(!('on(1s i-le aIse receiv- ed thea Senior trophy for thme higmiesi namnbea' poinîts ln ruai- aiig, high juampinîg; hop, skip and joaip. 111 1957 lie won tlie Junior Trophy. ln 1958 he tied for f isi place iu the Inter. niediate caNlosing out CIi thbc dmaw, but In compefition again iii 1959 bhe wes the Wini- aie'. Hie is belicved to be the only studertat t Lindsay ever ta hold ai] three trophies, He is the ehdest son af Mr. and Mrs. Addison Scotof Betlhay. ables. You l suoil v'our dhîmea New Way to Revive Heart A Fitting Honor Don't Neglect the Rules GEO. W. GRAHAM ADVCi. MANAGER SUBSCRWTION ]RATES PAGE TOUR

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