Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 3

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a nu R 1DAM1A'NT GOODMAN man for his brother and the, ushers were Mr. Spenc.er Hope Candelabra and standards Of' Brantford, and 3r. ria white and orchid 'mnums forrn- M,\ackel 0f Toronto. ed a lovclY settin,, in Trinityv h eeto a edii United Church. Bowmanvl Threeto wahedn on atudav Jux' . 160.aUTrinitv United Çhurch Sun-1 on 'clock whe Mry Ju- cl ay Sehool Room where thelý G o'coman. on ar ughter>fguests were received by theý Goodan, nlv 1augiterof!bride's mother in a beige prin- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rossa ted silk sheath with matchingj Gocadman, becarne, the bride 0f picture hat and accessories an~d Mr. Brian Smith Damant. Tieî corsage of yellow roses. As- groom is the eldest son of Mr. itnhegoms 0hr and Mrs. Arnold Victor Da-:chsetiateignroom's mothr meant. whise acesieseandcorsage Rev. W. K. Housiancler was, of white roses. the weddiaing musr.ie w iandîaec As the couple left on a wed- the eorgmusicr A. Colayed.ding trip to Lake Placid, the The ride.-r g .iven ç) ,bride was wearing a powder Thebrie. ive inmarriagze Mbue sheath wit.h matching by her fiither. wore a %vite; jacket. white cloche hat and floor-lengthi 'Stor,ý Book' goçxvni accessories and corsage of of crihýp embroidered organdy wht arain. r n Mrs. with fitted bodice and eIn- Damant will reside a 8Su broidereci lace neeklîne. Theý goc St.. Bowrv1nanvile ful. bouffiant skirt was fatli-~Oto-.n gct werel ered to a pojflteCî waisýtliife: present from Oshawa, Toronto,' and embroidered lace scaIl- Peterborough, Brantford, Long oped thie hemline. Her waist'Branch and Hamnilton. Iength veil of French illusioii Prior to ber myrarriage the. ~vascauht . apeai tarabride was guest of honor at a studded wt rhinestones andî1k1tchen shower when Mrs. shie carried a ca-cuade of %W hiilO Thomnas Turner andI Mrs. Mel- orchids and ctirnations, orchlid' ville Dale were co-hostesses. 'mums and -tephano1i.ý. I At a shower hield by the girls The bride's cousin. Mrs. of Ontario Motor Sales, the Spencer Hope of Branittcord.- bride was presented with a was matrron of hionor and Miss 1 steam iron. Cynthia Morrison of Hami-iltoni,l The staff of Robson Motors also a cousin of the bridc, wasl presented the groom with a flower girl. Bot were in bail- 1ehest of silver. erina length white Swisg (dot1 Following rehearsal, t h e «,ïqlon wit'b rounded necklines! bride's paruents entertained àWdsiender bodices emph'asiz- the wedding party and fiends. g*ed by ver v bouffant skirls ancd_____ orchid taffeta cumrmerbunda caught to large inalching bowvs1 ROWLEY - KERR with flaating panels o he hemline. Their sweetheart baisý eypetywdigto wcere of orcliid taffeta wt place inl the United Church at matching bow-, and thev car-! Bethany on Saturday when ried no,.egiiys of white a nd or-'1 Rev. George Richardson per- chid 'mum forrned the double-ring cere- ci M Lnc D n monybcs ~uniting in marriage Mr.Lane amat w-,s bstVerna Mac Kerr, daughter of SMr. and Mrs. J. A. Kerr, and FASTRELIF FO 1Harry G. Rowley of Trenton, FACTREIH FO son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Row- ley of Oweii Sound. Mrs. Clarence Rowan play-1 ed the wedding music and ac- ding Benediction" during the signing of the register. Given in marniage by ber brothier, Nelson Kerr of New & - Liskeard, the bride was love- ly in ber gown of white or- ganza over taffeta, waltz NE O 1F MIN length and full skirted, with fitted bodice designed with scalloped rnecklin e. and but- Itoned down the back. Rer veil of white nylon net wvas caught to a crown of seed pearis and UsE e e t Canada Paint Pro ducts for B ES T Resulis IIncludes : LUXOR Une of Eninels and Floor Paint Also try their new *... EXTERIOR LATEX PAINTS to prevent peeling J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store '13 IÎNG ST. W. MA 3-5431 PARENTS - YOUNG PEOPLE Rcegistrations are now being accepted for the FALL TERM OPENING TUESDAY - SEPTEMBERI 6, 1960 at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Eight Dav School Courses from which to choose Nlodern Equipment and Methods Personal. Individual Instruction in Major Subjecis - Ox'er 100 Graduates placed ini 1960 EVENING CLASSES: Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7:00 - 9:00 p.rn. Tuition $15.00 Per Month Act Now ! Cet the Facts! Clip and Mail the Coupon below today! - - -- - - - -a 1 an interested in the Specialized Business gTraining offered by the Oshawa Business Day School Evening Classes Please send full particulars to: N aine ---- ____ Tel. No. Address ---------------------- Age IGrade attained nt High School------ gSigned ---- -- - - - - - - - W - - e ',.m r-i à%TAfli An ? ATI'sUA%- lwmANIvTIi. nNTrARIO- P"ETB rhinestones. She carnied aW sTrny Uned C uc liumas.Ms.SireyKer Matron of honon, ber sister- (Mr and bridesmaid, Miss Marilyn. Ha: Moore of Peterborough, were1 gowned alike in street length,M ate full skirted copen blue crys- gai talette with fitted bodices de- the signed with betha coilars with b back tîed bows andI matcbing M"r4b streamers. Their wbîmsy hats hei of nylon veiling were also co- pen blue, as wene their gloves andI slppers. They carnied PrE bouquets of Dink carnations, air The little flower-girl. Debbie f0] Kerr, niece of the bride. worc the pink andI white nylon with l flowered headband, carryîng fi a nosegay of pink andI white of carnations. prE Gnoomsman was Douglas1 Irving of Paisley, Ont. Ushers Pei were Jack Roxley and El- dis wood Kerr, brothens of the thi bride and grooni'. an A reception for about 100 sin guests wvas held at the bride's an4 parent's home wvhere Mrs.j Kerr received her guests wean- h ing a sheatb style gown of: fre blue lace over linen with ený matcbing blue bat antI gloves br( and corsage of yellow carna- tions. The groom's mother, also receiving. was wearing Po] Heavenly Blue sbeer in sheath gai style, with navy accessonies Mr and corsage o! pink carna- w tions. nel Leaving later on a trip to 2 Nashville, Tennessee, the brie asweain muv Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith Damant are shown following their niarriage crystalette over mauve polish- etI colton with white hait antI in Trinity United Chiurch, Bowmanville. on Saturday, July 9, 1960, at 4 o'clock. accessonies. and corsage of The bride, former Mary Judith Goodna n, is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wvhite murns. On their retunn Clarence Ross Goodman. Mr. Damant is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold tbey will live in Trenton, Ont., Victor Damant. -Photo by Sneyd where the groom is ernployed -in__ with the Civil Service, a1 Pre-nuptial events heltI toT hoo tebride wene a kit- Prof. and Mrs. E NNUS KIL LE N chnshower at tbe home of Mrs. Margaret Thennbeck in ~fLI TMr. antI Mrs. George Irwin,j Although the holiday sea- Peterborough; Mrs. Elwood iL. . ID ey Tour Donna Gai] and Rodney on, son) had taken many of the SUg Kerr, Bethany, ententainedI Sunday visited Mn. and Mrs * teenage girls from the comn- tir with a imiscellaneous showcr,dCL Bruce Irwin at their cottage rnunity, tbose wbo bad ne- vil Miss Marilyn Moore of Peter- UnJ ied Staies Stoney Lake. Donna Gail ne-1 mained at home joined in a sid borough also entertained with mained for a week's holiday.ý farewell Party for a classmate, 1 a miscellaneous shower. Professor and Mrs. Douglas Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb1 Miss Lise Knudsen, which ne( iGifts were presented from Bilbey (nec PearlI r e ne were Sun. visitons with Mn. 1 was heltI on the lawn at the Ag the office staff and firm of Wright) wene sent off on their and Mrs. Will Nicholis of Bob- home of Miss Lois Ashton. aci Kav:artha Plumbing & Heat- honeyinoon with warnf fane- caygeon. Because of her fatber's em- Or ing Co. in Peterborough wbere vells fnorn the bride's parents. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ployrnent, Lise and ber fam- joZ the bride bas been employed Mr. and Mrs. Cai JWright, and ton accompanied Mn. and Mrs. il y arc moving to Scarbor- gng for several years. other guests. Espccially prom-i Clarence Stainton, Bowman- ough. SU] Following the wedding i ment were Messrs. James Mar- ville; who visited Mr. and Mrs. The cvening's pnognam be- ifl ceremony, Rev. George Rich- low and Dalton Dorreli, W,10o Garnet Towns, Peterbort-agh, gan with a lawn croquet tour- kn ardson presented the young were suspccted of adorn'ingi Suii-day. nament, in which Misses Lise 0Ou couple with a Holy Bible. the bone moon car with white- Ro1lmn.Hapoat Knudsen and Ruth Pethick 1 wash and tin-cans. Ro lmn.Hapoadwcre winners. In one of the wi Miss Carol Wright, spent the gmsteexa ls o-1 iThe bridai pair matIe an weekend with Mn. antI Mrs.t art hr a ls on 1 Nestiefon Sialîo extensive tour of the Unitcd Frank Spry. Rochester, N.Y ptto.btente ag-p Stats bycar andforthe osttens of the two local merchants en, Staes ~ cr; nt fo th rnst Mr. andI Mns. Allan Werny 1 viz:-Pcthick's Hilltop Gro- gr Mns. Ada Joyce o! Eugene,; part cainped Out, using motel.: and girls wene weekend, cery antI Slemon's Genenal en] Oregon, bas been visiting ber accomodations in cies. and guests of Mn. and Mrs. 4nthur Store and ColtI Storage when hc cousin, Mrs. Marvîn Nesbitt big toxxrîs. Altogpetiier tîhey cov- Stainton ait their cottage, Ithe girls, Katby Siemon and Br and other relatives for the' cned ovec' 11.000 miles and sent Browning Island, Bnacebridge. Ruth Pcthick, were nicknam- W. past two weeks.1 well over 200 postcands Of' Wallace Stainton, Toronto, IetI Simpson's andI Eaton's andI Mn. andI Mrs. George Bow-1 places of icterest. They e'vent- j spent the weekend w]th Mr. the spectatons had much bul- da ens andI Mn. andI Mrs. Robent I ualv have visited al but four 1 and Mrs. H. Stevens. arity as they cheened for these hfi Rhodes o! Lindsay, arrived of the Americani States, these Miss Gloria Wright, spent players. w home Satunday night from an being Ohio, South Canolina, the weckend with J. Muller, Lois Ashton conducted two Lc enjoyable motor trip to Man- Alaskka andI Hawaii. Castleton. contcsts whicb wene followed ite itoba. The first part of the trip was Mns. Ralph Lamb spent a by a lovely sing-song. Mo Mnr. andI Mns. Ivan Robrer through the north-eastern Sta- wcek's holiday with ber par- The guest o! honour was andI family are spending a tes to Washington D.C.. where ents, Mn. and Mns. T. J. Gnaw- adorned with a ned rose cor- wek it heir families in tbey lieadedl inlanci to camp in banger of Restoule. She bas sage andI presented witha the Mitchell andI Tillsonburg the' Blue Ridge Mountains of returned home along with ber pcarl drop necklace andI flor- J aneas. Virginia and the Smokys. From pnrerts xvbo are spending a al slationery. Miss Knudsen G. Mrs. Nelson Marlowv spent 1 here theY zig-zagged through 1 week with Mr. andI Mrs. B., expressed ber appreciation. Gg Saturday at the Alvin Mar- Kcntucky, Tennessee and nei- Lamb. Lunch xvas served as the C low cottage andI enjoyed the glhbouning States to go south Mr. andI Mrs. Ivan Sharp girls formed a cincle araund Caesarea Regatta. for the flirst long1 stay in New and Linda, Mn. and Mrs. Ross a cosy bonfire which finished Mn. andI Mrs. Harry Camp- Orleans. They thien made t1heir Sharp, Kathy and Gondon, with. a marshmallow toast on bell of Bailiebora were wcek- way Io Arkiýansas, Oklahonma, were Sunday visitons at Mn. the glowing embers. The pan- end visitons with Mn. andI Mrs. Te ain New Mtexico to drive andI Mrs. W. Sanderson's, Col- ty ended by ail singing the Bruce Heaslip.diecta heGadsavn umbus. oltI favounite song "Sa Long, 01, Miss Doreen Penrett andI ber drc ateGadCno. Mr. andI Mrs, W. Ferguson Its Been Good to Know You" niother of Hampton andI Mn. Having seen this fabulous wene Tbursday tea guests with and Taps. us andI Mrs. Russell Nesbitt, To- geogrriphi(iil feature. they pro- MI7. and Mvrs. K. Fenguson, a ronto, wene visitons with the ceeded to the Hoover Boulder Bowmanville. iaJ Nesbitt family. Dain and then to Las Vegas. Mn. andI Mrs. R. J. Ormis- AEtnT Mn. andI Mns. Chas. Gist hene to make a longer stop. At ton, Mn. antI Mrs. Grant Ven- HAMPTON da arrived home fram a pleasant this point thev xverc to cross ry, were Sunday dinner guests 11< visit ln Pennsylvania with Mn. the deserts of Arizona, Nevada at Mn. andI Mrs. E. A. \Ver- Miss Thelma Willîs, Toronto, 4t] Gist's brothens, sister andI fam- andI California, whene they ex-1 ry's. wvas a week guest of Mrs. W. ilies. On Sunday Mn. andI Mrs. perienced temperatunes of 108 Miss Doneen Trewin was an G. White and Miss Nancy ai IFrancis Gist and Andrew of degrees in the shade andI a aven night guest with Miss Johns. r Laing, visited with Davisons hurnidity of 4. At ane point a Betty Jane Wer. Dr. antI Mrs. E. C. Rey- S andI Gists, andI Douglas Davi- thiermometen iin the car record- Miss Doris Wnright accomn- nolds, Toronto, xvas a weekend son was home from Ottawa etI over 120 degrees antI the panîcd Mn. andI Mrs. W. Ax- guest of bis sister, Miss Lulu a fo hehlia ween. flash-ligh-t batteries melted. fard and Murray Axford Of Reynolds andI Miss Florence w Fniends will be glatI to From the desert they -went Hampton, ta visit relatives at Werry. knaw that T. G. Langfeld s ta the orange country. .f Cal- North Bay. Mn. andI Mrs. Jolin Mac- feeling much better again.1 iloriiia andI carnoed on the cool Master Tenry Lee, Oshawa, Millan o! Sutnderland, werc s The Philip Langfeld family, Pacifie shore nean San Diego, spent two weeks with bis guests of Mr. andI Mrs. HaroldI ti1' Toronto, spent the xeekend latn to sop in Hîollywoodî. grandparents, Mn. antI Mns. Salter last week. with the Langfeld's andI Lyn- whene thev visited the variolis W. Ferguson. Miss Jennie Diekie, Toronto, da da Colley celebrated a birth- places Of. intereFt in the fii Mr. and Mnrs. Gea. Lee, Osh- spent a couple o! weeks with dyrcnl ihsome sinalcpt advewdtehmsawa, were Sunday visitons at skeaoSmt iVisitons witb the Grant Hî Beeîy Mn. andI Mn. Joe Switzer, cat, at alnPecta I~~~ Thmsn ee M.atrI . Mn.Phil nc:re. Mis Nan n195she marnied HanoltI - - ourtice, were Sunday callens enjayed a wekl's bolidays atI C. W. Milîs antI moved ta En-i at R. J. Orm-iston's. Cochrane. niskillen where she resided BMn. antI Mrs. FloydI Pethick Mn. andI Mrs. Earl Luke andI until lier death. Her busband and Robin, Toronto. spent the. boys are enjoying cottage lifel HaroldI predeccased ber in * * weekend with S. R. Petbîck. for a week at Bobcaygeon. 1951. iMn. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue Sympathy is extended Mr. Vena was an active mcm- were with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. M. Chant in the tIeath o!fbhs ber o! the community andI of f , Masters andI family and Miss 1 mothen last week. the United Chunch. In 1958 shie Ruby Virtue at thein cottage, The Fenguson fainily picnic Ibecamne a member o! the Or- Brighton. wa.s helt ini aur park on Sat- ange Lodge No. 1291. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay. To- unclay afternoon. Ini 1958 she married E. W. r onto, wene weekend guests Mn. and Mrs. Keith Smitbh (Biul) Begley o! Bowmanville. at Mn. and Mrs. A. Sharp. antI family spent a few tIays The deceased is survived by W i Mn. and Mrs. Irvin Cook, last week. at Kirk-field. 4 hrhsantI antI thrce child-. Mrs. Effie Lutes and Ganry, Mrs. Bob Smales, Mrs. Lorne ren, Shirley, Chester antId Scarborougli, were Saturday Knapp, Mn. andI Mrs. Jim S Bruce: thnce step-ciiildren, Ar- 1 caliers at C. Avery's.Wigt Smales andI famiiy, Osha.wa, leen (Mrs. R. Stundun), Bruce MnI. antI Mns.N.EWrgt visited Mn. andI Mrs. James antI Carole; four sisters, Mns. *e*I.Mn. antI Mns. E. Wriuht, Bet-. Smales.M Royv Goode (Daisyl Part Per- ty andI Lawrence, wene callens 1 etcllr lA . rs nv, Mrs. Et Jennings (Edith), a M.anIMrs. Russell eetcles tA rs -, Mr.adcott's -wene, Mr. andI Mns.J. Camipbellv.iile: Mrs. Gordon 'Wright's, Tvrone S. Eddlyvean, Orono; Mn. andj S Sbunk. (Florence), Port Penny: qi Mn. Allan Syvecster. Tonon-, SMrs. Earl Prescott, Tynone; Mr. andI Mrs. Cecil Milis (Leona>, 'o, cailed on M,\oncda,ý at Mrn. r.HretP Maple Grov'e. ME 1Iiv@STORY; -nd Mrs. H. Stevels. anIMs ebn rcscott andI The fueral as coducte ,, ! Mn. antI Mns. Frank Reil.oger, Enniskilen; Mn. andî from the Enniskillin United OATY! ne obligation Toron ta. spent the weekeiîd:nsI.HrySai.Sudy ICburch on July 23 by Rev. W. iIw* 19o here at bis mothersý home. evening callers were Mn. antI A. Logan. M"ss Clara Page. TorontoMs .Hbad saa Palîbeaners ivere friends o! with her mother. Mrs. E: Mns. M. . Burgess, Mis. Ethel S the family; Adam Sharp, Ar- j JCR w' ]gPage. Johnson antI grandchildnen,, thur Brunit. John Siemon, , A ~ UE lE Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Napier, Lynda andt Raipb, Raglan; Miss I I Francis Werny, Lawrence PL", ffIîNG and H1EATING Toronto. Miss Anne 'Miller andI Marion Prescotf, Enfield andI iWearn antI Gardon Yeo. 1 Mn. David Ray, Stellantoni, Miss Eleanar Smith, Shaw's. Interment was at Pine Division Street South Nova Scota. %vere guests at Shower Honors Recent Bride Grv emtnrneAl-: KA 3-5615 BOUMIANVELLEI the home o! Mr. and Mrs. 0. i,. pleasant event was heltIt9 ben. I________1______C. Ashton. n te unday &chooaHall o., iSDAY. AUG. 4th, 1969 lui& SudtIenly, whiie wanking b is garden, Oswald Cowan, life long nesident of Clarke ownship, passed away at bis Ome on July îst, 1960. For many yeans be was a ccessful farmen andi on ne- ring ici 1944 moved into the ilage of Onono whene he ne- Aed until bis tIeath. He was one of the firsf di- actons of Durham Central Lgicultunal Society antI was etive in helping ta make the Wono Fair a succcss. He cen- )yd gandening andtI ook ceaf pnide ici bis home antI nroundings. As an oufstand- ig hanseman be was well nawn andI nespected tbrough- ut Ontario. Predeceased by bis finst ife Mabel Morgan ici June 49, he leaves ta maunbis .ssing bis wi!e, Hazel Coop- a, ne son Brooks antI five randchildren, Francis, Bey- îly, Glenda andI Ronnie at ome andI Mrs. Robent May a! .ooklin; also one sister, Mrs. ïW. Cowan o! Oshawa. The funeral service on Mon- ay, July 4tlî, at 2 p.m. fram is resitIence an Church Street -as conducted by Rev. Basil ,ng, minister o! Orono Un- ýd Cbunch, wbo dehivered a essage o! hope andI comfont. Acting as bearens werc Vie- or Robinson, O. W. Rolpb, W. RîitIell, Henbert Fletcher, V. Cooper andI HaroldI oode. Interment in Orono 'emetery. BURKETON lie Burketon W.A. will meetI ,n Wednesday evening, Aug- &t lth, i the ehurch hall, t8 p.m. AUl ladies are cord-' 11ly invited to attenîd. Cb.urch worslîip andI Sun- ly School wIll be cancelled' iw until Sunday, September th. Mn. andI Mirs. L. R. Argue, id f amxihy atten-ded a farniyý eunion at Peterborough on .xnday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marchand id fainily spent the weekend ith relatives ini Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey lent the weekend with rela- ives in Baltimore. Mrs. Mar-y Dean spent Sun- ly with relatives in Ajax. Mrs. Beatrice Taylor andI Lanley aittended- a family nthering o! the Stark f anily tthe aid Stark homestead, 'olumbus. Mn. andI Mrs. Harny Grace id family attended the Hen- Ërsoîi Picnic at Bowmanville in Sunday. Mn. antI Mrs. Ralph Osborne, nillia, spent a few days with n. andI Mns. K. G. Roblin hast eek. Mins. Tom- Smith retunned Lme from Memorial Hospital, lwmranville. We hope ber ondition will soon be im- oved. A large gathering attended he miscellaneous showen at >vitt's Hall on Friday even- g for Mn. andI Mrs. Donald ýarm'er. Mn. antI Mns. J. A. S-mith id family are visiticig rela- ives in Smitbs Falls. Mn. antI Mrs. Glen Lowefey id family are spending a few lys with relatives in Trein- DMr. and Mrs. George AllIson and family spent the weekend with relatives in Barrie. Mrs. Celina Lavery, Toronto, as a weekendl guest of Mrs. Esthen Caraiochan. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family were Sun day guests of Mrs. Beatrice Taylor andI Stanley andI also calletI on Mr. Cyrus Ashton andI Roy. Master Fred Taylor is holi-ý daying in Cookstown witb Mr.! and Mrs. B. Powers and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, Wayne andI Randy moved to their new home ini Windsor, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. William Elliot, Toronto, were holiday guests of Mrs. A. Carter andI family. Mrs. Elliot recently returned from a trip t visit ber rela- tives in Working, Surrey, Eng- landI. Mrs. Olga Tompkins, Hamp-' ton, calletI on Mr. and Mrs. B. iHubbard. gmwiogchillun withp po ndhustie Duix'Lk plenty of mil k Fmrstrnlh and muscle. ISummer Sale Clearing Sua Suifs m « 98c & $1.49 Shorlie Pyjamas - Eeg. $2.98 for $ 1.98 Dresses 8-14 M Reg. Io $5.95 for $3.98 Jackets - Reg. Io $3.98 for m $1.98 JOHN & JUDY SHOPPE 15 King St. K Bowmanville1 Lr AV qO E-D 7 I. N,-- An Indiau and a whitemi were arguing about who bad the best memory, but dis- agreed. "Do you like eggs?" the white man said finaiiy, to change the subject. The Indian replied, They parted and met by acci- dent twenty years laten. The whilte mian greeted bis frlend ith the tribal salutation, "Fried," the Indian repiied. Our satisfied customers have good memanies, fao. That's why sa many a! them sentI their dry cieaning ta us reg- ulariy. In fact, a numnber o! custamers bave been sending their garments ta us for ycars. You'il have fond memonies, too, wben yau entrust your dry cleaning fa us . . . because keeping your good will'is one of our greatcst concercis. i t J Carl LeslTe Paironize Your Local Merchanis - ~u j.4 mtVN sr W. MA. 3. . ..... ..~ Lean, peameal Cottage ROUlS Lean, sliced Cooked Hum lbSO8 CHICKERS £AIRLY g Ca 47 MUN S. -IL MA. -5091 S;ecial - Lemn, fresh HANUVIC 3 lbs. 89c Special Nielson's Famous - / gaL size ICE CREAM 79C Special BUTTfER 1 lb. 60c with each $LO0 meat purchase ""UALITY MEATS vrTzTýDç2n A " à eTe. -u . megh ldnesday evening oci1.ast tek wben a community mis- hIaneous sbower was beltI for rs Don Fleming o! Oshawa n-rmerly Lucille Bradley o! ampton), a recent bride. The room was nicely decor- ,d with streamers andI lavely irden flawens. Upon arrivaI ke howroed guest was taken Ssurprise ta find such a large .up o! ladies present ta greet nr. She was presented with a retty corsage and escorted ta prominent chair on the plat- Sm accompanied by lien mo- ir Mrs. Lorne Bradley, who ,ao neceived a corsage, and': entI Miss Marilyn Lockwood 'Oshîawa, wbo assisted in the rsentation o! the gifts. Mrs. Earl Luke andI Mrs. nrcy Dewell assisted ini the iplaying o!f hem. She was ie necipient o! many lovely ,id useful gi!ts for wbich she îenely expressed ber tbanks i appreciation to ber friends. A large friendship circle was in formned andI taiiîty ne- *shments were served andI an jayable social bah! baur rougbit the evening ta a close. Sever-al ladies froan outside Dints were included ini the athening. Mrs. K. Caverly, ns. J. Macnab acid Mrs. Page ,ere ini charge o! serving the ýfreshments, assisteI by sev- rai little girls. OBITUARY OSWIALD COWAN Dalton Dorreli, showed the F erg uson Cln ollowing prize winners: Girls ~i 5 and under, Mary Ferguson, Toronto, Boys 5 and under, H olds Picnic Walter Montgomnery, 8, is1 ne Dorreil, Nestieton: Boys 6, 7, and 8. Kevîn Hamilton, Oak- I n Ham pton ville; Girls 9, 10 and 11, Rose Ellen HnaHmtn Sixty-one members of the Ladies, Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Ferguson clan gathered at El- Nestleton: Gents, Kelly Voutt, liott Memorial Park, Hamp- Toronto; Boys' shoe kick, Kev- ton, Saturday, July 3th, after in Hamilton, Oakville; Girls' the first heavy thuiader storm shoe kick, Nancy Dorreil, Nes- and were enjoying sports af- itieton; Shoe scramble, Janice ter the grass dried up, when Byers, Burketon;, Boys' bal another shower came on. throw, Donald Wnight, Nestie- How ever, all were able to get ton. under shelter and enjoy visit- Married couples' three-leg- ing until dry enough for sup- ged race, Bruce and Jean Tay- per which was served by lor, Minute race, Mrs. Don members of Hampton Insti- Hamilton, Oakville; Ladies' tute. "throwing bah in basket., Mrs. President Grant Ferguson of Ivan Mvouîtioy:' Gent's step- Toronto gave a brief address, ping 25 yards, Jiim Bycrs, welcoming ail and conductedi Burketon. the business session. After Gum and balloons wene giv- some discussion it was decid-; yen ail small chiildrcni, also ed to have two regional pic-prizes for: - Youngacst child nics iiext year, the one for this present, Todd Hamilton, Oak- district to be held in Cart- ville; Couple having lived to- wright, July 29, 1961. The gether longest, Mn. and Mrs. one for Western Ontario to be J. A. Jobnston; mos1 recentl3r arranged by liaison commit- married, Mr. and Mrs. K. tee as follows: Mn. Grant Fer- Voutt (Helen Ferguson) en- guson, Toronto, Rev. C. H.» route to Halifax; Having corna Ferguson, London, and Rev. the fanthest, Rev. and Mrs. F. F. M. Ferguson, Stratford.* Merrili Ferguson, Stratford; Gent having nmost pennies ici Officers chosen for Cart- bis pocket, Bruce Taylor, En- wright picnic were: President, niskillen; Ladies with, moSt Lloyd Wright, Nestieton; Vice- articles in ber purse, Mrs. president, Bruce Montgomery, Mura Byens, Burketon. Enniskillen; Secretary, Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen; ______________ Treasuner, Mrs. Murray By- ers, Burketon; Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy. j ____ A fine programme of sports, I arranged by Mn. and Mn.1 PAGE 1-7 wwwàý- izqp le SWA 1-rant

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