Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 1

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Auction Brings an Era to a Close The sign at the top of this photo "F. M. Cryderman, Horse Shoer" wilI soon be taken down to brîng an era to a definite close. On Saturday, follow- F ing Mr. Crydermnan's death some time ago, the assorted equipment gathered &~ether over many years in this blacksmith shop, was sold by public auction. iýst of the buyers were men, witlî only two or three ladies entering in the bidding. To manv it was a sad sight with many memories tied in, memories that stretched baek well over 100 ycars* to the Percy family who ran the black- smith shop for years before Mr. Cryzlerman took over. The sale itself was attended by a comparatively -Amall crowd, mostly aider people, several of themn intercsted in preserving some of the relies of the past which Mr. Crydernian had accumulated. The photo showrs a few of the customners with Auctioneer Jack Reid at right, assisted by Eatte Os borne and Lawrence Harris. Feature Foundry on Cover 0f Met ai Trade Magazine l~llrsnote: The July is-,dry' . Although the Relider about 34,000 but the nid plant rue oî. Mctalworking. a H-ugli 1tamuly wiil have ta pay out biad many additions and par- C. Mýt'1paîï tréde publication, "bctween $3 and $400,000" ta titions and crannies that euti fcat.uit Duwinznviiie Foun- completeiy rebui1d-. they've down the usable space. Ourl dry ou il 'ca-vec and on Iwo decided ta rcbuild with only new building will bc far more ilision r p:ecS. The photos 80 pcr cent of their former efficient." shoived ie ucpw plant rising floor, space. Reportcdly the oniy jobbing ger Iihi site ot the aid anc des- "Wc bad 45,000 square feet' [oundry for mialleable castingý OrQid by ire carlier this before the fire Iast March 9,"' in southern Ontario, the corn- as wli as President C. said Rehder. "Now. wc'll have;,tContinued on -page seven-)- r i7e Rebder, complete witb pipe and son Thomas F. Relh der, vice president and gcn-i et-al mniager oif thte comipanv ivrs. Charlie Osborne The story lias brougbit ca tsid- erabie mail andnany phone' calsfon, i ficprects, ac- Injured in A ccident calties ao nd ops,[ame cording ta the Rchders. t fol- Tliere was an automobile i Mrs Leta Osborne, wlin was lows: 1 accident in Burketon on Tues- a passenger n b ler busband',î hyWilliam W. Craig ! day marning at 11:45 wben car sustained head lacerations. "The fire couid be cailed a t wo cars coilided head on on Slie was taken ta Memorial blcssing in an odd disguisc," the Scugog Road near the Su- Hospital, Bowmanviile, by suggcsted Thomas F. Rchider, pertest Gas Station. Charles! Morris Ambulance. There she vice presîdent and generai Edwin Osborne, age 59, R. R. was treated by Dr. E. D. Hub- manager of the Bowmianvilie 2, Bowinanville, was the dri- bard in the Emergency De- Foundry Ca. Ltcl. We spoke'ý ver of anc car. Tbe driver of partment, and afterwards was %vith hlm cccently, 20 hiotrs, the other was Williair Henry able ta return ta bier home. aftor new steel work bad bc-i Bell, age 21, Pine Avenue, Bath cars were considerabiy gun - on a replacement foun- ýOshawa. (Contînued on pageseven) "You're Out" Says Cigar Smoking Ump This has been a great year for pic nic gatherings of one kind or other round this district and on Monday a new one was started that met with great ~4access. Over 90 of Roy W. Nichols emp lovees and their families f rom Courtice 'dBowmanvile held their first annual pienie at Waltona Park, Newcastle, and ported a wonderful time - much food being consumed. After supper, the ~raditional bail game was hield with this being one example of the type of umpir- ing that took place. In tthe background, former well-knowvn athlete Gordon "Jumbo" Chartran, complete with sto gie, is calling Gerald Nekkes "Out", hav- ing beea tagged by Francis Tufford. _____ ____ _ _______Durham County's Great FaulIy Journal VOLUME 106 12 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY1 AUGUST 4th, 1960 10e Per Copy NUMBER 31 A Land of Contradictions Insight Into Modern Japan' Given to Rotary Members- By WeiI Qualified Speaker, Dr. James Mayberry, step- charming girl from Maimo,, er stated. He explained that son of Mark Roenigk, spoke Sweden, Dr. and Mrs. May- ail roads are narrow and will on 'Japan Today" at the re- berry have two chidren. probabiy remain so because gular luncheon meeting of the Contradictory Mixture of the tremendous valix. the'I Bowmanviiie Rotary Club1 Dr. Mayberry said that to (Continued on page seven) heid in the Fiying Dutchman the visitor Japan wruid seem Motor Hotei on Friday. Dr. to bc a ]and of contradictions Mayberry is home on vaci.-, with a fascinating mixture aif tias ea oertofoaiy tandthnges ed exiedTs ro ne Lady dto afteratoeatou an id ta ndth nge ed exaned ist and scientific consultant ta of Tokyo peasants wili bc the United States Air Force found seiiling yakitori (barbe- W ins Austin in Tokyo, Japan. qued towi) in the centuries aid Dr. Mayberry's entertaining manner, and right next to and wîtty address was a spien- them wiii be another cart af- In Co ntest did introduction to the coun- fering Hoto Dogo, as the pop- try that wiii play hast ta the ular hot dogs are known there. Mrs. Dorothy Vivian of 1961 Rotary International Traffic moves at a terrifie Tyrone, is the owner of a Convention. Stewart McTa- pace and the travelier breathes flCw Austin which she vish, chairman af the club's a sigh of relief when he rea- won in a contest on CHUM International Service Com- ches bis destination, the speak- radia station in Toronto. mittee, introduced the speak- Contestants had to guess er as a true citizen of the *u. nnucr ol worid. T fI be able to drive thne car He toid the Rotarians that iracior KiIlls farthest on two gallons Dr. Mayberry was born in of gas. She selected the Hartford, Conn., received his i ~ ~ 1 right one and was noti- elementary education in Can- I\Re IiJeni.ofl fied on Saturday of her ada at Stratford, Ont., and Up- ,1 ond fortune. per Canada College, Toronto. . Mrs. Vivian loves con- He earned his Doctor's Degree N"4ew o n v*i e tests and does very weIl in Mathematics at Princeton Sa ciGisyaed7 in them. Last year, she University, and married Se a D tsky.., aged 75, as top winner in The Liberty BowI Instails New Pin Setters l Machinists were busy ail day Tuesday and lVednesday installing the final eight automatic five Pin setters at Liberty Bowl Ltd. on the Base Line. Four bail been in- stalled earlier. Manager George Elliott told The Statesman that the alleys wvould be available from now on for open bowling every day until early in September when the leagues wilI start. Many visitors have ex- pressed amazement at the intricate machinery which picks up the balîs and pins and resets the alley ready for the- next bowler. F'lThe machines are almost humani, In fact, usually far more ac- curate. They have only heen In operation in the Unit- ed States and Canada for about a year, so Liberty BoiVI is to, be complimen- ted on being right up-to- date. Incidentally, the ma- chine cost about $6,000 apiece. Çits an "BARBARA R." BURNS aid boat burned on I recorded the event in p "Barbara R.". a 33 foot Rehder sold it four yea Port -Tne it-wel l or- Mfr stantly kilied in an accident1 toon contest and wor at bis faim about three-thirty in inerchandise c o'ciock an Saturday afternoon. cales. Mr. Galitsky, a weil known' __ resident of the district, was driving a tractor hauiing a 1 a load o hay in on top of his I nnyI Fai barn floor. Inadvcrtently he _ drove tbrough the barn and o ng ta broke a boarded up door on -ng ta the far side. The tractor foi-1 lwdby the ioad of hay feuL in S n nine feet into the barnyard4 n e t Mr. Galitsky was pinned un-1 Foir the past. weelk derneath the tractor and kill 'the playgrounids havi ed instantiy. busy making preparati Anthony Cichanowsky. age the Sixth Annuai Peri 66, brother-in-law of Mr. Gai- which will be hcid Th itsky, 401 Huron St., Toron- (to-night) August 4th, to, had a fortunate escape Lions Community Cer from injury. He was ling on The Penny Fair wil top of the ioad of hay, which at 6:30 p.m. with a hu dîd not tip as it fell. tumt' parade wben ec Corporal Emmett .1. Croughgon ilb cr and Constable H. R. Corneli gound wiil e ces of the Bowmanvilie Detach- has§ the brgcst turn ment of the Ontario Provin- chiid,,en and the bcst cia Poiceinvestigated. Dr. 0ios. The thome for lbi j. C. McArthur. Biackstock, paracie wili be "Provi was the Coroner. Canada". Each play Mr. Galtskcy rcsted at the wiîî bc representing a Morris Funerai Chapel until cnt province. - nooaa ain Tuè-sday, and then The parade wvii1 lea iwas taken ta the Newtonvilie Lions Centre and proc United Church wbere his fun- Division Street ta Kin eral ser-vice was held at 2.30. and return ta the Lion Intcî ment was in Lakeview tre via Temperance Cemetery. Mr. Gaiitsky is sur- The Boys Training vived by bis wife. Mrs. Jen- Band wil lead the par nie Gaiitsky. He was a native Each playground will of Russia and came ta Can- sponsible for a gro ddla about 40 years ago. Mr. ievents such as Housec and Mrs. Gaiitsky had resided rors, Refreshments,1 at their farmn near Newton- Teîîing, Fish Pond, Eî ville for the past il years. Sboating Gallery, Bin iey Guessing, Kissing IHit the Clown, Penny ,,eCI Dari Throwing and Iotb ers. ci ~6/iceces eral bccky draw orailckts w be s -C. Ernie Rehder saw hiS cd by local merchants. Ionday at, Bewdley and Mogt of the booths an ihotos. After owning the cessions wiil be madea cruierfor 6 yarsMr. erated bs' the childrerî cruierfor 6 yarsMr. the leadcrship of the irs ago to Jack I-ancock, ground supervisors.- hnJi -lYpfil S-uiL iu* t j eweJiier.1t.. . 1. Jtfiflanco..fl HOU Us i eueI- ed and was trying to start the motor when an explosion tossed hîm into the water and set the boat ablaze. Mr. Rehder, sittîng in his newer boat, hauled out his trusty camera and started shooting pictures. One photo shows Bewdley f ire- men trying to pour water on the boat which had been pulled jusi. out of range. Loss was about $2,500. The Rehders had to use pike poles when the burning craf t drifted toward them and threat- ened to set their boat on fire. NEWCASTLE WINNER --Thc cagerly awaited "Win What You Buy" draw for customers at Kramp's Furniture Store took place over the 'veekend with a Newcastle winner. Mrs. B. I-oog- kamp, George St., won a beatitifufl lamp. The draw was made by King St. octogenarian merchant W. J. Berry. WHERE'S THE MAP? - We Lnderstand that Mr. and Mrs. Winton W. "Bill" Bagneli had flot too happy an experience recently. The story is that they were on their way to visit some friends at a cottage some distance away. The friends had drawn a map sa they would know exactly where they were located. You guessed it, when, they arrived near their destination they found the map was stili sitting on the table at home. After con- siderable drîving around trying to locate their friends, they finally 'phoned home and had their neighbors go into the house, find the map and 'phone back to tell them xvhere they should go. The joys of motoring. t t . t'I A SAD LOSS - Bank of Montreal caretaker Bill Ellis has again suffered a tragic loss. Some months ago he lost a dog that had been his constant corn- panion for years. At Christmas time an unknown couple brought him a young pup as a gift and Bill was thrilled to the core. Every morning, this young vigorous pup which grew into a fair-sized dog, could be seen pullîng Bill along on his way to work. Early Wednesday morning, a passing motorist ended its careeF near the bank. Bill's many friends will mourn with him. CONTEST STARTSAUG. il'- The Home of the Week Contest announced in last week's issue wil get underway next week, August llth, when com- plete details will be published. At the moment, il appears that nearly 40 merchants f rom Bowman- ville and surrounding district will be participat- ing. Again we ask any merchant who has flot been contacted or who has changed his mmnd, bo telephone The Statesman, MA 3-3303, and arrange- ments wilI be made for participation. (Continued on page seven> ml car- Dn $100 certifi- re kaillnf vc been tions far nny Fair 7hursday, hat the ntre. ill begiin iuge cas- ich play- ompeting see wbc mout of tdecora- is ycar's inces ai iyground a differ- ave the iceed up' igSre ?ns Cen- Street. School trade. .1l be re- ýup ai of Hor- Fortune Bailoons, ngo, AI- 'Booth, iy Toss, many for sev- sdonat- and con- and op- runder e play- Popeye Goes to Orono Youngster These huge plastic Popeye punching bags were another new attraction ai the Lions Carni'val on Saturday. Two-year-old Clifford Bruton of Orono seems quite pleased over his new toy which he can pound as much as he likes and it wilI corne back for more. H1e is accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bruton. Many Fine Prizes Oshawa Lady Wîns Car af ,Success fui Lions Carnival Here on Saturday Evening j The 'fine Carnîval held by iDouglas Park, Tyrone, w hase the Bowmanville Lions Club prize wasa portable transistor on Saturday cvening in Mcm*- radio. P m c~~ anial Park was enjoyed by Every 15 minutes durin1g the " ' hundreds of people tramn the evening from eigbt o'clock toi town and surrounding district. 11:30 a draw foir a Timex It was a great success although wrist watch was hcid. The S outh W r nearly cancelied because ai lucky winners werc IVîrs. Geaj I, w ndrwal rd a delightfui time. Carl Leslie Mrs. Doris Joli, R. R. 3. Bow- I answer is ta this one. was the Carnival General manville; Marg Osborne, 200 On Tuesday evening, it Chairman. Church Street, Bowmanviile: vas raining sont in the The Draw for the 1960 Che- John Harwood, Part Hope; South Ward, but to date vrolet Bel Air Car was won Jim McKnight. 40 Simpson nobody has any Idea by MVrs. Elsie Biddulph, Cen- Avenue, Bowmanviile; Miss where it came from, tral St. North, Oshawa. The Ann Leddy, 20 Prince Street, Cars, chairs and other winning ticket was sold by Bowmanvilic; Katby Hoar, R. otside furniture, plus Mrs. Frieda Higlifîeld, Port R. 5'. Bowmanviiie; Kathecine some washing lcft on the Hope. The Car Draw Chair- Jensen. 14 East Beach, Bow- limes were covercd -with man was Clarence Hockin. manvilie; Mrs. Chai-les War-, wiat appeared ta be an Raipb Kelly was chairman ren, Hampton, Robin Winter,j oily soot. of the Transistor Radio Draw. Orono; Archie Martin, R. R. 2, Our thanks ta John Car- The winners were Paul Chant, Newtanvile, Charles Ewert, ter 'and Charlie Mutton Jane Street, who received a 3 Frederick, Bowmanviile, who provided the itifor- transistor auto radio, and (Continued on page seven) i mation, but no answer. Lions Car Winner is Ardent Lawn Bowler Mrs. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa,I Fred Cole had the pleasure of 'phoningr Mrs. Biddulph will have no difficulty arrangîng transportation for about 1 o'clock early Sunday morning to tell her of th e future out-of-town lawn bowling tournaments. She win. In the photo, Lions President Walter Rundie now has a beautiful new Chevrolet sedan, the grand extends congratulations, ably assisted by Carnival prize at the Lions Carnival here Saturday evening. Chairman Carl Leslie who has just matched up the We understand she purchased lier ticket, No. 46,361. winning ticket and the stub to conclude the transfer during a tournament here some weeks ago. Luther, details. H-er husband and several of Mrs. Biddulph's Nichols nbtained the tickets for Mrs. Highfîeld of Port: bowling friends from Oshawa were on hand to witness IHope to seli. One of Bowmanville's top bowlers, Lion 1 the event~.

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