Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 12

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THURSDAY, AUG. 4th, 19% F2'Ar'PL 'bw £ai'v Mp A~DA SAMN OMNVLE NAI ,f FV4P Gordon Âgnew, EdJ Nlw Social anc Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and Douglas have returned home rollowing a two week motor trip to Halifax and the Mari- time Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woo- fenden and Miss Mar- vM- Nabb of Kirktîeld visited wIth Mr. and Mrs. John Vouti aiida Nei) last Tuesday. Mr. E. A. Forbes of Minlico visjted with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Agnew on Thursday. Mrs. George Watkins is ho!- idaying ý,ith Mn. and Mrs. Earl XWalon. His *many tiends wiIl bc pleased to learn that Mr. Fred Lovekin has recovered suffi- ciently from bis recent serions illness 10 allow him to leave Memiorial Hospital and lwie i 0 0iw (onvalescing at the home of Mn. and Mrs. C. R. Lovekin. Mr. and Mrs. D. MI. Bernard anîd Enic are holida.ving Ihîs week at a cottage iin Cavsarceî. Holidiayv weekend \ iýitors itM. and -Mrs. Gordon Agiw-w were MIr. and NMrs. Hl-arold XoIII. Susan .and Jini- 4 mie of Buckingbamii P.Q.. M". and Mrs. Ian Heckendorn and Marilyn of Burford and 'N1: ând Mns K. A. Siatei andi famiiy of Kingston. Mn. and Ms.Rober: Wr.c 1 Bobby. Brian. Carol alid Mar- pl gai-et of Mý,imico and M .Ec. Ha1wey and Miss Penn' -Poarce (if Toronto. spcnt civu. Hol:- day xeckend istg wh Min% and NIs . Albert Pearce and familv and am ita Waioa. MiI. and Mis.Roýs Eiibleand daughter Sandra of Cen- tralia are holidaying withre latives and friends in the %-il- lage. rMns. A. McCandiess anda Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon MicCandles and sons of Strathrov spent a couple of days last weck visiting xith MJrs. Thos En- wright and family. Mr. and Mrs. Orv ai Stin- .on. Marilyn. Linda and John of Chesley, spent the weekend. visiing with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Pearce and familY. Miss Elizabeth Pearce spent the weekcnd visiting xith lier pnancimrother, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson in Bowrnanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Sidnrey Hal- ]owcll, Gerald and Mary of Orono, visitedl witb Mi'vr. and Mrs. John Voutt and Neil on Salurday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and childrcn or Starkville. were Sunday visitons xwith Mi. and Mrs. Henrv Bowen and Dan- Peping Ri N EWCASTLE, I jmerly Flying Scc W7e Now Self CHINESI ALSO READY TO TI Phone New Çuistomis pkcking Upq receive IV- OP>EN 7 amn. TC %Vr. have' ail kinds or ('hinc first class in St. John's. ÏM LA SUN BARC 1959 CHEVS. - (2 to V8, Tudor, Automa 1958 PLYMOUTH 6 cyl.- 1958 MORRIS OXFORJ Radio, Red and Blo Reduced. Muîst Se 191,5 PLYMOUTH 6 cyl Radio. Blue. 1955 PONTIAC I-Dr., C 1954 PONTIAC 4-Dr.,( 19,5,;WINDSOR (6 cyl., 2 2-tone Green. 11953 PLYMOUTH 6 t'yl White and Green. 1952 PLYMOUTH 6 cyl 1952 PONTIAC, 6 cyl.. 4 1951 PLYMOUTH 6 cyl. 1951PLYMOUTH, f6 cylý m95 DODGE, 6 cyl., 4-I PAL MOTOS cHRYSLER - PLY' FARGO - Sý 20 King St. E. Rnow Health Unit Reports a- - .9&%Àtà called "Planning" kept a care- V t S fully biden secret? Sufe to i ravel Changes are being implem- bbcdino h "Offical Plan"!e but once again, baw ntuch O nu WýItA does the publie know aboutO t o Wo do d M-2 son and familv, alaof 0shaw,,,. Chantes 'Lang-doîî, daugh'rl ta extend Ibis pragnam n thebb rdfr Gon Cipan ene k aET T -ISSUE..pk4 I. -rRdo eeweedgesp hýCatheli'ite aînd relativ'es af bhe! future ta other establishmtents.! rdfr GonCIs ndTo.e 4-roamo cn eekeM. nd guess a bbc late Mn% E. Laiigdoit Wbo pas- During June, 509 carcasses No. 1 Grade - Large size 24's York ae1c1o.pg Hartfor-d. sed awav on Satnî'day y wcre given inspectian and .5 .,4D.Blc.Mr. and M'î's. Bit] 1-1ýlaw'w:iOtll., ait«et a long and paiJul were condemned. Filty-incRYiior23 BLANCHED PEANUTS - " 2c 4-Dr.,Black.and iamilY and Miss Sandr' ilnes.s. paoprtions were aiso nondentnd i GencrGreyRcmarksdPeek Frean - Save lc - 8oz. pkg I-Dr., Grey Sno~~wKieih Me ndpelieMrs. M. a ,J. as wornelier.spend- Miss Mary Kubica. Petenr-_________________________________ wlncck den ib. andrMils.ing a wd aiy i Mbr.dagb-borough. jained bbc staff on teeeniii I2-Dr., Grey Mn. andcns R . C ber VildaBoand ioanioy. Mn. and June 2obh. She is a graduate We Reservee Righto nt Quantities SHO MT ME BISCUITS 21, 9 and MilY.eR. H. acamnons nsý . BoosHainsiaii i'ng aiSt. Michaei's Hospital, To- and Dr, lak ria' mil enjovd acamig Ms .Hie svstn1ronta, and bas obbined lber! 4-Dr., Back tnp Emih' P'avittcal Park. wtth fieiids iii Toronto aven' nerificate in public bealb N DS V A near Omentee, d'ucing thi bthc long weckend.'nuigiiTana.Sesn- DrGe.weekend. ' Mc. than Joncs ai Port placing Mns. Marlon Rankin S O N AE A A nuinbcr ai relatives gaîb-' Hope was a visiter witb Mrs.whletbcPrHaeofe.Ai g crda b om iMs . William MeHoit on Tbursday June lSth ta live in Oshawa. if l GMre Snowden last Wednesda 'v j1,OffIaSt xw îae gas ise s a stae te asitnigamf u, UWUM honour or hMissyRosc!lMisCunninghama M E R she ~~clebnabcd during lasi' trannae ta Mc. M. Kloastnai penvisan in bbc new healbh o'ni w c . ek. aI o ib b r eg.ed C ur C - un it a I W in ds r and l bt t bc Mns Welinba1 Pearsont'br, on Saturday, Augustl staff at the cnd ai Junc. Miss S A L ES Lakefcldand lier ioîber.h. was guest ai bonan nre- Cunningham bas been a valu-B WN YLE - GTA O Mrs.A. Lirdwci' dînnier' ccltlv ai ibree showers giveit' cd member ai the staff for 14' M1OUTH - VALIANT guests ai Mr. and Mi's. Fred 1w bbce girls in apacbmnt. Kiog years. during 12 yeans wic IMCA DEALERS Stevensn 'mn Tuesctav. 'n. C borg; Mns. Scbao-. hebs en e iarnuse IG A 'JtJh. lniad r.Ms MîaeltelKn. anelta b tffa is*uR~~NWCASTLE, ONTAR 'manville MNA 3-5487 Mis. Rov 'rppirtgarc ..ti Pigeon lHulI. Pot hope anal Mrs. James Cllns Who was Tm Peterborough, spent last week Street, Cobourg. Elizabeth Wright, Millbrook, <1L~ ~L~rJ I W ~ ~ ~ V I ror ~ ~ * ~ il? rsctn cs 0 Is it safe to travel in On- injured by a moose~a n For jun , i ouUpo prsenin a asetotario«s woodlands without ' mal he had raised frhild CommnicbleDisase illbe orkog utiltheendthe Planning Board at their, carrying firearms? Ycs, say hood and which, in adslv Comncbe ies ilocrriguni h n last meeting which lias beco officiais of the Department of of nxubenant affectio.rp~ [lrPhone 3621 Only 60 cases of communi- of july as public bealth nurse venbally approved previousiy. Lands and Forests. "Just minci ped his front feetonoî' ____________________________________________________________ cabl iseas were rpre nMillbrook. The Board of but nothing in wnitîng. and' your own business, and no man's shouilder. , lcto in June, of which 23 were Health announced the appoint-: notbing appeared in their min- animal will bother you.oe ftbm mumps and 15 chickcnpox., ment of two new public bealthi utes indicating sainc. chair- thev say. Thene is n record: ,W.Jos an failyal hei Ms. ear 1-utcinsn lasThene were noý cases of ra-; nurses-Miss Elaine Chepes- !man Wyman disclosed that of anyone even being attacked: Two cases of persosben smmer cottage near Keswick.' neturnced fnom a holiday in the bics in animais. wick and Miss Mary Cassel-i even though he cannont (won'b, by a wolf in Ontario, contra- bitoen by a beaver ir. h Mn. and Mrs. Douglas, Parny Sound District visiting Tuberculosis man, ta start work with the! divulge the nature of the ry ta many reports. So fan as' books. Il one, a Too - caste Wight and Jamie of Trenton, with h ler son and daugbten-ln- As of June 301h, there xwere Healtb Unit later in tbc sum- changes in tbc -Official Plan. is known. only one persan-- mari wbn xas admirin b sent tbc weekend visitiog' law. Mn. and Mrs. G. A. Hut-I 325 cases of tuberculosis on mr o ntemkn.tepat oeta 0ber g-asbac bc a encuh j 'i w ith Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar-i chinson at tbein cottage at Ah- the case register. One new Mn. M. C. Woods jcined tbhe conccrned would becxvell aci- been killed by a bean. This in a Iraa) i AlgonqunPak f Ii ro d and family. mic Harboun. case was rcported duning the' Healtb Unit Staff June 1, vised ta wait, as tbcy would unifortunate iridividu.al had remnoved tbc animal fo h ~L1-'~ersortaL Mn. and Mns. D. Cunning- Mn. and Mns. Fnank Wood-Imonth but hospital treatment! 1960 as sanitary inspecton afte rbbyws ancnîe.tapdteba n hnb npadhge lt e ham and John, Mr. adMs os fBapo and Mr. was tiootraptonend M.',ny. Thnce per-i compieting bis course for cen- Not cnetwb i v-cniul tpe vnalgbsî.Teltl evrga Alfred Garnod and family, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Shel]swell of sons wcre discharged from tification in Toronto. sve reply ta tbc application., on top of the frenzied aia.bdbrfnes~utlk ferler and Mrs: Sam Brencton and Oillia. visited witb friends insatoim acniuedg Charlotte M. 1-lamner, I futher probcd imb bbc sit-: Your chances of encounten- bab:c"*. but then sanis sar Mn. and Mns. Carl GoMld family. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas' the village on Sunday. therapy at home. In these in - ';, atian, and found ta m con,-' îng paisanous snakes are veny luttle teeth loto it. Newmanket visiting with Mr., and Mrs. Wallace Couch and aura, spent a few days last' cd from 3 ta 61-',montbs whîch! Medical Health Of 'wa.isterfnionta thedcbe ge bc ordsnded ram a rahi.sae b epatment*s Siou ok and Mns. D. Mitchell and fam- ý Tommy attcnded tbc King- week visiting with bier sister is a much shorter period than take this area out of RR((ne- bite iin bbe Parry Sound dis- out District. nepanedr hw iîy. 'haro famnily reunian at: Emily and bnother-in-law. Mn. and formenly. This contributes taoi-d sidential Zone) and put i;trtict a few yeans ago, but geii- ever. hee bad been naiiul Mr. and Mis. M. Atlini of!Park, Omemee on Sunday. Mns. Arthur Redknap. bcnme fsntru back ta agicultural. sa tha L' eraîl:,'mast Ontario sniakes attacèkcd and bittenbyae- Kc'inilworth, Ont.. wene Civie Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Bell Mr. Kennetb Pearce. Peter beds available for îi'eatment, the requined size of lhouse anc absolutely harmrless. one vrwiexakn abstw M n a d M r . . H . J a e a n Ie , v r ay vr ion r .- i n d c ar e . a n O a m î n a u r - r a i s e he rl s e r e d i s c o n t i n u Holiday visitosxibbM.ad n aml n Mr. and M and Clr. fOnnevle vis- Immunizaiion Ioud be 1500 sq. . nstead ofr man is known ta have been 1nps.H asdteaia Mn. . . oud ndfail.Howard Foley of Bawman- j ited witb Mn. and Mrs. Albert mnitincnisnnu 1350 as in bbe RI zone. Cen- xvithou.t hindering bian -' ~i bd *t P ~ d f~ S~ . tin embes pesen fond A ta the uesion Wbyway, lbe reportcd,adbd Douglas spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Allun1 day. cd with the beginning af bhl- Ibis deception rather ai-nusing9 not?"', 1 can only draw my take.n twa on threcepbe -- --days. A total of 54 clinics August 2, 1960. 1 wben 1 took my depaibune. awo conclusions. ' ond wben bis lcg ws % le wvere held and 60o pensons Dean Sic: i A deliberate misleadiiîg: Thene seems to bc a discre-' froln under i by thbee. copleted a counse of lin- We bave passed tbc haîf. such as Ibis is not \vorbhy Of pancy in Caunici! and Plan-' He was taken taIospion L.o r w s E l y Gms munization or recived baost- way mark of the electian year a persanal public off'ice. nn, tetmBtf er ose. Rinfrcig dsesancin Danlington Township 'and I've noticed sarine dissenlion ten of "tbc Watson case"., abies for "bb the ul fea givnproial ota surelpuli in teBoard, but il secms bbc Evenrt t1ougli le bs am iidcty cou Id indicate arbe muiy ad poeto -5i awaiting those pramised chairman overnules hlem ai.: wibb al bbc cequirements iri incident,' bbc Depantet e mainFaie hîstn cnges whl hwerc ta takc Itil take mreMhn I' VIl.cncction i tJ as~ain. lisparted. - Publc HalthNures vsit 1 tillon.keep me ont ai a publdic mccl- and no anc is able or~ wi14ing, cd 728 homes in tbc two court- 1The anthoribies ar~c stillin'i'g if 1 amt able to attend. ta give any sensible oran c U i Ne\\ 1u Alng nw bnianbtîgtebcas~ Ft <~~ iwcnueItics during the manth Of June, crastinabing. and il sems the, In bis addness totbe Coni- sontable explanation of il . iiH'Cai. fU \\as on hand fonrbcanltoh5.b) tbe club îneted$84wt making a tatal of 4148 homes changes. he be will vention af Mayoirs andi Reeves When in despenabion, Mr. Cîi ic Holiday sports day and Ini bbc ladies' softball bbc' $142 goiog ta thbClub and visited Ibis year. 0f these 72W'I he crvali aisponsored b\ h ia' tuiiletatot 12going ta th~e holden of vst,8 cenusn ae ilnot make bbc p o n.Conll, insse d, the Wsobin a s ue f to thAnsi-Le staI~ Newa.~leBasbal Cubon played tlie local ladies and' the winning ticket in the caejadIb aonî o î e any happien.'ca Baseball Clb e statedtae msonevofabill caid"govenniment shoiild pro- ont why lie is bcing discniai- bb 9t ile M. hnleB hnursing cane visibs wene given iissdn-.- ycotabefficient administration inated ag1aist. Lupan prcsrt D~ Moîîda\ i h rcwcfstheBî wnpd hn asoe f draII. Mns Bhdai ai Bowaiî-intriwttbat Ille cammunily ie. The ing il ta the Planning B adJ~eH tr Ili tbc round, robîi that fol-, woti bbe prize fan seliing th-, heMllrakditic. bath Council aind Planningbs gannecaftisi nt hira Wma.dîpayt Ion gthe istp-ayn ted. alo d aeina hîetas inn tce.Bowmanville. Cobourg, Pont' Board.,Ivcencountered eva-i tl nobouageexam'd-'n litthefîni gnteai he i n the South Durham Il)- ' The second draw ont a love-' Hove and Brighton wcne fin- siveflC55 and even deceit. a bureauccacy sitig nobosageecai'd t The Durhant .1-H1eF C 101,1,001 cOMmencing ab 1 pxm. 'bneiteNwabcQucen's Pack, but a vigilaint nul going ta tel yon anything! Ciu wd hi in<bigo îîw ocalJunors utpayedbbc eiate League, Nwately desk au trdb ai sed this montb. Teatnd- I Penhaps I shouldo't say tbbc electorate and cotincils respon- What are you daîng, going LJul " t ai bcfr fus Newor lb nasnrlY cr f3 toanv eic by a pWcvricb's Wood Specialties1 ance of 51 foc the month,' whole Pl.anning Board, but j sibit' to the electonatc . We are i anound asking people ta be!sl" Obin.A ls fSot Coon lbiiasniby~oco aiadeddu a on by a Mns. Výipond ai braugbt the number of classes verv definitely Chairmian Wy- living ne eortcs; eiOoie ls Oshawa. aught ta 67 for the yean 1960,1 mari is dctermined ta oudekadeocat le-m.p sntdhonti beifers \wec de b a cit 4 vîctory wîth the vis- 'a3 epItm Basieally, bhat mneansM answer ta i is an coi- bbc încmbcî's. Ilibtceevctngc annual A cansidcnably langer crowd' ihatnan f42 o- h uinea 'fotttei gavennment accoi'ding, tbuIlle ph oadmetnshatic no, but wben tbc Rate- carni\'al was conducbed on the of cîtizens and' visitars than pitl visiting and post-_natal Planning BoOfmeinsa wisbes af those gavcrnced. Lu- payers' Association is nequest- Bc'v. GraY îîîçi l3a, bCt gnouds a bbccomunit las yea enoyedbiteatte- iwark is continued during the wbich there arcebxvo a ntonth, 1 cal governiment, is pcedicatca ed ta represent samc indivi- 1namthle aetp a îayyî~uîu ~ hail with a largni' than aven-' noan bail gaintes and tbe even- simr h ebasbvn OCa bnobc atTus n the bhcocy. that People il' duai. we wîll do so. and it is bers, lollowed b\ a"'ilo' finisbed for Ibis terni. bbc sta day ai the monlh, 8 p.nt.) Is a camimunity arenlul b ny o oni ada nreig se: Ta age attendance playingt "igcanvitipefc e-tistiershsow 95 defects found supposedly a public anc. likely ta, but do knOxx ,ntOiC Planning Board ta treat it wibh meeting was clused. Repo t nuteras gantes af chance thert' b celebrabe tbc Civic Re o tnd njym gthrooieuis.hldan h 0children this maîîth and 361I Wby'?Because il iw clcarly abouit tbcic noquicentents thairespect. just as if a lawyer, pndend anthce oiehdist:vaou bai tandtos uppt ingeconrrentions of defeets. At the ievident that bbc maney theyl anybody cisc"'. .. ......was being paid ta do bbe job, Alane Trs xweek an mii' pia eda i o t te spehmn vrotstalol tas r l' close ai the scbaal terni, thene callect foc Ibeir caucus meet-I Thene is a loi more Io bis wbich wc arn na.Fo Od gitd -e decided that xve' ot.isot _1 r-lcl_ as are many canferences betwcen ing is a shameful wastc ai thei letter. whiçh xvas ferwarded' ForoalîOldtive at îî ,vuuid bave aur Arts nd Mthbc beaîtb nurses and techr taxpayons' moi'iy. I implare!I toalal Municipal dclks in îeas ap-; E R OEyu, just whab bias been a- i bbc instruction la mak e-bta ofdic~li Gel ahT Cratiwîthibbc vewita vecordingPlanning Board and intendtul Craisôny îic pr aeen ,1A PVL E plîcable information for bbc' complislind by cigbb m-embers i tain that it, is broughb a 0 ep oa clawns w'ibh accondion art and' Mi. and Mi .R. Bayneswibh hec parents. Mr. and Mi s i bcnht'hne eah o b Planning Board, bbc! attention of their Coulncil biglat.ttîrougli legs an Tucsday and ootb- Debbic anci Saindra. Regiia, Fred Stevens len Pne-snhoal registratiansitsntlb acting as secicctary- trea-1 cause of bbe inmporiînb ions-' Respect Fllyv. pick pictunes on Tbîtnsday. ' Sask. spe il last xeek wthLnda and Dawi Stevens are also finisbed. At these ini- sunen and tbc consultant still 1 sage il conbains. Hawcecr, ibis, Mns. B. Budlai, S T A T E S MN Thelaterpat a te wek wîh n. ndMc.. en ay wee uess f tet grndtervicws betwecn parntland Itin the emplay ai the Town- letton neyer did cach ounr Secretary, C L A S S [ F 1E x~asspntinpepraia fr ecyodwckedguests were mother, Mris. Herbent Tcrny in nuse. infarmatian is obtaincd sbip. Council thnougb bbce effort, af: Dai'lington Ratepayers' Phonle MArket333 ,as "pen House". It is forbe Mc.and Mrs. Jon 5iunl, Cbnn at el the nurse regarding bbc Wby is the cost of the so- the persan entnusted wih il.' Association. ___ belci on Satunday. August 6th Cleveland, Ohio. Mn. and Mis. Geuo'ge Hall,,cidsbat itrim- from10 o I a.m Thre illid Mri-Rexd aie. visitcd 1MnIs.Tam Mn-; nîzation, etc. Also bbc parent fbc 10 tmalat. The iiU Master Peter Pritcbaî'.d Man- ,<,ay. bas bbc oppartunity ta discuss bea taiprognant prescn tedainkis bolidaving aitflbc Guirk and family n( eay1 hoalib subjects and pick up ta parents and fricnds by then home ai bis gcandmother. Mns Mr. and Mns. Fred Stcvensl information on matters of chiid cbildnen and anyone is wel-' L. C. Snowden. wci'e Sundayv guesb.s af tbeîi'îtraing cometo ome.Mrs L. . Wllias, o cusins, Mn. and Mi-S. Mark ining Oui' special event Ibis \veek inaniville, was a guest of \v .Wiîbh the closiîg of' the xvs tcaur hnt Te in Aylmer Becn last Tîiesdaxý clementary schools althbbcend led the cblîdren ail aî'ound'M.adMs.Wly week wibb bis îînele ailàaunt aif June, thb chuoal ealbb pro- the park ta bbc treasune bid- nAiî.grain of audiametet' testingi don uden bc saek. The'weil, Shelley and Valerie. Mn.r ne ntlSpemewe don uder he ak h and Mî's. Dave Bothwell, Sr. ed utlSpmbrwhn treasure was a hu ater-bcloia'xeknda snhooi again nesumeF. mielon faund by Bi]ly McCul- TsP aent jYI SHfJ~f This also complebed ancl iough and kindly donated byiTinLes first pcniod wiib Ibis new Mi'. Ron Munna. We bad a ne-, Susan Maybei'iY is xisitîîîg Oit Frida v eeiiiing, Julv ý 291.1 pragî'am wbichi began the cord 'nctmbec of childrn hene lber uncle and aunt, M-. wanci a. 8 P.",." the Induction set'- middle ar Marcb 1960. Audio- and tbcy ail seemcd ta eoy Mrs. John Spnungle in Cleve-; vice ai the Rev. E. K. Nor'manmtetein isuc aew it irnmensely. lnOb.Ii O'. 'as ntinisteî' af Welcamne United'program nt bal aiOntario, Mcs. Aylmec Beecb acon-'ý Chanch was bcld in bbceutitle thant aur healtb unit bias vei' paned r.ad Ms.WesCao bitocca chccbai csly-few statistics witb which ta Ail Food Features r liln and Mi'. Charles Hone ci ville, thenre was a iî'e co mpare aur nesuîts. EVeriEfciv uut ,5 iNewcastle on a matai' trip ta gî'egatian present inciuding' with wbat we bave. accucatei fetv uis ,5 estaurant Ycmaion aIo c ae fl on Satr~î a miltutim c1eroaIfi istrdict i. maisonshennoibe made oni1 ONAIOIMn. and Mns. Jin lavertyý was a mentrcable and imipi's-1 munities in whinhi the tcsbing' ONTARIO and family attended the Han-,-,ive crnony stcengbbenitîg is being dane-bore in Nontbi- aitsman Restaurant tinalh neunlian picitic wbicb -as 1 bbc bond ai nnily belwcen pas-! umberland and Durhant. so Cracker Barrcl IMild lbcld aI Orono Park oni Sal- toi' and people warking togeth- mnuch ai bbc district heing ru-oz pg urday. er with God. rai as campancd wibh allier8o.pg Mrs. J. R. Bennett, Tor'onto. Aiber this set'vice a recep- bcaitl'idcpartmcnts wli ch ac h ~ A E * pent last Tuesday aibci'nooiit lion was heid in bbc SundayI mainly urban.ar.K A TFOE E* O O wibh Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Scbool ta cxtend a welcomne ta The findings obtancd havc AKE UT O DERSMr. Charles Leslie is specn-1 M . and M s. Normani and prv n il ta bc a vei xW oth-H: cF LD 'AKE OUT ORDERSing Ibis week an halidavs ln thrce simal-l daugîbbens, a fiend- while pnogî'am and it is 1db i C E S 1 N YPUSFL Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Il.v cup ai Ina wibh coukies \vas that many bilîdren have been Mr.andMrs Grdo Cala sevedbv li laiesofthe asvered with heaing de- fca ste 4511 ghan, Toronto. are spencin- a WA a lai suea nnuc!fctwha migbî bhave bec tKaî> - 15 oz. tins foDE orders nt Restatiran t few days wiih Mir. and Mi's. apprciated- Ibis wa.s a inos? athenwise ovenloako i a 5 d ni îinn st Ceri usel n fm av leasant gt gehrcoupled Drn unte t'iilildi-n dcon.Misses Pauline Labrecéqte,' witb beanby gaud wisbcs that nen wcrc discovened. a boal' fanBety. . et-ofg143î Duin Juno, stwng Yt3he69 Manie Cooney.Bety Luiioui' new minister and îamiîylv 4 ic irbsabn h iIa.n. DAILY Snowden and Mcs. Gaî'ry Pet-!inay idi ecoecag.pragrant. Ti3 naitfsorv 69crng eke- k. l6 es ihs...Ct it wene bostesses foi' abîil unity. loyalty and friend.i were new nases unknown pre- Saeg -OrnePk - k.of6 Vlntea ad ornt.shawer in honout' ar Miss Cai front the pai'ishioners fori tnany viously ta cithen bbc 'li,cba Mr A Blff- Cnad's ~Ionteal ad Tornto.Snoxvden lasb TLiesdlav exening years ta caine, bbc cvening con- nurse an bbc teacher o r aea ATbeRte f aI bbic hante ai Mrs. Gaî'îy clndnd xith a sihocî prayer by thsp faund this montli wereîcA B G aleBt aaasFi PotIu. tbe Rcv. E. K. Nor'man. severe lasses but anly mid Miss Judy Beech, Bîtrkeioît. Regular cburch service was and inodorate, but wbich cauli Rcdpatli (rauîulated Red and Blue Brand Beef spent iast wcek with lber' beld an Sunday. Julxr 31st l still handicap bbechcbidCon-'5l.li b grandmoihen, Mirs. l ) rl 0a.ni. and rnarked' the frsi sierabiy bath in bis subool' ï"Ab-4 hag U E Beech-As-îvic;_rînducîed y on4'c 11)Gnera- Sanition D L U E R A iS 1PAGF, nvyLvic 1 TM CANADIAN mm", BOWMANvnJL& ONTArffo

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