Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1960, p. 9

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TRURSDAY, AUG. 4th, 1960 THE CANADIAY STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTARTO 'p PAGE IqDhU ______________________-heavy Hudson Bay blankets corne to drop around any Urne cerhlhs feit good in the pressurîzed and see the craits we've been SocerHig l ht C n d ' A m dFocs cabin, e:pecially when we doin. ainad 's A m ed F rces learned the temperature l'out- rcdos a 5degrees below PEE WEE BALL TODY -zero! The moon was brillant JI 9Plasyoft Berths St1 o b as we dazed off about 1:00 The first garne of the week AND 15 YEARS AGOam,(urte) nd hn was played on Monday, July The fourth and last playoff kept their undefeae eodIHmpo 26241 we roused about 3:00 to see 18 at Vincent Massey Park berth will be determined this intact with a 6-0 htu ' in1544~ - - ~the steward placing breakfast between the Giants and the week when Courtice rlays Ty- over Tyrone, whle outc Bomnie -il443l >...M RI on our table the sun had re- Dodgers with the Giants being; rane and Bowmnanville meets absorbed their firstls yaTrn l4521 J. A.r MRReoIS ora placed the moan! on the high side of the en Maple Grove in the only re- 3-1 margmn to thirdpaeSlSan-- 2282 Zdtr rsotJunlBreakfast at 3:00 a.in., we to four score. The pitchers muiggmsofterglr n. MpeGaesapdMpeGae i ite. froni couldn't imagine, but when, wert Forcey for the Giants schedule. winless Enniskille - c we had tasted the orange adRnelfrteDdes Last week, Courtice ran maintain a two piteg tnig EUROPEAND ijuice, bacon and eggs, ral The big hitter for the game their undefeated streak ta 11,j over fifth rankingB ma-G WLTP THE UNITED KINGDOM ani coffee, oh, man! We real- was Stevie Burns who was downing Bowrnanville Hoap-Iville, wha edgedpat arpZon -09O .9 ized aur last meal had been batting twa for two. er's Jewellers 4-2. The Jew-j ton 1-0. TyranedwedE-Cutc-108 i7 at noan the day befere. Ï There was a second PeeelesbtedZo taa-1nklen73nagaewchSaa 1082O1 Whisked By Jet To Europe nia had left Dorval, Montreal, And now, ladies, hûw wouldu Wee game played on Tues- draw ta move one point in' had been postponer h r- al rv 055O1 Streaking through the skies 24 hours ahead of aur Carnet. you like ta serve 39 breakfasts:, daPark betw en tG as andfroorfou r pait. aptan; io S enirSadngkomni.e1 in beautifu] sunlight thus As aour Cornet was prepared fram a kitchen with space for Tyrokfle--------- 1ad0or 2 6 2ostin. 6mton1 enir-.a ands of feet above the clouds for the take-off at 8:00 p.m., barely one persan ta turn the 4raves. The Giants terrer- edged Sauina 1-0.GPWLTPH ptn-1I8 3 and *weather" in an IRCAF after we had been seen off by about? In a broiler about one- , ged with a sparkling fifteen in the junior loop, ZionI Courtice il -2 2-En-sil--------10- 91 Cone l Jt owrdEuop Cpt Igrrnofth Am quarter the size of a normal ta one decision in their favour.- we headed for aur rendezvous PRO staff, F/L Dwayne Mc- a ven the bacon was prepared, Tepthr eeBOnfor- EanBrm cmbfaiyed with the Canadian Arrny af r Bride, of Vancouver, annaun-1 the eggs were cooked over a teGat n ersfrteWWWES L E YIL I ar-no ttehieo r ter 15 years. ced in his quiet, reassuring hot plate about fine inches ONTARIO EDITOR VISITS NATO. FORCES Braves. Burns was again the E- - N V M- -adMs rodTonye At the teffiin tRAFplas- and we would be flying at coffee came fram a small bail- J. A. Morris, Editor of The Prescott (Ont.) three hits for four times at he nductomn w, erv in fo r cneMoihrshZonadtiMrRnldMrio ofC- Ottatawea ha au 24,0004,00 fet t GaneG.Atd:40rr. Ath hatequptenrt. Jounalis wlconedby FL K McBide Vacouvrurat.lev K orma wa hel inchurh le hs.sevedfivegar, VdaMrcoauverh Mrri 1ene em i tl and fist ie eotdw eeoe h mnsr 9bekat nWesleyville churc.h on Friday years in the mnxty ann o f itra .. iie gipeof the sleek Cornet herprelewr vrteI nnsrea9bkat n captain of the RCAF Jet Cornet as they prepared ta vrig uy2t ihaothr rn u glimpsesouthern tpof the asne anhaur and a haîf. P.eeigJl 2t wt b GthrendFroms BueaNs, nati ter osn Ms d that was ta whisk us ta Mar- Pnnultadip l e n W us hn the vey eave for Mvarville, France. Mr. Morris will write a V m one hundred present. Rev.P.GadFisinN fudld.T piaso nSnayMl. ville. France, in eight and aGPnen inaand ould be abe in W e wmsttan whe gve r fsoisofCnd' e ndwmnsriLONG SAULT F. Gardiner, assistant minis- Mr. Narman's own oewsde os fPr oe ingeary, e ceckd trouh ar is jtfigt us a pleasant, swift introduc- in Western Germany and France in our first line of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Light- condueted the service, Rev. some distance fror h e-adAsin hswe;M' n and watched the other pas- mIn tian a the jet ge: FIL K.defence. -National Defence Photo hall, Hawkesbury, spent the hthr fSyorcaglyi'eo htpoic.M' r.EwnHl fMre- sengers. ~~~cloud formations several thou- McBride, Captain FIL J. E.e htorofSy urcaglvieofhtr sad et eowu. l sne ldlt ficr FLL.Jweekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. gave the induction address, and and Mrs. E. K. No anhvvilvstdwthEBrow 30 o us;remne so a of peewa losatere Halpin, Navigatar; F/L H. J lhr e. Asbeul, Grafton perfarmn- t1iree litile daughtrDbi îun aaRbr -iî i 30eo we;re ame sofxfseed lot, the w FllelRaioOficr GM.r. and Mrs. Lawrence Ad- ed the induction ceremony. Daphne and Donn.PriHpihsieknn combined aops scheme-Navy, rase above the clouds. We Fill eul ad OffiCer: S.2R pms and flamily, Bowmanville; Arnong other ministers present A short meetingoteofMs.GHisofFbrows -iRdius lgh nier;Ms.Hry FaeOrona, were, Rev. C. R. Judd of ficial board was bl olw .Bs'.Ohx udyvst focs 1e noise, and anly the thx'us-t of RorgetFih nier;Ms vionirottion, th fourcesrfu DeHai, CpI. J. P. Goulet, Transporta- xvc'xe Monday evening guetofFakrd v.Wie fin tesrica laegigoero oai n G h or 50 enginesDeraid- 1 tion Tech.; Sgt. J.. A. Paten- Intended for last week the Ki>vacs farnily. Newtonville. Rev. Wright of ladies serwed Iigh ers-otan r ca fNw ý adGis 0egnsrmn-oeiMrs. Alan Vincntadfr-Catn e. e x Narmari ments in the basemetada ovle i ese fPre or completing special assign- edu htw wr cemn i aude and Sgt. J. G. G. More-an a-Catn .T e NainlDfne along at 460 miles an houx'i 1 ault, Stewards. PHYSICAL STANDARDS I fitiness. They scemed ta o b ilv. Stevenvîlle, spent a couple of Ajax, and 11ev. Reginald were givn an oppoxnt fGabBinOCno n ments arteNainOta.lhefenc c l dsrb B ury akrqut niuýd f days withilber brother and Norman of Daîston, the latter meeting their new mnite civvies were going over ta Less tirait an baux' and a:' driving through the rush houx' In addition ta its rnany1 On Friday aL' c.rnon we hiad farnily, Mr'. and Mrs. G. Baker. two are brothers of tire min- The lavely flower eea-a aodBrocog' n in ace. w'tl iî we weres t alGad e Airport an d eren traffic of Old London in a other activities tbe Recrea-; a Pet Show for aur suecial Vix. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, istex' being inducted. Layrnen ranged by Leonard uhrdcx.adMs .Jne f on FCa nae. da's NAwreTOoff Gae i, ontop an ewr-'Canadian car "an the wrang tion Dept. bas inaugurated 1eveiit. Maril3 n Bebe gotf f-st Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville, represenitatives Of Cobourg Sunday morning Sna saaa dgrs fre or theOtro skyvle rac.FLM ide ", Caas w a ded fory rgahe Yet an other special intercst prize mx'lier two pheasants were Sunday supper guests of Presbytery wcre; Mr. T. A. Sehool was held asuuiad Frmnh rvast h fearcerA.s frteOitai Weekl vil wole, rane.F/L Mcrid the anadian Inrany Biaegou.Tenw ciiy she bî'ouglit. The following the Smiths and Mx'. and Mrs. Bowman and Mr. J. Re.ynolds regulax church seic bgncnenil huc srve- Newspapers Asociation. old st e auldhbeone te i etnema known as Physical Standards., also got prizes: Gertrude Cale, J. C. Cook were Sunday even- of Port Hope, Clarence Nich- on Sunday eveningfloigacmite erhdfrnm We sat opposite M. and Mr 41 or-n ntedtw (Continued Nxt Week> This physical achieverent ac- Sharon Stux'xock, Mike Myers ing guests. als, Welcome, circuit. severa] Stindays whntee n dressc omrrs YorknearToroto* bo :10e s otted thedoneey dot ei cbyiî deined give asand Doug Hayes. *Mr. and Mx's. Earl Duvail, Rev. E. K. Norman expx'essed minister was anhoda.Tedntcx thi' esnat. Yo.kM. arriorotwom Narb tivite n enmnuesway ci densigndpossible anLeskard; iVrs. Audrey Half- appreciatian for the welcome choix'll ot be b tedne utls ee etea thrilled ta be beading faore vrtesaan1ed JI opportunity ta try and reach LIONS CENTRE yr and daugbter, Barrie, extended him by the Welcome utlSpebrbtMs a-diigb ntehgha e Metz. Mx'. Harris was ta take, ed for Wales. the physical standards which By Linda Brooking wex'eStinday guests cf Mr. and circuit wbich includes Wel- Iol Nichais sang "o aeycddf aedwn t h oveî~~~~ the ~~have been set ap. Verna Foran Mrs. Orme Miler. are Thy diwelhngs"Re.EK.akhretsetehoeo ovrtepxincipalshîp of an' Cloud caver was alinist' Mr.ai-id Mrs. Jack Ncal, Eacb week an examiner Another very successful Miss Elizabeth Dryden, Gue-Mr.Jhwigtteddte Norman used illustrxosro i oha.H a m cao Ffsche w asanhe du- boso daIth as ta eINeisha and Kenny spent the wiîî be gaing ax'ound ta the week af playgro-und bas pass- îph; Mrs. Jamies MacLeod Ow- the sea fox' bis fine sro n rc fLno.Ot.oe cinoie F r Estit thc ly boys> saw onîy bits of patchwork weekend with M-s. K. Neal variaus parks ta test ail those ed and we now comment again en Sound, arrived at the Miller fanerai on Monday at Sanc- bis people will be loigfr hs h ol o efud InItheFax' andMs i.nB.our-a countryside af Ireland and Iat a cottage at Sturgeoii Lakc. wbo are interested in physi- an the highlights of this week. harne Sunday night fx'om a tuary Park. ward to more ofh ae n b a ahsîpie Il.Mx' an Ms. . B For-southern England. We glimp- Mr. ai-d Mrs. Allant Ixwin cal standards. At the end of Affer showing sa well aur visit ta the States and accorn- Mrs. GordanBnlePr The Sunday Siho inc ako ?teclbain 'beitex'o? V anuerinweree011 sed the Channel a couple o? n Mcael have returned the summer, each candidate fix'st competif ion day oftin panied Mr. and Mrs. Miller ta Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. planined ta, take plcrtBr nte' a x.Bad o' days beading for a similar posýt' Fxesnd astln we strted hefx'om a pleasant trip ta Ayl- who completes ail the tests, can cricket aur sports enthus-, Mr. and Mrs. Manseli wnigbîts Gibson and ?amily. Taranto, xowlough's beach n Str x'rsy rndo foea at Metz. Ot rhe lo gleinta M arile. mer, Port Colborne and Sarnia. and reaches or betters the iasts stx'ely didn't disappoint cottage on Lake Scugog where were recent visitars and Mx'. day affernoon had t esifdtecue rseso 0 As we waitecd. u-wonder- We ax'xived \vith tepnta- M.adMs tnTctl.sadîd nalteeetu hswe.Tt optto the spent te holiday and Mx's. Chas. Banfing. saandardstiny ta the ehurcb usbecause yeTars aga, who decided tohe hoiday edi ewre'wn.The t f nEgih xrs'Toron to, visited Mr'. and Mrs. will î-ecejve the correct award of tctherba]I tt'mned oufta be Mx'. and Mrs Joe. Reynolds ilfon, and Mrs. J. MeGinn of the sudden storr.Prap aet h aehr nsac edim enxca e twns.Treiya andEnchat- expres Clarence Tliertell wrho are nîw for the standards they reacb- sa successful fox' this park, and famirly, Mr'. and Mm. and Margaret, Toronto, were it was unifortanatefxifse-oreavs. ecadatVe ted about wbere we coald Af ter' clearinîg the French taking a trip throughl the Sta- ed. * ur ebjîdr en won almost Fr'ank Reynolds, Lindisay; Mr. Saturday visitors cf Mr. and ed impassible ta lRaltehoec r.Rebc n e haL,'ie. mngtemwa Imirtinoficweweete.every game aif etherbaîl. and Mrs. Wm. Jewel an-d bys Mrs. Rye Gibson. glass lef t in the san yiayssexMs .Bad Major J. W. P. Bryan xeturn- it aken ta the RCAF No. 1 Mx'. and rvh-s. Russel Rusk TENNIS Those competing and winning Mr. Jewel, Tyrone; Mx'. and Miss Sanda-a Gibson and Mr'. who use this privaebacad ing ta ýLonidon after two weeks r Fighter Wing Officers' Mess! spent the holiday weekend, By Berta liggon again [or Lions' Centr-e wCx' Mrs. Donald Davey, Linda and Norman Davis were Sunday leave if littered wt rknptvi xeddt h at NDHQ. With Mx's. Bryan fr x lunch. 'We were met af, vith' Mr. and -Mrs. George Mer- Terry Black Lînda Steel and Lynn H-ellyer, Norma were Sundbay visitars visitars c? Mx'. and Mrs. Wm'. bottles.C.Lngn fatow s Wimbedon. We campax'ed Alan Smith, a? AllianceAf. e.BueadVlne, Mrs. we>re tonBret tad nlay on for gor'y Bx'ooking and Ricky ander, Bowmanvile, and Mx'. mer cottage.,ngtn xyne ihblon, ad î oadPyei ic notes but coldn't decide a U of A student chosen ta do ý Hax'ry Merceir and Dornie Lux- girls' tennis on) Tuesday s0o eel au hrona and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden and On Tuesday, July 26fth., Long and ice creaim and( oniu ?te aeM.Lndn wbee oaur paths had crossed b is summer training averseas.î ton were down Tuesday even- they carricd on wifh the 9,r and Andrew Steel, Junior ?amily were Momiay eveniing Saulf Club 50 beld a mast en- suppex' ta make up ol h i--____ ____ Fixst in, Wrl a rIwe e s e d aboutadtaked ush our Ms. MteLxnsM' ndcuts' w-c, ntreuie h boys champions. . carlers a? Mr'. Robert Simn joyable bus trip ta Midland, appointinent o? theanadi drting aod Wa r.e .war Heasoutain ed t sh ous iflg May xnM. a-dcts se. idnfrqur Lions Centre placed irst in Mr. Win. Harper is busy get- Orillia and othex points. Twen- in the lake for thed]eso -'The Water Rats". But we'l1 o? tbe Wing and the country-i Mrs. -Ray Hîughes and Gloria We had a better turnout o? this event congratulati ons ting his new home built. ty-tbx'ee members and friends boys and girls, atantue.N QALT remcmiber the next fume we i side, but, alas, we were sche- and Mrs. Irene Mercer hu boys last Tharsday thante kids? On Friday we had aur Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner let Tyrn bu :0an Mrs. A. Austinan MrieMOUET AN mee, fr MjorBryn ws aduled ta take off at 1:00 p.rn., dayed last week at Lake previaus Thux'sday. Most of eileeta akad visifed Mn. and Mrs. G. Kov- and returned in the eax'ly even- Mx's. E. BarrowecghMr.R A ES thnernp taenlecand on!fobenacteind. a ?eew wee'iKs. eaiMnd and mily cameaktet s. mlee te day and scavenger hunt. aes Sunday evening. Mrs. Gab- ing. Best and Berniecer: fne thcena l seciripiy 0f1 for i Ega hin a Howrwe'i. laushoanMn.amiycsmOral te os cmltd hi Again we complote another Whatan ~exoniixce ths Cingbackta he ligt, i- Sîndy. extTuesay nd hurdayweek a? summer playgroands. riel Kovacs is home havingbad While in Midqand they vis- the qhower for MatlYru What an"experiice" tisý, Gong bac to thefli*htber-fonsils Nxremovedy anuesday iteier the Sbx'ineovdandesalsotetank Ssone aeddlsattthesonomeldottheshB trip rea ll*v was. Breakfast at fer zaoming tbrough the i'. and Mx's. Eddie Couroux, bath gixls and the boys will in Memorial Hospital, BOW- a tour thraughi "Indian, Vill- Baiil-h crn Monda vnn VTIFR 17,000 [cel at 3:00 a.mn. (aur' clouds above Newfoundland,; Ray andMaine ai-e visiting bis be cammencing witb tourna- MEMORIAL PARK manville. age" arnd also visifed other Othex' guests wer tePotB(S -time). wilh the sun shining w ,e settled down for a cafnap p:n-rents at Cache By ments in singles and doubles. By Ruth Goheen Mr'. and Mx's. Lyle Galdart spots of intercsfi. EveryOc Britain ladies and ox n!h kï'brighitl----wn hiours at Max'- rin the reclining seats. The r M. àanr; Mîs. Gardon Lang- The teams are in Senior and John Perry. ai-d family Mrs. Jean Sawden, ivent on a "shiopoinlg spreo" in bours o? the bridetabe >4ville. France, where we drap- H --Istaff anrd Danny and Mx's. Carl Junior categanios. Oit Monday morning Mem-Ohwsei h ogwe-dwtw rli n hn nheFr eundhmldto~ ped ato te x'uway xactl I iLangstaf. Lindla an.d Dcibbio nlPr bl hi w e end with Mr'. and Mrs. James oughîy enjoyed tbembselves. ?rom Belleville bsia at sehedutle atS 11:10 a.in., UITUAflY 1 i )ýc>e to Cache Bay this VINCENT MASSEY therbaîl toarnament. The re- Sawdeni. On the homeward trip, the Saturday aiternoo n Ft %c iietne. A two-hour ?1ight sut rrs ol :S eekenid and bronLghf Miss By Joan Ormiston sisae sfoow:Snior Mrs. Max-vin Brooks and f1 tfl tBeaetnadmaigago irta Dkoa o WoldWax MiS. WALLACE J. 'MILLER ILaouise Demontegney ho0 mne bysgirlsar y Wilon . Bowmanville, Mrs. Aln bus stooofa Bevuertonadmaing tae goo 'v cr - ~ eir r vinageto he CAFbas-atwith thein. hadifsceent asy lygondadMacdFrgsn;Snon Br'own, Hampton, were Sun- a restaurant. CSnxmunity sing- last Monday. anad onday, ndspecial eeto r-Boys, Singîo-Jamie Mco-day uprget fM. an îrng by al aboar epdmk M.anMs E Langai-. near Nottingham, Affer aniîîness o eidY , Mr. adMrs. Boh Youngman day, Juîy 22nd. Thirty-two aid; Junior boys, double Ga- yspe et f~I-adr ne ae M' rdMs eîLnmn M nm na ok England, wsfollowed by athe death occurred in Oshawa wenlt ta visif their daaghfer chiidren attended tbe picnic yWlo ndJh al rs.CatnBon h rpai tejybeado oot iie three-hour train ariae Mr. CtaytonBrown.Hthstipaalmof ennieabe and aiex-entandsiJednwTtyMlo.;an ride ta St.GenealiHisital o Anni Fratîces a Orillia Suniday and a the Cream a? Barley. The Jun. boys Single John Tayolr; Mr'. and Mx's. G. Baker, Jean, successful one. The trip was a Mrs. Pex'cy Snell ls udyI fna t . Wlb Panco. reas Statingedi. nr Helen Rabson, aged 68 years, theln went on ta Gnavenhux'sf. cbildren leit the playground Senior girls, double - Pattie Anne and Carry and Mr5. Mc- complete success and if is fa on tbeix- way hiomeTo- OahS3 Lonon Pe-rnage A yon Sunday, Juîy 24, 1960. 9 m By t1:0am n t <i Laggan, Janet, Heathex' Brce be hoe that i won'f be the holiday tr'ip to N d dPoeWîb transport wvas not in sigbt. sa; The deceased was the dau- Toronto, wex'e with Roy Mer- 3:3t) p.mi. The boys and girls ion girls, single -- oanne n itrwr eetvstr atoehl yCu 0 about 40 memiberoSib Major Brvan commandeered'gbter o? the late Mx'. and Mrs. cen for the weekend. partîcipated in races, a pea- Brummell. The tetherbali of Mx'. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk-______________________ __ a Royal Navy vehiele which r John Robson and was born Mx'. and Mrs. Paul Moi-cen, fut sorambie and thon a tounnament was field at the and ?amily, Newtonville. Hea- whl,ed us through the wind-': in Vernonville, Haldimand Guelph, spent a few daiys with swim. Througbout the week Lions Centtre an Monday af- ther MeLaggan was the lucky ing, busy streets cf Old Lon- Townsbip. On March 25, 1926,1 ir aensMr. and Mrs. Fred the chiidren bave enjayed the ternoan. The Junior boys clou- wInner o? a lavely box a? gro- don ta Marden, in the south- she marnied Wallace J. Miller1 berrpent hsclsadrstssi-ýbeadSno osdul eisfo.teda eda P C A wvest, where we rejoined taur wha pnedeceased lier. :Warrte. physeie awk scstandy uards test i- ceandmein ior hbJoydulr xo h 'r ed t-S E I L T I E K A & family whose BOAC Britan- r The late Mrs. Miller attend-'I h ly? eisawe tutdb Mna akrIcm i is.TeJno and McQuiitn's Red and White- r e Vrnoviie ubic eholago Kendi'al. Bantains elimina- and arts and craits instructed I Seniox- girls came in second. 1 store, Bowmanville. Conigrat- ed e onnle PHih School. ted Newcastle and last week by Veriia Faran. Also the 1 The Lions Contre îiow halds ulafianîs Heatihex'. Wltile shopp-À andFlor t epas Hfur eas he. won,.t-wýo gaines againsf Oruteo., boys and girls bave piayed first place and is follovved i ng in Town on Fridray, Mx's. had xesided at 34 LaSa'lle liri the fiîst ganuw. i c ati active garines. graup games close by Memonial Park. IMcLaggan had a very pleasant ! Court, Oshawa, and px'iox fOr Orono, îlie Kciidal Lean, won and quiet gamnes. Taesday flhe children prepared and unexpected surprise. She tat af R. R. 4, Bowmanville. bv an 8-5i Score andci n tlih e-*( for thein special event a 1la- met bier sister, Mi. and Mxs. e~~cund gaiiianaLaaa by ma.._ing-grass Edgar Evans, Val' D'Or, Que- £OH£ J089ARE V918LE for 30 years. 1an, lyd oet 1 FLETT AND JANE ainLubymkO R 90ME OUT OF CIGNT, a? King Street United Charch.ý they came uip against Coiiiticeo Tuesday affernoon Venna Wednesday niglît the Hawaîîan1 visit ber motiber in Arundel, RUT YDUcAWA&KtDEEND Oshawa, and fox' a namben ai: for flue hest 2 eut aof3 gamoes.' r Fan visited aur park again Laua was held at the Cannons. Quobec.- WEIL00 MN EXCTLY yeax's a? Tynane United' Bestof ai uck lads. Ita teach the childx'en Special iCx'eek. If eonsisfed o? swîxn. Mx'I. and Mx's. W. Vaneyk IChancit. She was active in flhc Tiurs îay evoning aitotlier! Art, anîd Crafts. They made ming gaines and a wiener wex'e suppen guests o? M\1r. and Woens isioar Scel. 0ü cos' , n Fidy Ms.JaeVan Dam, Nestie- Pmdue A Sunviviîîg are twe daugli- On tle Pali.Klere betwecn New-1 vox'y cute. Wedîîosday affox'- On Thursda n nday tcn. last week. Miss Rase Lainîg a? cis Henniug with ber kitten; îng masaies. Thiese were aiso liams passed away. Mr'. Rye TLononto is ber guest t bis week. longest tail, KathyLidapu pfrislyMssSnaGsbs pe- gh Q ait Rev R.C. ndMr. WhieM wt B rend hennn most spots, Theparentsarevery wel- Mn. Norman Davis and Mn. and ..John Patton andMr and MsBed enn with ber fax'- Roy Patton calleti in for' a visit tle: fatfest, Joy Crombie with A Child's Good Morning after chuneb Sunday evein b er Beagle baund; smallest, WEM U~ Bill Dalington an ng. Gail Sellers witb bier gold- I waked and said "Good morning God, - Gardait Smitb Goriad Mns. fisb; shontest legs, Brenda And how are You today? 4SHUt> cd on ?icnds (enin)e u Hnîing with ber turf le; car- IseYo'ehgthsuouid in hevilag lest tail, Donnie Bickle and Mr.tu d. Joy Crombie tied with their Antukdhem naay Mn. andMxs Cath- dogs; lighfest colour, was also An i C :temonawy We stock thousands of drugs in- atadM~. alSuh~5tied by Dianîe Kilpatrick and Imsr er o nwrm I~ ited the MeBrides in aoburg, ail Sellers; dankest cabanr, Imsr er o n rm cluding the newest scientifie ad- Sunday. Mx's. Eax'l Smi ' sr Donnie Bickle witb bis dog. For through My window came vneinanti-biotics. No matter rhtyîginCbugwile M's. To create funther competitian A breeze that whispered sof t and low; R V M JIJ SM".SN. m.@o vance in jBurwash bas a visit in taa oux- pnize winners participat- I think it called my name. ivbat your doctor's prescription Miss Lynn 1--eki-is-0l- ed iii a bahl garne umpired by ýdaying at ibe Girl Guide camip Jin Coyle. This concluded a clsfor, our registered pharmna- tPgou 1e 1vr noybeeein.Hw saw a rosebud wet with dew, S O To H R cists can fi it without a second's jMn. Fred H-enmpstead, the1 ever the cats didn't enjoy the Like teardrops on ifs face, CHRSSiwf leader'e? Co-bourg band. will dogs, well, quite as rnuch as And then I fhought cf words and deedsDID IMit( delay! take the service in Kendal did the spectatans. I lJiH Wudeas.CR S IB5 REFILL YOUR MEDICINE CABINET HERE Uie hrh udya WITH OUR QUALITY DRUG NEEDS!i- FRANKLIN PARK Jsi aHm ImsryGd By Mary Lou Marr 1 adt irImsryGd F or OId Appliances On Tua Higgon Fox' hasty words and deeds LEAN HU ERUS OnTesa mrin 0ra f yesterday: If You'Il forgive, ~U N Foran carne ta aur park ta ToâMMl'l sPI Il UPUs. 0- e Cs oay tahspecial arts and crats. Tody l'l sw god seds. JURY &ay 1 Te eblîdren mode littie men 1 An the 1herda obn jn through 1 with body in the shape of an, Adto erdarbnsn LO E LSTATESMN nice t. r ob lcd envelope. Inside the envelape 1 Up in the tallest tree, lb s eAilPie uTi dOartdTrg L A S IF Enotcesetc, ae t beplaed Hi.9h notes of God's forgiving love CLASS1F1EDS Murr'ay Walker came up in StraAge t,10 Phone MArket 3-.3361 Xone MArket 3-3303 the afternoon and tested He sang right down to me. somne oflihe boys on physical -"ýGleaned" A.B.A.

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