Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1960, p. 3

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MHRSAT, JULY 28th, 1960 feawith very full skirts, N AE g g m nadfaiywr naydnTeswahedtte softly shirred midriffs and I 4ria If aaisi n o n endr guy esafr. n r.Ms onBok nMn portrait collars. Their shoes M rid i t a l n o n e E g g m n ear reland orood iwere the same shade of aqua EMlis Lynda MtNoilpn-eeig Ms rosadMs and their picture hats were of Mn tiswee nd hldys-t KnKhnehlpMt; il 1~/ e dingsmatching organza and tulle.Bay. t a t ybeSiart. hegils peari neekiaces and earrings, Bay. Ceua and carried nosegays of yel- Mr.effrvdrese wee omlte %> low and white pom 'mumsvstd Ms hri ude hi eodbosbogtu A ~ . Gordon Causton, To- North Oshawa, onc na v odt 0b addi o ronto, was best man and the ening. Mr. Rundiei. ain civnetDy ushers were Messrs. John tOhaHopt.Abu70tene tea- Roberts, Toronto, Ken Fos -Mr. and Mrs. Rbr ctna onr ope'Cu sey, Highland Creek and the Linda and CharlesadMu-pci hc vshl tWl bride's brother, Ron McDon- ~lWa~~vstdfinsadtn ak audyeeig a hid e tin w s hed i relatives in M o tn, NB The reception was held ~~~~~~ Cape TormentinEadPrneacstkpae;ahs d 1ELLOTT eDONLD ver affea. he vry buf-the Lions Community Centre. dadIln ELLITT McDNAL ovr tafet. Te vey buf-The bride's mother received fantbakkrtswaf hwhhteghtedin a mauve silk shantung M n adablonrc;trelg - ybakt o hteadwith lace appliques studded sheath with white accessor- i\ an Mr s akIldegdrc and po dsn.n yet0w mums were used for with sequins and pearis andie the setting in St. Pauls Unit- the bodice wvas fashioned with ie. To assist, the groom's ý.adsnTrn ed Church, Bowmanville. on a sabrina neckline. A lace car), mother chose willow green Snowden, MildredadBb rde ad Mr n ib Saturday, May 21, 1960, ai accented by delicate organza silk shantung with green ac-Te ateti fhH B 2:30 o'clock when Rev. G. E. petals studded with sqis cessories. Bath wore corsages Then o e - oos tecewee n hage Leno united in marriage Mar- and pearls, held her sequins of pink miniature roses and*.. garet Elizabeth (Betty) Mc i 'i ftleilso h arnations with fern. Donald, daughter of Mr. and wore a single strand of pearls,! As the couple left for a hon- Mrs. Donald K. McDonald, the groom's gift, and carried ieymoon in Northern Ontario,4S u M MR A LA and Mr. Jon Ross Elliott. Mr.* a cascade of red roses and 'the bride wore a travelli:ng Elliott is the son of Mr. and'white 'mums with maiden ensemble of an off-white ~ iu lT 8-14 Mrs. John F. Elliott of New hair fern. I stroller suit with mint green . r n r.Dre arc cur me StK,0 Westminster, B.C. Miss Myrtle Brown, thelaccessories and corsage of teaMran s.D reMuicMGieA hst Miss Leta Bragg played the maid of hionor. and brides-j roses. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott re- :NvSotoanoneheng em tofhirdu -v wedding music and accom- ma.:ds Miss Rose Marie Quac- side at 43 Chandler Dr., Scar- NotrvargcoiSaffonet hardCgageme ooe, son f panied soloist Miss Ruth Go- kenbush, Toronto, the groom'si borough, Ont.terr. adrs. DnonaldrdClrk Poole, sonhawaSOnt., the heen. sse isJn Eloto n The bride was a cheerleader m r 3 9 The bride, given in marriage tish Columbia, and the bide'siat B.H.S. and obtained her riage to take place Saturday, July 3th, at Trinityl A C by her father, wore a prin- sister, Miss Mariene McDon- Gold Cord in Guiding. After Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ross Elliott are shown fol- Saint Stephen United Church, Amherst, Nova Scotia.K T cess styled white silk orgaîn-ald, wee in sireet-length, graduation from B.H.S. andS nS - -- - - $24 za and Chantilly lace gowni aqua silk organza over -taf- Oshawa Business College, she lowing their marriage in St. Paul's United Church, S __________ _ taught for a time at the busi- Bowmanvilie, on Saturday, May 21, 1960, at 2:30 l M (BOS u~ u A Eness college ai-d at present1 o'clock. The bride, former Margaret Elizabeth (Betty) H APO BOY' TS is a correspondent \vith Col-,MDaa umbia Records o Ca ada onald, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald 1%&. and Mirs. Ed Fitzgerald aa were dinner guestso r. L I YO UR IH LID A Y Toronto. ofCnaa K. McDonald. The groom is the son of Mr. and and farnily, Mir. and Mrs. Dave and Mrs. K. Caverly on Satun- The groom, a graduate of1 Mrs. John F. Elliott of New Westminster, B.C. Kigno1n aiy i fdyeeig Scarbonough Collegiate. is an Hampton; Mr. an'd Mrs. Gene Mrs. Mary Phillips, Toronto, R EM IN D ER enth.usiastic bowler and is a Clark and famiiy, Mr. and spent a few d'ays last week ýJ h service-salesman with Minne- ,t,' 'o d Mrs. Ed Ooms and family ail with her sister Mrs. D. Hig- sota Mining and Manufactur-, no dw% C an H o d of Oshawa, motored to Mal- gins, Mr. Higgîns and Jim. 1 igS.E omnil ing Co., Tononto. ton early Sundey morning Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wilbur 15Kn St Many parties were held in, where they were met by Mr. and family ___________________________ honor of the bride pnior too6 5th A nnua. roecnic and Mms. Everett Allun and Mir. and Mrs. Elmei- Wilbur bos o k u er marriage. Hostesses forl famiiy, Gravenhurst, when spent Sunday at their cottage t st c upmiscellanous showers weie On July 23rd 69 members of 1(rt Sodn for the 1961 Mrs. Dorothy Allin and Miss at Williams Point, Lake Scu- a J&T Mr.Sel ad oot h nwe aiygthere picnic obehl at their farmn Sylvia Alilln left by 'plane for gog. FAI on .a0Ms KnfleHihadia Sln oinnt alfo'oe a accepted. Vancouver for a few holidays. Mrs. Elmner Williamson and Creek, Mrs. Pauline Martin their annual picnic. 0f great interest to bath 1Vlis. S. G. Niddery spent Miss Mary Keith, Toronto, Smith was anhaiuib- qeand Mrs. Baker, Oshawa, MissI Aften delectable contents of younig and aider folk was the last week in Toronto. were guests of Mir. and Mrs. rower ..so hsn1 gbu Aucrev Fletcher, Town and picnic baskets were satisfac- story of the origin and con- isGay Ew s o-Perey Dewell for- a few days Miss Myrtle Brown, Town, torily disposed of, genial en-; tinuation of the Snowden pic- MisGdsEdwrsT- swek Jones had a mvl-eere wbo was assisted by Mrs. Ibusiastie president Bert Sno-i nics as told by uncle Charley onto, was a weekend gu.est of M.a nd Mme . LnrTi-"eIan"rpyrayw Jean Harness. 'wden conducted necessany Sngwden with pnomptings b Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Miss Judy onto; Miss R'uby Dewell, Osh- A kitchen Sower wasbeldpbusiessbforete 1961sgahen- MrIf Aby n s ass P ase Wib-ins o, h 91 ahr- vr. J.W. Hynds. The first Sksacnpne yhrawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Per- leakdhmI i a sn byMr.RosPaqalWi-in1gathering was held 65 yeans friend, Miss Piat Brown, Tor- ey Dewell on Sunday. bis lawn mower oneatron lowdule, the groom's aunt, L A invitation extended by ago et the fax-m home of Mn. onto, spent Sunday with lier Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- when friends and relatives of Mn. and Mrs: Wesley Down and Mrs. John Sanders (Mary gra.ndmnothex-, Mrs. Sykes. joy were Sunday visitons at "Splendid,"sadSih the groom attended.i Snowden) at -Hall's Marsh. Mr. aindclMrs. W. Nash, Os'h- Monty's Inn, Lindsay, and r IE AreThe staff of Columbia Re- over lace featuring a sequined Tnansportation in those awa, visited her parents Mr. were acconipanied by Mrs. "Then you won't 1 sngyu B LVERAGEScords f Canada pnesented the curnmerbund and flowing back good aid days was a hay wa- and Mirs. W. Axford on Sun- NeLson Marla ad Mrs. E. flshlng rod. I've brknme. biewith a carafe and cuppae of organza. matching gon with the wide rack (no day. Gampbell of Nestieton. and saucer. The groom was pcuebtad lvs ht rubber tires). Guests men- M.H.E Tnk Sona Mx.nd rsPecDeel L ~1 ~ j presened wit an auomatiebag and shoes. Rer corsa go]ae d rM.D.HCots spent a day or two with ber Caro4yn and David visited at Somnetimes you js a' caffee percolator by the staff was of deep pink rases. To as-,i B.A., and Mns. Coates, Brant- sister Mx-s. Joe Ch.apman. Mir. Arthur Taylor's, Cherry- win! But yau're sr ob ~ & of Minnesota Mining and Man- sisthe groom'smather cosel fard, and Rev. W. C. and Mrs. Mr. Herbie Bradley lies been wood, on Sunday evening. wier hnyo snd ou CREAM& LE ON uactuing ompay. AGlad a seathÔf Dor bue lce iFran of .C.,wbo spent bol- visiting friends at Port Perry. Mr-. adMrs. K.Pooleran ierwnyo H R L-1 stane bag and suminaf money over taffeta with matching idays with the Cales and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman fanily, saw an M.ad garments for dry cemgt werepreente tathe 1roo jacket, pink accessanies and Thoinas Snowdens at Mapie visited their son Merwin and Mms. Len Player and o T-u. Every precautinilae ____ ~~~~~~~a a stag heid by bis fniends. corsage af light pink roses. [Grave, and greatly enjoyed wife and family, Oshawa, on My, d mavilvsTothi- wt h gxmnseursesE.LsI As the couple left on a ma- teSodnpcis Tuesday evening of last week. Parents Mx-. and Mrs. S. Ker- to aur care. Tryuion ROWE ALLRED an tur ofthe nite Staes, n reminiscing Mn. Snow- Mirs K. Caverly aocOm.Panied sey on Sunday. Yul etxildwt h ROWE -ALLDRD fotheurid e Us ningSas den rccalled that at a latex- by ÎÎis. Aibert Cole, Bownien- Mx-. and Mirs. Fred Payne resuîl ts.ll Pin ad hie laioi bth rdesws 0f orhid Ž a pienie at the Marsb, lie bicy- ville, visited ter osnsM- adfmiy petSnda ts ~U. O Cl E itPinandewcate l Uitdo i adealol on timmed cled ta Oshawa and rowed aand s hAletintousns rand he Greenaway cottage at wihferns formed a iovelY broidered organza, clache hbat dw h aefrteadMs letSano n h reaa o tPg setting iusewasai Uthe ofpietini ckers.imedMx-. Howard Pye, Tox-onto, on eon Lake. The Gex-alciBaisons Church on Satunday, July 23, with arganza, white accessar- bseofdw the lanikefox- The da.LIO S CL B C RN1A sl ,o o L 190,whe Rv. . . Fshe is ad orsgeof hie cr- Subsequent picnics have Thnda.were at theii- cottage at Lake 196, wen ev M.C. iser es ndcorageofwhie cr-been hield at Burk's Beach, Mr. and Mlrs. Melbourne Scugog. united in max-nage Lais Ellen nations. On their return Mn. Aldswonth's Woods, the Tho- Prime and famlly left on Sat- Mx-s. D. Hall who lias been SAIJ AY J LY 3 h with the purchase of a 19601 Alidx-ed. daughten of Mn. and and Mrs. Rowe wiil reside inmsSodn oe ap urday mox-ning on a trip Vo a patient in the Oshawa Hos- Mrs.Robn A4drd, . R 3 e;vaste, nttan Park, Waltona Pax-k and Nova Scoti.a where theyr will pit>al is now at home, and is, Newcastle-, and 'Mn. Douglas visit relatives. we trust, convaiescing ak n ER son of Mn. and Mns. Stanley held at the Lakeshare Sehool 0f aven 20 great great Miss Debbie Fernandez and ably. bIÀ&Ky STUDEBAKER Ailin ewRowe. Mn. Roeosrhe Atieaney oule sb r o\ve and o ldepresent six beaxrote one orotset Mr. Donald Whitbread af ~.KN ~W You will receive for the Organist Mr. Nor-man Wil- their max-nage and iVrs. LS the Snoxvden namne. Sixty-five last weel4 with Miss Mary Oshawa wili again take change laspaeth ednmu ldeofOrono, aunt of the. years bence il is haped they Niddery. of the S'unday morning churcli Lsi&cI anewtcomni slo ie, happy ople rior S-wili not have foxgtten from Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson, service at 11:30. Ris services ~~i'~~ $1.00 Extra Mn. James Gilmen of Port cellaneous showen when te whence they came. Toronto, visited lier ejunt Mrs. have been appreciated while Hope, a cousin of the groom. bride was the hononed guest. I Judging by the enthusiasin Maiiel Oliallener at the week- Ourx pastor is on hohidays, and IÂ IF OIL FILTER The bride, given in man- Newtanville Basebaîl Club lof those present at the 1960 end. we trust iliere may be a goad an wm and 'nage by lier father, was ra- pnesented Mr. Rowe with two picnic, it was a few liaurs well Mr'. and Mrs. Douglas Cav- congregation next Sunday. Ris end tble lmps. pent.enly and family, Bowmanville, theme will lie "Christian Ma. Wd CHROME WHEEL DISCS diant in ber floon-length gown edtbelms pn.adM.adMs ro a-trt" hswl i h at4 IGS.E of pure silk organza. The ha-anMran s.BueC . uiyThswlb teat dicewas nhaned b a rund-erly and two children, Osh- churoh service till Septenlber. c- ed neckiine delicately edged twitîh -na plius n complemented by tiny sbirred ALG RV orgvesanzaaypiqesgand FE FREE! M PEG O ESumm rS l Alets. A circuiax- crown of i-Mm.- E. Ashton, M.rs. Gor- her cousin, Mr. Bill Rich Vo ____ ~~ponted orange blossoms hedWt vr ucae fdnBel opned :ýby Miss Frances Lane at St. Gre C n in e her ingr-tp vil f slk l- 1.0 ormor ofMrs. Stewart Rodman Port gory's ChLîrch, Oshawa, on fusion and sht carnied a bau- 1PryadM.adMs r audy _________ * quet of red roses. i CASOLINE - OI - AC SORE Traveil, Oshawaatne h - Miss Marlene Bedwin, New-60th wedding aniniverary of Mr.adMs. Gor-don Maxtin f ~ I ~ castle, as maid of honar, and! you wiIl receive Bonus Coupons entitling y~ou to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Virtue, Al- and Lyndia enjoyed a miot,)r Ramue bridesmaid Mns. Bayd Wood,I liston, foiimerly of Enniskillen. trip ta Fort Erie, Nlagax-a Falls HAt Ooo te r c u sMSSDOx-Oihy Foiey spent and Buffalo last Thursday. IR A -TS m e nere ential gox-i ewdy t iganza with soft-Ashto, Tronto, A 10 genoraz ihsot RU Am r SBeech. spent thse pasi week wxth ber uCi ClaraceTale leevs.hre oin fl bfantM. omnBurgess, Tor- (aughter, Mis. Clifford Swad- PRICD ~skirs ven taerffeta eoufea-t Catalogue Available at Service Station onto, visited Mx-. and Mrs. w. iv n- skirs o er affta ere em-Lloyd Snowden lasi week. Miss Joye Fawceti, Ton- S I E A S L O W A S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ j p h a s iz e d b y w id e c u m m e - M . a d M . L o d S o d n o t , s e t F i a v n n L U E bun s. nd the w ne hit .M r' iand ty i. B r es w r wt l- n . D w o the brid-to-be ws -aMen and tuxJi-ary ! AlSls ia gbbaurs andi relatives present. ---- -- She was esconteci to the chair _______of lionor which was decorated radi A rehKle in pink andi white with pink OE ED Pink and white streamers, M- U2'/2tolb whiitei ells and balloons ex-; tend d above ber ta the chair. F I*R TiHn iieae b 0 Mrs. Alice Drew liroke the cm u.~n 5 0( - Fballoons and showered ber ____________________ ON A Lwith confetti. Miss MargieBR S > pinned a pink rose corsage onBj Apharnîacy is the ouly retail the bride. store in which a professional, college- The gifts were placed ln a QUALITY 1EATS FRES] HCE Men'sI trained nian is always on hand to gank and beeougt yses - 4 foSV MA 3-5081 Short Sleeve Washable serve your prescription needs. Our oarbara Wilsoniand MMrgse Eabaa ilo adndri SrPODRT pharmiacist is proud of his profess- Fogg, who also made hats for Lean, Store Sliced BREAKFAST l.4 w~~uoeuoeoeoevu - ~~~~ion. One vi b1'I our store will con-rlos the bride wiîh the bows and BACOi ---L. R A T vince you! The bride was also given a ____À_____0_____---_____5__ EUMP A NTS You'11 save when you buy your tocie andone eo! adayc, Lean, Fresh ivercnanuuse AlClrAlSzshealth and beauty needs from ig acbe u i s W.,IlR -3 Lm.9 Reg. 3.95Reg. 5.98guesis compiled two scrap HOLIMDAY SPECIAL! Reg.S3.9 j, Reg S5.8 ~books supposedly depicting ON SALE __ $1-99 ON SALE . 29 the lives of the bride danc uo JU Ygroom. * I1 -u9 aThe table had as uts centre-, Cheese Lala Store - __alargecake______in______ s. owrnanville Surplus StoreL V E LL and whitebearin1gthe inscx-ip- See our special Handbill for Coupon MA 33361and Dave". A delicious lunclý worth 25e on each purchase of Roast 42 KING ST. EL.A331 was served by the hostess to' of BEEF or PORK. g conclude the enjoyable even- in . _ THE CANADIAlq STATISMAN. BOVillANVffJUL ORTARM

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