Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1960, p. 14

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CANADIAN WrATMAN. EowuAlew'LY.u iuwawa' t-Youngsters Dress Up for Annual Legion Parade Some of the Prize Winners %id~*'~O4,.T~ ORIGINAL- left to right: Dennis Sma le, Ann Werry and Bill Smale as a miner with his dankey; Rickey Connelly and Karen Connelly as bunnies; Elizabeth etcher as a dlock and Patricia King as a map of the world.1 COMICS- Bill and Lynda Hellyar, tramnps; Andrea Ewert and Nancy Haap- er, rag - maps; Penny Jeffery, old mnan with a cigar; and an unidentif ied witch, oomplete with broomstick. DOLL CARRIAGES- Brenda Cowan, Rhoida Johnson, Ron Fagan and Doug Baby, Irene Buma and Judy Bond, tied. FOREIGN- Rita Ernie, Cassie Golder and Bonnie Wilkins as a Hawaiian tilo, Lee Adams and Douglas Strachan, Spanish couple, Dann.y Cowle as Chin- ese boy with laundry wagon and Anne Grahamn as Zulu. j A. D*I !Building are betore thie De-ý l3oa d Pl ns o Bu ld partiment af Education. whený Boara ae to nssubnitUII t 400 Pupil Clarke.School th i patoiesuitte Cota, ty Council and the Municipal, :he Board held the regular 1 An advertisemnent is tu be: Board for an additiun for i-10 meeting in Part Hope, ýplaced for a Cafeteria -Mana- S2th with twelve em- e,. pupils ta Pont Hope and ane ~spresent. gmIn the Port Hope Schaul school fan 400 pupils ini Clarke 4ta commence Septemiber lst. Tow,%nship. were accepted-that of Vigor (M Ca. for Part Hope at i .9c per gallon and o! Ste- j&hen Fuels for Bawmanville «L 12.84C per gallon. -It was decided ta hire IIto n i tons ta stant August lst at ,ort Hope and that an adven- Mueot be placed at once. As soon as the municipal Board has given preliniiiinur%. approval for the debentures for the Caurtice School, the CountNv Cauncil is to be asl- cd for a special meeting ta consider the third neading of the Cebenture bv-I-aw. Two proposais fon turîher DECORATED BICYCLES- Debby Sellers Maureen Wood, Paul Johnson, Janle Cowle and Nonnie Beach, tied. Tononto on Sunday; Misses jGnace and Ruth Anderson and Miss Elizabeth Timm, of Ton- onto, spent Sunday wit'h their sister and niece, Mrs. Clarence Mrs. E. Karvonen of Scar- horough, spent Sunday at hem home here and Mns. E. Bar- r0olough returned with hem for the next day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Best, Ber- niece and George had a drive thnough the near narth count- try on Sunday, gaing through Algonquin Park. Catherine Langdon of Can- ton is spending the week with Mr. and Mns. Haýwand Payne. NE WTON VILLE WESTERN- Diane Bate, Indian with portable tepee, Peter Murchison, Indian with war club, Wayne Mar- tin as Zoro and Francie Hennian, Indian with papoose. Ratepayers Picnic Draws Large Crowd Saturday Af fernoon By Mrs. B. Budai lishrnents: - Horwich Jewel- Ther wa fin wetherforlery, Jahnston's Clothing Ltd., the Dr aline w athpaersfoPowell's Drug Store, Mitcheli's pilcStda at BertBu- Drugs, Bassett's Jewellery, i's1 aray ert u, owan-Burns Shoe Store, Jury and di's flt armR.R. , owman- Loveli Felt's Jewellery, Tam- who attended and took part lnsLdKrDugLt. in the programme. Davidson's Shoe Store, Ste- phenson's Jewellery, Kresge's Th<ere was a soccer game Ltd. Agnew - Surpass, Shep- betwcen Maple Grave and hard's Meat Market, R. B. Hampton which ended in a Reed and Sans, Flintoff Hard- 3-1 score for Maple Grave. ware, Engel's Clothing Store, Races started from three Fax's Ladies Wear, The Eve- years ta marnicd men and wa- lyn Shop, Erwinne's Specialty men, tug of war. There was Shop, Berg Men's Wear, Pea- a fascinating go-kart demon- pies' Clothing Store, Ward's stralion. Dry Gaods Ltd., Kinloch's A plan for a race between Ltd., Canning's Ltd., Laura two tcams of go-karts is in Second, Loblaws, Meagher's, the foi-motive stage, and will Young Modemns, Woolworths' be hcld at the saine place ahl of Oshawa; Terry Store of in [he near future. Zion; Roy W. Nichais and P-izes were awardcd to: Oshawa Wood Products of theoldst onon he rouds Courtice; Banron's General the voungest mother present, Str, elletts General Store, mnSolina; From Bowmanvile:.. the largest family, the wam McGregor Hardware, Higgon withi the smallest feet for EetiElsSo trW which three qualified and the H.lectn, IEll ShoeeStore,W final winner vas decided byHWrnmpeetDaer a drw o nubers wo byStewart's Seeds, Jamieson's avrs dMawof nmbersir, wonHopr' Jwbyey Palmer Motor Sales, Canadian "Guess the number of beans Tire, Crystal Dairy, Bowman- in the jar" winner was Mrs. ville Surplus Store, Jack's C. Gray. Smoke Shop, Lander's Hard- There was a nice prize for ware, Abernethy's Paint Store, the youngest baby on the1 Mason and Dale Hardware, grounds, w'on by littie Richard'1 Osborne's Sports and Cycle, Tripstra. eut'SprsCyl & Horsc-shoe pitching was en - 1 NlysSors yl Toys, Marr's Jexvellery, Me- ~joyed. while others had fun Gregor Drugs, Rickaby's Big playing bingo and the lucky "2M", Dykstra's Variety Store, anes received prizes. Western Tire, Chiartran's Tea, commee, cold drinks, Clothing Store, Jury and La- hot dogs, ice-cream, home- vel SheppDard and Gill, and made doughnuts, and baked Beech's Grocery of Maple goods werc in plentiful sup- Grave. ply, and ail but cold drink s Tev ebrhppi were donated by members of weve rmefrmsiupis o the executive. wr rw rm suso AIl pr!zes were donated by menbership tickets. the tollowing business ,estab- Three prizes went for the biggest lie and best joke con- test, told anound a camp fire, had some of the people stay- ed on until tnc smaii hours As fan as we know, every- one had a wonderful time. WESLEY VILLE '~We are sarry ta report that ', Archie Fard is in Belleville haspital where he xvas taken >. fallaýwing an accident whiie at his work with the mainten- S your ance cnew of the railroad. A - fiying piece of steel struck his &Accident right eye destnoying the signit protect you. move the eye itself. He wiil be in Belleville for some time. of incomne?- h hrhcogeainî Lit, aur Sickneis tion of Rev. E. K. Ncirman on ain protects your Friday evening of thia weeti ,zy,; (1<roie tendance from the whoie cir- - epl2iccearningsý cuit to meet the new minister. isazbility.(2)help,; There was a -fair attendancc st hopital bis at Sunday School on Sunday iedical expenses, morning with Clarence Nichais efits ta 'aur de- cap ducting the opening exer- )ur injuries prove ciges in the absence of the sup- prox ides sýUbstan- eintendents. The seiptune was bcnefits for loss read by Valenie Austin and hsCal usfor m.any of the classes took ad- rnhýCal usfor vantage of the fine mamning U~III 10h'. to take the lesson peniad ou, of doors. The annual Sunday Sehool picnic was announced for next Saturday at Barrow- clough's beach. Mns. MicKinley Rankin of1 a. JA M Fort William and hen unele, Charles Wilson of Casbourg IDEAL ESTATE Road visited at Harold Bar- rowlclough's last Monday even- Rowm»vi ng. Larny Dinner is having some £CUIIncII hoiidays aven at his aunt's, MA 3"93Mrs. Perey Hosking, i Wel-i MA ~ came; Mr. and Mrs. Murray, PaYne visited with friends in' Doeg. Sickness1 insurance from Ioss Ours docs! Inf & Accident PI; farniIy four w incarne l hcp lost through LIu yau mecl Mo and major mi 43) pas' beric pendent, if yoi fatal aînd (4) r liai lump sumT of ,ighi or lun fui! delails.. bl AnT A new Master Contrai Ciock U~ is ta be instalicd ai t mn NUAC ville by Internationiidi Busi1- NUAC ness Machines. King St. E. Orcno wvas given pernission, ta teach Grade 1:3 GecLaahplv Office nexi 've ar and the .tc Io1 358 %vi-the examilnatian s ile 358 in Grade 12. Mn. and Mrs. Earle McEwen and family of Peterborogh are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe, who were married in Newcastle United Church last Saturday after- faon. The bride, Miss Lois Allaread, is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Ail- dread, Lakeshore, and the groom, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe, of this village. After the honey- moon, the happy couple wili take up residence in New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waikey, Mrs. Edith Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer, Mr. Phil Gilmer, were amang those who attended the wedding from Newtonville. Mrs. Mabelle Leushner, Nia- gara Falls, Ontario, was also among the wedding guests, and will spend this week vis- iting relatives in the neigh- borhood. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gil- mer and family, Toronto, vis- ited at Mr. Frank Giimer's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit- taker and family, Toronto, jained in a family picnic on Sunday at Sylvan Glen in company with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waikey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family and Mrs. Edith Pearce, ceiebrating the latter's bîrth- day. Mr. and Mns. Clifton Robb of Westmount arrived an Mon- day ta spend a few days at k hir - __tage.h____ hie otaey here.e JohniperWalkeyCapfo he1 weekend. Mn. and Mns. Sid Lancaster attended the Werny-Leighton wedding in Trinity Church, Bowmanvilie, on Saturday. Miss Alice Nesbitt of To- ronto is home on a week's Mr. -and Mrs. Bert Tomp- kins who were east on a mo- tor trip arrived home en Sun- day. Mr. Robert McMurchje of Hillsburg spent the weekend with Miss Carol Reichrath. Mrs. WM. Uglaw left on Monday to stay for a time with Mr. and Mrs. Don Pow- ell of Elizabethville. Mr. AIf Graham of Toron- to was calling on aid friends in the village before gaing out to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Jahinnie Milligan wa-s home on ten days' leave. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod of Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fror- ter, Sandra zind Donna, and 3Mn. and Mrs. Stacey and son Larry of Oshawa, spent Sun- day at Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Don Staple- ton and family spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Len- nax Vasey of Port McNicol. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vînkie and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best were in Toronto on Su day. They called on Mr. Keithi Burley who is reported ta bel improving.1 The flowers in the churchi Sunday marning were in lob- ing memary of Mrs. Violette, Stapleton, the gift af the fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ankie Hold- away and sons, Rickey andý Gary af Flin Flan, Man., spent a fow day with Mr. and Mrs. Hlarny Wade. Mrs. Willis Jones and Mrs. Zena Canlaw are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones of Bunlington. They went aver ta see the new grand-daughter, Carolyn Di-! ane, barn July l8th, 9 lbs., 2 azs. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and daughter Dorella and Mrs. John Lan-2 caster had tea with Rev. and Mrs. John McLachlan of Markham. The McLachlans wished ta be remembered ta ail thein friends here. MiSs Idla campbell of Reg- ina is visiting her sister Mn. Wesley Beaco&e and faimily. Mr. Robert Nebitt and son of Claremnont, were visitors with MTr. Elmen Nesbitt and Mn. and Mns. Manrvia Nesbitt. Mr .and Mrs. Elwood Gitay of Port Hope were recent vis- itors with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Miss Gwen. Mrs. Henaa Rodnian also spent lest week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adanis andJ family, Bow'manvilie, vis- ited with the Bowers family on Sunday. Lonnie Chapman came froen North Bay ta spend the weekend with Dorthy and sans Paul and Jimnie. Mn. Charles Brniggs of Ton- onto, ws visiting M. and Mns. Lorenzo- Mountjoy this past week. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- son visited his, aunt Mrs. Wes Montgomery in a Lindsay nur- sing homeon Sunday. Mrs. Neil B'ailey helped her fathen Grant Thompson in the Post Office whiie Mrs. Thomp- son was visiting in Broek and Geargina townships. We are sarny to report Mn. Simneon Sanderson is a patient in Camniunity Hospital, Port Penny and trust he feels better saon. Congratulations ta Calvin McKee who marrîed in Pan- typool an Fni4ay evening. Mr. and Mns. Lamne M~nd on a money bock "'uarantee. girls attended the weddin.g. It's when you're safe at homne that you wish yau were having an adventure. When yau're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home.-Thornton Wilder. FINE QUALITV a, STAFFORD ~-/ BROS. e èfaorid Stafford Iros. Monumiental Works 318 Dundas St. E. Wbitby Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 Nestieton Station Mr and Mrs. Charles GL91 left Thursday to accomnpany Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Gist Lang, on a vacation trip sNew York State and Penns 1vania. Richard Davison was in Tor. onto on Wednesday aten r« -the 1O5th AnnualCommunca. 1tion of the Maonic Grand -Lodge. t The August meeting of Nes- tieton Womnen's Institute is in sthe férmn of a picnic on Thur~ day, August 4th at Cartwr* Conimunity Park. tost Weight, Feels Young Aquin -AIDSTONE, ONT. "I have been using the Naran Plan foi,- about eight weeks and have lost 32 pounds. I feel twenty five years younger and recommend the Naran Plan to anyone wvhq wishes to lase excess weight and feel and look younger." R. Leish. man, RR 1, Maidstone, Ont. 1Too much weight saps yaui strength, makes you feel tired, takes the fun out of life. Don%~ let excess weight niake you look and feel aider than you are. TrV the Naran Plan today, it's anmaiz ing how quickly you can los@ pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Get the Naran Plan froni your druggist today, it is simple, inexpensive and sold Wilfrid 1). Carruthers Mayorr Town of Bowmanville. COLLISS ELECTRIC A4i Corne in for a Demonstration of Bl1aupunIkt Stereo and AM-FM Shortwav e Radio COLLISS EL ECTRIC 44 KING ST. W. MA 3-5901 y PAGE FOURTEEN PROCLAMATION cIvIc HOLIDAY It is hereby proclaimed by the Town of Bowmanville, that Monday, August lst will be observed as Civic Holiday Citizens are requested to govern themselves accordingly. a. eeFRIGIDAIRE and PHILCO Appliances Greagtly RJeduoed- 10% MoOFF ail Transistor and Montel R~adios i e -Au a GOD SAVE THE QUEEN .71- lu MUMây. JMY 28èèiý Wib GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ivivivau9p TM CANAMM ýBrATEMM , -WUANVUXlL- ONTAWn MA 3-3901

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