Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1960, p. 8

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PAGE EYGHT - CANADIAN *A~ UOWUANYUIA GTAEI i. T1UI~UA~ Western Tire Juvs. .Get Sweet Revenge ,.By Downing Cobourg The Baw.manville Juverîîles ed the Wletern Tire Boys, Vene out for blood Thursday 11-1t). avening as they met oor The tables were greatiy nre- C ougversed as the locals. playing Midgeîs for the second time. heads-up bail gave the visitons ln a previaus encounter the fe\,, chances. overwhelmed' ?owi2ger Cobourg team defeat- thein 12-1. The winîîîng pitcher xvas 1" Jimn Moorcraft. ,vith a fine, three hit effort. in which he J New FLY-TOX 'struck out 10 b atters and wal- Pavarouna ep r kd 2. Dohert, cof Cobourg HO* was charged with the loss. * The Juvs. clouted 13 hits. GADNSRYIn eehl crls (lntended for !ast week) Chittck xwon the backwards 'only one inning. Besi for thei CENTRAL SCHOOL race. The highlight came with locais was centre-fielder Johni By Karen McMurter t he cirownmng of the Princess. 1 pecwIa pleasant formula James with three safeties. Cat- Ray Crombie and Chief were Penny' JefferYý I a be u&,d irîdgIr cher Grant Wright. first sack- Tefîtwe fpa and Doug Vivian. The Ma- 1 0 kil? hotîsehold inec er Bill Osborne and shortstop ground has been completed. ýRita Vanheiningen and Eddie! PW8an oudors or Don Bagneli each collected For, aur special event we Plan- Reader. This finished a most: garesinaot~o itwo hits. ned an Indian Day which was enjoyable afternoon and stat-, Econmied The Juveniles were neyer' held on Thursday. As prepar- ed the summer off with a am convenient. defeated by a Juvenile leam ai for it, beads. headdress- bang. duinedthe season but xvere es and pasters were made in*** idon ted both Midget clubsý our arts and crafts perioids. LIONS CENTRE 'nteleague. Our Indians arrived gaily de- corated xiih war paint ai-id By Linda Brooking one souaw even had a papoose., The Lions Centre play-i The children enjoyed the In- grou-nd hadi a very special' mr àm eo-*Ddian hand wrestling in which event this aur first week of! they tested their strength. The oui- summer programme. We " talk fest which was won bv had a xedding. Webster-Hat- 1.00_________ Beverly Anderson provediley. very interesting. The scaven- FdJly .athe ger hunt xvas won by Diaîîne Lonenre pa 1#on Crough, Beverley Anderson,. Miss Merridy HatleY became Scott Burgess and Dennisi the bride of Miss Jan Web- Tierney. A tug of war com- ster. A WORD) ON pee ted pleted he day.Re\'. Terry Thompson s the afficiating clergyman foui USLU CAR PRICES M1EMORIAL PARK the ceremony. By Ruths Goheen Given in marriage by her It is a common practice of O John Perr~y father., Mn. Bobby Jackmnan,ý OnMonday, July 4th. the the bride was loveiy in a i« saiesmen to drive a new auto- Mernorial Pairk playground istreet length gawn of nylonj mobile one or two years, putt- was opened for the sumîiner. net and silk. RHer three-quar- Sing from 30,000 t<) 65,000 high- Ruth Goheen and John Perrv'ter length veil of curtaîn ina-j on the~eedtare the playground supervis-1terial xvas caught to a crowný mile s~o eer. ors for this year. During the! of white flowers and she car- week the children participa- ie a cascade of red roses. If l bs ben rivn creflly ted in individual and activei Miss Linda MceFeeters was ber with cleah o il, as is usually the gr- ae.bsbî,tnrnmatron of honour wearing a case. the engine of such a car is cricket and arts and crafts. knee length dress of brown atten in better condition than During the week they pre-1 cotton with a .iersey neckline, pared for their special event with a white bat, gloves and' an tuentical model driven for which was held on .Friday.! shoes and carrying a bouquet' Bill Steven haif that mileage in town. The special event was called of red rases. Hier sister Miss Indiari Day. A picnic was Diane MeFeeters, was dressedt There are soxne "ifs" in this comparison held in the afternoon at the, the same.. Miss Debbie Oke, though that a wise used car buver must bear in Crearn of Banley Park. Here aise bridesmaid wore a yel- mimd if he wants ta buy transportation that -will the children played swimng low and brown cotton dress1 be trouble-free for the length of time he has a games and races. The week' with a white hat. gloves and was very successful and we shoes. Miss Elaine Henderson, right to expect. hope the rernainder of the xvas lower girl wearing a Pink; summer witl go as well. The silk dress. white hat, gloves; Though the engine of a high mileage ear parents of the children are and shoes and carrying ai may be sound, the shocks, generator, front end, cordiallv invited ta the park' white basket of red and white' springs and fuel pump- ta cite a few examples anyime * Mr.ose.t -need reconditioning or replacement before the Usherswre M.Floyd1 ear is edy for reae VINCENT MASSEY PARK Horselan. Mr. Doug Firth, Mi-., rey rea.By Joan Ormiston Don Jamieson and Mr. An- ý A dealer interested in a quick ptofit in Vincent Massey playground drew Steel. The young ring;' s~ed c cutomr stifacioncantak suh j was opened on Monday. July bearer was Master Mark Steel. sted o euthemieraesbackion andseti ta is. I-Te 4th. The children participated Performing duties of best car turi he ilege ack an se] i asis.He n active and quiet gaines! man was Mr. Mike Oke. will naturally make more profit than an ethical throughout the week. The\!v The reception was held ont dealer who reconditioned it and charged a littie especiallY Iiked arts t and the park and the brid&es moth-t more fr it.crafts and histening ta stories., er. Miss Louise Mann greetedf On Wednesday afternoon aur' the guests wearing a blue TbLi loer s te brgan-hntig cstoner playground had a parade dress, bat, purse, gloves and T1~elosy i Ili hagai-huningcusome around the back. This parade1 matchiag shoes. whc, will have to spend much more than h@ was tb inform the children in Beautifui wedding 4akep saveci" on such a deal in future repair bis. that district that the play-j were received from Miss Jen- ground was opened. Thursda 'v nie Stout. MViss Christie Sam- Týhere is onie simple rule to get your afternoon we held a special, els and Miss Louise Manin. u mnonev s worth in a used car purchase. That ista event which was a backwardsi Leaving later an their wed-, ateroo. hrewee acsding trip home the bride wasl buv from a dealer who is interested in your sat- aftndames. Ale eenacs jWeainig a blue polka-dot!M isfaction and future business. He will be con- were done backwards. Thei skirt and white blotuse.P cerned how YOU like your car AFTER the sale, children were divided into, The couple both reside igni entd in serving you twelve mnonths a year. three age gr-OUps. Top partici. ,Bowmanville.a pant of each group was Irene: This week was a big suc-, Rijff 'R. uina. Jackie MeKnight andi cesS for aur playground and' Pat McKnight. Each winner 1arn sure the following weekse We invite vou 1*,<omr received a smaîl gift. This pasl il]ii be aisa. This week we ln and see our week was a big success and had 99 people register et the A7 DURSERICE...everybody seemed ta enjov Lions Centre. U -AS A themselves,. Parents are ail-: UN -ASP AY \ Uardan waye welcorne. FRANKLIN PARK * il, * By Mary Loiu Marr d Equiparnt ilai enaneONTARIO 'STREET PARK Beria Iliggon Prevents Rusti md *CU L..By Doris Martin As our special event last Coron!~ Ontario Street School an- week we had a parade for nounced the apenirig of their, opening Franklin Park. The Fair convenience go[ Oshawa ctustonmers playground on Monday. July children dressedl up in cose- 41h with a parade which turnes such as clowns, Indians tl Phone direct RA 5-2712 marched down Duke Street'a cannibal, Raggedy Ana and Ji in the ear!x' afternoon. Theý Rag'gedy Andy, a bride and s children seemed very anxious groom, an elephant and nuin- Cood SelectioR of Guaraneed 1la participate in the gaines erous other costumes. The pa- and kept suggesting the ones, rade took its route araund the sE they preferred ta do. We Wvere; surrounding streets af Frank- off ta a good stant. lin Park. Leading the paradet U 145 E D C A ROn July 7th Ontario Street, were three druin majorettes, Park enjayed their Indian: Mareen Martia. Janiceg Mosesi t Over 80 Used Cars froin which bo choose Day. They began by havingland Jili Nichais. From 10:00ý a parade whichlI' sure ix'ed1 o'clock to 11:00 o'clock on, 199 o w UO RUp ta the loudest war xvhoops! Woýdnesday morning this pa-;ý and noises thal any red blood- rade held the interest of ed lndiali ever made. UPOIî about .50 parents. The winners' It Pays to Buy From a Certificd Dealer arriving they commencedi of the costume judging were fi with games and races. Penny'Andrea Ewert and Nancyl s LOW DOWN PAYIMENT. EASY GMAC TERMS Jeffery and Douglas Vivian Hooper, Tommy Hayes, Lynn won the shoe kick for the 1r- Adamns and Cathy Moses, Ann1Y quais. Larry Helm an d Rose Grahams. We would like taý b 'Robinsonfo the Mohawks., thank the aider boys and girls cri -Rita Vanheiningen and Joey;ý who helped keep the childrea h Reader won the tomn-tom in line in the parade. Wei scramble for the Iroquois and hope aur special event this'Pl Penny Jeffery and Eddie week will be as successful.sCd Bonds for the Mohawks. Alice!** i V aiLEI uijFIUs aules Stephen Fuels defeated, cd last week, Thursday, at th~ =nfy's Auto Body 7-3 in the, Central School. The win en- ffonyTown League game play- abled the Fuels ta mnove int albuth first place tic with Surplus Pearson s game in hand. a %s n Seven Auto Body; errons were responsible for all the - -. --.wiaaers' ruas, as starter Pat --increase Cornell allowednoerd I runs aven 4 1/3 trames on IP a s ns1e g eL a seven hits, ad Mel Burgess [Srnoke Shop otssed a no-bit effort the rest Beat Port Hope Mlonday night, Bowmanville s~ S tar of the W/ eek Bfin ile e arso as cd Newcastle 9-1 in a Ladie s'; Single by o niu sheLan. SoeShop. looked lutil ikele'Snesb filRu ae firt paces utilthe final 1 rftball league game played! and Moe Richards. and an Pitchers continue to dominate the Sui-plus, twa innings in a ladies' soft- l in Newcastle, ta increase their! errai' by Bob Abbatt accounir- Sales' Star of the Week Awards, but last week's game' baIl encouaiter, Wednesdav league lead bo three gamnes. edtnSuf' three tallie, jus ha b e on y Hrry"Te Ht" nowen night at the Central School. The locals scared single ruas, in the fifth, after tIvo wcre Afte grbbig a -O iri inthesecndfourth and f ifth out. The lasers got ta Snow- Who was the only logical choice. frame lead, the Smoke Shop faeadtretmsi h e al nthe iext trae Harytre asx-ite t inhi hidfouad themselves on the short thii'd and sixth. when Ted. Bird doubled and thewa ixhite t wn isthrdgame i end of a 12-7 score ta Port The homesters' lone marker' Terrv Masters singled, but of the season and aiso collected two of bis team'siRap e by the end of the' came ia the fourth, wheathe "sid oe dw ortr seven hits. Snowden was in cantrol most of the way,! fourth. shi stpGaedne ofwthe ie having only two 'bad" innings, the fifth and sixKTh Te locals caine ta i te, a three-bagger and scored on A walk ta Masters. Snoxv. When he allowed f ive of t.he six safeties. scoring six times 'in the fifth second baseman Edith Nim[i- eden's single and an error by ------ta move- one rua in fronlt, ad gon's error. j Lane gave the Fuels a single ~US1 I ddig fie sxthinnig mrk- N~îngoî calie run in the apener. First sack- addng ivesith nnig ýark- imionhad ale accoun- er 'Moe" Richards dropped ers ta put the game on ice.j ted 'for three of the locals' first two consecutive throws in the 41 Helen Panas swung a five ruals. with a two ruacn dadbtrunsso- t ent bat ta lead the winners" homer in the third. and a, ed on Doug McNeil's single S P O R ~~ O P I C S ~1 attack. cloutiîîg a home run'l double ini the tourth. Marg. n atr~tv-aebb S P O R T o p *l C s , and a pair f' singles. Ma9 Pickard high-lighted the sixth ble McNeil came la on an ia- 'Pickard and Barbara Brown1ftrame smashing a two-out fe' ByFakMou A3-7234 #$swatted homers. haone rua, witb two runners il ut. lI Frn obnM Shoon. Rose and Slater b~at, on base. Helen Panas had ai Singles by Snowden and abig night ai the plate for double ad two singles, ta Bond and a wvalk ta Jim Ai- thelasrs eah iha ome pace the Smoke Shopprs' 11 lin, loaded the bases la the HOLIDAYS AGAIN run and a pair of singles. i bit attack. Pickard siagled in third with none oui, but only Bk addition ta ber homer. and; one î'un scored. and that was Exactiy 52 weeks have slipped by, since this re-; Pickard and ShirleyBok, Dot Kelly collected a pair of!I a gift, with a lined shot pop- porter began his holidays lasi. year, se we figurd -jt sharf c the mound duties for his1in u t ete.ile wsabout t ewe au * for Bowmanville. was tîm sarted oi vacationfo 1960. We'll1 ,Gro n Ga ahhd Bird's usually sure glov. be away from this Saturday, July l6th, until Wednes- 'a triple and a single for the' Stephen's picked up a day Auust3rd ,losers, who picked up anly in the fifth, on Richard's t^ r We iten tugetmi omegolfngandspe~ aN.LaI'LD five safeties off winning pit- error and singles by Vince i cherndShirleyinBrock.goVanstonedanderMeNeil. week at a cottage, but one thing foi, sure- na Visit iSj There was Open House ine ta hre rck asoeadMN-el planned ta the Fort Er'ie track this year. (Unless one! the school Friday night at the, of the readers is willig ta rendet' financial backing). cose of twa weeks of VaEcN KI LE lion Schaol. The children en- n y a n xiLE T - t tertained their parents wîthee i stonies, recîtations and sing-' representative GOLF TOURNAMENTi ing. Rev. W. A. Logan was, MUTUAL LIFE 0F CANADA: chairman f the event and a i' Southview.members who qualified for the club the close of the prograin the!i~ championship have less than a week lef t, in which tai visitons inspected the resuits Inquire about oui' finish their first round play. If you haven't playedI of the children's efforts. The yetdont wstelim -te dadlne s nxt edns-Ikindergarten class with Mrs. Children's Educational Plans ye, ont asetie th dadie s ex WdnsF. Lloyd as leader, met in the -, day, July 27th. i +d îning-room, af W . Pascoe's m ar ns A e o m n il om e. M rs. G . Bow rs . MTrs.M . CENRALSCHOL ANGRO SW. Bowman. Mrs. E. Le and Telepho». MA 3-5372 CENTAL CHOL DAGERUSMrs. B. Wright were leaders' for Bible study and crafts. As -___________________________ While playing saftball in the men's town league sisting wherever they were two weeks ago. we heard the screech of a car"s brakes1 needed were Donna Saînis. as a child apparen'tly l'an out in the street after a bail. Laui'a Bowman, Anne Stinson IL isn't the first time, flot' will il be the last. Let's hope anBowman led te mus.icspeG- that a tragie accident doesn't take place, before sof t-: iad.ing bail is' moved ta another location. Mnd.Danne Bck. E . G h illing Apparently the two leagues that play the Ceni-'fami]Y attendied the Woana- traI diamond would be homeless if a move was madecott-ewed hrSuding in Almoads Ibis season. We would urge parents to keep a watch- Uic hucStudy9 E c ii g :Mr., and Mî's. R. Bea, Ham- fui eye on these youngsters, but we would aiso stateý ilton., visited at the Bowmau that in aur opinion it is mandatory Ibat softbail gmshms COME IN AND SER OUR SELECTION OF be no longer scheduled foi' this diamand, in another Mn. and Mî's. R. Oke and year.family spent a few days at yeaî-.the Howes horne near Goder- McCULLOUuC and SPEEiu Avia Ei One of the playets was injured in this paî'tic-j icb. ular game. 0f couirse lie could have been hurt r n any' ___ other bail park, but we think rnost of the outfielders~ Air, Rail or Steamship will agree that the passibility of taking a spili is mare'ý T 1 C K E T S probable ai. tbe Central Scbool. TO EVERYIVHERE The sole reason for playing games here, would! Consuit KR T S apparta e hatth gaesareusall wll-ttade; King st. W. MA 3-3361 McCULLOUGH AND CLINTON ENGINES and as a result the leagues are finianciallv\ able to I> op wmaRville era te. IL. LET GEORGE DO MT! S500OFF~ ON ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 KING ST. E. MA 3-3211 E I I b j DRI VING MEMBER - (Kart Supplied by Club) . $1.51) week NON - DRI VING MEMBER 50c week Non-Driving Members will receive a lirnited amount of instruction and driving, and will move Up to Driving Memiben as vacancies occur. ..j ?AGIE rt(;IIT lm

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