I J r ekTURSDAY, JUtY 21st, 19611 TRE CANADIAN STATESM. ROWMANVILL. &ONTÂRJO AKIV using said roadway in the re- fery, Dianne Tweedie, Joui L eiediicnd fra es Cartw right Council onst7Acinhewa uswand inny BOYBail throw-4aney Fisher, 5Vew i W.gu iU I ii wet4isbitda3ay used by then, that this piece Valerie Seat uyCm of roaCanadaifor thesmonthsin-whrch A ppoints BIdg. I nsp. ertionfor ext y3r and o~in Sack race-Valerie Stewart, i'em ove R estricionsh evstecuty o donthe et ide oftch e road WelbarrCow ae-VFiser.esne The regular meeting of Cart- at the Community Park. 'i'iey othe eant i e oftcheb.run MWely Co e aley ie Jwright Municipal Councîl was also requested a couple of lifetoward the corner from the Stewart,.Alice Killen~, Janey fJ AApesorwoisay held at 8 p.m., Monday. July rnso reservers. On motion southern culvert adjacent to Ornae eGeoLn O ldA-Nfrm anda 4th. 1960. with ail membe 6 of Merrill VanCamp and Fred ibs property; Carried.I da Howes, Melody Cooke.lWW~i lthv h eesr wn Present. A Irief of the min- Trewvîn. Council approved .ai A letter was receiv'ed from' Rly-Vlri twrrEditor's note: We arei enig informaon oneng uLe.s of the Iast meeting was grant to the Regatta Associa- the Minister of Highways ac-t Alice Killen, Donna Pingle, etdoDrR.PViannwrgul read and approved for entr3' tion of S200.00, out of which know'î.dging the petition gig- Didetd oDra.P.Vvinnnwreuaiosinfrc eti geo tetyoewl th ~~~~~~~~~~~M.P., for Durham, who re- the Old Age eutyfed eeiilo i eunt in4 ,te new minute book. the latter were to provide two ned by the Counicil and Rate- SeirBy,1-1cnl etaddteflo- h l VA tarrives. on motion of more life preservers for water payers of the Township oeiorB.j .1-.1Y.as.cn.y .rw.de.the.o.ow-. h e OdAeSeuiyA aaafo n enftcu Deputy Reeve Bert Gibson *and safety at the pier. A request Cartwright, requesting -recon-1 . -yadtainhckelKuenoD on-igbtocmredasa-OdAeesonrwthtlto. Councillor Fred Trewin: ca.r- for a small pier at the park struction of 7A Highway and. niBarg.tetntohebscefad-lsttnt-ie ersrs- tsoud .pitdou ried. was disapproved b.y majority the Causeway. It was statedi . ninrg roa up- a te f ire protectionennetha denc eatte inadatrtei!frhrtatterqi Mr Glthero of Caesareaj of Council. that bids were being adver- vid Fountain, Donnie Barra- village. The Lindsay fire truck tJnyfrtbrha.t e twenty-fiveyer atr h was present with requests for, The tenders for Municipal tised for during this week orr gar, Allan Kairetz. was in attendance. We hope 1 ceive their pesoswielv1g o wnyoede o service in the form of mow- Building Inspecter were op next and that the award date hsd-1inabo. for vcaitlotsanustl andce-thed conare s ol. s Mr.nie Barragar, Gary Shînyr, itrict will take steps te pro-snes ad herpsin dannadtonayr- tain spots etc: Also requesticigfFrank ibsonsReahanddtteonoca- edcfoqaneearus] a rase i ti. usal 1. Jhn Mrch vid graterprotctin an chquessuspnde on eavng sdenc aJeohte ae cfsev rant to the Lake Scugog Re- Jas. Hedge, Nestieton, $50 and sato h auea;Trele drc ohnforeîl aosibftrus re i*fir Cn.the nwaenAnctnyca otrbtst h Municipal $200replus tionper mert.GMr. 0yler, Mickeal Kuzenko, Da-,c oedssru rpr fteAtsoldpoet e wnyfv er eiec gatta Association from $175.00 over ten buildings $5 per each; h einto f etGb. î outiGr hytiens. ofcitielwews ersd tco $200.00. Saine was approved Mr. Frank SaiadBac-sna unicipal appointe. t te onan aySmr sho adhdctzn h lae ntemeig tcS0:M.Jh'~ctthe Port Perry Memorial Bo- Donnie Barragar, Ailan Kai-1 Yevetncho yrdh d eo ar a eevd ihrges retz. some unexpected guests this otiec aaa sal Ltrsfrom Mr. Jackson Nestletofl, $50 plus $5 per in-Ardotonwas r ith regrets. High jump-Richard Skor-I weekend xvhen a bus 1oaded: with relativeso rins and Mr. North. cottagers ef spection and 10c per mile. Aàoinb.,rl anapekJh adi ia a-wt oySot rmLno Any pensoes h r teSgo BaarawreMoved by Bert Gibson and ndLareic alol r-slid it h saewtocierifrtmprrng ne read requesting Council te set- seconded by Lawrence Mal- quse h lr eirt e~4rt.r it h w e t enierino evin tna the board and explain that the Bail throw-Alian Kairetz, Yleand re uretly biou finite absence bud otc ti ipt ihrgrs eci httetne fM.opinion cf Mr. Gibson was en- John March, Richard Skorey- ThMreF C aTownship read aiîowance Jas, Hedge be accepted at $50 desdb oni n htýIackîng in the school groundMrF.CJakoegna mdaohrpartx- claiming prya n neta$ e they disapproed cf unwarr- Sack race-David Fountain, until repairs are madadDretrcOdAeScutyYU'EEVD same te be his private pioper- building over ten in on. year ne pesre ,g sdt Donnie Barragar, Richard they cancotneethi12FrtSretWtTo- tby right of pseso.A committee cf LawrenceientdtprssurObeigausdot possession. ~~~~~railroad in a PensionPlnb etaio-eHl. Council agreed to meet seme Malcolm and the clerk, with teepoes fe lnb Skoreyko. detnainnegli emnti.so st aea' tiewe amthe new Building Inspecto h mlyeater practic- .' Wheeibarrow race- Gary - angmentsofotecoind Opportune iewnfan sittingin was approved te re- aily unanimous disapproval on Sh~Myr aicheal I yTIin; John ~ The newaedmtsak in, asntsopesigt the parto theBor Mem- Olr iha Kuzenko; John nii± i îoiina olw:sM g'r a et sepesn Ovamp the prcposed Building i5 c or ~Mich oneBraa. M.aMrsPelDve.ceti gtfirst hand imnpress~ion o yLwdan rmacpjbrs . cfil,6 certora~ Rly-aySh .Daî'in penoneîln og struct:d;teiflrterview.surMapManvers Township, f . 1r Ave pensiochqe the situation. Cierk was 1f-~ uldigB Bwprrdrdion motion04 erof - axv- ,.G on ain, JhMarh.Do-idala.T!s n r nsscddwe elae branch of the Dept. of Lands' !ec alom ad Merl1 nie Braa.~DnDvye eri, aaa htvrbnft i and Foests.pare it. for final passing at aec MGim n erilBrls 21aeaswr ust fM.ad r.i ntte eril emie M.BueCieladis1special meeting near the mid-! VanCamp12a13d carried. 0f the vlad isdie of July. above, Roads accounted for 40 yard dash - Jeanette Oharlie Warren iast week. 1 to a pensione ths oeg Mary Weller were piesent 'ol-! The Road Superintendent i$6.245.96, a final payment on1. rirr Sc ddes unteering their services andlthen reviewed at length witbh. rdrc 324an e- ~. D eSsnFunan r. rc aerly.son . A .. n h ehs fJmGgmmeso oni h r l balance of $843.Dnna.elfetyBrent and -daughter Sharon, siJdeioneia r thseofJm ren smui-mmbrscfCunilt ero--O 3.8 A-Running broad jump-Dop- IOshiawa, visited Mrs. K. Cav- teny-i aaafoetla cipal Lifeguards and requestedpodcnsrtinfr96 journiment followed and the >-~ aHletSao wei poe osrcinfr16,n efry, Itentrfiveyear sine h Council te give them the nec- adisuedcrin hmnext regular meeting ils Tues- Gail Hircock.day essai-v authoritv te enorce w uchseed eti nsi esdayAgs n a8p. GiHrok tey-rt anges Augut 2nd. at sp.m Staningibrladcunp-Jca«- MissDorothv Fraser. Chat- continue teorc bnft ee _ EIR the curtailment of hazardeus,sidering the cîrcumstan c'e s"lCIerk V. Malcolnm. Hre aie, cSran r eteanid r onnmparHel-hai-n N.B., spent a few daysi if lie lives abra emnn activities with regards te p-Moved by Merrill Vac e _Harvey__Daniel,-sono ran d r. James nteSheieDnaHe wt r.Sa'eel ly. a* s VanCampn al,,.bÎr'a Rosseau, Oshawa, celebrated his first birthday on ferty, Patsy Kellar. thMsSa Deli hoats and auombiesatd ded by Bert Gibson! Three-legged race - Rose-; Prof. and Mrs. George Dun -r 3. A pensinewobant -aesarea pier and the ba- taan sein be passed au-! C U TC June l5th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey marie Sleeman, Sharon Fisher, bar, Toronto, were guests of>- area at th-e side and aise thorizing the transfer cf mcin- Singular cf Oshawa, formerly cf Bowmanville and Gi Hircock, Jeannette Sch- bis sister Mrs. James Smalesl :e rmoeconstruction pro-! Miss R. B. Bucbanan, T-Ms Percy Rseu oot.PodgetgadnieSsnFeuntain, Sha- and Mr. Smarles. Ject toward the purchase of ronto. has been visiting the mother is Mrs. Samuel Resseau ef Picton. ron Tweedie.r Mr. and 1VLs. Charlie War-1 F AST RELIEF FORIstwe ihM.adMsi,-ht yHrsy ihjm-'enet h-rnsetteekn ihi Southeast angle ef Lot 12 in k E. Ceurtice.- ._____ neider, Donna Helferty, Rose- Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant and!e i n stiz1e * * 5~~ * the 6th Concession, which was m re Se m n a uv a bi- c ta e a a mu M um purchased from Mr. Earl Dor-1 Mrs. Kenneth Courtice at- ai 1emn Il M II rel for $750.00: and aise for lesi e ty n a nadn F eldKeS Utma, anette SchnoeaierSu- 1 i DnakWe.rspn the pu chase of the new trac-1 oi oit n aasa i l a e u t an, Fountten Schhneeknddter, ree-u-!/ a1 ter meer. Caried.Tuberculosis Society Conven B .. n - Founta u1 On motion of Lawrence tien held in Ottawa recently. tLit he l' C rn r Sack race-Susan Futji,jawayý otg tPdenLk Malcolm and Bert Gibson, Word was received on Sat VUudUde.u Patsy Kellar, Rosemarie Siee- in company' with Mr and Mrs. 4 IGSREES tecekwas instructed to urday that Mr. Gordon Os-,Mîtchell's Corners School 1Ki llen, Kathy Potter. man. Greenaway, Misses Julie andl ~FA IM1fllt ne so r thchsa e ie one buqu er ou slywMei ce. r tinachA]-f prî Sh wrngLytn eww race - Gai I Saly Payne and their brotherl loftopsoi whchsa e f iqe r uewws er Mex 11in.AIr held its animal field day re- Hîgh jump-Penny Jordon, Hircock, JeannetteScnie;Jh.Is Cloin dte o edt. are tehe on heir asteaTuscodthe Bal, throw - Jo-Anne Den !Fiser; Susan Founan o- Mr. and Mrs. Larrv Dewell'Ç j7 r1 à c l Closipm.,Tedaefo tener 2d1 Arizona, when Gorden was~ committee appointed by the Ouden. Lynda Hazelton, Pen- i na Helferty. adDbiBwavle i 196.m. usdy ugust nd,l taken ill. Mr'. Ormand Robert-! home and school association. ny Jordon. Relay -Jo-Anne Carriere ýKenneùh Pearce, Orangeville«1 A mtin y Cunilci Tr-lso flw ow t b.wih is Mrs. H. Qyler presented the Sack race - Lynn Bowers,RseriSeen:Sac Mrs. Nelson Chapin, Long Is-' 6IS F N win and finally seconded by brother-in-law and famiiy. At hom e and school trophies te en odn ebi od.FseJenet cnie.lanid, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bert Gubsen that major con- time cf writing Gordon was Senior girls. Brenda Stewart Wheeibarrow race - Janice B 13Y Huestis, Orillia, were guest.s onue ýsrcino h etqatr lgtyipoe.and Valerie Stewart; SenioriKillen, Kathy Potter, Lynn IltMr.adMs Sam Dewell, stfin epoonhes utiquarter- soightultimoed Misu-boy, Paul Wheeler; junior Bowers, Reta Gow. Penny 40 yard dash - Douglas! on Wednesdlay iast. -n e otpined utiler ee onî atuoster fMiss Su girl, Lynn Bowers: Jun ior Jordon. Pamela Hardy. Peeling, Paul Skoreyko, Ernie i Mr. and Mrs. James Smales, faîl te asferin w hte andar, dauohteBr cf M' os il zneand Bob-, Relav--Janice Killen, Ka-!Ku2.enko. Iaccompanied bv Prof. anMsIfo rDet. f Hghwys igh beandMrs Jon Bdna etby Howes. thy Potter, April Shewring, I Running bread jump-Paul 1 Dunbar spent a few days with ATme ce Mrs. W. Nemis. piesident et Pamela Hardy.1 Skoreyko, Ben Watson, MarkI their son Bob and wife ait their 1 H the omeand chol, peset- J. Bys, -7 ea i Wilcex. Icottage ait Pidgeon Lake.I the omeand chol. peset-; Jr. oys 6-7Yeas 1Standing broad jump-Ray- j Heavy thunder showers were! ed tue teaching staff with a 25 yaî'd dash---Billy Kuze-n- mend Frank, Paul Skoreyko, i prevalent in this area on Mon-c0 au___ -rgift frem tie association, wbe ko, B*illy Bunker, Ronnie Ku- Earl Stewart. 1 day atternoon. S u m m e r iI are leaving the school. 1 zenko. Three-legged race-Clifford I Mr. D. Wbhitbread ot Osh- Ali chi]dren and parents ro,-: Runrîing broad .îur-np-Billy I Chamberlin, Ernie Kuzenko; awa, conducted the Sundav U N R BL UE idS IT ceived 2a treat from the Home, Bunker , Bily Kuenko, Roni ayeJodn.We HSun-l g r ~~and School Assoc. and Terî's nie Kuz.enko. tW. hp evc gvn The High jump-of the reyk-, the the mne of *aith". Next. '6" ~i LE l ~e:~:;;$;~ dasevLynts Kuze;nk Roine uzenko, Ben Watson, Ernie Kuzenkc Sundynewtltkh, bs Ir. Girls, 6-7 Years Three-legged race - David David Nemis, Larry Nemis. :30. ~~~~~ers, Lynda Hazelton, Debbie Oyer Jr. Peter' Pinscent, John Earl Stewart, BilIy Peeling. Aoinue the Map H ampton1 PyjaIma 'Bb Doi Sle$39P Runigbra j'P--Y'" High .iump.-Bil uekWilcox, DulsPeeling; Btnp te wek on bus rip-t ON ALL LADIES' Bowers, Reta Gow, Lauî'ie Ronnie Kuzenko, David Sh- Watson, Paul Skcreyko; Barl Hamilton Rock Gardiens, Nia- PyjEIaS ara --li Sano.myr. Stewart, Wayne Hazelten. a.' Falls and cRier places of D 20 yo O FF l l Ei 1 i EsStanding bîoad jumnp- -Pen- 'Bail throw--Mîke Kapustin. Relay-Peter Sobil, Larry iiiterest in that vici-nity. ____ 2 O~7 O FF U NS E DRES s S Jordon, Lynda Hazelten, Billy Kuzenko Billy Bunker. Nemis, Douglas Peeling.-- JN ALL LAD1E~' These dresses have ail been reduced r Three-legged race - Lynda Haî'ry Oyler Jr., Billy Kuzen- ; 0yr ah akln Hazelten, Penny Jofdon. Reta ko. 40yr. I -Jakln SA T H IN S U 1 T S previously .. Now wîth this added Gow, Lynn Bewers,__Janice - Wheelbaî'row race-- Billy I Wood. Brenda Stewart, Mari-1 Clearing Reduction. . . you can buy Kuzpnko, Ronnie Kuzenko, Lyn Glaspeil.i LADIES' _ your Summner Dresser, at a Tre- Courice, s ho and eigedover Harry Oyter, J1r., Peter Pins- Running broad jump Jack- "Prnces" nd eiged vercent, David Shmyr, Billy Bun- elene Wood, Nina Kapustin, SH RT $ .9 mndu Saving! the pageant at the Siovaki ker. Brenda Stewart. ______________________________ Martyrs Raily in Toronto, Sat-r Relay' -Ralphi Sucee, Billy Standing broad .iump--Iark- i# P*DUCED U JL urday. Kuzenko, l-arry Qyler, Jr. elene Wood, Brenda Stewart,' JUYSPECIAL Mrs. Carl Down and Mus. j. Ronnie Kuzenko. Marilyn Glaspeli. it J i JES' Ibex First Quality C. Found assisted by several Jr. Girls 8-9 Years Tlenego, gendaeart 'E ladieslenteooainedetheiStSwn-t; ldyeschool Casse e ir us. 30yard clash --Margaret IMarilyn Glaspeil, LoraaHel-SI IrED0U E s $1 F49dscottCaesoba geonWatson. Sandra Sobil, Dianne Iferty, Nina Kapustin, Sandra RED_____ FL AN NEL E T TIE Fudsctae oeyen Br .Sot ~~~The girls lett at 9:30 and tra-?Braa.. *jSot BLAN ETSvelled in four cars. A pienie' Running hroad lump-Di- rHîgh jump-Brenda Stew- amaAlckla'r'Rý m il Wh1 itwthl. Ured Bord dinner and supper were en- anne Patterson, Mary Jane Ne-' art, Nina Kapustin, Lorna Hel-' gar, Miss Margaret Pollock,, Running bîoad iump --Nick1 Bal] throw-Noi'man Frank, FRESH, NEW CROP, NO. 1 GRADE, CALIFON Mus. J. Shortt. Kairetz, Bobby Howes. Jo. Paul Wheeleu. Jack Knapp. Mu. and Mus. Bob Johnson, Hircock. Sack race-Eddie StewartI Oshwa wthMis Vrgni Standing broad lump-Bob- Paul Wheeler, Klaus Ajîsies IDI ~ I I AL Brown. '~~ýbv Howes, Jeff MacLean, Ric- tetter. - ~ wm w ~ Mr'. and Mus. Wilf Buown, ky Barragar. Wheelbarrow race -- Bern IASPSIRRIB d <~~ R E A ý turned home alter holidayig rock. Ricky Barragar, Bcbbyi Knapp, Nouman Frank: Eddie S .,R .tM . F uu. ili wîth relatives in Buffalo, Howes, Billy Killen, Nick Rldi Stewart, Kasohn tter up rÀlg t Quelt a n d C R E A M ~~~~~Gusport and Middleport, New Kairetz, Tommy March. Reà-diStwrJh York. Higb jump-Nick Kairetz,! J., Jack Knapp. Couples Club mnbers are, Bob by Howes, Harvey Glover. The ntie failywil realy o fr frsh trawerres nd dlicousreminded of the picnic co be Bal thrcw -Joe HirecockR O go fr frsh srawerris an deci1n I ild this year a alton Bby Hw, a ire z Y LV RT N E E RA S SL E Park. south cf Newcastle, on, Sack race-Nick K irezi YAVR O asked te bring a beverage for, Wheelbaurow race - Billy1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stin- IE#> L G len R ae W hipped C ream WhilakinsFamlly Picnic Kaireiz, Tommy Marcb, Johnr Page, attended tue Saturday i ___S OLE As planned lasi yeau. the' Mattihews. Tommy Adair. afteunoon wedding cf Miss si - on .ovd > .ê Wilkins famil3' picnic wasr Relay -- Jetf MacLean, Nick; Norma Thorndyke and Mr. Orde saie f tis xtr fie wippng reai fonuyou mukma toay. held at Oshawa Lakeview- Kaiuetz, Tommy March. Barr'y Pollock in Mimico Un-!RAT-WL RMI Odrsieo hsetafn hpigcemfotyu ika oa Park on JuIy 9. Babe and ied Church with receptien o 5f Wilf Brown. management Senior Girls, 10-11 Years Ilfollowing. ,S O T o R S Glen Rae Whipping Creanu makes any dessert taste better. committee, auranged tbe ta- 40-yard dash-Valeuie Stew- iMu. and Mrs. Bert Arnotti SHORT CUT ANBINGCT bles. art. Dianne Tweedie, Anne- j called on Mrs. Hugli McGill PU i O S b 9 UnI'ortunately, news had'i marie Jeffeuy. thiis week. * been received of Gardon Os- Running bread jump-VaI- r Ms. Roy Werry, Debbie and ___ A -borne being seriously ill and erie Stewart, Annemaî'ie Jet- Trudy, spent ibis week wi.th E*ex or Mapi. L.af JI. - MW itbrougb misundersianding, on-!i fery, Dianne Tweedie. bier sister hem. at Malconia. E. the RA E Ui K i Orrniston tam-' Standing bod ju'V I' OnS trdayee itgli ily, Brown family and Bry- erie Stewart, Aice. Kilen (or early Sunday morning) , a 1 941«Par an s adMr ikn n a Donna Pingle. blaze cf undetermined orngin l ac Quality raie Robertson arrived for sup- 1 Tbree-legged race-Valenie 1ciaimed two barns and a shed! 98 King St. WV. Bowmanville per. 1WTlat e la~cked irinurn- Stewart. Alice Killen. Josi- ewned b3' Mr. and Mrs. Ar~-1 SLICED PORK LIVER Pb31c EDCESuozIsko..3 'terlaetale i s. h w ino anne L., Annemaule Jefferv, thuu Hanna and Mus. Wilfred i ALL PRICES tý1 THIS AD «UARANTEED HOG; ArRAJL Bd N theladn tble. W wil lokVictoria Kapustin, Dianne Leslie cf Janetville village. forward tn a gccd turncut. an-1 Tweedie. Fortunately the conflagration o ther leaL -i' kiigh jump-Anneniari. Je£-! was eonfined te thon buiid-1--mM