Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1960, p. 12

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PAGE TWUYE TUE CANA~AN BTA1AN~, TRU ISDAY, JULY 81sf,:lm ,ni 1 - à. 1- - Imm. -à- - - = -- m- -R . a lu- -1 - r - -M- % - ASHTON-Ross sud Jean happy ta announce the ar al of their son Allan Ross $aturday, July 9, 1960, Memorial Hospital, Bowr ville. A brother for She Gien, Beth sud Barbara.e GARAB-Alfred sudJ (nee Griffin> are pleased anucunce. the 1birth cf t] son, Barry Lomne, 7 lbs. ýff. on Friday, July 15, 11 'at Memoial Hospital, Bi mnauvilie. l * GATCHELL-Tcm and Eil (nee Alin) announce the rival of a baby boy onJ 19, 1960, at Meémorial Hospi Bowmanvlhe, A brother Susas. I GRACE-Alf and Flore .Nish ta announce the ami' ef their chosen daughter1 ricia May. A sister for Lit V R OY-Wendy Jane wisbes ta announce the arrivai ai hem baby brother Douglas James on Fmi., July 15, 1960, at Mem- criai Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud parents are Stan and Alice Roy (nee Taylor). 29-1 RICHARDSON-C-pl. and Mmc. Les Richardson (noe Shirley KItsan) are happy ta announce te birth of their daughter, Laura Lynn, on Tuesday, July 19, 1960, at St. Josephls Ras- Pital, Victoria, British Clum- bia. 29-1 SELBY-Newton sud Christ- ena are happy ta announce the arrivai ai thdir son William Carl on Juno 20, 1960, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 29-1 SWEEP-Mr. and Mrs. Jar Sweep, R.R. 4 Bawmanville, annaunce the birth of a son, Leonardus Hubertus on Ju1î 15, 1960, at Momorial Hospital, ]Bowmanville. 29-1 WHYTE-.-Ron and Boa (nee Hadgson) are happy to an- naunce the birth of their dau- ghter Kerry Lyn. 7 lbs. 12 ozs. at Memorial Hospital on June 23, 1960. A sister for Cathy. .29-1 Deaths BLIZNIAX - At bis residence X.R. 2, Newcastle, on Tuesday, July l9th, 1960, WaI'enty Bliz- niak, in his 62nd year, dear father cf Bronislaw, Oshawa. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Puneral arrangements later. Intermeni Bowmanville Cemetery. 29-1 LO>CKWOOD - At Cobourg General Hospitalt on Saturdiay, July 16, 1960, Ernest Lorne Loclcwood in bis 87th yer, busband of Gertrude Trebel] end brother of R. H. Lock- Wood, Oshawa; Dr. Wn. Lock- wood and Mms. Duff Noble bot!h of North Battlefard, Sask. Service was beîd lu the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bow- maanville en Monday, July 18, ait 2 o'clock. Internient Bow- manville Cemretery. 29-1 STAPLETON-At Newcastle ,on Sunday, July 17, 1960, Violette h1iDlson in hem 6Mt year, wtfe of thie laie T. G. "Maxwell Stapleton, dear moth.. Or of Huglh, Evelyn (Mms. Tra- ocey Emnbley) and Thoînia (Mms. 'John Porrester). Service was held in the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bow'manviile on Wed- nesday, July 20, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvièle Cerne- tory. ..129-1 Wotice to Credlitors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILMA MILETTA LEACH,'Spinster, AUl persans havlug cdaims ggainst the estate of Wilrna blietta Leach, late cf the Township of Darlington, in the County cf Durham, Spins- tem, deceased, who diod on or tbout the l4th day of March, l%60, are hemeby notifled to tond lu ta the undemsigned Persanal Representative cf the~ Sa id deceased on or before the $rd day cf August, 1960, full paticuiars of their dlaims. Im- inediately after the said date fhe said Personal Represonta- jiv.s will distribute the assets of the said deceased having mo- g rd only ta dlaims cf which e&rshail thon have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 3th 4ay cf June, 1960. ROSWALD LEACH, by his solicitors, Messrs. MeGIBBON & BASTEDO, SBarristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario. 27-3 The Corporation of the ?ownshlp cf Cartwright, call ~Tenders for the Sale cf a pile ot richly fertilized top ccii, located at the newly purchas- dTownship Lot, ait the outheast angle of Lot 12 oncession 6 lu the Towushipi et Cartwright, approxlmately n-dmle east of White Rase qervice Station, on thie 5th Concession Line from the cor- ner of Scugog Rd. sud 7A l1lghway. Lump Sum Tenders Yaccpted sud a choque fr the fulaniunt to accom- #sny Tender. Tenders close at #*pan. Tuesday, Auga 2nd, 1>60. Four mont» limlit to remiove said pile of top soil. EcRad Superiutoudent- Mer- t Suggit, Nestieton or Black- *,ock Ont. - 29-1 Coming Events Sare Free transportation for Bap- rriv- tist Church Sunday Services.1 , on Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev- at enings. 23-tf man Barn dance at Alan Foster's, eryl, Kendal. Old tyme and modern 29-1 dancing. Henry Koss orchestra. Jean ISaturday, July 23. 29-1 d to,1 Barn Dance- Bob Spen- heir Icer's «Chickon Cooper's' Orch- 23/ estra. Old time, Modern, Rock [960, and Rail, Sat., July 21, at 9 3ow-lo'clock. Jake Van Dam's farm, 29-1 14 miles east of -Pontypool. L 29-1 Street Camnival sud Dance at Blackstock, Priday, July 22, 8:30 p.m. Bingo garnos, lucky draw. Dance ta Bob Bavie and bis HiUl Billy Ramblers. Sponsored by Cartwright Agri- cultural Society. 28-2 Woodview Community Centre -Manster B i n g o. Twenty games-twonty dollars; five games-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250:' Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf The 23rd Forgusan rounian wil ho hold Satumday, July 30, 1960, at Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, Ont ar io. Sparts at 3 p.m. Supper at 5.30 p.m. D.S.T. Please bing basket lunch. Tea sud dishes provided. 29-1 DONT MIUSS THE Darlingion Ralepayers' Picnic BSaiurday, July 23 t 2 P.rn. LaI BAudai's Farm F'un and Entertalument for Al Refreshmonts Available SEVERYrONE 18 WELCOME 29-1 In Memoriam STONE-In memory of a dear husband and father, Prank Stone, who departed this life, July 21, 1948. Nat just taday, but every day In silence we remember. -Lovingly remembemed by wife and family. 29-1* Crdis of Thanks rI would like ta thank my family and frionds for their lavely cards and gifts sont ta me on my 2lst birthday, July 11. LAlan Mundy We would ]ike ta tbank al aur friends and noighbours for thoir sincere sympathy shown and cards and flowers lu the loss af aur beloved son and brother, Hank. Mm. and Mrs. John Fayer and family. 29-1* I wish ta, thank everyone for the iavely cards, flowors, fruit, candy, visits and kind enquiries during my stay in the hospital. A special thanks eta the nurses and staff of the Canuuunity Hospital, P or t àPerry, also ta Dr. J. Diamond and Dr. M. B. Dymond. Frank Melton 29-1 sWe wish ta extend our 1beartfelt thanks ta relatives, fmiends and neighbours for the lovely floral tributes, cards and many acts ai kindness Lshown ta us in the sudden passing of a laving husband and father. Marion Marjerrison, Lola and Don Wright, Jane and Jed Wilsan. I wish te, thank ail friends, relatives and well wishers for the many carda and flowers and gifts which I meceived while in hospital. Many thanks ta Dr. Keitb Slernon and Dr. Thompson and nurses for came received whie in Memorial Hospital. Mfrs. John Liptay, Hlaydon. I wou]d like to thank the Doctors, Nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, for came recoived while in hospital. Also'relatives and frionds of Oshawa and Bow- nianville for flowers, visita and cards. Special the.nks ta, the Post Office staff for kind- nesses. Bilh MihoWich. Mm. and Mrs. Bort Kelsey would like ta thank Drs. Mik- las and Stumbof for their prompt attention, Mms. Toms, Bud Wagar and Toronto City Police, neighboums, fmiends, nurses and staff for aIl their kludnesses while their son David was lu Taranto Sick Children's Hospital and Morn- omiad Hospital, Bawmanviile. Bort Kelsey. 29-1e Personal OLD, rundown' Ostrox Tonie Tabiets help "pop-up" thous- ands of mon, wornen past 40. Ouly 69c. At ail druggists. 29-1 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubbe goods> mailed pcstpaid in plat aealed envelope with price lisi Six samples 25c, 24 sam le $1.00. Mail Order Dept.!-2 Nov.-Rubbos- Co, Box 91, Han ilIon On.1-i Room-Bd.Wne in st. es Notices Miss A. Hodgxns' office ill bo closed until August 4th. 27-4 Dr. Austlu's office will ho closed for holidays from July 15 ta Aug. 15 inclusive. 27-3 Dr. Koith Biilett's office wi'l be losed for holidays from July 24 to Aug. 7 inclusive. 29-2 As of July 4, 1960, 1 vill ot1 b)e respansible for any debts1 incurred by my wif e. Stephen Whitehand. 27-3*E DR. J. R. THOMPSON wlll b. at Memorlal Hospital, Bowmainville, until Labor Day. Office Hours: Afternoons 2-4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Frlday. Evenings: 7-9, Monday, Wednesday andI Fr1- day. Weekends: Emergencies only. Ne appolntment needed. *27-9*. FOR COMPLETE Insurance Coverage See Bill Morrison 26 CONCESSION ST. W. MA 3-3048 FIre - Theft - Automobile Travel - Lite 22-f VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA MAT 24 te THANKSGIVING F'UN FOR ALL THE FAMILY CHELDREN 14 years andI under accompanled by parent FREE 9:30 a.m. te 6:00 p.m. SUNDAY 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE BREACEBRIDGE, ONT. 26-7 NOTICEfF PY-LAWI Town of Bowmanville NOTICE 0F BY-LAW con- cerning the closing cf Contre Street running northemly from Wellington Street ta CarLlse Avenue and George Street and poviding for the sale thereof ta the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that the Council cf the Corporation cf the Town of Bowmanville will consider passing a by-law ta stop up and close all that part of Cen- tre Street in the Town of Bowmanville running narth- erhy from Wellington Street ta the southern limit of Car- lisle Avenue and the south- eastern limit of George Street at a special council meet- ing ta be held on Tuesday, the 3th day of August, 1960, at the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. or at any timo thereafter. NOTICE IS ALSO HERE- BSY GIVEN that the Council of the Carporation of the Town cf Bawmanville praposes at the same meeting by the aforesaid by-law ta autharize the sale thereof ta the abut- ting ownors. The prapased by-law and plan showing the lands af- fected may be seen in my of- fices in the Town Hall. The Council will hear ln persan, or by his or hem caun- sel, agent or solicitor, any persan who dlaims that his or hem lands will bo prejudi- ciaily affected by the said ..by- haw and who applies ta be heard. DATED this llth day af July, 1960. Robert B. Reynolds, Town Clerk. 29-4 EXECUTIVE roquires unfurn- ished accommodation for fouri on or bofore September 1. Ex- cellent references. Write Ad- vertiser 51 c/a Canadian Sta- tesman Office, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 29-1 TWO ta three bedroorn apamt- mont, heated, self-contained, for high school teacher and twa children age five and sev- on. Possession Sept. 1. Rei- erences. Write Advertiser 49, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bwmanviile. 28-3 IN Bowmanville or vicinity (on ploughed raad) unfumnish- ed living quarter.-a large or double living raoms, bedroom, bath and kitchen. Garage pro- ferred. Par end of August or first September., Apply ta Ad- vertiser 46, C/a Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 29-1 Wcmted to Buy _ ORGAN or smail piano want- ed. State size and price. Write Advertiser 48, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- maqnville. 27-4 HIGHEST prices pald for used furniture, appliances, tele- vision, sewg machines, etc. Also soU and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MArket 3-7231. 42-tf its, AIL kinds 0f lve poultry, 52 feathers, new goose sud duck -also old teter ticks wanted. Bighest prices paid. M. Fiatt, Btany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 or collect. 21-tf ai HIGHEST prices pald for live ~-poultry, goose feathers, feat.- es r ticks, scmap iron, ags, h mnetals sud raw furs. Phonç or A 3-2043 Oshawa coileet., -1j 484 Articles for 5aie -1Articles for Saie _ CEDAR fonce posta. Phone Clarke 28 r 32. S8-2 3-PIECE bedroSn suite. Good condàtion. 219 Liberty N. 29-1 LADY'S Bicycle lu good con- dition. Phono MA 3-2727. 29-1 MONTMORENCY cher rmi o s. Phono orders taken. MA 3-3972. 29-1 IRASPBERRIES, Lathamn and Marcy. Orders taken. Phone CO 3-2598. 28-2 BEES, 28 colonies, haney crap, extra equipment. Mrs. Dor- othy Mark, Bethany. 29-1* FOR sale. or trade for Young livestock, a Massoy - Hars binder. Phono Clarke 28 r 32. KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., bBowmanviile. 46-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mill ta yau. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kiamount, Ont. Phono 17 r 11. 13-tf GOOD selection used TV sets for reasonable pricos. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond t East, Oshawa. . il-tf One tent 9x9, 2 air mattresses $25. Alton Goodwin, Bowrnan- ville, noth of Gravel Pit Rd. Phono MA 3-2462. 29-1* MASSEY-H1ARRIS seven foot binder; Massey-Harris 10 foot horse rake. Bath in good con- dition. Phone CO 3-2420. 29-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service ta electrical appiances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf PAInTING and Decomating. For quality matemials and g u ar a nt e o d warmrnship. Lander Hardware & Electric Ltd. 9-tf GLADIOLUS sud eut flowems for ail occasions. Daily hos- pital doiivery. Mrs. E. Passant, Bowmanviile. Phone MArket 3-3527. 27-10* ELIZABETHVILLE- 6 maom- ed bouse, ta ho moved back or demoiished. Can ho seen Saturdays or eaUl Oshawa RA 5-4213. 29-1 DO your own floors and rugs -Rent a sander, floor palisher or rug cloaner (shampoc, moth- od>. We sand floors. Lander Hardware. 5-tf INSULATION, blowing meth- cd, with rock woal. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Telo- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf COURSES at Bowmanvie Business Schoal for office positions cf your cholce. Reg- istrations now being accepted for fail term. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain pricos, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- manvifll. East cf Bowmanvillo Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complote stock of batteries and cards at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phono MArket 3-3305. 7-tf ALUMINUM D oo rs an d Windows at econamical pricos. Buy naw and save! Estimates given on ffiquiry. Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 Ring St East, Bcwmanviile. MArket 3-5689. 23-tf Tee Good t. bo Api Retreades Lot $4.00 npsh JAIESON TIRE har No. TILEPa Walls - Fl To'ç WaHs - Foors Dui ANY x»I» wa: Cerarnie - Plastic - RubberKi Vinyl - Asbestos Supplied sud Installed H. G. HEAL T COlfax 3-2531 21-tfl Il-. automatie warnlng llght-j AdJustable temperature ieto Fiberglaus Insulatien Unit and Food IanSraju Made la canada . ft chest _ en. ft. Chest on.et.cheut - 1u e ft. Chest Easu Terms Arrange Bowmanville ice 229.04 259.00 319.00 379.00 à OOA.L furnece and pipes. MAý 3-5179. - 29-1 RASPEERRIES. Orders taken. Phone CO 3-2229. 29-2 AIàSCO doors and windows, awnings sud sidings. Lomne Allin. MA 3-3871. 29-1* 950 BALES of good mldxed al- 1falfa hay. WUI seil cheap. Phone CO 3-2524. 29-1 GOOSEBERRME, 25c -quart, Black Currmnts, 35e quart. at Beacock Bros., R.R. 2 Nestie- ton, Ont. 29-1* FOR best in Aluminurn Doors, Windows, Railings and Awn- ing. Cali Bowmanville Home Improvements. Phonxe MA j3-2753. - 29-tf, *CHESTERFIELDS, space-sav- Sers, bedroom and kitchen suit- es, mattresses, odd .chairs etc. 25% discounit during July Sa-le. Trade-in bedroom suite with spmings. Murphy Furni- Sture, King St. W., Bowrnan- ville. MA 3-3781. 29-1* s Auction Sale Auction sale ai blacksmith and -woodwarking equipment, the estate ai the latè P. M. Cryderman, on Satumday, July 30 at his late residence, Silver Street, Bowrnanville. Ail kinds of tools, dry hamdwood suitablo for truck racks and platforms, tumning lathes, forge, anvil, boxes ai now baîts, implement paint, etc. For partieulars, see bills. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 28-2. fNAI AUCTION SALE 0F LAND PROPERTY SALE 1504 >Appmaximately 145%1 Acres, Part Lots 10 and 12, Conces- sion 1, Township of Clarke, County of Durham, located south of Highway No. 401, one mile west of the Village of -- f1 -eTnviue.rll Sale to bo held on the property at 10:00 A.M. D.S.T. Friday, Augusi 51h 1960 TERMS: $500.00 Cash or Cor- tified Choque ta be made pay- able ta the Treasurer of On- taria, balance payable in thimty days. Par further information please contact: THE AUCTIONEER, Mr. Murray Noble, Baltimore, Ontario. Telephone 34-R-2. - OR - Department of Highways, Toronto Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone CHerry 4-2571 Local 444. Departrnent of Highways Ontario 29-1 ,JCTION SALE 0F LAND PROPERTY SALE T-0570 -proxirnately 3/4 Acre, Part )t 25, Concession 7, Town- ip af Clarke, County of Dur- L, iocated east ai Highway x35 lu the Village ai Kirby. 'ROPERTY SALE T-0573 -poximately 1 4/10 Acres, rt Lot 25, Concession 7, )wnship cf Clarke, County cf irharn, located east ai High- ay No. 35 lu the Village of Iby. Sale te ho held on the property at 11:00 A.M. D.S.T. hursday, Augusi 4 1960 TERMS: Cash or Choque (Choque ta ho made payable to the Treasurer ai Ontario) at tirne af sale, balance pay- able li 30 days. For further information please contact: THE AUCTIONEER, Mr. Murray Noble, Baltimore, Ontario. Telephone: 34-R-2 - OR - Department cf Highways, Toronto Regional Office, »ewnsview, Ontario. Telephone: CHerry 4-2571 Local 444 SALE SUBJECT TO A RESERVE BID Departmnent of Highways Ontario 29-2 WELL started pigs. Austin Wood. MA 3-2388. 29-1e 45 YORKSHIRE pigs, seven weeks aid. Phono Newcastle 2137. Ross Adamis. PUREBRED Holstein cow, 6 year old, due August 1, aisa a grade Holstein hoer due August h. Appiy Blake Short. MA 3-3057. 29.1*1 SNursing Home_ Help Wanted _ DRIVER, wated. - ReBaa3le neat appearanp. Khrows town. APPly Stevens Taxi- 29-11 TOBACCO. priniers, Men Înd. Women. Phono Orono 6 r 14. L. Adegeest, RP.. 1 Reidal. 29-1* EXPERIENCBD young wo- mani, over 25 for' part--time help lin and Chip Store. Apply 22 Division St. 29-1 LAflY to keep bouse for fam- ily lu country. Modern con- venionces. Write Advemtiser 50 c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviile. .29-1* HOUSEKEEPEn- PUlllie, required for widower's hôme, sehool-age boy sud . one girl 2 yeams aid. AR conveniences in home. Live in. Age 40 ta 55. Cail Mm. Wilson, Oshawa, RAj 5-6588. 29-1le POSITIONS lu offices open ta you alter çxmpleting a course ait Bowmhuvilie B us in es s School. Registrations for Fal term now being accopted. Tehephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf RAWLEIGH business naw open in Bawmanville. Trade woil established. Excellent op- partunity. Pull time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. G- 140-189, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 29-1 GUARANTEED lineoaf hause- hald necessities, farm special- ties, cosmetics, ta seil in yaur surroundings at high comn- mission. Manthly specials with free praducts. Write for free catalogue, PAMILEX PRO- DUOTS Dept. R9-1600 Del- oriniior, Montreal. 29-1 WOMEN-Represent aur Com- pany from your own home. Part or full timo. No door-to- doar. Customers suppliod. Must be married home own- ers. Salary. Commission. Sond name and 'phone number. ta Manarch, 36 Densley Ave., Toronto 15, Ontario. 28-2 HOMMWIES Without provious experience Yon cau earn to $10 per day selling AVON COSMETICS in 0w» viclnity. Earnints begin at once. Write today te Miss K. MacKean, Avon Manager, 528 Gilmour Street, JFeterboro, I 3-4006. 29-1 Work Wanted- BRICK work. Norman Pingle,1 72 Elgin St., Phone MA 3-5518. 26-tf SCUFFING and hoe crop work, $3 pet hour. Phono MA 3-3548. 27-41 CARPENTRY, roofing and cernent work, free estimates. Phone MA 3-5212. 29-1 PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partnor, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimney -work, new or1 repair or any brick, block or1 concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Cail L. Turner, Phono MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf ilerman Van De Bell GENEIRAL CONTRACTOIR Brick. Block, Concrete and Carpentry New Work and Repairs FHONE MArket 3-3694 7 WMILane 5-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Plumbing - Healing Eavestroughing A. EAARS MA 3-7121 se Klug -St. W., Bowmanville Free Esatimate 24-tf BACKHOE WORK Trencbing - Baekfilling Septie Tanks New Equiprnent IVAN MOUNTJOT Blackstock 87 r 4 before 8 amn. or after 5 p.rn. 15-tf Save Money ai OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & IREPAIES Phoneo %lWrmnvle On""w MA 3-5919 ICA 8-8186 IILL Ai» BOB LEASE 39-tf Real Estate for Sale FPIVE-room insul brick bouse, full basement sud garage, big gardon, - R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phono 3841. 2- .V.L.A. Approveti Bungalow 6 ACRES For itforn'atlon: Cail MA 3-2464 OUR HOLIDAY SPECIAL 5-Acre Berry Farm 5-acre raspberry farm wlth fMI crop of luclous bernies; 3.,oom bungalow, between Oshawa andI Whltby, very close té sehool, 10w price to soîl,I taxes $50, ,every reasonable effet will be accepted. Caîl RAndolph 8-5145 Arihur Weinberger REALTOR 32 Park Road, North, Oshawa Ater houri RA 3-7244 29-1 De Wilh Real Estie. DAIRY PARM, 200 acres, ex- cellent buildings, L-shaped barn, steel stanchions, water- bowhs, bulkcooem, cernent silo, drive shed etc; 8 raarned home with ail modemn con- veniences. Down $5,000. Price $28,500. 185 acre fanm, 120 acres workable, large streani, L- shaped baxikbarn with water- bowls, steel stanchions, drive shed, garage etc; 7 roorned home with aI modemncaone- lences. Price $17,000 with $7,000 down. 60 acre farm near Bethany with hiproofed barn, silo, etc; 7 roorned home, hydro, water under pressure. Asking $6,500. Terms. TURKEY FARM, w es t Bowrnanville. Cold stamago sud freezer plant. Housing and runs for 2000 birds year- ly; 7 roornod home with ail modemn coxivoxiences. Asking $18,000. Terrns. ORCHARD FARM 78 acres near Bowmanville 40 acres in orchard, 110'x30' barn, ail emachinery, sprayers, trucks etc; 7 roomed bouse, ruinning -hot and cold water, 4-piece bath. Price sud temms amrang- ed. 130 acres tarin, 120 acres wamkable, stream, 80' x 30' bsukbarn, machine shed; 7 moonjed home, water under pressure. Price $12,000. Terms. 7 roomed home east New- castle, heavy wired. Garage Located on highway. Price $6,000. Terme arranged. 5 roomed bungalow in Bow- manville with ail modemn con- venioxices, full basern e n t, bardwood anid tUle floors. Doe'n $1,000. 7 roomed home in New- castle with ail modern con- veniexices, cil furuace, full basement, garage. Contrally located. Immaculate condition. Dowu $3,500.* Price amanged. 5 roomed bungalow in Bow- manville with ail modemn con- venionces. Hardwood anid tule floors. Price $9,800. Ternis. 5 raomed. brick bungalow in Bowmanville, modemn con- veniences, alrnost now, bard- wcod and tule floors, full baisement. Price $13,000. Terms. 8 roamed home lin Ponty- pool with 4 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, runxiing water. Pmiae $4,000, with $500 down. 2 bedmoom bungalow lin Newcastle, aU modern con- veniences, full basement. Cen- tlally located. Asking $ 10,000 wlth smali down paymexit. 4 moomed bouse est New- -castle, with smali barn. Price $3,500 with $700 dawn. John F. De Wilh Realtor sud General Insuranco Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 bous Davidsen, Bethany, 21R6 L. A. Perrault, Clarke,- 2231 29-1 Cars for Sale 1950 OLDS., 1960 Vauxhaîl. Phono Newcastle 2821. 29.1* 1950 CHEV. V2 tan pick-up. Good condition, $150. Phono Oshawa RA 5-4047. 29-1 1952 OHEVi\. 1/2 tan pick-up ini good condition with clôsed in box. Apply MA 3-5978. 29-1 1957 VOLKSWAGENi window- less van-truck. Low mileage. Phono MA 3-3473. 27-tf 1949 PLYMOUTH, 37,000 mil- es, one owner car. Apply Har- ry AllUn, 6 Edsall Ave. 29-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insuranco. Save 20%. Six montbs ta pay. For Personal service at your homo cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1947 PLYMOUTH Coach, in g9od running order, body gond, excellent tires, everything worku On this car. Bost offer. Phono MA 3-3303. 28-1 '48 CHZ',. s»&hn delivc--y anId '54 Popitac sedan d-lY,_y bath In excellent ccî:dition. wil sel! or trade for station wagon. Make 'an offer. C. Wbite, 18 Pribce St. 29-1* e-aunai -- - SOBO HaNven Nursing Home 1 i -Aeçommodation for private WcmtedI a n d semi-private Ptients, ,em lOunge TV. Fullylcensed, DEAD sud crippleci farm stock, newbuidià&,moem isior ùcedup promptL Tele h welcome. iceasonable rates. O=ar3-2721. MTur1FI 33-ti floue NewcStlo 44". 8-tf Faim. Tyrolma7- flecrl Estate for Sa1el_ TWO choice -lots lu Village of Hampton. Phono CO 3-2q72. Four room modern bungalow, garage and breezeway attach- edA. Jakeman. Phone Orona 1738. 29-2* Leask Real Esiate 6room bungalow, sunporch, heating with ail, 3/ acre land, double garage. $12,000 with 4 choice waterfront lots on Lake Scugog. To close an os- tate. 15 acres in Clarke Town- ship. Good building lots, gra- vol pit, woll, just off No. 2 Iligchway opposite school and church. Will considor roason- able offer with terms. We have cottages, lats, bun- galows, houses, farms. Cornei in and see aur listings. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowrnanville MArket 3-5919 Peter Kowal REALTOR Box 817, Bowmanviile, Ont.1 Offices 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 52 King St. W. - MA 3-2453 $700.00 clown buys a 5-room winterized cqttage at beach. Why payrenm?. 5 acres with lovely 6-roomt houso, 2-car garage and chick-i en barn. AU convoniences. Aski.ng $12,000. 160 acre farm ait Newcastle. The best of land, smjall streani, gond lieuse, large barn. Pricod ta Bell. 5-room brick semi-detached home on Liberty Place. $9,000. God terins. We have many others. Cal us for bost resuits. Salesmen: J7. A. Barton - MA 3-3098 C. Soper - MA 3-2624j 2t- e Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 81 acres with 6 room. house, 9barn 30 x 60, implement shed, garage. Price $12,000. Terms. s56 acres, 12 miles from Osha- iwa, nice view, trout stream. 1Price anly $3,000. Down $1,000. s25 acres with 6 room house, rbank barn, two garages. Own- o r will soUl or trade. See us for information. 100 acres near Sunderland, river frontage, good duck hunt- ing, excellent cottage site. Priced ta -soU. Easy terms. 1l acres with frontage on Highway 2. Owner must soîl. Price $3,500. Temms. 2 acres with 4 room bunga- low, full basement, furnace, bath, garage, small barn. Ai] this for only $5,250. Terms. Building lots on sewer and water. See us for information. 3 bedroom. bungalow, fully modemn, near school. Price $10,500. Terms. , On Hlghway No. 2 One Mle East of Bowmanville Tolephone MArket 3-3644 Salesnian: G. Blyleven Pedwell Real Esiale 100 acres on No. 2 Highway sud adjoinixig 401 Highway, east of Newcastle, large brick bouse, convoniexices, b a nk barn 40'xOO', river and corne bush, 90 acres cultivated, good produeing farm. Phono for ap- polutment ta inspeùt this out- standing farm. We have good farme tram 50 acres ta 500 acres waiting for buyers. 6 room bouse in Orono with tile and ba-rdwood floors, ailù fumnace, bath, garage, 1/ acre lot. $1,000 dewn. Ternis. 6 room bouse lin Newcastle. $6,000, with $1,000 down. 60 acres pasture land on 3rd lino close ta Newcastle with river, could ho divided into 2 acre lots. Asking $5,000, with $1,000 down. 27 acres on two bigbways, msul stone bouse, bank barn 40'x60', cernent floors, gardon sbil, sehool on pmaperty, ternis. We have vacant land, 10 acres and 4 % acres close ta Oshawa. HA'"OLD C. PEDWELL Broker .Newcastle Phono 3856 29-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Moinhers ai Oshawa & District Rosl Ectate Board 30 acre retreat, 4 miles frein Bownainville. 6000 pru ne d Scotch Pine, streain, 20 acres in hardweod bush. $6,000 with ternis. 100 acre farm Orono ames. Buildings in gacd repair. Ex- cellent gravel dieposit. $21,000. Ton. 50 acres choice garden land with excellent trout streai near Tyrone. $7500 wkih $3,000 down. Bungalow on Uargo lot at Omono. $6,000, $2,000 dowin. We have 6 haines eît Oi'ano to choose froni. Dowmanville Modern bungalow, $11,000, wlth $1,500 down, fully fumu- !shed. o1nly. Ravine lots Idoai $or spitlvlhomes lu Bowman- ville's best residentiai area at enly $3,300 ecd. We have a large selection et fanins, acreages, homes and businesses. Cail WALTER FRANK 177 Churoh UL MA 8-889s DBwmWsin For Rent TWO roa.ns for ent, Apply 172 Liberty St. N. 29-1 APARTMENT, thrIlLroorns aud bath. MA 3-50Mw 28-2 APARTMENT availablo im-, mediately. Phono MA 3-3349. 29-1 SELF contained 2-roSn apart- ment and bath. Phono MA COTTAGE at West Beach for. last 3 weeks in August. Phone MA 3-3970. 29-1 HEATED three-room apart. ment, immediate possession. Phone MA 3-7053 after 6 p.m. 29-1 APARTMENT, immediate pos- session. Centre -Street, B'ow- manville. Phono RA 5--5427, Oshawa. 29-1j THREE - roomned, furnished apartment, bed-sitting room, small bedroom, bath and kit- chen. Phone MA 3-2759. 29-1* FIVE--roomed upstairs apart- ment. Seperate entrance and bath, heated. Aduits prof er- [able. 175 Liberty Street North. 29-2e FOUR-room heated apartment. 32 Church St. MA 3-7124. 29-1* LARGE bright housekeeping room. a"sofurnished bedroom. MA 3-7201. 29-1 MODERN four-roms apart- ment with bath, heated, con- trai location, immedijato p)~ session. Ahply 10 Division ~~ Bow'manviile. 2t IAPA-RTMENT, 3 roonis, bed. raom, kitchenette, large living. room, modern bath, shower. 23 Temperanco, downtown Bowmanville. 22-tf APARTMENT, 2nd floar, rear, ini Victor Manor, King Street West; kitchen, living-roonm, bedroom and full bathroom, heavy wiring, oloctric wator heator. Availahie immodiate. ly. Contact Bül Curtis MA 3-7035. 23-tf Repaîirs RADIO and tolevision repairs, Pompt service. Pick-up and dellvory. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, ta all makes. Same day service. Television Service Ca. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turnod, toa ah makes of electrie motars. Higgon Elec- trie, 38 King East Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to almkesofD' se ing machines. Free piekup an% delivery. Laverty's Býargaii Centre, 59 King W. Tolephone MA 3-7231. * 44-tf REPAIRS to a-l. maké cf mre- frigerators, domestie and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Liniited, 38 King St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf Room cnd Board ROOM and board for 15 or 20 mon. MA 3-3347. 28-4 LARGE room, gentleman,. 205 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3186. 29-tf Newcastle Personals Mrs. (Capt.) W. son of Haliftax, NS. h r rived lu Newcastle ta visit hem twin Sisters, Mrs. Gwen Gibson cf Newcastle and MTs. Olive Watson of Courtice. Mrs. Gibson bas been receiv- ing teatments for one month ait the Princess Maivgaret Hos.. pital lu Toronto, fiollowing a major operation et the Ment- orial Hospital, Bownienville May l9th, and expects ta me. tumn ta hiejr home tJhis week. Ail her friends wish ber a ,speedy rocovery. through STATE SMAN C L ASSIF1E D Phono MArket 3-3303 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARYICLES FOR SALE. LIVESOCE FOR SALE FRM - rr RJ<P WAUTU CARS FOR SALE C« Rob . . . 0 C Musit b paii bY date of insertion 19 cbarged an additjonal 25o wlll b. added. A carge oi 25c wlU b. mode lmc RU1 replies directed ta " t eue EOimOu "cOMmINO lYniT AND CAM SOr TUA=S CIa -od w-t, «,minimu 81.00 fSr 25 word. or Ju $lm00pu.. ti MU OPlus 100o a l oeu. I Ab.lBuffed Ad. muuIM. this off ioe not inte &Ma 4:30 p.m. Tuesday $Md cah, umiape9ormoney r rd Clip t" . afr handy nn ovCIicBoums IIodaythrough Fridey 8:30a.u.t oma nhe Canadiastaogm Plat MArkst 34=30 Ot kmund Ad Servim irtns _ .NEW DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. -1 -- -1 -1- -1- For Rent L 1 . ;l, -i - 1 l 1 ! 1 28-21 - -- Il i: 1111 .1 51 . %,J. 1 1 j - 1 ci: - 1 L -1:: -11 . ý lu -i ý- 91- -1: 1 - rýý, . 1 TWULVI 1 1 bG-l :e kt 1 9 r, e r, e 1, e TM CAMiADUR IL IKYWUAUVUI^ (MAMO 1 **- , IRcicd Estate for, Scriel.

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