Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1960, p. 8

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t .- 4,~' I. IM CAXADI" STATIAN. OWimANVUug& ONTAMI SPRTOpiCS By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 GOLF CHAMIPIONSHIPS UNDERWAY Results of the qualif îng lion ndS w~ere releascd vloid;i., n îght, a Jongg wiih t he d ra\\ for fi 1si lrOund pIaY foir the various Soîiîhview Club tiileýs.Thterounid. ý,vhîch sta rie, ýelerda',, must be conipieted i-)\ Julx 27th. Handicaps wiii;ý he uspd in t he jui oor and ladips* ton înevs. .\Ihiile ihe inten .s and senior mien*s evert ils x ii e pia.%ed on a n handicap basîs. Oshiawxa ieiîoî ax e the ili de t racis i.ii he mien 's dix ision. xx th W ebb Fiai I a ceulamii x liix n t te chamipion- âh i p. Charni e Bari etxx <UId probabl ' ge l f 1wilod as the mn'ui to beat i n t he seunior pla -off. 'Ne dont kîîo\\x mitîci Mmnor Basebail Ste phen Fuels Squash aboutithe muer lxx o eveuuts. but 1Larr.v Piper coîîid pull off a Ljsted below are the tearns Dannv Hooper, Lewvis Patter-aEN jnior xx ii for himsel f We have beeîî iliformed ,i tait the and schediules for the Recrea- son. 'Wayne Hunt. John Baiau eL a 1ladies'cîaipionship xiii be cIo.seIy cuuttsted. , t four <of lion Depatntns Minou' Base- 'lanl.ine. Ian McQuarrie. th er1 etiiaitt as co-lax nurii<s. Pee Wee-Baîîtam leagues. PeTWeati am seb FoIO'lloig Îs a lîSt Of the lirsiltid qualifiîer,.Th Atom Leacue BRAVES - Peter Buekîcu,. Correct the chanîpîonship roîuîids wiii be m-atc-h pa on Tuesday,. Wednesda'v and Dennis Tieriney, Donald Ga- srnir Carle Bt-tfilN-s.Geoge arli11 E.'lh usd av mornings at 10:00 ivel. Stephen Wr'ight. Larr*s The Town League picture grand-slanmer. Dave 'y seied Senor\lns hali Batitix s Cure Prkît Ea. M. Rand. Donald Mai-tii. Lai-rv changed again following last down 10 retire the next three MI.sissoni\vS. Walter Rundie. Charlie Warrenî vs. Jiack Broiîgh. j1j Perris. Billy Smale. Bill Crom- 'hursday night's game in in order. , aeFigont bye 12 -Yankees vs. Tligers bie. which Stephen Fuels squash- The Sales [had briefiN takeit .iuiliîor ien- Jel Gilhiool- vs. Bob Jarnte',.Bient 13 --Itdians vs. Senators SENATORS - Ricky Wool- ed league-leading Surplus lte lead in the top 0of the HuheS .Do\vd Thoinpsoîî. Brad Yourih vs. Dav-idIli g.1 4-.Athletics vs. Red Sox i er. John Ross, Keith Mount- Sales 19-4. l'le loss, second first. xvhenl Jack Parker xvas 19Seatrsvsaigrsjo, eog MKile, n iia uow foi' the front-run- safe on an error by night- j .W'aYvie Burigess vs.I ,arrY Piper. Ale.x Wisenîan vs. Sieve 2i)-Athletics vs. Yankees IVance. Claire Syer. Peter Pin- ners;. cul thei' once large fielder Harry SnIIowdeii and Billspon 81 Cromibie. Dave Kerr antd Wayne Tetl. 1-RdSxv.Idas !lLo Curtin, Bill Wood-i margin to a single game. The i scored on a wild pitch. The. :4ys.Terel 26-Indians vs. Athletics ward.eoMichael Bothwell, Fuels and Snuffy's Auto Bodv losers raliied for three mark- Lades--Pt Hckri s.Ailei Osorie.Vo 'Mllr \S.28--Yankees vs. Senators . Ken Fox. Jerry Porter, Obie' with a foui' and four record, Clint Ferguson and Parker, Peg Hx Dot Kelly vs. Eva Warrent. FreddY Aîîtes vs. .Ags Rypstra. Danuîy Harle. Phillip while Ken's Men*s Wear' are Hoar's double and a sacrifice Ireiaitd. Mai g Nicks xvs. Vi Coxvaî. Ags Manduck. Harold Edmonston. another game back. in the fly by Eî'v Brooks. 2--Senatou's vs. Red Sox RDSX DvdOms cellar.Trewksadnifel M ei its- Webb Hll vs. Dave Iliggoiî. Franik Jloultnvxs . 3--Yankees vs. Indians RDSX-DvdOmsTrewlsada nil * *ol-t FîidDnî Mater v. Bb Lask (iti' .icksn s. -Tger vs Atîcteston, John Etcher, Hans Ruet- Stephen uuleashed an eight iout produced anothe' run foi' Jon o n Stith. ih Lxersvs.CBt b Leaskr'i. oit Jcllonlvsx . 9--TRe sovs. a kes ouiller, John McKnight. Ric-lrun attack in lte firsi bo the winners ln their haîf of Joe Siiiiii. BilýLle 10 SChraesorrrev.Donthleties« Vs.kev Forsey, Doug. Parker, knock startler Ted Hoau' fmom.ite inning and thev put te * Rv l'x , on MN.ndic v Bb aryn .er'x HaliiIt)-deianois vs.ATeiges John Ki'amp. Les Vandriel. te box. Vince Vanstone, the! game on ice wih six tallies in 1 John Dodds, Jim Robson. joe1 firsi baller 10 face relieferlte fifth. A single b". Sno&-, 1Vs i Jri.17 -Plavoffs Hr1 ck 1 « .PlHofs oey, Gregg Corden. Don ' Red" Davey,* cracked ai den and bases on bails to Van- 17-plaoff ýýorsyJeff Gilhooly. David grand-slam htome u'un 10 higit- stone and Stephen signalledl 'tee ~Pet Wee - Batitam League Edmondson, Michael Oke, i119 heinig Bob Abbot1 Hoar«s return 10 the MOLiiid. i y ia i Mtli gantes 10 be played aI. Wayne Barret. Rober't jack- singled, Ted Dadson doubled Abbotl and Dadson bot walk- O l m i s W n S r a .Vincent Massev School on man. hlm lu, Laurie Gai-be siutgled ed 10 force iunl'uns and Fei-gu- ~ ucnas îî Yonay samm.. ODER -ayteUtxîut.and Don Masters walked ltoison came lu from, left field: ~ j j iig i 1000 rn.Davî Va NeI. Ge :i)RabJoad tîte bases. "'Jiggs"' Coxl- to pilch.. His slow halls got t ~ n n e o . oo u a JuIv - 1 Doug. MeFeeters. ,Janmes Hicks, 1 ing drew another pass f0 foi-ce ilte fii'st two battersinhtno 1nap p dIy C obilg - uaves vs.'d ondaye't a shle-sonD Wry R n a u a naud consecutive sin- force-outs at lte plate. but 12-Guautts vs. Pir'ates deli, Ronnie Thompson, Wayune, gles bY F'rank Mohuuî and Hai'-! aileuroi' b ' Coxvle 'ailowed, :Boxx ittaux iie Jîîxeniie 0D it- fourtit uuîing iiu arkeis x h 8.-ogers vs. Giants, Burgess, Howard Mutton,, ny Snowdeut produccd a pair. autheu' unt score. Mohuits -puas droppecl t bei r firsi gaine each clubscnit four linires 19 -Piî'ates vs. Brax'esi William Malle.. u.Wl Iescssiislx'bnte ufoto h -oif lte e iasoit. osinig amiil 1-11)il) the1 fi liii. beinie the '. itous ')5--Braves vs. GiautîsJ GIANTS.-Fred Strîkxverda, loaded and nobody out. Vaut- plate xveut for a bit autdý ganteit ait exhuibitiomîclsi kiiotie I te cniint al 9-9 in te 26-Dodgers vs. Pirates David Burdetf, Jantes McDout- Stoue greeted- Davey w.ith hiis ii Sowden coltected his seond agaiuti Cobourîg Mdgets. last top of te sixfhl. .ugîist - aId, Donald Yourît, Sleplteîu .ý >oiida v uigbt. J ul> 4tlt. it 'edu tewi i - Pirates vs. Giautis Brns RiuI>'rrpasAlaii '9e at. aralepitdicef of Daxwes,\vitile L1,x"8-Braves \.Dodgpers Bmniiii*yealoDens 'tuuk afiair. xxas decidcd milte ,Piper xxvas îagged xxitit the e -Brav--odes qvs. Piaies PLRTtE-G-ret erbb.-ly YsiXîb. xxbcilte ltomneloxvuufeat.l'i e xx'nuers xvere <tut- 1 ogr s insJohnt Locklharl, Robint Vii tuie I,' IA "mdge[ clrub scored tlxice ~l(- u eetxak mdlPa'f Donald Tltompson. Tom Cai fl nPortHope 10 -2 'break a 9-ail deadlock. «Tue fuv e errou s bx'vte loseis xxvere Atom Basebatil 'Ieams ter. 'Ferry DevitI, Alan Os-, locais ralliued fou' a single --Ixvlrgl respomsibie foi'-lte re- YANKEES - Dau'rel Hunt, borne., lîlp Srked, Gsi uuhrgln ne o u ev .ýthe seventb afier te f i rIsitsiut.- Dolieut ' collected hal f Dautuy Cowle, Glenn Marlyn, Heinry Dykslî-a, Bmian Houte. rttWihrglryaa ro.ai ucsies jxobatters vcre reiired. ancd of Cobotirg's Ithits. xxitb Quig-.Paul Stocker', Alan Fice, Mit-1 il'SfbaiShd e ceuttie-iîeideu, took overthlIe gles bv Bob Osborne, Larrv 4ad te bases loaded xvîtcîJîi niev pickiutg nup a pair antd Daxx'cheli Doîoghue. James Scott, Gil'Sfbl ceu noi-ddlesncabe shHacckadJm1orai, *lorcrft l'LIrcie t shrt.addngtheothr.Larry Juszcyutski. Kim Rogers ,1AIlgames wilf be played a o, BwaI tu.u duusi ale lfpaster to a id outm Moo c af OVo1cia ilvileopted f0 sthofadu tg tc the. IPont Hope Juveniles crror anud ao her Itbats- J thtree in the fiist autd led 4-'-)am'd JTint M\oorer-aft tad lxx' Michtael Cawker. David WirigîtrMnaymriglI 00 10-2 ai lte Vncent Massey tan, followed bv AI Wood-, qat the enud of tree. Cobourg safeties apiece in a 1osini1Lloxd Grahtam, Allait Ma-! JuIY -bdli pauk. Monday nightf, Iock's two-oul single, produc- brokýe un irontýit xx't ree aue gulue. Ronnie Etcher. Jerry 11l Roses vs. Daisies Wr'ight allowed a mere three cd a pair of mna-kers in tîte ----ecas.Johnîsout. 18-- Violets vs. Roses Itits over lte niute inning dis- third. Port Hope's other tallv TIGEPRS-lait Stracltau. Ri-!i25--Daisies vs. Violets tautce, xvlile fanuting leut bat- came in te fourtit via a pair, citard Litle. Michael Corneil, Augýust- ters. The combiued pilching of miscues and a single b', Dong Brock, Darwvin Wight, 2--Roses vs. Violets of Campbtell and Br-own set Gi-eenawav. Charlies Cablu'an, Johtn Heidr. 8--Dausies 'vs. Roses 15 Olympias down oni stnikes.1 JohntJantes, iecnt: on ý14 00P7Doug. Sieep. Allan Crago,ý, 5-Violets vs. Daisies The visitors look the lead veu'ted lîtto a catcher.. bauged1. _M___________________________ Daut mivNoîvian, RoutWebb,' n s nigrtio obet edofteffh' Robertl Hoxxes, Brian Ogden, RSS WlaVnetet vt is ntmgni naadul 0la-f h ilt Dot araar.Dou. Tglue Jaie eu'eck Ka-en McMul- i t balsutan and an inifield and scored on Hautcock*s sun-, Doug. beneîy. any ln. aî Hobsaen Kî'amp, omît. The locals counted three gle. Singles by Hautcock autd Beupri rnty, nd e ,Cathyu lciter, Sateul oru- -niun te bottonu haf, on Wright aloutg xx'litaun error IDAS-onyLnai.bic. Susan Mitchtell, Rallie' antd a base on balis. gave Boxv-' MichalNS holR odtyL ug1 JohsonNatte>'Edmouîdson, munville four seveut1h inutiug SE R T F ACog.RoetHres a-1Beatrice Orntiston. tiAYJJUN talles b puut lte gaine on e. 'ai Osmtoutd, Tom Wmigltl, DAISIES--Vingiutua Osntoutd autck pacthed iles, n diu b U Stu CAR'S PAST Doug LLNutouu. Johtn Pallem'soutn Lorrainte White. Rita Valide- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ber- alc ihtmesugeau Lau'uv Devitt. Daxvid StulI, Roui mentt. Lenou-e Cain, MaLuneen i li'i, Jiini, Jeautie, Ilecîte antd Wrightî had a pair of singles Beufs. oitToustal Je M- Rean.Lyn Fan. huulieMaiganet. Windsor, aie holi- 10 help his own cause. The )ntai l..( it re- Kngt etCea'd o Sameils. Gail Adams, Kativ, dayiutg witlt Mr. aund Mrs. Mel J centî]y annoiunced thatfic$.00. Shackeltout. uneg. l-.utcîteson I Balleutine, Linda McDomtald, Bertrim autd fantily. Saturday' anvciizittat iae tteoxnc- oîutanNead. Mie Elciter.iJShawn Leddy. visitors veu-e Mr. and Mns. ATHLTICSDougie stutt VIOLETS- Rose Maie, Roit Moisu atd fml shi o aus tJ~-a~ ScoHBurgess. Chris McTav- Roach, Jeutule Stout, Hilda De: Oshawa. Mrn. d MA jax B ttie fivc x'eaî'S. mjj lt(IMtc, h ayPetn rc 'idSaln an Aifuieda!Bitrtnand fQ l. Tunon taM p is vaiabe u uc oît r iov- e u- iiad Jarc, Jones, Dontua \iicoNx. Susan: ins. M. Blackbun. Saleutt, Iy thoîgh l nav e uIle TluttTaylr.Roîtilîîc.Bau'-:Meadiows, Gloia Brooks.Ra- -da mues.tiotble oi G. a R Bi xxas a Satuid 'visitor xt h -2 ry Routerady rMn. Stamud leMu-s. W. Blackburi De . Tetatbtiauoiujaipluen Marlyn, Ron MeMulen,'Avey Lycett. . and family. 2 2 D a enmeit eels uumpelled 10 ntakc titis a puiblic' auntîLIte- meut is auit idicatio.n of- the Bill Stex'en extent t lu> xhicli iu, feeîs Ille pub- lic is beiîug fleeced bhv u utsccîîlpI.î iS Ope'atoî's ln otîr larger cilles. A gu'ecnmenl plaît s aiso bcilitg iiili' 1<> itake cum puisoc' te stat utg of previous uîî'- ei'ship oun the deed of itl e. If"t hese muoves wiiiI help c-ul dowvithlie peueeniau4erof misîepiesenla- t ut us bv wvh ich inunocenti îsed car bîi 'eî's a uciii efflecti defaLldedi. ve arle ual urmal \ ail foi' il. Ri bsoi i Xotoris I..lias madet, la Ipoiu i ici o icnuevte ut I'mttisi'ep 'sî'iîi a ta r bu be soite- ttitg il is cuit: ou self tu'oriuu-'tatbs as nte- itivitti' VIicles: or celait tars titiat haie itacla majol' coullsionit îuîolî'iiug a buit Il-ilte ou' bicix' ouît of, aligu men i. Plain l.\ si ai d prites comtp lete w'l h te accessocies f be vi' luIde aruc st iadar pi'ocedu.îu'e. as. OfCOîUIse. is Ilite Oaifajii I <lle rane of te preî'ious oîv iem. Iluitest, deaîing)s aie a cllc utUl o 'u)in' S Uxiii te great majorit yof' car ceclercs, estu-ci a ix inu situai I to' meditum s51ze loiius. fi' i ui"eci' une t î'egultion <-a n eîî b Ille Untuiîcal i t-une dea iei's wîthose deal ings tend 10 gix e thleiiuti' a bad itamne. thenit i cautuot lelp bîît beutefît bthe puîblic as a whIole. 1' ~ m7r invite vouîti n rmp in and spe ouir il cinlnailice qqw For conv~eniemîee of Osilama custoutuers Phiome direct RA 5-2712 Good Selection of Guaranieed USED CARS Over 80 Used Cars from which Io choose 1959 Down Il Pays to Buy Froni a ('ertified Decaler Bantams Beat Orono Saturday Afternoon Bowx ntvu lie su'oucd un ex'ei-' a pairin lutle fonurt. tIti e inu inutg 10 trouitte Orono 19-5 Ite fufihitantd a sin.gle sixtît iu a Baant coutest, pîayed li fiaine baîly. bcfnu'e Om'on bitIu Oî'outuu Satuu'da>' aftcrnoonu. fou' bhein fin'al Iiiltu'ee ittuikens 'Fite xisitmîrs guabbed a tht-ce inIilIte bollorn of Ilite sixtit. muni Iead i ein tii i-sitlinte at Gai'> Akcy staried. guviiug bat. btut Ornotobou.uuced bac-k îîay bo GeraÏld llamuess lut lit xvuîh a pairniluthle bottont haîf. .secontd. whio ivas uelievcd bv The xxiuters took ovet' fuon Bob Sleep lunlte sixtb. Keut'- itent scornmg ixîo secontd ut- ued>' vantd Gu'ahautt, who caime uing î-u.us. four lut lte-bhiu'd. 0Oi l te fifbh. stamed lte Oî'oto rnuouid dubues. Dotui Laite. 'ri Bâuteaand Bob slcecîCouuîed triples aitd F o o tb a ll .liutuFitu baggcd a dotuble bo pace lte xvnneu-s aI lite plate. Schedud'es., SENIO>R LEAGU'I luîly - 16 Ru uuîipiouu ai Ziout la l Tvnuuie ai Soluu'ua 20- iVaple Groxe ai Coutilce T route ai tlamupion 23- Zitui ai Maple Giox.e 25--Couu'lice au Bow-naitviîie, 2-4 -Bowxmauîville ai Zion 30-Soliita aI Hampton Auguast - 3--JM. Grox'e ai Boxîrnta uilie 6-Coturtuce ai Tyrone JUNIOR L.EAGI'E .111Y' I-t nllîtskiell ai solinîa Hauitîpoitai 'fiuoute Mîaple Grove ai Zion BoxvIntaitx lite ai CoUtice 21 -Soluna ai Bowniautxille ('ouuu'îce ai Maple Gi-ove ' su-nue ai Eititiskillen Zuuut ai fHattout 28-cotuuuuce a',u Hamnptont aiBuxntut'li Euiiskilicn ai M. G-ox e T yroue at, Zion August- 4- Soiuuua ai Zîoîu Bowinuuanvi'lle ai Tf'yuone Euiiskilleu'i aConritce Maple Grove ai Hampton Il -Hampîou at Solîna Zîou' ai Cauti c-e Boxx"xille ai Eutnisku ilcii Tyronue ai Maple Gi-ove 18 -Soliua ai Tyrone Hanmpton ai courtice 1 Zion at Enuiiskilîen M. Grove at Bow'vu î,ile 25-Maple Grove at Soliua Boxvmamvil]e at Ziout Euuuuskillen ai Hampton Courhice at Tyrone How to protect titose $$'s you've invested in a home IThe anuer tx cinsiplf ... <li on te ail-i'otiund puoiecuiOn Mi otki Horneom< ueu x, PoliuIn one poli y ou geî buoad linicit.ai'.l piohx'îîon a èuî~ 10NveC 1i0o11 fic. uileî. ihil- i\ l M lî sand jtUdgnC1tux. And onlN one prenum. lo&> (ail on m4. odav lor moue iftoi'iilon a"(o "& c on-, %'enient policy. STUART l. INSIJEANCE RE Lant StL. 1 Office MA 3-SUI EAL ESTATZE p S.wmanviile. ResidenceS MA 3-,49,3 i Mn. Ray Ashton. To'oîto', Afteu' six scou'eiess u'iutigs, spenit lthe îveckeuud al. boite. a sintgle l'un in lthe eilitî gave' A1jax a'~ lie iitîtBowmnuai-i Mn. -JohtntGr'ahamn, B0uat-xil lynupias. .1ust te fore, ville. callcd oui Mus. H. Cross-idarkuicss halted lthe keeuly mnuu anud Mrs. Richard McNeil coutlesîed .îuuveutule clasht ati on Fî'idav.1 Vinucent Massey Park. last W'ed-ý Sienvi anud Bau-bai-a Ashtuon uuesday nigt. ai-e spendiug a few davs xx'itlt Jin oi'uanad Ajax's' teit- graitcparnuts. Mn. and'I-lui xvaged. a tugîit i outud duel., Mns. Lloyd Ashttont. alloxviug five bits apîcce. Nir.andMrs.Frak Cok-,Moot-ciafi itad four sîr-ike-out s Mn. aut ad MsFi uu, Cok aitd valked a pair., xvle Hill Scuuaî aud Faitkic. Boxvtiat-lcfiutted 15 si nike-out x'uctinus ville. xvene Suîtday x'isiiors aI amtd issued seveu bases oit Mn. aud Mus. Roi, Ralum's. I bails. Mu'. aund Mis. ArtithurTue- J Tite Olymtpias scouu'd lxx ce xvii autd Wl ilianaîtd Mn. arud;iii the fîrsb on a xx'aliantd txxo Mi",. Walter Loxeridge autd 1ci-nons 1 lead 2-i. aficu' lit .lo>'\, ableutded lthe Treviut pic- î'isilo's picked n p a nuMi i itn nie ai Sprniug Hill Park our ýtop liaif ontauu eruor and SU11uia>. , Tripp's bîvo-otui sintgle. Mr. autd Mu-s. I .iovd SieutlOîT h[le scor-e stood thaI xxii xxi ii liter parenuls. 1Ml.. auud unui tI the igititxileiiBex i Mu-s. Fi-ed Touts. Euuniski lient, r crackeuci a triple andtrl iossedç S tu uuou v. lthe plate vitî theite,viig ina rk- Katt>'Ra ît - tnida'ing!c- onDesi-ose's sinugle. 'lh, Kth vteRah i oia.igjoa gol lîvo ruuututcîs oui bas, %vl irgrandipa'eutts. Mnr.' ieItlotIaî.bm u anud Mus. Wm. Daxwson.- On- -iebi-ed Grantt W'rurlt ion thti 0110. ltuud ouf, ou a hoist to lefi. antd B :î t Ashtntis x'usiiuug liter d'utesseided th'e lhî'ilîer. auuit i-S. hutSiu nEiis- kil eutn__________________________ Min Jack Potis. Tou'uuutx' Debiue antd Bullie. visiîed Mr.1 aînd Mns. T. Potbs, Colliug- wood. on Suuuday.A Conigratulationîs bo Mrs. Au'-lAJe m lthur Thitopson oui wuinnitg lthe biriýtdavý cake ai Di kstu a'. Vauietî*' Food Store's firsti birtltday sale on Saluu-da *'. Ha> do friends galtheuec c À xvuî' the Euuiskilletî Commnun- il' ailthe Ennuiskilleut Hall oit Fridav cveutiutg iii onour of' Grant Werr v. Grant and Elea- non xveue presented .viitha c Kcnxvood blaîtket front ithe Havdoît Cormuntl. Mrs. Ar- thur' Read pî-esenbing the blaîk et. W.A .Jui' meeting wiil be heldl ithe chuncit outThur,;- day eveuiug (lonight>. I-a\'- doit W.A. are enlcrbainiitg the Eîtouskillen. Tyrone and Sa- M em ou lem Woman*s Associations. Gleut Asîton is spending a[ lew days ivitit Mr. and Mrs.' Ruussell Ormislon. Faimens are bus'- these days getting temr hay in, wîtich is a very heavy crop.FR Try the dust mulcit melhodi for conserving lthe tmoisture suppiy of vaur favounite plantings, advisc hoî-îucuîîuî- CEL E S PA isîs with lthe Onbar'io Depart- CEL I I" A ment of Agricultur-e. Just give the soi] around lthe plant a shalrw hoeing after eacit rainfail. This supplies a lhiît ruulch which reduces evapor-. ation from the soil. il______ Surplus c) 4 Score stoute gnouutded ouitIo end lthe;, gaîttes. ý,diopped four ini a î'oxx', 11111111M. atd ihaveutoxi's-oî'ed lwo Thte Ftîîis goltIo Fengusou sliaighi. ut Ilte sixtit (or- four- more Ted aund joiutBird p)Jl\,edl nuits. out a touine runtb> Bomnd., a predomniîtat part in 'tht-' Garb 's tiple, a double by, win. ixitît Ted batiutg inthllt', Masi ns autd George StepheVsm-uns antd John sending a pair pilîte, epeî. of rnîms across lthe plate. Pal Wîuunuî Conte]] scaltered fix'e htbs. backed uip bus pm'e'ious gante s neveu' aîîowutg mtor'e lthaitnmte uto-hitten with a two Itut peu'-, in an iîtuimgtg b egisîci' tlle fornut'e. but possiblv because, wun. Loscu' "Ace" Richar'ds of lthe lonug botbont of lthe,. xas îagged \vithoitly seven finst. lie xvalked lent tens.1 safetues but four of lthe seveu StLIuCm'ago sustained a 'se- :he x-le.cute 'us vere sprain mu chasiîtg Bouud's.l akedcort lus liouneu. Mantager' lVurra ' Tigie' A xxaik b '-Peanul" .Jack- auud litird-sackýer Coîvle argp- manî and a triple by Ted Bird cd ani îteufecme caîl] ,,gave Sutuft<s lthe lead lut lie Co%vie. Stu'CItuIouISfx "brutI 10 unopeutitg fraîtue. Keits lied bthe avail. Tigie xxas foi-ced iuto score un lthe secontd oui a the hue-up lu left field afler! wrong-fmeld ltome- by Ken usiiug up ail of his beineil Kelly, a base oit balis, a sun- strengilu. gle by "Buuu Welst aîtd tltind sackeu' Lloy' d Harnilton's bat- bIc sentthlie Auto Body lut frnt' i.Juu inthe tîtirdi. Aflen Ted Bird' ýPearson s fanued, Ruuss Laite dncw ai lpass 10 fui limte bases. Bob Mar- jernison threw Welsl t laI ;Score 60 Runs i teplate on iNcolsonsî I n Th ree 'W i ns.TdBr' w-uhi f- Bowniauville L~adies camte and a walk bo Welsh, acuu up iuuli teiî' best collectiv'e effor-ts oflthe scason. sconing un lthe elghthî, butl the loc»alsý 60 rnis Io trounice Orno kept on scoî-iugtg run up a lxxiu'e aund puill a big upsel' 16-9 win. Unfou-lunaîely' vthe: over Whilby lunîtrec games[ scorer didn'l kecp a recor-d lasi week. of hils. so we are îinable 10. lut a Montda * vgante heme. lthe: gîve credit Io lthe pla 'vers. Jouais scored five lut lie first,. Boxvmanville's P e a r s o ni cigl t ithe secontd, autdlItaîf, Smoke-Shoppeu's wouutd up a do',en in bthe tirtîdo grai theur big week with ait 18-6 a 19-1 lead on ttcexîay 10 ai. viclory oveu' Oîono, Frida *v 26-5 wiit. Vai'g Pickau'd iad: night. in Omouto. After falirg ait cas>' btte un picking up behiîtd 6-0, lthe lomeslens i-ai- thte decîsinuu. lied for four ruus ini the thurd, Bar ,bara FILigIC.es paced lthe!îbut lthe wînuers counlered 18 nuit aitack xviith five safe»ý wilh four in lthe nexi frane lucs, iutcludîîtg a homte ruin. auud plut lthe gaine ou1ilce wulth Deloris Dax'ev cIiouîed a pair, seveut in lthe finîal iînuuutg. of i'oit'eis auud a sintgle. Heleni Dot Bontd was the big it-, Nichltoson had a htome î'u.un ter' for Pearson's witt four autd a pair oif sintgles, Auna-ý safelues and Delorus Daveyý belle Stepteuts dou bled and, contnibuîed tfi ec. as everv' sîuugled txvuu.e auud Pe99Y: playeu lu, lie linue-Up had at H-a.vîtes collecied ithree sin- J least one hit in the 20 hiu at- gles. tack. Elx a Reid anud Mai-ilyn, Reid antd Malda ecdi iad; Fouîîd cacîtitloîueî'ed fou' theî îwo bingles for- Orono. losers. xx'tit Reid also pickiutgi up two sintgles. The exîtýiibii ouil coulest uni Wltilhv last Weditesdav uugit, saw Bowntanvxille spînige fou'i I~w grba 11 lead. The host li g club h ial bua got 10 îvuîuîitgý puliten Shirley Bmou.k for e ê lhiec ni the sixthadt ouir xc î g RADE 6:30 TRURST>AY, JULY 14th, lr#6@ ne Town Lge. Softbal ,i Star of the Week A îtrand a pîtcher shared the Surplus Sales' awardS as the stars of last week's Men's Town Leagiur Softball action. - Ted Bird smashed a Pair of triples. knocking ini three I ofSnuysAut BoY's six runs. as Snuffv's cdo\\nted Ken's Men's Wear 6-1. George Stephen was pickcd as one of tlhe stars. lor lte second straiglut x-eek. George followed his no-hit r with a two-hitter. as Siepheni Fuels UPset Surplus Sales 1q-4. Thp wiiîners* sponsor walked ten batters. but cooled off f ol. lowxiing Siephens' long first innuîlg at bat. Snuffy's Roll Again Win Second Straight Siitffv\'s Auto Body oî cd Keii*s Meuts Wear' 6-1 Insu TuecdaY nugîit atlteCentîral Scitool 10 move intutnudisput-, ed possession of'secomtd place.: g"' ~Ippv, 0W DAD~'C 1V-IIAJbD-AFLIA NCFS led (ou'te Autto BodN>"sfia naukeîs un lte fourth. TJpi oliIu V? ý ce- COME1 I IN ANDJ tai! IOURÇSEILCI #N UOF MIcCULLOUGH and SPEEDMASTER KARTS McCULLOUGH AND CLINTON ENGINES COM PLEl'L OUTIT rom $1990Up W.H. BROWN CASE DEALER 91 KING ST. W'. MA 3-5,197 inder . a ANADIAN LEGION ARNIVAL ut rial Park - Liberty Street S. CARNIVAL 7 P.N. FUN FOI MHE ENTIRE FAMILY PAGE EFIGHT UND-A-SPRAY Eq uipm ent îi'ue'snts l<ust and Corrosion: ROWMAN VILLE on IDAY, JULY 15 Ad '9M 1 Tir» C. zý r l"d ý-. ý - - - 2 2 se de

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