Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1960, p. 2

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TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVJLE, OTARtIO program ai7:30 p.m. on Wed-t nesday, July 13. Bette r Shopping Survey M.adMs .E e n Mr. gada Mr.R.e.e en u- Stared H re b Cha be door party. Grant Spencer led Stared H re b Cha be in worsbip, and recreation was conducted by Eleanor Mountjoy, Carolyn Spencer and Rev. R. H. Lave. t:ontinues to B ring Praise'; ebr fteC ai ý4 the c,, Members ath th e oCM.David NThe "Better Shopping Sur- the survey repart wras repra- cd that. in general,thcii Mrs. J. Glover on Sunday. 4Y", canducted several years! duced by the Canadian Chamn- zens like shopping in Guelph,, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Giaver by the Bowmanviiîe! ber ai Commerce for distribu- but it also revealed certain;!n o tpe r eun amber ai Commerce, con-1 tion ta its 750 member Chamn- imperfections that can be eas-anso tpearrtu- tines a mceie paudts.r brs nd oars a Trde v ad seedly orrcte". ng ta Kedron ta live from uesto eceve lauits! brs nd oars o Trde ly nd peeilycorectd".Strathroy. Mm. Glover will .îùed as a madel ai its kind, irom coast ta coast. ~ Wt the help ofi Mr. Mor- commute ta Toronto. The latest tribute cornes ris and the Bowmanville sur- NMrs. avyCosa ih from the Electrical Bureau of, vey. aur program i5 flowrMr HveCrsanwt Canada which represents ail pretty weil finaiized, and we r1. ndClms. eci] Paseat- ai Canada's leading manuiac- hope ta introduce it in Sep t ervde dolmbusAniesaryo turers and distrîbutors of tember. Incidentally, the n-r Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor. ligbting equipment, air candi- troductory literatureanpi- tianing and electriè household turcs xiîî featume imprave- Walter Davis is a patient in appliances. monts in severai Canadian and Oslhawa General Hospital,.aat iRealizing thait imnproved American tawns. and will in- time ai wmiting. His mother, ~..Ig, odenizd stres. cudoseveral pictures ai Bow- Mrs. Eddie Davis, is aiso un- ,parkig oenzdsoe' le dergoing treatment in Osb- attractive dîspiays. courteous' manville." and well-trained clerks, xil' Mr. Steadman is a strong ad- awa G encrai Hospital. M ~ stimulate the sale ai electri- vocate ai downtown redevel-1 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sweet *cal gaads as well as other opinent ai aid.cities and towns of A~ylmer. Mr. and Mrs. C. types ai merchandise, thei and was iavourably impressed M oPhail ai Lakeland, Florida, Electrical Bureau decided ta by the many ncw store irantsi were dinner guests ai Mr. and launch a prograin ainied at on King Street and the new, Mrs. R. S. Bisbop on Wednes- improving shopping condi- c a m m e r c i a 1 developinents' day. tions throughout Canada. Ther along Temperance and Church iMr'. and Mrs. Harvey Pas-ý prograin will be sponsored in Streets. cae were Sunday guests oaIl I'T'S A FACT.. individual communities bv ýMm. and Mrs. Hugh Beatoni Chambers ai Commerce and ai Oshawa at their summer athIe $un Lifp Asirarire, Merchants' Associations. uising K'DiONhome. mtpany of Canada ha. rmaeil rvieîre iKedi'oîîMale Quartette as-î o'era ilio ni~'hodc'~rcharge by the Bureau.j sisted with several vocal sel-!r a ilo niýNhIp.l Mr. Dean Steadman. Mai- tlntendced foi lasi week) ciosatHynAriv- t~rugaîî the oid.ager ai the Electricai Bureau, One af the largest picnics sary concert. They were ac- In the pmorP tb.0i fhrep-qi-ai,'îP visited Bowmanville hast week evol' held by Peeman's Comn- companied by Mrs. R. E. Lee. of rntuv f t~ 'oman~1 ta consuit with local chamber mtînity wvas heid on Thursday1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry of retur o th Corinn r manager Ken Morris before in the Mounljoy Picnic grave! weme among dinner guests ai existence 0% i r WO hllnr, doi lare- finalizing the prograri. Mr. whciî Pereman's Sehool Sec-' Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Nichai ai has heen Daid In rnlicv,%holçlers Steadman toid the Statesmari tion, i'eighbours and frierids, Oshawa on Sunday. when Mm. and bPnefiri;,ri".. that wben he conlacted the tured out ta honour Mrs. 1 and Mrs. Nicha] entetained Canadian Chamber ai Comn- Win. Spry who has taught in ai their summor home. on merce for help and advice, tire area foi- many years. Mrs.i Lake Simcoe, on the occasion Bane asan hey urged hum ta uise tl1w Spry. this Jurie, signiied hieroai their 25th wedding anni- laner assnt Bowm-anviiie surivey as his interi!ion af retirîng froin the versar'y. mode]. leaching profession, and tar Reprsenttive"Wr onduted trii su- epress the wamm regard al'; No. 5 East Whitby Pereinn ~i4 -3n)58 P.O. Box 992 vey last rionth ini Guelph". ipupils. parents anid neigh-' Pr'omations. Naines ini alpha- "'vimanvilil said Mm. Steadman, " ancd the"r boums17, a presentatian was ar-! betical order. (Hi) means hon- information it produced isoai1i'anged by Mrs. R. Flett, Mrs.! ours. UiN LOFE 0F CANADA great interest and importance: L. Elliris and Mrs. R. Scott. Grade 6 ta 7- -Beath Grant _________________ ta Guelphmerchants. It prov- Foilowing races. presenta- Il (H), Densham Jo Anne (H),4 t ___tion ai prizes. and a bounti-1 Driscoîl Susari (H), McMur- fui supper. 'Miss Linda Scot ray Sharon (H), Scott Robert read an address ai apprecia- ý(H), Stewart Robert (H), lion and gond wisbes ta Mrs. Wright Catherine (fi). Sprv, and a platiorin rocker Grade 5 ta 6-Driscoîl Mich- MvA 3 -3151 was given as a tangible taken atso(n). cal ray Lnda. oftehigh esteem in wbichWtsnDe(f. the hionoured guest is beld., Grade 4 ta 5 -- Derisham, lOtheî' personal gis were also Brian (Hi), Fleli .Iane (H),! presented. McMurray Gary, Wright, Pc- While expressing hem thanks, ter. I ~~~~Mis. Spry stated thai altbough Grade 3 ta 4.-iscoil Den-te tleoerm scoinEloiWlia (f) M- S r was perhaps flot the latest r Burnie Norman (H), Watson g . or bestin iibuildings, n ) te- pupils couhd be found Grade 2-3-Beath Briare (H), thani she had taugbt in the Reid Keary, Stackaruk Debra l1ittIe î'ed school. (H), Stewart Michael (H). As anle af het'pplsa Wright Helen <fH). few yeai's back. thîs carres- Grade 1 ta 2-Ellins Dora- pondcent would add,-"and no thy Fleit Isabel (H). Reid btteta('her, either". No4 Gardon, Scott Frank, Watson anly did Mrs. Spry take a keen~ Gamnel (H), Wright Bemnice. intemesi in the academic pro- MI Spry, teacher. gress ai each student. but also in the ('haracter building ai al hem girls and boys. * iMrs. fiugh Gannon, Oshawa,. Nesflet on Stafion ~<rvý,ng Metro Toronto, Geceter Hasuiko., was soloist ai the regular! Mi. arnd Mrs. 'T. G. Lang-j OakvIIe, Port . morning service ai Kedron,! eld eeiiW dsckai 'i.6ba OuvleotC, conducted by the minister, i Frdy Mrs. Langield's sister, * ~ owmnwe,, 5R Il. Lave., Next Sun- iss Evelyn Seagrave clme1 4Witby and Pickeringbatslsevc 'l back with them for a îwva ;e:be held. Sha edr i.rweek vacation. 'taTImIO! 24 MOUR R. S. Bishop, has over 80 girls' Mr- and Mrs. Wm. %impson suVJCE et less thon and boys registered prior t a i Toronta visited with Miss 6Ow a day 1 the opening, with 26 volun-i Seagrove wbiie Mr. and Mrs. teer helpers. Everynne isin ý Langieid. Mrs. Colley, Patin- ________________vited ta the special closing' cia, Lynda and Virginia ai - - . ________-tended the we.ddîng ai Miss IMary Evelyn Harris in Whit-, hy lUnited Church on Satui'- 1 day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' 1-ylanci are. spcnding most ai the time i helping on hem iather's farin at Lotus. On Sunday they vis-l; ited with Mm. and Mrs. Les Beacack, Prince Albert, Mm. and Mis. Hlliard Mili- ard of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, Port Perry,visited with the Grant rM. and Mrs. Cecii Wilson! had hem aunit and uncle, Mm. and Mr. Bert Akistei. ai White Beam, Sask., visitingr thei for the weekend, aisol (4$ J7iirsty weather akead,. y, in a stock ofsarklig Sc4weppes . d * P @ * i* d»di o e e DRY : GINGKR ALE e e e e e e e e e e e e q q g e e. a e. e e TONIC WATER e uae e S e p - P e but he'll have one soon in an engagement ring. Fitteen ladies jined wilh, se Blackstock ladies an a busi tour ta Orillia and Fenelon! Like most girls she has plans for marriage and Falls on Thursday and report r ber growing Savings Account in the Bank of aMrplndd da. Lonnie Cbap- man and Jîmmie ai North Commerce is earmarked for wedding expenses 1 Bay came ta the Bowers an and urcase fo herfirt hme.Friday. Lonnie rctumned home, and urchses or hr fist hme.but Dorothy i staying ta keep hause whiuc ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowcrs, en- Precious jewels from the past ... hap plans joy a holiday. Mms. Wesley Campbell ac- for the future . .. the Bank of Commerce helps companied by ber companion, Mms. C. Gist, enjaycd an ai- prtc oh htevrbnkn evie o temnoon at Oshawa Park on protct -)U~fl.VYULeVr uaftm sevice Y<»~~Wednesday. Mr. Cousins and bis daughter ai Caesarea aisa need you can be sure they are readily avail- auencied. Thisis a yearly out- able at any branch of The Canadian Bank of spansored by the Lions Club ai Bawmanville and Oshawa, Commerce. we transportation, enter- chicken supper were provided for ail. Il was an enjoyable THE CA ADIANaitemnoon except for the chil- Tu-iE ~ ADIAly weathcr and cool hake breezes. BANK 0F COMMERCE A good many local folk journeyed ta tbe Ontario Girl Guides' Training Camp at r' Sprucedaie an Sunday ta visit ,.ail u8 your banlwra with the girls and their lead- ers who art, camping for a Ian day period. g e e e q q q q e. e e. e '<Bubbles may lôok pretty bursting îi glass," says Commander Whitehead, the distinguished Schweppesman, "butr that clnesn'r really do a, îhing for keen enjoyment mJ your drink." True! The Commander knows his carbonation. Schweppestnique form of locked-in carbonation, Schwepper. vescence, doesn't waste it8elf ini the glass or hottie. Schweppes bubbles reserve themnselves for a spécial performance on vour tongue .. , burting there delightfully tn heighten t'he tuste of each delicious sip. -% sait Schweppervescently through thirsty ,wcather with this world-famous Thirst- quenching Twosome - SCHWEPPES DRY GINGER ALE, known t'a oennoisseurs as the "«Emperor" of ginger ales , .. buoyant, mort piquant, more "gingery"'. SCHWEPPES TONIC WATER, the essential delciously bitterswtet ingredient df the au- dtenfic tonic drink. Schwmppervescence drink through p Retaikers may obtain supplies by calling MA 3-m5530 c'... 4> tact that Gladys Porter 0Al like this, when you are intro-: on the enthusiasm af the "u- Kentville. Nova Scotia, though duced repeatedly as Mr. Par- men wha tossed it, but on the4 ni~J fot the first Canadian wam-? ter, the husband of aur May- reception it is given in th. an to seek public office, is a. or, you kind ai get used ta it. far reaches of democracy and thoroughly canscientiaus and'That is, if you have a sense howv much it arouses the wam- Il dedicated representative ai ai humour." Needless ta say, en of the NATO cauntries. If lUthe people. What's more, she Wyman Porter bas and 1 ex-: mothers ai the warld standý is an enthusiastic supporter pect it will stand him in good! shaulder ta shoulder in their' af aur democratic way ai lfe. stead when Gladys takes her1 demands for disarmament, I me he las yer whn ~ set during the first session ai. and m re women are willing travelled by train ta attend1 the Maritime prvince's next! to stand for publie office, 1 the Annapolis Valley Blossom1 parliament. Naw he is, "Mr.i believe there may be same serving her tenth term as May- presentative in the Legisia- Fry CNUOHY BRKRor ai Kentville. She is a Jun- ture'. aesque, silver-haired grand- Perhaps in my enthusiasm mother, feminine ta her fin- ta pa tribute ta Gladys Par- Two rather signitîcant things paigu foi the abolition af nu- 1 ger tips but with a keen an. ter I have undersold the su- happened during the first two! clear weapons. Tbe blessîng alytîcal mind and a highly de- preme effort womnen in On- cuhmr weeks ai June. Plans wcre af government leaders. it was veloped sense ai duty. tainae ndrakngtp r com pleted for representatives considered, w uld lend streh- I s m era s r or n m k p a e a a f rî g . fut ai a new organization called gth ta the eampaign. with a si lver spaan in their reality. Mother af littie chil- J uitou an "The Voice of the Women,', If there is a spark ai truth mouths, Gladys Porter, nee dren, stenagraphers, clerks in oth« iumBt Toranta's diew disarmament 1 ihrsnIuthv ensoe n rnmteshv a pca g r a p , a p a c e t h e r o j e c i v in th e a id s a y in g th a t , " th e R i h r s n m u t a v b e n t o s a d g a d o h e s a e ' S T O l grou, toplac i etie! hand that rocks the cradle, born with a gavel in bers, ta volunteered by the bundreds before Prime Minister ruesth wrl" te isono use a platitude. She cames'by ta write letters to friends allh =uZ 1ý bakr ad Lberl Lade Le iworld peace bas a chance of her political aspirations na- over the world ta promate an ~ biaii ~' temarsn wasnetd the r ov success. At least these aroused turally for her father, brth- al-out war against nuclear h bu1 and incil ar laetai Ne ov c- adget1alre e ers and an uncle have all made armaments. How far this little au" ~ift d e s er v e c h e ers foro fthor Sf- th e ir m a rk in th e N o v a S co - p e b b le , th ro w n in to th e p o o l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lia. The objectiveoai thernef oizah betioivenli the e fort. 1 tian political arena. Her fa- ai world chaos, may extend orgaizaton s toenlst te 1ther, Wallace A. Richardson, its tiny circle will flot depend women of the worid in a cam - Thesignificance lies in the 1 was mayor ai Sydney for 17 years, -as well as being the IMalette. Tyrone, and Marion editor ai the Sydney Post Re- I'rescott Prescatt, Burketan. cord naw the Cape Bretonai Winners among infermediate: Post. rOlWN ow"uaaa boys wcre: Rîcky Hemphil Just as behind every succcss- and Jack Robertson bath from fui inan there is said ta be a 'Fam ily Torornto. Naii-driving contest, waman, behind Gladys Porter Ladies, Miss Helen Presscott, 'is an understanding busband. Oshawa, and Mrs. Ken Wit-' It was my observation that it ýP icnic chali, Brooklin, tied; gentle- is Wyman Porter's toerant mien nail-driving, Lamne'and unseliish sharing ai bis Hemphill, Toronto, and Don-' wife with the cammunities in On SaturdavjuIi\nd aid Malette, Tyrone. Cul' the Annapolis Valley, that has Hampton Memrnai al Pài-k vas who came the farthest, M.' a great deal ta do with her Thd the scene ai the annuai Pres- and Mrs. Ira Short, Prospectcunienfig pur aie.sae n a m n cott e-union. Sometime in the Park, Penn., U.S.A. public figure.en 1840's, Charles Prescott an d It was typical ai this crier- OF Elizabeth Handysýide xveeun The picnic for 1961 is ta be, getie woman that she should ited in marriage and started held in Hampton Park on Sat- choose a newspaperman as her: farming in East Whitby Town- urda3', June 24th, the last Sat- life's companian. He is ValleyÏ ship, near Moulit Carmel urday in June for the after- Editor ai the Halifax Chron-1 schoai and church. tlcn'oon and for supper. icle-Heî'ald, and they have' 16 AE Ther thy risc.1 il(il- President, Mr. Wîll Hernp- livedin the Annapolis Valley 190 l E fami1l' af ten children. alilof hili, Toronto; Secretary, Mrs. for thirty-five years. They whom îre at t'est. The present 'A. W. Prescott, Hampton: have a daughter and two,AR DU AN PA BL re-union is made up ofai wrrSprsCmiteM.and.grandchildren. descendants. and those wîâoMms. Donald Prescott, Burke- Gladys Porter, M.P.P. elect. attended had a wonderful1 ton; Mr. and Mrs. Murray is a whiz bang, but her bus- visit. Mr. and Mis. Wm, Pmescott, Toronto. band thinks she will event-, Hemphiil, Toronto. wc.re ~in' - ually kill herself in the ser- U Y 15 h 9 ( chare ofthe port,;.vice af others. 'She neyer chare a Ihespots.Last year more than 14,000! spares herseli", he comment-'i Each child prescîtt recived wives 'and relatives ai hospi-1 ed ta me. When asked bow il R. B. REYNOLDS, a bail or a sand pail. Wînners taiized veterans were over- felt ta be the husband ai such Cek ai races for intermediate girlsinight guests at eight Red1 a papular waman bis eyes.Cek Wère: Janice Malette, Linda _Cross -Lodges. 1 twinkhed as he said, lWellit s JMY 14th, 1960 -,% a "q qb 0 -M -

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