VOLUME 106 Classified Deadline 14 Pages Haydon Lady Wins Huge Birthday Cake "Mmmmm, Delicîous", was the way Mrs. Arthur1 daughter Darlene and son Don, R.R. 1, Bowmanvillej J. Thompson described the icing from this huge cake1 came to pick up the cake on Monday. Dykstra broth- that she won in a draw at Dykstra's Variety Foods ers, Bob, lef t and Klaas were deiighted with the first birthday sale over the weekend. Mrs. Thompson, crowds that fiocked into-their store during the sale. 25 Years in PriesthoodWaerHl nl;cl;,ri;4,rzoi IIh,;irvPromoted He re for Celebrat ion in Honour of Father Malane Many distinguished visitors here in October, 1951. r ame to Bowmanville Wednes- Father Malane officiated at *P"ýay evening ta attend the High Mass in St. Joseph's rCelbrtion of the 25th anni- Church at 5.30 p.m. Very Rev. ~ersary of Rev. F. K. Melant?â C. H. O'Donoghue, .1. C. D.« Udination ta the priesthood. Ennismore, was the Deacon, F'ather Malane is the parish anti Rev. James A. Greenam, priest of St. Joseph's Romani Kirkfield, the Sub-Deacon at Cathoiic Church, Liberty the Mass. Very Rev. G. J. O'- Stee ouh at h s ýalso Sutlivan, rector of St. Peter's in charge of St. John's ission Cathetrai, Peterborough, gave Church, Newcastle. He came the sermon. The Fourth De- Two O.P.P. Off icers* At Local Detachment Receive Promotions The afficer cammnanding the gageti in phiotography ai thc Bownanville Detachmnent of OPP Heatiquarters at Toron- the Ontario Provincial Police, t o. He wvas born in Barrie, anti ,Sirdon Keast, hias been pro-I was educateti at the Barrie ta Sergeant, and an- Public andi High Schools. member of the detach- In the autumn of 1945 Ser- of the OPP lias had anyane1 the OPP wvas closet in1 1948 with the rank of Sergeant. 1 Sergeant Keast wvas transfer- There are 14 constables sta- redti t the OPP Whitby De- tioneci here at present anti il tachment. is expected that the number On December Ist. 1953 lie 4 wiIl be increased in the near xvas promotedt t Corporal anti future ta take care of the in-1 appoiriteti commantiing offi- creasing traffic xvork in con- cer of the Bowmanville De- nection with highways 401, tachment the position hielhas 35, 115 anti 2. held since. Sergeant anti Mrs. Sergeant Kcast joine th Keast have many frientis in Ontario Provincial Police in the district. His wife is the September, 1944, and was en- (Continued on page seven)j gree Knights ai Columbus. 1Oshawa, farnied a Giiard of Honour. The anni versaivry n e (enderd Fthr ulaaic h'ý the tiiay Naine Society andJ the Cathoiic Wamcn's Lcagui- starteti aI seven o'clack in S1.ý Joseph's Hall. His Excellency. the Most Rev. Benjamin Wcbster, D.D.,' Bishop of Peterboraugh, wasý present, and a nurnbeir of' priests from diffeircnt parts 0f.ý the Peterbarough anid Toron- ta Diaceses also attended. His' Worship, the Mayar, and i'vr;. Wilfrîi Carruthers, Sir Albert, Love, Oshawa, a Kniglit uft the Papal Order of the Holy, Sepuichre, anti his wifeio 'h xvas made a Lady of the Or-: dèr by Pape Plus XII were special guests. Alsa amang flic ipeci-ali guests werc E. J. Bundle,l president of" Branch 178 ofý the Canadian Legion. and Mrs. Rundie; Walter Runclie. , c sident of flic Bownanvillc' Lions Club. ancd Mrs. Rundle.ý R. P. Rickaby, president of the! Bawmanville Rotary Club., and Mrs. Rickaby, Don Stutt, president of t1e Ba;vmanvilfr. Kinsmen Club, and Mrs. Stui. Jae Cooper, president of thec Ha1y Name Society, was iin charge of arrangements for- the! event. Dinner mnusic was playv- eti by Bernard Tierncv's or- chestra, Oshawa. The Bowmativille Ladis- Auxiliary ta the Caniadian Le,-, gion catereti for the banquet., To Assi. Supt. Walter J. Hall lias been appointeti Assistant Sup- erintendent of thse Ontario Training School for Boys. Bowmanville. H1e suc- ceetis D. H. WVilliams. who is now Superinten- dent of the Ontario Train- ing Sehooli for Boys. Guelph. Nir. Itall. a N.on or [he laie Mr. and Mrs. IValter Hall. was l)orn in Bow'- niarvillc *andi educated iun the town's Publie Sehools andi High Schooi. During World War Il he serveti overseas ini the Canadian Army. Following his return in Canada aiter the war, Mr. Hall loineti the staff oi the Ontario Training Sehool for Boys here in t946 as a supervisor. He tiervei for a nunmber of years as heati superirisor. anid w'as appoirnted Place- nment Officer in 1955. Mr. andi Mrs. Hall îu'e at 157 Liberty Street North. They met in Eng- land w-hen Air. Hall was ilhere ini the ('anadian Ar- my during IVord War IL. Mrs. Hall is tihe former Miss Florence Cookse. and lier home wvas near Sheffield, Yorkshire. IlIrs, HlFi kalso a mcm- bel' of the staff oi the Ontario Training Sehool CO!' Boys Aere. She has serveti as a seamstrcss ai the school for V! years. Mr- Hall is a member or .Ierusaleni Lodge. A.F. & A.M.. and Mrs. Hall he- longs to the order of the Eastern Star. ~(W1TTI.AMUI T P luu, l'A 1uubDITAI7 TTTT&?1At, 95 Durham County's Great Family Journal )Y NUMBER X New Minister at Rehoboth fieOV" " .- I~Jc PeT (~~nn Anxiousiy Awaited Hi*gh School Resuits Mr. L. W. Dippeli wili be Rogers, K. Siemon. C. Stacey,'zienka, D. Samis, T. Semplon- at the High Sehool from 9:00: D. Taylor, C. Tennant, P. jus, E. Smith, D. Syer, M. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the day after Thompson, D. Tink, E. Wer- Theisburger, L. Vesna, A. the Upper School Resuits are ry (Ind. Arts), R. Werry, N. Whitney, F. Witvoet, M. Yeo. published, to interview stu-: Woolsey, A. Youngman. Pass-T. Baars, J. Bertrim, dents who wish information 2nd CLASS HONOURS-P.; C. Blackburn, D. Brinkman regarding their courses. iAider, J. Allun, Y. Anonichuk,1 (Fr.), L. Bruinsma <Fr.), T. The names of the winners: D. Beauchamp, J. Brough, P., Calian (Fr.), A. Carnochan, of the Proficiency Prizes will Carter, B. Crowe, B. Darch, M. Cryderman, T. Cuffe (Alg., appear in next week's paper. S. Dilling, F. Dunbar, P. Dors- Fr.). A. DeGooyer, A. DeMan NOTE: Students with subjects man, E. Fernlund, B. Haw- <Fr.), M. English (Fr.), G. in brackets after their names thorne, J. Henderson, H . Kooy, Farrow (Fr.), J. Finn, Marie must repeat these subjects in, L. Larsen, L. Lunney, C. Lux- Flett (Fr.), Murray Flett, T. a lower grade.1 ton, M. Lymer, B. Martin, J. Gould, D. Griffin, L. Griffin Standing-lst class honours Meeks, J. Mountjoy, D. Me- i (Fr.), R. Hateiy, M. Hendry -75% and over; 2nd ciass Culloch, N. McGregor, D.' (Aig., Fr.), E. Hockaday, G. honours - 66 % - 74%/'; 3rd I Neads, J. Paeden, S. Pater- Hogeterp, D. Hooper (Fr.), R. clas.3 honours - 601,1 - 65%:1 son, M. Phiilips, M. Pickard, Johnston, D. Kerr (Fr.), F. Pass-50 % - 59%/'. J. Piggott, C. Sheehan, R. Tay-, Knapp. T. Kooy, L. Linkie, R. Grade IX to Grade X - lor, L. Thompson, T. Thomp- Luke, D. Malette, D. Marshall Ist Class Honours-W. Ail- son, P. Vinish, R. Waversveld, (Fr.), C. Meadows (Fr.), E. dred, S. Bail, K. Barraball, M. L. Westheuser, M. Wolnik, D., Murphy, S. McMurter (Fr.), Chant, M. Charles, J. Cole, L.: Yellowlees.i B. Richards, B. Robinson (Fr.), Cooper, T. DeJong, L. Ewýert,' 3rd Class Honours-P. Aus-: G. Rundie, K. Russell, N. G. Falls, A. Forster, A. Fra- tin, K. Beckim, L. Bowen, R. Samis (Fr.), B. Scott, J. Scott, ser, P. Gi, J. Hancock, L. Brown, T. Brown, D. Carveth, L. Sinclair, R. Sleep (Fr.), A. Hately, S. Irvine, C. Kent, A. B. Dunn, P. Eldridge, P. Gro- Tangelder (Fr., Music), E. Knudsen, M. Leddy, J. MarF-, en (Fr.), b. Moore, D. Morris, Tangelder, C. Trimble, A. den, B. Mutton, 1. Rahme, L. A._Murphy, P. Mutton, K. Pra- VanDyk S. White (Fr.), F. Woudstr'a, B. Wright (Fr.). I (Continued on page n4ne) ÇB lts andc1 £k1e FAST TRAVELLING - A week ago Monday, Gordon Dudley and Gary Conway lef t Bowman- ville, heading for Fort William via the hitch-hik- ing method. They did so well on rides that they arrivcd ini Fort William on Tuesday night, where Mr. an-d Mrs. Dan Dudley who were on hoiidays expected ta pick them up and bring them back home. Apparently, they decided to take full advantage of their good iuck. By Friday, they were in Lloydminster. Alberta and on Monday of this week were among the cheering spectators at the Calgary Stampede. Total travelling cost for each $13 - sa far. They hitched via the ail Canada route. JUST A FEW MILES OUT Laie Tuesday night, Pete Kowai's sleep was disturbed by a jangling telephone. Thinking it might be a good real estate prospect, he answered as quickiy as possible, pretending to be wide awake. "Is thîs MAyfair number so and so?" the operator iQnqutir- ed. "No, this is MArket sa and so," replied Pete. Apparently, the person making the caîl was try- ing to contact someone way down South in the United States, and somehow the operator got her signais crossed. It certainiy is a smaii worid. CHANGE 0F SPONSORS- Our sports staff calied in a frenzy Wednesday morning to adv.ise of a change of sponsors. The juvenile basebali club whic.h iast year wspnod by the Olympia lestaurant now hias been taken over by Alvin Boyd .of Western Tire. In future, we shall have t.o figure outt a suitable name. Should we cal them the "Western"' Juveniies or the "Tired" Juvs. "Western Tire Juveniies" is a lengthy name for headings. so naybe we had better name them. Boyd's Boys" ai d le t it go at that. HUMILIATION --- Agent 147 reports tiat. Dr. Charlie Austin is taking considerable kidding foi- iowing an incident Iast weekend. We are not sure of the accuracy of the report, but «the story is too good ta hold for confirmation. Dr. Austin and Dr. E. L. Ewerf, were tryin g out Charlie's new, largc powerful super boat ai, their cottage. Every- thing wvas going fine and the owner was as proud as cou]d be until humiliation took over. They ran out of -as and had to be towed in by brother- in-law Clint Caverly piloting a small craft power- ed by a comparatively tiny motor. We'd love ta have seen the disgusl.ed expression on Charlie's f ace. .7. J.IL..4 . EGG SEASON HERE - Last year about thiis limne we had many different types of cggs brought in from our~ readers. There were smal] ones, huge ones and odd shaped ones that miade us wonder what was happening ta the liens. This week Mrs. George Difing of 105 Liberty St. S., started the hall rolhing for this year. While baking a cake, -she cracked open a nice big egg and found another one, complete with sheli, on the insîde. Fortun- ately, the sheldidn'tget into the mixture. Start New Motor Service For Mails A new mail service was -started this week for Lakeshore towns and ci- ties between Toronto and Kingston. This motor ve- hicle service was added to relieve the increased flow of mail from Toronto. It is ln addition to the regular train service. However most mail en- tering and leaving this area must stîli take the roundabout way via Belle- ville, or Toronto, to reach Peterborough. Some man- ages to make connections at Port Hope for a motor vehicle service to Peter- borough. The Toronto to Kingston motor vehicle service now makes one round tripdaily.___ Bey. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. American-born, Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., has accepted the cali to the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Scugog St., Bowmanville. He form- erly served the congregation in Chatham for a period of five years and will now f iii the vacancy created when Rev. A. W. Schaafsma was called to Burlington. Rev. Verbrugge received his education in Calv- in College, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadeiphia, Penn. During World War Il he served as an army chaplain in the United States Army for two and one-haif years and since has been pastor for three congregations in Canada. He and lis wife have f ive children, thred boys and two girls, ail attending school. Mr. Verbrugge will speak on the radio broad.. casts, "The Back to God Hour" on July 3lst, Aug. 7 and 14. This program may be heard over CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. The installation ceremony will take place on Sept. 2nd in Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville. At present, Mr. J. S. Hielema, B.A., B.D., a student min ister who has been in charge of services here, will carry on as the supply niinister. Thrilled by RCAF Concert Bowman ville Citizens r oiqL i iii ffWIAI DV;J. ut NewcastfieLions Carnival- By Gordon Agnew draw for which the Lions have i Clark of Toronto; the oil and Newcastle-The west lawn been seliing tickets for some, vinegar jar set by Mrs. Hawke of the Community Hall form-! ime were ail resîdents of the of Orono;, blouses by Mrs. ed a beautiful setting for the neighboring town of Bowrnan- Butler, Newcastle and M. Orr. Iovely concert presented by ville with Len Lucas win- 1 Toronto; the Teddy bear and the Royal Canadian Airforce ning the Kodak Movie Cam- waliet by Mrs. Lena Garroti, Band at the annual Lions 'Club i era, Projector and Screen,1 Newcastle, and the bath saltj Carnival on Friday evening. while Carole Lycett was the by Mrs. J. Cole, Bowmanville. The band enthralled the large* winner of the Remington 12- Members of the Lions Club crowd with its fine presenta- gauge Shotgun and Herb Col-i spent two busy evenings last tion of a wide variety of sel- mer won the Timex Wrist week preparing for the carni- ections of classical and pou Watch. val Thurs. nîght and operat. lar music for one and one haif The Lionettes piLe draw ing the booths, etc., on Friday' hours. 1 resulted as foilows: The big1 evening and dismantling the The weather was perfect for, draw for a lawn table andi booihs and cieaning up at the the most successful and en- umbrella was won by H. E. close of the carnival. tertaining carnival presented by the club in a number of yer ihits an arn i ddies Parade Starts boohsan eena merry-go- L round andi fish pond for the Lgion S Big c.arnuvau kitidies. After the large crowd had enjoyeti the band concert, renrehmentther logea silre o n Fri*day N ight and hadentther ll as sand the big street dance where, Outstanding entertainment- The preparations that have the young folks and some not, and fun will bc provided o.y been cornpleted by members quite so young, couiti swing1 the many attractions tomor- of Branch 178 ai the Canadian to the music of Norm Wil- row evening, July 151h at thei Legion guarantce a most en- liams and his orchestra from1 Legion Carnival 1.o bc held'joyable evening for pcople of Oshawa weli past the mid- at Memorial Park. Glen Vir- ail ages. In case of rain the nîght hour. tue is the Carnival chirmn Legion Carnivai will be held Winners of the grand prize i It wili stan at sevea o'coc. Continueti on page seven) Pro gress Photos of New Bowmanville Foundry Plant Statesman Telephone MA 3-3303 0 1 1 un -Ënwiïj loc Per Comr lZbt Tuesdav 4:30