Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1960, p. 12

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Tuesda.430pm Bùitlhs CAIN-Kay and Murray Cain ane plcased to announce the birth o! a daughten, Sandra 4*uise, on Saturday, July 9, if60, ut Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. A sister for lienore and Sharlene. 28-1' dJONG-Peten and Constance _jComing Events The unnual Gniffin Picnic will be held July 17 at Creani o! Barlcy Camp. Supper ut 5 p.m. 28-1 Free transportation for Bap- tist Chumch Sunday Services. Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday Pu-' enings. 23-tf1 Notices Miss A. Hodgins' office wil be closed until August 4th. 27-4 Rundle Picnic will be held' on July 2oth at Hampton Park. 28-1 Dm. Austin's office will be' closed for holidays from July (lice Henning) are huppy to Anyue wishing to spend 15 to Aug. 15 inclusive. 27-3 atnounce the arrivai o! thein July 29th weekend in Detroit. Dr. K. W. Slenion's office efn, Kenneth Peter, 9 lbs., 14'/4 Reservations aranged. Phone wiii be &Lsed for holidays ofl., at Meniorial Hospital, Port Hope TU 5-2527, collect. from Juiy lth to August l4th Bowmanville, July 6, 1960. Go by chartemed bus. 2 ______________ *28-1* The-47thAnnual 26n-3 finclusive. 26-3* ad the Prout famuly wiil be held Dr. Fenguson's office wiil be~ SHEEHAN-Murnay adMur-: at Ceam o! Bariey Park on closed fom June 29 to Sept. 5 lene (nec Luking) are proud to Saturday, July 23, beginning inclusive, cxcept for one week îýinounce the arrivai o! a son, iwith a bail game at 4 o'ciock. froni July 16 to July 22. 28-1' 9isi Meoial Daniel William, 28-1 As of Juiy 4, 1960, I will not 1960. 28-opial Jly71. Barn Dance- Bob Spencer's be responsible for any debts 1960. _28-1_l"Chicken Coopem's" Orchestra. incurred by niy wife. 'FOODLOCK-.-Doug and 'June Oid time, modemn, rock and Stephen Whitehand. ýnce Mutton) announce thel o , aturday, July 16 at 9 27-3* lairth of fhaeir duhter. airaio'clock. Jake Van Dam's farm, Thi n ,rpnDr-E_ )- ub June, on Tuesday, July th, 4 miles east of Pontypool. 'bard wi 960, at Memorial Hospital, 28-1 days fro iowmanville. 28-1* L.O.B.A. 1314, Pontypool, inclusivE il are putting on their 3-act playday anc Deaths "Keep It Under Your Hat" in nlsv the Orange Hall, Pontypool, WinnE JASPERS-FAYFIR - At Sick on Friday, July 15, 8:30 pm.Fiea Children's Hospital, Toronto,, Admission: adults 50c, chiidrenFfea on Saturday, July 9th, 1960,135c. 2- lst priý 281Ontario eIank Jaspers-Fayer, aged 4% Street Carnival and Dance prize, K years, beioved son of Mr. and lat Blackstock, Friday, July 22, Bowmar jars. John Jaspers-Fayer and1 8:30 p.m. Bingo gamnes, lucky Brooks, dear brother of Julia, Joanne Idraw. Dance to Bob Bovie ville. #nd Evelyn. Rested at the and bis Hill Billy Ramblers. Yorris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Sponsored by Cartwright Agri- DR. inanville. Service was held inl cultural Society. 28-2 wIll be Rehoboth Christian Reformed - Bowmain Church on Tuesday, July 12 _Woodview Communlty Centre 0ffc1 êt 1.,30 pm Interme.... o,,1Monster B i n g o. Twenty Mfe manville Cemetery. 28-1 games-twenty dollars; five ody *games-thirty dollars; $150 and Fr MIARJERRISON-Suddenly at jackpot, and two jackpots at Monday, ~l.2, Newcastle on Saturday, $250. Door prizes. Nexndy. V Juy9, 1960, Ellsworth Law- Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, ol.~ son Marjernison, beloved hus-1Oshawa. 46-tf band of Marlon Gray, dear The 87th annual picnic of the Fi Yàther of Lola (Mrs. DonlWerry Clan will be heid the nright), Bowmanville, andi third Saturday in Juiy in Insuri ýane (Mrs. Jerome Wilson) Hampton Memoial Park. The Oshawa. . Service was held in Imain meai will be at 12:30, ,the Morris Funeral Chapel,1 followed by sports and supper See ý2owmanvii1e, on Tuesday, for those who wish to stay. Re- ;J1ly 12 at 3 o'clock. Inter-I1member the date, July 16 and 26 C( mient Bowmanville Cemetery.iplan to come. 26-2 M~ILLBURN - At Sunnybrooký The Durham County Hol- Fire :Jospital, Toronto, on Satur-' stein Club are holding theirC- 4lay, July 9, 1960, Edwamd Mili- Annual Twilight Meeting on1 .bumn, aged 71 yeams, belovedi Tuesday, July 19, at 7:00 p.m. Ieusband of Margaret Millburnlat the farm of Mr. Bruce Tink, WSI J>ckman Rd., Bowmanville. Hampton. Mm. Rodyen Davis ,Semvice was held in the Mor- wili be guest speaker and give -ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- an illustrated talk on agri- 'ille on Tuesday, July 12 at culture conditions in Burma, MAy 24 'Çl a.m. Interment B"bwman-,Pakistan and Afrîica. A judg- ,'vle Cenetery. 28-1 ing competition will be heid FUN FO ________and efreshments will be serv- 'WkOODLOCK - At Oshawa' cd at Solina Hall. 28-1 14 General Hospital on Tuesday, '4u1y 5th, 1960, Lauma June, Cards of Thanks McOI .dean infant daughter of M. wsitoepssysice -and Mms. Doug Woodlock thansh forexthessmny acs of 9:30 ,Bowmanville. :28-1 *tak o hemn cso kindness. floral tributes andSUNDA' .Ingagement .Mrs. Juein P. Cale announcesý the engagement of hem eldest 'daughtem Carol Ann, to Vernon * tdward Page, son of M. and * Mrs. Wm. E. Page, Columbus.ý The wedding will take place ¶ quietly in August. 28-1* Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith .f Bethesda, wish to announce the engagement of thein ,daughter Christina Marguerite, *to M. Lorne William Crago, ,son o! Mn. Lloyd Crago, Osha- :%Va, and the late Mms. Crago. The wedding to take place August 6th, 1960, at 7:00 'clock at Tyrone United Church. 28-1* .~Mr. and Mrs. Clarke V~ of Bowmanvile wisb to Lnounce the engugemeni F \ ieir daughter Beverley1 of Mm. and Mns. Normian 'o! Oshawa. The weddir 'ke plc Saturday, Ai *3, 1960, t 3 o'clock ii * aul's United Churcb, Sinanville. * Marriage a O-WLING - CARRUTH -- *On Friday, July 8, 1960,i *Andrew's Presbyteriun Ch~ * »owmunviiie, by Rev. É *Scott, Annie Agnes Car e rs, daugbter o! Mrs.: * nnd the late George Car P rs, to Percy R. Cowling bf Mrs. Elia and the lute aCowiing. ::In Memoriax X.LLEN-In loving memo wny husband Frank who e d away July 12, 1957. Three years since the sac ,The one I loved was c a way ; *God took himn home, it H is wili, But in my heurt he1 * stihi. ë.-Evcn rmembered by his Sarah Allen. > URGESS-In loving me ofm da usadNo ;qotingcaneven take av Th oea heurt bolds *>ond memories lingert *. day *Remenibrance keeps * near. .-Evcr remnembcrcd by hi i ng wife Kay. i cKAY-In loving mcnic dean brother and uncle, irtred S. McKay who passed * Tuly 6, 1954. Go0 many tbings have hapr &' Since you were cailedE >0~ many things to shane 4 you bHud you been let to st ~very day in some suai] *'Memories o! you tili our way. b .-Ever nememlered b eluice and family. ,rERY-In loving mcmc aj dcar husband and fý * .William Wesley Terry, >: assed awuy July 121h, memomy fades and *depunts , byou live forever in our h à %.-.,Sad1y missed and alwa3 ýpembered by wife and fa ERS-1 in St. hurch, A. G. xruth- Edith xruth- 9, son John 28-1* messages o! syn'ipahy dàuring ny, recent beeavenient. Eva McGill. 28-1 I wouid iike to thank Dr. Kelly and nurses o! Port Hopel Hospital, Rev. and Mrs. Wbîite, neighboms,.friends froni'Toron- to and Newtonviile W.A. for kindnesses neceived wbiie in bospitai and ut home. Mrs. George Ryan. 28-1* I would like to tbank St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary for the lovely fiowers and niy frîends for the cards o! syni- pathy following the death o! my ioving father in Slough, Bucks, Engiund. Mrs. Ross Adanis. 28-1* Thanks to all fiends and relatives for cards and flowens during niy stay in bospitah; thanks to Dr. K. Slemon, Dr. Thonipson and nurses and staff o! the Memoriai Hospital. Mrs. Michael DePuepe. 28-1* Put and I wish to tbank the fumiy and our frîends for al their beip and kindness while I wus in Oshawa Hospital. My thanks aiso to the Jemusaleni Lodge, Brunch 178 Canadian Legion and the many friendsl wbo sent me cards, fruit and fiowers. Den Joncs. 28-1 I wish to say "thank you" to the pupîhs o! Enniskiiien Public School for the loveiy gifts Il received on the terminution o! my tcaching duties there. Many thanks aiso to the pam-1 ents and trustees for their1 help and co-operation during, the thmee years thut I have been with themi Joyce Taylor. 28-1' was I would like to express my liveth thanks to my friends, relatives and neighbours for the flow- swife ers, curds and gifts which I 28-1* received whiie in Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville and momy since coming home. A special rman thanks to Drs. Mikios, Mc-1 1953. Kenzie and Sylvester; Specia]i wuy Nurse M. Myers, ulso nursesi dean, and staff. evcry Olive Adamis. 28-1* bum We wish to express sincere [s loy- thanks to friends, relatives and 28-1* neighbours for the many acts of kindness, messages o! sym- )rv o! pathy and beautiful floral Wil.. tributes in the loss of a loving away husband and futher. Special thanks to Rev. Busil Long, pened Heather Rebekah Lodge, pull- away, beamers, flower beamers, North- with cutt & Smitb and ail who hehped in any wuy. tay. Mrs. Oswaid Cowun 1 way and fumily. come Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and famiy. 28-1 sister 28-1 Ls 'ry o! LADY'S "Birks" wrist watch .athen, on black band. Reward. Find- w.holcm caîl MA 3-3303. 28-1 POLLED Hereford bull, 550 lbs., vicinity o! Newcastle and Newtonviile. $10 rewumd. Con- tact Euni Thonipson, R.R. 2, Newcastle, or Phone M4Anket 3-3303, Bownianvilie. 28-1' ili be closed for holi- om July 1 to August 21 7e except cvery Thurs- id froni August 2 to 7 7e. 25-4 ies o! Bowmanviile nd Druni Banid druw: ize, Floyd Mutton, 26 )St., Bownianviiie; 2nd Kaml Hoffman, King St., rîville; 3rd prize, C. 25 Hunt St., Bowmun- 28-1 .R. THOMPSON at Memorial Hospital, riville, until Labor Day. Hours: Aftcmnoons 2-4 vTuesday, Wednesday 7rday. Evenings: 7-9, vWednesday and Fmi- Veekeads: Emergencles No appomntment needed. 27-9* FOR COMPLETE ance Coverage àBill Morrison )NCESSION ST. W. MA 3-3048 Theft - Automobile [ravel - Life 22-tf THE REAL LIVING SA NT A 1 t. THANKSGIVING OR ALL THE FAMILY CHILDREN years and under inpanied by parent FREE ay10 .m. to 6:00 p.m. Y 1: .m. to 6:00 p.m. SANTA'S .VILLAGE BRACEBRIDGE, ONT.* 26-7 VIBRA - MASSAGE CLINIC 61 TEMPERANCE STREET (Speclalty Paper Building) Open every cvening from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. REDUCING COURSES HEAT TREATMENTS MASSAGE Treatment for SPrains, Rheumnatlc Pains, Lumbago, Sciatica, Foot Care, Etc. PHONE MA 3-2611 Saturdays by appointment only 28-1 Notice to Residents of the Township of Clarke: This is to inforni you that a Municipal Dump bas now been estabiish- cd at the Robent Hicks' prop- erty in Lot 16, Con. 3, and wili be open for use beginning Saturday, July 9, 1960. The said location shahl be kept open for such gubage disposai on ail Mondays, Tuesdays and Suturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mm. Robent Hicks shail be responsible for ail occurrences and matters arising out of the operation of the said location as a place for garbage and refuse disposal. H. E. Milison, Clerk, Township of Clarke. 28-1 Notice ta Creditors ___AND OTHERS IN THE NATTER 0F THE' ESTATE 0F WILLIAM DAVID SEXSMITH, late of the Town- ship of Manvers, in the County o! Durham, Restaurant Pro- prietor, deceased. Ahl Pensons having CLAIMS against the Estate of the saidi William David Sexsmith, who died on or about the 3th day of Apnil, A.D. 1960, are requin- cd to file proof o! same with the undersijned Solicitors on or before the iSth day of July, A.D. 1960. After such last mentioned date, the Execu- trices wil proceed to distrihute the estate, having regard only to the Claus of which they then shahl have had notice. DATED this 2th day of June, A.D. 1960. ALICE MATILDA SEXSMITH and MARY ALICE EILEEN MUCHA By FARQUHARSON & DALY, 328½/ Water Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Thein solicitors herein. 26-3 Room and Board ROOM and board for 15 or 20 men. MA 3-3347. 28-4 ROOM or rooni and board. Phone 3001 Newcastle. 28-1 LARGE noom, gentleman. 205 King E. Phone MA 3-3186. 28-1' Found ONE pair o! black-rimmed glasses with green alligator i case, wood shavings inside. Henb Knapp, MA 3-5418. 28-li _Articles for Sale i Articles for Sale CEDAR fence posts. MArket TWO and one-hall acres of 3-3394. 28-1* standing hay. Free for cutting. CEDAR fence posts. PhoneIMA 3-2448. 28-1'* Ci1arke 28 r 32. _ -28-21DUTCH living-roomi and bed- ïRASPBERRIES and straw- -bernies. Phone MA 3-2886. 28-1 MASSEY-Harris 7-foot binder.1 Alfred Allun. Phone MArket 3-2332. 28-1* MOTOR bike, new licence, good condition. Phone MA 3-3987. 28-1 RASPBERRIES, Latham and Marcy. Orders taken. Phone CO 3-2598. 28-2 MOBILE home, 38' Glendale, completely furnished, parked at Cream of Barley. 27-2* LARGE size blonde wood crib with plastic mattress, in good condition. MA 3-5253. 28-1 BED-chcsterfield suite, unused, originally $250. Seil for $150. Phone Newcastle 3186. 28-1 FOR sale or trade for younge livestock, a Massey - Harris binder. Phone Clarke 28 r 32. 28-2 KE'YS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17 r 11. 13-tf jONE Runley thmeshing ma- chine on rubber. R. G. Chat- er, Leskard. Phone Orono 36 r 1. 28-1* s21" FOUR-bumner Guerney electric range, dlock and tim- wm, good condition; $65. MA 3-3438. 28-1* ONE % h.p. RCA Aircondition- cm, excellent condition, $100.00. Appiy to R. B. Rickard, New- castle 3938. 27-2 GOOD selection used TV sets for reasonable prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. East, Oshawa. il-tf TWO ft. square cement slabs suitable for sidewalk or patio, $1.00 each. 141 Elgin or tele-1 fphone A,3-3426. 28-11 ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PAINTING and Decorating. For quality materiais and g u an a nt e e d workmanship. Landen Hardware & Eiectric Ltd. 9-tf GLADIOLUS and cut flowers for ail occasions. Daily hos- pital delivery. Mrs. E. Passant, Bowmanvilie. Phone MArket 3-3527. 27-10' DO your own floons and rugs -Rent a sander, floor poiisher or rug cleaner (shampoc, meth- od). We sand floors. Lander Hardware. -tf INSULATION, blowing meth- od, witb rock wool. Work- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone Carke 2420. 39-tf COURSES at Bowmanville Business School for office positions of your choice. Reg- istrations now being accepted for fall term. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf DOMINION appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.), now soid at Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton. A compiete line of ap pliances at hard to beat prices. CO 3-2241. 24-4;1 WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain prices, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanviile Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- manville. East o! Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock o! batteries and cords at Higgon Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf ALUMINUM D oo rs an d Windows at economical prices. Buy now and save! Estimates given on inquimy. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St East, Bowmanvllle. MArket 3-5689. 23-tf TWO-piece daveno, foam nub- ber, $129; 6 x 9 broadloom rugs, 39.50; Sealey button-fmee mattresses, 39.95; coffee tables, 9.95; G.E. polishers, 39.95. 25% off lamps, odd chairs. Murphy Furniture Co., MA 3-3781. 28-1* New - Retreaded Used JABMESON TIRE 10-tf TILE Walls - Floors ANY KIND Ceramic - Plastic - Rubber Vinyl - Asbestos Supplied and Installed H. G. HEAL COlfax 3-2531 21 -tf Soe the uew Germai STEREO HI-FI SETS Beautîful Swedlsh Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Duich INerchant 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA 8-605 njooni ie, excel-lent Phone MA 3-5512. condàitîin. o28-M' I BARBECUE CHICKENS Grade A FAUMY SIZE i $1.29 Bowmanville t'Frigid Locker System MA 3-5578 2- New Low Prices on -GENERAL FREEZERS wlth automatie interior llght automatic warnlng llght Adjustable temperature control Flberglass Insulation Unit and Food Insurance Made ln Candda 12 eu. ft. Chest $229.00 17 cu. ft. Chest $259.00 22 cu. ft. Chest $319.00 28 eu. ft. Chest $379.00 Easy Terms Arranged Bowmanville Frigid Locker System. PHONE MA 3-5578 28-tf Work Wanted PAINTING wanted. Reason- able. MA 3-5642. 28-1 BRICK work. Normnan Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Phone MA 3-5518. 26-tf SCUFFLING and hoe crop I womk, $3 per houn. Phone MA 3-3548. 27-4 PLUMBING, heating, eaves- toughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax1 3-2281 or Omono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimney work, ncw or repair, or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Caîl L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf [erman Van De Bel GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Bllock, Concrete and Carpentry New Work and Repairs PHONE MfArket 3-3694 7 Miii Laue 5-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORIC R. L. TAFT 14King St. E. MA 3-50301 Plumbing - Heating Eavestroughing A. BAARS MA 3-7127 66 King St. W., Bowmanville Free Estimate 24-tf BACKHOE WORK fTrenching - Baekfilling Septie Tanks New Equipment IVAN MOUNTJOY t Blackstock 87 r 4 fbefore 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. 15-tf Save Money ai D ave's Shoe Repair fFAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf WHITEWASHING STABLES, ETC. BERT TOMPKINS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VILLE OSHAWA TV 6t TELEVISION AERIAL SALESI INSTALLATION & REPAIRSI Phone Bowmanvllle Oshawa MIA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BULL AN" BOB LEASK 39-tf ARENDS ELECTRIC .MOTORS REPAIES and REWINDING to al your Electrical Equlpment Sales & Service MA 3-30581 43 Third St. Bowmanville 19-tf Livestock for Sale For Rent APARTMENT, three rooms and bath. MA 3-5079. 28-2 APARTMENT, avWiable im- mediately. Phone MA 3-3349. 28-1 1949 PLYMOUTH, 37,000 miles, one owner car. Apply 6 Edsall Ave. 28-1 CENTRALLY located apàrt- ment. Aduits. Only $60 monthly.__MA 3-3394. 28-1* FOUR - roomed apartment, heated. Aduits only. Phone MA 3-7124. 28-1* KPAKRT'MENT, heated, 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Apply 63 King St. W., Apt. 4. 28-1 COTTAGE, Lake Scugog, thmree bedrooms, boat, ail conven- iences. Phone Mms. Madison Hall, 1231, Orono. 28-1 TH-REE - roomed apartment, bath, heated, heavy wiring,J self-contained. MA 3-3186,1 205 King East. 24-tf! APARTMENT 25. per month to a suitable couple. Four clean rooms and a sunroom. Self- contained. CO 3-2015. 28-1l* APARYTMENT, 4 ooms and shower. Self-contained. Im- mediate possession. Apply 143 Queen St., Bowmanville. 28-1* MODERN four-room apamt- ment with bath, heated, cent- ral location, immediate posses- sion. Appiy 10 Division St., Bowmanville. 27-2* APARTMENT, 3 rooms, bed- oom, kitchenette, large living- room, modemn bath, shower. 23 Temperance, downtown Bowmanville. 22-tf ment with 3-piece bath, priv- ate entrance, in the'Octagon, corner Division and Welling- ton. Available Aug. 1. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Prower, 86 Wel- lington St. MA 3-5907. 28-1 APARTMENT, 2nd floor, ear, in Victor Manor, King Street West; kitchen, living-room, bedroom and full bathmoom, heavy wiring, electmic wvater beater. Available immediate- ly. Contact Bill Curtis MA 3-7035. 23-tf Cars for Sale 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, window- less van-truck. Low mileage. Phone MA 3-3473. 27-tf '47 CHEV. truck, 2-ton, in good condition. Apply 572 Simcoe N., Oshawa, or Phone RA 5-4012 aftem 7 p.m. 27-2* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1947 PLYMOUTH Coach, in good munning order, body good, excellent tires, everything womks on this car. Best offer. Phone MA 3-3303. 28-1 BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Auction Sale rI have meceived instructions from Mms. J. E. W. Philip, Mill St., Newcastle, to seil by pub- lic auction on Friday, July 22, at 1:00 p.m., hiem entire house- hold effects including several pieces of good antique fumn- iture. Plan to attend this auc- tion. Ternis cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 28-1 Auction sale of blacksmnith and woodworking equipmnent, the estate of the late F. M. Cryderman, on Saturday, July 30 at his late mesidence, Silver Street, Bowmanviile. Ail kinde of tools, dry hardwood suitable for truck racks and platforms, turning lathes, forge, anvil, boxes of new boîts, implement paint, etc. For particulars, see bis. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 28-2 I have been favoured with instructions fromn Mrs. Louise Boyd to seil by Public Auction at hiem mesidence, Lot 2, Con- cession 8, Clarke Township, on the Clarke-Hope Boundary, 2 Concessions nomth of County Road: thirteen Hereford cattie, poultry, household fumniture, etc., on Saturday, July 23 at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Ternis cash. No reserve. R. J. Payne, auc- tioneer; Ted Spencely, cierk. 28-1 Tenders Wanted Tenders wilI be recelved by the undersigned until 6 p.m., ;Mon., July 25, 1960 for the Installation of an Eavesirough Heaiinlg Cable System ,i approximately 400 feet of eavestrough at the ICommunify Hall Newcastle, Ontario The lowest or any tender not neeessarlly accepted. ! 1 -- 71 C Help Wanted RASPBERRY pickems. MA 3-5026. 28-1 RASPBERRY pickers, 10 years and over. Phione MA 3-5178. 28-1 * GIRL or young woman with good appearance and ability experience preferred, f o Truil's Groceteria, West Court- ice. Phone RA 3-3051. 28-2 ONTARIO Training School foi Boys, Bowmanville, requirec Teachers immediately. Salary Schedule in effect. Civil Serv- ice Benefits. Appiy to Super- intendent. 28-1 MEN or women - full or part time. No expenience necessary. We wili train you. No invest- ment. Wirite Rawleigh's, Dept G-140-NN, 4005 Richelieu, Montreai. 28-1 POSITIONS in offices open to you after compieting a course at Bowmanville B u s i n e ss Schooi. Registrations for Fa]l terni now being accepted. Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf WOMEN-Represent our Com- pany fmom your own home, Part or full time. No door-to- door. Customers supplied. Must be mamried home own- ers. Saiary. Commnission. Send name and 'phone number to Monumch, 36 Densley Ave. Toronto 15, Ontario. 28-2 AN OPPORTUNITY WITH AVON Wlthout previous experience you eau camu as much as $2.00 or more per hour ln spare time. We train you. Wrlte now to Miss K. MacKean, Avon Manager, 528 Gilmour Street, Peterboro. 2_81 ARE you looking for a fui]- time job? Start a Familex agency in your surroundings. No experience equired, sales aids provided, top commission, bonus, etc. Guaranteed pro- ducts such as: Househoid and farn products, cosmetics, etc. 30 day trial. Familex Pro- ducts Dept. R. 8, 1600 Delor- imier, Montreal. 28-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, te ail makes. Sanie day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883 100 MIXED chickcns, tbmee BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT 49-t:_________ months old. Apply 143 Qucen Newcastle Comnxunity Hall REPAIRS and rewinding, arm St., Bowmanville. 28-1' * otesec'v atunes turncd, te aIl makes o: TWO frs. Ho.tPortewr, vc- yelectnie motors. Higgon Elec cinate nHoloote osted.Tel- NWATEOTRO trie, 38 King East. Phone MP. ciatdan lodtetd.Tee NWASL, NARO 3-3305. 7-t phone CG 3-2524. 28-1 27-2 __________________ -REPAIRS te ail maltes o! sew Personal Nursing Home igciidev es.Freepckup HYGENIC suppiles - (Rubber SOUTH Haven Nursing HomeMCentre. 44gW.Te -po goods) maiied postpaid in plain -Accommodation for privateMA 72144I seaicd envelope witb price list. a nd semi-pnivate patients, REPAIRS to ahi makes o! re S Six suniples 25c, 24 sumples lounge TV. Fuhiy iicensed, frigemators, domestic and com $1.00. Mail Orden Dept. T-28, ncw building, modemn. Visitons mercial; mlking coolers. Hig Nov.-Rubber Ce., Box 91, Hum- welcome. 'Reasonuble rates.1gon Electric Limited, 38 Kmn i1-Uf ilton Ont. 1-52 Phono Newcastle 4441. 8-tf St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-t h r -2 )r 15 y Y. ýt. .1 ýo î ;e S Reail Estate for Sadl 'Ic 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa RA 3-9810 RA 5-8761 Lot For Sale r60 x 133I½ ft., in good resi- dential location with water and sewer. r 7 Rooms 52-stoncy brick home, bath- jroom faciiities on two floors, -beautiful oak floors, oul heat- -ing, dlean condition tlîroughout. LAsking $4.000 down and bal- tance on one open mortgage. New Bungalow 5 noom, 3 bedroom brick and stone, la r ge ultra-modemn kitchen, 4-piece colored bath, forced air with oul heating, natural stone fireplace with heatelator, large lot. Asking $12.500 with small down pay- ment. Hampton 2-stomey home consisting of 10 nooms, good condition, largel 2-car garage with workshop, central location on about one acre lot, open to offer with reasonable down payment, and easy payments on balance. Cosy Bungalow Modemn 4 moom bungalow, central location, hardwood floors, oul heating. Asking $7,500 with temms. Tyrone Farm 99 acres with about 85 acres good workabie land mostly in hay, good trout stmeam, 2-fam- iiy home, good hank barn with munning water and hydro. Open to offen with substantial cash. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 28-11 RedEstate for Sale TWO choice lots in Village of Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. 7-tf SIX-moom frame bouse, al&pst new; oil furnuce, tule floorVU1 aluminuin windows. Phone Newcastle 3921. 28-1 GRUBB Esso Service Station, at Enniskillen, north o! Bow. munville, on busy highway. Good business ahl year around. Death o! owvnem forces sale. Go direct to inspect. Caîl Oxford Rcalty Limited, Toronto, Ont. WAlnut 4-8728. 28-1 Leask Real Esiale ý l' 81 acres with 6 mooni bouse, barn 30 x 60, implement shed, garage. Price $12.000. Ternis. 56 acres, 12 miles froni Osha- wa, nice view, trout strcam. Pnice only $3,000. Down $1.000. 25 acres with 6 mooni bouse, bank barn, twn garages. Own- er xiii sdi or trade. Sec u3 for information. 100 acres near Sunderland, river frontage, good duck hunt- ing, excellent cottage site. Priced to seli. Easy ternis. Il acres with frontuge on Highxvay 2. Ownem must sei. Price $3.500. Tennis. 2 acres with 4 rooni bunga- low, full busenient, furnuce, bath, garage, smali barn. AUl this for only $5.250. Tennis. Building lots on scwcn and watem. Sec us for information. 3 hedrooni bungalow, fuliy modern, near school. Price $10,500. Ternis. On Hlghway No. 2 One Mile East of Bowmanville Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blylevea Phono -MA 3-5300 Pedwell Real Estate w aniea to inent 200 acres on paved noad, d THREE-bedroom bouse, garage bunk barn 40' x 80', franie preerrd, n o ner Bwma-house, ail level fields, well villec, Ag.In or T.eur Boik. fenced, lots o! wuter, $15,000. chile, BAug. 15.MteWlcocd Sînail down payment. R cefaBrantw Ponod Mol3Or3 50 acres, good buildings, 1 Rstaran. hon Orno28-1, nnrth o! Oshawa. $12.000. _______________________Ternis. TWO to tbnee bedmooni apunt- 10 acres with trout streani Sment, heated, sclf-contuincd, close to Bownianville. $4,000. dj for higb schooi teacher and Easy ternis. ttwo children age five and scv- 10 acre peur orchard, full en. Possession Sept. 1. Ref- beuning, present cnop wili puy -emences. Write Advertiser 49, for it. Close to school. d C/o Canadian Stutesmun, P.O. 6 ooni insul-stone bouse i . Box 190, Bowmunviile. 28-3 Orono with tile and hurdwood 3HOUSE in or fleur Bowman- fcoors, oiù furnace, bath, gar. jville district, near school, age, 1/4 acre lot. $1.000 down, c hurch, store. Must bave ut ternis. least three bedroonis. By funi- 6 rooni bouse close to Neu 'f ily o! six, two teenagers. Cun custie, $6,500. $1,000 dovi give good eferences. Urgent, balance easy. A' By the lust o! July. Pleuse 60 acres pusture land, clo% t' Phone collect te Blackstock to Newcastle. Small down 121 r 5. 28-1' payment. ________________ 27 acres on two highwuys, dBUSINESS executive and fani- large insul stone bouse, bank nily wouid like to ent 7 to 10 barn 40' x 60', cernent floors, irooni bouse with option to buy good garden soul. School oi tfwithin a f ive mile radius o! property. Ternis. eBownianviiie. Occupancy Sep- >teniber lst. Highest references.ý HAROLD C. PEDWELL - Write Advertiscr 47, c/o TIe Broker ig Canadian Statesman, P.O. Boxi ecal los35 ti 190, Bowmanville. 27-3' U81 h; j' Reail Estate for Sale De Wilh Réal Esiaie DAIRY FARM, 200 acres as a going concern, located on river, paved road. Good bank barn, bulk cooler, water bowls, drive shed, cattie, machinery, etc. Price $30,000. Terms. 200 Acre farm, 90' x 30' bank barn, drive shed, silo; 9 room- ed brick home with furnace, running water. Asking $15,000. Down $5,000. 92 Acre farm, 87 acres work- able, 2 ponds, L-shaped bank barn, water on tap, silo, drive shed, garage; 8 roomed home, heavy wired, running water. Asking $16,000. Down $5,000. 200 Acre farm, 160 acres workable, large stream, bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 8 room- ed brick house, heavy wired. Prîce $14,500. Dowr. $5,000. 50 Acre farm near Omemee, small barn; 7 roomed home, hydro,etc. Asking $6,500. Terms. 50 Acre farm, 6 miles north Port Perry, 40 acres workable, stream, large barn,-water on tap, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse, furnace, water on tap. Prîce $13,500. Terms. 10 Roomed house with Groc- ery Store, Post Office, in Vil- lage of Hartley. Price $5,500. Terms. 7 Roomed home in Newcastle with ail modern conveniences, oil furnace, garage. Centraliy located. Immaculate condition. Asking $10,000. $3,500 down. 5 Roomed bungalow with all modern conveniences, garage, 2 hen houses with 5 acres land. Asking price $10,500 with $3,500 down. 6 Roomed home near Green- bank on No. 12 Highway, on 1 acre lot. Price $3,500 with $1,000 down. 2 Bedroom bungalow in Newcastle with all modern conveniences, full basement, garage. Centraily located. Ask- ing $10,000 with small down payment. 5 Roomed bungalow in Bow- manville with ail modemn con- veniences, full basement, hard- wood and tule floors. Price $8,500 with 1,000 down. 5 Roomed bungalow in Bow- mnanville with ail modemn con- veniences. Hardwood and tule floors, etc. Price $9,800. Terms arranged. 5 Roomed brick bungalow in Bowmanville, approximately1 5 years old, with ail modemn conveniences, hamdwood and1 tile floors. Asking $13,000.1 Terms arranged. 8 Roomed home In Ponty-l pool with 4 bedrooms, 4-piece1 bath, running water. Price1 $4,000 with $500 down. John F. De With Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 L. A. Perrault, Clarke 22311 FIVE-room insul brick house, full basement and garage, big garden, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phone 3841. 27-3 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 141/2 acres choice level gard- enx land on paved moud close to town. $400 per acre with easy terms. 5 acres with trout stream, south of Leskard. $4.500. Terins. 90 acre fanm in Clarke Twp. Good 6 nooni house, bip-roof barn, streani. Asking only $11.500 with $4.000 down. 49 acre farun 6 miles from~ town; 10 acres in asparagus, balance excellent garden land with stream. Asking $10.500 with $3,700 down. New bungalow, fuily furn- ished, $11.000 with $1.500 down. 4 bedroom home on large lot. Central location. Only $9,500 with temms. 1 ½ '-stomey brick witb many extras on Simipson Ave. Pmic- cd for quick sale. Furnished 3 bedrooni cottage at Bowmanville Beach. Ful pnice $1.100. Call WALTER FRANK 177 Chureh St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanvllle 28-1 Fred Cook Realior Ld. Representative MARVIIN NESBITT, Nestîcton Phone Blackstock 44 r il Nestîcton district, 120 acre fanm, 90 workable, with 7 nooni house with bath, large L-shape barn tvith waten in barn. On paved moud. Good location. Nestleton district, 100 acre fanm. over 90 workubie, fairiy level with 2-storey 8-nooni house, hydro and pressure systeni, large L-shuped barn, steel roof, water bowls. A neal buy. $12,000 full price, $4.000 down. 165 acre farm with brick bouse, fumnace, bath, large barn with good stables, water bowls. Full price $15.800 with ternis. Lindsay district, 100 acre fanm, 75 womkable wlth 7-rooni brick house, hydmo, modemn kitchen. Hardwood floors, large barn, drive-shed. $10,500 full price with temms. 100 acre fanm, 95 workubie, with 7 nooni bouse newiy mod- ernized; oul fumnace, bath; nexv barn 38' x 70'. Full price $12,700 with temms. Scugog Point lake front cot- tage, 6 noonis well furnished. pressure system, sandy beach. Pniced low for quick sale. 28-1 L. S. Snelgrove CO. ýi il 6 room. newv brick ranch bungalow, attuched garage, recreation rooni, large twindowv in living-room, fireplace, inany extras. Ternis. This is a beautiful home und muy be bought conipleteiy furnisbed. 5 rooni bungalow, 3 bcd- noonis, freshly decorated, large private lot, $9,500 with ternis. 6 nooni cottage at Cedar Crest Beach, inside plunibing, new weli, barbecue, !ully furn- ished, TV set, bout bouse with large living-roomi ubove. Ternis. We have houses, lots, fanms. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 3-5919 28-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 0 118 King E. MA 3-323: Bowmanvile Wc offer on Centre Street, Onono Village, a lovely home with ail conveniences. Hcuted double garage. Picturesque setting on a large lot. Ask to inspect. George St., Newcastle. A bandymun's chance. Wby puy ment? $2.500 total with ternis. Store and lot in Bowman- ville. Central. Ownem bas other intemests. $8,000 with bai! down. 4 nooni brick bungalow, al conveniences. $12,000 with $5,000 cash. We bave 10 acre parcels in Damlington witb nice streani. Asking $500 per acre. List with us for satisfaction. 28-1 Peter Kowal REALTOR Box 817, Bowmanville, Ont Offices 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 52 King St. W. - MA 3-2458 100 acre fanm, 50 workable 50 bush and pasture witiv streani. Insul-brick hous~ large barn, frontage on pav4 moud. Only $18.500 with terq 97 acres with brick bou"e, good pusture or sod fanm, witlx spring-fed streani. Priccd for quick sale. Nice, furnishcd cottage ut Cedar Cmcst. $4,000 witli ternis. Franie cottage, furnisbed, West Beach. $3.000 witb only $500 down. Insui-brick and frume cot- tage, West Beach, $2,700 with $700 down. We aiso bave a sciection ef homes and income properties. Salesmen: 31. A. Barton- MA 3-3098, C. Soper MA 3-2624 Peter Feddem , REAL ESTATE BROKER PJM -rwrdjv mu CARADMR STAT&SUM. BOWUANVZLM OnTAMO -1- -Eue MAT, JULT 14th, lon

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