PAGE SmTMICANRADIAN STATEYBM, E t4lVLU OM'ART RRDY JL M, were served popcorn. Several-wde Telephone Co., Oshawa, show- wVeuwekendgutaoM.LaeTot, reSn children from Mrs. Cole's E 1.5 d some very interesting films and Mrs. J. A.Trtulnd ay uetof r.ndMs room presented a play "Ii Tv o Local S lUd ent in the church on Monday family. Hrl amr Religion for Today Dreains Came True", narrated evening. Lwe a ots A nuniberfrmhrated SoY to eot bara Sopko. to a demonstration on Wed-, cert. dco' ae ehp i bySua Kmere adBa-In the Running for nesday John McGuirk gave a piano Miss Bonnie MÙarchand is i ton and family eeSna rvd er solo. A chorus mnade u of ML Memorial Hospital, Bownian- guests of Mr. anMr.taey Svaiassamuphv room and Mrs. Cole's room - 1 k S ch l r h surgery an her eye. The coi- Mr. and Mrs. hmsHde W op htMs .M W atch That Quick Tem p sang s:veral numbers in har- r at munty wishe: her a speedy and familySudyAcnionw 0Ib mony under the direction ai Six hundred and fifty-seven niai awards will be made. recovery. Good luck Bannie. guests af Mr. adMs oniirvd A WEA WEEKOrLadtepe lrTALMrKRos Our badns er yuntempeortdens reinrn aelywllbeMrars.nd MsMrs. imsoFows ndfa iby Rev. R. IL Nicholson. discounts aur profession ai re- "Belîs of St. Mary's", "The the running for the 13 Bank one i science-each in the Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mr. and MrsKennt a-1rvstdrltvsmHn Therela nohing a disust-ligio. We re eaily povok Lord is My Shepherd", "The ai Montreal Canada Centen- amount ai $5,000 for study Harvey and family, Oshawa,] mer, Peterborogn.Alnitno udy Ther isnotingsa dsgut- igin. e ar eailyprookOld Lamplighter" and the niai Scholarships which are anywhere in the world. Ing in a man or woman as a ed; we fly inta a passion on "Smnking af the Bismarck". ta be awarded in their prov- The scheme provides for a fit ai temper. Yet many peo- very slight occasion; we are Linda Scott and Lynda ice in 1960, the bank has an- total ai 124 awards in the pieusdo ftiseeandta be con- baughty, domineering, pee- Martin sang their Kiwanis nounced. Applications for the years 1960-67, ranging froni scius i tisan thy ti.n vsh retul r vndctie ad Msi Fetivl nmbr and scholarships - each warth $750 to $5,000. When the plan lightly of their passion. They ' h rtflo initv, an othsc estan m $750 in the iirst year-have was announced, G. Arnold excuse themselves by saying: worst of all, many ai us do nawclosd. Hrtaresdentai te B i M TYes, I have a temper, but it not make any effort ta grow A play, written by Heather Mr. James Bell, local Man- said the bank hoped the scbo- Is al over in a minute. Wben i out ai the infirmities ai aur Burton and Linda Scott, was ager, informed The Statesma larsbips would provide "a V a lady, years ago, made this ~dsoiin ehv rw presented by Mr. Mollins' that two students iran Bow- tangible and worthwhile ob- excuse to Biily Sunday, the , older, but the saine pride, pe- cîass with narration by Rose nianville High School have servance ai the national cen- - evangelist, he answered: "San tulance, vanity, selfishness Ann Paterson. A drill follow- applied, Miss Marilyn Hous- tennial ta the future national te a Gatling Gun, but it blows ties, nd tr is arfeabin qul ed with several children lander and Garth Taylor. advantage."l everything ta pieces."tisarsilmnistiau marching in different forma- The Ontario boys and girls _________ Once, I was sitting in a ie tions ta "Whistle a Happy are among 2,208 ai this year's meeting, listening ta the dis- Now, what is the basis ai Tune" and "Delaware". high school graduates across cussion ai business. One man ' ' temper? Is it flot seliishness, A group sang campiire sangs Canada competing for -the iirst A~Ir' spoke with enthusiasm, but pride and arrogance? We tbink with ukelele accompaniment year's 50 scholarsbips faor the A waVVL.IIin when bis suggestions were op- ai ourselves more highly than by Andy Goodwin and this study ai arts and sciences at posed, bie flew into a passion, we ought ta think. We want most excellent concert cîosed Canadian universities. Every C ta uttering bitter words. In a o~~ ur owrn way, wbich we be- with "The Queen". Mr. Met- application had ta be accoin- C n r o mnoment hie sat down,_sorry lieve is better than that ai cali was presented with a giît panied by the recommendation for losing bis temper, but it others, and when we are op- ai appreciation by Mr. W.Ml-of a the student's princpa S7 7 M ile DA FOEB RE IN was ton late. He bad lost bis posed we become impatient lins. that there bas already been esDALFRB BEU G cause. and ily into a passion. This considerable "ipre-selection" Th Onai ertn M AYSD attitude is due ta the iact in the bigb achools. Te Otra dpriet MAYSD Saine years ago, in tbe city that we have not been pro- Final selection will be made ai higbways has awarded a of Toronto, a Controller, long- Rv .R ihlo eï trained ta self-control \JAv in August by the ten provin- contract for paving 7.7 milesc ed intensely ta be Mayor of Rv .R ihlo when we were cildren. We VV Li lU I cial selection committees, each ai Highway 401, iromn High- the city. He entered the may- Quick temper is always have neyer learned ta adjust composed ai leading educa- way 45 to the Grafiton Rd. in- cralty contest, but alas, be dneos.I a ftnrslI uslesLll nditli tionalists irom universities in terchange, ta D. J. MacDon-' PR could not cantrol his "beast- dangerous.anIt basraitennrer-it- ourmoelvestcalmrovandeintelli- I ald Construction Limited ai ly" tep. In a public meet- ed in crime, assault and even îerencetOwth aur wills, or R ,AThe scholarships ta be Scarborough.R lBtm;mudrateagntyeenaitr-Ho c vem na tepoicscnerelb ing be ue strong and vile udr I have fe seena cause ai discomfort. awarded this year are the first The iirm's $827111 bld was language adin agestruck i mother in anger, cruelly bFaor R. M yIeirs seRna ee-er lna- n i1*rcie. h ib with bis fist an opposing can-: ler chiid on the street, and Bad temper is ucha ,dis-snou n e b y earai nay- oetows $0651ee. The ontrac dlidate, and started a shameful andty ekig th itte gurement ai character and ntne yteBo nMyetws$9,5.Tecnrc and disgraceful brawl. His armof hlyerkic hie alaridl causes so much barin that no The War Amputations af ta provide bank-aided univer- includes granular base and bot IDEAL FOR HAMBURGERS- LEAN conduct was severely condem- the littie arins would break. one should spare any painsCadTontBrcbbedsysuy.Tepgan ilmxpvng ined by the newspilpers of that or cost ta bave it cured. The a Memorial Service on Wed- culminate in 1967, the year A section ai Higbway 401el cit an helost the election. Quick tempered persans are iirst step is ta acknowledge nsday, June 22, 1960, in their ai the centennial ai Canadian iran Newcastle ta Port HopeB Quc eprdsry hjcantinuaîîy utn tesByhaw avansytmprCb ta the late Richard y ofederation and the bank's bas been completed, but aifi- MNE usiunssaimnya a. stheir hasty words and actions, and an ugly disposition and ta ers, 69, who passed away Mar. 15th anniversity, when two cial opening ceremonies bave soon as be loses self-controlj they wound sensitive souls, determine ta conquer it. Then 4190inVcoaBC. falB iMCndaetn-bndeydutitenw lie becomes inefiective. Some and cause great suiiering and we must fight against aur de- Mr'. Myers, who was boni section ta Brighton is finish- SWIFTS PREMIUM - BARBECUE STYE-Ct'k hc youg mn avefaledtaad- bitterness. grading infirmity with steady in 1890 in Engîand, came ta Business uîrectory ed. yong en bavnes e ailet fai Clie me n ce au, the Great persistence. People do not Canada in 1909, settling in To - R. B. Fraser, construction O thsweakness. A man wbo French Premier, during the grow out ai ugl3' temper inta ronto. During the First Wonld Ac c o n t anc ngineer for Port Hope divi- OELESS H A M»L CSl.8 9 cannot contral himself, is not First Wold War, was a man sweet refinement, as a peach War hie served with the Prin- _______________Sion ai the departinent ai bigb- fit ta be in a position ai ne- af imperious and passionate ripens iran saurness ta lus- cess Patricia's Canadian Liglit RATY.J. DILLING ways, said last week the Part snonsibility over other men. nature. His great adversary, ciousness. We mnust resolutely Infantry and was wounded on Certified Public Accountant Hope ta Brighton section of WF' RMU N WTSETET-i b el akg There is nothing more pitiful Briand, once said af imn, that and persistently endeavor ta Sept. 18, 1918, at Tilloy, las- 93 Churcb Street the four-lane road should b WF' RMU E AT and disgusting than ta see a "He was born witb one day's overcoine aur great weakness. iig ta leg below the knee. MArket 3-3861 open to trafiic late in the man, a slave ai bis dangerous good nature, and he used it Many years ago I knew a Following the war he serv- WM. 3. H. COGGINS sume oi161 BA RBECU E FRA I~ K b 5 passion. No, that Is nat a cor- up pretty quickly." By bis sav- woman wbo was distinguisb- ed as a representative ai Can- Chartered Accountant expctend a nst tioanits rect statement. There is an- age onslaughts on bis politi- ed by the charin and grace ai ada's War disabled, and met Second Floor cantrctex ast wk o t other thing' more terriiying cal opponients, lie aroused ber personality. She was al- with parliamentary commit- NwLbayBidn otatnx ek and disgusting, and that is a mucb enmity and bad ta figbt ways gentle, well-poisod and tees studyingr the probleno a o i nwandLib rary Buildin Tenders are due July 13 for SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 1 lb. Package womnan, ilying into a bot tom- more than one duel. His ene- seli-controlled; yet at one fine pensions forethe disabled. He CaPhKngn e m erance3Sts granular base and bot mix per and giving an exhibition mies nicknamed hlm "The she was a woman ai a passion- later served as national secre- Phn MAkt361 paving ai a 5.44 mile sectionLE S BCNl.6 oi igh tantrums. I heard a Tiger". He was a great pa- ate temper, wbicb caused tary for tbe War Amputation YALE, FRIEDLANDER ai the highway iran Higbway R IN D LE S BC waman make excuse for ber triot and led the French na- mucb trouble ta berseli and Society. RUNTER & CO. 28 ta the Higbway 45 inter- rougb and evil conduct and tion triumpbantly in the First, ber friends. She determined Mr-__________________________________________and____________change._ rancarous and shameful words, 1 World War, but lho would bave ta conquer lber weakness ad M.Mesble raie Actns andMAr.tosFcange r__________________bridges______________and____ by saying she was sa angry, done better work if lie bad by patient effort and prayer the Canadian National Insti- Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy MrFasraibidean thate s aintcng. - per. vhmet t ry, egie odr assistant secretary ai the Oshawa, Ontario tension are nearly ail finish- Harnburg - 8 per pkg. I. LUM e____________pr._tory CNIB, le "wo'X it1hthat sa B. L. Ya, C.A. ed.-Examiner. B N 51H IO L4c S elR LS 5 . ' b ciety irorn 1944 nd ohiran P.Friedlander, BCoin., C.P.A. B NS2 ci E N O0 N E Y D)urham Lounty Club ied CNIB branches in Que- M0I1R1Lj& CO.IT OBITUARY BEST BUT ETR bec and Newfoundland. Cbartered AccountantsChryHl - Save 4c AVAILABLE FOR -~w Surviving, besîdes bis wife 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa MRS. RICHARD FOOLEY ae5 - *~ fOd C es a.l.. s 6 0 -6 1 O ffi iers c yartwo sns, Fred and RA 5-3527 Riheard Poleyaed o82, at Libby's - 20 o.tin- I~III V~ J a a~ ~ Alexadr ai ofToronta Bowmanville RTherdeatb occurred ai2Mrs. Deep Browned g for2ozweg SO R T GA GE and tbree daughters, Doris, Cal Eih470Mrw usn oe Durhamn County Club ai To- 1 Presîdent, Mr. G .J Spicer; Toronto; Victoria, Hamilton; Partners: Znt 55 omnil, o ady A ronto is off ta a good start in lst Vice Pros. Dr. O. O Wor- and Marion <Mrs. Russell Hn J . otîtF. . Manoleod ung omea, DB 59cN its 62nd year as the oldest don, 2nd Vice Pros. Mr- W. Hayes) of Bowmanville. Also A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. Julne 27, 96,f oloin n _______________________________ lIaLPH S. JONES continuous county club ai To- McNeil 3rd Vice Pros. Mrs. surviving are 11 grandchiîdron G. W. Riebi, C.A., R.I.A. BES U -Sae4 ronto, wîth a record membor-!F.W. Bowen Roc. Secrotary, and one great-grandchîld. (iesdTute The deceased, former Sarah S U ae4 utMr' jBarrister and Salitor sbîp in electing the iollowing Mis Sybîl Langmaid; Press (Lîcensed inthTrustRseBrnd-ee)t 1 o. a 130 King St. E. Oshawa offîcers and committees for! Secretary ( Statosman")- Col. the Rev. Sidney E. Lami- G. E. Tretbewey, C.A. ShPraut, arinthe Todwn- RsaBad-Swe a6 z a 1960-61, wbich opens with its1 Miss Aleen Aked; Asst. Mr. bort, O.B.E., a personal R. F. Lightfoat, C.A. suhipairftlnt a nda RA 8-6246 i eting ai the year an A. A. M rtin; Press Secretary, iiend ai the iamily for many- and Laura Prout. She attend- I E Thr dyOtae 7,16 (Gie -r LaeDîk eas onducted the mmpres- C h ir o pr a cl c ed school ir. Danlington Town-J _____________7,190:______ ps.LineDik-yiar, inson; Guestbook Sec. Miss sive Momorial Service. Inter-______________ ship and on March 15, 1899, E Bert Ashton; Historical Sec., mont of the ashes was in G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. marriod Richard Pooley who PI K E Shirley Kingsmill; Treasurer, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, To- Chiropractor predeceased bier. M1 ,.'r. G. T. Werry; Auditor, Mr. ironto. OfExtra Richtre eas n BET U This Store will Close frHolidays iBort Ashton; Refrcýhmcnt _15____ElgOfice: . Excf oreySt eptoreNYthre e ers.i, ES U iDr. O. B. Dickinson. Refro- 1 li tcraiHreht enn, .. h aeMs Save 6c lIe ra men Cnvno, Ms.L.Ket.Phone MA 3-5509 Poaley resided the whole ai ment Convenor, Mrd.iL.lKeat. LONG S U T Office Hours: By Appointinent lier lie in Darîîngton Town- 1 lb. pkg. fric Y ______-Member,,,hip - Dr. Nanman Being a lovely day the Long D e ns a eme r B a niy nlSLe2 5 A Lg Found, Chaimman; Mr. EcI Sault Community held its an- e S tdurch, Boarwamanville MARGARINE 6-1 ~ ~ n E ~, y 5 Trlg Youngnan, Miss Tueker nual picnic at the homeofaiDR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S uvvn r agtr ETR ae4 Repellent PE IA8 for Men Couch. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Partner. Doris (Mrs. Charles Carey )of BES BU___BabceoMsar 69e - 89e 73e Wldraat Cream 011 Special 79c Weifare - Mn. Bruce Mad- Bail games wero played, ra- Office: Jury Jubileo Bldgs. Oshawa, and a son, Ross, also ET U - Save 4c 43eTue re dnChiran Ms.w.T.ces held also sanie contests 40 King St. W. Bowmanville ai Oshawa. Also surviving are 32 oz. bottie 43 ub re en haran rs . .ude hespevsinofMssOfieHor:a rîster, Dora (Mrs. Thomas N 98e Colgates Taoth -Faste Mennen Willard, -TL\.Iss Audrey Mac- u cntesupervison a iss ffie .H 6ours daily Norton) ai Markham, and a M A Z O L Of2cakesi Leod, Mrs. Russell Lawery, About 6:15 p.m. 75 sat down Closed Saturday and SundaY brother, Alex Prout ai New- I If80.bti Repellelit Palmolive Soap Free Spray Mr. Robert Crowthers.taejyupo.OicPhn-MA -59 cste _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __G.J._pi-_ _ue ConR N NOlatlL35- 89e 4.8c Pepsodent Paste 75e - 1.25 PAogrammc-Mr. G. J. Spi-he Poo-Nwate5i Rev. W. K. Houslander con- ________ rsh&CabFre ________ cor, Ciiirman; Mn. O. J. Hon- ACpeiaRNatre aith - Buh&Cm Freder -on, Mn. A. A. Martin, Miss evening was a prosontation ai DR.. .W. SISSON ducted the funeral service held ___________________________________________ $1.24 value Lustre Crean hmaPtoM.D .Ln couple ai folding chairs ta L.D.S.. D.D.S-. in the Morris Funeral Chapel, _____________________ ThiaPtoM.D .Ln - ._ l ......Bowmanville, on ThursdayBSvU.-Sv 6 TI ECN ni A. UY9 man, Tommy Russell and Barrister, Salicitor Allison in Part Hope on Sat-' uuuee Charles Scott was very nice. Notary Public urday.54 Another number by pupils ai Temperance St. - Bowmanville Mr n r.FakAlsn N IO N S £AAI MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. Ivrs. Moîîatt's roani, "Roîy I Mn.D OEKN Osaa, dMn re ank dAllies, Sv c-Sits-1 z i jpyPolar Bears" with Da- E BA, LLVEKN oseawrle trdyget "Journey t~ fh d Windsor, Gerry Snowvden, Box., Neatle fMrs. PeR Avgeyils3 LNCHTOGUn- 55 "Jour ey t theGeorge Arbourno, Don Ellis Box 9Newcastle Mrs. L.a R. Aywtueis n-3 1bTI' and Tommy Russell, iollawed. .2 3c ~eNwasl 26 i e dy ih eaie Graes3 ad peset W a WANTOOFE- Consultation by appointinent in Tweed. oft eE rt " adStegh, MyGdW. KAT LTCETT, B.A. Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ber-: TASTY, GARDEN FRESH SNPN-1 z a anCengt"reyGo AI U I anîtrad olio nard Spenco, Oshawa, Mn. and, Bloss", "Raw, Row Your Baat", arseanSoitr Color - Fat Boone, James Mason "Are You Sleeping", and "The In the offices aiof.Ge ary n n anyGaeSLDDESN 5 ___ie :0 oi" R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Mrs. Murray Archibald, Mn.__________________ EXTRA - COLOR CARTOON - Timen7 &a9:30 Robin". _ Main SreO ono Otarin and Mrs. Tam Moggot, Toron- FOE OD Adls 5sangns50 hiden2anitldoo"widanceuor , Cta-, rao, ta, were Saturday evening U- ___________________________________ M o r t a ge s Mar chand and fam Port COR N THE COB SnKs unh - o Susan Mayberry, Debbie Sol, _____________ NIT ffNON. TO WED.# JULY Il 13 Shelley Bothwell, Sheila AI HMLTN-ey- forspn afw as ih mar FakSt ierRa-Poo1r6 ber sister, Mrs. Pearl Avery. mond Labrecque, Larry Sol, !'rst Mortgage Funds Our Comnunity Pienie was Fec re o 9 Barry Krawchuk. Next was' Residences - Farina iainly well attended on Wed - _ __________________ "Once M ore, Rhythm girls daing umbrella, Business Prperties nesday in spite ai the nain. UAl ~~ing routine ta music. Those ir U p1 o m le 1r Toronto brought its Memy-Ga- MAPLE GROVE * MoeGoeGoeei if hhFeelingms werenNanc? . H~Round which added inuche- Ann Hoar, Susan Mabemn3 1 ColgilACIB 11 Optometrist Miss L. Knigbt bas neturned j~,N*' ' i~ BodaBiinClrHeathen Arbourne and Debbiît Kin St. E. - Bowmanvllle ta Toronto for the rest aiofI.J'%./O..onsnIlaKreI Sol ce Hours- By appointinent the summer. Kay Kendall, Yul Brynnei bal! gaine done in rhy- EMOGTf-LEEVCE elophane MArket 3-3252 Mrs. Doris Beare bas been by Mwl ary n Doyer l, bah MM-ERIC 9adayta Saturday vacnati Ms. I'~ Â. COMPLETE SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M. bthMibaton twiroles bl t-A - AI ANCES G an.t atu .mvacspindia oupleaindeeks' LCKT playors with umpire Mike La- :e Thursdav evenings A. E. Ribey. verty and spectators, whoi i Wednesdays. 9 to il Mr. Don Weish of the~ Bell1 1