TJ~URSDAY, JUNE 23rd, SMO TEE CANADIAN STAT!ZMAN, DOWMA1IV1LLE~ O1~TAEJO PAGE me: Ma pie Grove Institute's SHoId May Meeting. &sWr. M. Wiseman, Bowman-1 ones did flot. prased from the W. Tor- W]ie, District President of, Mrs. Wseman f ollowed ontO of fice. W Int Durham Women's Insti-: with highllghts from_. the lead- A most humorous poemn con- tut es, and members of the,, er's training course held last tai.ning much food for ,Ma ple Grove 4-H Girls' Home- year on the third meal. This, thought was read by Mrs. R. ]na king Club, were program; course also emphasized thrift W. Dubeau with some to the pAssat the June l3th meet- along with sound nutrition for point comnients on the motto: LYnrof Maple Grove W. I. that troublesome lunch or It is a good idea to change Î% Ers. Cecil Milis, convenori supper meal. Helpful suggest- your mind it may work bet- of Horne Economics and; ions given for the prablem'ter. Mrs. Dubeau said: "Don't ]R& th Committee, presided ý were to plan in advance,;i make the same mistakes over for the program. watch advertisements for care- and over again, bring your .N isses Carol Greenham andi fui marketing, make double children up in the church Diarne Martin represented the duty use of fuel and careful and give them love and res- clu' b by demonstrating an im- storage of food. In serving pect. Several nunibers of com- portant part of the supper the meal remember color, fia- munity singing were enjoyed club> course taken last year. vor and texture of food with' with Mrs. C. H. Snowden at Eac h girl had a poster display- good combinatioris and hot! the piano and Mrfs. Howard ing attractive pictures of food foods served hot and cold' Cryderman leading. whirh was supposed to re- foods, cold. Mrs. Wiseman Business was conducted by pre.cent adequate nutrition read a lovely poem on kit- president Mrs. Ken Hopkins, for one day for a teenager. chens. Ini speaking of District roll call-what I do when I The low cost Canada food business Mrs. Wiseman men-~ d as I please, was answered rule s menus met the require- tioned the 'Adelaide Hoodless' 100 percent. ineti ts while the higher cost1 hasty notes which xnay be ragmnt eemd for purchase of books for Base * - i Line and Maple Grove Grade 8 prizes. Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey, Mrs. Stuart Morton and Mrs. ToutouChas. Greenhani, were appoin- ted to look after the business bq igo itlmo of serving a dinner In July. 19hyuor nprms m Miss S. Laird and Mrs. L. C. Snowden were delegated to RIT D Ylsrgm utot,.1 arrange for a bus trip te, Hami- B IRTHDAY? «Mh 19,Wilton, Stoney Creek and Jr inuelspornte rmsa sr- non-members welcome. Mr. qird. *ânnic mii D. Chute asked for suggest- avaiobl fi, ~I.kions as te color to paint the fiabe fr kef1à,walls of the church basement. Md oafbVksMy uy The usual good-neighbor's re- port was given by Mrs. Clif-, d oncéamsdO&loraSwallow. August th program will be In charge of Historical Re- REA search and Currçnt Events YOUR Committee, Mrs. Grant Ben- ONVARIOnett, convener. There will be IHO' PITAL ne July meeting. A delicious lunch was serv- INSIRANCed by the group in charge. -ifiyou haven't one, ask SRMcm~miS (Y ur employer or write UNO7 ONTAII TYRONE To Yo a 0 Ifhat's written on the prescription your docta T gives you may b. "Greek" te you, but to us -' it is a concise medical "recipe." And oui' phani oacists follow it exactly, te give you a "forntulma" for better health just as your doctor presciribed it. Bring us your next prescription. Jury and Lovel YOUR REXALL STORE 115 Kiiimr St. W. MA 3-3361 On Saturday evening the congregation of Salemi, Hay-1 don and Tyrone gathered atl the "Acres Park" to honour Bey. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson: and John, who have acceptedi a new charge at Stroud. Af-' ter a deiciaus pot luck supper! everyone dispersed to Tyron Conxnunity Hall foi' the pro.. grami. Mi'. Bob Craig acted as Master of Ceremonies for the evenhng. Miss Marion Buttery cf Salemi, opened the program with a sing-song. Two amus- ing recitations were given by Mrs. J. A. Rosevean, Miss Lynne Stainton played a pi- ano solo, Mrs. K. Cowllng, Haydon, gave a reading en- titled "How te Buy a Dress", Miss Linda Potts favoured with two piano solos. Our' Magician Mi'. Jackson gave his usual fine performance, leav- ing the audience spellbound with his latest sleîght cf hand. A recitation called a "Prob- hem" was given by Mrs. Mc- Laggan cf Long Sault. Mrs. A. Hoar and Mrs. M. Hamil- ton, concàucted a skit called, "Court of Opinion", starring Mr. A. Hamilton as Pastor Freddie Jackson and Mi'. Jack Cook supei'bly groomed as a fiapper, takîng the part of Mrs. Jackson. Mr'. and Mrs. Jackson and John were then introduced and escorted ta the platfonm. A corsage miade by Mrs. Percy Werry, was presented to Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. A. Hamilton read a poem concerning the six years they! have spent in Tyrone. Mn. Gerald Shackleton, Salem, and Mr. Wilbur Blackburn, Hay-' don, then presented the guests cf honour with a plat- fonni rocker and a purse cf' money. John was presented with an electric fiashlite. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson ex- tended their thanks te the community for their gift, with Mrs. D. Davey at the piano all joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fel- lows", followed by *"God Be With You Till We Meet Again". The enjoyable even- ing closed with "The Queen". On Thursday, June 9th, the pupils and teachers of Tyrone School accompanied by Mrs. K. Hardy and Mrs. W. Mur-. ph~, oaredtwo buses for on th occasion of their S ecial P ee t to annalscholtrip. On reach- igOrillia, they toured the ~I A Beeae Plant wherM ksv m M etn theyobsevedthe bottlingM rs W S"fn process and were each treat- 1 ed to a bottle of pop. Lunch ' The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's 1 Job, the 2Oth chapter, and the1 was eaten at the Couchiching Presbyterian Church met last 1 reading of the First Psalm by! BeÉch Park. Following this week at the residence of the Mrs. Scott, wife of Rev. A. G. they were taken on a tour of president, Miss Flora Gal- Scott, minister of St. An-: Canada Wood Specialty Ltd. braith, King Street East. The drew's Church. Bach person was given a wood Cail to Worship taken from The Study Topic was also product as a souvenir. The , given by Mrs. Scott. It was Iast event of ftxe day was a' Tyrone, favoured with two'ý froni the chapter on culture visit te fthe Bell Telephone piano duets. Several "Para-: and Christianity in "The Way r Company where they were bles" of different religions of A'frica". Mrs. Scott gave the talcen on a guided tour. were given by Mrs. J. Hall, following quotation: "The door On Wednesday evening, Mrs. S. Buttery, Mrs. Bob te, knowledge should be wide June 15th, Mrs. A. Rosevear Craig and Mrs. D. Reynolds. open and based on the Gos- entertained the members of Our' W.A. is invited to Hay- pel. The heart of the Gospel the North Darlington Teach- don on July 14 for an evening is Jesus Christ." ers' Group at her home. Duir- -neeting. After the business session ing the course of the evening a surprise presentation was Mr'. Win. Lycett presented a Mrs. Gerald Shackleton, in made te the president, Miss trophy te be given annuaîîv well chosen words, expressed te the winning Public Schocl aur regrets in losing two of Basebaîl Team ni North Dar- our members, Mrs. F. Jc ligo.A delicious lunch was son, who is moving to Strouk B. & P. Prefer seredfolowngwhich Miss and.Mrs. C. Frank, who isi V. Kocins thanked the hostess moving to Scarborough. Eachf for her hospitality. were presented with a smaîî kornfzA P~oDDifl Mr'. and Mrs. R. Clapp at remembrance in the form of tended a famuly party on Sat- jewellery. To ç.r.; Th.~aw urday evening at the home Of A social time was enjoyed ng * ov Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, after the meeting. No meet- Bowmanville, in honour Of' ings will be held in July or Twenty-nine members of; her parents' 58th Wedding An- August. the Bowmanvîlle Business and niversary, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Professional Women's Club Hodgson, Hampton. Congra- went to Toronto on Wednes- tulations from Tyrone friends. Nel ay evening, June lSth, by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Go- Ne spaper chartered bus to see "Spring ble and Bruce, were Sundayr Thaw." This musical revue visitors of Mr'. and Mrs. Bob has had an exceptionally long Leslie, Oshawa. Executlve run this year at the Odeon Mrs. H. Skinner spent a few Fairlawn Theatre. Miss Vio- days with Mr'. and Mrs. W.i ] f let McFeeters and Miss Helen Lak, Nwcatle 'neaus iRota ry Devitt,th rga covn Mr'. and Mrs. J. Parkinson, , ors, were in charge of arrange- Debbie, Jimmie, Joey and mnsfrtecu uig Johnnie Thiffault, visited Mr' Miami Beach, Florida, U. Tes o th le B.utn . and Mrs. J. Parkinson Sr., S.A.-Joseph A. Abey of Read- ThBo anilB.ndP Mrs. Hason, Mr'. and Mrs. G.1 ing, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.Wmnslbfonheso Pugsley and Duane, also Mr., was named president-elect of enjoyable with a good orches-. and Mrs. H. George of Fenel- Rotary International for the tra, clever lyrics, and topical' la. - 1961-62 fiscal year at the 5lst jokes. However, the majority Mr'. and Mrfs. G. Kovac's annual convention of that felt that it lacked the sparkle, were Saturday evening visit- world-wide service organiza- of the well timed entertain- ors of Mr'. and Mrs. Stan Go- tion, which conxpleted its five- ment presented here in town ble. Sunday callers were Mrs. lay session here recentlý. The by the Jack and Jili Club in Harvey Partner and family, zonvention registration of _he -xnnual "Cornz A' Poppin."! Orono, Milton Virtue and nore than 12,000 Rotarians _____________ Lorne Park. ind guests represented 10,500 Mr'. and Mrs. K. Colbary Rotary clubs with a member- and Frank, attended the Fer- »hip of nearly 500,000 business Ëuson-Bagley wedding at Port ind professional executives in Credit, on Saturday and spent 116 countries. Postmaster Geo. the weekend with his sister, Vice and Industrial Commis- Mr. and Mrs. E. Oliphant, 3ioner Ken Morris represen- LornePark. ted the Bowmanville Club. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis Mr. Abey has been presi- and family recently visited hier dent and publisher of six aunt, Mrs. A. Bleich, Elmwood newspapers in Tennessee, Vii'- Mrs. Elsie Armstrong, Mrs. ginia and West Virginia, and Freda Mathis, Warren, Penn., hie is now circulation director à spent a few days with Mrs. W. of the Reading "Eagle Times." Miller. Hie is a past director of the Misses Jean Robertson and New York State Circulation Anne Moreland, spent the M~anagers Association and of weekend with Mi'. and Mrs. the Interstate Circulation Man- Russell Moreland, Gananoque. agers Association and a past M. and Mrs. W. Lake, New- president of the Chamber of castle were Sunday visitors of Commerce of Reading. He has Mr. nd Ms. H Skiner. been a member of the Rotary Mr'. and Mrs. N. Woodley, Club of Reading since 1936, Mr'. C. W. Woodley, visited is a past presîdent of that club, Mr'. and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Har- and lie has served Rotary In- riston, with Mi'. and Mrs. ternational as director, dis- Woodley, remaining a week iti'ict governor and as commit- with his sister. tee chairman and member. Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Bow- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Also elected to the Rotary A. Hamilton. International board of direc-l, Mi's. Donald Stainton and tors for the 1960-62 fiscal Bruce, Mi'. L. Bradley, spent years, were Rotarians from the weekend with Mi'. and Australia, Europe 'and North Mi's. James Simipson, Ottawa, and South America. Jean Simpson returned for J. Edd McLaughlin, presi- two weeks holidays. dent of the Security State Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Webb Bn & TrUst Company of and Mary Lou Milîson, Toron- Ralls, Texas, U.S.A., will as- te, attended a birthday party sume office on July 1, as ini honour of her mother, Mrs. president of Rotary Interna- Vax V. E. Milîsoti at the home of tional for the 1960-61 fiscal oês! We a clou Mi'. and Mi's. Leon Moore last year. Friday evening. Mrs. V. E. Milîson is now In the formal addresses and Dat staying with Mrs. Hazel Far- the informai discussion groups row, Orono. eniphasis was given during the Mrs. H. Philp, Miss Mary convention to the many op- Stevens, Mrs. Leon Moore, at- portunities which Rotarians in tended the Annual Service at ail parts of the world have to Clarke on Sunday. work for the achiçvement of Members of Tyrone Lodge' one of Rotary's principal and Band, attended the church goals - international under- parade at Bailieboro Sunday standing, good will and peace. Several people attended De- ers were Dr. Victor A. Bel- coration Service in Bowman- aunde of Lima, Peru, presi- Regular to $25.00 Value ville Sunday. dent of the General Assem- Claigton rc On Father's Day the Hall bly of the United Nations;eaig tonprc- fanxily gathering was held at Captain Eddie Rickenbacker of the Cream of Barley Camp. New York City, chairman of thxe board of directors of East- ern Airlines; James P. Mit- SÂLENchell, U. S. Secretary of La- SA Ln ofMt e1bo rd1o1com isl »»sd famuly, Mrs. K. Cowling. 4etoack, thec bucis nxay become Elaydon, Mi'. and Mrs. F. ilighted and tutn brown or Blackbur'n and family, Misses ,lack. Sometimes a growth of Grace Blackburn and Bea gray mold fungus covers the Craig, enjoyed a plcnic at Mr'. buds. The leaves develop and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton's arge, irregular, dark brown on Sunday. Everyone present 'lighted areas. had the pleasure of meeting This dîsease is especially Mrs. A. Tortsing, Denmark. ricky, because the fungus FO who has been visiting her pores may be splashed, blown, FO Iaughter, Mrs. Walter Black )r carried to the neighbour- burn, for thxe past twc, ng. plants while the garden- Wide .. . FulI... and msnths. Sn is working around the pe- Same with Accordion P Mr'. and Mrs. L. Rundle anci )nies. Here are soie ideas for Regular te $7.95 Value Betty Lou, Miss Susan Rivers ontrol. and Mi's. J. W. Hynds, Town, Cut and destroy blighted were Sunday visitors with hoots, leaves, buds and flow- Mr. and I4rs. L. Welsh. ins. *AL ' Salem W.A. held their June Cut fading bloms and re- A L ALu *ES meeting at thxe home of Mrs. iove therd from the bed. IL Shackleton. President Mrs. Gerald Shackleton epened the Don't use îoist nxulches. meeting with the Theme hymn Before freeze-up, cut the and prayer. jeony tops at ground level Mrts. S. Buttei'y and her :)r just below, remove and group were in charge of pro-'estroy them. D ra.Bible reading by Mrs.- Spray the plants with 5-5. obCraig. Devotionai was LOO bordeaux jurit as thxe shoots gsven by Mrs. Doug Reynolds. ire cotning through in the leveral hymns wene sung. ;pring. Repeat two or thr-e EN S.W Margaret Shackleton fav- unes at ten-day intervals. 7 _ _S .W ured with a piano solo. Read- Sanitation is of great im- ig by Mrs. H. Barrie. Mrs. F. portance in control cf this di- Jackson and Mm. Aldin Hear,i seam ae.mumf Flora Galbraith, who has been! president cf the St. Andrew's W.M.S. since 1935 with the! exception cf one year. In recognition of Miss Gai- braith's devotion, loyalty to thte casand successful work, tesceary, Mrs. L. T. Mc- Laughlin, presented a gift cf -an amethyst necklet to her froni the W.M.S. members as a present for her birthday on June 2Oth. A beautifully decorated cake bearing the inscription *'Happy Birthday" was brought L25-DAY SPECIAiL LOW ROUND-TRIPI la as the W.MS. memabers The wish was expressnd that san HpyBirthday To Mina Galbraith wifl continue Y o',t the melody from an as president cof St. Andrew'd attractive antique musie-box.1 W.MS. for many years We stock te best in Interior and Exterior Paiuts, including: *CANADA PAINT PRODUCTS *THIX PAINTS *THE'"KEM" PRODUCTS FINAL ------EILCEANGES a tlý Discoveries ore fun.. Why don't you treot your fom-. ily to delightful discovery . .. treot them to a cool, refresh. ing Smith Beverage. *LEMON-LIME 0 ORANGE a CREAM SOM *ROUT ISI * GiNGRmm mMd &MW 67h.. . SM n EVERACES LTL ROWMAN VILLE VIXUPMAT, JUNE 23rit IM TM CANADUN STATISMAlq, BOVIL4NVff.M (MAMO Li-Pý