Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 3

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43 King St. W. Senator. A smartly styled watch wth thue executive look. 17 jewels, shock-resistant. $39.75 ............. ~ Ç . r r... .r. ... God dess cf Tme. Watch and bracelet as ma1tched as a kiss. Precision 17 jewel movemen.$97 Sulova 23. One of CanaWas most popular watcfl styles. 23 jewels, self-winding, waterproof*. shock. resistant. $5950 Bowmanvillei M à Short Drive WilI Give You a Better Deal ISED CARS ICHEV. DeLUXE 2-Dr. Very clean throughout. 1952 CHEV. DeLUXE 4-Dr. This car is exceptionally clean. 1952 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. Overdrive, clean, economical. 1951 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4-Dr. Automatic transmission, radio. 1950 CHEV. 1/2-TON PICKUP Runs good --- $150.00 $395.0 $550.00 $375.00 Many older model Used Cars bo choose froin Priced $50.00 up Graham's Garage STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Raydon COlfax 3-2233 R.R. 1, Bowmanville Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories ROY - HARPER BABICHR- COOPER Seagrave United Church, Bouquets of red carnations prettily decorated with peon- adorned the altar in St. Jos- ies and iris, was the settîng eph's Roman Catholie Church, on Saturday, June 11, 1960, Bowmanville, on Saturday, at 3:00 'clock when Rev- May 28, 1960, when Rev. F. erend E. McNeil united in K. Malane performed the dou- marriage Elsie Jane Har- ble ring ceremony uniting in per, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. marriage Leta Darlene Coo- Cligford Harper of Seagrave, per, daughter of Mrs. R. and Mr. William Robert Roy., Shortt and the late Mr. Coop- Mr. Roy is the son of Mr. and er, and Mr. Vallie Steven Ba- Mrs. Rob Roy, R. R. 4, Bow- bich. Mr. Babich is the son of manville.i Mr. and Mrs. Steven Babich. Organist Mrs. J. Tobin play- I The wedding music was ed the wedding music and ac- played by the groom's cousin, companied soloist Mr. Hugh Miss Connie Lucas of Osh- Baird who sang "The Wed-! awa. ding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Given in marriage by her Love"~. grandfather, Mr. C. V. Coop- The bride, giver ini mar- er of Orono, the bride wore niage by her father, wore a a street-length gown of white floor-length gown of Chan- nylon lace and net over silk tilly lace and silk organza. faille. The fitted bodice flow- The long sleeved bodice was ed into a very bouffant skirt fashioned with a sabrina neck- of alternating tiers of net and line trimmed with sequins lace ruching, and inset panels and pearis and the very full of lace, complimented by a organza skirt over layers of lace bolero with long lily- net, and crinolines, was caught pointed sleeves. A jewelled up on both sides with a self crown held her finger-tip veil material rose. Her elbow and she carried a nosegay of length veil of nylon illusion white carnations and red was caught to a pilîbox style roses. headpiece of matching Chan-,I tiily lace and net and she1 The bride's attendant, Mrs. carried a cascade bouquet of 1 Wi. Babich of Oshawa, was red roses with white 'mums'in street-length pale blue ny- and baby 'munis. Ion over taffeta designed with a full skirt and short-sleeved The bride's sister, Mrs. H. bodice with scoop neckline. Payne, Seagrave, as matron Of She wore a white portrait lace honor was in romance blue hat, white accessories and silk orgariza, ballerîna length,: corsage of pink and white designed with a. self rose held carnations. at the front waîstline by a Tegomsuce r wide cummerbund. Mrs. Wm Tegomsuce r m Fitze of Seagrave, the bride's Babicli of Oshawa, was best cousin, and Miss Marie Long mari. of Prince Albert, as brides- F or The reception held in the maids, were also in romance dining-room of the Elmhurst blue ballerina length silk or- Hotel, Newcastle, the bride's ganza featurîng shirred bo- mother chose a navy and dices, very full skirts and self white two-piece Bemburg-Cu- bows at the back waistline. pioni dress with white acces- Ail wore wide brimmed white sories and corsage of pink picture hats with white ac- carnations. Assîstîng, the cessories and carried nosegays groom's mother was in pink of white and blue baby 'mumns. lace over taffeta with white The groom's brother-in-law, accessories and white carna- Mr. Bill Henderson, was best tion corsage.. man and Mr. Herb Payne, A blue and white pussy brother-in-law of the bride, wiilow suit with white acces- and Mr. Bernard Standish, sories and corsage of white both of Seagrave, were ush- 'mums was the bride's travel- ers. ling costume for the wedding The reception was held at trip to points east. Mr. and the home of the bride's par- Mrs. Babich will reside at 179 Pnt-- we seher othr r. Church St. CCLLO, wnere ner*Â moSmer re-Â ceived the guests in a mauve and white linen sheath, white pictume hat, white accessories and corsage of yeliow 'mums. She was assisted by the groom's mother in blue lace over laffeta with white pic- ture hat, black accessories and corsage of tinted red and white 'mums. Out-of-town guests were present from Omono, Oshawa, Whitby, Bmooklin and Wind- sor. The bride was guest of honor at three miscellaneous showers prior to her marriage. Hostesses for thme showers were Mrs. L. W. Luffmn, Waverly Road. Mrs. Stin As the couple lefI on a wed- iley dofderi, au iitf the bride, ding trip to points west, timeJ Brown St., and Mrs. Jack bride's travelling costume was Stapleton, also aunt of the a sea blue embossed dmess, bride, Orono. ligit blue duster, white ac -____ cessories and corsage of pink and white baby 'mumns. Timey BILBEY - WRIGHT wili eside at R. R. 4, Bow- manville. The bride is secre- A quiet anid vemy pretty tary - bookkeeper at W. H. wedding was solemnîzed in Brown's Farm Implements. Blackstock United Church Sat- Guests were present fron, urday afternoon, June 18, 1960, Toronto, Bowmanville, Co- wvhen Rev. P. Romeril united bourg, Prince Albert, Oshawa, in marriage, PearliIrene Maple Grove and London, i Wigt eldest daugiter of Ont., as well as those residing Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wrighb, lin Seagrave. Blackstock, anmd- Professor The bride was guest of hon- or at several prenuptial show- ers. A pantry shower was giv- en by Mrs. Wm. Whitworth of Seagrave. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. K. Ashmore, Oshawa, when Mrs. E. Woods was hostess. A community miscellaneous shower was held at Seagrave Public Sehool when many useful gifts were received.1 Following the wedding re-1 hearsal the bridaI party was entertained at the home of the bride's parents. Mnr Rail or Steamship TI1C KE TS TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 flbwmauvie .5 Oh Boy! BERRIES and CREAM The entire family wil really go for fresh strawberries and delicious Glen Rae Whipped Cream Order soeaof this extra fine whipping cream heom your milkman today. Gien Rae Whipping Cream makes any dessert taste better. GLEN RAE DAIRY Bowmanville Setting Was St. John's Mr. and Mrs. James Thom McDonald, shown above, were married in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on Friday, June 3, 1960, at 7 p.m. The bride is the former Leslie Grace Luffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Luffman, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McDonald, Coylton, Ayrshire, Scotland. Mrs. Cuthbertson asked for a new treasurer, since Mrm. il- liamis and family are moving this month to Guelph. The presîderit asked the secretary to rend a Bible quotation which had beeri her guide since taking office. Mrs. Sta- cey read the quotatior «'I can do ail thirigs through Christ which strerigtheneth me", Phillipians 4, verse 13. Mrs. Williams said the office was an interesting one. The presiderit then express- ed the feeling of the W.A. for thme loss of such a fine leader and member as Frances, anid wished her happiness in her new home. Mrs. Luther Welsh presented Mrs. Williams with two Spode cups anid saucers from thme W.A. Mrs. G. Gra- ham gave her a booklet of verses. rIn a few words, Mrs. Wil- liams spoke her thanks. The group sang, "For She's a Joily Good Fellow". Two lively contests were enjoyed and Group Three served wrefresh- ments. Farewell Dinner A farewell dinner was held at The Acres on Thursday evening, June 9th, for Mrs. Don Williams by the original Scugog Street group of St. Paul's Evening W.A., of which Mrs. Williams has been pre- sident. Ten members attended, be- sides the guest of honour. These were, Mrs. Joe Barton, Mrs. Bruce Lunney, Mrs. Ev- erett Osborne, Mrs. Jack Hate- ly, Mrs. Mansell Stacey, Mrs. Stephen Whitehand, Mrs. Rae Abernethy, Mrs. Jack Welsh and Mrs. Lloyd Dorland. 1 On behalf of the group Mrs. Jack Weish presented Frances with a Spode cup and saucer in cowslip patterni, as well as ran address book. Pictures were etaken of the happy event. -Photo by Ireland Studio ýHobby ShoW Ma pie Leaf Cîrcle Holds Two Meetings The last regular meeting panion Rena Bathgate also on until September was held by the dais. Maple Leaf Circle 143 Coin-I Worthy Sub-Chief Compan- panions of the Forest, on ion Rose Bate presented a Thursday eveflifg June 16th, crystai hors d'oeuvres tray to in the Union Hall. Worthv Queen Mary Circie as a birth- Chief Companion Rena Bath-' day gift from Mapie Leaf Cir- gate presided. After a short cie 143. After the meeting, business session a social even- cards were enjoyed and the ing was enjoyed. prize was won by Companion The ortnatewinersof, Hilda Humphirey. theafrtate iwsin e' A delectable supper was the ttrctie pize intheserved. The long tables were draw were Companion Jean centred with silver bowls of Wood, Companion Henrietta iris, yellow lillies, and sprays Corden, Companion Shirley ofmc rne lsos n Bickie, and Companion Eve- O mok oagh e btlssomsa- lyn eard Bino wa plaed.pers in silver candlesticks. Worthy Sub-Chief Compan- District Deputy Peggy Wak- ion Rose Bate and Coin- ley cut the large and beauti- panion Evelyn Beard, the fully decorated 35th Birthday Right Guide, were the conven- cake. Companion Nina Clerk, ors for the delicious lunch, a past District Deputy, on be- Crystal bowls of spring flow- half of her fellow members ers decorated the serving t a-, of Maple Leaf Circle 143, Bow- bles.j manville, thanked Worthy On Monday eveninig 16 of Chief Companion Joan Hochu the members of Maple Leaf and the members of Queen Circle 143 were guests at the Mary Circle 184 for lime de- 35th Anniversamy Party ofI lightful time they had enjoy- Queen Mary Cirele 184, Com-I ed at the Birthday Party. panions of the Forest, Port When Queen Mary Circle 184 Hope. Worthy Chief Compan- was formed 35 years ago Comn- ion Joan Hochu presided with panion Nina Clerk officiated District Deputy Peggy Wak- at the installation of officers ley and Worthy Chief Comn- of the lodge. St. Poul's W.A. Honors Mrs. D. Williams DIouglas L,. J. nibey T.D.., son 1St. Paul's Evening W.A. denial of Christ in His boum of Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Bil- meeting was held on June 6 of need and to Jesus' forgive- bey of Vancouver and Eng- in time lecture room with pres- ness of the dying biief upon land. ident, Mrs. Al Cuthbemtson, time cross. She closed with a The church was beautifuily pesiding. !short prayer. decorated with chrysanthe- The W.A. tieme hyrnn with1 Master Brian Hancock and munis and pink carnations. Mrs. R. Halîman at the piano, his motimer, Dorotimy, delight- Miss Marion Moore, Toron- was sung. Group 3 took the!!ed the audience of ladies with to, piayed time wedding music. devotional. The topic chosen j ively piano duets. Brian play- was "Forgiveness", based uponr ed a piano solo, "Sonatina," The bride, given in mar- Luke 7, verse 48 "And thy then accornpanied his mother riage by hier father, was sins are forgiven tiee". Hymn1 with "The Haymaker's Marcim" ciarming in a slreet-length 311 was sung. Mrs. DeMil and as an encore "Little Boy gown of Imported Bisque me- read time Seripture, Lue 7, Blue March". Mrs. Luthmer embmoidered French lace with verses 36 to 50, on faith and Weish thanked Brian and his long torso bodice in a slim forgiveness.I mother for their fine contri- sheath, hip accentuated wîth Mrs. Lyn Eldridge gave a bution of baient. matching pure silk salin. She reading referring to the story Mrs. Manseil Stacey, secre- wore a matching silk chiffon oft tha prodigal son, bo Peter's tamy, read the minutes ofthtie pictume hat and a corsage of pevious meeting. Mrs. Don white carnations. iias rauegv Maidof onor, hm sste, y~-\ VVIV~. j complete financial report for Mrs. James Marlow, wome a 1960. gown and bat of delphinium L DaaI- Mrs. Clift Purdy, manse blue silk organza and match- O fjSt. roul's convener, said a new stair ing accessories and a corsage campeting had been installed of yellow carnations. SI at time manse. Mr. Daltoni Dorrell was best Have Reces Fal ea and bake sale date man anid Mr. James Marlow was set. Elgin St. group will was usher, both of Blackstock. Mrs. Robt. Stephens presid- be in charge of the tea and ed at thme meeting of the af Group 5 (Sunshine) will take The reception was held at temnoon Woman's Association the B ake Table. Conveners of lthe home of lime bride's par- held ini the Sunday School on' the Talent Table are Mrs. Bill ents; wîth lime wedding din- June 141h. Cre n r.VcJfey ner semved by girl fiends of "The Fruits of the Spirit" Cre n r.VeJfey the bride in lime Christian was the theme of the Worship Donations were made to Education Building of lime Un- period led by Mms. Chas. Stew- Mission Band- and Baby-Band. ited Ciurch. art. Love, Peace, Light and For the wedding trip otimer motions that prompt us' through lime United States, to siare are lime ewards thatj October, lie bride chose anl Folowing tie routinebui F I R ensemble of butterscotch woo.l ness session, Mrs. Stepimens iF tull length coat, compliment- ieported on time Presbytery' ed by linîng to match timeI W.A. and Mrs. Wibert T ee- dress iritricately eut of pure! pie gave highlights from lime LEAN, SWEET PICKLE silk Itlian scarves, and match- 1 cialenging addresses a lthe, ing accessories. The happy Conference W.A. held at King-, couple will live la London, ston in May. Englarid.I Group 3 semved tea. There' The bride is a graduate of; were 19 ladies present.c 0 T T was a silver and gold medal-i The Aflernoon W.M.S. of St. ist i commercial slenograpmy r Paul's met at the home of Lean, Fresh and typewriling and was se- 1Ms .MeAllister, Welling-, cretary at head office of tonJn ls. Ms A Household Finance Ce., To- Harold.'Turner led lime devo- H A M URC onte. tionai period and Mms. Armnis- The groom is a graduale et tead, lie president, brought a' EXTRA SPECIAL! Loridori University, Doctor of message challenging us 10 aN. GRD Medicine, a Major in Terri- broader, deeper, more sacri-No1 R I torial Army; floctor of Phil- ficial stewardship and siaring. osophy, and shortiy te assume The W.M.S. is grateful to - MU M» Faculty of Medicine at Loni- tunds available for two dele B don University, Engiand. gales b lime Scimool for Lead- A telegram of congratula- ers at Whitby, Aug. 15-19. tiens was received from lime The Literature Secretary Ib groom's parents ini Vancou- urged lime members bo keep up ver and a cable trem Protes- tieir reading, to be conscious wt ah$. sor and Mrs. Nicol and fam- of lime needs ofthlie world thatwthec $40 iiy anid the analomy stâff Of we may heip le meel or cure. eC eruyA KigsCollege, Kensington, The W.A. aund W.M.S. Wil eherulA Nets $31.58 The foilowing financial state- ment of the Hobby Show whîch was held here on June 3rd, has been receîved from Miss Helen VanDusen who or- ganized the event. Receipts: Cash received from admis- sions, sales and advertising-- ---------- ---------- $65.59 Expenses: Advertising and Lions Centre .- -2---- Miscellaneous ____-4.70 Total - ------- - -$34.01 Balance cf proceeds -$31.58 Te BOAL Dancers Thanks a million for the beautiful flower bouquet. IRENIE HARVEY Wed. Class Instructor. Langmaid - Brooks Clan Holds Picnic The Brooks-Langmaid an.r fluai reunion was held in thel forin of a picnie, on the pic.' nmc grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Kedron, on Saturday, June 11. The wea- ther was very favorable and attendance good; over 90 as- sembling for the usual dinnerl of variety and abundance. We were happy te welcome a newcomer, Elizabeth Brooks of Somersett, Eng., daughter of John Brooks who visited among us 40 years ago. She plans to remain in Canada a year, and is at present nurs- ing at Hamilton General Hos- pital. Pres. J. Snowden called the business meeting followingl dinner. Minutes of last year's; picnic and also the winter party ini January were read. It was moved that we hold' a meeting again in January. Carried. "Happy Birthday" was sung, honoring the president's birth- day. Relatives were present from Toronto, Pickering, Bow- manville, Oshawa and sur- roundîng country. Thanksý were tendered the Mountjoys for use of grounds. Following are officers for 1961:-Hon. Pres., Chas. AI- lin, S. E. Werry; Past Pres., Joe Snowden; Pres., Lloyd Preston lst Vice Pres., John, Pearce; Secretary, Marion Walter; Treas., Chas. Lang- maid. Table Comm., Ross and Georgie Pearce, Orland and Laverne Brooks; Sports Comm., Bill and Elda MeGre- gor, Jack and Ruth Pearce; Nom. Comm., Hilda Snowden, Bernice Pearce; Reception Comm.;* Harry and Effa Grooms, * Hugli and Bessie Gannon; Press Reporter, Myr- tie Werry. The goverument inspector fromn the Minimum Wage Bureau was satlsfied wlth thme farmer's answers on the wages he paid his help, when the farmer concluded: "And thme only oth- er worker here is thme half-wit and he gets his board each week and a littie money for tobacco." "But that's illegal," snorted the inspecter. "Let me talk to this mans." "Yer doin' that rlght now,"I said the farmer. Speaking of inspecting, noth- ing gets a more thorough in- spection than the garments you send us to be dry cleaned. Nothing escapes our expert .ipotter's eye when he goes over, your garments to decide just what cleaning process is required. And the final in- spection in the finishing moomn is your assurance your garm- ents will be returned pefectly cleaned. Ma e medi Mirror FEVER CONVULSIONS 0 lng P"l g. have her vaceinated eauhsh uhoopiag cougli andith.e oer diaoaa. lathia wise? A. The genr.ral rule is flot to un. munizz a child who is flot weIL A history of convulsions would suggest that the child is not coin- pletely fit, and in such cases, pro. tective shots are fnot usually givea unless there is some risk of infec- tion. Your physician is the only one in a position to decide ushen and if to withhold immunization. Q. For the. peat yer or se I have. noticeil tisai ,y legs ehle alter 1 aeu a blockt or lave. Could gida trouble (a dortor saidil waas "inilependent Mlax. dicatioW") <et abail a"nt1 wodd b. unabi. e ak et ail? A. The doctor must have said "intermittent claudication." Gens erally speaking, intermittent clau. dication (cramplike pains ia the legs, especially the calies, brought on by walking and relieved by test) scldomn limits walking dis- tance to less than one-haif block or so, provided the person walks slowly. Medicai studies show that the condition does neot often progress to complete disability. Quality L% oar only polIcy-aud daiç is wshy so many people believe their best policy as tealaring thefr lUE~~IUiI *IMAUV3. Carl Leslie YogR CBILD SKOILD LEÀRN TO SW Check with Recrealion Direclor refreshment N o woNDF.R Pepsi-Cola gets lthe play .from today's active modems! Pepsi is neyer heavy, neyer too sweeî. It refreshes without filling. Keep plenty of Pepsi handy for those informai eveningi. Buy it in thse baudy 6-botdc enton rH SMTR DVEMAGES ILTD.. 124 Church St. Bowmanville. Ont BROS. WHERE BUALITY IS KING! .D, PEMEALED &GE ROLLS 1643C s3lb. 99 1 SoreSliced lb. 9cIBACON 2lbs. 99c 1 PiCnL. qneifl R CREAMERY 'TER )oc Meat Purchase ccept Phione Orders MACARONI and Lb59 CHEESE LOAF 59 FRfiB.09yTëas FiÀrah Bre- aty Trente! CHICKENS e1 SpareBu - Belf - P.rk .,,iEt. - ~4'"r.s, - ~ -~ ~ THUBSDAY3UNE 23rd, 1980 TEE CANADIAII STATI~MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAJUO PAGE TH~ GRIND SL ICK CHICK B.M.O.C. Please feel free to corne in and talk about buying a new Bulova on terms you'll like. Remember, you're welcome here and there's absolutely no obligation! LOOK FOR THAT BULOVA DIFFERENCEI MARR'S JEWELLERY L aV YB',EA D T IS-O E 1952 STUDEBAKER %-TON PICKUP Good farm truck 1951 FORD %-TON PICKUP---- -- -- ----- 1947 STUDEBAKER STAKE Engine completely overhauled. Good shape throughout -- 198 King St. W. Il. TH URSDAY, JUNE 2&,d, 1M TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWILANVUI.& ONTAIUO PACM TIMM,

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