PAGE TWO lECANADIAN S'ATESM, DOWMAnvILL, O1TAM 3Convention Reports .Given ai Lions Club Th e birthdays of W. J. E. riston, Don Allun, and Dr. LE wert were celebîated te Bowmanville Lions Club dinner meeting held last &,week at the Lions Commun- ,zity Centre. SVictor Miller on behal! o! ~'the club's Boy Scout Commit- tee _presented a gift to Vince Mathewson. Mr. Mathewson bas been in charge for sev- eral years, o! the Boy Scout STroop sponsoîed by the Bow- znanville Lions. A member of the teachin, staff of Bow- .:;manvîlle Hîgh School, Mr. MXathewson is leaving here at1 the end of the school year to take up an appointment in Owen Sound. *The Lions veted to donate .,$25 to the Northern Ontario ,,Flood Disaster Fund. A dis- ,cussion of bouse regulations was held. Reports on the recent an- nual Lions District F. Conven- tion held in Ottawa were given by the president-elect Walter Rundle, Howard Gib- son, lst vice-pîesident-elect, Russell Oke, 2nd vice- presi- dent elect, and Fred Cole, a past president. International Councillor Herb Goddard, chairman of the Bulletin Com- mittee at the convention, told the local Lions of the Bulle- tin Contest. A report was given o! the impressive Memorial service held on Sunday aternoon, the opening day o! the conven- tion. The names o! ail Lions who died during the year were read and as each was mentioned durîng the service a rose was placed on a cross. The flags o! 104 countries a"eB Resuits -.. "Y OUR Automatic CAR WASH The car wash that gives yen that glearnlng wax finish. LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE CAR WASHI VISK TIRES and BATTERME WESLEY VILLE IOn Sunday evendng, Rev. A. IW. Harding conducted his last regular service in this church. A good congregation was pie- sent to hear his parting ser- mon, a message to leave with his people, in keepinig with bis many guiding words of the past eight yeers. Tlhe full choir, wearing for the first time their new caps and gowns, gave their usual leadership ini song, in- cluding an anthem "Stand Up For Jesus".1 Follow'ing the service, words o! appreciation for service ren- deied, and best wishes for the future were expressed by Car- roll Nichols on behaif o! the congregation. A lovely corsage and boutonniere was given Mis. and Mr. Harding by Mis. L. Holdaeway, and a gi!t o! a garden lounge and musical re- cord was preserded by Percy Snell and Clarence Nichols. Mr. Elarding thanked bis people, mmd after singing "Blest be the tie hat bdnds", a cup o! tea pievided the opportunity for a short visit. Ie whole coonmunity is looking IorwýS'd to next Sun- day, June the 26th as a big day in the church's history and will do their utmost to provide a good welcoone for ieturning friends. STÀRK VILLE The anniversary service-at whem'e Lions Clubs are active Iwere placed in tall standards at the back of the stage dur- ing a colourful display. Monday morning was. de- voted to business sessions. During the afternoon the Lions - vsited te Parliament Build- -ings, the Mint and other points eof interest. Their ladies also tsaw Rideau Hall, residence of the Governor-General and at- tended a tea. George Hees, Minister of Transport, was the special speaker at the dinner given on Monday evening by the host club, the Ottawa-Hull Lions. Following the business sessions on Tuesday the Lions were invited to attend special entertainment at both the Gatineau Club and the Chau- diere Club, It was reported. Port Credit, visited Mi. Ar- thur McXay's. Mi. and is. Laverne Far- row, Welcoime, visited Mis. IMonvers A Supeetr y-lawl for $40,000 w;aspassed at the June meetn of Manvers Township=Coci. The major portion of the anieunt, $25,- 000, is for the purchase of a four wheel drive snowplow, and $15,000 is for additional maintenance revenue. A grant o! $20 was made to the Milltýrook Agricultural Society. Council decided to make application for a warble fly grant in connection with the 1960 prograni.> Arthur Rowan, the town- ship's representative on the1 Victoria Ceunty Area High9 School Board was present ati the meeting. He gave council an outline of the problenis1 confronting the board thisi year. He also discussed the1 unavoidable higher cost . of education. Vince Jackson, chairman o! a citizens committee, was the1 DI1ilL,oh, unaay siternoon was Vficor -arrow Oshaa, edect e bis sermon îssBelhad eeEBIENEZIER Ow a, atteed Rev.sAtk n elTrontBo;ah M-md Hlen ...mein pndw abot te wrdi, "he ordisHiallowell and Mis. Sid Hallo- quiet music by Mrs. Charles trent n'Ex dsonhe asho r t- wel attended the Durham Found, and the president's te irectoodus. Th eh nerClub dinneq, in Pont Hope, announcement of the new th dretin ! is Wsteu-Saturday. study theme, "Into All The er gave speciail music with a IdTgt duet by Mis. Morley Robinson Mis. F. Stone lis a patient in Woî ogter". A hymn and issSylva Wstheser Oshwa ospial.was sung and Mis. Hopkins mm MssSyvi WMr.uer Osaand 1Pt. Abr oesquoted from I"Wide Windows," Mr. and Mis. Willis Par- Mid. mMi s.haabent RMrs M by Mis. Forbes, followed by and familynOiawa,,at Mi.gM.prayer. Minutes were read and row Netovilewer gests Shutisa's, Sunday. usual reports given. Remeni- with Mi. and Mrs. PercY Far- Sund'ay dininer guests at Mr. ber the Supply Teat, at Eben- iow. 'Llew Hallowell's were Mr. and ezer on June 20 and the Baby Mi. and Mis. Hugh Kelly, Mis. Austin Turner, Mi. and Band picnic on July 12. Bowmanville, at Mr. £iorne Mis. Irwin Colwell, Newcastle; Mission Band final meeting Todd's. . Mi. and Mrs. Bill Reid and for the year and annual pic- Elva, Orono; Miss Gwen Stark, nic will be at No. 4 School Miss Barbara Ovens, New- Mi and Mis. Orme Falls, Miss- on June 21, beginning at 2.30 tonville, with Mi. and Mis. es Norma and Beulah Hallo- o'clock. Heîb Reid. well and Mi. and Mus. Al! Dob- Mis. R. Gay reviewed two Mi. and Mis. Cedi Robinson, son. chapters o! the African study, Newtonville, at Mr. Morley dealing chiefly with the value Robinson'a. o! art, in its different fields, Mi. and Mirs. Lawrence Sav- Lakce Shore, Clark e and in relation to the African ery and Mr. Williamn eavery, people. Few o! its thirty mil- Oshawa, at MT. Ewart Robin- M r.and Mis. Ai! Biown and lions o! people can read yet, son's. Jack, Bowmanv!Ile and Mr. and but art is o! special value te Mis. Bill Page and family, the illiterate, because it comes Rev. and Ms. Atkinson, Osh-. Hamnpton cailed on Mi. and froni one's mind, and the awa, at i. Fred Todd's.. Mis. Bill Lake on Sund'ay. Mi. Christian message can be 1Mi. and hMis. Allen Martin, and Mis. J. Skelding, Pt. Perry taught through paintings and CouncilI spokesman for a large dele- gation. Mr. Jackson preented a petition from many ratepay- ers in the Bethany aiea o! Manvers Township and the adjoining district Cavan Town- ship requesting the coundil to establish a fire area in ac- cordance with Section 405 o! the Municipal Act. A petition was pîesented by Frederick Gray froni ratepayers not in- terested in the establishment o! a fire area. 1 On the suggestion of H. J. Mallory of the Fire Marshall's Office it was decided to hold a public meeting on, June 23rd in the Township Hall, Bethany. Ail matters pertain- ing to the establishment of a lire area will be discussed. The meeting will start at eight p.m. Mi. Mallory will be present to answer ques- tions. Mis. Lloyd Down led in devotions, choosing "Content- ment" as ber subject, and reading fîom Phil. 4:.11-13, and 1 Tim. 6:6-8. Is oui work mon otonous? We can be busy but content. God can change lives like mudholes can be- come pools o! clear water. I wonder what l'Il find today! "Diving, and fînding ne pearîs in the sea, Blame not the ecean, the fault la in thee." Mis. Down closed the meet- ing with prayer. There were 24 present and one guest. - 1. mmmmuqi spent Friday evenlng witb Mr. and Mms Lake. Mr. and Mis. E. Tonkin and Darvid, Oshawa, were Sunday viisitors wlth Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes Mrs. G. Smaith and Min. C. Johinson, Chicago, ILi, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mms. Jaynes. The Imet K.S. and C. Club meeting was held at the home of Mis. Ja'ck Holmes. The next meeting will be held at the home of Min. Robin Alldread, Jtune 29. Mr. and Min. Stan Rowe, Newtonville, spent Frkltay ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and hMrs. Art Bedwin were Sunday visitors wiith Mr. and Mns. -H. S. Taylor, Cour- tice. Mis. C. Bedwin spent a few days wth M!r. and Mrs. KeiVh Mitchell, Lotus and Mir. and Mis. Earu Gilbank, PontypooL. Sorry to hear ttiat Mis, W. A. Ada=ins a patient in Bow- manville Hospitiai. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Grahami and fani1y, Pontiac, Midi., are vdsiting with Mr. and Mis. J'ack Holines. -or- a New Home on Your Own Lot Choose from our large selection of plans or we will build from yours. J. J. FLETT 29 Centre St. Bowmanville CITY- IDE A SWERI G SERVICE OSHAWA m DO WMAN VILLE mAJAX m PICKERING m WHITBY open24h ours every day of the yeqir NOTE Check Thîs List GQ Specialista in Answering Service QAll exchanges are supervised QLargest in Province of Ontario ElSame efficient service to thousands cf subscribers. *We off er you the finest I Telephone Answering I Service available. gWe are flot in the taxi or my other business. ThiF * ervice is NOT a sdln lTt 15 our main concern I A ddîtîonal QLow City prices with no extra message charges QNo long distance charges for service to Bowmanville, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering QInvestigate before investlng -. Ail Answering Services are flot the samel One of 13 Branch Anawerung Exehanges Operated by City-wide Aànsweing Service cmli onyti me RA 8U4601 MA 3-3151 WH 2-2600 Services o ffered *Burgiar and Fire Alarni *Wake-up Service *Metropolitan Medical *Exchanges (Special for Doctors) *SOON Mobile Radio Service CITY-WIDE TELEPHON1E SERVICES LIMITED OSKWA AND ADJACENT COMMUNITIES OSHAWA ADDBESS - 19 BOND STREET EAST 1- ~ *4.4. TORONTO - HAMILToN - OAKvILL Pen tecostaJ Leaving Thi For Sr., Citia F our years have elapsed since Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Leno commenced their pas toral duties of the local Pen- tecostal chuirch. During this period of time the congrega- tion and Sunday School have seen a steady growth. Under the leadership o! Rev. Leno the congregationi have had a lovely new parsonage build on Prince St. by Mr. M. Moore. A large lot of land has been purchased on Liberty St. S., at Nelson Street with the vision o! a sculpture. Under the heading, person to, person, we learn the Afri- can is pleased to be recogniz- ed. The West' brings them many changes, swift and strange. Hyper-tension was unknown among theni, but is now showing up. The au- tomobile has brought pleasure, but also disadvantages. Some hotels now receive niixed guests. Leprosy brings rejection wherever it breaks out. Dr. Schweitzer's Leprosarium with its devoted staff, and sincere care, is of immeasurable value. A lovely vocal trio was ren- dered by Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrs. Wes. Down and Mrs. Murray Osborne. a New Home? Contact us for A NEW HOME ON N.H.A. Approved Lots Serviced with: Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewers THUEDAY, lMME flrd, 106 fli.Dinng-romkitclien, staff P-astor Sn=or4 anen :iea well as a chapel seatlng 220 persons. A very large per- ctaeof the coat has b"er LI teenterprise. zi. has rensHom been asked to supervMse main- tenance of the building and new church ta be erected 'ere share chapel responsibi ities. long. A note o! real apprca~> Along wlth pastoral dutiesfothmayca kiu y Rev. Leno has servedasSn and love are expressed byl day School sectional leader departintg Pastors to their for hiszone ol eastr many friends and their coa-r fifteen years Rev. and Mrs. geain Leno have pastored Bathurst, Rev. G. E. Leno wil bring N.B.,, Campbellford and lo- his farewell messages >11-00 cally but leave to assume new a.m. and 7:00 p.m. this comlng responsibilities. Sunday at which tume the A new venture for the P'en- public is cordially invited. tecostal Assemblies of Can- Mr. and Mrs. Leno, Keith ada is their first $750,000 and Gary expect to spend moet "Senior Citizens Home" which of the sumpier at their cottage is now under construction on located on the Pentecostal Sheppard Ave., Scarborough. camp grounds east of Cobourg This home provides for 110 and will take up residence in "(well care" guests as well as their new home, 89 Araman those requiring "«bed care". Drive, Agincourt, in the faîl. Are You Planning I 1 ý M 4 k il-A P PRUMUMMUN