Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 15

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IIEURSDAY, JUIl! S3rd, INO TH CANADIAN SATMAN. Dt>WMANVILLE. flNTAWWI SOLINA KSoen Yellowlees and Hei Langmaid's on Sunday. Tink took part ini a piaorc- Mms. Wes His and Jane vis- toi a8t te home of tibeir teach- ited several days at Mr. and er, hL~. Charles Naylor, Fr1- Mrs. M. McCarreil's. Oxnemee. deay MMAMm. and Mrs. Leslie Arm- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Timk, strong, Richmond Hil and Mima. Diamiè, NPi and Herbie visited Geargina Jenks of Bathurst, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson N.B., visited an Sunday st Mir. and sans, Lindsay, on Sunday. and Mrs. E. R. Tayl»r. Mrs. MP~rs H. E. Tink visited Mis. Jenks remaîned for several ioex ini Peterborough days' visit to renew acquain- I"ptal.* tances with iriends ai Baker's Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown Schaol section. Mnd Bobby, Osh'awa, were Sat- Mr. Richards ai Oshawa; iirday visitors at Bruce Tinks. Mrs Jack Westiake and Mr. .Jiendo f Charles Short- Bill Westlake, Bowmanvifle, newre son-y to learn that visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank he fell and broke his hip and Westiake, Sm. Inaw at time af writing in Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- Oshawa Hospital. lake Jr., and family were Mr. and Mss. Kyle Squair Thursday tea guests with Mr. Baw'nianville; Mr.an M I and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowman- ROY McGiUl, Rnniskillen, were ville. and on Sunday visited Sunday visitars at Mr. and Mars. at Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smiths at Roy Langm.aid's. Fleetwood. Mîr. and Mirs. Lloyd Preston Mira. J. Ovenden and childmen Mind children, Bowmanville, Os5hawa visited at Frank West- were ai Mr. and Mrs. Charles lake Jr's. Mr. sand Mirs. D. Flett and Wait Pascoe Dysriea no ee Finds It Is guest withi the Fletts. A SmalI W orldi r rHiltdnTm'ksar m One often hears the expres- Mr. and Mr%. E.. Spires were sian "Isn't it a small world?" guests at the Caveriey-Fraser atran unusual experience wedd.ing aît Campbellford on of metig soeon in ourSaturday. travels who knew you or a Mr. J. Kiveil and Pearl friend ai yours. This was Leach weme Sundîay tea guests braugbt ta mind when Dr. afiMMr. and Mrs. Alian Wilbur, Gea. W. James received a let- IVfaxwell's. ter Tuesday from bhis cousin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Miss M. E. (Little Lizzie) Oke Elizabeth, Oshawa, visited on ai Northam, Devon, England. Sunday wilth Mr. and Mrs. Rae Dr. James visited bis cousin Pascoe an~d family. during the First World War Mvr. and Mim. Murray Van over 40 years aga. She bas BomadfmlWlvle been a bed patient through N Mcoir and fMia. A. F Abe- ail these years. Mrs. James NSM.adMs .F br aiso visited ber three yeams netihy, Manilla and Miss Elsie ago when in England with the Sanvis, Enfield, visited Mr. and Canadian Press Party. Here Mrs. Don Taylor an~d iamiiy. are excerpts from Little Liz- Mr. and Mirs. W. Parrinder zie's personal letter, dated attendei tihe Centenniai Cale- June 6, 1960: bration at Greenwood Sehool "My Dear George and Sarah. on Saturdiay. Dorathy (ber devoted nurse) Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and I feel we must tell you were Sunday tea guests of Mrs. We hUd a visitor irom Bow- Fletcher Werry, Kedmon. mnanville right in ibis maom Beatrice and David Ormis- just over an bour aga. He was ton, Bowmanvihjle, were week- brought in by our Dr. Cooper end visitors at Tom Baker's. Who met hlm yesterday and, Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy at- having beard us speak ai you ended Decoration Day service and Bawmanville, asked if he ai Bowmanvilie Cemetery on wauld like ta cail and see us. Sunday. His name is Mm. Walton G. Pat Knox was a Su.nday Pascoe ai the Goodyear Tire usofJdcBehMpl & Rubber Ca., wbo witb bis Guoe.a aâeBeh al Wile is witb a party ai Good- i"s.adM.T.Adrn yeamites wha let Canada by anT. anM rsy Zp .yr nervsot- plane an June 4tb. We bad an fwib Mr. and rs. J. Knoxi such a happy visit and niceor ihM.ad rsJ.K x chat which was lovely bear- and faniily on Sunday. ing from one wbo bad seen Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- yau bath as weli as Editor man* attended Decoration Day John. service at Prince Albemti Came- "Mir. Pascoe was s0 pleasant tery and visited at Roy Hope's, and chea'ry i ti '-, later. kind It was af aur Doctor ta MmI. and Mis. J. Marks, Scar- bring him irom BeeÙc . borougb, visited Saturday ev- see us. Mm. Pascoe said it ening with Mm. and Mrs. Wes would pot be long aiter his Yello'wlees and sons. retumrn me before bie would The Sunday Scoo picnic ai re er you that be had Caoke's Presbytesian Church, ~enus. We missed seeing Toronto, was held at Soli.na on i.,r.Pascoe as she bad con- Saturday. tmacted a nas ty chili which ac- MT. and Mrs. Ed. Davis, Osli- counted for them seeing aur awa, were Suniday tea guests Doctor, but we bave heard ai Msr. and Mrs. RaIIph Davis since she is much better. Nurse and Pat. Darathy cammented that bis The f iftlh meeting ai Sauina visit made us bath feel we Sew'n Sews was beld in Solina were nearer' ta ane anoiher Hall on May 21. Mrs. Lea.sk with aur laved anes at Bow- discussed assemibling the dress inanvile. and some af the comanan termas Affectianateiy yours, used in sewing instructions. -Lizzie and Dorothy"' The girls t1hen began to sexy on -SPECIAL- Used Car 'Sale 1959 CHEV. 2-Dr. V-8, automatic Black with white top. 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr., 6-cyl. Radio. Green. 1957 DE SOTO FIREFLITE SEDAN Automatic, radio, power steering,. power brakes. A real car. Blue and white with white waIl tires. 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. SUBURBAN 6 cyl. Radio. Bine. 1954 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL 4-Dr. 6-cyl. Washers, mirrors, wheel covers, blue with black top. Clean. 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 6-cyl. Like a new pin. 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 6-cyl. Black. 1951 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL 2-Dr. 6-cyL Like new. HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. f-cyl. Radio, new green with white top-------- - $695 1953 WINDSOR 2-Dr. HARDTOP 6-cyl, automatic. two-tone green, 45,000 miles only. A real car $745 1953 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. 6-cyl. Radio. Two-tone blue ______ ý 19q52 $495 PONTIAC 4-Dr. fi-cyl. Runs good, decent tires, dlean inside, sone ut - $295 1951 NEW YORKER V-8 SEDAN, power steering, power brakes, radio, automatic $195 1950 WINDSOR 6-cyl. SEDAN. New tires, like new inside, runs perfect $175 1950 PONTIAC 6-cyl. SEDAN. Radio. .A decent car -_______$95.00 leFARGO %-TON PICKUP -____ $375 Palmer Motor Sales1 CHRYSLER - FARGO 20 King St. L PLYMOUTH - VALIANT . SIMCA DEALERS Bowmanvillt. MA 3-5487 I Brownies "Fly Up" to Join Girl Guides At a most interesting ceremony last Thursday, Barbara Crombie, Nancy williams, Kai tjhese members of Brownie Packs in Bowmanville went rude Cale, Jili Nicholis as well as Ja.i through the "f ly Up" procedure which took them out Jennie Stout in the front row at idf of their Brownie groups and advanced them to Girl graduates include Deborah Baverstocb Guides. Each "flier" had been awarded the coveted over and Bonnie Mathewson. The f irsi "Golden Hand" badge which may be seen just at the Pack to go to Guides was Isobel Henr3 left side of the jackets. First Pack Brownie include available when this photo was taken. ail the girls in the back row, lef t to right: Cheryl Gi,j fheir dresses. Next meeting is an June 17. Sauina Sew 'n Sews beld their sixth meeting in Solina Hall an Friday evening. The district Home Economist was guesi for evening. Mirs. Tay- lor sbowed how ta fit the dress. The gils tiben had the dresses fitted and 'continued sewing on them. The girls divided into groups an-d completed making a bound buttonhole. Next meeting wi&l be June 30. BROWN'S Brown's Busy Bees helti their June meeting on Thuma- day evening at the home af Mma. Hilda Call. The ladies spent the evening working on a quilt for Mira. Caîl. Miuch discussion was carrieti on me- garding a praposedtrip the members plan an taking - more details later. Mira. Cal serveti a deliciaus lunch. Mm. and Mira. Hamry Cow- an, Omono, spent Sunday with Mr. antiMira. Wellington Far- row. Mm. Bll Miorley and Miss Jean Perrin, Misses Gail and Alne Allun apent Sunday ai Huntsville witb Bill's brother. On the way home tbey visiteti Santa's village. Mm. Wellington Farrow and Master Neil Aluin spent Sat- urday aftamnoon ai races ai Orano. Miessrs. Ross Boyd and T. Wilson attended the L.O.L. Cburcb Parade ta the Anglican Cbumcb, Orono, on Sunday. Don't forget the annuai IL & S. Club picnic on Satur- day, June 25ih, ai the school. Zion (Hope Township) Mm. and Mira. Harmy Traver, Fenwick, spent last weekend with their daughter and son- in-law, Mm. and Mima. Chas. Raby. Mm. and Mira. Norman Gerow and Daviti apent last weekend with Mm. and Mima. Don Mord- en ai Wellington, the occasion being Mm. and Mra. Morden's 251h Wedding Anniversary. Mira. R. Gerow enjoyed the Senior Citizens' excursion ta Peterborough ecently. Mr. antiMra. Fred Tufford were visiting relatives in Pet- erborough ibis weekend. Mm. and Mira. Chas. Meneil- ley, Mr. antiMra. Arthur Me- neiiley and Douglas, Mm. and Mima. John Meneilley, apent Sunday in Oshawa with Mira. Arthur Gemmond, and Mira. Fred Latantimesse, sisters ai Mr. C. Menei]ley. A beEF was belti lasi Satur- day ta eut grass in the ceme- temps. There was a good num- ber on band, and considerable womk was done. Sunday, June 12 ai 10 a.m., Rav. A. W. Harding delivered bis faeweli message ta tbe Zian congragation. Baptismal service followed the regular service and M"r. and Mra. Har- aid Wods, Newcastle, present- ed their infant son, Terrance Wayne, and Mm. and Mira. Car- men Irwin pesented their in- fant son John Henry for bap- tism. The cburch was prettily decorated with spring flowems, andi thare was a splendid ai- tendance. Sunday Schaoi failoweti ai 11 a.m. Mira. Menelley acted ini the absence ai Mm. Gerow, Supi., and Mira. R. Gerow acteti for Mima. Baby, Bible Clasa teacher. There waa a faim ai- tendance. Suntiay, June 19 al aificers andi teachers wame present for Sunday Scbaol, andt here was a much greater attentiance. Due ta speciai services ai Wes- leyvij.e nexi Sunday, June 26, theme wîll be no Suntiay Scboal ai Zion. The Zion Women's Assoc. met Thursday avening, Juneî 16, at the home ai Mrs. E. Casweli. There were 1Il rnem- bers anti ana visitor present. Mrs. F. Caswell opened the meeting with prayer. Deva- tionai pogram, prepamed by Mima. C. Irwin, was given. Mms. H. Caswell read the scriptume. Minutes of May meetipg weme ead by Se'y Mrs. Doug- las Whitney. Treasurer's re- part was read by Mms. E. Ruthven. Rail Caîl follawed the business peiod when each member repiied by presenting an antique. Mima. Roy Best, teacher for the Mission Band for some years, bas esigned. Mirs. Douglas Whitney, assisted by Mirs. Meneilley, were elected ta take over for Mirs. Best. 1A very amusing pragram amanged by Mirs. E . Casweii and Camai was given. Lunch was served by bostess and lunch committee, and ail en- joyed the pleasant social boum. ZION The Reverend Fred Reeti andi Mss. Reeti were supper guesis ai Carl Bradley's on Monday evening anti were taken ta the ho)me a1 Tom Sobil whare the congregation gathéred tia pariy ta wish tbem well on their twa months' tour of the British Iles. Mr- .and Mira. Reed were presented with a piece ai luggaige. They wil leave b plane an Ju1y 5. Bon Voyae Thie Sunday achoal picn:ic will. be ai Geneva Park on Fri- day evening, June 24, for 5UP- par ai 7 a'clock. Mira. Charles Naylor enter- taineti ber piano pupils, their mothers anti graindmatbers ai ber hîome on Fridîay evening. Ms. anti Mss. Norman Leach spent the weekend ai Arthur Yaunginan's, Tymone, anti at- tendeti Decovation service at Bowmanvil'le Cemete r y on Sunday afiernoon. Mr. and Mira. Rimer Down and sons, Ebenezer, were Sun- day evening visitors at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mirs. Frank Pascoe attenideti the Pascoe pi.enic ai Hampton on Saturday. Mir. and Mrs. Wes dam aron attendet Mapie Grve Anni- NEW NEWS EDIT OR The Port Hope Guide an- nounced recentiy the appoint- ment af Jack K. White as News Editor. A former teacher ai Tinity College Schlool, Port Hope, Mr. White has hati con- iderable experience in the newspaper field. IWALTONA POOL OPEN! Afier many delays, George Walton ativisea ibat he will bave the awimming pool ai Waltona Park, Newcastle, apen ioday. The official opening is planneti for the holiday week- end, but for those wbo can't wait for that occasion, this will ba an aivance opprtuniiy. ILKHE ATING OILS 1 (;SINE-OTOR onS: ver9ary and Were supper guests ai Morley Flintoff's. Larry and Rager Down spent Monday at Perey Davidson's. Mm. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and daughters spent the week- end as guests af Mv. and Mm.s Ray Walters ait their cottage near Minden. Mr'. and Mms. Hanm Geissber- gem, Msr. and irs. Arthur Damt and faimily went on a picnic ta Belleville and visited the Quinte Distic Breedling As- sociatian farm. Mm. and Mira. Henr-y Dart and Ken v-isited ai Fred Darta, Woodville, an Sunday. Mm. andi Mra imer Herring, Osb'aWa; Mr. and Mira. Russell Rabbins, Bowmanville, visited at Normnn Leach's. Senior Soccer boys scomed a win over Maple Grave Satur- ,day evening. Keep up, the gooti work boys. Ms. and Mira. Henry Keeler, Mialvern, visiteti at Henry Dart's. Mira. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor at Keith Stainton's andi in the aftemnoon alang with Mm. and Mira. Stain- ton and family attended the decoration service back at the Wîck cemetery. Mm. and Mira. Percy Davidi- son, Mm. antiMira. Chuck Terry and Laurie visiteti ai Howard Abbott's, Bumketon, an Satur- day evening. Mm. and Mira. Archie Jones anti family, Ennismore; Misses Miarjorie Blewett and Tala Barker, Oshawa, weme Sunday visitoma at Mss. Alex MicMast- era., Mr.. and Mira. Eldridge Per- rault celebrateti their silver wedding anniversamy on Sat- umtiay when many imienda anti relatives came ta offer their congratulations. Mma. Per- rault's father, John Armstmong, Winchester, and Mm. Perrault's sister, Miss Margaret Perrault, Mormisbumg, were present, aiso friends fromn Newcastle, Osha- wa and Zion. Mr. and Mira. Morris Sieep and daughtema, Coldwater; Miss Ada Pascôe, Port Credit; Mm. and Mma. Archie Keith, Oshawa, weme Sunday visitors ai Frank Pascoe's. Mm. and Mira. Harvey Web- i ster, Little Britain; Mr. andi Mrs. Gardon Fisher and sons,' Oshawa, were Sunday visitorsý at Allan Fishem's. Mir. and Mma. Don Prout and Donnie, Bowmanville, we're Sunday callers at Russeill Stainton's. Decoration service at Zion1 Cemetery wilI be an Juiy 3ri.1 The Honourable Michael Starm wmi be guesi speaker. Mm. and Mira. Haveiock An- nia and Doris wema callers ait Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mira. Davidi Germy, M.'rs. John Gerry andi Philip Gerry, Toronto, wera Suntiay visitors ai Mira. F. B. Glaspell's and along with Mira. Glaspeli were supper guestsata Raiph Glaspell's, Tymone., KEDRON Supeintandent John Fran- cia presideti on Sunday aiter- maon for the special anniver- sary service ai Kedron Sun- day School. Sn,)-ging was un- dem the direction ai Mira. J. Stamr, anti Mma. Murray Mountjay who diraciedti he very Young classes. Miss Jean- ine Wermy presitidai the or- gan. The guesi minisier was Rev. Walter A. Logan, B.A., B.D., ai Enniskillen, fommely ai Montreal, anti he addtresseti1 bis remamks ta the girls anti boys, who filleti the chair chancel. Many visitors weme present for the service. Sevemal bas- kets ai peanies, iris, anti ather flowers lent their beauty ta the service ai worship. The Suntiay School chair antereti slnging the processional bymn "Onward Christian Saltiiers", anti they ciosed tha service with a stirring choral post-, lude. n. a.anU .Lj0 Legion for the large turnout wif be enabled to Pas on a! scretar of the Ladies' Aux- of members. heritage that aur descendants illary to the Canadien Legion, More Consclous et Debt may well be proud of," Mayor slawiy lowered the Union "The Legion members and'Carruthers urged. Jack down the flag pole and council feit that Decoratian' The service closed with raised it durmng the Reveille. Day shouid continue ta be ab-, prayers by Legion Chapiain served for twa reasans. First Greenfield and the Benedic- to cammemorate and honour tian. thase who served the cam-: Wreaths were piaced from muniy and the country as a Branich 178 of the Canadian whole. Second ta make us Legian by President Ed Run- as citizens more cansciaus of die; by the Ladies' Auxiliary the debt we awe those who ta the Canadian Legion by MIA 3.3303 have passed an, and the re- President Millie Bates; from sponsibility we have* ta keepi the Tawn ai Bowmanville by the cemetery beautiful. Counciliar Wesley Fice; fram "In the first instance *Jiis the Independent Order af Odd afternoon the Legion members Feliows; by Reeve Sidney are honouring the memory of Little. some 140 of their members The Last Post and Reveille wha served this country in was piayed by Bugier Arthur time af war and have since White. The Lament was pNlv- passed on. An individual cross ed by the Bawmanville Legion af pappies has been placed an' Pipe Band. During the La- each grave in loving memary ment Comrade Helen Wallis,I of service rendered. Many of these men paid the supreme sacrifice just as surely as S thseklldon the battli ECIA L ! ::::jfield because a number came home s'îffering from the ra- vages of war. We honour andi \ pay tribute ta those men ta- day," Mayor Carruthers said. W s i g o s Honaur Our Pioner ary of loved anes ai aur im- R mediate familles who have ____________ - passed on. We think af the contribution they made ta the home and the community, thei influence they had on aur: lives. We honour the memory! ai the pioneers af this com- munity. The men and women ... who endured hardship ta lay the foundation, and those who S foliowed after serving in every aspect of community welfare in order that we mightUm enjoy the cornforts, the plea-j sures, and the freedoms which we as citizens take for grant- ed as part af aur modemn standards af living." li Put Forth Special Effort G t- "In observing DecorationP. aren Bell, et Day we cannot help but be'Â ince Moses and made consciaus of the debt t; Second Pack we owe ta those who have kAne et-prepamed the way. As we iý visit the cemetery today we st girl from 5th as citizens recognize aur me- y who was flot sponsibility ta keep this sa- cred place beautiful. Decora- tion Day is an incentive for those directly responsible for forth a special effort. ~gestFormn New Commission "At this time we pay tri- lo wd bute ta the cemetery commit- * w d ~tee and John Magee, the su- MdlSpeeD- from page one) ments which have been made in nisn b al iin the past year. In order ta 9.1 eu. ft. refrigerator with 50 lb. in nisn y al1perpetuate this good work the frozen food storage. ion President Ed cemetery will be administemed the leader of the by a commission -composed of Freezer plus Frozen Storage Tral Reading ai Psalm five member, three non-elect- 4flIldhul-etseve ed citizens and two members 4 ulwdhfldetsevs of council. In this way there Full-wldth Crisper privilege ta wel- personnel in administration Itro ih 5we join together than is possible when salely 90* Boor Openlng$ al Secrvi" ayor As er obedrvecthisosimpl9ON9* al Decrtion," ayrnd e obcsedrectin.mle ON SALE ruthers, who gave service in these beautiful sur- WI Y OUR TRADE stated. He thank- roundings we pay tribute tai )r Stevens, Legion, ail who lie within these gates, reenfield and the those who semved in the home, esponsible for the in the community and the s. The Mayor also country as a whole. As we1 Lander Hardware )preciation ta Cap- rmiember what has been 'ac-J L ind> the Salvation complisbed may we be in.- and ElIecIric and the Legion spimed ta make some Contri- Hie complimented bution toward the welfare ai i 1KiDg st .K MA 3-5774 ai the Canadian aur cammunit-y sa that we' 1w Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. THE ABOVE PHOTO SHOWS OUR WELL STOCKED PAINT DEPARTMENT IN OUR NEW, MODERN SHOWROOM AT COURTICE We carry a complote lino of Interior and Exterior PAINTS - ENANELS - VARNISHES - STAIS - WOOD PRESERVATIVES NASONET WATEI PIOOFING PAINTS - RUSHES and DECGDATING ACCESSODIES Came la Oshawa Wood Producis for Expert Advice on Paint Prablems Oshawa Wood Products Ltd.' MAIN OFFICE AND SHOWROOM BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 ---. /- DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.MK VI JR E- lRA 8-1611 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 *JI M luIl DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM 84 SIMCOE ST. S. - RA 8-1617 ISDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1M TIM CAMADIAlq . DOWMANVnJLML ONTAMO PAGE k col 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE VOU

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