TRUMAT, UM 3rcl 19 PAGE roTJRTUW - ~A*iUkA w --- - and Br- o Thaks C niin Events Articlesfor Sale Articles for Sale_! Cars for Sale ; W r Wanted RealEtt o Sl Ra stto d ABra are hay ato ar I wish to thank my friends WiVoods Family Picnic will be1 DOUBLE lied and spring s. FIELD of standing mixed hay, '56 PONTIAC V8, perfect con- SIXTEEN-year.old boy desires TWO choieot nVlgeoSEEromdbick o.e br e*hap oannounce'for the visits and the many held at Hampton Park, July 6 Phone MA 3-3934. 25_1 land cedar posts. MA 3-3394. dition. 28 Victoria St. 25-l" full or part-time work. MA Hamnpton. PoeC -62 cea 9Cuc tw J9 0a es on rid l sia n l ,is w hy ich I r ived H ouri tgmal.a n p rt t o n f r a p h o n e C O 3-2024. i5-ti T E N acres o f stan d in g alfalfa h ea ter, god co n d itio n , $250.()0. H IG H sch oo l stu d en t (m ale ) o a e , n w o u n c , 3 Bo w m nvinv . AîîeheA obrothera J nforP hMrsMA.-384aSaJones.v- Phonee e bM A- 3-3844iedSaa durdavh . P h ne T W O-pP hoecC O 3-bed afhesterm deield um mp eeceym nbaths Cathy, and Teddy. 25-1,14 enings. _3-tf cheap. MA 3-3234. 25-I"ý 3-2668. 25-1 25-1 Farm work or other. Phone 2 1 - 1 - - -- - -- - CO 3-2566.251* 6 ro 1 Ms.F R Iwoldlie othnkDr Fna dne f ueseso i YOUTH'S bicycle, C.C.M., good ONE piano, good condition; ARE you interested in a new F-B- >ýn Cook are happy to announce McKenzie, nurses and staff of Solina Community Hall on Sat- condition. MA 3-2284. 25-11,j .ate ryoù b rtaber adiho e diufxM Aor 3used 8ca r? Ph one u M g P U B N etn, evs cpd ew frae ad bt w o lo t ra, wt d the arrivai of their grand- Memorial Hospital for kind- urday, June 25. Jim Fisher's STRAWBERRIES. Orders talc- 3-2467. 25-I Sales, MA 3-3321. 25-1 vey Partner. Tyrone. Colfax garage, onJaes.î,o ernhlgectescst, daughter Shelley Ann Cook, nesses shown me during my Orchestra. $1.00 per person.! en. 3 weeks. CO 3-2229. 2)5-2'* ---terms.3-22roughout, b17r2. c k garageB Ob 8 96,coe duhe ecn lnss loth e-Eeroewlo. 2-'--- ONE used Internatiohal T45 VAUXHALL Cresta Deluxe, FOR cinywrnwo ofRoss and Monica Cook, tonville W.A. for their thoughe- blrPT Ioeusd10Cs -yinelwmlae ovely repair or any brick, block or 15 site i erairie Sidinoý. Ont. )5 - 1 fuI gift and my friends for Si John's Anniversary,129 Centre SI., Bowmanville. baler' with engine. W. H. shape, selling because of sick- cnrt ok ..Bx18 school, some wos el aePoe R -67 sa a Î4cards. FedBlackstock, June 26, 3:30 p.m.:. co-:i Brown, MA_3-Box51083 Z~ONES-Detiibc tit is appylPe an rs Bishop H. R. Hunt in charge.jC T flowers.- Mrs. E. Passant, es h n A3 0 6 51 alL unr hn ant offer.2-3 25-I'ý Salad Supper, Wednesday, June'Duke St., Phone MA 3-.357. NULATION, blowing mth- ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf 75 acres Cîakbtwe it nnune henrrvauonhee the_ 2, 530p..idmisin lof 2h- o, it rok9oo.5or-30Saep0%iSi Adtsmoiay.sion ad N.1.a00oririgNno01.reer.andwa :ster, Shelley Marie, on Sun- and54c.25-it .manhpgurckteed. FeerkeStiaoverae rv0. ice nh t atyr.DUuOI ~lay, Jne 19.196,a eo- I would like to thank neigh -__ or Vern0,and Dmon rutCrn n ha Kep CHILD'S toy tractnr with geai'- mates. Harry L. Wade. Leîe-j home eall Oshawa RA 5-2802, 5aes it tmbr,25wok auHospital. owavilbours, relatives and friends for on n ea Ke It' shilt, $12.50. pone 2 Kig W oager BowaniDonna cards,fri and flowers whileiUnder Your Hat", a three-act3-7126. Poe 25-tClke42. 3-fcoet.-f Excavallng We havebosctag, GE RAINUAC 2.5-1 1 was in hospital. Special md y Pontypool LogeXDhybytear-o - ELECTRIC stove, 4 burnersl DUYING OR SELLING &S bnaos thnst r.AstnCe srdbySio and oven, 18" power mower buglwet.ME-86 A325 Halo y6 atIth goo. orSEE isGordon Sirong & 0SonM. E ES ombnao n1ar ~Ogen (ne Jan Gadinr> nuses an saff 0f Meorial 8:30 P... 25-11 32075. 2- furrow plough. M. A. Picker- ed Cam p i iotors Burketon - Phone Backstok ovn ncs ,^re happy to announce the Hospital. GiiEN EhAL Electric 40" fullr ing,R.R. 2, Newcastle. 25-1 RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 118 r 12 Collet 22.5*t 65 Ontario S. Bwavll ls8oBomniî n birth of their daughter Marilyn Mrs. orne Larb. Th .. f Oo o ntdauto ati stove. Like ner.67 in-t.EatMArke ~ 99sh o. Ol l5 0a o n lilean on Saturday, June l8th,ý 25-lýr Church will have a supper on MA 3-3669. 25-1i DOMINION appliances (a 607Kin St East isnRd.) He ane2-1 20AcefrnesofN- 'ý960, at Memorial Hospital,-' Wednesday, June 29th, con- division ofBeatty Bros.), now < OSHAWA fl-caste. Lrgenouseand arn 'lowmanville. 25-1 t1 kol ie o xpesm sisting -of cold meat, salads1 WATER softener tank (Tay, 'sold aitPaddy's Market, Harp- -1t GENERAL CONTRACTOR MQa n id ~ ce rn.Pie o 25-1 toincomlt ieo p-BikslcCoceead M oa TREWIN - Cliff and Aura and organizations, and neig- this date in mind. Adults184,-59-_____ a ta hard ta beat prices. Carpentry REALTR ombnao nDk Crewin are happy to announce bours for the flowers, cards $1.00, under 12,50c.-----4-214 -6 YARD gravel box andCO 3-2241. 24-4* Pets for Sale New Work and Repaira ebr fOhw itit t nnc o.A ovn « h ar rv ai o e r c sn son2 , w ia nd g ft wi ch r eHos ital W o d v e5 401nty C e n reO sh a . P h o n e r A S A . W erry in p u rsu it of B L A C K C o ck er S p an iel, ree P H O N E M A rk et 3-3694 R eal E stto r e c s a a e 2 5 0 o 4r6o e.o . or M y2 , i le i no e.Mrnri a H sptal-M onster B i n g o. TwentyOs a .251an at h m . M y t a kst bis hobbies as a variety of to good home. Phone M Arket 7 M il Lane s-tf o nr ivn o n Dr. Hubbard, nurses and staff1 games-twenty dollars; five MIXED bay, standing, or by i hoes for sale and invites youri 3-5179. 255 aces wth7rmbos Detsfor their care.Buow games-thirty dollars: $150 the bale iii the field. Plione inspection as well as bis gta --goodre w DeathsjacMptian two jackpots at Orono I r I. 214-2* ening practîce. Danish hoes FE togdhmeni Paer gRpis adbrnn0 Murrd- jrrwsFeeksodktehomsbenn latrigRears adbaninOonere,$1.0cerllbnglwenLiet 1UNNEY A etmntr$250. Door prizes. Next ORDERS taken for Rawleigh to order. Enniskillen. shneopld it thousebr.okrn.QUICK SERVICE pwit exellet trm.TiS.N.whgageTissa 4opia, Atno, nWemnse-5-Monday, 8 p.m.,Red Barn-produets and delix'ered. Tele 24o-2ayDrorSTICCO AND NEW WORK 2 irssutbefrVLAralbyadwcnarng day, June 22, 1960. John H. I would like ta express Oyshawa. 46-tf pbone MA 3-5753. 24-3* ALUMINUM Do ors a n diacres properties2-1in2)ail Lunney, in is 78th year, broth- sincere thanks to relatives, eskard Anniversary Serv- ANNEX stove with water Windows at economical prices. Auct R. Sal TAFT"! 10 arson o15nihorn -i r of Clinton C. Lunney, Bow- friends and neighbours for ice, Sunday, June 26th at 7:30 front. Hot water radiator. Buynoan sv1,200ma.s gnanville. Resting at the Mor- their beautiful flowers, candy, p.m. Rev. Walter Logan, B.A., Phone Newcastle 3261. 25-1 giver, on inquiry. Cowan The undersigned as receiv- MA K3-503t. E. ae, ,0.dsrit.3 o dntscw :ris Funeral Chapel. Bowman- cards and visits during my B.D., of Enniskillen, will be Q AN I Y o i d ba Equipment Co.. 134 King St ed instructions from Mrs. Sax- -__ 16-tf onpvdra, tony$0 pe an we ayh ei. Rnum~nxi1onon at residenc enFriday at 2 o'clock. Inter- Special tbanks ta Drs. Mc- Alman, Oshawa, will be theilHarold Ormiston. CO 3-2b95. 3-5689. 2-f(poieAgia hrh O CE E W R rc -p #ent Bowmanville Cemetersr. Kenzie, Rundie and Miklos; soloist. Anniversary supej2- - ecsle, elb uleBrik-Bok-'rpnrV eta -the nurses and those wo will be held on Saturday, Junei 25__ FLOOR Clearing Specials: Sea- auction on Saturday, June 25 con ÎRESTON-At R.R. 3, Bow- helped look after my family. 25th. Cold meat, salads and 113' 9" HYDROPLANE, 33 li.p. ,e mattresses, button-free, ati 1pimn, bedroom, living- Newv Work and Repaira Bungalow onlreltc ____2- -»ianville on Thursday, June (Mrs.) Helen Carveth. strawberries will be servedi. motor and traiter, $460. Appiy $39.95, step and coffee tables, room and kitchen furniture, 'd' eler$eddem 6,1960, Robert D. Preston, Newcastle. 25-1 Admission: Adults $1.00, child:ý 18 Duke St.or MA 3-296.3 p $9.95: 6 transistor portable dishies, glassware, etc. Ternsiere.vuio w.o oe j'tn his 63rd year. Beloved ren 50c. -11l:1 1i iradios withi earphones and case cash. Property sold. Jack ttrctiearge selAEeBctE i usband of Celia Brunt andf In the loss of Mrs. Gordo STRAWBERRIES for Sale -ati 1t2 9.95. one-third off al chairs. Reid, auctioneer. 2-'«»Z Albert St. MWA 3-5981 Bowmanville a ear father of Blanche (Mrs. Stinson, the family, would like O uyltat Haydon a~ farmi. M. Mante, RR. 3, liassocks. smokers, pictures, 21-tf prices.ace,4ro bic ordon Anderson) and Allan, to thank their friends, neigh- supper bille served frorn Buî'keton. Phone ÉJcisok àetrilsadvacums. Nol Giving up farrning. Aucti1n W O hainsecton.vvmn rc irtAspen. N.S.: Lloyd, cards and flowers received and A varîety concert consisting of'2--1 id!own Furniture, King PxW.J ae fhvetck oltyuig nain isptigsintsarafrasrespatdA d uar, au ice an R e, ail of al o w sh to tb nk ev R m-the Junior M em bers of -t eiG A LV A N IZED la uindry tubsiE w m anville. M A.-.8 plem ents and furniture, t e C î c e , g o a d n s U e aiidRd ArmOyls wshtotannd .v Rom-topstrong. t 1 o n la . 1, art- Evsru Bowmanville. Service 'vas eril of Blackstock adMee-Salvation A y adand> tîe;aîd drainer with table to5-121î:l roper tof8Wlliamn. , arm- vsrogigWALTER RN]Iie$.5,0 beld ai the M orris Funeral m ott - Panabakeî' Meer - Peegg Fam ily f G e ii 2dlL k h ne M - 95 6r rg t A m t o gs P i t ,1 7 ~ u e t A 3 3 9 1 c e , g o o ai n Chapel, Bowmanviîîe, on Sat- Honie.Fnrl'a rewo~ ienw hn VA355 camedy, accordionist, tap dn- T I(. L .2 lt Arsrng ont .BAARS 177 Cvie Prce $St.0 ürday, June 18 at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson ing, piano duets and soioists. BEST offer, 18' cabini cruiseri INest/L lesn)on S-atofNdayA,-717ulvl ýnterment Hampton Cemetery. of Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Price $1.25, adults, tea and with 22 hip. IEto, traiter apid W F-Ns,16tle rm) nsashNue-rKigSta.,Bwmnvle1Ju lvl_______ MA 3-712Kng7t. bungalowle - - - Lewis Stinson of adintîs. concert; 50c, concert only.lequiprnent. Phone MA 3 -28551 a ls - F l o s erve96. Saernat Ia .m. ed- _ Free_ T EsCot2iare -trom bo se serve.PrScle$5,510. Terms. 75eNotitsa ande concert;drn. ANKcon Spencely. clerk._ R. J. Payne, *~r .E ansofc i]25-i 5,ta n cert; 25,îy. i KEYS eut automatîcaly,, while' C mramie -Plastic - Rubber autioneer. Phone 10 r 211:B CH E W R DBA G. E. banks barne implementnlshed' be cose frm WdnesayMr.Andew Richathandyou wvait, at Mason & Dale Vinyl - Asbestos Bethany. 24-2 Trenching - Backfilling gaaeLrc $.0.Wl June 22 to Sunday, June 26 in- famiiy wish RLN T t acknowledge DAL Harwarve 6 int Supplied and lnstalled Septie Tanks 43 Park Rd. S. Ohw élusive. 25-1 with heartfelt thanks and ap- 1ý,4 edo registered andNe qimnRA586 Dr. Ferguson's Office willi e preciation ta friends and R TP Y R SAVE on lumber. direct fror H. G. HEAL grade Sliorthorn cattle, fullNwEupetR -71R -80bnaofi aeet a RA E A E S miii to you. Pillips Lumberî 1I ne of nearly new Massey- IVAN MOUNTJOY Bownvii gmn xrs rc 1, rJsdfroro June 29 to Sept. S ýneighbours for the many kind- C. îmut n.Poe COifax 3-2531 21-tf Harris tractor machinery the Blackstock 87 r 4 New brick andsoebnai0; o onpyet from July 16 to July 22. 252' :ers and expressions of sympa- A S C ATTINT .A O S - International Lt 4 C neso , C vn1-f pee, lre m dm kth n lw ah u nc. fl ae bud il b coedfo hu blve wfean oter17ilhodthirGOD1e. cio uedTVsts VIT4,copeeî vrhue,petw fM.Hr atn eoe8a.o fe ilwo o ,The office of Dr. E. D_. Hub- thy received in the passing of filhl hi o "Supo se Vsts"V4"cmleeyoerhaleýTw. one concessionî south large lvn o Dr.d ,iGENERALlMEETIforDhotih I BondeStwofee-ndwmocutfleror£795. Mas- and two.miles$7.e5t ofrMili-"SuperMA",ywaihfindplacemandsplywooofwMill-Bîackstock -i7eooactwa- dêvs froni July i1 oAuîgust 21 Many thanks to D.McKenzie, EEA EEIG DthMecihant, 11Bn t it-o eflr 5 a- boo, husdyJue30 a ae 3 bedrooms, 4-pcebtro-tryhmsal r..g- disv x ussand staff for the coin tEsOhaa g-Hars"" etoal .m. Ternis cash. No re- and large sunroofre i g.Pie$,0.Dv 1~2 ept eery Turs-fort ivenlier hite n Me ýE .LEse go-Haconition2. ec$ptioAllibprn hatn and from August 2 taortgienbe xhie nReliaits. igoPrcndtonmp9tlls serve, property sold. Ja k aes heRpi ne mo4 lHospital. A specialHam. eric toelctica apHall C,t Ialmers "VF"*, with hydraul- ed utoer o ute itL mpton W25Reid, aucieoneer.eForifurtherlianceU,, water heater, ludr usvr etaswradwt~ ~cuie ..Lthank you to Rev. R. Wbite iliarge and srnall. bander I-ard- ic scufflers, $525. Macîîinery- particulr ebis. 2-FATPRMTSVIE$,0cowg SFOR COMIPLETE for is cnolrgwords.25-i *13- ictoi L. nroth arow conslini.. af urday, June 25ih w..î Phone Mbar,5774.26 Ontario St., Bowmanvile Ham pt n11 S u o t o vn ail Insrace Coerge ~ I helae ohn a 8p.. AIT1G nd Deortfýi' 75thdaw atratorepear, oll ction osaPeter a valuable CORNER KING & ONTARIOI acre of land ihfotg Cî A33 'IsrneCvrg oyrwishit express their El îî_àn-Dé---aig.!,$l:50. Cowan Equipment Co.coltinfPer Fyfe's im- 24-tf streets pciu 0 Elcinof Officers and For qualitv materiais and'14Kn t . mnil' ported antiques, ai the Arm-- room home sutaefoto Slsan G.Byvn See Bill Morrison reaie n neiglibours fori Renewing of Membership ig uara nt eed workrnaiisiip.1 M%3 -5689. 25-1 ls Orono. Onîtario, 5 miles WHITEWASHING 'ami"e,2cr aaewt the many acts of kindness,- 25-1 bander Hardware & Electrie - north of Newcastle. Ontaria. Phone MA 3-5300 28 CONCESSION ST. W. messages of syilipathy and t.9fSaeo Friday, Juîy 1at 6. TALSEm.secnt. no beautiful floral tributes, canin- HUifpIfonl dy DO your--own floors and r ,it o rcs01perio.funiue, cnstering dec- BER T T ý S mn.Tyrone Fr MA 3-3048 -Reut afusander,,fsoerling, dINS butions ta Gideon Bibles ad n sanScrnlvrsay oorugpolisier! GENERAL orative china. choice clas PHNECLR9942acres, tg(1 F(re - Theit - Automobile Heart Fund, in the loss ofaI a o nnvray o u cleaner slarýnpoù, meth- iERC ware, Shieffield plate, clcs HNETOCLE 42 land, pasture wîti ru temw a îey ce Trael- Lfe loving usband, father and SUDYSRIE od) We sand floors. Landerl R E E ZE RS brass, copper. etc. This is an! 16ONILE -fambydroe T ve L fegrandfat er. Special thanks S N A E V C S H ardw are. 5-tl i lg x ep i n ly fine shipm ent of' home ith 4- iece b th. bo 22-tf ta Rev. G. Renelman, paîl- Jn COURSES ---ai-- Bowmianvillc automnatie interior t 0 os. These articles xviii bar-n with hydro n atro defSbearers and floxerbearers, ue2 h0 o fie autornatic warning light b ndsly hrdy ue OH W a.oe oo Noiet eiNestleton W.I., Northcutt and with Rev. Horace Burkhoiîder Business Scholfrofceb dsl0 TusaJn positions ofour chotap. edpen ta offer tonpinspec-cocated 3earroBowman9ille.NoPricn omthad llandepe i ecterri ouei f sis. arrangcd.IIO ERA SLE 00' of h e orp rat o n f T e a y w y. 5-1 ia E d c at o n s g estistra tio n s n o w b e iin g acce p te b id s. T er ns cash . C a ta lo g u es I1 0 c e t t e C r o a nohe C l -1 -1 1 ist e, atrn o n a n et in - n g . l ss In su latio n u e S i r I T A L I O & R E I S $ 2 5 0 d w ________ min- 1for fait terni. Telephone M Fbergasaon request. H. BrueSider PhTLLTon&ePAistri, outon icsoc etBwavila o Township of Cark~e I wish ta tbank ail my Afternoon service wil lie heldj 2-tI ___ 911R 8880buhwih prn cee, tc: ooedhoewih i friends in the dianricFoodr Insuran 2:a0ctioneern.tPeoneiOdessaO1951ootsoaeddistrictbaboutad70iacresawork- ab919 RAank8b8r bwithwwates- Buldn By -Law ao.tglae3te5eec kind visits and cards during Education Auditorium. ain prices. brown and black. 12t.MA 3-.-------$2.0 omfaiyh t yLwt guaeteee-tgin Help \W1ated jBILL AND BOB LEASK ro ail oewt yr oe ovnecs rc tiinan t povdefo temy stay in bospital. Alsa the soloist, 111r. Steve Latvson,! al sizes. Bowniaîîville Shoe 12e.(.Cet ..82.0__3-fad furnace, brstigran em ragd Udfadtyo buidgs h e ownurses of Memorial Hospital Long Branch, Soprano G jRepair. 80 King St. WBw- 17 (.Cliest S. 259.00 MA1orfnimlmnt shed n aae waet o biligsba nw ndDs.KethSlmo ndA.MealstPelCont Fstvld:! daîryEas o BwiatvtlexZ2 -. i92 Acre far epeiece PoneCO3-5gonderCossoil, ful i2 pic been given First and Second F. MeKenzie for their kind S' ilmscbyteSna*Cleaners. 42-tf! M . .' anti . carin Pecia musandbyfthe2 Angeonable payments nblne theconeninceo! he esi. Sehool under the leadership foCA evc to uf 28 e u. (t. Chest ------- 379.00- CONCRETE - BRICK Cosy 4-room bnaoalhm.rnigwtr ls th nts iibencpoft u ithe el Be goad and kind ta others IMrs. Albert Bothwell. Even- garage business. Comnplete help on farmoy. A--usi-n o etîg tri n een,-0 Whie n hisertwyi ngSevie ileb hldat soc ad quputei.lame Ptheii U A -238.5I:-LOK---I NES ageladsaedlocetrle, en Whiemoai 7:30 p.m. Serine wl e hurhol vid~ e o'fie ne- local Post Offices andi G eieral ~w i u V i e_ _l c to , a k n 7s o w t 0 c e f r i 6 c e ti~e - îî,v acidets or for OPNINGS in --y25-i-sself-containe -d. A 338, omc oe atNw loeyusStrike, Solicitors for ite(JMESNTIover 710 years o! age. ings! Exclusive territary, big 2HI0STpics adKoiuen-g- East.____ utnng' M o n d a y I o F r i d y'îo s a n d lo e l: I a y b e e uErB a m n.h e n a1e . C B N T H N f a i h e a e u s r o u r p r - v i i n , s w î g m a h i e , t .I i ti g r o n i m a l befoo, 6ro o i d r c k h m e e w foe er cuo, o m nvle.O tMj, commission, bons, etc. A l furjniture. appliances, tee-11FURNISHED apanm n, b d ae. Pîe $ 5 0 fo n evee5r. .o n o r b e fo re th e 2 3 rd d a y f .faP k re u e r i îcln oa n b t . 6 K i g S . c s e, w h 2 e x r lo . a l 9 . . t . .Forgotten, my' da lig . you Ju îy, 1960, full particulars oa! ki ____ndbat b their c retrgeratoy - - ~f I NEWCASTLEduets needed every day, fuilly Also sell and exehauge. 59~ B l Th mdmcovooiî pt $10 Weekly wihl be, neyer. îhircaim. HAYut 3Ke- -_Gen lralInuac Agent gaatemd îg W hn Akt21ls odto.Nc oain -Lvngy reebee biImmediately afier the sadysoe 59 baby * 1920 erate price. Familex Products,3-21 42-tf MA_3-2759. _ _____ -Pce ndtra riag . Àlso a W eekly Ca p lw fe Ruy and familY. 2,5- 1'l 23rd day af July, 1960the ivi tor $21)vr cuu cleae ___ __$89;fIab ,et. D 1600 Delorimier, Mont- 373.APARTMENT, 3 ro s e- 4 Roid hm, es e ly C m icrig, 2:vctmceae,1-ira.25-1 ALL kinds of live poultry, heetlag iin-cslemîhsnalhm kitch-ntt RS T P EVA N TO 1 loig m- distribuied amongst the patie'reg $8950, zeduced t $3950 LiviDstock fo Sa e - ________________ faies , nd ew atrts an d . ckernc mary of a dean husband and enîitled thereto, bavîng segard with gtîarntee ga s teve, $15- Sae' e'r as ai es atricksM. wat.r, moe bahswrenupatd.Pie, M A 3 -2 9 2 4 f t er D a v id H e ry 1a n n a tto o iy t a, c la im s of w h ich th e d re sse r an d r m rro , S o : steý P O N Y,, o ne yea r old, - ch ild' R D O a d t l v s a n r p isse h n R R . P o e 7 n 13 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ - -sed aay 1950.3,saîlsolicitors for the Executon1tbesadtbls e pet. P liane CO 3-2484 . 25-1RAOp dterevi sick-uep aud colecia . 2-t RE-oo.d aarPhtinonmei Bthny7nîer Tenders VJanted The Years may Wipe oui many DATED ai Bo%&ti,îla *y BsjtEN 'oksie pigs, nMA - - Gere'. 5KigNewcastle, newly d oaed $350 thennhaveenotice.i'd C tre1 9 aingavet'1 TEN e -sh:10Yrkshepigs, niE d vr.Gog'.8 gS. HIGHEST prices pald for livei linoleum and tUe loos w- 8Rond tPnyo things. Ontanio, this l4 îëêhidayOotarJneis Bowmany oflle.ePho.e MAwmseven ' PhoneMAipouetniveegoose.fCOat-er4. fhoaeh-Apiece bat.hroomf $45umonth.oowithe4-piecefebath.,Prie New$4000 TN ES ihbereied by But this they wipe out neyer; A.D. 1960. 3-7231h. r25-I f eeksoneaId. CO 3-2534 the undersigned untîl Juiy 6, The memary of those happy STRIKE & STRIKE, 5425-i GUARANTEED tehevision and i- rtticks,dscrap iran, ags, 1 PonMeNaTh 25651wth$0 on 1~~~~60,~~~~ fa te ntalain ay aniseset. 8 wes l.wehl radia service, ta al make. -2ea 43 nOshawafui-s. Phon inc0 fr hingallatowlW ~ewne Iltofter EGH pgs we ld. Samne day service. Tehevision RA 323 OsanacoVictAorMN, nforen rg wl.P'c 220 flush tailets. 38 King 29bvds arses t.,~e started, also goose with seven Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. __ 48-tf nVco Man, igStet ow $50 2toilets and 1 traugh in Kirby f Ahways remembened by wife Bowmanville. Ont.. See the newv Gertuan gsig two weeks ohd. Tele-1 t! Schaol, S.S. No. 14. Clanke and fml.2-11 Solicitors for Estate aofTEEOph'n A3 2 1 .2î .lA s d ii a-n o e bdom ad fi ahonBw avlewtîa~l oe a so th e re m o v a l o f ad to ile ts. fa il3 . 5- VO l a b uosn ed. 4-A_ _ 3 -2 7 2- W es,-îtc e n li in g ra m , R o nî d b uiie .i ________ _______________ ________ _______ heavy wning, elctnie w ien convaiedces Work ta be done during school WHIT-In loving nmemory of Olga_ - fLl-IuSTS-e-Pesonl tres turndtaalh makesNo!sig Hme heaf or. via hliidays. For specifications my dear husband George-FISET ents nalelectrie matons. H-An hcc oTHoHaen fNu rsiHom e tAvalle meit-tefon.Pîe$050 Sec'y o! Schaol Board, Orono. 26. 1956. aodCs wtih Wlu Tablets help "pep-up" thous-3-057tfand sm-ive ptet, 3-7035.23t Mr n rs aodCa- wdshant ands of1 men., women pst 40. REPAIRS ta al makes a! sew- lounge TV. Fuliy licensed,, COTTAGES-Kil Kr os- . Wl ____ ___9__ 5-2) I have anly Your meinonv dean well. Part Hope. announce the' LOWEIST PRICES new building. modemn Visitons ikeeping cottages., e a - husband ePggemetJohnherDe e a g e m n t Ir his r y o u n e tT-.ny\,IAra l d u g it. n a h i e . F e p c k p a d w e l c o m e . R e a s o n a b l e r a t e s . l a n d R e d s t o n e L k . S a o e l o n i G n r l I s r c R e c e p tio n Torem em ber the resi of m y d u h e , Ii a y t ._ _ _ 1de lg m iv e . Lave -t s Ba g i heNew c a s t l 4441 8 f or w eekly, m od em c n e -1 N w a teP o e 4 i HYGEN luce Goge amiredelDuc IC supplies - (Rubben l Centre. 559 KingW. 'Telephonie -------Iiences, $50 per weicudgSaemn be~so othmfa hi reds frvrL Mbir. Gafin . Thc niCal l 171 Bond S.Es goods) r nailed pastpaid in plain MA 3-7231. 44'fW n e dneighbors ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 B od-t1E s sealed e nve ope w it h price list. R E PA IR S t a al m akes o ! e - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b a h rt r . b . M n o a d M u t o , B w al dnihoson Wednesday,i As 1 treasure the image o!fj nage ta take place on Satur- OSHA WA RA 8-6051 Six san pies 25c, 24 samples1 frigeratars, domestic and com- DEAD and crippleti farm stock, rison, West GuildfrOtro lite9,190,2-tbra -9 VughuinGogsLmir le uc 4t atd'e ot odsfsny ane 2,16,2-5ad7-9 y. day, July 23rd, 1960, at Il s1.00. N Lil Order Dept. T-28,1 mercial: mihkîng coohers. Hig- picked up prompthy. Telephone 1Plione West Guildfr 24o' Rs Dvtsn ehn entho heicasinoers Ee mebry. Rua. ie ',." i rt Hope nitedNov.-Ru bber Co., Box 91, Haru-igan vltrîir Limited. 38 KîngiCOhfax 3-2721. Margwill FurlBowmanvihle MA 379.Poe2 >rj il i t',, '0.>., ~' . "01%. 7 tf ' r vrn v n,.9 v242 "" t ,MR r-OAWÀmrnAlu «»Ammmmm&- -