Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 3

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lace jacket sheath with floral bat, champagne accessories LeinTusesA " I w at"Dne and corsage of Pink carna- e inTute At"0d S as D nr o tions. To assist, the groom's e mother wore a dusty rose lace su 11 l'gown with matching accessor- iIur vvaang ~an oge ~of roses and 1sn The bride's travelling en-1 o semble for the wedding trip i to Floyida was a Dior Nlue sl shantung sheath and jacket, Fr topped by a soft blue tweed -die.,d coat, navy and white accessor-Ai les and corsage of roses and bei carnations, On their return tior Mr. ind Mrs. Cooke will re- Stei COOKE - BICKLE illusion fell fromn a calot form- .side in Scarborough.I ed cf tulle petals encrusted! The bride, who is a regis-1 Bay Before a lovely setting Of with seed pearis and she car- tered nurse, attended Bow- Bna standards of white chrysan- ried a cascade bouquet of ros- manville High School and is den themums and white tapers in,, es, white carnations and ste- a graduate of Oshawa Gener- candelabra in Trinity United phar.otis. ai Hospital. Mr. Cooke, a tea- Ve Church, Bowmanville, on Sat- The bridai attendants were cher by profession, is a grad- w urday, April 91h., at 3:30 in waltz length gowns of im- uate of East York Collegiate, r c'ciock, Barbara June Bickle, ported brocade designed with Victoria College. University e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. basque bodices, cap sleeves, of Toronto, and is on the staff Charles R. Bickle, and Mn. rounded necklines and bouf- of W. A. Porter Collegiate,H Philip Bernard Cooke were fatsit.Mi fbnrMssScarborough. rs united in marriage. The groom Marion Harris of Toronito was Several pre-nuptial parties istesn fM.an n.in Canterbury blue and wene held in honor o! the Pt Bernard J. Cooke o! Toronto. 1 bridesmnaids Mrs. R. Makin, bride. Miss Marion Ha'rris,On gru ofvy didas dnern ,ttdd oer7vernsfIar Rev. W. K. Housiander was Toronto, and the bride's cou- Miss Carmen Dyke and imotnta' audaub theoffciaingclegymn nd Sm issLaraneJa ieoB. Patterson were co-hostesses Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion are the theFirst World War. From left to right:,Percve e n the wedding Music wvas played1 Town, in heavenly bliie. Thein ' for a~ miscellaneous sbower at trustees, ail of them veteran'rs of World War 1. They field, Dr. V. H. Storey, Alex Mairs, Joe O'Neill and. K. by organist Mr. A. Collisori. petal-covered haîf bats match- Ithe home o! Miss Pattenson, fiatec Soloist Mrs. S. Black sang ed their gowis and they car- 'Toronto. A misceîîaneous were present and played an active part in the Vimy Jack Living. Giff "The Wedding Prayen" and ried cascades of white shasta shower was held by the ___iatc «"My World". 'munis and pale Pink camna-1grooms aunt, Mrs. J. Coulter, tran Given in mnarniageb be!tions.1 Toronto, and Mrs. E. Lunn and: nciac rs m e no s r te Bar4 father the bride wore a nfoor- Mr. R. G. Bromley of North1 Miss Nancy Lunn, Town, were C hor l S oi etyw I~say, 1length gown of peari white Bay was best man. The ush-1 also co-hostesses for a similarRn lSv abYo Italian brocade featuring a îers were Mr. J. Gaskin, To- shower. Ba let yllarMe full skirt sweeping back into ronto, and the bride's brother, Miss M. JewG.l andMrs. G C oncerts ak a chape] train and topped by Mn. Lewis Bickle. wl n r. Webster, Town, bonored the Dance students from Osh-!and Nadine MacDermaid, all CO a fitted bodice with a scoop For the reception in Trinity bride with a pantry sheif w awa, Bowmanville and New-,of Oshawa. min, lier fingertip veil o! French 1 er chose a sandalwood rose A personal shower was beld A t JDo'n , Hm p tn~E Hall, Oshawa, recently toi were Dale Wilson, Susan Bar- mai _______________________________________ a th hme f rs.R.Makndemonstrate the Royal Acad- , day, Leslyn Chamberlin. Biw -Toronto, and Mrs. F. Jamie-j On Apnil 6, 1960, the Bow- fund. Donations may be sent eniy Ballet syllabus for their Charlene Shrewing, Dianne &n THRD A NU L INE Town, washes for a manville Choral Group under to Mn. Arthur Hamilton, Trea- parents and friend's. lYurkowski, Carol Brown, Jo- K THIR AN UAL DIN ER teaand miscellaneous soe.the leadership o! Mn. Hugh surer, Tynone United Church Those taking Part in the anne Chmara, Marilyn Pav- Ms Oshawa and District Branch of Martin with Mns. Stanley Organ Fund, R. R. No. 5, Pnia* wr Carol Wight,i lenchuk, Dianne Czosnek, and Fi Pane at the piano pnesented Bowmanville. Rhonda Kavanaumh, Wendy iMarilyn Burnett, aIl o! Osh- ght« T eCnda ibtcA scainROSEVEAR - KASTER a rit concert at Tyrone Anderson, Tenny Kitney, Su- awa. Suný 'T eClto be held on Tinity Luthenan Chunch, United Church. This concert Concert at Hampton san Clarke, Brenda Bamber, Joan Graham, Sylvia Mac- N.1 ?Walkerton, was the beautiful was presented under the spon- On Apnil 8th, 1960 the Bow- B o w m a n v i il e. Elizabeth Donald, Jennie Stout, Louise T UESDAY, APRIL 26th 1960 stting for the wedding on sorship o! the Tyrone United manville Choral Group under Pearce, Glenda Johnson and Whitney, and Lynn Hellyar 'e' y hrhChoir. the leadership o! Mr. Hugli Janice Rickand fromn Newcas- from Bow"Nmanville. at 630 pm. sarpSaturday Apnil 2, Mn owad Comes at2:ih3r0 tnevte Debra Tomaluk, Laurie Next Saturday. April 9, l at 6:30 p.m. sharp ~p.m., of Ruth Rochelle, daugh- M.RwadCobs atnwt r.Salyte ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence president o! the choir was Payne at the piano presented Maplebeck, Dania Store, Irene these students wiIl take their Northminster United Church Kaster, Waîkerton, and Ed. master o! ceremonies and in- l a vaniety concert in Hampton Cox, Linda Clark, ValenielBallet test when Miss Mary SimoeSt N AtRoslndRd. Obaa ar Larmer(Larry) Rosevear,itouced Mr. Martin and the lUnited Cburch new Christian Racz, Debbie Hann, Judy Deverson is bere from the Wa1t so9 ! r adMr.J choir. Mr. Martin led a sing i Education Centre. This cn Tomkins. Beverly Tindaîl,1 Royal Acadenxy, London, Eng- ney:, GUEST SPEAKER Rosevear, Tyrone. Rcv. A-son g.with the audience parti - cent was preselnted under the Dalene MacDonald, Colleen land. _________and ýbuckle officiated. White car- c.ting. Rev. Fred Jackson, sponsorship o! the Hi C group Mr. Peter lVhelen, Vice-Pres. Toronto and District dies and white snapdragonI the minister. thanked the o! Hampton United Church. DIn Branch o! The Canadian Diabetie Assoc. adorned the altar. group for coming and express- Mn. Martin led a sing song DB ay f Qi t o f r r The Power of Creative Living ed how much the concert was with the audience participat- y f Qi t C n e . to The bride, given in mariagei enjoyed. ing. Rev. Fred Reed, the min-W M S ec s ~u er Tickets may be otie rmayeeuiemme r b e ahr a daintily The flowers in te curch ister, was master o! ceremnon- W . . . Elects ffice Spea atHnesnsBook Store, Oshawa, or caîl MA 3-7157. gowned in waltz length white were placed by Mn. Cam Jor- les. Lunch was served by Most nylon organza over taffeta don, a resident o! Tyrone, es- 'members o! the Hi C gnoup. St. John's United Church, IPts o! oven $145,000 foi Mis- onh Admission $.75 with rhinestone tim. Sue pecially for the concert <pots Mn. Roy Chant, presi dent, Brockville, was host to the sions. accid Everyone invited - diabetie or non-diabetie wore a shoulder length veil o! yellow mums). Iof Hi C group thanked the 'two and a bal! day annual hisinStew~ardsbi-p sec-ou _________________of_____________________net_ caught to Lunch was served to theChrstia ______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ ______ _____ _ o! e broid red ne rbineochorlggnoupbyormbensi!n'Ch raletringfor cotie. meetngfo! thenBaeo! Qunte ntass Diss iD s is E wards a- irao pal adrhn-chrltiara o! pef M.antoîsneprs-Cofrec rac o heW-sadthtpayriandsprt-cm s tones and carried a white the church choir. Mrs. Alden MmalonRie, rs-Cn's rence Brch o ety. W alidtatgarayeh r is the pirt- co Bible with spray o! white bya- Hoar and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell dent of the Choral Gî-oup nrin Msîo.a H. Soie y a o ndia thdeshe oyut cithflres ndwhite orchîd. were in change o! the lunch. tbanked the group for the Prsidtli Mnsal B., H. Sper, n mo sening the por o!yo r cint florts an weneMn. Milton Rainey, presidentluc and the opportunity toISih alcnee n o to te ordt to us '~L.)sterThe bridai attendants e m o helnhan o sc~a~ egosatesfro te Peabyte-heantk s adivinds o! min antea m~e ais /f r & ste maîd o! honour Margrto! the choral group thanked!slng in Hampton. There ws eaessinsan wlce the wosbt r k H iars diin mne i nd thea aste, ssterof he teinfor he unchandforabout 100 people in theaui lso OhwCburomnate Girls' and Boys' Genuine Heek Suede Ann ses Dtr onthe being invited to penform in ence. - ias ofOshaa. obougkwies an teun bride, Kbridesmaids DonTroeTh poga e frth Belleville, Kingston, Renfrew, Ms .C okn non Scholtz, frîend o! the brideTroe The fprcaoarneenseei g~ameioer"Niht Peterborough and Lindsay. ced that a wide selection o! Incude jcke, odprsandbatarorns istrandfl were5e split o! the profits. o! Song". Group 1.-Sing and Mrs. L. Eiliott presented the 'books was available. lneldesjackt, odprs ad ht gooins sste, aiid lowr gil Terewere about 200 people Rejoice, I Must Silng, How report of the nominating coiW' The three departments e Sizes'from infant to 3X Carol Scholtz, little friend o! linTtheadine. Lovcly Are Thy Dwellings; mittee with all offices filled. ing stresseci weîe Mission T $895an $95te in Thley wa enrefrkny- ThS the first Tyrone Group 2.-The Happy Wan- The Memorials and Resolu- Bands, Missionary Monthly cunmoran with afea for a new ongan. The commît- Splendored Thing: Group 3. M. N. Pegg and the Stoîy o! tian Stewardship. Excellent BABY rnrc c COmerb ATdsad ag tee in charge o! this fund is Annie Launie, You'll Neyer the year was summarized by talks were given by these se- Ij.iJ ~bow at back, in a ast el Mn. Ralph GlaspeIl, Mr. Ar- jWalk Alone, Old Mother H-ub- Mrs. C. G. Dowdall. The trea- cretanies. with matching bat - Sizes 1 and 2 and yellow. They wore match- thur Hamilton and Mrs. Gon- bard, Group 4.-In An Arbour suner's report, presented Mi-BsseFenho $4,9 Jo$79 in hedpices and c:rîeddyn H. Brent. Tyron een, Dancing on the Green Mrs. A. Seniven, showed ne- People's Mission in Hamilton, - tbesnatteP-expi essed concern for e BABY 3-PIECE OUTFITS Lvas 1best man. hes er $0.0 o rdsthe fun ndlnd Ygo ol-on;Lockhari's Secion Chritia hhe i.sono mis- incuds oa, bt ndslck brothers o! the bride andi Service Club 49 have donated1 Group 5.-( Ladies Alone) - sion churches need assistance Sizlu es it a and lck groom, Richard Kaster, Walk- I$25.00. IChanming Chloe, Fantasy on The regular meeting o! the fnomn more fortunate church-1 c Sie ad2erton, and Kenneth Rosevear, i The organ committee hope! Nursery Rbymes, Over the Home and Scbool Club was es, but assistance must be Tyrone. that ail the present and former 1 Rainbow; Group 6. - Every- held at the scbool last Friday given in a Chnist-like way. $10.5 Fo theInfomal ecepi fniends o! Tyrone United ýone Sang, Madame Jeanette, night with a fair attendance. Mrs. E. C. Ainaron, -candi-, at te hme f te bides pa- Curc wil sppot th oran I Se te Mon.Mrs. W. Gibson opened the 'date secretary, made a plea, BOYS' JACKETS ents, the bride's mother wore meeting andi Mrs. Stephenson for full-time workers in the, Sizes 2 to 8-- $1.98 to $4.95 a dressmaker suit o! delphin- read the minutes. church. Dr. Florence Murray!I $1.9 iumblu wit pin acesso. -o! Korea bas just sent an ap- Slacks to match e1.andiu orbau e oit pink acces. The meeting was then turn peal or a nurse to supervise Assisting was the gnoom'si cd over to the teachers, Mr'. G. the nurses in our new Korean! mothe in heat dres ofCollins and Mi55 B. A. Ail- hospital. University graduatesý <Jon & Judy Shoppe ~erix ~4ns.o~1Ae- dred. The progran consisted are needed to téhE mint gaseaanforeign langua ge, fr a 15Kn t .Bowmanville silk with matching accessor- o ru ign yteS.ada oeg agae o 15Kn t .ies and corsage o! gold 'mums I Jr. rooms. three-y'ear peniod in bigh Forthewedingtnpto ewThe Sr. noomn put on a skitlsehools in Korea, Japan and! York, Cornwall and Kexnpt- RO taken from David Copperfield.HOl og noewt ville the bride chose a suit The Jr. class put on a fineijdesire for Christian ser-vice o! pale blue and white Scot- ULT ET puppet show o! Red Riding and a longing for travel iný tish moleskin with blue ac-1 ULTYIAS od answer by considering this. Icessories and white onchid cor-1 47 KING ST. B - MA 3-5081I Dixon Raynard played a fine "Our money is provicling the sage. jFresh Kilied, O1en Ready j solo on bis Cornet; Neil Allinmachînery and lubnication. Mn. and Mrs. Roseveanr uWi1 Nyr ee !oe a piano solo, Hu.gh Allun piavedibut bow nse1less it. i, without lVlth cross of Lounty. 'and ,Mrs. Tb-ornton Feèr-gu'son mUnstns H A T S an family, Tetn $2.0iai Stls llSie er mother, Mrs. W. Henning Hampto W i 1Sr., Oshawa. $5.95 pMr. and r.ClsBchd MEDALS The north group of our In-' X... UflR aa n adMs.Hny o a er njyali$9 and Danlene, Town, were Sun- The ideal Easter glft April meeting. $4.95 up a usswthM.adMs o! teringsiler.The business was conduct- Bill Barchard, Lois and Jim. cd by the president and it wasI The Clarke Township tcach- 'meietshe irst monthlv; ers bcld their regular meeting ternoon o! each Tues av a!- D K ES4.. ut Lockhart's School on Mon- mont at :00 S1 day afternoon. Drop in and browse around, p.m. The next regular Ladies Club 1-hv ayohriesPlans wil be made for a, Spring and Suinmer Styles wil meet at Mrs. M. Pedwell's. ha e an thr-te strip through the Bell Tele-. The ladies are askd to bing sultable as Easter glfts. Mrs. building at Oshawa. and Fabrics their favorite recipe. Mr.Kersey took charge o!' the program. Mrs. Smale spoke 295u Large Selection of on the motto "It's the littie' $12.5u The tbing to fear most ln COL RED BEA ED NEC LAC S things that count." :cancer is fear itself. Don't let COL RED BE DE NE KLA ESA very interesting reading fear prevent you fo seek- $1.00 U~~~~ by Mrs. Kersey and music wvas l 'V PL I f C provided br Miss Horn and, JA C I C IL SY Our best defence against Mrs. Caverly. cancer is a logical attitude to- M arr's JOWOIIOVy The recreation period con- LDE'WA wands the disease, free from sistedi o! the making and mod- LDE'WA superstition, mistaken ideas. 43 King St. W. Bourmanville ,elling o! Easter bonnets with 37 King St. W. Bowmanville and panie. Check with your Mrs. Chant in charge. Lunch Canadian Cancer Societv for SMH BEVERAGES 71] '!oiiwed,.information about cancer. .en set up to tesch aewn' >king, food nutrition, bud- eting, ehild cane and Bible i S udy. Those in attendance ne- M rn to thein homes with a e nse of service and a desire shar thir ndcklrein life in the home. Dr. Tay- Shock ratmont rconducted the election and Q. .4 --b- et aMys>féur>hm stallation o! ôfficers. had epedahock sreaam.wst.e Plans for &chool for Lead- for. a ervout diaird&-. lReru. 'to be held at Ontario La- fkmse dsitional tvument. VAS' es' College, Wbitby, from noasId myoneune wma Sog. Lgust 15 to 18 bave alneady nel? !en- made unden the direc. A. Simphy statcd, "shock treât. >n o! the dean, Mrs. A. M.1 ment" (electro-convulsive ther- ewart. apy) is the passage of a s'euy Nineteen sixtv executive o! s$maîl' current of electricity ây o! Quinte Confenence through the brain for one or two ranch W.M.S., is: Past Presi- seconds. If the patient bas not. mt, Mrs. J. H. McKinnev- been given a drug ta put bim to aokli; Prsiden, M . 1slep the current itself will In- Sookiper smit Fahs F duce unconsciousness. Since ne , Soer, mith Fals, irt discomfort is experienced, many ýe-pnesident, Mrs. L. Ellio ' . patients who dread furiher shock' veed; Se-cond Vice-president, treatment are hard-prcssed for a' rs. W. F. Younig, Brockville; reason. It may be the aftereffecMs oording Secretary, Mrs. . When the patient awakens, recal 1Lewis, Peterborough; Cor- cf past events and the ability te sponding Secretary. Mrs. C. think ahead are duled. This tem- Dowdali, Carleton Place; porary source cf bcing "out o! -asurer, Mrs. A. Scriven, contact" causes anxiety. The re-ý derborough. suit may be a strong and increas-. Secretary o! Christian Stew- ing fear of further treatment. The ship, Miss Doris Edwards. Isituation is a delicate one so don'l ndsay; Mission Cincles, Mrs. bc too harsh on your relative. A. Mellow, Kingston, Affil- , tue apparent indifference may b.' ~d CG.IT., Mrs Haold due te the mental condition it- fia, Cnle.ton Place;Harfl-d self.Not many of us look for.' ffdn Cxplon PlMsac. e r fil ar a trip te the dentist te 1 îd, BExllele:, M ss i . e- 'have a tooth filed. We know1 ind, ellevlle; issio how exe,, that somnetimes we musi'ý nds. Mrs. G. Hadden, Lind- ndergo temporary discomfort or' 7,Baby Bands, Mrs. G. S. pi un arrtahreevdo ung, Lanark; Associate the original trouble. 'bers, Mns. J. Wbyte, Lan- This is à drug store ln the . fui andidate, Mrs. D. Duche- meaning of lthe word--renderin4g , Osbawa, Christian. Citi- trlIy professional prescription iship, Mrs. R. Stevens. Bow- service and offering the fineui iville; Community Friend- quality health alds and sicloeom p, Mrs. Ivison Munday, suPPlies. vmanville, Literature, Mrs. C. Hopkins, Bowmanville,; MA 3,91-S sionany Montbly and World ends, Mrs. H. Ireland, Bni- n;Press. Mrs. . Free, daerland; Supply, Mrs. M. uL!U1U aMIlL Pegg, Claremont. 1 A AR -.T I 0NEI m dtress: "IT have stewed kid- s, boiled tangue, fried hiver 1plgs' feet"l. ier: "«Don't tell me your ubles. Just bning a menu". ýaking o! food . .. even the st dainty diner gets gravy his tie, or some other food ident odeurs. That's wbcre .expert dry cleaning cane ies in. Removing spots is ane o! our speciaities when entrust your dry cleaning s. When if comes ta dry 1 uing come to us for guan- cd workmanship.. BOWNANVILLE CANCER BLITZ 'ESDAY, APRIL 261h 7-8 PXN :LEAN Up FOR SPRING! DECORATING S UPPLIlES From CANADA PAINT SANITONE-flat SUN-GLOW--serni-gloss LOXOR-gloss enamel LOXON-concrete floor enamel bove paints eau be tinted to suit your requirement. COMPLETE LUNE 0F WALLPAPERS For bargains drop in and see our Bargain Counter. ABERNETHY'S PAINTS & WALLPAPER 3King St. W. Phane MA 3-5431 Â cmvzModems keep in form with light food and drink. And today's Pepsi.Cola swings right along. Never licavy, neyer 100 sweet, Pepsi refrehle. withmut fillhirg. Put several cartons on your fIxopping liti Buy it in the hancly' 6-bottle carton TD., 124 Church St. Bowmanville, Ont PAGZ m TFIURSDAY, APR. 14th, 1960 - TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVII.LE, ONTARIO Carl Leslie Phone MA 3-5431 r-re)-

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