,%tat#ina -,,. Presented With 2O;.Year Plaque Durham County's Get Family Ztrlrna After several delays due to excessive snow storms, W. H. "Mick" Brown held his annual Case Show on Friday night with an overflow etowd present 'at the Town Hall. During the evening, Mr. Brown was presented with a plaque te mark his 2th anniversary as a Case Farmn Equipment Dealer in Bowmanville. 'El H. Burke, right, the Toronto Branch General Manager of Case is shown .making the presentation to Mr. Brown. Excellent. Program Huge Crowd Packs Town Hall For Brown's 2Oth Anniversary As a J. 1,. Case Dealer Here .The annual Brown's J. 1. presented she would give the-____________ Case Show held at the Town welcome speech. Hall Auditorium on Friday Miss Barbara Brown was 1o tO fc evening was again a tremen. the M e for the evening, and Ho r c gala show had a special sig- An excellent travel film _ nificance as it marked the 20th "Kiondike Holiday" produc- H u sF r anniversary of W. H. (Mick) ed by the Associated ScreenTL I I Brown as a Case Company Stories Company, openec the î A~L~i Dealer. program. >f T is W e ken A large crowd from Bow- Miss Marjorie roder's Post Office hours for the manville, and the district, fi- lovely voice was liejd to ad- Holiday are as follows: ed the large hall to capacity. vantage in severaU beautiful ---Good Friday: Box Lobby, Despite the fact that this was vocal numbers. "Don by the 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; the fourth date set for the River" and "Lonely Guitar" Public Lobby, 8:30 a.m. Brown's Case Show this sea- Vr-61ed especially popular. to 10:30 p.m. (Stamps and son the interest and enthus- Two square dances by pu- General Delivery.) iasm of the audience was puls, aged nine to 11, from the There will be no Money greater 'than ever. Three pre- Base Line Sehiool, were pre- Order Business, Savings vious e~es the show had to sented by the youngsters Bankc Business, or Rural lepoMponeci because of. ter- known as "Brown's 1960 Dan- Mail Delivery. One Street c snow storms. cers." They had been trained Letter Box Collection 2:00 'Urs. W. H. Brown welcom- by Miss Arnold, their school P.m. Receipt and Des- d aIl those attending the teacher. Ptho al suul W. She said that some Ciem Lavallie, the sales ptho al suul ago hen er-~n 1 r-la~omçtion_. manager for Cý> - 6 - L 6:00B eeaàsed her for nlot having takr- ada of. the J. I. Case Company by, 80am en any part in the show she In an interesting speech toid P.m.; Public Lobby, 8:30 had promised that when the the audience that field use a.m. to 12:30 Noon:, 1 AIL postal business wil 2th Brown's Case Show was <Continued on page seven) be conducted. from 8:30 a.m. to 12:.30 Noon. There willb delivýery of Ru- Form Ars Cat AsIsnl ral Mail. Receipt and despatch of mails as usual .For East Central Zone ter Box Collections. On April 2nd at the Easti 9, 1960. The committee met Central Zone Workshop on Re- in Port Hope at the home of 1 0 1 v Schçol at Port Hope, a group for the trip on July 9 were met to organize an Art and discussed. Hope to have peo- ~ The communities represent- Ing group. Some one will be ed were Bowmanville, Belle- thce give leadership inT ville, Cobourg, Marmora, New- design for other craftsmen. A To Easter? castle, Oshawa, Peterborough, group who do china painting Port Hope, Stirling and Tren- have asked for instruction in This was the question raised toi],. water colour painting. Arran- by Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers in A committee was nominated gements will be made for this introducing h er Meditation to help with organization and activity, during the worship period at nomnaton or xectiv wil -Mr. Kraemer hopes ta have St. Pau]'s Afternoon Wom-an's noakplc tio foraexeeutivewil irst bulletin in the mail early Association meeting in the ing te be held the 2nd week snt me. The bulletin will be Stinday School on April l2th. in October. snttealal memnhers of the as- Mr. A. MWeGregot' read the ber ae M. ommtte mm-sociation. There are 32 paid Scripture St. Johin 14: verses The interim cnmte nm membens at the present 1-6 et yurhertb bersareMr.Max Heinritz, Pc- If any Art and Crafts6Legroup troubit b tenborough, Chairman; Miss lias something they would like , dy blieve as in med ,l Dora Purdon, Bowmanville, in the bulletin it should be boivc loi m-AdIwl Secretary Treasurer; Mr. Jas, sent ta Mr. J. J. Kraemer, 98 pray the Father and he wil Kraenicr, Oshawva, bulletin edi- Central Park Blvd. S., Osh- give you another comforter, ton; Dinectors: Mrs. Lewis An- awa, by May 15th. that lie nay abide with you drews, Belleville, Mn. Dale Anyone intenestcd in on forever- Easter is our- Faith- Bennett, Newcastle; Mrs. V ing the association iswloe Our Hope- but we have ai- E. Hall, Port Hope, Mrs. C. The fee at this time is sl.oo most let the Easter Bunny take H. Eîliott, Peterborough; Mrs. and this membership expires aven and commerciali7e this G. Scyffert, Peterborough. The Apnil 2nd, 1961. Membership veny sacned season. When new name of the Association is tO should be sent to Miss Dora life triumphs and Spningtime be East Central, Ontario Art Purdon, 52 Division St,, Box demonstrates anew the Eternal and Crafts As.,ociation. 966, Bowmanvilîe. parable- Not only is Christ Plans are being made forý This committce wiîî meet Risen, but we have this pro- un Art and- Crafts outing JUy again April 23rd in Port Hope. (Contînued on page seven) Oldest Vet.1 Darlinglon Sels $ 75,000 Debentures Ai Price of $98.80 cansidered at the meeting of ýwould lîke ta know the .........Darlington Township Couni- charges and what type of i ed in the Township Hall,!agreemnent wiIl be obtained," Hampton, on Tlîursday after- Mr. LMuLrdochi told the couniciî. nofon, Apnil 7th. Representa- j He explined that the plan tives of the ter'dering firmsiprovîdes for road widening if -' were also interviewed by the the Township Council should ~ ,.cauncil. find this neccssany in the fu- The cantnact for the $75,- ture. He also pointed out that 000 issué at 6U4 percent in- the sub-dividers hope ta have terest was awarded ta BellIthe people who live on adja- Gounlock, Toronto, at a pnice.cent pnopenty join the sub-, of $98.80 per 100. The Town-'division when the plan is ne- ship Caunicil aiso accepted the gistered. best tender fan a new 'gra derni Reeve Gannet Rickand said iwhich was submitted by the that the council will discuss J. D. Adams Company, Paris, the matter with the Planning IOnt. The purchase pnice for Board and establish a poicy the Model 550 with Diesel ina- that wili be fair ta the sub- I ton and snowplow equipment dividens and ail othen people George Crombie, in hîs Ost was $26,063. cancerned. pawas the aideat veteran of G. L. Murdoch of the firm On motion of Councillor Ç0orld War I ta attend thelCreighton, Fraser, Drynan and ýSidney Cornish. seconded b y Ylmy Night banquet at the!Murdoch, Oshawa, addnessed ýCouncillor Harold Muir caun- hal-n.a.da. hs h rcucil in regard ta theI cil decided ta considen the flrst tirne the local Legion rpoposed sub-dîvision in the pnaposed plan for the Cou r-, eW~h bas held such a cele-ICaurtice-Hancock Rond area. tice Property and ta notify the 0 ato. The ladies providediHe stated that the Planning 1sub-dividers egading te d- *Pd the Legion executive mcm- division Plan as laid out. A letter was received fnom ho«s served A. "Now we would like ta pro- (Continued on page seven> VOLUME 106 16Pa- --WMAN-L-E- -TARI T U SA , -APRIL ---yl --4th, 1960vaoj&bJLP FOUNDRY HOPES 71 Firsf War Vèts Hon oured by Legion With Vimy Banquet Seventy-one veterans of pressed the appreciation of World War I were royally en- The Êranch to the World War tertained at thé Vimy Night I yeterans as he emphatically Banquet held in their honour pointed out that- it was the by Branch 178 of the Cana- older members who worked dian Legion in theýLegion Hall to build the Legion they now on Saturday. The evening op- enjoy. ened with the ceremony of He extended sympathy to bringing in the colours and toWrdWrIvtrn ail stood while the Last Post tvho were unablI e tand and Reveille were played. h we ualto ten Branch president Ed Run- the Vimy Night Banquet be- dle, who'served overseas dur- (Continued on page seven) ing World War 11, proposed the Toast to the Queen. He n washo nl madno tt htaureg Iood Do n o wh as the o a t f thtable r World War 1. Grace was said by the Branch Chaplain, Per- Idflic ne re cy Greenfield.I__ Ladies Donate Dinner The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Çn Ma y 4t'h Canadian Legion donated and prepared the delicîous turkey Plans are underway for the dinner. Comrade Florence second Red Cross Blood Donor Knight, the past president, wsa Clinic for this area to be held the catering convenor. She was Wednesday, May 4th at the assisted by Comrade Millie Lions Comniunity Centre, Bates, the president, and Com- Bowmanville. The local Red rade Edythe Rundle. Others Cross executive hope that who helped were Comrade many more volunteer donors Rena Bathgate, Mary West- will join the ranks of those over, Evelyn Butler and Jean good citizens who registered Burton. and donated life-giving hincir PLANS T Aiter several weeks af indecision, the officiais of Bowmanville Foundry Company announced yesterday thtthey plan ta build a new $300,000 plant on the same site. The work will proceed immediately and by July lst of this year, they hope to reopen, barring unforseen delays in construction. C. E. Rehder, president af the company, and bis two sons Tom and Lawrence, said tbey were still ne- ceiving representations from communities and firms ail over Ontario urging them ta locate elsewhere. But, tbey bad decided they just couldn't move and let down their long-time employees who bave been voluntanily working so bard ta dlean up the burned ruins of the aid factory. "It just wouldn't be fair ta tbem," said Plans are now going forward to prepare the site. According as rapidly as possible for a to Mn. Rehder, their voluntany new plant -which will have contribution of labor was the about 36,000 square feet of ýmajor factor in bringîng about space. It will be a more mod- the decision to reconsctruct emn factory than the one here. destroyed in the fire on the night of March 9th. Almost al of the machinery will be new and even more up-to-date thanNew Mem bers Mr. Rehder stated thal t Rece ived at would be some months after the opening that a full staff . wouid be back at work., He',1 ' estimated that the fire had cost St. r aul's the company at least $30,000 At the Sunday morning ser- this year in contracts whîch vice at St. Paul's United have been lost. To replace Church on April loth, the fol- them, other business will haveîwngewmm rseer- to be fOund in the malleable ceig ed' ebr wr and gray iron field to again evd restore the -firmn to capacity By Cetificate- Mns. Gary production. Pettit, Miss Gail Snowden and While the company officias r.M yYelwes have been muliing over the By Profession of Faith: Jam- ored astieek y th OntrLoeoodIroIIsorsThey Executive Servesclini in Novem- move or rebuiid hene, about Cuthbertson, Phillip Eldridge, edabnutadpeetdhm ihagl ac The members of Branch 178 ber. . haif of the former staff have Ann Fenguson, Brian Hancock, and a two-headed stuffed caîf named "'Sally". Mr. executive and others whO There is. no substitute for been busy at the old plant, Larry Hately, John Lyle, Rob: Lovekin, who will be retiring to bis native Newcastle, served were: Peter Bathgate, blood. During 1960, in Ontario sorting out the good castings ert Lynch, Blake McArthun, is shown in this photo receiving the presentation from Frank Burns, Jim Firth, Gea. it will be necessany for Uh fnom the scrap and generally Susan Rivers, Larry Rogers, Samn Alexander on behaîf of the processors. For furth- Graham, Glenhoime Hughes, Red Cross Blood Transfusion cieaning up the debris in James Tomlînson, Jane van d' fti nqeeet e dYuga' Bob Hayes, Ron Johnson, Ab Service to coilect over 200- readiness for bulldozers ta Beek, Ruth Wenry and Bever- er detaxsoftiunqevn, eEdY nga' Mavin, Bill Mains, Ross 'Mc- 000 botties of blood to ensu 'e stant knocking down the walls ley Wright. comments on the edtorial page. Knight, Lorne McQuarrie, Ted adequate supplies for hospi- Sheehan, Paddy Welsh, and talized patients. Your local p Hoe rR p rt n om lit Jim Woodward. Red Cross Biood committee Home_________________Pu__ A fine address of weicome are doing evenything possible meE.P p sH arR p tsndC pl nt was given to the World War to see that ths inic operates I veterans by 'President Bd as snioothly as possible for h une at seeing them ail look se the donors. re Lnh Directors of Fede ration ü at e rah, ads haey If Yu are btween the ages At Library Tea i quét in their honour. In fact fered fnom jaundice, registen Tjme Board of DirectorsofAE I to hoi te im Ngh Ba- f 8 nd65andhae lo sf-o V NE N v U l> hepainted out that it has today, and make a date to at- the Bowmanville Public Li- been decided to make this tend the cîinic May 4th fnom bnary appointed a Special banquet an annual event. 2 to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 te Committee for Canadian Li-. l 5 Triuteto#()d weas, 9:00 p.m. Give the Greatest brary Week. George Vice, the , Trbueto'OdSwat' gift of all-Your donation may chairman of the board, was in g j ~~~~~~~~cial Committee and the other ______________ - members were Miss Apha By Clarence Allun Biggs, Assistant Deputy Min- IIl.I ?.Hodgins and Mrs. Roy Lun- Secretary-Fieldman ister of Agriculture, who pro- I 1 (Jney, secretary of the board.1 The regular monthly Di- mised the full support of hîs D y i h ~.it~ art ~.> tecesI deghtflly ectars meeting of Durham depantment to egg producersD yigh O it a d ie esThe dlgtul arranged County Federation of Agri- in the Province. He announc- tea given at the Library on culture was held at the home ed that a special Egg Market- f SNOWED OUT - The big cross country motor- ,Fniday aftennoon was well of Mn. and Mrs. Douglas ing Committce, chaired by a i Tm cycl raly sbedled or ood. attended. The many visitons Kemp, R. R. 1, Bowmanville, Tom Robson, Pres. of theSa i g T m cyce rllyschduld fr God riday at the new were weîcomed by Mns. on Thursday eveninq, 'Apnil Poultry Producers Assoc. hadSu , Mosport racing track near Pontypool bas been Lunney, Miss Hodgins, Mns. 7th. Reports wene given by been set up by the PoultnySu . Apr. 24 postponed due ta a surplus of snow. Apparentîy, F. W. Bower, the Libranian, Russell Earle, Ida, and Dal- Producens' Assoc. and his de- in that area, the stuff is stili piled quite bigb and and Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, ton Dorreli, Blackstock, on 'partment. The- departmnent A week trom tht. Suu- shos o ig o aay Cuî b w sah the assistant libranian, in the annual meeting of Co-op- wi]l undcrwnite the cost Of day the Sprîng battie be- shavowinr melting chy oudb e hl ange of the.Junior Library. erators Insurance Association this committee in its study of tween mothers and "asmati havea witerresort in our midst next Juiy, if the Mrs. D. McAnthun, a memben which they had attended as egg marketing conditions and weather doesn't warm up soon. of'the staff was also present. delegates. They pointed out its efforts ta develop a sound fry" over bedtlme begins î t t t t The beautifully appointed that C.I.A. was fast becom- egg marketing plan. Delegates anew. At 12:01 arn. Sun- BASEBALL MEETING - Now that hockey is just tea table was centred with an ing one of the fonemost in- asked the poultry onganiza- day. April 24th, when ws about over,wib roosoiggo popet exceptionally lovely arrange- surance companies in Ontar. tion te examine tariffs which "sping ahead" te Day- with rono howig goo prosects ment of pale pînk carnations, io, already standing founth in fonm a 15art of the cast of pro- p of winning the Ontario Intermediate "C"' tithe hast mauve iris and ychîow daffo- automobile pahicies sold in ducing poultny pnoducts. Pro- llght Savlng Time, the night, and the Maple Leafs backed against the dils in a silver bowl. Mrs. the province. This rapid pro- ducers want these tariffs ta gong sounds for the tirst wal b Caaden, bseai wethr 5 cmig. Wilfrid Canruthers, Mns. Geo. gress they attnibuted ta the be in fine with the tariffs im- of many nlgbtly sklrmlsh- Vice, Mrs. V. H. Storey and fine record of service ren- poesnpo.n nout o Murray McKnight, president of the Lakeshore Mrs. K. N. Morris pnesided dencd by the company. entening the country. A resol- . teis u tht terewil bea metig o avn te tacus.ution was passed requesting If you are not accustom- District, tlsu htteewl eameigo vrtetaus Report on Poultry that aIl containers of Ontario ed te staytng up late, yen ail coaches, sponsors and players, at Vincent Several students fnom Bow- Ron Brooks of Brooks eggs be mankcd as Ontania o'thv towtuni Massey Park on Friday morning around 10:30 manville High School, Miss Hatcheny, Bowmanville, ne- produced.0 dothv wtuni invit. laed.fo 5to2 er o g r Berta Higgon, Miss Carolyn ported on the Annual Meet- Farm Management the officiai time-just r.- es'clk ly iesfon1dt 1yas faeae Mason, Miss Barbara Ovens, ing of the Ontario Poultry A . arypeppua dc erwar arn heur S..Miss Betty Savery, Miss Di- Producers, held A.n. Toronto opla ane Trim, Miss Leslie Lander on March 29th. The meeting Agriculture Representative, Saturday nlght, April 23, NEW TIRE AGENCY - Ray Gibbs, wbo operates (Continued on page seven) had been addressed by E. M. (Continued on page seven) when you retire. the Sunoco station and garage on King St. East, ]Bowmanviile, announces this week that be bas D a H i o M k ie S p h r been awarded the agency for the famous Kelly Usina o ar T ak ie S e t r j r REBUl LD SHonored On Retiremeènt C. Reginald Lovekin, who will be retiring shortly as a government vegetàble inspector, was hon- tires. His advertisemeint is on-theèback page. RHýis son, John, wbo recently completed a mecbanic's course with bonors at tbe Dominion Institute of Trade, Toronto, bas joined bis father in the business. t t i.t t t RENOVATION UNDERWAY - Early this week, the former Lander Hardware *store was blocked off from the 'public view. Maber's sboes bave taken over the property and construction workers are doing a complete renovation to the intenior. A new front wiîi also be installed. No word has been received as to a probable change over and opening date. Also, we have no information con- cerning a possible tenant -for the present Maber store which will be vacated. t t t t t OPEN THURSDAY - We understand that most stores wiil be open tonight (Thursday) due ta the Good Friday holiday tomorrow. Many of the merchants are offering fantastic Spring bargains' in clothing, bousebold equipment, food, etc. Sbop- pers should bave a field day this weekend picking up the bargains in the first big buying spree of the season. f. t t t EGGS ARE GOOD - Local eggman, W. K. Nowak, bas been distributing a booklet pointing out tbe advantages of eating eggs reguiarly. Due ta adverse publicity, some people apparently believe that eggs can cause beart trouble. The bookiet refutes this claim and gives a good sales pitch for the food value, etc., which is found ini those delicacies that receive their biggest réception around Easter. If you bave not already received a copy, contact Mr. Nowak and he will be happy ta supplv you witb one. Also, there are some in a few of the grocery stores around town. During the Library Week display last week, one mitts, scarves, etc. Dr. Tremeer is shown in front of of the niost fascinating. exhibits was contributed by h er sPinning wbeel witb Baron sitting alongside, much Dr. Doris Tremeer af Manvers Road. She and h er 1 ta the deiight of these youngsters wba were thrifls husband raise Samoyed dogs, using the bair for wool J and excited by this particular exhibit. to make a wide variety of articles such as sweaters, l'o - - ~ - ---- ------- ----w w v. w~.wm n 16 Pages ' BOWMANVUM, ONTARIO, TMMSDAY, APRIL 14tli, j96-0 10e Per Copy nabianl' zbt NUNSM là JULY lst