------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------w-r----- - rýGE Robt Camron.1 crleded in thevcoletndMs Ad r.Mand Mrs .Murrhan d- _ fams, Bowma Snvîlle, we er .un- er, clufu ritwo guaysitof r r. and Mrs. avexhibisce Actic souveni s Robt. Camrone. bornetemb rev. angMrs.kA * Mr. and Mrs. H Mrye Gasn d c erbe irra M .W wefmil wetre day supper . st B rt, bdeaiuldrftoode of Mur.tsnd Mr. ad . aid icesoont, yOK s Ty e Phseoyrne b o it M r.HTaganynka Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner af Courtice and a fascinating and family, Toronto, were Sun- exhibit by Dr. Doris Tremeer day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. wliose hobby is spinning fine Harper. We welcome Mr. an dwolro th haro he Mrs. Harper back to the farm- olfmth har fhe Mr- and Mrs. D. Craig and~ Samoycd dogs. Mrs. Alice Pat- Margie, Mrs. F. Partner were erson also had some of bei' Sunday afternoon visitors of James Bay region paintings onl the Kovacs. Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and Mi's iila Alfred Milison were delegates 1 from Tyrone L.O.B.A. attend-Â M m rial H sia ing Grand Lodge of Ont. E. à t Kingston last Thursday, F" n day and Saturday. FrW: V eekly R.eport iMurray McLaggain visifed Bruce Baker Sunday afternoon. Fcir the we of A;iriI 4 Io Mr Rn Lewis, Toronto. vis-!10 inclusive: itcd Mr'. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. Admissions .- -57 Births-6 maie, 6 female- 12 MARLE GROVE Disajrgoes is - -i Mr. and Mrs. \eriiloi Faw- 1 Minor operations - ------201 c'ett and famniiy, St. Cathlerine(-s, Emcrgency treatments .81 were weekend guests of Mr.ý Visiting hours 2:30 Io 4:30 and Mrs. Dawson Beckett. p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Mr. L. C. Snowden attendedl-__- a surprise birthday party int ing opened with a hymn fol]- ha]. honour of Ms's. Elmer Wilbur,I owed by pra-eî' which was led Hampton. Iast Wednesday. byMs Arthur Burgess. TI Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burton Mrs. D .Bailey gave a short try and famil y spent last weekený readiorjon a parable and Mrs. COL with Mr. and Mrs. Chester C il aearaigo h Butt t Beton."W omen f the Bible". M rs. der Mrs. Tom Col]iss and Ernest Howard Bradley and Mrs. Mor- me( COli3 visited Mr. and Mrs. ley Burgess led in prayer and Mr. Charles Best, Pontypool, on Mrs. Bailey gave another read- Al Motiday, and renewed acquain- ing.A tances with Mr. and Mrs. L Secretary's reports were giv- OWE Turpin who reside in Vancou- en by Mrs. David Bothwell Jr. dar ver, B.C. and roll cali showed 17 mem- Offû Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton bers present. jac] visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bed- Mrs. Morley Burgess and of -t ford, Charing Cross, and Mr. her group served a delicious and and Mrs. Clarence Thomas, lunch and ail enjoyed a social ald Corunna, cdring the weekend. ------ balé Mrs. Leslie Fawett « Mea- si ford is spending this wcek with f,~Bru lier daughter, Mrs. Dawson Be-t / gra ckett and family. îU ra& Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rogers,'j Simn BoMrs. C .uî visited Mr. and!wt Mr.CclBurton and famili' FME A FACT M wt on Sunday ' vening. YOU CAN'T DIMPTE Jofr Mr. and Mrs. jim Laverty ORi the and Colleen talled nM.am WR i~'t~ii IMTs. Norman Girnblett, Col-. very ..Umbus, on ýWednesday after- ý ON O J>l or] Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wih]; 'nee dal anid Mrs. Ann Wihlidal n Oshawa, visited Mr. and MrÎs.oe' Ewald Wihlidaî on Sunday af- advz ternoon and Sun'gay evenn atte. visitors werte Mr. and Mns. q Cory Van de Burgt of Oshawa. m Several children celebrated fv early- April birthdays. Misses whic Theresa Laverty and Susan Penl Henry Cftertained several lit- and ti ais at their homes on e their respective birthdays. 2ZMiii CirceeMeeting IN G OI nl 'S rie, The "U and 1" Circle met at ASHEL' NiRI1ý: the home of Mrs. Morley Bur- NeGSLN-OTROL'gr gs ihPresident Mrs. Gor- form idon Beech in charge. The meet- 1t Swe ter frm D g H ir ithsea fu atthetops. which had served asa piece of sweter Ir m D g HirThe other were dainty litte evidence in a murder trial. Ç p j Y ýmoccasins of seal trimmed! There was as an unusual *with fluffy white wolf fur and drum formed of zebra hîde lined with warm white wool. and topped with the black - A ealleaherbel frm La- and white striped short haired Fusc*naton-g D îbrador had a decoratively cut zebra fur. A small statue of design in red, white, fawn cape walnut was of a neck- S and blue. lace a baset woman balan- Dri!twood Collection icn aktof pawpaws on Inter stin C ollec IC)n Thecollctio of rif o ,rate arms at her sides. sculpture belonging to Orvle Pople were also interested Osborne was original and in several itemslent by Mrs. * .lovely.Th highly palished J ucisnt h x tLi r r W e k E h b articles ncuded a wie varM J uthnsntote x ry ~~~~~~~~~iety of woods. One largeu-abddloeetr me, A fascinating -exhibition of' the librarian: marvelous drift-! A huge white polar bear cangea pcenId Zulu m. 0 curios, art and handicrafts1 wood sculpture belonging toi rug with mounted head dom-i There were basket like arti- a wil ul an..11 ! The noeincleto was held on Wednesday a fter-!Orville K. Osborne. and an inated the dispiay of Rev..A. dles, a beautiful lamp, ands e ndoein cleto noon and evening, April 6th, 1exceptionally fine group of C. Herbert's Arctic souvenirs.1 novelty items. One was a real- tice had been acquirèd by Jn the Bowmarnville Public Li-1 articles from Indonesia, thej Mr. Herbert mninistered -to the j istic appearing owl perchedhm uigth yash brary in connection with the 1 property of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Eskimos for 16 years at Port !on a darker wood brunce..And spntin the 25tchEarst celebration of- Canadian Li- iRink, Courtice. Harrison on the. east coast of lother was a replica of a cr0- Ide.Thr ereatce brary Week. The large num- Paintings and Wool Hudson Bay, Pangnirtung on Icodile, and another a bird from Java, h, Sumeataclns ber of visitors viewed the dis- ýBfi Island, and Eskimo upon a nest. the CeavaeBaTl, veumtraex- ~lay and admired the inter- in gs of the James Bay region Point on the west shore of' African Collection jamples of batik exemplified esting and valuable collec- by the well known local ar-I Hudson Bay. j .Boe ' -r.-nik h xepinly euiu tiens. The mai ority urged that ts rssowrs iagnykathCuclttnureeatîu the exhibition be held again, it Mrs. Alice Paterson, was'skoCltr collection was extremely in-1 colours and fine shadings ob- teenbl mrepepl fomanother highlight of the show. Two authenfic Eskimo par- iteresting, and gave the view- tainable in this work. th etonand istricptopec iitrfasrwroatnih kas were mucli admired. One iers a glirnpse into the customns iAmong th rae rics it. at the exquisite articles madefrasml hidws and of the artistic abilities of '~ere a brass coconut oiù lamp Unusua Collction by Dr. Doris Tremeer from l of fine cream colourcd suede African natives. Three heads made in 1750 A.D., and an ex- UnuualColecton wool spun from the hair of 1 adorned with beading ef red, in ebony o! a Massai man, trpordinarly costumed antique The exhibition included a her Samoyed dogs. Dr. Tre- 1Iblue green, white and gold, in woman, and child, must be pair o! carved statues of Bal- unique collection of objects ýmeer's demonstration at hei' an intricate floral design absolutely pricelless. Each had inese dancers. 'There was also frem the Aretic owned* by spinning wheel was praised. against a gre2n band back- Ithe eiongated ears typical of a fine example o! modern ]Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Herbert. iland everyone was interested ground around the hood op- the tribe which are caused by carving fromn Bali, the headj a wonderful display of art and 'irr hier amazing skill. With Dr. ening, at the cuffs, and on the raewih"bigplcdo aieby hiandicraits from Tanganyika, 'Tremeer was one of ber prize front of the bodice. The om pnaterweig hing plac Ted an iatieby.wsacop owned by Mrý;. F. W. Bower, dogs, Baron Silver Snowman. parka was of soIt and fluff juponwr the i inlod The n i splay was aof prte collar woflstubadsawhich to te metal couls extending 'deiemonial daggers cf the wcla fnised with adsfriged hofîn. area. The designs on scab- ds in o! od, rca ite, There was a small three- bards and hilts denote the dig- desgn f gldred whtelegged cauldron made of sa- nity, family heritage, and de- mauve and blue beads tipped tinwood, and also a beautiful- gree of nobility of the ewners. Amohtng thlarticrles. fo ly carved inkstand. of the same A series of pictures exempli- th ar o th aties r er wood. A pair o! serving fork fied the mfanner in which the nh ube rt beautiflly arve and spoon composed of varie- Kris is worn denotes what is- {-.umber ofobjects. A h andso e o gated woods were adorned land and section the wearer ojcstickA itand lfeiker with native heads. One sta- cornes from. walkingstc ihalfik tuette was a marveîousîy Also an excellent displae of A AN-SLEDOED sculpture of a human hand realistic representation of a posters painted by grade 7 A MAY-SPENDOED for the handie had been fash- woman tiîîing with a primi- pupils o! Vincent Massey lioned froin a narwhal's tusk. tive hoe. She bore a sweet School, showed both talent QCORAL PINK WITH A perfect cribbage board was faced baby on hier back in a and originality. made from a curved walrus carrier. Every minute detail tusk, and miniature ivory was perfect, even the tiny tele- PLEASURE ... spears, paddles, and other nails of the child. equipment were in the smali A number of handsomeTrniy U td S ~~~~replicas o! kayaks made of ebony elephants with ivory TiiyUie seal hide. ýtusks were displayed. A un- People were interested inlique set of handsome statues jW elcom es e-) the copy of the New Testa-,I o! cape walnut depicted four metpublîshcd in the Ek-1tl native warrîors complete Moelnt aeThere was alreoawodnsasNen awith rmvlwoe pas e e b r cleverly carved piece of ivory and shields o! hide. There was ! bearing black silhouette pc a flight of gracelul ebony iw ev/on s i dogs, and men xith harpoons and fork, and also a finely wo- people ted scilla- off to a hunt. yen basket food carrier. es at Trinity United Church. NE SMMR OLR jTwo pairs of Arctîc footwear Among the animal statues Upon completion of this per- NEW SMMER OLORwere displayed on a rich seul werc a fierce looking rhinos- bod o! serious study, the fol. foi' lips and matching finger-tips fur î'ug. One Was a pair ofjceros, and a long9 horned lowing were welcomed into cal! length kumiks o! soft jeîanci. the fellowship of the church I creamn colour sealsk n banded A lovely landscape picture at the Sunday morning service - was composed of different on April 3rd: .. arks. This material also Linda Bowen, Margaret formed a handsome set cf ta- Crydernian, Bonnie Mutton, ble mats with each mat bear- Loui lerJl iptik ing a handworked kraal, flow- Mgie Jean Cole, ers and a maiden. A native's insyThmson, Cheryl Ann Ju r a n L o elit :::n robe with a barbarie Lxt n, udy Bell, Betty 15 ingSt.W..MA -331 jdesign of red a'nd black Darchi Marie Hendry, Patri- 15 Kng S. W.MA .336 aganstwhite had an inscrip- cia Austin. tainstn Swahli. Wayne Wray, Woodrow Per- One acabe iem ws ary, Robert Dunn, Ronald Rîch- witch's attie made of a gourd ards, Phulip Bragg, John Hughes,, Irwin Colwell, David McFeeters, John Allin, Gary Akey, Murray Walker, Arnold Put off icer IKely sa"s Dowson and Barrie Steven. o was tIAl1 1V IIIU LONG ALin If hour. Couples' Club The Courtice Circuit Coun- ýCouples' Club met at': )urtice United Church oni iursday evening when Presi-' nt Jim McGregor opened thet eting with a hymn with s. Don Cowle at the piano. repeated the Lord's Prayer. Ashort business session foll-1 rd with invitation to two i nces bcbng read and ticketst .red for sale. Secretarv. k Hurrie mead the minutes ý he past meeting and events i c Treasurer Angus MacDon- 1gave a report andi banki lance. im Penfound and Mrs. Wiif own took oveî' foi' the pro-j lm. Mrs. Br'own led, in prav-j and read from, Scrip turc and. n Penfoundg ave a readin-g L an Easter lheme. lrs. Brown introduced Mr. in Patierson, headmaster ati Bowmanvillc Traini n g -ool for Boys, who gave a j ýy interesting talk on hisý rk ln general §nd the B.TS particular He stressed thel I for an abundance o! love 1trust, to every child in s care. He told o! the many! rantages to be gained whileJ nding this institution. A 1 -tion pericd followed.' fisses Pat and Betty Goyne oured with two piano duets, [h were enjoyed by ah. Sîm ifound thanked thje speaker the girls. Lunch was ser- 1by Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] s, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hur-J Mi'. and Mrs. Jim McGre-, lxt meeting will be in the m of a bowling paril'v. May iat blotor City Alley. IL. JAX O>LTAMÇI TRUBSDAY, API.L 4th, xmw Unusual Exhibits' On Display At Library - IM CANADIM STAIM-quAv itn9mmrAvvvrr ir owmAi»w% 8 1 a e 0 '~'RU <9AWAI1'A%7 @'PA'I'U'amIî ~V ~ A '~WWW~ - - - -- ~ ~A AA*L*~~ÂVJ.1LL~5 ~ WAU.i'Ia V IL Visitors to Bowmanviile's ublic Library on Wednesday last week saw some of the splays pictured above. It as a feature presented dur- gNational Library Week to >w people's attention to our ie Iihrary that is weil-stock- with outstanding books. In-