Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 15

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THURSDAY, APR. 141h, 196 50 Tut CANADIAN STATIUSMA.n, OWwirVIulEONTAtO Classified Ads In Memoriamn Cards of Thanks ~*UFr-.Ifl vxng meory 01fi wish tb thank Dr. Eweil t-MAguewho Pa=sedawaYýa1 u m inthe Memoria April 3, 195. 'Hosital for their kind a FÎrm aour happy home and'g<,>are duriIxg my stay there circle Little John MeKeen. God has taken ane we love. 1 orne away from sin and t hn tenre )-Ever remembered by wife!Memorlal Hospital and Docto and family. 15-l* Hubbard and ail my friencý _______and relatives that visited me Mrs. Gwen Bannister. BRESLIN-In loving memory 15-1 01f a dear husband and father____ Morris Breslin who passed away April 15, 1958. 1 would like to express m3 Thoughts to-day, appreciatioxi ta my friends anc Mernories forever. relatives for their iovely cards -Ever remembered by wife flowers and visite during m3 Edith, children Pearl, Edward, ~i optl RicardandDavd. 15-1 Mrs. Tom (Betty) Brown. Richad an Davd. 115-1 FOWLER-In loving mcmory Mmra akAscai off Mrs. John Fowlcr who pass- eoilPr Ascato cd away April lîfli, 1954. would like te take this oppor Mother you are not forgotten, 1 tunify te thank aIl those wli Thougi on eartia you are noidonated and contrîbuted to more, :wards making their Daffodi 11111 in mcmory you are with Tea and bazaar a success. us,15-' As you always were before. .-Ever remembered by lier I wisli to express my sinceri daugîter Virgie, Mrs. Freder- tlanks f0 all my friends anc ick Evans, also lier son-in-law ncighbours for cards, flowerj Mr. Frederick Evans off Ponty-1 and other kindnesses showr pool. i5-î1 mc during my stay in Clvi( Hospital, Peterborough. HURLBERT-In loving me- Mss. <Frances) Van Weiringen mory off my dear son-in-law 15-1 the late Hoils C. Hurlbert who passcd away April 15, 1947. We would like te take thfi bweet to remember him who opportunîty ta think all ou: once was here friends and relatives who re. And who, thougli absent is just membered oui' 45th wedding as dear. anniversary with cards, flow. .-Lovingly remembered and ers and gifts. We are very ap. etill missed, Mother Spencer. preciative off these expression: 15-1 off good will. _______Mr. and Mn3. Norman Down "'SMITH - TOM" and family. 15-14 Apr'. lSth 1955 *'Always a laugli & a helping I wish to express my sincere hand." thianks f0 friends and neigh- "In loveing memory off a dearlbours for gifts and cards, to Brother & Uncle" nurses and staff for many Sister Mary & Family.1kindnesses slown while ir 15-1 Memorial Hospital; special _______tianks to Dr. H. Rundle, TOMPKINS-In loving me-i Ladies' Auxiliary to Canadiar mary off my dear dad, Arthu Legion and employeca af JohnTompinswh~passed Specialty Paper. away on April 16, 1959. Ruthi Osborne. 15-1 Dear Dad, you are not forgotteni Tho' an carti you are ne I would like te express myi more, isîncere tlianks te my ffriends Still in memory you arc withijand relatives for flic lovely us ffoers, baskets off fruit, choc- As you always were beffore. ol'aftes, cigarettes, cards, ahl ..-Lovingly remembered by those wbo visited me and for daughter Bess, son-in-iaw Jack the many felephone enqùiries. and chidren. 15-11Also my tlianks te Dr. Kane, _______,nurses and staff off Oshawa WELSH-In loving mcmnory off Hospit al. James L. Welsh who passed, Bert Stapleton. away April Ilîfl, 1950. 15-4* To slome you may lie forgotten,1 To others a part off tic past, My ffamily and I would lîke But to us you will lie remnem- to tiank thc nurses and staff bered off Memorial Hospital, Bowman- As long as memoî'y asts, ville, for fleur kindncss to me --Lovingly remembered by lis while in hospital. Also te all ffamily. îs-î'* who sent fflowers, fruit, candy ______________________and cards and many oflier gîfts. i Irto B Y 'Special tlanks te Dr. Mc- ~Vantea o u Kenzie, Dr. Shiaw, Rev. Basil caî_ for Long. A sincere fhanks te all. HEAfTH vealing. Nef a and Lloyd Ransberry. Pliibé MA 3-271.3. 15-14, 15-1* USED Massey-Ferguson hy- I wishi te express my sincere draulic nîower. Plane Black- tîanks te fthc nurses and staff stock 68 r 6. 15-~1 off Memorial Hospital for thc ALL kinds off lîve poulfry wonderful care and kindness wanfed. Highest prices paid. shown me during my recent ill- M. Fîatt, Bethany R.R. 1. ness and for fthc beautîfful cards Phone 7 r 13 collect. 4-t and flowers ffrom ffriends, or- o! ayals liffr o fistganizafions and Darlington COWS, freal inl April o is Councîl, as many tlanks t of Ma, alo, hifercalves. Dr. Sylvester. Thys Rietsma, Nestîcton, R.R. Wallace R. Pickell. 1, Phone 64 r 12 Blackstock. 1- 15-1 1- POUR-bedreern home in Bow- I would like te express my inanville. Cash deal. Write tlanks te sîl my fricnds, rela- Advertiser 31, c/o Canadien tives and neiglibours for fthc Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- lovely floral tributes and cards manville. 15-l1' received during thc loss off a IGHEST priccs paid for used dear motler. A special tlanks funniture, applances, tele- te Dr. Hubbard, nurses and vision, scwing machines, etc. staff off Memorial Hospital Also seil and exchange. 5 while moflier was there. To King St. W. Phono MArkct al those wlio Ioaned cars I 3-7231. 42-tf ould like te say thank you se HIGHEST prices paid for livel uh Gladys Bal and family. peultry, goose featlens, feath- 15-1 en ticks, scrap iron, rags,-_______________- mietals and raw furs. Phone Nursing Home RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. ______________ ___________48-tf ACCOMMODATION for ladies and gentlemen at Lynfonlurst * Manor Rest Home. Telephone ~' *. -Orono 177L. 6-10e. SOUTH Haven Nursing Home' -Accommodation for pivate S lounge TV. Fully licensed, ~' ncw building, modern. Visîfors welcomc. Reasonable rates. _______Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf The Orono News jMagistrates CourtI tMrs. James E Richards, Editor Tuesday, April l2th, 19601 the car to drink?" !Iher. as ai I Convictions registered underi no answei'. id the Highway Traffic Act were "In the first place you shou-i Ms. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- Mrs. Glenn Tennant and family Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blewett for: spceding- 5; defective Idn't lac drinkîng, and secondly terton returned home on F'ri- attended the 40th wedding an-1 and daughter, Glenda, Ms. Mc_ liglts- 8; improper plates- you shouldn't have it. Before Sday ai ter three wceks motor niversary off Mr. and Mrs.1 Cutcheon, New Toronto,' vis- 2: unsafe load on truck- 1; the summer iz over, too many tirip to Florida. Clarence Ginn at Cadmus on1 ited Ms. and Mrs. E. Rainey on too long a load on truck- 1; people wil1lace kiled because of Ms. m. rmstongis is- atudayevenng.Sunay.fail to stop for stop signs- 2: off drinking drivers. Maybe you Mss. Wm.ier ArmtroniMiss-y .adev eeyningganSunauaios.M. n'faulty muffler- 1: improper don't like our liquoir laws. s itng hrmstaunghtr iss atnry M r ainsery Mran Cnraulatk ib o t Ms. and passing-2; improper left turn Mayt>e they are old fashioned L.tis n Amsrog n a iltonwer eterTin ned ythirua-try s. ak ibesn n hei 2th-1; no name on sîde of truck and outdated as some people MT. this wek.an Mr ClubtthTotwn adaon edn niesr.-1; no mud flaps on truck- cdaim. They are the laws off G .Moryaltonefory ain M thlu, orsontoontr rhdon Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, 1, driving to the left off the the province and white they KigosMton sp we terdysi th ocaisio aftry 4oth wedl- Lynda and Alan are visîtitng centre line off road- 1. These are on the statute books they igstoCn ls ekatendilYarmeing ion nnvrsr. ogrt la- M. and Mss. R. J. Pears in persons were fined a total off wull be enforced. M.aybe you d of Loyal Orange Lodge, Pro- Mss. Ernest Windover, Min- rlitoa.$80.cno dikthmeMyb g, vince off Ontario East, den- spent the weekend with Miss FIorence Gardi n le r, Two men were fined $44.00 thîs îs the reason our hîghways .y Mss. James Ginn, Mr. ind lier daugliter, Mss. W L. King, Bowmanvîlle: Mr'. Luther Ho- for having beer in a place otier are littered with empty beer Mss. Harvey Ginn, Mr'. andi Ms. King and family. oper, Tyrone, visited Mr'. and than a residence. Another man bottles." -Mrs. D. G. Hooper. with no driver's license and "You people who drive along Mrs. Davey is visiting Mr.1 with old license plates after Our highways throwing empty and Mrs. E. Dent and familv. expiry date was fined a total botties on the roads have no S cre ch 9 w/ issCaroyn o of$2400.consideration for anyone. This c&'screeckthe we Oshawa, off people0paid $16.00 for! 15 a dangerous practicean DaeMilme and Marg Van-i 26th and 27th off Februarv home allowing their dogs to run at may take a life. There is only stne 1AMr'. and Mrs. Evan Quani--t large. A transient failed to ap- one. wav to stop it and that is Frmaloe Ontario, about trlll Kirby, have purchased the pear o charge off havîng Th moeasbsat ie Girls' Basketbaill ito hundred delegates went Don Goode house on Church wine in a place other than af Te Honouable, The Attorney .11 Last Friday evening brought' to Sudbury by car, bus, train Street South. residence and a Bench warrantl General has a problem, and I the conclusion off girls' basket-~ and plane. Four students from Ms. and Mrs. John Fowler was issued for his arrest. think we are ail concerned -e b yl lothto eport oiohere is~ B.H.S., chosen by Mr. Dippell, and sons, Bowmanville. visitediToth'Bomnle with alcoholics. We do not ex- fd ell otis estonM. osan M.Stacey, fr w te Bwavlemnpeet t e nalcoholic at 18 or 'sAs you likely know, our Jun- med a delegation to represent Harris. C as.1$8id0fines for rls drivng 1 ersofae.Iooenf h iors wonthe chapionshieachs $28.ch0.lOnethforendrivingMron'Young people off Bowmanville noswntecaposhpti u eolattn eeiil M.Wm. Noden, M.P.P., and the sidewalk lost his license and this district want to try [c year, losing only one game ail and entertaining conference Mrs. Noden, Fort Francis, spent for 5 montFis. The magistrate this same trick, try it and the season. The fin-al standings in which was held in one off their Saturday with Mis. J. Noden commented that this would be nx n ilb îe 500 theJunor ouramet wrefou lage ighsehols ad Miss Viola Noden. a lesson to the boys off Bow- Your penalty will be $l00.00 SB.H.S.-22 points, Central-11 On arrival you registered Miss Bertha Cainhs re- mnv Ile.Thv ilwakfrnd300cs ndndeut po.Vis, oints.9 hepore and ner aine our b ilet.turned te lier home after spen- the summer. There is no rea- off immediate payment. you O....ipins h oe Etranetfo htngi, ding two months with lier cou- son for this type off conduct wl pn h ettomnh [wards on the team, and the Friday 26, was provided by a sins, Mrs. M. Sherwin and adi will notbe oleatehei Fnexttc oths . pont they scored werc. Karen dance in the school. Laurence. adi l ntbtoetd.11i gaol. Fn and ot were 9Ormston- 69, Shirley WilU- The discussions commenced Mrs. Clarence Henning, Osh - The 2nd case involved an ac- paid. ~iams- 9, Nellie Witvoet- 110, early Saturday morning. The awa, Mss. Oscar Graham and cident at 2nd and Elgin Sts. Two Young men faced char-ý Jane Lander 7, Cehool ysonStNorman, Whit, y théisited The driver pleaded guilty and ges off theft of a car at Tyrone. - JaneLanders7n CerrmaSm, Stuent Cuncilat th stated that he didn't see the They pleaded guilty and were 6, and Marg Pickard -21. where the conference washed Mr. and Mss. Jim Middleton. other car which was parked remanded one week for sen- The Junior guards were Dixie governed the entire event as ]Vrs. Geo. Hutton spent a SGlU Judy Jeffery, Helen Pan- Weil as lead the eight discus- few days wit.h Mrs. John Moi' on the wyong side off the road. tence, as, Eileen Hughes, Helen Van- sion gboups. ris who has returned to lier Heha bencnitdlt AnsauttPntpor- year for careless driving and sulted in a conviction against stone and Nancy Woolsey. Miss I attended group five, "Stu-- home after spending the wLfl- the magistrate commented that a Young man He was remanded eSnelling was their coach and dent Oouncil Activities and ter in Toronto. maybe lie hadn't learned bis for two weeks to pay a $75.00 -Judy Brougli their manager. Projeets" and group eight- Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] Alldread, lesson. The lad stated lie hadi dentist bill before penalty is 'Congratulations on sucli a "Constitution and By-Laws". Bowmanville; Mrs. Chas Shaw and would not be back. imposed. good showing! This extremely successful and son Ralph, Oshawa, visited Unfortunately, oui' Seniors conference was concluded with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer A 20 year old Newcastle "I amn aware as your counsel didn't quite win the champion- a delicious banquet, an inter'- Sunday evening. yot 0h is separated from bas pointed out, off the law slip, but they were runners- esting address and a dance Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- lis wife pleaded guilty to oh- which states that an assault aup to first place. The final I arn sure that oui' delega- son. Blackstock; Mr. J. Ar- tainiiig liquor white a minor.ý canl'ie committed by other fSenior standings were: Done- tion contributed something to mour, spent Sunday with Mrs. He was fined $100.00 and costs than a slap or Punch It can lie van-16 points, B.H-.S.-- 12 the levent and I know wýe bene- Wm. Cobbledick. off $3.00. Tliree Young men had by threats and by gestures." points, Central- 10 points and fited greatly. Mi' and Mrs. Jack Brussee been parked on the B.A. Park-i "This is nat the case here.j *OC..I.- 10 points. The Sen- Roy Chant- 13A have purchased the Curtis ing lot at the west end off You were parked on the side ior' forewards and points they $chool Spirit bouse on Main Street South. Town, at 1:15 a.m. on April road with your girl friend. scored were: Sandra Chaska- Ontedyofte ntro M.ndMsCh. 015 3rd. The Police went to check And as your girl ffriend has vt-6,Marie Cooney-24,StetConiCnerneî wm vie: r.adMs the car and the mnen popred stated in the witness box, it 1Jaro, Brebar-a Bronna1Bragg attended two discussion gro- David Phase, Wayne, Kathy the beer n thenfoor. is the custom. iin this area for -yd 69, Batherbara Brneownand-rndaLee13 and vs-the person already there to1 ynaRackham,- ps3nth7.nig mn asaTBhedaLeeTrn, i- Tbey refused to open the turn on his headlîghits, and . urdsweeEanrPikad Ool SPirit'. There are three ited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. trunk off the car stating that thlen the other party moves1 Joan ristor En, Be. Glkes major points for the weîîare Mr. Russell Gimblett and they didn't have the key. Tie Off. Karen McArthur, Barbara Hu- of tic sehool through sclool Sharon, Maple Grove; Mr. and car was seized and on instruct- "In this situation, the coin-1 glies and Elva Reid. Their spirit- (these are not in use Mrs. Eldon Essery and Marion, ions the man was given one plainant wanted to use th coachi was Miss Bennett and at Bowmanville High). Courtîce, called on Mr. and hou't rdc the 1e rtera otae vrlews' wtheir manager- Libby Cale.- Waterdown adopted and paid Mrs. Luther Barraball. trunk would be opened with there for the same Purposes' On April the 8th, the grade for the care off a Korean child. Lynda Pears is apending bars. yo weeHe aidafe nine turnamets wer h 'ie students arc encouraged Easter week with lier grand- o we.He aidafw5 nine .-tounien.ere held an ""to write hier. They found tliat parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. j. They returned witiin the hr. minutes for you te, move. Wien B.H.S.-ntheredas"toan-A"this project was beneficial in Pears, Orillia. with the key for the trunk and you didn't, lie came up to tounaen ad a"B tura-uniting the student body with Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell in the trunk police seized 5 your car t0 see if lie cauld ment. B.H.S. placed second in sehool Spirit. spent Saturdav with . Mr'. and pints off ale. Magistrate R. B. get yon te move so lie could the "A" group and the final ToketiStenConMs.W.ora.Aa. B te asd teacudas" standings were- Central 6 oke h tdn on :s m oàn jx atrakd h cueps. pont, ..S- -pits 6 cil, or Student Government, Mrs. Underwood lias return- "Wly do you take beer out in "You saw that you were big-1 PoitsB.HS.-4 pint, OC.as it is sometimes called, at a cd to Memorial Hospital, Bow- - 0.lT-e ointsad Dnva-higli rank, the scliool presîdent manville. ______ 0. heforwadsand the points run-' the morning exercises, as M14r. and Mrs. Geo. Miorton sco-pd were: Marg. Pickard- Weil as school campaîgns. vîsited her brother Mr. Art i 25'pts., Lise Knudson- 4 pts., Several sciools in a district McKay, Starkville on Sunday. M. Yea-7 points., Darlien Mc- oi for radio broadcasts. Each Mr'. Ross Elliott off the Tor- I Cullocl- 4 pts.,- and Ilene sciool suibmits talent from onto - Dominion Bank staff,.i Rahîn. The 'Team A' guards their student body, and this is Bowmanvihle, wlio lived here werc Pat Gill, Bonnie Mutton, broadcast either weekly or witbhbis grandmnother, Mrs^ Suzy White and Pat Thompson.mntî.acrigtrotn.Wse Elitas ovd1 Their coaches were Lynda moTh codn oruie ese lithsmvdI Rachaman Jon Omi Th sums up fie important the Brockville Branch where. The ina stadins inthematerial under "School Spirit". le is an accounitant. "The fnal standingsCin thelIn the afternoon we changed Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce MacAr- 4B torets. were..I Cnta discussion groups. The main thur, Oshiawa, visited Mi'. andi (Cenralwon i 4 layo s., points under the lieading "The Mrs. Tom Hardy and family on plae frs) B. HtoRole off Student Councîls in Suni'day. plnacefrt ... i. n Scliools" are as follows- Seho- M. & M. Meeting Doea- 2 pts. The 'B' fore-. ol uniforms are in use in Pet- The Official Boards otfi wards and points scored were: erboa-ougî and Trenton. There Oshawa Presbytery and other, Jean Cle- il pts., Judy Bro- ..s aaW ugl- 3 pts., Sharon McMur- was a Trenton delegate in the interested persons attendeda' ter 5 ts. Jenete Mrscenuniform for us. In nyinio in the Orono United Churci on' -3pts. and Judy Paeden. The syoluifom r opdnioe, Monday evening Te e guasl werc N. acy Woolsey, because they save money, and Douglas P. Pil1key, the F eldi Lelia er, Marg. rder-an bringuth standard off a Secretary for the M.M. Depart- Diane Marg. sehool. One school. at the conî- mnt conducted the meeting. Diae Tnk.Donna Bragg and frnelsamta f ad Karen MlcArtlur coacied this enchaamtodfhn, team. mg over every cîub's finances tem s ,astogl a-tothie Student Council treas- L~ Itsesnw stog.bd r.Wlenever flie club needs L JIRA F minton racqets and birds bave ui.Y.ey, it goes tote oIcl taken the place off basketballs Wmon ta tefuCouncil - at least unfîl the sofîbalwhocant rfusRit season! Sudbur'y Tech. and several AREE Thi wek w hae to mreotlier slools have limitation] ACCOUNTANT PII L reots oen whe two mre aton extra-curricular spot.A___________ reprtsontheConernceatstudent is allowed to pay f very' .¶atil-urd inOon Thîe afternuon W.M.S. Aux-i By Helen Van Dusen the worship service in tic forin: _____________________________________________off an inspiring Eastcr message. Assisfing Mss. Osborne were 'Eastr Traditions» Mns. C. G. Morris, Mrs. Roberts and Msrs. A. L. Hoocy. Giycolored *ggs, candyltake a waxen Easfer egg, Off The offering was received aggsandchina eggs, seem b er own workmanship, te thc by Mis. J. Leisliman and Miss here te b. chielly regarded asi Duclcss. The old woman Shaw. Miss 1. Weekes gave toys for chldren. In olden1 wrote her unpronounccablc an interestîng paper on Christ- dasin Russia fley wcre sym-!iname on a slip off paper, as ian Sfewardship. bolg off fli resurrection, and sIc remarked, "she will re- Mss. A. Collison rcad the as such fforrned treasured gifts member me!" beautiful Easter story and Missi amt Eastertide. A tourist iný The wearing off fine clothes V. Sadler sang a lovely solo, Bussia, before the second. «World War, said, one off the on Easter Sunday may have "Were you tîcre, when tiey rnoat interesting things she corne te us fromn an aId Rus- crucified My Lord". Mrs. Hal- jasw, was a case off eggs in fIe sian cusfom off greefing the lowell was at the piano. Kremlin at Moscow. Tliey had1 Resurrection morn in the gar- President Mrs. D. Alldread been Easter gifts from thie ments off Joy and Gladncss. conducted an "In Memoniain", Czar and Czarina te one an-, Late on Easter eve in a Greck service for tlic late Mrs. Jack- other. Tîcre were beautifful Ortliodox Church in England, son. eggs off china, otiers off cîcar a tlrong off men and womcn, Reports werc heard from fIe rock erystal and some in which nmostly reffugees, gather in secrefaries and meeting closcd fleur besf clothes, ecdl clasp- witl the Mizpab Benediction iaue r su sdeofquthe Rmy- ing a burnîng candle, while The May meeting will lic yacts. eptasofhlceoalfi priesf conducts a solcmin Pot Luck Luncleon and ecd After having 8pent Christ- service. A fcw minutes before member ia invîted te bring a mnas Eve in Bethlehem, this îmidnghf thcy ferm a proces- guest. il etaurîsf was making lierisio and march thrce times ~ fiarnGethsemane ta thecý around fthc Chuncli in seardli M t ff live an stopedoff thc "Christ." Having foundi lit a Grcek Ortliodox Chu.rch..tafHeintlre"ty SI. feU] Info conversation wiî came back te fIe Clurcli door an ald Russian woman wlio where the Prient hastens teý clammned sIc lad been a nurse' meet 11cmn with the glad in thc Russian Royal bouse-ý news, flice announced "«He MA 3-3303 hold. Shc aise told lier therinsn"Tc hrl hc tragie story off two Russian a been dark in suddenly il- Grand Duchess. One had been'. rnnted and the people all - v.uiurdered but th. ather one JOilif4h :i1 fi ~a i aad eapd and was living ings off Eastcr morNê ilanri- WPindsor Park, London, e"I glnas a gucst off ici' It secms sucb a pity that fhe cousin, King George V. When beautiful religious signifi- the aId Russian woman learn- cance off old traditions arc se ed the fourist was lcaving often lest in transmitting fhe for England, sie askcd her te old te the new. Used Cars that will give You many miles of carefi-ce driving. Al dean, rcconditioned and guaranteed. 1959 MAYFAIR 2-Dr. HARDTOP V-8 Like new, push-button drive, 15,000 miles. $1,000 depreciation. 195ô PLYMOUTH fi-Cyl. 2-Dr. 1957 SAVOY 6-cyl. 4-Dr., Radio. White and Gold. Clean. 1956 CHRYSLER WINDSOR V-9 4-Dr. Automatic, radio, two-tone blue. 1956 SAVOY V-8 4-Dr. Power Flite, radio, two-tone blue. 1956 SAVOY fi-cyl 4-Dr. Radio. Black and turquoise. 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, 2-DR. Radio. New blue. 1954 FORD V-S 4-Dr. Metallic Green. 1954 SAVOY 6-cyl. 4-Dr. Radio Only 22,000 miles. Black. Like new. 1953 BELVEDERE Hi-Drive. Lady's car. In excellent condition. 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Blue. Clean. 1952 FARGO ½/-Ton PICKUP Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT FARGO - SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. E. Bowmanv ille MA 3-5487 ger than h. was, Big .nough Aid Society in Port Hope was to control the situation. You introduced by ?&fs. Chas. FI. were highly annoyed because liott. he asked you to move. You got Ms Waddington gave à very out of your car and assaulted interesting te1k en the work hlm. Hit him and knocked hlm of the Children's ýAid, Society down vou say. Why? Because and followed the c0se of one you aliege he called you a s-- particular faxnily over several Ailyoha t-do ,asyears from the timne & social 4. Al yo hadtg d wasworker was first callèd in un- back up and let the man pass. til the preserrt. ïHe had no controversy with Mrs Waddington is assigned Lyou. People do flot have L0 to children from. age 3 to 12ý 1take this kind Of abuse. The and reported that adoptions ini courts cannot condone this kind this age group have increased of conduct. You are not en- lin the past year. At the clos. titled to do battie just becauset of her address, Mrs. Wadding- you have been interrupted and ton answered the numerous are highivy annoyed." questions whichi were asked by' 7 "1 must find you guilty as those present. eharged. This is unfortunate. IThe singing off Hynm 6041 You are neighbours and there and the repeating off the Miz- will be bad feeling as long as pah Benediction closed the you live. The complainant will meeting. have his witness fees. The Delicious refreshments were 1complainant will have his teeth served by the Evening Auxil. 7repaired by a doctor. This will iary members. )be done by April 26th, 1960 sand at that time I will decide on a penalty." Each year thousands of Caji- Another man pleaded not adians are cured of cancer and guilty to careless driving. He each year the. cure rate for missed six signs tellin-g him to somne types or cancer is inl- slow down and that traffic wascreasmng, according to statis- 1going into a 4-lane highway tics released b3' the Caniadian j 1He wound up westbound in tli Cancer Society. -- eastbound lane off 401 after 7leaving 115. He paid $18.00 and>. 5 demerits. C.A.S. Rep. 'Add resses k 'Ebenezer W.A. h Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary held their April meeting in the Sunday School wîth mernbers off the Courtice W.A. and the Ebenezer Woman's Missionary Society as their guests. President Mrs. W ilf re d Brown welcorned the guests and opened the meeting with Hymn 589, foflowed by te o g auai n Lord's Prayer. Mrs Brown an-, nounced that the Auxiiaryt ARE in order! Scrapbook was on display. The next meeting will be th e! The wcdding was a v'en. hay Birthday Meeting tb be held t1b at the home off Miss Ami Ho1tl occasionl and congratulations on May 4th. Mrs. Herb Nicholls were offered ail rouind. Special will assist with the arrangingli congratulations were dite the off this meeting. eash adme Mrs. Eber Snowden o-1 the groeaselehdmd W.M.. peseteda veî e sure that bis bride started mari- devotional using the theme off nied life with the added protez- the meeting "Christian Citizen- 1 thon of 11fe insitrance -a Smi ship' as the basis o 'f her, Life policy on lis own li-fe to L thoughts. The devotional per- j help replace bis mncomne ho," iod opened with the singing o Hymn 378, and losed wt h o uxld die premnattnrely. prayer by Mrs. Snowden. Mrs. A. C. Stark of Courtie W.A. played two 1Qve1y piano BnR er Passant solos "The Holy City" and "Easter Joy" in keeping with R32epresentative the approaching Easter Sea- 3-28 P.O. Box 993 son. Bowmanville Guest speaker off the even- ____________Waddington___a__social__SUN________OF__________ worker fromn the Children's >od Products Oshawa Wood Producis can supply you wiih everyfhing in Qualily Building Maierials necessary for your Spring remodelling. Oshawa Wood Products Lt4 il 9 OSHAWA TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU I i Dowatown Showroom Nain Office and Showroom I 84 SICIDE ST. SOUTE-HA 8.1617 COUITICE-IHA 8.1611 DOWNANVILLE-NA 3-2130 AJAX-ZEailh 2-960 *DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M.* (i

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