Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 13

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TKURSDAY. APR. 14th. 1960ECNAINSAEMA.BWAVLL.OTROPAETITE DR ecreahlon 9Reý lm ~HO"l-ey 1'rophy Night AOLI'. LIrchies and oestz'i - er x'oîîsome lime ago Lhe .',ol be oft'cially Lsntccdu u'til Trophv -Niglit. k'tas hae been tenitatix-ely Mt to hold Trophy Ni gh t on >,rApril 7h o My4th, AJis year rophy ighî l 1"ye t e hed atth Me- fluiTîber of hildr-en eligble Ind ANNUAJ. PETERBOROUGHI jportsmen /s SHOW in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIÂL CENTRE for frive Exclting Days APRIL 19 to23 (Tuesday thru Saturday) featuring PAUL BHR (Golf' s greatest showrnan Iin a comedy performance of golf wizardry) plus THE RED MORRIS WATER PERFORMINGý SEALS and AUNE CLARK (North Anierican Ladies' Archery Champion) AND FOR THE KIDS THE PETER MARCH MIDWAY "A Show for the WhoIe Fanur" N By Douglas Ritgp attend. 1It ih iooeci 1hal n inIie- af Minar Huc:e«\ Troph ier- xiii be on hanici li) fe:: preý-3nI thento the cvinnerz. Crests xili] >lsunbu h 'nr ut-ci iout 10 thp ,ilinet5 ai ,he var ous leagties and ak-.o it th'- cha"rnoiaîîr-in each i eapie. A lighil linch xiibe uru- fie oi'-al ttc-nt- are -fi, Al l'n\C-' re i'ciried ftuai ;vl'r Nei vorctm nivoniror losi ouare eligiblt l'l1I ç Trenýhr 'nlv There are stil! a m-imu-i .,i * 'ete5:i'rnnîng ircurcin ' ious hockey- tcan-r. IT i Wiho, lias nat leturried ili- .~ dt xxill he oleasc. do so ai ouni(2 W~e xco,,ild likc ta r-eind aPi he sxveasîeî'-' Iabe n'(,iaed andi math pîaafed -a fiat theY eati be stored awvc until tiîe% sea- 5011. One cf the nîghIightîs ai thea Orono H( O ver Por' Orano Orphiaits tîîîecl i c unanscc'iee goals ta lake 'nu 11-5 cone train behind xc l cx-er Part Dac'.n Sailoi- 5cr - day afteî-îoi. in Paît Do 'i'iý The Orphans'îiox,-'uave a 3î-0 bulge in the besi or sec ci fi- nals. and pc'obabi.- xvr-tped up the lnter-mcdiate 'C Chan-cpioiifi-iin u Bccian * ville's Memorial Arcua. last niglit. Gerv Robinson, fired !uir * îarkers ta sp,,l'k Ithec'îîîi-c-s. befare lie was i'ijured iii the secand oeriod. Robby lîacia tocîn loosened and ho llij cul for tour or lve s;ti1(,he- xhen higli-stickeci by 'Spoct' Bur-li xvho vas gixen a a uxujai - alty. Keith We"st picked Lin a hlat-trick. aliinree 'noalr- tom-, ing in the final'-esiin. ehi' Junior We-sti uathed a i- rof tallies. and .singles wc'ut la Raye Wed aind Mve] cl - Bsh, Reeves, Snow, Mýuii- w J DIfILDAEN aaeppppppppppp playing contact Jim RichardsM xe Bo in L ag - MI -68.M*edB wig eit iJim would also hike to an-1 nounce that Pearson's Smoke1 ihtescn cdu .ln'Hg Tpe Shop willbe sponsoring the nWaith thmetieondnochedue n 'HghTie- Bowmanvile entry in the La-;nam opeto 0ta Jack Bond - f'\iilfl'xii1bethepsena-des' Lakeshore S0f t b a 11has been able to obtain a de- i-lin m-ille Che rlesBreteagu.cided edge in the battie for Aeae tiriofth CaresBatlttLegu.first place. The top two clubsNallc Game. \len!e 1rii froon.eblm-Dance Rctlsi hd Piiis aan tue:-ghy. mblemi- eite w'tchd dk3e, aganOnie Eteher 33 iec f),th nost outstanding epi m h era with Joe Noivlan's teani tak- ýîil*,. eanplay and sports- tion Departrnent's Dancing illg over the league leader- Elton Brock 38 obY a Dlax'er olax'ing Class annual Recital to be held'"-i1n on a 7-0 vini over Jîrn Bob Yake-----3 0 or,ýaniicd hockev in Bowx- in the Town Hall on Friday-,, Cox and Art Spicer's pace-H'ap Palmer 33 nville. !June 10th. The Dancing C1ass- setiers decisioiiing Cec. Mu-HlaBo'~3 .1unior Basebal 1es are under the direction Otsoftfi 5,. lut-ping rok3 .Xn-,ane -11 years of age and 'Miss Irenie Harvey 0f Osh-;back 10 the runner-up slot, a'Pal Yeo 3 ndc'r as o aIMY Ist. 1960 %vho a-wa and Mrs. Shirley Fowler. ýpoint off the pace. Jack Bond 3S !-(cre-ted il-! 1a ' ing Jun-'ci Bowmanville. Eltau Brock*.ý buviers re- Duke Brtunit 33 roi, P,'ýcbail s asked to con- Children's Theatre .îrained in third. four «poit o 'a n3 ýir' 1ir wrrorMcki-i a 'li lirn' atr off the Dace. by virtue of a Jack Brough .-----30 ;]S'1:15 -ou as possible. group are wrigbr 011 ý7-0 blaniiuiig o-x er Jaek BEoid'ýý Ceeci uto 33 Tcîr' hun)e ta get Drac- tw'o olays to be presentedi at eev Fe uîîssqa o es - 2 t< 1(k"x1"in lhc- verv the To-wvip Ull on Saturdci.y. deciiened Bob 'Mitchelj', cel- Eni Striliger 33 dix"' Laktîe. \Nr2"ftbait Chilren îsrclx-.-eî 'sl tay , righi in Arnold Sleeu ---- 3, L:~ie0i.ae-hor ~otbiI heareis nde te lrde- lîetiL.k f ihct battle. and Moriey Etcher 33 .11n I';îî' eaeha h 'ii fMs VraFrn.MýsD or Lo': ctani kept (Gordon Wilcox - -27 Lc'v'Lzcke-nore Softbail Berta Iigon and Mi%. MIiii their ho)eý- ali'ev.-withi a 5-2 Geo-don Stringer 33 %vfis xould like to lhear ray Walker. win over Pat Yeos aggrega- 'Jim Grahani 30 trami anyýone ,.-iho is interested The txvo ola:i.Q are entitled tiofl. 'Dot Bond -- 24 In piaig su~~otball. there is "Robin Hood Tricks Thýe 1ida Brock uwas the lone 700 iJean Evans 33 no ace imiit for this year's:Sheriff' and "The Magie [bowler. rolling 703 -for high Ron Mutton 33 teani.' If v ou are interested mn'Shoes" triple honours. Jack Bond was Dorc Mutton 33 high for the men with 685, Howard Brorneli -33 followed by Pat Yeo 677, Mil:e Heenan 22 Dore Miittoh~ 64-1. Joan BrutntI Mary Wilcox Si as 3 G am e Lead 'r641. at Barte] 69, Bm F led Luxton 26 i641. P693LoBai-telsl619, Eton Ken Luxton 33 :Stiri*e 61. GrdStringer !Enxuma Bromeil- 30 ý 64.an a ri'oai6021-OiieiDoug Reynolds 24 U o er in -mis BItcher. Cee ?.utton and HaplJessie Heenan - 28 D oav r inFirl. Carole Oke -.- 30 :Loti Wel4-zi ro]lecd the high Joan Brunt -- -- 27 1nc1x and P:iikhuî'iist ~cored Robinson ihred a paair 01 singrle !nie of2-.9.fo]':'JA0,ý I1 ux Un ----- .2 7 for t1w lase'î-ý. quîckies 1 ex'en the ecanalin 1w flruMtttoîî 65ar'd + r1 9"r. Pol )o c' îrd heser-the second. but Port Dovev bn' - 1 U.ii GW '~' 7 'c:\inacott PotDvr tesû-teool nly 19 '-eandcs Io v -'7 "'" Yi." ' eCx îîa -'r c';hOrono knotting in fr te aurlith t ' "" ""r, ~ ! lie coLnt iat 6:50. The hie- The Orphans cauglit fire. s r " "' ' "1 j 'n Reynolds 2 t'inox cc aiietd agini. but in.- Iliree tinies in a m r'î 23.P" "" n'udcy Sleep - 0hi' uîali- di-cu baek on and 27 seconds near the er 'ln ~i 2-V. 1' -IBs" ulle e-ii lei'!Vs 1es-ý thaîî a mninute of the Derioci to lead 7-5. q-J Bî".27 olvBill Charles _----- liateî. WVithin 27 seconidsý,. Part The third period was ai] L-"'-',G înr Cu(rci Stringer Marg Perris _ -- 3ü Dox',eî look the lead for theOrono vith Keith West S.~ v ."i~ n-le, ai :';;(' nd 229, Duaine Palmner 31 :hii'd timie. ai-cindcl.ec] another1 ing for his hat trick, and b)ru-- Teain Standings Ferne Bradley . 33 aeei're the' aeriod cane 10 a ther Juinior adding bis Fer'ond'l Tcar - W L Pts'Leo Curtin 33 :'ia~e. 'of the- gaile ___N'-a 21 12 49 ýWalter Rundie .* 30 __ 1 .19 14 45 Everett Winacott - *27 L co ----19 14 43 'Don Bradlley --- 33 h uo-l n16 17 38 Ruth Yalze 33 Afternoon Ladies' Lge. 71011Rt Mthel 3 01,F ja ciicrinouli. Aprîl Veina Kitsoin----- - 11'11Fi ---i-------_----- 15 18 36 Rien Goiild ---------310 inh iiiIe Aî'inoa Ladi.es' 1-elene Rundle - - - -----112 VYo - --------12 21 27 'Marle Cuirtin 30 sou t'Il e tilt- Wris and Ro b- Hilda Mooney -----------14' SIctvlieill 22 ari e---- li - N~ioe a shutaut, aver Daplina Sprague 14114L Ladie.,' 1-1i-h Single -Et-t"Brougl 1 iluiî tpOOdig eas -anel2targ. Mc-Donaid -..-1:Uï Dore 9'f[Là on "OM , -" uoa --- li Cîîu'e' ad luays re- 'Mabel Williis --1 36LLdie , t{figh Tripfle - n'-cilrles -- 33 sDec' ixelv-_su are "1111 dead- Aura Trewini-_----- 136 1ililda BVock 7031 fv7- -I1uidle .. 24 'Rced i n fr-i U('e with 14 àlar-ion MacDonald 1 7.Ile'sRqit-ul - ayGahm2 points t-aeh. Tuie BluebircL.is An White ~ 132i Lau Wcil 79 Plb ~cr3 n'nnpruut'nniu ic. uie 'Jpl. it'gnîrr n,.u'..UUnîci v. ic I)the.\-spilî xc'ihthe Soar-'IBam-bara Collîson '-0w.- e.sch ' lkiig 1i 'oaint. 01- IBea W'ýilson --- lic Pal 11eici took hindi sînigle Jean Lobb -- -- w'ithi a 2231gr.i chl Betty N\ellie McFeeters Uli-.5.1.t. bi: Itigludouble 'Cozette Neads 'Nv i iei 'Uo toItal te: -lier R.ulh od" tx'î Ï«a3neý. C uxcre: Beitty R '21:2 niicJ 10 «v(,- Thr'rc x'lbe rowaxx terrnoon for an',- ;ladies 'FearniS :'Robiin5 Blieiîd F. tt:'i ?çI r e in[ o'e - D c-)oi i c orow c i£ Buc:e til -'lcîcîel CL'onîih E etty Kelly hlelen PnOflrs Bira seller 'l'Ida Sh:îin'(k Daisc' Bei] l:i.Cox'le IrLiurance means Vpu irede md IaidutrF Ffew people todary there were no recourse acganst overwhelm. would b. "t i. a Ik th. hundreda of millions îug dîsaster. et dol-a need dfor lactori« a d .quipment Bock of practically ail our tracle and corn. M ipjance wer. oct ovailable to protect merce is the Peacp of Mmnd which cornes U,î<,~Ivetm*ut. iom insurance. Lcust year. the conipanies F.w 'would dar. Io take the. risaof trans- writing fire. automobile and casualty insur- porting their product Io market withoui ance paid out more thon 500 Million Dollars buuboeIoe. Fow merchanta and dealers could ln doa across Canada.- recul evidence à.k. ** hacme. of locknq marchandise If that insuranoe indeed mpans Peace of Mind. au I M885 NEVEJWCi VEiDERAIOW ' am 4A1M Md Coaudmm=ene Teenoge Bowling )-hei- 010 acne-Nance C------- .2Boys L. Rackham ____ eihards 218 andlMrat'i . T. Mason ____ 13 SaUt rday atternoon Larry,, lilD t' Hodcgson 202. Elsie ------- 3T'con:aoipjs1 pe o k boNling toinar- 1'Mullie------- -1 23 -iL.etDo kea hillpso _____ (Good rid-s) RoneCi-. 122 teain 5-2 te move int a sec-L.To sn (GodFrdp)ýIO"eMond alace tic xith jiin Me- D. Torditff ____ xxho wvish ta go. i Knight when cellar-dwvelliing'rT. Callan -___ Standinigs John Phillip'r- team defeateci ýB. Hellani ~~ hum 4-3. Joli)Rîîndle tooki*'N. Vlantne- ---- 14 !Tom M%,ason 5-2. 'M. Charles ___ -.14 MIrIx and Mrs. Clai-ence Av- Txvo bowlec-s hit the 600 ij Carter ___ 13 ery, Linda andi Jackie xvere re- mark. Don Tordifî with 680 IS Rudeil _____ - -- cent visitors witimMh Cyriliand Tom Mason 619. Ronnie 11 cKih - Àverv and faînily, Newvcastle.I Etcher a bantam hovler had 'D. Broxvn ___ AIr. and Ar-s. KeiAieth Lamnb. '0g1sn1ee1heateno A. Pluiner -rages Part ('redit: _NIr. and ' ýîr. vith 265. A double of 440 and'Bi a rileorî-14 wi . - B.h MýcManus 192 'lai-i W-av, Bawmanxrille. e a rileu aIIel ue hmm D. eadcis --- ----------189 vifsi f' - a' r. and Mrs. ILorne 1lreCB tC-S L. Taylor 180 Lamb.~~~~ Ollier "00 garnec'wr o R epi 180 Tordil i' 252 'and 233.ri rikd -----178: 7j, 3ýd js.F.W.'2 9&n 23,Ralidy!'G. G riffin 173fia-' retucred home from theiRtinýdie 258. Tom HCalid25. . Oke ------- s73 I Caîl 251.T. Gould W u'x ati ýJohIn Rîiniil e 247. Bob Hel'lanip Sxeete ----- ~ M~ Shiley 1I'11s'aR.N.,'244. Tamo a<n23.Scî R-G. ilacDougal I " is pedig fwiel 27.Gary M-ýaceDougai b. Vesna flZ 15t;Airs E. W. egleyCarter 206. John Phillips 204, D'Hately 155roi r wre Saturda- velneain Stanîdings R. Etcher ------ - 5 A p gB. DCioi e c.- 1 L. ------- -a -.A-------e40 B. CDu i bi--- 46- M... and Ms.LJUh 4,jn.u'T h - .î D. Sw-eete K'rntc ,Ln..cn. ~ - - 'r r~ 7 RLamier 143 Jal- v: R. Boil Clar'ence Avxer"'~.J~111 ~ .Di Fln b er~n'clu pet ~R~tîdî ~vragnsL. Siebarth v;"'! tiCs Doree -Te- 190ae . oeýi& H.. - T Ru idiu a -L- Lîi_ to .n r v. ~ .,'ni r i' c-. tlOn ' Ù l anc 'r i - c' . aa. x" LISunGea. - .' ;-~.W'auerFel-ga-i oke -- -_. -,' ar.and 1\rs.! £rAlAUUi)urugI D: ý,i.L . (.)niaNvPa. 'J-~Rus hapand Memorial Centre K -'a 'rJ -Saîu'ca exeninig c iu- î\r. and Mrs. Raîpi - Proudix- Presents - 'Ex . C. .t-ý'oi, NIr. andî "'711E SIVEETLEiST ML'SIC r M'n odat Peech. Janice andý THIS SIDE Or-EATN r B"n nMaIeGrove. ,verei Persoîî sînindax ~e- tMr. and Mrs. 0. C. Asiro - u' z; \'aidL - rs-. A.r'liiu: Leac' I-:aî:e c os xere S'uind. ccY.1ur. ai-idNirs. Pn'ïnle. xc ccc r-cent v- - irs. lai-idM'Gi Tiio:s:AI-.aim î . . ât Y'. aii L. . s. RlnVirt ie% a d urr.- :U. C. Browl Boc.'n'ncci e.ixere Wu'siîesdia' Mî'~ .'i Le'ihenailT. jl1)l Sîaircd Jauo iiii o; MXrs. Keilli Cryýderiînan nee Linr-G u da Staîniton. cvhase cxeddhîg Gu xvas on Saturdav ai the churceh Mi-. and irs. Jack Rei Lem--rr shot, Oshawa, in <onpanyî with AI.Ur. ai-d _i12s. Cai-l Fer- - anid hIî guso, visited M'ýr. and -Airs. L. Wiuikworth, Barrie.OR H S A I i1.W. Ho'wells. spent the' O C ESR weekend xith bier parents. Mvr. Featircu ý and Ms.Normnan Moare. Tien-iCARMLN. VICTU, î~ LMIIIIi toiu. 1 KENNV . !NI MiseMaîx- G'itfiu Rcc'~nn- ILt. L N];viile. sen.sattrdavx' xx Lix hec. - CLu-' Iii oa"n.\r. ancdM:s R. Gril'-'rTHE LOMBARDIO'1-1110> c'.:: iii ici 'D --i:' d \Irs. LJ-x Ar-hiE, iIL LOBAIU) anîd Ronaldi. Haycloi-. \ c'-L,.i vTWVIN PIANOS aînd Mrs. R. J. Orînistan xere; dinne:' gcests of '-.Ir. anîd Mrs.' un a big Gordon Werm-«.' at-d caliezi o11SHO0W and DANCE Miss Enima Werr-m-i-al of Toc- ý 0111o, Mlii.s Mar-ie Becket* xxas ani Gvn"11 glet fMiss Bet" MONDAY, MAY 2 Jaiic Werr.. A iunio i he breast inay or nîay netinean cancer-. this cati be deeîded only as a re- suit of examination by a' dc-c tor. acivises the Canadian Cani- cer Soeiety. Dooi*t be a canceecohobe. but clifi be ai-i o-îriciî. Kee', the- factr- af can..er i lu ocîrntd, but coni'î hiae the'11a011 VOIîî im-l"c'adn - Ille CA[a aii ICancei Society. 'uî~-8:30 tb 9:30 p.M. L eDancilng. 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. S I. SPECIAL PRICE 0F .-2.50 B. per person uîîtii April '13 S. R. Gel youirs eart v anid save inone' C. Mail & Phoune ordeî-s weieorne Phone Pete-rborough K. Rlverside 3-a"561 S 156 155 153 1512 146 143 143 142 142. 140 140 139 139 134 134 127 126 131 122 124. 1171 lo 97 81 Girls L Lîni, Bro&okiigs league le-adoc-s taok "7 ,oint.s froun Cai-nît Osmond as did MUar- il.vii Moare train Brenda Oke! te iove int a tie for second place with FIelen Vanstonie who losvtat Virginia Brown 5-2. Kareii Beauiprie had h;igh triple of fî32 with Shirley 'Coombes a 578. Over 200 gaines were Bren- dla Oke with high single of 255. Karen Beauprie 223, 241, Shirley CoonVoes 204. 207, Car- olyn M-\eadows 233, Audrey Spicer-'228. Virgie Brownr 226. Cheryl Ann Luxton «.26, Dar-,I lene M.%cClloch 213, Berta Higgon 212, Marie Chant 2_08,ý 'Jeanine Therteil 207. Gail Mul-n lmollu'nci '202. Team Standinuq L. Brooking î 2 V. Brecc'n -----41 M. Aloore ---------4 Il. Vanistone ------------- .17 C. Osmoand ---- --'217 B. oke ----------- 16 Ax-etages Bi-ooking .., Oke----- fHiggon ---- Beatîprie --- Cooînbes 'V7cnsone Mloore----- A.L'.-u [i - - - - ---- -- --' 'IC'-loch ------ -- --"-- - Lec 2(Ic' -- ------- Bmrucee- Rix-crs -- - Chant -_ __ '.Vessels Thon'ipson I ciMurter -_____ Mulholland Bennett- -_____ Meadows 3owan ___ Taylor - Burgess Lvmer Rahnîie -_ Crowe ___ Luxton Taylor C--rr Dilling Osmond Oke Dadson . .. 5teDoiipld Deboo - 181, 183 160 16V5 16f) 158 154 14q 149 148 147 144 14-) 14i 143 139 138 138 136 135 132 130 1341 1130 1:24 1?3 123 122 119 Ili if; il-,Il 106 101 9#1 go Wintor-tired 011 Is SIM - 510K - SICK! TOUR CAR NEEDS A S!>'>,NG TONIC, TOO SUPEr",OYL "10 -30ffMTO Ai-Snson-I00'. Pu,@ Ppnnsyivan.vo Change novutct su i '10 j- that takes vou t .vn ýaý9n to ie 4 son withoul a C!Ipnge-over .89 mti]ti-iziade >i - iter oi ~r miel th iî( r W! I lbrivant fr your kind of u'iot. 49....... Moto*Master V.1. 100 + Hoavy Duty Ras nature-s extra hilft-in for peppy. trouble-frce driving Gives al]-aroune 1.59 protection tO muo',i 2 3 )e Refined Pure Pennsylvanîa cos .42 Replace 0OIL FILIER ELEMENT when changing ol...'~ A dity, 'ludcged-up tiller no longer protects engine thfe 'ro harmniflabrasives. Moto-Mastey- "new-Cai-' Quality and Sùpreme OÙ Filter Elements renew this vîtai protec- I L ion As low ass9 'Sp fe 5O%-BRAND NEW VOLTAGE RPGU!IATGR Piotee ,z bat erv Moto-Master Visual Poli TUNE.UP KIT par1 er anciDi ep 3.25 k te. ofldEjs C to3 FIJ-L PRESSURE fl,,gïilator .3.1 ; e ami I j lj dp I NI - 00 ENDSi Ein:aeo 1 H IEO SHOOK10 Il E q, fi il i n DO n lp Il' n 19'm'd h1'0141 "n ý- r c 'r" acîi-~ cut-e Lw,- i.'- 8,50 1' , VIGOR QIL CO. LTD., BES QUALITI'. FaEL OIL STOVE 0CIL AT MOS'T REASONABLE PRItiES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA HA 5-1109 18 BOND ST. W. os H A W I TEM CANADIAN STATESMANL. BOWMANVMLE, ONTAMO F m prit PAGE THIrRTM4 SÀLEM IParsons. Oshawa. last nedneàdav evefifg je S LEMM.r. and Mrs. L. Rundýe. Best %vishes for a speed&. re- Commnion~,evmce~a ;Town. were Saturday evening 1 covery to Mrs. J. Delaney who atomhunionserviueda. heldi visitors with '-\r. and 'Mrs. L. 'is a paient in M~ernorial Hos- Welsh. lIc pital and to Miss Doreen Rich'i 685, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Foley,I Mr. and INrs. E.Twsan ards. xvho is in Oshawa Hos- Maple Grove were Suniciay vis- farnilv were Saturdav evenimmg il.' itors wt r ntMs ivstr with Mr. and -.s. Ros,, Ave Twst.Allun. Newcas~tle. The Young People. Union 223 Mr andiMr. . arcniait Sev.era, Irain here attended arc 'io!ding a pot luck supper 2201 and Susan were Sunday the concert by the Bownian- qit ti-ecurc'n next T 212~ ors with Mr and Mrs. Donaidi ville Choral SocIety at Tyrone cflir,.- 208 203 21 1 19, 184 180 180 187 177 175 175 173 172 172 168,I 167 165 163 162 Oe uup your cars wheels 160 159' 157 156 152 150 tiCnioe, Moto-Moiter 149 Work.r ol w 14.1 drive teoct id - ai 5 145 sive gas ~n*n~î extra -ii,tne5 .122 Irough îdling. I,,ýz f t ': NAi NSet 109 power. etc 3 .p'>'~~Ih 9 SA-N* 107 20-ox r98 lionni 89WHITEWALLS . .. .. . .. ' uneUpin-ACon Attr active i hil , IIOTOR ~or, Self -allepnge rýcP mO O ent reouired t kee 1181o hr168Shop in -165' , rir '2f t 169 g 21le, e BàOwrnanvil!6e 1 1- ----- -J 1 C. SILIVART Proprietor

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