Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 11

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Bruce Montgomery. T M.and Mrs. E. Larmer, ________________________Blackstock; ,,.and ,Mrsve <14e Vewc4/e Y v/epc4edStainton, Gail and Dors niklln, rGeorge Ham yn ub-Diiso Phoe 321 Thorough Cleaning Ms .KidadRusseOh-A W siw Hh uordon Agnew, EdiiorPhonO36o1Mr.an1m. E. Crydernan. e g Ask Citizen s f HeIp Mr.and Mrs. Ross Cryder- Newcastle - Alte a ucaigti I 1maEflen and Larry were received by thevlaecu-dvlomn ftevla ofNewcastle - Village side- The sand on thue sidewalks Sunday tea guests of Mr. and cil on Monday rmteD- eîn uliglt tc M.rs. Murray Vice and family. partinent of PlanigadD-popcie hm u SCounicil Approves Grant for Lunch n ne s o are showing the results: n the village was brought toa r.n r.E eue eomn.I sae htt~~h opn a a h now that the snow and ice e fore at the April meeting' Peterborough, were Sunday tative approval a: engvnprysree n has disappeared <we hope).lo the village coundcil on Mon- guests ofMr and Mrs. Don to the plan suitebyh aeofhesrt, 1' Icjri F ire ?ernon strcitc~n BadmIntonThe sand put on to save some day evening. lt was suggst- i Taylor and children. Newcastle DEeopet o.ve ieerntfth bBoenlegionieodri g ed that a few minutes' wùrk vlaefrpr P l n F re Dhatr t o roe es o c uigte by huh olesnw asep Mr. ad MrChas.Tylrfor dthe Wesie Hi To u rn a ment and a menace in windy or the sand off the walks could Orono, visited Mrs. A. Balson Subdivision norhoHgwapse. hnfil brez eahe.save a good deal of work in. on Sunday. to1 ndhest 1bez ete.the future when window Mr. and Mxs. R. Vice and tatevillagebunaywhnept nscasrds ~tt/lt/ L~ist. B ri cIc E ~s -le e BNewcastle - The Newcastle. Now that the snowshovelling cleaning and painting get un- Mr. Everett Vice visited vr eiagree be opltd W i h i t r g d s Hr adminton Club held their!is over for another season,ï derway. and Mrs. Harold Jbo a ilagdsusig h sbhv-asvecopte helt i wuln'titbe a good idea i I ifsi 1960 Tournaments over a per-1 householders would put away LtsalecuaeteHr Beaverton on Sunday. sion, CouncillorFakHa eofee o aea iod of five weeks with win- their shovels and grab a ticultural Society by making surrse H. ink da tn fed asinhehad be o ldi s-vsos S u n a y A f er o o , p r l2 4 ners in the juniors being Peter broomn and remove the last their slogan, "Newcastle The surrs lerbira aty or h ors inblethi omayitodt S u n d a y A f fern o o n A p rit MunicipalLake and George Sundberg. traces of the stormiest winter Neat" a reality rather than a inmton.EleWluahroedul hi :e n Newcastle - At the Aprîl!in the area, schools and coun- 'the Municipal Board confirm- The Men's Doubles finalists Mr* . W.nA. Oviitin M. nd rs.k-Pateronid hthywreigthyhaednesm meeting of the village catun-1 ty rate will probably raise the ing the tentative approval of were Eric Johnson and Gor-SL * A Bruce Tink and family.. going to getwsbn ite-oasst in h eeo cilhed n onayevnigloal at b cos t 1 mlî, heinstallation of Mncpldon Gray playing Bill LakeS 0 L 1N A Relatives of Bruce and Jessit est. if that. HE si h hl ftevlae h r Albert Naylor, secretary of! though the rate bas flot yet!Waterworks System in teadBnDcisnwt the Tink pleasantly surprised them thing was a gml ntew¶ e tre vr addressea l councr il. e f G-'eosre altnholaeath Onario WtrResourceslatter losing tht first game by A special program bas been Russell o! Toronto and Dor- on Saturday night when they part of the invetrwohaec peed ndhtls to tersoa s orenof1m ato 6fb ut c m in g pr p are d oru iedinugd ayo tn a ds- A rmh riTsoosnn)ag ahbredgt th eir h o meatth o n-dnlytth e r faih oinethea to t t villa e w ith ahiase the fire demonstration to be ýdressed council seeking infor- fied to go ahead and find out third games 15 to 9 and 15 to ing the Sunday Schooî hour, 10 ren Darlene and Donald o!fniesr hc so pî aea euiy te aeaesi h conducted in Newcastle on mation on what reguhations whether a contract can be '12 to take tht championship o'cîock t il o'cleck. Plan to Haydon present on this happy 12th. They were tht recipients The N tî ît age Sunday, April 24th when fire there were in tht village with made3 to construct thet tt th iha deprtmntsfr tt dstrctregrd o paning Htwassy t hemvo!lae. be present. occasionl. o aro al ap n oh ttd a omdb w'1pariciate asure.bycouci tht a fa i stiateicot. n ht adis'aoubes uth Mrs Stn iilon rraged A slenid theamo!LasdiaetepupDaol.bleinsfienstmbes o anIndsorflaon ie Orono, Cobourg and las they were concerned there1 A resolution was passed Bonathan and Mary Dewdney tht missionary program for and readings was concluded also extend their congratula- mittet appointdb coni Bt .vmanville purrpers will be1 are no restrictions outside o! proclaiming Daylight Saving took two straight by scores o! Sunday School when an Easter with a mock wedding. Russell tions on this happy occasion. who saw an opruiyi used in tht demonstration tht village building by-laws. Time in tht village commenc- 15-4 and 15-6 over Nancy Ste- stoi'y was read by I1<&s. How- Hardy was master o! ctremon- Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy with tht Newvcastle pumper He said he was told there was ing Sunday, April 24, and au- phenson and Sharon Hancock ard Millsonand Helen and Pat ies for tht evening. Following and sons, Columbus, visited at day overnightgut0farl' standing by in case o! emner- a Planning Board and that bis thorizing tht publisbing of an Finahist in tht Mixed Dou- Knox sang a duet. There was a the programn Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- Elston, Bowmanvie gency. Tht firemen plan to property was ta be designated advertisement ta that effect bIts were Mary and Doug record attendance o! 110. dy were seated on the plat- maid's. Mr. and Mrs. RtPso n humn down tht bouse on To- as industrial. in the local paper on April Dewdney and Sharon Han- The Excporers met Saturday !orm and an address contain- Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman, cîhîîdren visitedMse Esî bynt Ge orge W l o an d .ichejointC argum- encatloPan-the rewa2cnsdraledi-ccck and Gary McCullough afternoon with 10 members ing congratulations and best Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman, n ayDe by George Waltonwatd each tjiam Cinning-ontwcaetlentlaForhtht roîlccaildethe wisissrfromtailoprtheentllasaMr.tandiMrs. fE.mR.UTaylortMraanr.Mary MDyer,.Co.uTbusoranr has been alhowed to go to ning Board was brougbt up cussion on tht appointment o! victory witSan nd nGarye girls modelled their Easter bcj- read by Mrs. Gtorge McCuil- and Mrs. H. Pascoe and 1 rsDr ndMsA rack and ruin since purchas- and discussed at somne length. a building and weed inspector. taking tht hast game and tht nnets which they had remod- och and a lovely gift of a dîn- A. J. Balson were guest.s at e h earmn fTeredstl fsc or Toapiain eecn championsbip. elled. Mrs. M. Vice led tht mng room table and chairs was tht Cryderman-Stainton wed- Mr. and MrsNis onr Highway when constructing and a number o! meetings sidr, but as ont o! tht ap- study period on Liberia and ah- presented ta tht honored coup- ding on Saturday afternoon. van, Maple Groevitdth k highway 401. Mr. Nayior ask- were held and considerable plîcants bad not been ap- A good perctntage o! tht sa read a story. Tht worship le who exprtssed their sincere Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Werrys. ed counicil for a grant to tht correspondence was conduct- proached regarding weed in- members took part in tht service was conducttd by Mrs. thanks toail. Dainty refresh- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and Tht second metnro Ct firemen ta cover tht cost o! ed with the Department o! spection it was decided to tournament this year wbich B. Tink. Tht Explorers and mrents were strved in tht lower children, Bow-manville, were tons May be Smr"wshd aallchforthofotr ntpatoPannngandieveopmnartavPitavnnininghtapncalDasvostencuraingtolhtahei moher ar inite tohal. tverl SunafrindsSunay isiorswit Mr an onSatrda, Atil9 ahth in tht demonstration. $30 was but the council neyer comn- meeting to be called in a week executive. Eight trophies wert tht rmothers andedaugte sup all.wer e r oiamon thg ests s. Frdank esitlake Jhr. andOme o! r.D onTylrSx granted by counicil. pheted any agreement to en- or so, and to !ind out in the awarded to tht above win per pianned by tht C.G.I.T. Congratulations to Mr. and famihy. teen girls were rsntTh Budgets of tht Public and ter the area and noa local meantime whetber he wouhd ners for tht first time sifldt group on April 18. Roll caîl for Mýrs. Keith Cryderman tht Mr'. and Mrs. Tom WestIake girls decided thenm frti Haigh Scbool Boards were re- members have been appointed take both jobs. tht club bas been organized. next meeting is "Mly Favorite former Lînda Stainton of En- and Cecil, Millbrook,' visited unit would be Shn Sw' ceived botb showing increas- t o any planning board. Tht Tht matter o! dog controi Spring Flower". niskillen who were married in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sews". Mrs. LEakdmnt- b es. Tht Public schooi budget council prefers ta set up its was also left over as the let-MranMs.aryHrd Enniskilien Church on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and ted and boundbutnhls Ueaoim1v, is up about $3,000 over last own planning board. Tc close ter !rom Bowmanvilie did not Mr.andMrs Hao!yHa dy atron r lt !mtracs n oftedsusoa eouinsaewath otl E e n ogBowmanville, former Solina Mi'. aen Mr. A!ASnadcide istdM.adMs pr altionfo!mattilwsNneiait year at $19,000.00. wbile thteoff tht discussionna resolution stateandattht monthly fet Mr.siddnts for 15 years wor total bigb scbool budget for was passed instructing the covered, tht letter was flot oresdsfoby ar atern sons, Bowmanville, were Sun- Mel Morgan, Taunton. discussed by Mr.Tyo.M.Reinouftl Newcastle including deben- clerk ta write ta tht minister sufficiently exphanatory and j <I fre ativs rgfeidat an day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Knox attended Bowman gaveintuiosnWihdr.d.. tures is up ta $15,316.88. Reeve o! Planning and Develcopment it was decided ta get more in- Plians S o e frltvs n red taWesYees and sons. tht fortieth wedding annivers- how ta measure o atr Cunningham stated thet u sking for an appointment for formation and make a deci- pleasant social evening in Sol- Mr Harry Eare rmbayclbainfrM.adadteslc bîrt s lou a lwýhm ta meet wtn tht council sion at tht spedulmetn a orl\r tHt ai on oiiorwttruadMsr.Dona h hm !Pas eemd fratpt be impossible for tht village oa discuss this matter. Most members favoured tht ic ai day night, on teoMain rfws I a stry. c.adtr.N ow tth oeofPas em ta hold tht line on its budget Waterworks Approval Bowmanvilie plan and wanted theî r 4th wedding annivers - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen r rs. . ovh Oh-Osawa frtt il ta sel ta keep tht tax rate from ris- A letter was received from mort information.Necse-Th Evng ary. Tht bride and groom o! and family, Brougham visited Mr'. and Mrs. E. Hockaday ses. Next meetinwllbAp Ing. L ik e other com m unities B ranch o! St. G eorge's W om - t e r b i a t e d n s r . M . a d M s o n K o n n r . N el w e s o - rl 2 . T e r l l j i ! home o! M Axiirs. Dougas Cn-heore culoh n M. is- ly. manville, visittd at Ivan Ell- in clothes that sism. n hoe f r. oula un GoreMculoc ndMr I- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- icott's, Peterborough. point ta considerwe byn ningham on Wedntsday, April aac Hardy and their 2 chlldren, leY, Bowmanville, were Sun- Evelyn Hockaday was a Mon- cottons."l t I ew castle 6th, with tht meeting open- Col ICti /l ing with prayers afttrwhc reports were heard from tht 'I a. Mrs. Hilton Peters, Mr. Ralph c)oreports were re- j---Peters, Toronto; Mr. Keith ceivtd by tht branch from the Peters, Oshawa, were among last two catering events they thtecailers Mrs. T. Salter re- Mrs. P. F. LeGresley iso! Newtonville and Mr. and sponsored. It was decided to ceived on hier 88th birthday. spending tht Easter holidays Mrs. Bruce Whitney were din- purchase 50 copies o! the new Hampton fiends txtend con- in Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. ner guests with Mr'. and Mrs. Prayer Book which is expect- grtulations to lber and trus J.Mci.George Kimbaîl and family on ed to arrive by Wbitsuntide she ayb prdtejy Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- lmona evening. for use in tht church. semotbrday ocasid o n bail and family were Sunday Freds o! Mrs. Tom Brown Some talent money was Mfr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Iwill be pheased ta hearn that turned in at this meeting. Picktring, were Sunday tea Clinton Farrow and family in she bas returned home after Members beld draws, sewed guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oh BOY: Ntwtonville. a brie! stay ini Memorial Hos- and baked to raise money dur- atr Friends o! Mrs. P. F. Hart pital in Bowmanville. igtht month o! Marcb. A Mr'. and Mvrs. Chas. Warren will be pleased ta know that Pupils o! room five o! the bake sale lne o al aertne rmapesn Or,, ~shaewasetned rHompitaan h ec ase PulicScboleo! iin May by tht Afternoon holiday in tht Rio Grande Val- Oshwa enealHosita an wichMrs Ge. tapeto ~Branch was announced and ley in Texas.* is convalescing at ber home. tht teacher, received tht thrill members were reminded o! Mrs. (Dr.) Albert Allin, Fort Mr. and Mrs. William Barr o! a lifetime on Monday tht services ta be held in Williaim was a visitor with ofBowmanville visited with morning whtn tbey received Holy Wetk. Mrs. W. G. White and Miss O RANGE n Paland.Mrs. G. H. Hodgsonthe Tht Woman's Auxiliary an- Nancy Johns on Wedntsday o Ai tegodns ad on Sunday evening. birth o! Prince Andrew, tht nual meeting is to be held hast week. Ai 1. oon.s nd Mr. and Mrs. George Allia students sent a letter o! con- in tht new Diocesan Centre in Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, flovor of big, juicy and Miss Helen Allia spent, gratuhations ta Princess Anne Toronto on May 23 .and 24th Johany, Judy and Terry, vîsit- Coliformici oranges Saturday ia Toronto. and Prince Charlts on tht beginnîng with a service in ed bis parents, Mir. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Swan birth o! their brother and on St. James' Cathedral. J. Lyon, Toronto, on Sunday. o! Peterborough visited with Monday received a letter It was announced tht next s. S. Gt Nider and whMr. Mr.andMrs GodonAgnew from Lady Morrison, Lady in meeting o! tht Auxiliany and M tht R.tkerndewitaMnd onWednesday. waîting ta Quten Elizabeth, would be heîd in tht Parîsh fmis.Tro.Fenne ad Brce, d Mrs. Carl Todd. exprtssing tht Queen's appre- Hall on April 2oth whtn thte aiy Trno BrcDoris and Anne O! ciation o! their letter. meeting will be a shower for MLsAvenne Clnad, Ms. K Starkvilhe spent Sunday with Tht Newcastle Brownies lst tht Arctic hale being packed Cavernely s en riay nTron-K Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and 2nd Packs held a most by the membens. Toys, Sunday toand erlsentaccompaind foon Tht anyfnen doer. successfuh sale o! candies last School papers and religioustoan e comnidfm Theman fiens f Ms.week from April 4th to 7th. pictures for coîouring ar Bowmanville by Mrs. Albert Bi'tnton .Rickai'd will be sorry Tht Management o! tht Com-mc n adinttnrh Allin. ta leara that she is a patient munity Bowling Ahîtys kind- Each member was asked to Mis. R. J. MlcKessock Osh- WO.1 i mon i alH s ia n Bo -leo ed t E o nes t a bring a sm alh toy for the bale. aw a, is visiting bier sister, M rs. manvEille6 oTE ARoNwbere she unden- set up a table in tht basement FloigtemeigteJot Chapman. ITTIHNDYUOTIIARON went. an operation an Monday o! tht community hall beside Floigttmeigtt Finst Officer Gary Chant, morning. tht alîtys where they sold members enioyed a cup of tea Malton, visited bis parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilis Farrow their candies. Tht Leaders of and a social bal! hour toge- and Mns. T. M. Chant at tht *______________________________________ tht Brownies are most grate- ther. weekend. fui toalal who helped in any , -Mr. and Mrs John Carrigan way ta make tht venture the1 and Miss Marie Prescott vis- PR ~ S S A H D success that it was. ited on audyenigwt P R C S L SDM r. adMrs E. Fre fM s io aryMn. and Mrs. Herbert Prescott, iMimico visited on Friday with > Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew. r M. and Mns W. Harrison rom Japan and Kim, Coîborne, spent tht ON weekend with bier parents, Mn. \A44 Sand Mns. G. Adcock. Mn. and Comm nity Tals atWMS Mrs. Tom Peters and Mn. and Mns. Earl Henry, Oshawa, were IlS DC R5 ovl gNewcastle - Tht annual Sunday callens at G. doks Thank-offering meeting of tht Mns. Jim Smaies, David and, BowlinWomen's Missionary Society Laura Let, Oshawa, visited M.' was held in tht Sunday School and Mrs. J. Smaies Sr., and Auditorium o! tht United attended the Choral Society ResuIt Church on Thursday after- concert on Friday evening. il ioon.Guess pesen repes- Mrs. Albert Balson, Solina, 1954 MERCURY 4-DR Teenage League - John!ented tht Newtonville, KinbyvsidMran Ms.Hod James rolled the high triple in 'and Onono Auxillaries and tht Balsoru and also attended tht Automnatie, power equipped, tht teenage heague on Satur- Evening Auxîhiary o! Trin- concert. fuIIy equipped - OnIy - ---- $ 895 day afternoon with 585. Those ity United Church in Bow- Mrs. L. Clemens visited M'.ý 191 TU EBKE ~scoring over 200 in single manville. and Mrs. Norman Clemens, 1951STUDBAKE V-8games were John James 273, Tht meeting opened with Toronto, on Friday and attend- Beverley Gilkes 243. Sharon a hymn. Mrs. George Allun, td tht Home Show in tht ev- automnatic, radio, air conditioning- $ 425 Hancock 224, Bob Brown 223, [the president o! the local aux- ening. 195 SUDEAKR SANARDCOCHGary McCullough 212 and iliany, welcomed tht guests Mr. A. W. Pnescott attendtd 195 SUDBA ERSTND RDCO CH:nenton Hughes 210. and gave a few thoughts on!1 a rt-union held Friday even- air conditioning $ 275 * * * tht Easter theme followed byý ing i n the Piccadiily Room, Wednesday Ladies' League a short prayer. Mrs. W. F. Hotel Genosha. Ont hundred -Scoring aven 200 were Bet- Rickard read tht scipture1 and forty-seven vettrans af tht 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN ,ty Brown 275, Ruth Couchilesson and tht meditation i ll6th Canadian Battalion wel- heater ----$---------255, Bessie Ferguson 225, Ma-! based on the 24th chapter Of, comed their former colonel, $ 0 ry Garrod 209 and Kay Pow- St.* Luke's Gospel, and Mrs. now Defence Minister Hon. 1952STU EBA ER /2-on . ---- $425 'ti 208. M. C. Fisher led tht gnoup un George Peankes. 1952STU EBA ER -Ton--- - -------------- $425earnest prayer. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Z95 CHV. ELU E SDAN heterMonay adis' eage - During tht service, Mns. Mr. and Mis. Percy Dewell, »52CHE. DLUX SEANheaer Mary Foster 257, Dorothyloy Ayre o! Bowmanville Douglas, Canolyn and David, j 951 CHEV.6,-Jan Boyd 42 favoured tht gathering with and Mns. Jot Chapman attend- 1,191 CHV. %Ton Helen Counoux 235, Bessietwo beautiful solos, "Tht ed a gathering at Mn. and Mrs. Runs good.-$22 Ferguson 213, Ruth Couch 'tagro aie"ad"h rc iks oia nSt - 25 ý'1, and Marilyn Martin 200.StngroGaie"ad"h Brc TiksSonaon a- i* * * Ohd Rugged Cross". unday evening ta mark tht oc- -IL-947 STUDEBAKER M-17 STAKE TRUCK Men's League - Bill Lake Mrs. M. C. Fisher introduc casion o! the latter's 20th wed- Comletlyrecndtioed-------$ ~ 296, Bill Harrison 238, Verne ed tht guest speaker for th ding aaniversary. Competey rcondtioed - -- -$ 35 fMis. Menwin Mountjay and Roe 238, Don Lake 235, Slim occasion, Miss Dulcie Cook, aMsE.togomnvle McWilliams 235, Jot Louis Missionary on furlough from attended the funeral o! Mrs. 'U27 and Bill Stonks 226. Japan. Mis. Fisher introduc- McCîeayTontn rd. * ~~' * ed ber as a close pensonal Mn1y ooto rdy Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories Thunsday Mixed League - friend who is a teacher o! r n r. ewnMut !j andeMrstherwin Munt-y available at Gary Barchard 253. Mary Gar-, English and music in a high, joy seatnofd thPalmrs ua '-od 250, Bnian Rowe, 248, Jot school in Kanagawa, Japan peetto ! SanrsCu Louis 224 and Verne Rowe Miss Cook gave a most inspir- cifixion at Albert St. United ,208 ing and informative address ý Church, Oshawa, ***on ber work in Japan. A God Friday Wonship Ser- Grahar,'s Garage Friday Mixed eague-Ken Ttapeitino h vice bat 7:45 p a.m., G a a ' G a a e Whitnty 251, Albert Pearce Th prcain o h evice awi 7:4begin with a hymn 243,.abraAde 238. Stan Auxiliary was expressed to 1 by tht presentation o! a Sacred j STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Brown 2,12, Jean McCullough Miss Cook for ber very fine Easter Cantata, "Claudia and 1 230, Betty Brown 228, Jean address by Mrs. A. W. Gîta- tht Finst Easter", at 8 pm COlfax 3-2233 iRickard 222, Hazel May Mua-:nt. Please came and wonship wiîth ro 220, Jack Lees 220. Narda Following tht service, de- us in tht Assembly Hall. Easter' Fraydon R.R. 1, Bowmanville i Hoogkamn ' George Kim- icious refreshments were Sundav, Service at 9:45 arn.. 1 '~bal] 916.r - Lees 208 and servEd and tht ladies enjoy- Topic - "Do you believe ini MIAlice Rowe 201. led a social hour tagether. j Easter?"' HAMPTON )r the ke by 'st to ,iders. epro- giving land Put- ,n the 'swill coet, ie m-r erson, ything know- 2thing pment :petWy IhL ic; 0F FOOD VALUES!1 FRESH GRADE "A" OVEN READY PREDRESSED 4 to 8 LB. AVERAGE e Turkeys Ibi5 BURNS OR PRESSWOOD'S SHANKLE SKINLESS - FULLY COOKED - SM( Homs IIALF OR WHOLE )KED I 49C Table Rite 1-lb. Rol Pure Pork Sausage Meat 29c CREAMY WHITE HEADS - U.S. No. 1 STOKELY'S FANCY CAULIFLOWERI Tomato Juice each19c Savory Tropical Flavour BANANAS -2 '>.25 Garden Fresh - U.S. No. 1 LETTUCE - Garden Sweet Flavour YAKS - - Dole Fancy Pineappie Ocean Spray Jellied or 20 oz. tin Whole - 15 oz. Tins TID BITS - 35c Cranberry Kraft Italian or French Sue go 8 oz. Botties Sue 2F, 5 Dressings 21,-nr49c McLaren'g - 15 oz.Ja IGA Easter Corn Relish 29c Candies, Gums 1eJIm Dandy and Eggs - 29c LeI"'"Iozbo79c White or Blue IUD -79 20e Off K.S. Stripe - Giant DREEZE $1.47 Toothpaste 2/99c Christies Oreos CELLO37 PKG.37 lieads 25c 3 Lbs. 25c1 DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail 28 OZ.39 SAVE 9c - LARGE BOTTLES - PLUS DEPOSIT IGA Gingerale 3 for 35c FRESH FROZEN FRASERVALE Strawberries 2PKG: 6 5c ALL POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes CARTON14 Be Sure M. Pick Up Your Chlldren 'i Romper Room Report Card AVAILABLE FREE AT YOUR IGA CASHIERS CHECK OFF THE 1M. DO BEE" GOLDEN RULES DAILY. UPON COMPLETION PRESENT THE RE- PORT CARD AT YOUR IGA STORE THE FOLLOW- ING WEEK AND RECEIVE YOUR CHILD'S OFFICIAL 'DO BEE" BUTTON AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. We Reserve the Rlgbt t. Limit Quantltles SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGAMarket BGWqANILLE Toms' IGA'Marlket nEWCALEI ,onitAiio TH'rTPqr)AY, APR. 14th, 1960 THIC CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnJýX ONTARIO lu-,àr-v. V.T.Wjiw 2 l'hs. 25c 1 . ONTARIO

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