Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 9

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TE!J~SDAT. AP 141h. 1100 TEE CAIiADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMMV1LLE, ONTABIO - PAGE NflIU ~nase their conditions, describe I~I and business items pertaining ection of Jeanine Wer ih edo.Tesvceasbe Dont Forget to Return'treatmentl*t&afb roi-Congratulations and Best W isMas o the br nefr mpa r R. BishLeewathesî er nte. .H oe If he attr cn ISflvid Mato rthte bz r annefr madt Mrs. R. BE. Lee at h ran lne b h1esinm ed locally, telcldco hebsns.Ms .Mount- iwhoswish too haful Y ou r Pi.nk Envelo e týhen supervises it. If treatment Last week, in Toronto, C. Reginald Our best wishes to Mr. Lovekin and joy and Mrs. J. Starr were rangement of "The IHoI iy.cide eev h arm is required in a big City hos- Lovekin was tendered an unique trib- a hearty welcome borne. Quite obviously named as the Oshawa Fair William Werry wasuer-of atsm re dvedht During the past year lead- clubs organize the din îcs un-. for transportation and hospi- ute - not by his fellow employees hwasmdaaget ay redsioittee ..T sumrdf $25 tend Mfr theJSunay eolsc eviei en ra M physicians and surgeons der a medical cammittee1 talization by the Society. which is the normal sort of retirement the Toronto area who will be missed. f~ o t eed to C.ldig.I.. osardth G r.J.Sr anist dfrSnaMy8h IMW for necessaryiaizibuinding ButrNewcstse ElizabetharawGreer aandmpBruceý ortmhopital secsaizing inwhich enroîs the volunteer Over the years thousands of operation - but, rather, by the foiks Bu, ewath e i lo so f aionaway sAndcalm oPreoria. Dale received the Sna orthousaedic s eesat tnd pc is.The lttr*îcldes rippled chidrn have attend- he bas been checking on as a govern- we h oeo fiato eoe oa oo, "The Old Rug- School offering, RaeTrgna Aor e m tegic locations throughout On-.'literally every top specialist ed such clinics, have received ment inspector for many years. the citpprevu etl in ablnoofiiai F. Snoswdn. n b Mrs. la S ott Secio eal uiewlbepo T VRYH tario for the benefit of crîp- in the fields of medicine anct treatment and have benefit-tect rqetyi o-fiilF Sodn r.Aa ct pca ui i pied youngsters. surgery which are necessary ted from the follow-up pro- Versatile Ed Youngman represented capacity to renew acquaintances estab- of Columbus was in charge cf vided for the Good Frdys- te the children's benefit. gram, provided by the Socie- The Statesman and reports on the . tudy on "Refugee Year". vice at Kedron, at7:0 ih YRY&LOVELL The out-linic service p)ro- These doctors corne from To- ty's nursing services. A score lished by mutual respect and admira-s Hostesses were Mrs. E. Mou- solos, duets and choir unes1:i ~w A336 vided by the far flung facili- ronte, Hamilton, Ottawaan f nurses especially trained in, event in a separate column. tion over bis lengthy period of service. ntjoy, rs D. Love and lMrs. arranged by the diretr f ~mnIi lies of the Ontario Society for other' cities Iocated neairthewa orthopaedics follow up every' SoM.Lvknwl b eiigI oigbrnw nw M.c er.music at Columbus, Ralnn Crippled Children has devel- clinics' centre. Plans for clin case, teach the mother how.to from the government service to return Lovekin will use bis abundant energy Easter services will be held oped. under the closely re- ic are laid we]i in advance. carry on the therapy prescrib- lated co-operation between Through local offices of health. ed by the doctors and see that to bis native community of Newcastle and ability for tbe furtbering of pro- at the usual hours next Sun- the Society and the 222 ser- public health nurses and local 'anything required such as where, probably, be will shout tbe gress in bis native Newcastle. 'We wish day with the churcli services at vice clubs which each year doctors the Society's field nur- braces or crutches are provid- virtues of Liberalism to the heavens and hlm and bis wife much happiness and 10 a.m. and Sunday Sehool at TOWN O >"M N IL conduct the Easter Seal Cam- ses locate and visît crippled ed for the children. en11eeymnteo tgo elh o ayyasi a.m. paign, te, finance assistance te chldren, report their needs For the 1960 Easter Seal ejyvr mntofi.g dhal or yyas. The Community Club execu- hepcrippldcide.Ia- and plan their attendance at Cmagwihi edfoESE tive were very disappointed in dto ohelp finance the clinic. On a planned day for Mtrch l7th to Aprithe7th, STE sreateorvice clubs hel it ten ity such a ide rla n ake 000 F bk lent stoKEDR cfisacthere is a minimum of $5, hn f a is atrDay, KLinthUnuIIiy al o from their community, the dreds of miles around a com- and other services. 80-Itiko htfrtEse .~MS ra M. Saturday evening. A very fine _______________ world that- wll longe tnedarknesset00ayeeMr.toacdrMrsn.tRonald rWe Mryay rnentary wasa y rovided by byCon- _____and__________r idTbe ol htlnindrns a M.nd r.Rnl W ry servation Officer and Game sters and helping t~~~~ov' odel them will be specialists in or- frhi ain lr lao on n enn accommodation for those who thopaedic surgery and other rit7nBurst frhi ain loy lao njoyan eie Warden, Den Smith, but only cannot return imniediately. ibranches of medicine together NE~W1 uNVILiL The promise of a life miade new, Werry were Kedron young a small group wiere in attend- The Society and the service with local doctcrs who diag- To us tbat day was given, folk in attendance at the an- ance to benefit. The Commun- v _______________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwenAn hog the lnigpn and tears, nuai "At Home" dance spon- ity Club are planning to a- ane!mlyo Peterboroughtro h binngpi sored by Ontario County Jr. range for fire-works and treats apn fuamy w irpr The lasting peace of Heaven. Farmners ini Port Perry High for the children on May 21. Fer Deat Resulta.. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bur- And as eacb Easter-tide returns, School auditorium on Friday Canvassers will be around for ley To tell the story, ever new, evening. a donation to augment the ClubG ABG TRY OUI leGA n o Mr. and Mis. Reuben Middle- Ail nature then, in sweet accord, Miss Beryl Mountjoy has lef t funds for this project. ton of Oshawa visited Mrs. Proclaims tbe risen Lord to you. with friends, for a three-week Extra seating arranged aI the uulypce po ., TUE OfLY TiHNG.Ckmi ' vacation in Florida. back of the Church Hall, was MM 14OF US K140W ABOUT Auto aGc eo. Ovens on Saturd ay. -M. Cunningham required on Sunday morning TH PE r ilr-Miss Anne Nesbitt resumned Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, for the pre-Easter Communion O F niT GITS NERE li~Al er millinery duties at Osh- wsaweedgus fle odce ytemnseRv 0 ERW N TiE AR ASH aao LJsa. e t e o Station sister, Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Ronald H. Love. Tet-iew OMI .and uto hde The regular April meeting of new members were receivcd wI epce po '~~The car wash that gives yoa o! Little Britain spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl ElliotI and the slate for 1960-61 presenîed the Woman's Association was into the membership cf Ked- (bat gleainn wax finish. with Mis. G. W. Jones. David accompanied by Mr. and by Mrs. B. Heaslip, Convenor held in the Sunday School Hall ron United Churc- il by T U S A D A EL 11 M.adMrs. Wesley Elliott Mrs. Stan Thomas, Greenbank, o! the Nominating Committee,' on Wednesday afternoon, with profession of faith and 14 by LUBRICATION o! Oshawa were calling on old attended the Timmy Easter as follows: President Mis. R. missionary theme. The pro- transfer. Cub leaders in confer- 071. CHANGE neighbors over the weekend. Seal show at Maple Leaf Gar- Davison; ist Vice President, gram was arranged by Mis. ence at Camp Samac also at-R..RENLS CA WSHMr. and Mrs. John Webster dens on Sunday. Mis. H. Vine; 2nd Vice Presi.: Alvin Spencer, Mis. Howard tended the service in a body. Cek *FISK TIRES o! Cobourg spent Sunday with Mis. R. Davison visited with dent, Mis. A. Hyland; Secret- Brown and Mirs. F. Snowden. Special music was provided and Mi. and Mis. Win. Skelding. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knight, ary-Treasurer, Miss R. Proutt; Discussion on committees by the regular choir under dir- ~ Nç~N. ndMis. Joe Dubeau left on Port Perry, on Sunday after- Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, BATTEBRIES Tuesday to visit bier mother noon. Mvrs. C. Wilson. and family at Vancouver. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pîanist, Mrs. L. Malcolm; Mi. and Mrs. Walter Whitt- Cecil Wilson over the weekend Directors, Mis. J. Forder, Mis. *aker and family o! Toronto were Miss Gwen Wilson and J. Watson, Mrs. W. Steel; Aud- *spent Sunday with bier mother Mi. and Mrs. Herman Rodman, itoîs, Mis. E. Herron, Mrs. J. Mis. J. T. Pearce. Toronto. Hedge. Geo.KimaîlMis. Herman Sameils return- Standing Committee Con- Mi. and Mrs. Go ibl ed to hier own home after an veners: Historical Research, and Joan o! Newcastle and Mr. extended stay with Mr. and Mrs. K. Samelîs with a cern-o andKE Mrs. Frank Reader o! Osh- is. Cecil Wilson. mittee o! thîce te assist in Ibis8 SERV R STA IO Nawa were Sunday guests o! Word bas been received that projeet; Home Econornics and Mi. and Mis. Clinton Farrow. Mi. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt Health, Mrs. H. Vine; Citizen- xiCeaN R ai*Mi. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Mr. Elmer Nesbitt wiil be sbip and Education, Mrs. W. and Dorella and Mis. Cccil on their way home this week. Jackson; Agriculture and Can-M Buîy attended the 50th wed- The Langfelds will follow at adian Industries, Mrs. A. Bea- &JKi Ia Uding anniveîsary o! Mi. and the end o! tbe montb. cock; Resolutions, Mis. L. Mal- Mis. Wilbeît E. Nichols o! Port The members of Nestieton colin; Public Relations, Mis. G. U Britain on Wednesday even- Women's Institute Executive Thompson; Sunshine Commit- ing. attended the District Executive tee, Mis. M. Fisher, Mis. G. Mr. and Mis. C. Melville meeting in Bowmanville on Johns, Mis. B. Heaslip. Joncs entertained at a family Thursday- Mis. M. Emerson, The May meeting te be held ___________________ dinner party Saturday evening. Mirs. H. Vine, Mis. Arthur Hy- the second Wednesday ini the Those present were: Mi. and land and Mis. R. Davison. rnonth at the home o! Mis. Mis. H. S. Britton, Newcastle; Women's Institute Heaslip wil be i charge of the Mi. Chas. Britton and Mi. and Mis. Richard Davison gra- executive. There will be the Mis. Archie Britton, Oshawa; ciously welcomed the members annual sale o! plants and bulbs. Mi. and Mis. Bert Wakelin, o! Nestieton Women's Institute Roll caR il ll be answeîed by C O E T R E E vIs.Me l \ an d M iMs. ole home for the April baving a vegetable beginningCOED - R A Y TS RV ith spLaw ecial greetings with the fiîst letter o! your ~ IkM ~W.M.S. Meeting nm and the motte vil be, 5 ~ L * *~The Aril metingo! ier 55long absence through ire"Wa".we sow w shal aise M EDHM S E E-LIN G W.M.S. was beld Wednesday Following the customary op- Mi. Vie g afternoon, 6th, in the home o!fnn mcMusns wsd s in gve a detailed ac- Mis. Frank Gilmer. The wor-iniuss buMis.Eneson as s count o! the Summary day te ship service was conducted by heartily thanked for bier inter- be held in Solina on April 26th, 4 For Hedges Windbreaks the president Mis. Sid Lancas- esting radie reports ever the whnte usmdeb h trwith Mrs.T. Pearce paîyeîad i. .He members o! the Nestleton Ora enas hrsma res reading the scriptuîe. Regrets vili be radio reporter fo the Rug Making Class viii be on B t OInae nt SPRC LSRChrsm sT eet tedNwate uiir o"nte eera ld mae le the otirr onws- h weîe voiced on net being able coming year. Several "tbank dsly 5dnto a PINE SPRCE BUE SRUCE Thank-offering. A bale o! used mng one from a bereaved fa- pital Auxillary Penny Draw0c AND DUGLA FIRclothîng alrcady packed, le be ily and for a fod oato and members voted le subscri- r iv Portion AN DULA FRtaken te Oshawa. Plans were senotoade d a tion be te the Canadian Association Also Available:- laid for oui Thank-offering President Mis. Davison gavee!onue'bletsfra- service in Good Fîiday after- a splendid account o! the plea- other year. Twenty-one memn-______________ HARDWOOD SHADE TREES noon in the S.S. bail, Mis. Fer- sant visit paid te Blacksoc brs païd their fees for 1960- rBr OBTRLCSEOi WeAlo reEuipe t d:guson o! Bowmanville having Institute in March. Discussion H A LF NO u53e We Aso re quipedto o:heen procured as speciai speak- re the coffee ura te be used in Mis. George Johns read a MUE! MelloviU01 HL eî; the secretary was asked te the comrnunity follewed The fine article dealing with the Custom Ground!L I Band and Machine Cusiomt Planting write a note e! appreciation te auditoîs repoîted the books motte, "Your action Ioday wiii 1 SH A N K IhI LF NOC~NE LCSRMVDl ou.W.A. for their gift te belp !ound in good eider and tbe deternine your place tomer- us in our allocation. The meet- financial report vas read by row,"1 and the meeting closed Write for Free Price List ing closed with Mizpah Bene- secretary-treasurer Miss Ruth by singing God Save the Queen C N R U S o r M. and Mis. Robt. Sheffield A splendid reviev of the A dainty lunch vas served WO E HM 7 Richardson Form sand farnily, Osbawa, at George yeaî's aecomplishments were by tbe members of Mis. Johns' WO E HM POTPOL NTROStapletons. presented by the Standing Co- group and Mis. W. Bowies C o ffe e PONTPOOL ONTRIONewtonville Brownies are nrmittee Convenoîs: Mis. R. wY. voiced the sentiments e! the Telephone Bethany l. r4 holding tbeir paper drive on Jackson, Citizenship and Edu- ladies in thanking Ibehostesses : Tuesday April 19. Please bave cation; Mis. H. Vine Home Ej-c- Mis. Gist and Mis. Davison and e your papers lied in bundles. onomîcs and Health; Mis. M. the group for the pleasant a!- lb.L bag GAE""OE E and Current Events; Mis. L. Malcolmn, Resoîutions; Mis. G. WHAT OTHERS SAY M SIDE BACON AUL GOOD SMOKED IDES2-bpgC9 Mihs,.Topsn ulc e r nSunshine Committee; P o hr u rm Une owner car. Satra vnn shoulci be established along NEWl Finney's home fer Forest Row- ol uiis thi notertN W H EEiL c ntro r7Nl den vho viii be marîied soon. lolypuifes ewaeubOtal InPe.Gae(Ctrld Atm ospile r.)e T R U CK SOn Saturday afternoon the aientas eut anyregnele-us TRU CK S 4-H Club held their ffrst meet- mens whch re udesious ing fer the new unit. "Cottons Thves utea numbrereo! im- BKDI ae pc sS Y AP E We bae 3 ood 12-To PICKPS my be mart at Ms. MAl- tves utlind a umbArof's- OWND IAKERY 5VN AKMASTERMST BA AERS Wehv igos/tTnPCUP a es ma.Oltrt atMis.Mc- provements vhich should be aePrrRg.9cAV10 P Good for Farm or General Uselitrshm.nytreme- made up tei improve the facil- JaeareRe.6-BE10 1955 STUDEBAKER 1953 FORD bers attended due te, the vea- ities aI the pool and which BUBRY PEec 9 1955 STUDEBAKER 1953 FORD ~ther and reads, but we bad oui would be velcomed by tose BUBRY PEec.9 meeting. Linda McAllister ser- who make use o! the pool. Jane Parker Reg. 59o-SAVE 10o 1951 CHEVROLET ~~~~ved lunch. Our next meeting Their first reconmendation PN A PE PEec 9 lol.. and -Mr. Roy Baker, Misses Marie chlorinating the vater. They STCUPORFRZRATTEEOWRCS Mercer and Suzanne Thickson aise suggested tbat improve -TOK ________REEZRAT___________ CE 195021/-ToG.K.. TUCKmotored te Tarante and visited rnents could be started Ibis 190 '/-Tn MC TRCKwith the Thickson girls on Sun - vear and continued i follov- June Parker Large Reg. 55o-4SAVE 60 Californieq, . r Mi. and Mis. E. .Fowler and 1It is disheartening te tbliàg ANGEL CAKE oack E OShci@bg eos29 !amily visited in Oshawa on o! the Orono park without a '9 LM N R O Y W . N IC H O L S Su~~~~~~~~~M. nd.Mis. C. Beatty and what will lappen inbhe not amee.-P LFordPsal-Jb S~-N.iGae Oldsmobile - Chevrolet - Corvair Mis. R. F. Beatty on Saturday ments are not started this M Mî Be Snabt t visited CeleryStI s ea 19 aid nvo(Drlishuuil> arsand undy, ut gl wrd hatyear. The Orono Board basa adEvy (rts al)Cr she had passed away when challenge and one whlch ve £ they got borne on Sunday. hope they vil! aocepî. The AUiln Th iis Ad Guaranteed Through Bat. April 10, 1M DG NA VLLE ChvrlelTrck CORTCEAlan Mercer, Toronto, vas facts are nov known.... BOWN NML Chvroet rucs CURTMMIhome for the veekend. This is cither improve the pool or Phoe A 3333 Pon M 3 2fl his last year at Ryerson. ac-close it. We believe it shouid count o! the roads. but ve hope improvements are possible.- to have Al on Wednesday. iOrono Times. - PAGE NM THO tSDAT, APR. 14th, 1960 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIqVr[£X ONTARIO

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