THURSDAV AYiN ,p rt.1196n C OU TICEVinison and Mrs. Gladrnanwa Home and School. CO R IEnarned to look into the pM7b- rs. Gay, a charter member, ility of a duplication dayligbt of Courtice Home and School, Sy atv i etenedto r.screnor something else to beireviewed Mn-. Courtice's work I M ag s r t ' C ot JaU B * i and William. Mrs.!Iuseful to the teachers and the[in founding our Association.g s r te o r Boyd passed away Tuesdav fol-!tscbool.lae-wrngbrayU10b lowing SUI'gery .1at Bow man- ltrwrigle a pt e Fiuet a 10 ak Roo cun wet Ms.President of Home and School Fîu' opy IO ak eef aitwo catis of sa Ville Hospital.jRoncui eto r. Couniil for Oshawa and Dis- îng ticket rosi a motorist a fromn a store in Newcast Mis eiiee av "oono.Cousins anti Miss Bennett. tiî ~~ tl ae dacn penalty of $6.00. Tbree local was remanded a week fo Mis Brnec Ga..'with M. Mrs. Charlie Carpenter was tit n tUlte dacn spent the wveckend'naedasa elgat tMte.on througb her bard work and residents paiti $24.00 for ah- tnce. It was pointedc ant Ms.R. ay vention to be belt in ToronIoIpieasing personaliiy to the lowing their dogs t0 be at evidenice that the man Mr. dur rinWgBnw the Easte holidays. Home and School Federation large. 43 speeders paiti $736.00 $13.00 in cash on bimj Barbara, We:-dy ai -1 Debbie ý uîn lto f Ontario and to the positiotn for infractions of the 30 mile time of the offenre. Hi visiteti with Mr' and Mrs. Ger-, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice of oixr of District Chairman now helti speeti limit, in Bowmanville purchased somte articles. i & Id Baisoiî. Hampton.i own Association was guest, by bier and Newcastle, and 50 miles was observed putting tbý A ubrfrmhr atn-speaker for our Founders Ni-; r ortc a conl t per hour on Higbway No. 2 neti beef andi sardinesi A numbe from hre atted- Mrsrourticewasecomletehy A local man electerj trial by pockets. He left the store eti the Oshawa Presbvîerial ing. sMrs.e, utfCourticeoth mgitrstressetief o ot avngfbctem H Simncoe St. Church. Osaw. inmportance tOf teachers andi piei u on O'S1 h aitaefrteteto u aigfrten parnr wrkng ogthr.Sh express bier thanks to ttbe As- an auto fromn King Street on arrested by the manag Courtice Home and Sehool, lo asked us ail to remember socieation Prethr e mthis February 26tb. He pleaded Not the store andi a clerk anc IAssociation heiti ils Febî'uarv'x our Home anti Sebool Creed presnato wr tre e- Guilty and was remanded for for the police. meeting recenlv %ith Presi-'anti the objects of Homp and bers of Oshawa H and S Coun- thi-ce weeks for trial. Bail wasj $10.00 and rosts ofS2.Otl detbs akGyi hre cool a rne norMm cil and President Mrs. Gaskill. continued. assesseti a local main foi Mrs. Gordon Vinson read the bership Cards.i Music for the evening was A sbophifter pieaded guîlty jing 10 stop et Liberty and minutes andi Mrs. Tom Glati-! Following Mrs. Courtice's i provideti by Billy Wade ar- to- theft of -a can o f- Corned1 cession- Streets. angave the Treasurer's re-; splendid adtiress, Ma-s. Harry by Mrpt rs Wande. Ms. ot tionai was named bv ti Poi. ay adth plasre f aI-ad atist during teevenl- oom and Social Count Durin'g the busine~ss il was ý ing Mrs. Courtice to the front . siseoteoe fth fica cnu j:ar hldnga otledrveonBeckett Uien took charge of rono, on Suîîday. ISaturday and the Boy Scoutsl the program which opene TYRONE Miss Judy MaeuM., who is * are planning a palper drive in with a deliettl piano solo by attending Ryerson Institute. the near future. Susan Wearn. L. Stainton Mr., and Mis. Donald Da-' Toronto. spent the weekend I Cirele Meetî,îg gave a hwnmorous reading and vey. Mr. and Mrs. Keitdi Da-;i with Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Jack- ardiies TheFebuar metin oftheSusan favoured with another vey. Mr-. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue,1 son arnd John. tle. He L.N.O. Cii-cie was held ai the piano solo. Rev. F. J. Jackson attended, Mr. and Mrs. Henryv Stain- r sn- ione f Ms.Robri arabal. Mrs. Loga p o-e on "H% - the Vegetable Growers' Ban- toi) and Douglas. Mr-. Luther )U oPresident. Mrs. Bert Snowden rnn'S Iniour MWorship" a toicquet ai the LionsCnr.Bwititn r n r.Dn out wlcme hoeirenn. ail found verv interesting. M-s.j manville, last week and were î,19 Stainton and Bruce attend- atth The St. Patrick's Dav sup- Beckett thanked ail those whcu'storrni stayed overnight a t ed the funeral of the lte, thp friends. le had; per to be held Okl Mai-ch 17 in helped with the programn andý - Mrç. Maudle Harris at the but he the ehurch basement was dis- the meeting closed with a 1 Mr. and MIrs. W. E. Stev- Luke-MeIntosh Funeral Home e Cor- cussed and il wvas decided that, hvrn. Theme song and prayer. en-, Hampton, accompanied Oshawa, on Wedneeday. In- in hîs: tickets would be $1.00 for ad- Lunieh and a social hour wasI Mr.« and Mrs. W. H. Taylor terx-ment ta Prospect Cemetery, ewîth-, ults and 75c foi- children. Sec-< enjo ' ed b ' al]. iDanny and Duanie. Mrs. R. Toronto. ea retarY, MI's. C. Ru ssell read the' Church was hield at En-1 Burgess were Sunday guests of Mr. Carl Sargeint. Miss Ev- ger of' minutes of the previous mccel- nýiskilleni SunidaY inurning af-M.adMs o eladey Pascoe. Peterborough. id held! îng and roll rail showed 13 ter Sundav School, owing toiboy.s. Greenbank. the occasion were supper guesis of Mr. and me'nbers present. road conditions Ail enijoyed ibeing Brock's I13t birthday. Mrs. Keith Davey. 1were1 Worship service openied uwitl, Rex'. Logani's service v'ery' Mi'. and Mrs. C. Stewart, Mrs. Keith Davey and Mrs. )r tai i-ta h vmiî 'nd a meditation mllih. and daugliters visited his i1-Mra e atne h - I Coni- i"WAhat arn 1 doiiîg with mv Mi. and Ms. Harvev Hardy jteî' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyd,lClub school for leaders at Or- Li fe" wyas read. Mrs. Jack Hur- Bowmianville, were 'Wedjnes' Oshawa.ooTedyadWdsa. - i ed i prayer and Miss Judy day visi tors with Mr. and M-rs. Mi'. and Mis. Gordon Milîson e ciBarrabail gave the study froni N. E. Wright. and Dale visited Mr. and Mrs. ;g- ceil as, Huribuits Book of the Bible. Mi-. Clark Williamls, Portib. Ph-illips. Bowmanville. tative; David Barraball favoured, Hope: Mr. and Mî's. Doug Fal- Ms Edith Murphy and Mrs.~ 10 o- ît tw panoselrtons To ls.Bowmanville, were Sun- 1 W. Miller' were guests lasi n the games weî'e played and enjov- da- visitoi's withM'.ad rs weko Mr. and rs o nation.,i cd by all Te .d Weri'v. Maynaî'd. i Fel-1 Mr. Bert Snowden showed Mrs. W. Logafi. Mrs. F. Toms, 1Virs. Don Davey' who has 'A the1 motion pictures on Cub and Mr-. 0 C. Ashton, Mî's. L.Ibeen storm stayed ini the yul- .nPail oy cou acivixe~. LnchAshîon« Mrs. R. J. Ormiston,lage lias been able ta visit al iuar'v. Was sei'ved 'by Mrs. Ceci 1 Jet1- Mr,. A. L. Wea'n. R.1 few of hei' friends. we were irs. I.- fery, Mrs. R. Baî'ra-ball andi Viî'tue. Mi's. E. A. Weî'ry, Mrs. i also pleased ta have lier loin Ome Mr. Jck urre.G. Mcean. attended Pî'esb- with us at the quilting of Clun awa'-! Mission Band was held ii terial at Simcoe United Churcb i 49. Sbe was also tea gies't Ofl id ii ýMzaPle Grove Suniday School Oshiaw&a. on Wednlesdav. M-s. Otto Virtue. rooni on Thui'sday afternoon.' National film board Mitrs vr. and Mrs. Il. Murphy1 y Mrs. Steve Doyle. Mrs. Rober-t wili be held in tihe basementanchdrnMrBe't upy secre- Bothwell and Mrs. Fred Gow: of church on Friday evening. 1 and Garry Bowmanville visit-M tional with Mrs. Douglas Chute as- 7:30 p.m. e r.EihMrh.~~iss iarters sisting w ith the m usic.i. eand Ma-s G ordon Yeo 11, President. Betty Winldsor op-, Mary and Neil. were with Mr.ý Mr. and Mrs. V. Daven'pil ~ ~ ~ quar- ened the meeting. withi a b.ymn. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Oshawa. .ite i and Rcms. H tit n OURs-N B )ration Serreta-y. Randy Snowden Mi' and Mrs. Joe Switzeî', Iton Mi-und Ms.titni F 'J C N BR rir-'ead týhe minutes'of the Jan- Gate, Mill,. Ohio: Mxr. and Mrs., ýolden uary meeting. Birthday greet- Floyd Pethicn and Robin, Toi'- 1Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, CR I DE and ings were sung 10 Mar ' Ani onto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mi-s. Dawson Beckett, nam- Doyle and Linda Edwards. Mr. and iVrs. S. R. Pethick's. Maple Grove, visitedd Mi'. O.,~ i îiliaatet eLd to Treasurer, Don Munday took! Sympathy is extended 10 Beckett and Arvilla, Suixday. famiiv of four can lie crowd- itsto- lilhe collection. President. Betty Mrs. Cyrîl Aver'y and faîniily j Sympathy is extended 1 to hicd. That's why this famfly 'e i.s- Windsor presented the pro- o n the stiddei' passing of Mr. IStain ton faniilie.5 0on the pass- dcddt ul oea to-gram which inciudd a î.eadling! Aver\,. ing of theit' aunt MrshoMaude olden by Mai-y Anri Doyle, a voc'i Mi. anîd Mrs. Ross Smîth.1 Harris, Whitb 1hI'~n n hsfte duet by Lindia and Car'ole Ed- Oshawa, were Suinday caileri's Mr. and i-S. .1. Muridoch! ha% already made one wim wards followed by a stoî'y bv' at H. Stevens.1 and boys. Bowmanville. vîsited decision. He bas told hic Sus 'nuie Mrs. Robert Bothwell. Worship Mi'. anti Mî's.Lyal Brock. iMr'. and Mrs. F. L. Byani. Life agent that lie wanta to Switf service was cond-icted hY Mis. Mr'. anti Mrs. Hei'mani Haassý Mr.and Mrs. G. Kovac and; take out a Sunm Life Mox'tgago cotin- Fî'ed Gow. and Ronnitv, Bewman-ville: Mr.1 Tommy Milîson spentNibe Poeto oiy nta brîgnit- and Mrs. Ray' Van Meer anti weekend with the Gobles. way, the bouse wilIi eallb' pîog - fam ily , Providence, were Sun-, M i-* Ken Hardy visited s beo g t hi fa ly Y & pserNIKILE day callers at Keith McGill'. grandmotler, Mrs_.M. Russnellj eOl abi ai!M1 play, E NIS ILL N M. an Mr. Td Rbinon iWhibYon undy whle rs. shulddie premtaturely. ie lifz-and .Jotiv. Oshawa, werecàllers HardyN visited ber sister. Mrs. theit Mis. I. Sharp was hostess ai Mr. and Mi-rs. P. Ellîs. 'Are *bbott and Mr'. Abbott, Y011' hOnt ig ~o 0( 0' worli.ý to the W.A. on Tuesda ' even- Mr. anîd Mrs. Keîth MVcGiil Oshawa. moe1 important >onseso,. to doi ing, Februai'y 23, anti the me-, and familv were Sundev tea Miss Aine Balson. IHampton, Let »w» heip you aiegtflW inder- eting openeti with the Motto guests of Roy MceGill's.' spent the weekend witih Laur- k <~ i~ )f Ro- and Creed. M-s. F. Becke1t Joe and Gartlb McGill, we'e! aine Cook. iun- gaýve the Devotional thenie fol-! witb Mr. ani Mrs. Ralpb Vir-: Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. Cecile o asn epeo- lowed bx' a hymn. Scriptux'e! tue. and Douglas visited Mr'. and, Eanne Pasn reatiing and pî'ayeî'. Minutes Mr'. anîd Mirs. Ralpilh Viî'îue. Mrs. James Park. Peterbor-, Rpeettv Bow- werre î'ead and, approveti , braved the fields and were ouel. Rep25sePO BOK 9 .nked~ It was agreed that xve give l Sunday guests of Mi'. anxd Mrs. Mrs. K. Rahin and childrenIMA 2-25 .. oià 1the $10 to the Fred Victor- Home Harvey MeGili. 1vlsited Mr. and, 'Mirs. A. Thies-1 BowmanvUle .xonal for Girls. Mrs. M. Hobbs, gave Miss Winn'ifred Cole. Mm' sen. Bowmainville. arra- the Treasurer's report. Roll Ward Gilbert, Willowd a Ile,; M and MI's. S. Goble anti 3Dr. cati xvas ans'wered with "Youri spent Wedinesday' with Mtr. Bruce, Mr'. anti Mrs. G. Kovac SUN LIFE 0F CANADA ýfor Favourite TV Program". Mrs. and Mrs. E. A .Werry. visited Mr.'andý Mrs. H-. Partne'.______________ that --_______________ were Ont.. V '1 ,BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 ation "Delotz"' in which the i Mrs. R. Burniam nd Mi Ailan Beers of Bethan-s' story t Hardy, Scugog Islandi m *DOWNT(>WN SHOWROOMI OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. * written bY George Salversor dinner guest., of MT'. and1 w il he dçcniî'îeti. Alian îs a pas;' Fred Gow lasi Tuestiay e% Ree e tif Manvers anti Ex-War!-- ng. '%iiden of Unitedi Countiea Mapla Gnoms lâI Cub F SOMe of our monev. A& com-e sen hr wha Life Mern-1H s ow on-er menhthebodi Trnittee of Mis._Jack Gay. Mrs bership pin and certificate 10 ee dissemination of inforn' Teen"Rotary's Foutîdation (Continueti from page one) lowsbip wa.s launche i i Tthb local Rotai-y Club bias same year in memory nf Townf taken an active part in phil- Harris who dicti in' Jan p KIC ES S LA S H ED1 anthropic work in the dis- 1947. Ini the next 13 vetar tict. Itlibas aiso done Out- 200 voung men anti ix News jstanding work foi' crippleti from"66 countries werea ONi chiltiren. anti lias gained fur- ded Fcllowships 10 sttîn Th, nxt Teen Town Dance ther renown bY fostei'ing: 44 cotntries. will be held at thbe Lions Cen- goodwill and tinderslanding 1 Golden Anniversary Ire on Saturday. Marrb 12 througb ils annual itrn- "In August 1954 thes begnnngat8:0 'tional stutients' weekend. btanialof Rotary Internat beSnnga :3 .. Crash of I929 moved from renteti qua l1 S E D C A R STeds Real liard"' "The years 1925, '26.'*27, 23 in Chicago to Evanston, 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK 2-DR. SEDAN ter slippers). I for the world anti for Rotary. ici-s building. In c'eleb. One wne ca, lw mleae, ir ondiionng her wiî b psize fo This was the age of record- of Rotat'y's Golden Ani One wne ca, lo mieag, ai coditonig Thre illbe pize fo' 1breaking tî'ans-Atlantic flights, sary in 1955 the "Gc 1957 HILLMAN Spot there willland other aviation accom-Bok was publisheti, 197HLM NSTATION WAGON iaiso lie several Square Dan-! plisliments. Then came the "The Gi-catAtivenlune. One owner, low mileage- $1195 ces. stock market crash iin 1929 tion pirtiare was produre 1954MERCRY 4DR.Records will be on1 sale aI' heralding the veaî's of econ- dramatize Rotary s great Automatic, power equippcd, Ibis dance 2 for 25c. or each Omnic crisis. i-ud y. Postage t siex record 15c. Humanitariant Ideal seib 6cutis1 fully equipped - OnIy$89 The tickets for the Door "The Rotary ideal. hoxvever, mernorate Rotai'y's Gc 195 STDEBKERV-8Prize are available to non- conlinueti to sprcad. King A!-' Annivcrsaî'v. members for 10c. each, but to beri of Bclgium ai Rotary's: In 10 t400 Clre automatic, radio, air conditioning $450> members they are free. 181h convention descrîbeti the'"n16 hr i The i-ies re a usalRotarv ideal as 'essentially at than 10.400 Rotary~ Cluîbs 1951 STUDEBAKER STANDARD COACH mebrers 3carn-e mberusua umanilarian ideal Of brotb- 482,000 Rotai'ians in 114c air conditioning$ 325 60embr 5cnnmebrerbood' anti prophesicti thatf tries. Rolarians face lo 60C i 'may have an efficient ap-1 bopes foi- the continuingî 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN plication in the broati spherei ress of the international heater .i~~~L n1 of international relationships.' vc raizlo hc - $ <><>CubStabilizing Influences an important part. in the 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN ««c~ As 11,000 Rotarians fri- o thr uiies, d te w Godrunning order $15 ,j.,.~ 58 countries attended Rotary'sjEach Rotariaiiis is edt 1947 STUDEBAKER M-17 STAKE TRUCK lI li LU II ie niva 'y n ven-3hs partforabl lion ii Cirag iii 190te standing of the object of Reconditoncd. .A successful Etichre Paîîy wor1d entereti the long. drea- 'tai-y, anti to ativance tis Completely Rcniind was belti by the 4th Bowman- ry depression years. Al] duii-'disadtg mn i 1951 GMC PANEL TRUCK ville Cub Pack in Memorial, ing Ibis desperate lime. Ro-ipies of the world. Mecanc'soportniy.Par'k Club House on Wedines-. tary Clubs arounti the world! The president of theE Mechaic's evening, February 241hl. bet'ame stabilizing influences manviile Rotary Club thar One OnIyC. A. (Pat) Kelly was chair- in their communities. Rolar- iWalteî' Reynolds. anti One 0n 1 yman of tlie. committee in ianxs wot'keti hard b cease the, memabers of the internati 1959 NEW STUDEBAKER ',--tnu TRUCK' charge of arrangements for lot nt the unemployeti, while service committee, the nE air ondtionng.the event. conlinuing to builàt' or the, torsM. Reynolds anti During the evening 12 ta uue e lb eefrm-i RudeIl. andi Ma'. DeGeei bics of cards wcre in play. The cd ini Algenia. Morocco, Sou-j1 thc excellent pî'ogramn Ail Stîîdehnkcz- Parts and Ac('essorix prize winnex's were Mrs. Au-'thern Rhodesia. Straits Set- hlati been presenteti. G availl)Iedrcy Osmondi. Howard Mas-, tlements. Kenya. Siam, Pol-ý at tiheItîrîcheon meeting availale ntters, Mrs. Audrey Sleep. anti anti, Hong Kong, Lebano, S. M. Pi'ndlay, Renfrew. Mrs. Ruby Lane. A tieliciotîs' Danzig, Laivia, Bulgaria, Lith1: andi Walter Brancb, Osha untin' was servet by the mo- uania anti Icelanti. thers 0f tihe 41b Pack Cubs. Reaclies 200,000 mark STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE the eiijoyable event is plan-j Rotary. matie a tr'ip arounti TARK VILLE (Ofx -23iing 10 holti anoîher Eucbî'e the worid in 135. Rotar'y Ms om alwl COlfax 3-2233Part 'v hn Memorial Park Club imetiibcrshiip reacheti the 200,- MsNimtewe dat Ha llow1 Raydon RR. 1, Bownianville lieuse Tlaler Ibis moîbh Vo! 000 iii 1938 andthie 5,i)Oth Ro- ih ekn a i.Le raise funtis for the 4th Cub itai-y Club was formeti. Rot ai-vowell's ;atter a holidav un ____________ _____Park. rouîtinuedti bgî'ow ini infhu-1 no ence anti statur'e uring 'the Due lu the heavY faîl of years of the Worlti War Il 1 there were no classes ai sc Rotarians play' et i iportaiit; ei-e last Fritiiay. i-oIes in thie affaurs of biîeir Mn. anti Mt's. Moîl'lc nations. and lent a belpinigl sOu in Peleî'borougli wilh LA S T C A LL a a O Rbandti alleviate suffei'ing. iis Marie whoi'ecentll'v b Efforts Towards Peace bhe- armn while playing or "Rotaî'y's warîime activi- îîeaî' ber home. lies were soon transformetiITeFbu r cli mbt efforts for building a bet-l-,jSbihoh W.A. was beld a ter and mor'e peaceful word. i home of Mis. Ormie Falls T aions talt ogt aby Mrs. Johin Stark. The drfth ed N C harer Insoi-ci"5 report was givcî R O Mdrat th UNCharer. Mrs. Gordonî Trim. Reac FORASR OM ERCo-operate Wlth UN by Marilyn Falls andi Bell vnweeap'raewas serveti followvng a YELVERTSN Conlesl" adM .Fa lis YELV RTON extendeti a message of aPi LIT EAS 1 .0 ONIl yot, have heen disturbed , iation for thefieviii by hp elaivly n,.igifiant her- home. -kTo b~' Vte riativly . Miss Gwen Stau'Ti ROOM S17F ROOM SIZE ROOM SIZE inconvciiieîice treateti by mis- setthwekna on 12' x 24' 12' x 40' 16' x 24' placing youie glasses (the O PentMr.handeekentiai hot $ 1000 '~h$2700 Pr 1.00 Peryoti nly need to sec with)' M10.00 $eroPer just wben th dancing gir'ls ceiitly'. are7cmi0g nesrae12iia0Tvson aI Mi's. R. Botughien's Month Monh Month aeWith Ibisn stagii Ilfaar show, or' your uppez- dentures ij thnt i teheofra when yoti spy the minister dri- fsindwne hr inîg tî1 p the driveway 10 make 'been great. iîregulax'itues ii COMP U E LST isýyarIycal, thn piturnormailî'ounds and nod COMP ETE IST bisN'eaiY rIl. heiîpictrethe spriîîg weètiir wit Gay ~~~~~the dilemma of a cer'tainn tt- 1getyapeit OF MATERIALS tra ctor who lost his bulldozerl.j gre ppca bet in * Rx Garated frUID S~'oueso i t humo tîr of 1h Shiloh, but, as soon as r " Rx -Guaantedaff purosdsiuif thoe hueoran t s eible service wili be as m sitatonndatioe ndhi co- ----- Woatpoong frere imb any frenzieti spas;ms' Wa Sufficin aou arir0 of hystericai laughtci'. as thM PL'GRN " Suficint apou Carierprepanedt i ts out the sto * Floor rimernbtbeiî' truck al niglîlt through' " FoorPrierup te their hub-caps anti thei Mr'. Eq7nest Colliss vi * Eteror ndIzierit'some in that fealhery white bis sister. Mrs. JirnGe " EterorandInerir stuff ocrasionailY culleti 8110-- who i5 a patient in Men' Studding Lt seems that Ibis is vwhat Hospital, Bowman ville, on WaIiPanllig ii baut- . ""tianspii-ed one biizzardv even- day afternoon. Mrs. Geddq fuipr-fiised noty 'ing recenly when the nigbt- imiproving steadily, since PieorBechdWantshift p'cpared b btake over dergoingsugrhatW Pineor Beachd Wanutfrom the day shift, but werc day. Walioardunable to contact one ansoîber. Ma-s. Abrahanm Soi andt Waloh Mand i ooi oicr eke ncn Jim Laverty were guests " ohs-anileCeiling tact with the t'est of the world faiewcll shower in honou Tii., Staples. Strappmng i n a mobile maniier so 10 speak., Mrs. Wilfred babine. wti Self-Serve . 20 WASHERS 25- oCoin. Operated Laundry e 8 DRYERS 10< *UNLIMITED SUPPLY 0F VELVET SOFT WATER. *THE FAMOUS MAYTAG WASHER. *THE SOFTESTI FLUFFY TUMBLE DRY. OPENING CELEBRATIONS ARE DEINO PLANNED FOR MONTH 0F MARCH W. are stijl waiting for front floodlighting Io he installed. More details next week. During Week of March 7th to l2th 2a4 m LUCKY DRAWS m 25 wiIIli e made nt (the Wash-0-Mat . .. Several ecd day wlhcn winners wîiI receive four 25e coing. RONSON ELECTRIC SHAVER DRAW . wifiln cr MIRS. GWEN GIBS(>N Nemweastle, Ontario (May he picked up at Tbe Statesman Office> Honoutrable Mention: MR. BOB HAYES 6 Veterans Avenue Rowmanville, Ontario who wiII receive a cheque for $500n. Keith Kingsland vr *,; --- -- - -- * ý4r -- - - -- -- 1 - - - . -.. THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TRIRTUN wASH-O-MAT CHURCH ST. - BOWMAN VILLE DIRECTLY OPPOSITE FIRE HALL,