Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 7

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THURDAY,,TAN 21s. 190 TE CANDIANSTATSMAI. DOMANVLLEOITRIOPA,.ESEE r socia/ Phone M, hmr. F. L. Deniby, Elgin St., ha teen visiting her sister, Mns. Harry McCoomb, Toronto.1 Mr. anxd Mxs. J. J. Flett ieft, by motor las, Monday morning for a two-week vacation inI Florida. Miss Cerol Yellowlees, En-i rlskillen, spent the weekei'.d! with her grandmotlher, Mrs N.1 C. Yellowlees.1 tMT. Fred FIijin, Carlyle Ave., recently reurned frcmn an en-i joyable visit ivith hs brother in Detroit, Mich. Rev. H. S. Cohb and Miss Helen Cobb, Willowc:le, wcrei weekend guests of MIrs. Char -1 les Wight, Horsey S'reet. i Mi's. Amberson Gerry of Or-1 ono was the giuest of her sis- ter. Mrs. Herbert Layrnan, for' a few days last week. 1Mr. Norman J. Scott was i Montreal last week speDnl; to the Quebec Nurserymen anc. Lpndscape Association. Mr. L. B. Nichais spent last weekend witli his son an.d dau- gli er-in -law, Mr. anid M'rs. ]Y"aglas Nichols, Kinge ton n Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. SOrganst-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP ##Whiie-washed Aliars"* 7 p.rn. - EVENING WORSHIP Speaker: MR. TED COL WIPLL "Who Are You?" - The Installation of officers of Young People's Union 8:05 p.m. - Young People's Union SUNDAY SCHOOL DPTr~T 11:00 a.nî. - Nursery - Beginners 11:20 a.m. - Kindergarten Primary 12:10, p.m. - Junior YnanUte n;or -VitYO. i NELCOMr, Magistrate's Court (Continued from nage one' and affen fie beer had had a cup o! coffée in an Oshawa restaurant. I'Ticre is an liaur and tený minutes wliich you cannai ac- i couni for-tien suddenly thc accuscd real.izcs fiat ie lias no ginger-aie ai home and fliat be must go fa Bowman- ville for if. There la flic po- lice evidence tuai flic passen- ger ini thc vehicle was intox- icafed. Tic evidence o!fUic passengen is tiaf tie accused& had as mudli beer as lic hadýý and tic passengen is experi- enccd in beer dinking. j'Týen wc corne ta tic sce othle accident. There is fie evidence o! four witnesses fiat there were af leasf flire rcd liglita on fhe back o!flice tow ftruck -onc operatrig in- termit.ter y. Tw- cars wcrc !allowing fthc accuscd and .they saw tfliights. The a.-i (C ontinucd from page one) YOUNG CANADA NIGHT - Next Wednesday will be a big nighat at Bowmanville Anena, when the local Minor Hockey Clubs are tying in with Young Canada Nighf. Tearns will be on hand from Port Hope and Cobourg. For sorne real excitement, be on hand eanly and sfay lat c. Slogan is fhe sarne as lasf year "Take, don't scnd your boy to the Arena". Incidentally, we have just rcceived word that Bramnpton is planning a Canada-wide hockey tourney April l6fh to 23rd for novice age boys under 10 years of age. They expect at least 60 teams, but we doubf if Bow- manville will be represented. We are already lined up wifh another big event. t 11 t t t STINKY PICTURES - The newest thing in audience participation in motion pictures is the advcnf o! AromaRama, as if is called. We receiv- ed a publicity release at The Stafesman this week telling all about if. To date wc havcn't contacfed the Gi family af The Royal to find ouf if and when fhey plan fo add this srnelly idea to their movies, but if could corne sonner than yoy think. Apparent ly, the scent which is spread through the theatre fits in with the action o", the s-- --n. Mî-ht be a bit awkward for swamp scenes, don't you think? - debt was for education, 35 per cent for utilities, and the restLe i n A x. P e e t /for local improvements and.ego A x.P s ns j roads.h On Elected Life Membership to A 3-3303"Most people take an inter- 3-3303est in local government, par-: - -____ -.ticularly in its spending. Mun- and Mrs. Martial Asselin, vice- est to the people of ail forms1 o a e E s e B u o president of the Association. of government. The spotiight1 Comrade Florence Knight,l Auxiliary, was welcomed ai Mrs HaryFremanh' of local opinion is upon those the past president, presented the meeting. Comrade Han- brugHarcoy0frethe Olds, eleeed to councli, the PUC!a Life Membership ta Com- cox was also the iucky win- ibrta, azette to the Stats- and other municipal boards,"Irade Elsie Bruton at the ner of the draw. Alea, offic e t hichcotas-an r. Hardy said. He asserted meeting of the Bowmanvilie Plans for the annual spring 0 ril f interest ta many o<ý ha real property taxes fo- i Ladies' Auxiiiary ta the Ca-n- entertainment were discuss- a oriceadr nDra o cuses attention on the Milil adian Legion held in the Le-1 ed. Comrade Edythe Rundîn ou1 edr iiDra on rate. They should remember gion Hall on Monday evening. gave a report on the Bowman- ty. It is a report of the in-1 that money from taxes paY Comrade Bruton also receiv ýd -ville Branch of the Canadian stallation ceremony of the for a variety of important ser- a beautiful corsage Of roses, Red Cross Society. She an- Order of the Eastern Star of vie.adaohrlvl lrlcr one httenx io Oids in which Dr. C. H art-vie.adaohrlvlflrlcr undta heexBod man, husband of the former Publie Interest Negative sage was pre-ent,2d to Com- Donors Clinic wili be heid ani Mabel Cox of Mapie Grove, Public interest is ne gative rade Mary Hàyes. Bowmanville on May 4th. Darlington Township, had the ai o fe hni hud Comrade Rena Bathgaze, Plans were completed fori uinique honor of installingl be positive, the speaker sta-' a lce oteeeuae catering ta the Burns Supper their~~~ 1LuheMs ee e. esoe0 h ifrn She was installed by Comrade, to be heid at the Legion H al their as WoerthM roHln. fted. He ili re o gh ifrnoAnn Piper, a past president, on Saturday evening. Presi- the Order. It also statLed that effect a few years ago by tîhe who also offciated- at the in~-j dent Bates is the convenor. The D-. Har'man was a Past Pa- Ontario governirent to heîp stallation of C o-rnrade Ruby foilowin.g members volunteer- tron of the Order since 1927. in easing the t2x burden on rade athe Fte asdurr o edtrottuky frth I výs. Hartn ' s grcý'uate Of householders. Through the dif- ralde Batht e dCrad event, Comrade Ann Piper, Bowmanville High School andj ferential miii rate business'! daHmhry weeaEdytheRundie, Dorothy Rich- is a sister of Elmer and Ken- property pays an added tax. pointed auditors for 1960. ards, Rena Bathgate, Vi Flet- neth Cox of this town whom he 'explained, wh, ch in many Comrade Georgina Carterý cher, Rose Overy, Ann Diliing, she visited several years a.,,. cases can be charged to op-vas appand cmanteencs -Foec ngt Rose Bt She has always ke-nt a ke-n erating costs. vnr n ordsRs and Helen Wallis. interest ini her native county Overy and Ann Dilling were CmaeKihtectr by being a regular subscriber Inereased Subsidies nanird cloakroomn convenors ' in caenightrtthe cater-t toThe Statesm3n since shE The provincial government Gift's were made to Comj.e' i ghtconvno for th Beefeat wnWet41 v-.ars ago wh-2n 1 h2s increaed subsidies to the rade Millie Bates, the presi-1 rsNgt nnucdta h ~ven Wet iesc dent C m ade Florece date for this event had been ýshe was married. Imun ciualit'es, and thesepav- dent, Comrad-..,îca~dfo erav2d ________ 1-1 ii 0'vîtecs ! '"' ~ ,,.c. COMPEITIVE IRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ji*,AjDRi ITO E SPEKCIAL VALUES A» MMI I>R lm TIWEEK governmnent between commnun- president, Comrade Ruby Pal- to, hursday, February 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Creigliton Dcv- C V* ities reýýarding theLr abilitvmer, the freasurer, and Com- Floig te bsns ift. Jane Street, spent troch VI to pay for services, he said., rade Ann Piner. a past presi- meeting an enjoyable social weekend witiî their daughtcr, He stated that fthe provinciail dent, in recognition of their hour was hcld. Bingo and 1V'~ an Mr. CciiHamlto, Kunconditional gr:ant to pow- fine work. E rad e r Westoe, o- B' 2kstock. D a manville is about $25,000 al Conirade Lillian Hancox,l aeMr etvr h o Ir. and Mns. Franîk Thomp- Nycar. The rates of grant dif- whose mernbership was trans- 1:cial convenor was in charge, so: an MyleAshurn an (Cntiuedfro, pgp ne) fer for communities, and fa- ferred ta the Bowmanvillc and a delicious lunch was Mr.i anmr oler, Thrn, i Cniudfoang n) von urban aRainst rural com- Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can-, 5erved by Comradc Marvel visited on Sundlay ifh Mr. plimcnted flic' club on hav- munit ies, and is most favor- adian Legion from flic Whitby Harper. an-I Mrs. Orr Vcnning. ing produccd a specially dis- able tawards flic larger urban I s a l G f i e s a A secil metig ws hldtinguished member, Walter arcas, Mr. Hardy claimcd. At fli homeetofgMrs hrley DeGeer, a past District gov- The reason for this is; because lirothk oeCo r entur1e gernor, and remarked that two o!flice rapid urban groý, h as-I s a l O f i e s o to dscus te anualS - of lis former Toronto Ro- sistance is needed for flic f0dscs li nna pring tary Colleagues, R. P.' Ric- greater cost of nccessary ser- Miss Dot Pedierson, Miss Doyr- are now members of the Bow- .L g o ecn Hill and Miss Evelyn Lux- manville Rotary Club. Must Have Moncy ton, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, Local govcrnment is by fanr Ont., spent the wcekend 'viflimensCu teMs important govcrn-M e t n n T u s a the attes prent, M. an Hecommendcd flic local mient in these dhanging times, Tirs. Norman Luxton, Queen Rotarians for obscrving a Ci-I excepf in time of war, Mr. The officers and execufive flic Installation of Canarade S'r ot. vic Day, but adviscd fliem nof Hardy asserted. HIe pointed for 1960 were installed in an Jim Woodyard as Sergeant-at- unday dinfiner guests wtlit consider ifs observance as ouf -that if citizens do nof impressive ccremony at fhlc Mms for 1960, who then tok Mr. and Mrs. George W Gr- laving been flic greafer part give municipal Provernment ani meeting o! Brandi 178 o!flic1 over bis ncw duties. Comnradc hani ad fmil, Jne tret. ! teirdut toard mui- deoateamontO! money Canadian Legion lield at thef iDan Cameron, Haydon, and waraeaMn. admrs GJereetr. cipal affairs. People have f00 tirough flicir taxes, if iS im- Legion Hall on Thursday CmaeEns efc cc hor S., n.andMr. B Fr-mucli o! this tendency usually, Possible for town councils ta cvcning. Albert Mavin, wflo as escorta throughouf fli cecre- 1i-n r., r dagMT. rr and licB.Fr-h asserted, but addcd that do a neal job. was insfalled as immediafe many. F_*end R. Dean, Toronto, and Giheo eide h noflictlub Rely On Borrowîng past president by Ross Mc- Deputy Zone Commander' Y'. and Mrs. G. Kunkel. 0sh- Bowmranville Library Board, Howcver there is fao muli ng, oîfcîac dat h n Ma vin ably conducfed flic pro- àLwý,.tendeny amon municpaii-stallation as euy Zn W'.and other members o!flithenenc ey aong muownicîpanid Domuayder.eceedings witu dignify and in- Mn. and Mrs. Don Morris, ac- club taking an active part in tc orl nbrawnadCmaic.stailed Uic oflier afficers and companicd by Mr. and Mrs. civic projects flic local Rotary fie unfortunate rcsult is thaf Comnade Jack Kniglit acf- Ithe execufive in flic follow- Joh Kex- o!Almnt, Ot.,Clb las god ecod. succeeding Municipal Coun- cd as Sergeant-at-Arms for ing order: gecretary, Ron E. Jon eryo Amnion. Cu hsa od eor. cils have ta pay higli intercsf - Richards; Treasurer, Jack were in Toronto on Monday $500,000 In Taxes rates for many yas uc aslcdd' c lc ie apa;CaliPr attending flic Eleventh Annual "Bowînanvillc's local gov- Wel Pane rram lgls. cy Geddnt e te Ricemnfiî; thc member. Canadian Furniture Mart hcld crnmenf is important t f0yu WMr. Had pokeo! flic im- "he acuseyass fao! ieecutee, ombaes In tie Auttomotive Building as business men. In 1958 $500-,MrHad pkoftei "h acudas m t O teexutvC rds and Uic Colliseum, Canadian 000 in taxes werc collcctcd partance of well planned pro- believe fiat a car was passîng Alex Mains, Elgie Harnden, National Exhibition Park, Ton- in this fown and close tg graniminge for municipal oo- flic fow truck at flic fime. I Glenholme Hughes, Peter ont o. thrce quarters of $,()00. jectives. HIe also warned fth' tsay tf0 you that if a car had Batigafe, Jack Kniglit, ail of Mn. Fitz Mitirunc 000 was spent. This expendi- sonbt'rnes avercarefulness in bccn passing flic fow truck Bowmanville, and Douglas 1l.t week afferspning turc did iiot include Pub1id spencding may in flic long run as you stafe, flic effccfs o!flice Walton, Newcastle. Bill Bates, Ci~,isma loldespn JamicaUite, hcgae- ianc rove more costly than a car liglits would have liroughf 2nd Vice-President, was then and ,rived home in time t, by rates, not by taxes." poe "'edue at fie the fow fruck ouf. If would rsnc o ntlain attend a convention of flic Dur- 4% For Sehools iltfne lcas" t-- hvsodouinbdrle. President Edward Rudie 45peon'e tpke a positive atf-I 1find fliere were flince was marclied forwand escorf-; hana Apple CnOwers' As-ocia- Mr. Hardy pomfced ouf thaf tude towprds municipal ai-llights there f0 be senir. Your cd by a past presidenf, Bill" tion lield in Trcntcn. Mar- 45 per cent aoflice large fai-s to s0,e tht their fax passenger lias been a most un- Mitchell, Oromno, and Uic Col- ti and new baby cxpect to ne- amotint spent licre in 195 8 moncv is well spent. rlal ins n I must our Party, and was installedi tur bm lb laterpar o!wa fo scool. Tis s tp- Rceve Carnet R;Ikard of 3ug-ýe t, I find if difficuit f0 in office for Uic coming year February. cl of what is happening els;e - r) 1 . '-or, on beha'f of bis accepf bis evidence. I couldn'f by Depz Zone Commander Mrs. R. P. Vivli,-n, Port Hop)e,' wuiclie sia are ta t felloa tar;ans nmovId a vota -xcept thc evidence o! your Mavin. wasreciîfy e-.ectd Pc~ muicmaliie ar benin aof tiarlis to Mr. Hardy for wife. You state you wcre 1sf Vice-President, Frank da ent ! th çe c tervative gre2ter'-financial burden for lis in'eresLtin'g address, and drinking. Sic couldn'f smeli Burns, James Firth and Don liamnntary Wives' Associ-u'*.eaonn ad ea.painted ouftftht tic speaker if when you gof home affer Wright, members of flic cxc- Lasf Friday, Januar l5ýh.. $2,O Deficîf liad left wcrthwhilc thoughts flic accident. rutive, were unavoidably ab'- Mrs. John G. DieferV'l:er ied lIe .n'nd that Bov,,- with his lisleners. "I agree wifli your counsel, sent on Tliursday cvcning,ý thp wives of tic Crr -ýrva' ;ý na - cl.&s eficit af fie ed i Gcor-e Vice. the presýd9nt, there were poor conditions. and wil libe installcd af Uic E'--ators and membcrs o! the of IS38 wvas .'?5,OOO). But also f also e--aressd apprcciatio_ 1. There were equally poon con- ncxf meeting of Brandi 178. F-'îsc o! Commorm enter'ý-ir- encn'ed - aud"e'ce fi-ýt o!f t-e -c-ce'ent s1je2clx givmn ditions for flic other pensons President Rundie flien ne- cl af tea for fheie ves rfal]tlo w-'-w-'ks liere cnded1 by Mr. Ha'-dy, and presented 1who fravclied the highway and sumed thc chair. A satisfac- Sinators an.d members o! Par- fiat year w!'h a&'qurffuS ') him with a -rift as a memnen-.wio did sec flic liglits. tory financial stafement was Miamnent. Recceiving tlic cue3tF ýr'iC '-*' -' ar' tn lore- fa o! lis visit f0 Bowman-1 "Your failure f0 sec was prcsented by Comnade Jackl In thc Railway Cormittec. viens surnlti-es resfflle' in a vilie. [duc f0 your dinking. Youn Rice, fie treasurer. A specialý Room o!fie House of om tofvl surplus o! $125,009. Special gucsts at fhe Ro. *ility was Is flan normal. vote o! tianks wvas given for nons were Mrs. Diefcniker. $75,000 in Debt Char-es tar'- C ubs Civ'c Day lunch- fidy11if scirc" bsecletwr sfes Mrs. Perey Vivian, Mrs. Wall - He said that. in 193 debf con rnveting were: H.-is Wor- Counsel asked for flic mini- urer during 1959. ter Aseltine, wife o!fthe Gov- charges paid b- flche n h- lfcor Wlfrie Carru-. mumi penalty because his client One new member, Charles ern'mnt Leader in flic Sen.?te. amountcd ta $75,000. Hal!f te .licns, Rc've ýýidi-2- Lit,-l'ad neyer been in trouble. The Wcbber, Uic ncw Postmastcn Crcv-elor Rc -s S -n.ze, ou-Conpitdou fla fe of Oronc, was initiafcd. lIer- cille'- O. J.Pr:i Cotîncil- accused had a criminal ne- bent H. Pansons neceived a or Ul!e"hol,:ne H--uihes, Coun- cord and liad a prcvious con-- transfer of lis membershir, ciPôr Wr'-'-'y Fi-ce, Lawrence viction for spccding. from Brandi 508, oscn P~JflC IA %lC'-' 'rr-n o! Uic Bow- Magistrafe Baxter comment- Ont., ta Brandi 178. A guesf -2nvI1le PVnnýn- Board, Nel- cd as le passcd sentence, "~ i flcmeig aGoe son ,bone, ackBrouh, now hat- peplewho cornet Waters, Saint John, N.B. R F J AA D C UR Hi embDrs of the Planing into court are under a strain.i If w3s annotinced htRsl RE O M E HU C 'oard; LA.Prea en-Ntso, you - possibly because, McKniglit wiil continue fo bel ber of tic Durham County O! your experience. Your at-l a Nofary Public for taking1 Scugog Street. Bomanville District Hili Schoal Boand; fifude lias been one of-This veferans' oaths. If was decid- Clarence S. Oke, assistant is prcffy mucli o! a jon-e. Your _______ Town-Clerk; A. M. Thompsoîa, attitude in tic box lias been B T1M ftle Bowmanville Public Lbb. poor. I suggcst you sliouid E H N rary Board; Milton J, EllPott show some con'nîitcness when MORNING SERVICE o- 1o0 a.m. . Enarlish and Ross Stevens, membens of loýu have commitd an offence Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Ken'nedy, the Public Utilities Commis-o! this magnitude. who have bath been patients EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m. Dutch sion; George Van Bridger, "You will be fined $75.00 for several wecks in tic West- manager o!fie PUC; Norman and coaf s o! $23.00 or 15 days lake Nur-sing Home af Mill- Sunday School immediately after ORukcara !fein gaol". brook wene able t9 refui-n f0 Sunday morning service. Public Sehool Board, Stuart Anotier motonisf paid $12 00 their own home on Saturc?ïy. James, fie secretary-treasur- for six boffles of wine. lIc Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- er, and fie following mcm-. was on lis way f0 aparty. Tic son and their sons Ronaldi and bers o!fie board, P. F. Chant, car was dhecked because o! John and Mrs. Thomas Jack- Clarke K. W;Ison, Dr. C. F. tic strong odor o! alcohol dam- son vlsited withi Nr. and Mrs. 17aitran: Fine Chie! Walter ing from if. Another motonist Ross Hall in W'hilby on Sun- "Bak T Go Faur Bradcst Hackncy, and Douglas Ri-g was fined a total o! $12.00. lIc day. ""anvilleCo Recreationalt Î failed t produce lis divcr's Mr. and Mins. Melville Cary,i CKL, Ohaw, a 3p.r. eerySunaj recior. licence wien rcqucsfcd fa do Cavan spent thec weckcnd with c 8:30aW& a. 3 *.very Sunday RBOfer guesfs present wcrc so by a police officer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. 8:3 a.t eerySunayCF- Frank Doland, Enniskillen,ý and flic following members of U li slawa Rotar-y Club, Stan(I Loveli, George E. Ch-arlton, <fg _________________________________-Ian McDonald, and Al Evans.' l £Lts e eie I.D.A. Brand of A.S.A. Tablets Pepsodeni Denial Cream 78c M0e Off Reg. 98c size tube Brylcreem plus Comb Both for 73c'- COLGATE VICKS VAPORUR DENTAL CREAM 64e Faniily size plus pu 2 Bath Size pu PALMOLIVE SOAP Steam Vaporizer 1.34 value.- - 98c 64o UHeiatIaster» Re aiing Pad Reg. 4.95 3.99i COIJGH and CGLD EENEDIES Hetirpe getting IaSlzr -3e 8 you down? laSlzr3,78 It'a8 measy ta reax Jala WaC Anacin Tablets 26c, 53c, 85c, 1.29 ffl08PHO-PBLEX Reivetatjmu, Bayer Aspirin 20c, 32c, 53c, 87c, feeling. Drouno Quinine Tablets 59c, 89C li lptyBenylin Expectorant- 85c. 1.50 PHSPOPLX Buckley's Mixture 59c. 85ci is the evelj' day wa ta Itw relinte norvous tensiom Bfuckley's Cinnamated Capsules - -45c, 89cý S j 1 W A M P O L E B u ffe rin -- - -. - --- - - -- 39 , 79c, 1.23, 1.89 "4-ulu5 um $ 2. 50 Dr. Chase Brand Tablets --- 69c. 1.691 %I umLnSHW $2.50AMN 'Dr. Chase DMH Cough Syrup -- 1.50 Dristan _ _ _ __ _-1.25, 2.25, 3.75 Listerine- 39c, 73c, 98e J & J Lquiprin z- -98c IPerussin 75c, 1.251 Super Anahist Tablets -______ 5,1.0 Smith Brou. Cough Drops 15C Vieki Cough Drops --15C IOD. Drands Bronchida Cough Syrup - - - - ----g Bronchida CoId Capsules-------1.251 Bronchida Chest Euh --59e Idaphedrin Sp ray 95e Nose Drops 65e' SE READY FOR WINTER WAM F OL EXTRACT of Cod Uver Compound *'sTenic lime. Winters coughs «W colds or* jusf around the cerner.Holp your faimily to bolier heaIth tbis winter, build op tlulrrslstance t@colds... give thom Wampole Extradt mglily .. . Mtntodayl là OUNCES - $1.59 34 OUNCES - $2.89 ECONOMY SIZE f SAVES YOU.I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.DA Drug Store Phone MA 3-579 ed to donate $10 to the cNoh-tad that therle wu a prob-I im& child couid easiiy corne te uinberland - Durham Tuber cu- 1cem in the autumn about tlihe LONG SUTLJ believe that lie shouid do no* losis Association. Liberty Street Road near the ithing ta help his parents uÈle Jack Adams, the Public hospital, and that the. former Mr. and Mlrs. W. Cairr and less leie s paid. Speakinig Chairman,. told the Deputy Reeve, Jack Brougi,! Brerda spent tihe weckend with To Impart Knowledge meeting of the arrangements had given full co-operation. Mýr. and Mms. A. Gosiey and The chief job of a school le for the Public Speaking Con- Each time the road becaine famnily ait BeetoZI. to impart knowledge, Mr. Tur- test which was held by Branch bumpy the grader was theref Mr. and Mns. Earl PeDNiward- ner said. It aiso assists tfl 178 on Friday evening, Jan. Éhe next day, Deputy Reeve en and fanxily were TuesdaY home in developing good work l5th. It was aise announced:Hebbs said. levenixig visitoirs of Mr. and habits and a t ruc sense ut that the Zone Elichre Tourna-1i He pointed ouf that the gra- Mrs. Bert Johinson. values. He urgcd parents te tment wil be heid in Uxbridge der works on this road offen, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camer- work with the schooi. on Saturday, February 6th.' but that when cars, or trucks, on anid fýaMiiy were Saturdey Diased Opinions go over the road after ramn evening visitors of MT. and Mrs. Sumersford stated thit the holes wash out. He asked Mrs. W. Vivian, Tyrone, and< parents should beware etf ~@ lII@ l if the pot hoies could be filied Sundiay supper guests of Mr. passing on biased opinions to Cond ition wit gravel for the fime be-i and Mrs. A. Woods, Tyrone. their children. She also sald L ibevty St . CucU~Ltagefe Mr. and Mrs. Sawden and that teachers can da n Counilli Lthagueex- fanmily were Monday evending with children and are not U8 plaied hatabou thee eetvisitors ou MUrs. A. J. McLag- close -ta them emotionally sa (Cntnudfrm ae n o f fil a been takenof gan. parents are and so have 1 (onined£rm ag Oe) Liberty Street and the road Th onuity extends ifs better perspective. unhnimously. refilled with gravel so that Tecmnn Close Road Allowance traffic could pack it well i sympatliy ta Mir. Sawden ini Parents, Respoîislblllty preparation for paving. the bass of lier mother, Mirs. The Lord gave chidren te A request from Mrs. Louisa Simipson of Ajax. their parents and they are theê M. Bird, the owner of Lot 16 It wasSmaved by Council- parents' responsibiîity 100 in Block O, ta have flie mun- lor Lathangue, seconded by percent, Mrs. Sumersford stà- icipaiity close the road allow- Reeve Sidney Little, a letter ted. If is a 24 hour a day Job ance south of lier lot and con- be sent thie Women's Hospital fl *adteeapeoprnsi veyancc of it be made ta her, Auxiliary that the Works Su- p n a n h xml fprnsi was granted. Mrs. Fannie L' perintendent wiil keepthflicOb better tihan prccepts in train-. itwii e o a n hidren, she added. Dcpew, fthe owner of Lot 15, road graded, and elilouÏIflunc mentioned, released any right W4atermaln Extension (Continued fromn page One) The vital influence of reU.- she might have in regard ta A letter was received from, and training their chiidren as, g'on was emphasized by Mr. it, and joined in the request School Board agreeing to pay a partnership. They should Leno, who reminded his hear- that conveyancc be made ta ifs share o! the cost of fthce deal with probleins tagether, ers that chidren are eternal Mrs. Bird, thec letter stated. waterniain extension on High and neyer discuss tlîem in creatures, and churchlai es- Ask Actièn on Liberty Street. It aiso drew attention front of their chldren, he add-1snilfrterpoe e Aletter from thec Women's ta the need o! sidewaiks near ed. HIe also strcssed bis Oi- velopuient. Parents have the Auxiliary of Memoriai Hospi- tlic Vincent Masscy and On- ion that woman's place is iný great responsibility of fakifl talxpointed out that fthc at.. fa-ra Public Schoo]s and ap- the home. ith e thtchïre to chrc,, ane" tention of the organ1 zation! proaclies ta fthe Lord Elgin Expeet Obedience Our se athe oey ear 0 f, >Ck had been drawn ta fthc de..iSehool, and a drainage prob- Mi- Lencheartly d ou the ovefreigy o G plorabie state of Liberty lem at Vincent Masscy School. w \ilimssugston h taedfr-~ Street approaching flic hos- Deputy Reeve Hobbs, sec- Mr Turner enuîwerated sev- Avoefthnsvamve pital. The condition o! patients. onded by Councillor Ken eral points ad\vised by experts Cn el Maif o tho s peset by coming to Uiceliospifai is ag. Nicks, moved that: 1. That the rcgarding discipline for chlld- CheciiMorr iscuwhosinthat gravated by this road, thec let- agreemnent o!flhe Schooi Board ren as follows: 1. Expect Obe- pthepanes dicusinorha. ter stated. The auxiiiary- ask- fo pay its share o!flihe wa- dience and act accordingly. 2. provic ncetigifra cd that action be taken to termain extension lie receiv- Make fcw dcrnands. 3. Meantin remedy fthc condition o! the cd; 2. The maffer of sidewalks wliat you say, rule depends on A delicious lunch was serv- road, and that the organiza-1 be referred ta the Roads and it. 4. Re consistent. Have the cd aftcr thc meeting by the fion be informcd. Streets Comrnittee 3. That thec saine rules ecd dai. 5. Kcep mothers o! Grade I and i1 Councillor Keitli Lathangue, Town Cierk lic instructed to one's temper uiîdcr control. 6. pupils with Mrs. L. McFeefcrs chairman ai the Roads and i check with councii's solicitors1 Avoid bribery. 7. Give the as convenor. Streets cornmittec, said thaf and Franklin Park regardi'ng!chuîd suitabie duties. It was announced that Homne all would agree that Liberty the town's stafuts there, and! und School leadership courses Street is in bad condition, but if neccssary the Roads aidý Payment For Chores are to be lield in Oshiawa 'an added that the town foreman Street chairman discuss thel Mr. Turner said fliat lie was Wednesday cvenîngs during hEad donc a wondcnful job con- matter further witli A. M. against children bein.g given the next six wecks. Anyone sîdering wcafher conditions. Thoxnpson, supervlsing prin- their allowances as paymenf interested w*as asked ta con- He said thaf the paving of cipal of Uic Public Schoo1 for chores. Chidren should tact Mrs. Raîpli Ames, the la. Liberty Street wouid be donc here, and a letter be sent ta defiiiitely have certain tasks cal president. Anniouncemlent as early this ycar as is pas. Uic School Board rcgarding ta S, and parents must sec was also made that fthc neat sible, and in the meantime flic tic action taken and îthafýha they do thcm he stated, Home and Sehool meetin~g road would be kept as smooth council will endeavor f0 have 1 but h e declared tic wcekly wil libe held in Uic Onfario as can lie donc. a further report at ifs next (allowance sliouid have no Street School on. WednesdaY Deputy Reeve Ivan Hobbs meeting. Thiis was carried. strings atfached. Oflicrwise evenmng, February .lOth. deW y wn ay Io mR hai NmRVES1 MUK *e*a c* PWu-1t. Oativ m sMELOBONDEDI Mum . MAN-SIZU 2 r43c 2 ow 5c t THE CANADME STATES?&«. BOWIL&Iqvnm ONTAIUO TRURMAY, JAN. 21st. 1960 Money -Saving SPECIALS FELN LIBS. & C. Tableis 100's, reg. 35e 29C Idasal Tableis 3001s, reg. 99e 73c. SIR PILLS

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