Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 12

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PAnx TWELVLP TUB CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVfLLEý, ONTARIO ___ ___ ___ Articles for Sale Cars for Salle jHelp Woiited Work Wanted Real Estate for Sale jReal Estcate for Sale Cardsof Nrig H S wa ALLIN-Glenn and Jean (nee HAY and straw for sale. Phone ýGOOD ue truck, o:ne-to-n pic-up delver P io jes ainey) are happy to announce!RA 5-4055. 22 M 1953, (rack). Would' work. Apply C. J.Grton. service. MArket 3-3842. 3-2:'Pewel Reail sfafeeaýsk Rel siaie ~~~ACMOAINfrlde tio lhe birth of their daughter CARVED oak bureau, SltaefrI-o.M -46.iWAoiNU 3-3103. 3-lDUCLie n-Pon Ola Storey Hubr.nranadgnteedtLytnus 8W NacyJue.at:'îeoralH0MA_3-9462. 3-1trd o -o.M 3 .Poe Mnfr stead.yýwork. irl esinoe bous-fars 0t 0 ce, 0ro,2strybikhuen tfaofienxadMnrRs oe eeh du pital, Bowmanville, on January, -_--1rangn picef 1 oo uenS.Atce aae Oron 1771 ,42 19 0. A b by is er orA PPLES, w il deliver. El ner: 1953 M ERCU RY , 4-door sedan travel am ong consum ers in I 3-2-168. 34 to $6 ,0 0i f p i te r ested i0,ýn O u efu nac. AT toa p dar aet. nd f u t nIetll w s e 12,h 1960. And Steven. 31'for , M3-1 9 2 M s es e o b p r cae~ D r a o ny a d B w a ~ K p T R ~ ok a d - buy$n0, a0g. if airi d n' f iîfi1iî r ce tion ro ni* trm and fia o e o t a e et H m AMB-tuat ad Dree1S2. Radio, 22' signais and lheatr I ville. Permanent connection 3-5air . i41o poosMs.Oiviogr. -1-Lieset hmodtorc ;SAL PlmspcehetrPhneCo3-55.Ony A .512 t4omsee usfirt We have poos 5 room new bunigalow' on ____ SBS ua t aM AL Pam-2 a97e3.r 2-21o -2 523- it lrg m nu ac u er . 1 R K ' Free lestitiates. Phone, of mousist .thse farm s. and, î34 acres lan~d, 4piece bath, . o .h n v ia l o p o e Da.r ~~~ ~ ~- jIALLSTATE Auto Insurance.1reliable hustier con(ierd.'wîîb gadtoshw'tem il .ish atetsthneNwcsl amb<ne olryd ae hppç suit, size Io: Lloyd babyi Save 20%. Six months topay. WieRweghs et 40 IPLUA'BING, heating, wleaves- o ho t'. oiIurnace. Suitable for V.L. frjends adrltvswosn~4 9t 44~ o announce tieari ofcarrnage, $6. MA 3-5141.__341*jFo personalsevc at your 1310 4005, Rich~elieu, Montreal troughing, free estimates. Har- Two service stations w'ith A. mari. Termns. mie cards. itn ]wr C«i 4heir 3daughter.r Troe.C Donnackbas.Marietrin, o____los, ___ m lul îbs., 7 ozs., at Memorial Hos-!GOOD quality baled hay. E.'home calOshawa RA 5-2809 o______________vyPrnrrone 78. 3COlfa snack bars. nWroo.e havetarms houset lsts, uigm tyi saaProa ani a)itai, on January l4th. 3-1*l Webster, R.R. 3, Newcastle. olc. 2-tf AGGRESSIVE salesmen! If Hospital,__ai wa~______ *ORSE - ouhave a car, ive bave a FOR. chimney work, new or $800.I. E. LEASK home. 3~l BU'îG O ELING l defu rural area for you.rpi o y brick, block or i ombue na e~- Real Estate BrokerGeteorad 3- HGNCspls-(Rbr UO î DeathsWATER for sale. Deiivered., jS. _______ oods) miledPpotpaidxii1pl3i b i ~ aLs_____Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfax SEE Make money by workingconcee wok. P.. Bos1083caste, $7500.65 Ontario St. Bowmainville' eldevlp wt rc it !Fai1e dealership ful or part- Cali L. Turner, Phone MArket ! 1om ous, nar ew 3_213._________Capin_____ 3Dr. caFergu4,5onMAnurses91 ~ospital on Tuesday, January i---_ __________4-roornhouse near New- Sales Staff: ý -' * ** d$IstaMilfferDetof-8 aughter of the late William' -çize, good condition. MArket 607 King St. East other useful products. Hglhee or four days a week. Furnishied bouse in Hamp-ý 3-1 eibosfrcdf]vr ______________ d Cathenine andJeneslFand x______ __andeffcient__________r ddCatherine ______ad____________3-1* (Just East of Wilson Rd.) Commion' adbns relxeie adefcetwitb 'ton, $4,000. ZY1 adiqine uigm sa n.15 in iîster of Charles of Oshawa!LIGHT wood in stove lengths, OSHAWVA catalogue on request. Mr. T- excellent 10oc al references. 1 Mand dluii t nd Sydney, Tyrone, in ber SlO per load. Phone COlfax 10-tf Gardnier, Dept. -7- C.P. 58!Please telephone MA 3-2604. We have many more bouises1 cQuay an iddQ 1 i hospital. IL t ý8th year. Resting at the 3.2275. __ __ 49_t - Station C. Montreal 24. 3-1 i3f in Bowmanville and Oshawai REALTORS A. .But - )fcIntosh Funeral Honte, Osha- - ____ - 1",Co-klJUTT(9 ARRIVED REPRESENTATIVE 1 _____ itit Members of Oshawa & District~ id wa, for service in the chapel shutt, new burrs. Murray - -IRE Money to loan on first> Real Estate Board My sincere hnst ned o " GRAI gnider 10,, Cck- UU±REQUREDPlastering Repairs mortgages. Ett Slsand relativesadraxitois Apace Friay Jnury22nd atByers, Burketon. 3-lý11 To enrolMotor Club member- I tteSlsfor cardsadteeoecls rog USemn UinCr e rn wtrpmp bpsr hs oait.TeQUICK SERVICE HAROLD C. PEDIVELL Two reasonably priced farms. n , fsdrigm ikes tarUSE C-ae ie iýp1sio Associatocait.TeOn- UC ADNW O Newcastle Phone 3856 98 acres and 150 acres. Bothlandso bt d.Hi egsnfr znatni~~'Chep. Pone A 3-090.1960 provides the finest in Motor 3-tf priced for qiiick sale. kinssho . Te r i L SIID of this PSBORNE. E'dgar ,ohn-AtiGlefl Rae Farmn. 3-11 lbbftD f T1TS nc eoto ieLk grelyppreIatd Rernemb#'airvlew ILodge. 1Whitby, on; ONE oak-dining-room suite.1 ClTub neis. Pleasant work IR.L. TIF Sine Rsotunnarleslretl ap yer ogodaJalar 1t, 90,Ca e en t 9 Cuch1s.ý UX LL tbat can be bandled either full 54 King St. E. NIA 3-5030 ChresRnin__us____l t neasag. er yerbo~1na, aur 8h 96, a ese a 9 hrhS.or part-time. Rush your name t RELETT OK 'acne.Asigol handed tusband of the late Nettie Os- ALC luiimi, ,vs Sto a ertoisar e $3,000 down - one owner'sWehealrgsecioofmnlebresLnBo- work, 'borne, age 90 years. Resting i ALSCOavueinumarndowseA i alottedfnw. No ivestmen ~<at~oticut Sit Fnealand oors. Lorne Allun, tele-I ion ate nit.o nes rebeng ETtAE mortgage for the balance, this farms, homes and businesses. jing Club, St1,;' vnig LASFE getaiA ore,53 DivSit.. Bow- phone MAnket 3-3871. 3-1 iVe have just reeeived a large' needed. You should have a KEIT DA EY vhite frame home bas bot wat-1 Auxiliary foril~es n hs anj nanville. Service on Thurs- ,21" ADMIRAL TV, console shipment of new 1960 Vauxhalýcar anid be from 25 to 50, maie Livesiock Sipr er ou bheating, aîumlinum CATE Al] who sentcrdadofed AD ETSN doyth'iay, January 21st ait 2 p.mn.inodel, perfect running con- Cars which we shall sell at or female. Write Sales Man< flppr storms and screens, 4-piece 117Chrl t.R FA3-3 condolences dnn u-rcn Interment Bowmanville Cerne-Idition. Phone MA 3-2312. I ager, Box 871, London, Canada. iAND GENERAL TRANSPORT bath, modern kitchlen l0'x14, 9 hueSt A 313 bereavement.RAE ____________11_____1_living-room______________ Il dining- Bowvranville Mry 'tr.a-jPTAO orsl, ea Sacrifice Prices rin -69 room î0'xî7', three' large bled- M.1y Bokadfaf R~CLSFRSL lb.a iniedUie.rooms, sun porch, extra largel Tii torîs nM moim Aout 00bus cob corn. Ed- fralmtdtre SALES REPRESENTATIVE , 46-26'~ landscaped lot. in all. an PeeeoxeLe-n vsît o LVSOKFRSL every piece-ý7LER-1 eoyo on'± tuRR ,Nwat e,1There are many colors, models! We need a mnai to vork in - eltionally attractive RLETAome.PepPs i ~ CR FRSL originalan r ivh died ,aîuary 171i 2 land trirns to choose frorn and this area witb oui- District1 ROY) 'AN.qL. $3,800 down, N.H.A. mort-. GEINERAL INSURANCE appreciation t r xetadLS ON T hand it in, t' 'SKIS, binch, 6 foot, good con-lyou will receive iîndae aae hi direct-to-farm gg,2GErRopabik u ure fte~aentv ah1î« ~Wr rnneit angrý 1 anch 25ungasow,6 ay re ý enrs esnna optîfr~uMh adb aea dean father, gone forever. dition; harness and aluminum elierssand service work, withj GENERAL CIT COR iranchIbTegelhoe6MAarge68 Wing, 99 Kingget. En additional25 wemiss yu smiling poles, $13. Phone Clarke 622.,eivr nation's largcst and niost i-e-, 2-car garage, bighway at Box e cane aÉI -88 Wnd kleindess n oalwl eodd T 'we your3-1 We also have an exceptionally spected company i the field. Masonry - Concrete - Carpentry 'Mapie Grove. j .. nîo J17.ac iyefariends adcinei orAcag f2l vi imd o you Ieft us 10 reniember, USED I.H.C. '-ton pickup good variety of late moidel, Oerarge ro $75 t i 00 , is A'99' now- ricke, itnydisctNA 3-3098 B' MollIlMains. 3-h -s Pne on carth cari take your truck; used Jamitrol gas furn- roslcaoe-owoe, vek00rpreentaieinAUAL i UrIiyer-oc home sti oelyl oey -om rc una ____' OIE CMNGEET ilce ace, forced air. W. H. BrowCr vuCmay3t odto ' "mn i Wol nya il he N AD FTAE pachoeiv one njoed3 wllwork with and trainnew _________condition____. mrt- liv011 n , Y d Treý1would lk otakfîn"4avr ihamnmm appy he e ne e jo y edil MA 3-59. "Used ar mari. Essentials are desire to Full price is $12,000 withi tern'.ýbedrooms, 4-pice tiled bath, anid relatives o hi id,5.0fr2 od r1~ owsee hemmoyStlKEYS eut autoinatically, while 1ed o hera tIw ioeaed oko amr you wait, at Ma son and to; eaD aves Mheeyadait 3,000 isrefahli p icenofoi'ltrin liviavg-room, mode,00kitchfnl pressfmi, eigilbonsgforotbemonjrn RTHch-, ENGAGEMENTl fhe wonld can neyer fui. Hdson3& Kae o rie.and growens in the area adtiattractive 5-rooin cottage atî dinirîg and faînily noom. PInîc- lovelv cardsanDrAutn. ARAESETH by bl crinve is ardware, 6King St. E., oprcs own a late model car. Age 90-C . - beach. Completelv winiterized, ed vcry ieasonably at S12,900.Èrsesand saffrter 10 e neto hter (Virgile), NMrs. Fred- ___________ Core intoda and 50 yeans. For persoxial iiter- j ..) 110oe -Reiair bydro, w-ell, septie tank. Ternis. IOnly S3.900.00 downl and theljwondenful caeduigmstyIMMOIS eIVmebrd omnvie.~-f see for yourself ve rt ul oE SPOP EVC Are you paying rent anid'balanice at only ý8800 perIin MemniralHoitladls Evans of Pontypool, and ONE boy's blue twreed 2-piece've wi flytE-M-FSPO TSRVC Aequfre ____._1Ev- sports jacket, i1, for sale ROBSON MOTORS Cliurs" Plant Food Co., P.O. 26 Ontario St. Bot-çnanville into soe.hn for wbich youi principal anid tares. callng onie sne frDpaÇîret$~ market Î.GHT-în loving mcmiory of SAVE on lumber, direct from BOW1VMANVILLE APPLICATIONS WANTED h 4t bu h6nome.frme ad ejo ver 20% net ne- rts *lear husband and father, miii to you. Phillips Lumber 3-1 AUDIOMIETER TECHN1CIAN Rîbber Footwear Repaîrs sBalchnsxemcn.t1ld to ive yusfud etails.l apreitinfr av Al aeieddsmth. (n wodidJa.17 95.Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone--Te otubradDlinad sidewalk. 13mieto 5 acres and prl utacsof kindesofc lt11rto ) bodiaed 1 often wander 17 r Il. 1- IFor encash.th niamp beor moneiy ardexZE . . U * L E T I C L R e a r s 1 - f o n naH a l b U n t i s b g in-1 -a U L A I Z DO s h a w a . N e d s d c o r a t i n g . ' o u- s e p r i c e d b e l o w v a l u e f o r7 f ioo w e r s a n d e p e s o s o ' S f d ' I C V d e d~ *Adsk, coLd RCLRear.Prompt beaning testîîîg programme of - -You stiggest the down pay-' quick sale. 8,000!sympathy extnebor lp~5i aemny j ýi spadk, n in silence service to eecticai appliances, THREE or 4-roomed apartment seool cidrn in thec UnitedlT m eo Tie n p ment and the ternis! The full $1,500 down for this 6-room1 relatives, fnîns frhny eeec And picture you asîeep large and smail. Landen Hard- with bath. Private entrance. Counties, using an audiometer. claisnTr hpprc sol 470 oseto cliooallylctda Orono 100 .tlynefno oe wîî vware. Phone MA 3-5774. MA 3-2809. S3-i Applicants must bave Grade 12, KING & SILVER ST. Tocoictli os on'se $'to 00sr ceniecndnrss f Mody 1o 1 xia _________ 43-tf APARTMEËNT in Victor Maorbte sadn,àecreu f BOWMANVITLLE %ater and scwer. Don't it, juVn us for-better rcsults. the Menia1 Hspta ow 83 axn a p know M1o, etai] and interestced in child-' rin aV' 1nnile otro thoughts of sadness that INSULATION, blowing meth- Kn t .Avaîlabie '*rii reios xpnene itI---'--- ________ah_ arc mine od, with rock wool. Work- mediately. Apply Wmn. Curtis ri. P______xprin Col.h the yeans I olden grow mansbip guaranteed. Free esti- MA-05 3.f bet eia l ust bel <Ted> Arends a aePnvtefn~ vi- eter edeoma Lonsit cornsîg rdan "chîldren cçýticMoor befor placemîenit or puî'chasef P Fevit rn w udnb.; e nda ttsa "eat oryouwil lwas ats.Hary . ade Tle AARTEN i Haptnfie oadrive and preferabIy' l:of icMoIrsaleor 2nid mortgagcs. raeet ieart for you car. Trainsnmtes.illrli L. Wade. Telef istTMREALiESTATEtBRKERvMrs.wnA. N.r.obbiiniandwfamiREA ESTATC oROKER drsd AerN.ce pille.phione Clarke 2420. 39-tf roomns and bath, où beatcd, provided. Technician -'.I vork o Ilyor52 King St. W. - 10ars-1 oî ul - -L-Not Jorgotten by wite Anme -HUATCPA-_ I onc' ydcoae adp1vteIon1ed t c1C0o0.} eecr acres -etA3-43 rCO3 10î uen o clrg -sae-- _____________________-_____ nd faniffl. 3-1' suffer from backaches, um- entrance. CO 3-2692. 3-1"' Direct enquires and applica- IEW INDING Salesman - Clarence. Soper bar. Land ini excellent co- bago, sciatica, tny Rumacaps TWO-bedrom a-ar-e__p---- _ tion; to 'Nedical Officer of; Sales& Service onnrLW.am ils .Hmlu Ïrîpmor.,7 of a dear liusband and relief. Druggists everywhere. corne. Phone MA 3-3768 or 17.ain Health Unit, Box 337, Co-' 13 Third St. Bowinanville -463acrbose.t -roninSl 1- ' -rman C. Yeilowlees, 1-4 after 6 p.m MA 3-5798. 1 0iug. 3-1e lh ea s ,l brick bouse, barn 30x50, hydro.1 Don't forgetthanalmt-bristtFveas.R. 122 WA1e passcd away January WORK boots and shoes at ba r- HÎEATED a-pantnient-,3 ror-,ms, $14,500 in a VEAR PLUMBING - HEATING pre.ssur e system. A real boy 111- of the TyioeCmuiyF ako sitdbrwt 's,157.1 t ,; ~ndwhlehe ie i peceulgain pnices, brown and black, kitchenette and bathroom, elcc- for the RIGHT MIAN EAVESTROUGIIING 178 Acre DAIRY FARMI with at8,00.00. Easy ternms. Hall on Th=rdyee~nJn lc hwngo lds hc iS emoy esh, laimfle 0 Ea.fBowmile oetrie wto makadgdrJ. U ,60.0I.BAA don't an11 o MSleyd SouIlcctvs uota, larevL: IiHari-6vacrs at'i-s E. oveof21a il a seepy esh, awazRepair. 80King S.W., Dw PoeMA 3-5996. 47.tflit hnigta aigi TN A R oenzdbrkbl III keep. AdALys' iiholida.atlyr5-treat trainirriati, g"rrsat iCleaners.42-tf r. fie2îdfornaî as falling off a log . .. But ve 1 Sn Pwrîaished, etc.; 8 roomed bikOwncr ils el e sfr viI rai j brickissn bust s and. Sem ouscfor1 d viîbrMm.nandbt'r-rs.s DceerAbbot-tiFiineoraakon Saly mssdy 3-1* HEARING aid service. Testing street. S. R. Jpnies, 24 King to pay our meni from S14,500.00 VstrAa elr-as-O house with ail modemi con- Osformtioti - service and complete stock of East, Boxvmaniile. 44-tf wto the 000in a year and 66eKinîg St. W. NMA 13-7127 vI OshawaSream Business follacrswed with barn-sp1en dit batteries and cords at Higgoth- samne kind of a ian BOWNIANVILLE tri arne. otefruit trees. Price $1,500. T.drsH.urh, edirpotfr199yte C.,1iqEvents bEteries aimiteds 38 Kig St E URNISHED apartmnent, suit- in the Bowmanville avea. ___________ 0-tf teni a5anedsoes tNal Goe1M.andBx I&eegop ereaie n Communty Eletrie Lmited,38 Kin St. E, ablefor bu3inesscouple Relitlre re 365reAcremenar... 375Acacresm 27 aacresar atyf Mapled Grove A -'e-manaille.e Dance. at Soliia CmuîiyBowmianville. Phone MArket al o xiescul.Rn eeaeorrqieet CTIXIworkable, Stream, L-shapcd k, gave the '. ail, Saturday, Jan. 23. Ad- 3-3305. - MA 3-3fiel or m69 Kihne a 45soi60ibility. to V an bm, tel tîhiiibai-gain at S2,500.00. Ternis. vstc i rte ai h nulrpîtwici make AEIAL SAES watr bowl, silo driveslîcdBuilding lot 78 x 200, closelis 1 tehoia.GldoPilclcdnMs.JC.ok DO your 0w-nchfloorsDOandurugs-n_____r and auto-tripsattottip-jtTE EuISIONdnOstea-vTESEoppùIOgACeîîtrSALES etcD;10 eoisec home'git ailgttoOsha'a thep ncxCeotricersnfor rug cnelm. emî andrfrpoier or TVO-.oorn eatcd apartinent, ritory to cal stonou undin 'ISALAINg& PIR e 10 ronenie witli ail Beautiful view. excellent drain-' day, .anuary *23. Clr e-fo adrHrwr,7Kap- Jy furnishied. pivate en- We don't expeet you to geït Phonexta oesAigpce age. Pice $220.. Tenis. in -l,bu Clr e-fmnLadrHrwr,7 igetahms.Akii rc We have tlîmec homes withlin liospital foi xhieyt tS Music Mkr i posr-s. EBwmanvîle. MA3-87 o M 3SS2make it îvorth your while night! NIA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 ny50.0di. omnt rîDal iby Tyronie Orange Lodge. MA 3-5774. 20.ti hoeNI" 3570orM 3552 100 Acre t'arm. located 4 aîîns Wî a e.a xv Mr ith M.at \i~ iuto evc o lcic GET the jump on________ __ -- tirne job . it pays iniglity' 39- workablc, land iii A-]iaeýtl ai . t ance, Blackstocëk Commun- winter. Sce us for free C.ti- bedroM, kT-he ieand-rbathl. It is ...imumTTTting- good biproof bar-n ith waterj18 ~Hall, Satumdav. Jaîiuary 30, mates on "Carbayes" Alunin- bdom iceeteadbt.mled wîî îbg revaîsO14ru Uldbxls khose.ec.foro-I rgo t Bwanil'N. ana Mr.Cci idedAthuHaitnItVceP- ,12, .lake Van Dain and bis uni Doors and Windows. You Iiilaid linoleumn. Cox aliart- honest effort. l.LLVEJTUBEd on, ilîhey et..w7redm.l' Cal! MS. Bo3-3644 lBowinaiille. cee gct' VisAliHar2n Pake~POtochlestra. Sponsor- xiii be amazed boxx'ecoîtom icaents, 23 Temperance. nt~ Phn 0hmbaydt ie. f Mi-. and isLodHdadVceredetMs.Dnd Phký.pçj i-ncione IflAVLL Davc TheSccretaryiaM: s. Ileni-y Fames'Unon 3i:thy rcfrmMoAn qu 3-A2-25554-t.jSondwothhie?. Ten WLLPrceaantrns mrternIiassmn:G.Blleen 'srigîxi'e -- es no.3-.ýhyaefo C-ýa ýup tei us about yourself, yourý ILTA E hn I -30 adàaie _u1MeCtngofCatIment Co., 134 Killg St. E., TWO or four-roomi apartment1salcs background and yu. 100 Acre farm near Mm11-~ hn 3-300 1: 0T [s . ue niSaittiTesrr n.H a 'L,"niotiCctieterv BoarciBoimanville. or PlionfMArkzetIin Bowîinanville. Availablýearîiing rqieeîs e c ESRDO& bok 5ares orabc lr __-- - WUS Nxc,.te:'rLet'ol Siinen.Nv .eUcâeehl nte med liurch on 40-tfFeb. 16. Adtilts prcferred. hear froin Sou inmnediately. IlTELVSO EVC ce adod -hpdbtk -He m niMs .A i-AmsP5rpreMs ýjU *U~ tcK],RY' SALE n iafter 9 a.în. 311ferfr__._.i - -uaateîWokat sic.et.:'-mo'mdhoei jalay2i at 2 p m. JANUARYSALE_-1______forSo._H._L.SahloNv, urnedWr tw d, t. ooe oewtiRADIO and tellevision repairs. tue. Vmtrahi;CnftCo. CEEron up-_patne{President, Box 789, Fort Worth', Reasonable Rates modern colîveniences. Price;poîtp srice. Pc-p'îdMr. andiM~.Rl' lsei 'iteMs ereAirai OF________ ____ a . e , , exs.3-;46-tf $13,000. Easy ternis. jPeoimptx. erge 5Pick-u.pa and( 1' o~îi wie cio~Ctieî~Sc. I- o jun - 'ri-one and Coin- is nîcl e -con-l -Gerg's__5Kig_,___an ilAIk inuiMeeting Tx-i0 bth, « f 1 Wante - nce Sâ135 Acre îarnî, on 401 Higli-IE. Plioie NMA 3-5713i. 29-tf Sat'irck:wexerigget fM.adDvy uprCnnit ' Hall. Thuîs-~ BEDDINGtrol. P7ivaeugen taîîeleSOj - ted to uTnesW neyvy erPr oe 00GAATE eeiinaîia~M..T .GI~c1 im.M'.McHnitnM~ a- >1~b llîî unty înonthlv _____ ____GARANToEkable. stream. l0OXs ,PFaeyui-Ast.19610. 8p.m .Thi;f ploiîe MA" 3-c5o91 . rsTeic-j 3 ram 0o ýadservice, to al] iiiiakes.I M'N.JameF al mo;:MS e upy Vr.W]e ak o t. ,~j MORRIS GO. 1FOUR.'rooînheated apartnicnt,'Phoe M1 22. 3P M'NCPTEDFRTuE 0'rbatik brniknhiose. netc.Srve:!,vcelv- -----r'F"day honhl-prsî1,;BadMr.Ho-a' . P F c y Q MT V R G T . m . d P - i e $ 7 0 0 i l îP i m e A 3 : 3 8 . w r eiZ ( MM ~ D n l t a n o i ni b . JT'IVi USA C&LL, LARGE, brigbf furnisheti room -- -- SAst ghayain Wood. MA 3 v-2. -Ro u-\l ne in ,a ornumb- wr arra n g ioao.ic-m biJan m flldiict.Ylvewarn!antibea snuAnut Rsvrs Tul'2toe6outc cbruary 3 ontn Wod MA3-3. 4 eninBoxvmanvllle ares, 13 Roorned brick bouse inýRusseil Kerr~, Betlîany. tPione Tescn etn fth .E ieBieo i."e' CuonThurs- gau HTOM! on groutid floor, beateti,cii- ____________-1 'Mouda to Fnitisys. cosWt aiisreteBt7n%1eR4. -2CG..T or 16 s et n Byt' trBaktc .. I ses f- st, cnining î hZ beafat1YOUNG Shortborn cows anti Adv-citiser 8, c/o The Canatiman "t xr o.Akn 8000 TOvugfnaebakadteSaa.Slolron a- KihBaly otpo mulI. se., f pamits. all- uitesimmk hiotanti colti water, 1bulîs at amrs i c. j . Sfatesmnm, P.O. Box 190"wiithexsra lo. v ng $8,uT. f ounis, wcst oflackhanv. 1e uam dy . uSe tmgsatt . .Tre rn anti tabric,. Film toî // lectrie stove ant figerto 1 H amo pieswt inl ovnpy 1 -\, n. Pîi'.-e5z. Amssoîdisies. pots anti pans, bd- akrHaptn. 4-fBwavie ttn ae. GNRLSOE opi-an ne olro n o.wt h ntaincmmn. W.TrnkKn .tu~ ticets u'oî men- e chesterficiti. nexv wardnobe.l YOUNÎG-boar, 8 moîîths, minti3-P, GNgoL' STORE, tcom 6.Aoekîoxvn wii-aout sSome irlmation t~î htHnesnBo trOhw PI.rida, N. i S 3.2 - Available Jan. 23. Telephone!Landrace anti Yorkshîire. Tele- roomet livinîg quanters xith'pescalRly&otorHtscdunrtosechsgt -- - '---'- - - j MA 3-7201. 3 l* phone CO 3-2737. i Notices modemn conveniemîces and gar-lRyicy Bethamîy. Phione Beflu- anti hearnmg folovd ui os htJc ui kr~Sale __ nTE±ni apartînent, 3 ag ACNTE nibodtst-I Crago's Beauty Salon, N age attacheti. Askiîig $16,00C.any 326. 2CINTD n lodt-2 îîcss was discuseiadmntsRR ,Ohw O R cl unfurnis1liet rooms, witlî priv- cd spningers, Jersey andt Hol-;castie, will be closeti JauaryI' Cnac:ONE fernale hounti, mostîy of last meeting ee ecib -2Mate entrance, al moden îcon- stein beifers. Aiso yotuîng25th t aay 3JohniF.lDe-W ith huie blacktan spts fa Bohsei iTap., î-enîemuces, three-piece bathî,'calves. CO 3-2512. 3.lf ive. hincldblaRicaabtans Ltd. - "Big 20"ps eaywiiglrg ichen Ihoundis weai-ing collars xitb lV'oman'lsAsoatW.JBey lm2fIaI FU :i a , wheadîinet. ilagecokit.. PIA N O T UN I N GReator and General Insurance naine sud Phone No. Phone'elitiranî'megt G'Z:5::YSO an lorcve-Nwcsl P.. 3,Me ore A3-3143, Bow-' The combinetigoP ?WA easnsSoeSo p le ___EiSO ig.Vcn. ue dl'AND ALL REPAIRS M________t_ Ge AlI thir am DiSTIBUOR hon MA -387. -1'Free Estimates - Guaranted orkmanship Donald Mountjoy Bowmanile -te oeofMsoog JrndLvi 3A.-3?0 4 Mun d reati with a n atfn.îc f2. OesSoeSo F OM L-GASOL.ENE MA__________ 3-3ie950Ynulîn h iyn uth a l.e parties PianU I -GEAE ollisn A357 Rosa Davidson, Bethany ýNEAR Maple Gi-ove, small iopenedtificmeetigwt e Wses tr &et 3-24388 ARTHUR Clio.Telephone. Phone 21r 6dpufmae lakad erI om IL-i bAr et3-3900. -il A ROSE .hutipp emlbac niyerspen.Cyta ar LI1EUJjJ ~~~~~~3Itari. Phone MA 3-2481. 3-11 The worshippeidnTle heSaemnOfc le" *S*rilIMA'V-TAV e.4 nota~ I e

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