Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 10

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PAGE TEN g- -rn-p iii I*-- j - S PORTOPICSI, J ~ By Frank Mohui MA 3-7234 SATURDAY HOCKEY FEATURE The fourth annual Minor Hockey Week in Canada will evcning when. afler the scheduled Midget gaine with Ajax at 7:00 p.m.. our local Bantams will meet the wcll known 1{onest Ed's Bantams of Toronto. aI 8:30 p.m. These Toronto youngsters have made quite a naine for themsclvs i the Toronto League, not having lost a game in the last 69 starts. if Jim Castle 33 This; should be a good test for our local Bantain Ail Stars. I rr i r c i a i Morley Vanstone 33 î Larer s TeamMcl Dale 33 131PORTANT GAMES IN GOODYEAR HOCKEY Bill 0I<c 33 Sunday aftcrnoon's twin bill aI the Memorial Arena has BillHestale33 couple of important clashes. In the opener at one o'clock,T a e s T o p o BdMoes3 flrst place wIll be at stake when the leaguc-leading Fan Belîs PtYo2 with Lloyd Hamilton, Raye West, Bob Fairey and Ray Preston M ajo r re 3 meel the Office, with Don Masters, Bill Lyle, Bob Marjerrison 1f(5 l 1 7 Jack Lander _ 33 and Vince Vanstone. The Fan Belîs bold a one-point edge, M e "s M a ooLe Ab Piper---- 33 with two games remaining. HpPle --_3 The Hose, trailing the third place Mats by threel The first schedule bas becri Elton Brock bowled 321,1 John Stainton - 33 points, must win the nightcap to kcep their playoff chances completed and winners haç'e 255, 249 for a total of 825 pins I Frank Lewins 33 been declarcd in ail events. 1 t win high triple. Dr. Keiîth1 John Ford ----- 28 alive or hang up their skates afber the next game. On the Murray Larmer's teami fin-1 Slemon had 774, Karl Bickell 1Fank Williams __ 33 Hose Club are "Jiggs*" Cowling, "Buck" Cowlc, Don Prout ishied on the top rung withý 739, Dr. Howard Rundie, 701 Frank Mohun 33 and "'Hank" Lane, while the Mats boast such performers as a total of 23 points and nowi and Morley Vanstone 702. Bill Bates 33 Tery astrs Te Firy, lit Frgso, Hwad Qineyare entitled 10 meel the win-! Dr. Ed Ewart caime up with 'Fran Samis 33 aenrd St e e ary ln eruoHwr une ners of the second schedule a lovely 397 triple to take low Jack Parker 3o an Slp Rw.in the roll off for John M. hionors and George Jones Si--Trew-in -- 33 t t James teain championship tro-; walked off with the wecks' George Stephens - 33 BOWLING NEWS OMITTED phy. The winning members low game, 82. Clarence Oke 29 of the tcam are Captain Mur-1 The playoffs are bein.g held Fred Cowlc 33 rthe people who asked us and those who possibly ray Larmer, Bill Bates, Jack this week and on Jan. 271h the Bob Williamxs 33 werc about to, w're sorry that several bowling leagues were Lander, Paul Chant, Bob Mar- second scbedule will gel un- Ralph Kelly 33 omte foïlstwe' sot pgs neo u ecletyn and Bruce Vivian.' derway. Bill Shotter-- 33 omite foii, as weks pors ags.On ofau ecelety In the averages Ah Osborne' Final Team Standings Don Gilboolcy 30 conacs eenblamed ber hubby for not delivering bbc won top hoziors wiîh a 242 End of lst Shdul Frank Blunt 3 averages ta the office. Howcver, the change-over in the average for 33 gaines. Pete Ta W L P MatlCharn --33 printing of The Statesman met wibb a few difficulties in bbc Dobbins was runner-up with Larmer 23 10 23 Harry Ga ...3 first week and causcd the bowling scores ta, be left out. Th240.inl gie etHalîman- 21 12 21 Russ Lane . 33 t ~ t t tThe hhn os ingle gie we0tOsborne -1 9 ',,>131 191/2 Ed. Leslie 33 JonFodwihbi i7 R. Oke 18 15 18 Bert Englcy 27 JUVENILES ROLL ON bowled on Dec. 2nd and Ah Perfect---- 18 15 18 D gTalr3 Bowmanville Juveniles won three times in the past Osornd e,.won hg.rpe87 D. McKnigbit 171/ 151,/ 171/2 Ross McKnight- 33 wec bo rua their unbeaten streak to eleven - nine icague bowd De.arel6th. .ve Dobbins --- 17 16 17 Hank Janzcn -- 33 and two exhibition gaines. The hO-0 win over Ajax in bbc Ibis year for the bigh single B Oe1 17 16 Bo Mua arn .. 33 locals' final home appearance, Saturday nighb, cllnched first and bigb triple gamnes bowled B.oke 16 17 16 BbJacBrugb 30 place. Bowmanvillc plays bwice more tbis week bo close ouItdurng ens eh bede.sinl Bagnell . 16 17 16 AIf Samelîs 33 the schedule and then will meet bbc winner belween Port Janzensoreamf32owdane Piper --- --16 17 16 Cuth McDonald - 27 tabb ntro ae coeof122o oe-IR. McKnight 16 17 16 Jack Munday -- 30 Hope and Witby for the right ta advancc nte nai ing night and this w cnt al Sami -- _1 8 1 olyEce playoffs. the' way. Frank Samnis' teain Ims~ 5 1 5 Mre thr 33 Th ei hîbw nrouc bcraes h it a high 354 on Nov. 4th toGay il *?22 h1 Jack Bond ý----- 33 win bbc triple prize. ILsi 6 7 HrySodn 3 previous column bas since been bolstcrcd by the return Of The altendance wvas excel-'! Averages George Piper . 33 Brent Hughes froin bbc Toronto Marîboros. There doesn't lent for the schedule and ouI Naine Games Ave. Kar] Biekeil 33 appear la be a weak spot in tbc wholc club; ini fact bbey seemi of a possible 3168 lines 3102 Ai Osbornec--- --- 33 242 Carl Rahy -- -- 33 ta e trnge tanlaI yars diiontht eabedth Otal ines wcre bowled. ' iPele Dobhins 33 240 Harold Bennett- 33 to e trngr tanlat ears diio tht eahe th Otaio Gclting back 10 thbc finai,ýDr. K. Sîcînon--33 231 Glen Hodgson---33 finals. This lime couid mean a cbampionsbip. and witb eight weck of bbc scbedule, Dr. Lariy Piper 24 230 Ken Luxton -- 33 or nine Midget-age players, wc might bave another onc ncxt Keith Slemon wvon high gaine Elton Brock----33 228 Harry Akey 33 year. with a reinendous 356. Slip R.uss Oke ------ 33 223 Don Bishop-- 30 Whieb brings us 10 booster tickets. Today is the final hadl eight strikes ia a row and Dave McKniight ---33 222 Ross Wright--------- 33 ~a wEnbostrtikes reaalabe.No nî wîîyowas1 robbed of a 400 game. Ted Bagnel --------2. 217 Coulson Woolner-_3 daywhen ooserticet ar aallble Nt olywil yu KrlBickell followcd Kcilb Ernie Perfect âu 26 Bruce Mine -------3 be helping bbc club, but a ««Booster" wlll be assured of seats with 335, Elton Brock 321 and Dr. H. Rundie ---- 33 216 Cliff Trewin 33 for the playoffs, and no nced to stand in long line-ups. LeI's -Ah Piper 304. ____ Jack Gay ----- 33 215 Cecil Osborne 33 get bchind this club and give it aur support. - Jhin Callan ----- - 30 .1. toi Geo. Glanville . 33 YOUNG CANADA NIGHT t Juveniles Reap 10 C . FedcilMo 33 CeuiraMtton 33 The fourtb anual Minor Hockey Wcek in Canada wiîî arv st verMura dge --33 be bcld commencing Ibis Saturday, January 23rd. Wcll overH a v s v r A a Bruce Vivian 33 00,000 minor players have been registcrcd witb the C.A.H.A. . Dr. A. Sylvester -.33 The old master strategîstf The entire defence perforin,. Dr. C. Austin 33 In 1958-59, an increase of 2,700 over bbc previotîs season. Mike Osborne, bas doubl e d in their usual brilliant1 Ray F'y------30 However, there are thousands more playing la leagues whicb cause to smile afler hast Sat- fashion. Ed Rundle 33 !inot rcgistcred under C.A.H.A. provisions. urday night's 10-0 shellacking~ Bowmanville-Goal. Wriht; Wck ait ee----33 In minor hockey gaines bbc coaches try to teach bbc bis Juveniles puiled on Ajax.,dif. OhrnCvel.Woogd- John Moorraf----33 Aflîsrin s cpble inny i,- ock. Peterson: owrs vîoyc ail pbbc b aic fund a e t l oce y. b t hes re i ngr ng Up hi ap bl s în y enton H ughes, A lec W s , Byroii V anstone 33 more than jst deveherig isimuch crew 10 a rousing start in mn Br Wise-n --- 3 vhich help ta makehim a bebter player, bu ma, Tcrry Black, McCul-RnMCcn -3 nor tanjut evloin ailty tei ginsbb bys explod- luh ranHgeBagneff f Tom Cowan ----27 Each player is bcing baught tbc value of beamwork cd for five unanswered ma rk- gB1nHuhs Roly Coombes _ 32 nd bbc ability ta gel alang wîbb teain mates and opponents. crs in bbc opening sîanza. James, Werry, Yeo. Gill. 1 Garf Clarke 33 ïe is being aught how ta win modesîly and bow ta, play by In a gaine whcre ehecking Ajax - Goal, Bl1undel;- El-!Bob Kent 33 Iwas aI a minimum, (froin1 lis, Jankovrski, Brown,, Holi- Bill Oliver -- -- ---27 1e rules of tbc gaine, and, if he must lose, how to lose Ajax's position)I, Bowman- le, Paquette, Praine, Lasder, I Dr. E. Ewart---28 ,racefully. vile's fearsome offense oozed Stinson, Wrg, BewGogeJns -3 Wcdnesday night, Jan. 27th, will be Young Canada power, adding two more goals Freeman, Dcsroches. Kcith Shackleton- 33 gight aI tbe Memorial Aena in Bowmnanvillc. Even tbc in the middle frame, and iry hv got int the act with a broombaîl gaine slated 1 three in bbc third. Brcntonj etl tha venigudra a,:0 oougwl clthe Hughes wag a promninent ,et he eenin unerwa at :30.Coburg ill eet thebomn in the Ajax bide, as lie owinanville Atoins aI 7:30, wbie bbc remaining two contesîs cbalkcd up four goals, while Mmr a r n vil see Port Hope clashing witb local Pce Wee aad Banlain Terry "Jet" Black, picked up eams aI 8:30 and 9:30 respectively. a goal and bwo assists. Bill Wednesday niglit is your opportunily to show nat only twice, while Alex Wiseman,:~v m n iI ,our son, but the coaches, managers, referees and many others "Butch" Bagneil, and Dave, tssociated with tbc sport. just how much their efforts arc Wcrry bit for singles.Frdy a.2 ýppreciated. Coach Mike Osborne, jugln rdy a.2 The slogan for National Minor Hockey Wcek is 11Take, bis lines, found a formidable [o' ed orbyt h rn" esneeyhp hstrio ihis unit of Brent, Ter- ont edyumby ath mea. esicreyhoeIbsry and Alex. This line ac- P B I a nc slogan wbich ail parents wiil take seriously WednesdaY counted for I points on the (ight. evcning's scaring spree. : K T N Don'l forget to, buy bbc draw tickets. The proceeds Grant Wright, who hada MIi go toward taking our teanis ta bbc provincial tournament relativeiy placid night bel- iHuntsville. wcen the pipes, balked the 8 to 10 p.m. i. 1~-l~ tAjax snipers on their 26 drives t t t tin registeming bis initial goose ADMISSION OWLING TOURNEY WINNERS egg of the yeam. Blundcll, a, Aduits 50e - Children* 35e - Spectators 10e valiant figure in the Ajax' [oney Wînners (wlth handicap) cage, could have sued for de- Russ Lane-1212-$6.0; Larry Piper-1184-$5.0o;: sertion, as he was forccd tb Saturday, January 23 Iurray Tigbc-1145-$4.00: Frank Lewins-1143--S3.00:i stop 47 saves in the lopsided'I 'eorge Piper-1 133-$2.00. i. MIDGET - BANTAM Trhe foliowing 10 bowlers wili proceed to the next round! Witbin eight minutes of the' openin-g period, Bowmanville of the Eastern Canada Championships. The scores are ail! held a 3-0 lead, with Ajax, scratch total for five gaines: Larry Piper-I 184; Russ Laiiei captain Ellis in bhe sin bin, -1137: Doug Taylor--1098: Frank Lcwins-1083; AI Osborne' on cd occasion. Don' -1058; Ernie Pcrfcct-1052; Ted Bagnel-1OSI: Georg(- Bee-1i "utch" Bagneil rapped theý 1 di.se homne aI 1:32 from a' bee-1035,: Harold McLaughlin- 1034: Ab Piper-1026 j scraniblc, with the ponderous, - t i t t Ajax defencema.n off for! GEWGE LLIOTTboarciînr. \Vcrry and James' «E94~E ELLOTT rew asists. George Elliloîl, manager of Liberty BowI, atbeaded the At 2:09, Terry Black drilledi first anniversary celebralian beld by Double Diamond Bowvl- the disc by BlundeIl, on a ing Supply Ltd.. January 8th, at the Regency Towers Hotel neat passing play with Wisc-1 In Toronto. Tbe prograni included a tour of the plant of man, and.Bmyan Hughes. With f Pbilips Electronica Industries Ltd., developers and imanu- Ellis serving a cbarging pen- alty, Brenton Hughes slam- faclurers of thc automatic pin-setters, wbcre Mr. Elliat saw med brother Bryan's pass ia how tbc pin-setters are made and tested. bbce cords making il 3-0. Daveý At bbc reception ai bhc Regency Towcrs, George met Werry. and Brenton, bitting' tepresidents of both companies. Following bbc banquet, afor tebirstcnmaei. guesîs were enterlained by popular TV songstress Juliette, Billy Osborne counted botb and a $1,000.00 prize was prescnted ta Mr. Charles McDonald the second period goals. His of Pinecrest Bowl In Port Hope. first was a dazzling unassist-: t t :srsrî wr:~- ~ ed effort, as he lashed a back- -----------------------------~hander in froin the right side of the cage. His second wasý sunk on Doug James' rcbotmdf fram la close. Alex Wisemnan shovelled Brent Hughes' drive under a LIBERTY 1efnlpridadrno sprawling Blundell at 8:32 off BO W L LT3D. goatcIo conmpletely submerge BASE LINEtUi floundcming Ajax crew.f - I Araund the Rink Alisys Avaîlable for OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phone MA 3-5663 Brenton Hughes came up jwith a brilliant effort, as he' netted four goals, while add-; Snig an assist. Terry "Jet'ý Black was real- ly saîling ail night, and bis goal and two assists were: weli deserved. Blackie caused'i partkcular discomfort to Ajax's i lumbering Ellis as be stole thc rubber off the visitors' captain almost at will. Biliv Osborne. besides bis togoals, was an aggrcssive obs*cle to the Ajax club al nightr DOUBLE HEADER HOCKEY 7:00 p.m. AJAX MIDGETS BD WMAN VILLE NID GETS 8:30 p.ni. EIONEST ED'S BANTANS OF TORONTO SOMWAN VILLE DANTANS ADMISSION Aduits -50e Children - 25c Booster Tickets in Effect CHILDIEN"S SKATING Wednesday, January 27 3:00 ta 5:30 p.m. Children----------------25e Aduits accompanying children - - - 25e Wednesday, January 27 YOUNG CANADA NIGHT Starts 6:30 p.m. with GIRLS' BROOM BALL GAME Three Hockey Games ATOM - PEE WEE - BANTAM ADMISSION Students -25e Aduits Children Admitted with Recreational Department I Membership Card q'uyyflonav YA~T *1~ lflA~ *.W* M&*4~ F0.fl. 40t *50 Town League Hockev Star of the Week JOHN FOWL ER "Long" John Fowler, lanky & 'oal-keeper for Stephexi FPuels, turned in his tinest effort of the season to capture the Surplus Sales' Star of the Weà k Award. John, sui> j. goalie on the Ontario Champion Legic 'nnaire Club. saw a lot of ruber he wek bfore hen 9 unalq upr e~aîns- 10-3 -5 1-6 9- 8-4 -~ - And iemember. .. t pays te buy frot, Feb. 29.- 0-3 2-5 12 9 8 I-7 oertified dealer, where ail late model earl Mar. 7 __ 5-12 7-10 1- 8 11- 4 9- 3 6- 2 ar urne« Mar. 14 __ 2-11 8- 3 4-12 6- 9 10- 5 7- 1 Down PaYmeut te Suit Your Budget Mar. 21___ 4-10 1- 6 7- 3 8-12 2- 9 5-11 Monthly Terms Mar. 28 __ 7- 8 11-12 2-I1 6- 5 4- 3 10- 9 Apr. 4.... 4- 5 2- 3 11-10 12- 1 8- 9 @-? Apr.1Il 9- 7 6- 4 5- 3 10- 8 2-12 1- 1 Apr. 18 __ 2-10 8-11 7- 4 3- 6 1- 5 9-12 Apr. 25 . 1- 3 7- 5 6- 8 1-9 12-10 4.-2 End of Second Schedule Playotts t 9 t a. is ni g gn B( Ml i GE c TMIIMAV- TA?4- 21qL lem 0 2131 him. wr at l&çaswr orcagit 213 en E~ amaBut this time he held the opposition scoreless for 57 211S o wV V U Frks minutes, only to lose a shutout on a lair of shots, which gave 210! him ne chance. several other driW es appeared te have 209!mrclu stops to cop the week's awstird. "Fuels W in Game ga rte aloeahsbt"oig"Jh aeu 208 iThe goalies took over the sp4 ,tlight completely, a 207' opposing custodian, Howie Mashinter eame up with a strong 207 u L effort in a Iosing cause, to rate honou rable mention. 207 U m07 Ken's Men's Wear overcamel closed the scoring at 16 *28. 206, a 2-0 first period deficit to,1 Chant came up with his big- 206' mow down the Dept. of Works'gest point spree of the season, n 205 0_ in the opener, i Thurs- çollecting four assists in ddi Te nage , B o>w lin 25day night's regular Town tion to his goal.1 205ILeague twin bill. In the nightcap. Stephenl With two weeks relnaining Boys ' Team Standings t04 Norin Foster and Bill ColelFuels defeated Hooper's Jew-in the first sehedule, it loo S H Rn 1 1104 scored in the first period tolellers 4-2 to mnaintain a two as' if things are going toe o Hirun le----5--7 203 put the Dept. of Works in! point edge atop the heap. i right down to the \vire D.Shrà 5 fý'ront, but Jim Olinski quick- Mfter a scoreless first per- both the boy s' and girls' divi-, J oor rt 1----------7 203! ly put the Men's Wea±r club iod, the winners did ail their sions before first place is de- A. Pluirt mer -------------- ---40 22in contention, scoring after scorinig in the second. Howardi cided. D. Bagrb ell-----------------34 202 ten seconds of second period Quinney notched the first atacin ef a V. Mollo y ------- - 31 200 action. The winners ran the 3:15, Bob and Ted Fairey each Sahurday's ato et 199 count to 4-2 before the session tallied within a two minute tree way tie for the top spot' The gkris' loop tightened up 199ended, scoring three times- in span and Quinney bagged hisin the boys' league. Howard considera .bIy, as Karen Beau- 19less than two minutes. Johni second at the 12:07 mark. raftdl's front-runners 5m pOke's 1b&gulaers p -0, tond 19Clark started the bail rollingl Goalie John Fowler's shut-1 Moorcratsfotrnes59Oeslau-edr -,t 193 at1:7-o atr de u l a ial unda in a first place battle, wh.,ile climb to within five points of 198 ather:47 sondMs ter andi <'ig s" owing beat thed, aDoug Shirk's outfit made il first plae e. Virginia Brown's 198 Olinski bagged his second of ky net-minder with three and a three-way afar nterner-up creds owned Cn-2t 98the period. a afmntsrmiigi strength of a 7-0 shutout overni s ~d'ouft52 o 96 Lly aitn arr haîf minutb ermainibng- Don Bagnell's bowlers. Vince move twi) points of the pace. 11Chant and Mort Richards lit ed in the final marker with olyscla - dwellers, act- Linda Br ooking's leam blasl- 196 the red lighl to make it 7-2, two seconds left. ing inl the roll of spoilers, Up- ed Helen. Vanstone's tail-end- 196 before Cole picked up his se- W L Pts set Alan Plummer's crew 7.0o ers te ý:eep their chances 196 cond marker at 5:29 of the Stepheni Fuels - 8 3 16 to knock the losers out oilalive. 194 final stanza. Bill Crossey rap- Ken's Men's Wear - 7 4 14 ladcnersoerakngth Marilyn Moore set the pace 1ped in two more to put the Dept of Works - 4 7 8 laes'with a 5 82 triple, including gaeo1c,94RihrsHoe' Jwhes- John Rundie tuned in a tre- games of 226 and 265, Linda Il -_________________ mendous effort with games Of Brooking Find Virginia Brown 1931 --~ 292, 337 and 184 for an 813 both rolueidE 501 triples. Other 193' triple. Other high totals went high sinppi.les wmere regislered 192, O If diff 649, John Phillips 616, ley Coonibe s 216 and Audrey 19" Ld«e MajorBoln 192 Dn Oke 607 and Doug ShirkiSpicer 204. 19111601. 183 ithoewe tl ean lao amr~ Top single efforts were Girls Ve'am Standings 18ing, Sadie Bucknell's bowlers Marg Perris 172' turn e 278,yonMao 295, PIs--- - 5 have a commanding three Shirley Davis 171 Io k 7,DnTrifB k ~5 187pon lead, afler takj<ng a 2-1 Shirley Bickell 171 224, 245, John Phillips 239, V. Brown --_______53 I86 decision over Ena Etcher's Helen Piper - 171 200, Doug Shirk 200, 220, Bob K. Beauprii L 50 186 team, last Monday night. The Mary Wilcox 171 Hellamn 233 and Tom Callan L. Brookiný r, ___47 186 only cluîb with a chance te Dorc Mutton _____ 170 and Scott Rudeli both with C. Osmond. ------ ----------- 14230 games. H. Vanstone,_______30 1,41 lie the pace-setters is Bernice Em Bromel ____170 _____________________________ 184 Buday's outfit, who jolted Essie Cox - - .169 184 Doris Joll's crew 3-0 te take Betty Westlake 169 83over the runner-up spot. Don- Joyce Major -- 168 13na Preston--s pin-droppers Joyce Tennant - 168N 183 slipped back te tthird by haif Myra Hopps ------ __- 166- 183 a point, despite scoring a 2-1 Pat Bartels- 166 13wmn over Mary Wilcox's club. Audrey Osmond 165 181 Lydia Bates' bowlers edged Bernice Terry ___ 164 1821 Hilda Brock's team 2-1 te hold Nancy Bryans - - 164 ___________________ ______ 181 fourth, but they were forced Audrey Bickell ____.164 181 to share the position with Sally Bisonette -____163 180 Lola Wright's team, winners Grace Blackburn 163 19of a 3-0 contest o',er Kay June Baker ____ 162 DOO R S A T N . U z( 176 Beauprie's outfit. Ollie Pat- Helen Vivian 162 176 field's celiar-dwellers pulled Helen Corden ___161 ~T & f~f) 176 off a 2-1 upset win over Joyce Vivian Cowan 161 SHO RT EKIW 174 Lyle in the night's other at- Lou Lyle -_ __------ 161 173 traction. 'rhelma Forrester 161 173 Mary Wilcox registered a Tems rvl tcueo 172 big 755 triple, followèd by Te ecn cdueW'11h ot rvl itcueo 172 Bernice Buday 748, Onie Et- commence on Jane 2 with poor starting is oncý again imi- 1608 cher 670 and Donna Preston tasa itdblw proper car maintei. .tance. For ý16 653. Any ladies wishing te bowlintceifyu r ika ols IC 31 Bernice Buiay took high with Ladies Major Leagueceifoucr kceo i 158 single honours with a 329 ef- must first bowl wilh affiliate too heavy you'll nevi 'r gel quick t55, fort, while other big games league te acquire an average. ' e~n unvr r fyu 1421 were rolled by Donna Pres- Team No. 1 - Capt. Onie ton 269, 0111e Patfield 268 and Etcher, Helen Giihooly, Helen battery is weak... spark plugs iMar-y Wilcox 263., Dunn, June Baker, Glad bredry o norcl Games of 200 and over: B., Raihme, Greta Luxton, Beth bredry o norcl Budzy 329.233, D. Brooks 201, Chartran. apd..oitsein retl M. King 209, 253, S. Bison-1 Team No. 2 - Capt. Bernice gapped... poins se. in rrreble elle 226,209, W. Bates 207, E. Buday, Eileen Holroyd, Helen Bill Steven -o'lawy ~v rul Hoîroyd 205, L. Bates 240, 215, Piper, Thelma Forresler, Vi- starting. K. Beauprie 214, 209, K. Ste- vian Cowan. Joan Lunn, Ma- phens 201, M. Wilcox 263, 262, bel Williamns. The sanie thing applies if you ha -ve wet or 230, P. Haynes 219, D. Pres- Teami No. 3 -- Capt. HildaI loose connections . . . wires that caus*, shorts in ton 269. 203, E. Bromeil 263, Brock, Peggy Haynes. Joycei the ignition systemn ... spark plug lead wires that E. Lar-mer 2Ï1, H. Corden 203, Major, Marion Slaught, Dclli aedryo onot awa giio olo 0. Etcher 251, 241, E. Etcher Vinson, Molly Henderson, Dot' r it rwr u ekintincuo 211, H. Simnick 222, D. Virtue. shorted condenser . .îrproperly adjuls ted choke Brooks 200, 0. Palfield 268, Team No. 4 - Kay Beau- or carburetor... plugged air filter or stickv J. Major 203, C. Hutchensonl prie. Eleanor Larmer, Myra vaes Aioftse ior aneac roes 201, E. Stringer 226, T. For- Hopps, Saliy Bisonelte, Helen cnv akves. ylour car bair mat -an d yror rester 229, M. Wiile 9201. Vivian, Doris Holroyd. Helen tme ayt oe Team Standings Park. tme ayt oe Sade ucnel------Pts Teami No. 5 - Capt. Doris Sade ucnel -- ----24/2 Joli, W.11ma Bates, Shirley Here at Robson Motors Ltd. you -can have Bernice Buday - ----q1 1½ Davis, Audre\ Biekeli, 'Mabel your car checked over by experts . .. ex'ý erts who Donna Preston 2 Lewis, Duaine Palmer, Megý are farniliar with ail the causes of car "a. .Iments". Lydia Bates -----g ibbshek.en l u bfr ou a isrtr Lola Wright 20 Teami No. 6 - CapI. E m aid cek hmaiouIbfreyurcr: sreun Joyce Lyle------181 Stringer. Sadie Rucknell, e oyu Doris JolI [S18 Shirley Bîickel], Nancy Bry- So if your car has been hard to start lately Hild Brok 17 ans. Hiilda Simnick, Jean Har- Enla BE-ch - - 17 nesDoFar . . . or not otherwise giving you thtie per- Kay BeaLtprie ---------- - - 1 6 Team N. 7 - Capt. Lydia formance you feel you're entitled tu 1.. Mary Wilcox -------_121 Bales, Norma Norris, Ada suggest you drop around and sec us. N qheth- 0111e Patfield ------- __I Richards. Pat Barteis, Helen er you just necd a tune-up or mecf ,anical Averages Corden, Shirley Brock. Velma f Oniie Etcher..- - -------217,IvXyles.i repairs we'Il sec that your car is putt bacJk Bernice Buday ---- 214' Teain No, 8 -- Capi. Ollieý into "Iike-new" condition again Hilda Brock 207 Patfield, Lii Hooper, Em Kay Beauprie 2011 Bromell. Audrey Osmond, Remember, regular check-ups will t'iot only Lyd- Tia Btes-- --13 T -r No-9- Capt. I 1a -epar-uisin helon- ru..nd hc1 U-e1im PAGE TENTHE CANADIAN STATISMAS, BOWMANvILLE, ONTARIO

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