Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 8

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________________________________________________________________________ ~ ilm~. &A~, AUU~ qmITD@T~AV ?Ai? *4..A Efla~ PAGE PTGHT LiLut 4! SY DOROTHY UARICER There were times duringý The children sulked aU th~ iy experience as an editor1 way down, pretending to ig *ien I was invited ta eat my nore the ice that already coat W ed the train coach windowý ivrds by irate readers wha The adults were warm an were flot in accord with a'happy as we travelled alan stand I had taken in my pa-i and had littie, or no premor per. I neyer thought I would ition of the seriaus traubl ieel that I should go rightl and discomfort that lay aheaý out and start chewing on the' for ail of us. pthetically ice-coated bran- Js stewne uisi Îbes aga, rte aoult5 e~behind a siate gray claud an( bekautyo such tabeotmealdisappeared far four dayý be ature. Todha, heog teathere was a sudden ,silenci2 e-nae. orn rypiture th The power had gone off an( geene rom m pctacuwi- the rhythmîc hum o the fur dpw r sowntue as stacd nace was stilled for 60 hours in years, the brokenl branches vallhomies fe m r and ruined shrubs grieve Myvahoe nlature loving heart.1 It is fightening how quick. It was during aur safari in- l'y winter daylight fades, esý to the ski country of northern pecially when that servaný O)htario, that we heard aiof man, electricity, is as deac broadcast warning of another las last year's calendar. I grop. irnpending sicet and ice storAc.I ed araund trying ta remem. ~ e t levefor ber where I had stored thE Imtohý it xvasci candies when I put up thE fkialefftor-h t 'ùnwe a reer- 1ristmas decorations. At th;- bered the homc'madc lemoni point I was quite cheerfui delights in the pie cupboard Power breaks in this modern of our farmer friends ani g aeusal oly1oe the groose that hung high for, tary, or at the worst, we bastng ext ay.might be without heat anc bastng ext ay.light for an bour or so. Going ta bed with a few soda crackers under my beit, j while clothed in ski under. wear, scs and a granny nightgown that had seer better days and was retrieved IF Ir£. SERtVICE yANV M from the dust clotb. bag, was 61SOS5 fPR/cEs only a minor inconvenience. T W/L U/ Y</F/E expected the power would go on any Minute and as the '4 h ours wore on, I hugged a *U W cooling hot water bottie tight- er and tighter and felt My breath settling in little viisps an my upper lip with eé%ry exhaling. Funny bow the hours can _ dra.g when trouble is brewing. N. When I struck a match I I found it was only 4 a.m. and N.- the thermostat announced the ~"- inside temperature was now 35 degrees above zero. Same- thing had to be done and fast * before I completely congealcd. I pinned a blanket around my FE ECTRICLT .~ shoulders and stalked hrough UOTRACTING RPAIRS~ U the bouse looking like a char- ~ acter from Shakespeare, trail- ng the blanket and holding 1ERIGERATIONELECTRC on bigh, a flickering candie. -NOTOIR - SALES - SERVICE I built a fine in the fire- T1-RDO- APPLACE place, hung a candlewick spread at the archway, drew Ilj the chesterfield up close ta, the flame and wbile my face iGO ë .0 Regardless of. Snow FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING . . LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES fr Tliat Heavy Snow... We Can Cut Your Tires with Snow Cleats IlVe can make your old tires into Snow and Mud Tires For OnIy $ .5 per tire 0. THE CAIiADIAN STATESMAN. EO'WMANVILL. ONTARIO illnessent nîm ta Port tHope uu -i U lt-q.- UMI. dm 3 3 O N R M f Hospital an Sunday afternoon. te WAVWR WV 9. From thene he was removed Mrs. R. Muir reported on ta Toronto General Hospital sbipments of clothing and on Monday evening. blankets sent to Nelson House Mr. Hanceck leaves bis wife, and Bella Coola. the former Mildred Randall, Mrs. Dber Snowden gave a and two sons, John Randall, splendid summary of the age 18, and Kenneth Harold, year's work, 11 meetings hav- age 15. Bath are students ati ing been hcld with an aver- \Ç>'*~.:'.\"~'sPont Hope High School. Also age attendance of 23. Theve ..................surviving are his mather, Mrs. are 29 annual and 16 life George T. Hancock; two sis- members. We lost anc memn- ters, Muriel (Mrs. Clarence ber in passing of the late Mis. Allin), Newcastle, Aileen (Mrs. Arthur Oke. Ten quilts, cight SRoss Newton), Inglcwood, woolen blankets, and 150 lbs. '~California; and two brothers, used lothing were sent toaa SDr. Errol Hancock of Trura,[ number of missions and dis- N.S., and Morley in Belleville. tributing centres. Two dele- Two brothers, Harald and gates were sponsored for Melville, predcccased him. Scbool for Leaders, Wbitby. A staunch and active mcm- Miss Louise Osborne, speak- ber of the United Church, Mr. ing on aur youngest overseas Hancock was for many ycars: projcct, framn the study book superintendent of the Sunday' told of conditions in the cop- School. He was also a mem-. per beit of Rhodesia. Rapidly ber of the Session of the Un1 growing populations in mining ited Church. districts caused black and The deceased was a mem1 white disagreements, unrest ber ai the Lions Club of which 1 and'turmoil. he was a past-presidcnt andj Sometimes the missianaries was active in the merchants are blamed for these trou- division of the Port Hope bics. One missionary return- Board of Trade. ing from furlough was refus- The funeral was heid on cd entry. In 1953 the United Saturday, Jan. 9th with in- Church f irst went into Rha- terment in Union Cemetery. desia. The attitude of the Eu- The following editorial con- ropean is-they don't tbink \\~cerning Mn. Hancock appaar- the time will ever came when ed recently in the Port Hope European and Africans will Guide:worship together. It's the aid A Fine Citizen story-black and white kcys ~.We were shocked, as was1 can promote cither harmany ail ai Port Hope, by the u-or discord. Mrs. G. Annis fa- timely death hast week of B.ý vored witb a vocal sala. J, Hancock, a lifelong resident "We arc ail' rteswa brnootner Sleddingt af the tawn, who cantributed the theme for the worshîp mare than bis share at ail service in charge ai Mrs. R. Urnes to the community in Pearce. This may be no or- We find it easier sledding in our which he lived. dinary year beginning. Con- famiy. hat s bcaus a ood ankMn. Hancock, "Bey"l, as be sidering necent scientif le famly.Tha isbecusea god ankwas known to his friends, was achievements, it is a time ta balance through regular saving has given one of those people who find take paticular stock of aur Urne among the many cares spiritual resources. We need us security and peace of minc. of an active business life ta to face the days ahead with We'e al sead saersatdo the extra littie bit for blis prayer, witb hope and cour- Wer l taysvr tfellow man. age. As one Part Hoper rernark- It is easy enaugh ta talk T E CANADIAN4 ed Saturday, shortly aftcr about brotherhood, harder ta BvHancock was laid t rest, put it inta practice. We must BAN K F OM E C *You neyer beard anybody in bonesty ask ourselves- 13ANK OF C MMERC sayanything against Bey". "What amI doing ta pramote MONUY IN THE BANK MIANS PEACE OF MIND A towu.- can ill àfford ta a feeling of brotherhood in lose citizens of Bey Hancock's my corner ai this planet?" We ]BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - A. L. HOOEY, Managerl calibre. and bis passing is a are black and white and ned NEWCASTLE BRANCH - J. C. PORTER, Manager real loss to the town.. and brown and yellow. men N-9?C Ta bis tamil-v in thein grief Iof ail nations, ail sans aof d- .9 l ~we extend tlls newspapen'sj1 Meeting closed with pxayer moat heartielt oofldDesceB." . and benediction. W A WHARIDE SQ DADUIDosY m 1111f STà SQ SORb Buic'@ new siuspnsionsytem boasta big, buoyant Buick's1Powerful Air-Flo Aluminum brakes are the oeil sPringsa ah hl - .iVi ng a finer, more moet advanced in the imdustry ving you the' stable ride. Makes Buick :uuully eas5y to handie. .moothest, safeat stope on th,. road W HATRENIsu [BVEMS WHAT R MOu vi4 Buick's choice of four new Wildcat engilies and the Buick's famous Turbine Drive tranamision-the new bigh spirited Wildeat 445 provide uneurpassed most advanced automatic transmission in the pefomance with improved econouiy. industry. No gears-just turbine blades that auto. maticaily adjust te your driving opee&!& the a~fc ent answer D WfT --(W 10 t any question of quality a..DUI Rfl 960 For the best in drama seo "General Motors Presents"' weekly. Check local TV listing for time and channel. ROBSON MOTORS IMITED 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 - 3-3322 blistered and my rear sideIL a lcl n a ap Irze warmed a cup of soupv'a n The 1960 Rink Committee byOQIdest Pupi of eoilHsta behd witli the ire tongs aven j lf PI motion of L. Malcalm and a sputtering blaze. Nothing IRe ve W a nsH pe Co nc Bert Gibsan are Fred Tnewin ekyRpr have ever tasted waa mare and Merriil Van Camp. Fo m r E i r days y rpioneersiidae. tmI i" e r The balance ai the 1959 bis For the week oi Jan. 11 -17 eAsenly relsed I int iwene approved, reviewed and *inclusive. day m piner sirt ose 1 O f M a y roblems A h- a rdered paid on motion ai L. De a.6 hAmsin ------4 inetdwy n iMalcolm and F. Trewin. Car- Adirtssiomles * 47le disbing up a rnost deletblel The Hope Township Caun- in the colossal growth ai Can- Reeve Gray iin~a bnief'ad r ied. Treasurer stated that al The passing of Mr. George Discharges------------- 55 adrss ittie more than wasesiat meal from cans heated in the, cil for 1960 held its inaugural ada municipal business be- He wanned the counicil that etmt M. Hogg on Januany 6th -ia Major apenations - 13 fireplace and then opened meeting on Monday marningicornes more and mare nelated it wauld be canironted with ed was barnawed ta caver the hi 2nd year aiEmsnai e rgency teatnts 1 whihe stihi steaming hat. Januany 4th. The oath ai ai-I ta the caunty, the province, pnoblcms neyer befone iaced Payment of the 1959 Accounts bislae f atis natvMnorthoper en atn ts---9 1bhessed the ingenuity of ice was administered by the and the whohe ai Canada. by a Hope Municipal Council. due ta a slow dawn in tax1 ilg Biiornath Visiting baurs 2:30 - 4-3() the ersn wo hd mnu-Towshi Clrk, . W Lod, ayo Mihae Wldyk ofpayments: a total ai $22,500j ai Cabourg, where he cannied p.rn. and 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. ,i athed ers ovhadmanu- Tawnship Stekw.a W. rdy , Myort Mihae Who adyka ai The anly member ai the against notes., on a thriying bhacksmdtbingl ge factued ahetaos aoyen gtt, j tReeve Stew a Gry, Deandtt hopmeingwas penvtd1959 Hope Township Councih Adjaurned on motion ai business until bis netinement Restlessness and discantent 1- candied schî c athaKn, uty- Reeve rs ed oBase, d ttheak m e, wa invthed ta be ne-elected, Deputy- Fred Trewin and Lawrence has hocal interest with The are the first necessities ai pro. s. tan mushraarns and minute George Finnie, and Naray Go- Liendhy ca-openation that has Reeve Fred Bamsey, stated Malcohlm.Sttsa:FrM.Hgwsges-ToasAEdon id desserts that whipped up heen. eitd bten te Pr that he hoped thene will be _________orr.________________s A Edson iquickly when added t od Rv.W .Witon, ntd tetrnc thand orerinediscussion of an mattens probably the anly remaining, i- milk, and I do mean cold. ai Sty.W . Pls ngicaonbrchtonHipe cuis H loaven tbe counicil table. He also u iu R le Wrapped in woaily biankets Pernytown, cangratuiated the predicted that the future expressed the hope that every- A.incJale.ofenBeal tieduasi id with mny feet percbed on an 1 new councih. He told the mem- gnowth ai Port Hope as it thing shouid be brought for- PrHUinBIN cipl o antdrorcaedPubli ottoman, I almost enjoyed thelbers that they had been elect- averflows into Hope Township ward and deait wîtb in the A U ROB S Choodi and purcbmasedn Thp 'Pbest i. CantsodiaenenStatesman - TincoSep-t id shivering haurs 1 spent witbl cd by responsibie peaple, wha would require even mare ca- t nrststeenie Le.rd-Te amuîyterri' '78-82 yeans aga. id the complete works ai Ogdcn' had placed their faith in the operatian between the twa own p was saddencd on Januany 3,1, in the 70s Mn. s, Nash, a set of books I hadi abiitv ai this coundcil ta con- counicils ion the solution ai Following the inaugural by tbe death ai Arthur Rab- 1 a tu e. found under rny Christmas1 duct. the business ai the tawn-1 their mutual problems. meeting the membens ai the bins, a lufe-long resident o ai. auht schooh at id tree. ship. The clergyman advîsedi The need ion a re-examin- Hope Township Counicil at- Leskard. j.s.îpan. 't Fai.s.Unesc.o. I listened gratefuhhy ta the, the. counicil ta study broader 1 ation ai tbe tawnsbip's econ- tended a huncheon beid at He is survived by his wife,Î in Manvers Township. It was ssplasb, sphasb ai taps as tbey! interests. He painted out that 1amy- was . emphasized byRhe Queen's Hoteh, Part Hope. Ethel Powcns Rabbins; one reputed that Mr. James ne- keptruning a sve temjdaughter, Mrs. Robent Mofiat ceived the langest sahary af irorn reezing, feit a warm C rN ~ (Gladys), Onono, and orie $350 a year (not penrnaonth), -glaw wben rny neighbour ar- L au i.L LI r g ce son, Ross, ai North Bay, also. ai any nuirai school teacher in rived with his arms full of C a r w rig h t Fi ire B i e a brother, Frank, ai Oshawa. the United Counties at that it hefty logs ion the ire and U The late Mn. Rabbins was tirne. dbad a moment ai sheer regret-- the last charter member Of Thismyepanwywe as I gazed on the once proud rono E Rgmayo.explaîn why whenMuc array ai African violets. Tbey j~OooLde o 3,Ooo n James became editor ho Hwmc wercas backas te isideI r The membens ai the Lodge neyer missed an opportunity o W lo!orha n slipalhl a Memraiai Service at thruhtey arst d your investmom of 1orbtada in the Barlow Funeral Home on cae eioraa' o hge aid lettuce, but not half as!ce dtnaly o ihrcoulta n tgiastemtlto of The inauguration ai the, Moved by Lawrence Mahcol ini which must qualify t ee-Mn.yeeig hunded earold trees. 1 I 1960 Municipal Council, Town-! and seconded by Bert Gibson; tered under the Mutual Fire' The funeral service was ession. In tbat ena teaching, wihundre ntren year s hpo atrgt a edýta h Clerk cal edr Plan, and funther, tht edJan. 5. Interment was 'n in many cases, was used as the "ire test?" ta caver the sa yeao ship n nai C an.righ, was e1:00jaforthe position ai AssessorI an Agr,-ement be drawn up Orono Cemecery. asepn tn oohrpo fyu oei otae. storny eekbutI ca prw pm.theeraFirebesBrigadet heantdc fess btons, 1bparticuelarlyrigdedoctarsonsdoariyourlhavetrsaodcquhae eeq insur-ur d trywcbtIcngo Council had made their De- pers asking for quaiifications,î the Corporation as aforesaid. and lawyers.aneavaefotepr' a iltaani atrof ai Offieverage forc thes vou'y a violet ag a inattle r a. caaio fOfcCanon age epeiecean sla c x-' A suggestion uy Lhe ieeve, A v n iSeveral yar ao t asthe yu'ealrcady paifor?, motsfoV hti ei Chapenhin rcad a most suit- pected and the clasing date ta" which xvas quickly made a, d e tsswriter's expenience ai this bit Da' nheisoflsg able passage ai scipture iroîn be 12 noon ai Monday, Febru- motion by Fred Trewin andio eiicn bu i e- Dntrnters flsn amodemn revised English tran- any lst, 1960. seconded by Bert GiLbson that ai r-eminiscingab otbi a-o orivstet esr I. . a ... slation. After a prayer for A short discussian concern-ý the ire chief at once uponA p o n Mn. Hogg at bis home in Bal- you have the insurance you riIQ t BTS nih n udne the cd Weliare Cases. and a mo- reccipt of a ire caîl aiter * timore. Altbough hie was 90 necd. iReeve, Deputy Reeve, and tian was passcd tbat welfare starting the Fine Simca, pro- nstrycars old then, bis mind was Hs gher Than os, in a few words assistance be cut off ta those ceed dimcctly by car ta the i st rClusfracmeep-o. expessd hei apreiatonpersans abusing or ignaning ecene ai the ire with wbat- Oshawa - Henry D. Hen- school days with Mn. James erty insurance checkup. ta Canon Chaperlin for i the stipulations under which ever small equipmcnt, sueb iksen, president ai thc On- as teacher. He paid him the words ai wisdomn and invited they qualified. as a portable extinguisher that tno ee ofrne a opietta ewsa à- v i~ him ta remain for so long as Twa members ai the Cart- they bave in their possession, Seventb-day , Adventists, bas excellent and popular teachen This ear 76 he wished. Canon Chaperlîi wright Volunteen Fine Bni- and for the Fine Truckl ta announced tbe appointment ai with high ideals ai impant- Thî yar 76boys werc said hie was pleascd ta attendgae psntd tmevs follow as soon as possible. Pastor Charles G. Maracle as ing knowledge ta bis pupihs ahoedt ntrnt ter hsyeam, and eminisced upan invitation oi the Coun- Also the fîre chi would have minister ai the Oshawa mis- and hie said hie was particu- homes for the Christmas holi- biefly ai bis 25 years an the cil, Fine Chief Chas. Miller full authority in ail cases ai sianary Coilege Seventb-day Iarhy strang an discipline. ST A T R JA E dayts fnom the Ontario Train- Municipal Council in Jamai- and Sec.-Treasurer George fines ta which lie bas been Advtentist Church, succeeding Oi iurtýher local intemest taS U R .J 1E ing Scbool for Boys, Bowman- ca, and ai the corruption that Blyth. Thene Lohowed a dis- caled. A discussion ai futu.re Pso itrW oln h u edr tsoi emn NUAU ELETT vil.Ai eure alna-was .idespread before bis ci- cussion with regards ta a di- lacations for the fine equip- bas accepted a pastorate in tioned that anc ai aur popu- King St. E. Bowmanville ihy with the exception ai two. try into public lufe.rctlyaaitthTxa- ment was icit as is ion the the New Yark City area. Ian citizens in Bowmanvile, Ths w wn preedd The minutes ai the hast ers ai this municipality for present until sufficient volun- Krawn for many ycars in G. Edwin Mann, chirapractor, O)ffice Residence and are now Uýack at the On- 1959 meeting weenead and a fine protection, the present or teen fire fighters nmohrti o uiya'temn-i nnsna n Hogg,MA368MA359 tanio Training Scboolhbeme. bni discussion was heid past year changes havîng ai- parts ai the rnunicipaiity grutlbsntrmn afwadatne i ueali An educational report re- about subsidizing new wîme most reached 1 minl and a would warrant a change. years aga, oai*the church op- Cobaurg.-- centhy completed on the On- fences as reîerred ta in the newer, fasten ire truck was Bruce Mountjoy was pres- erated Kingsway Pubhishing tario Training Scbool, Bow- minutes. On motion ai Deputy needed, the aid ane was too cnt with a bill for building a Association, Pastor Manacie !s manvihie, shows that the aven- Reeve Albcrt Gibson, and hcavily loaded, slow and un- new pair ai basket bail goals no sinanger ta the community age I.Q. ai the bays there 's seconded by Councilion Law- se;tamoe2 chaefrteRcetinC teatwhceeble and bis wifc, the 102. This is two points above ence Malcolm, the minutes was needcd, aiso rnasks and $139. Since the Blackstock former Edna Leach, have lived tegnal veaei teweeaprovinceea. utimately a water tanker. The High School are the oniy ones for aven thinty years. poic.The nesignation ai Richard ciinching argument was when using the equipmcnt, the bill Mr. Maracie was born in' An individual educatianal Wall as School Attendance the nepresentatives ai the ime was nefcred back to the High Deseronto whene lbe received prograrn bas been devehoped Officer was nead and on mo- brigade stated that if they Scbool if they couid get a bis education in the local Ist at the schaol araund a basic tion ai Bert Gibson and Law- could punchase a good used grant for new sports equip- schools there. The Maracies s Sure t Please cane ai subjects, and the nence Malcolm, Mr. Fred Ham- purnpcm that wauhd pass spe- ment. If nat, council aPPmav-1 have anc son, Ivan,. now ne- curriculum gives cach an OP- ilton will be invitcd ta accept cifications required by the On- cd the paying ai the $139 as siding in Orlando, Fionida. As portunîity in connection with the appointmcint. (Wbcn fia- tario Fire Ivharhal (ion ap- the aid equipment had beenl soon as Pastor and Mns. MZana- See us if you want a sure thing when it cornes bis own talents and abilities. tified, Mr. Hamilton did not proximateîy $1500.00) they damaged wbiie stomed in thel cie retumn fmom a short holi- Educational wark is divided wish 'ta accept). The nesîgna- wouîd then be able ta jain Arena ion the summjer. 1dyi lrd i ilfra- t laigcohs egaatestsato between acadcrnic and voca- tion ai Mm. Edward Sues as up with the Mutual Fine Aid By-law No. 1047 for bornaw- dya in Ftheidaste î ofml-toheaigcohe! W urneestsato tianal about equaihy. Assessor for the Township Pln h i a xlanda ngteuul uuaiemax- ly.aume tha emstoat ip fytotheeirmehd ot o o A guidance camrniittee Comn- was rcad and acceptcd on ma- a fir c nexpoained chun f 6,00frth e r chwisth00andmemb, ensai ...yt urspio mehd cst oufta pased oi experts helps each tion ai Councihiors FredTr-bouring echangeaints we-un o $60,000 frthre year ams t 800 ndif wheisch whtd en nymr'Tyu pupil ta choose bis caurse. win and euimets whn190 asgie tVeanadnsCampe-eiic i cnelte pnnsmr! ryusson There are periodic assess-____ M iiVaCm. eesIy and passed an motion ai Law- on King Street East wil be ments made ai each boy's .,,..,Aiten discussing the costs rende Malcolm and Mcmrii the hargest Adventîst Church pragress, and the subjects he LI5LINLLER and outlining an agreement Van Camp. in Canada. is studying can be changcd by whereby the canp. oi the Twp. Dm. J. A. McArthun, Mn. Upon being intmoduced ta the committee's iindings, on Ebenezer W.M.S. o aven twh t e q ul me nt a lonjowrreapind Ianta e ard Leatnhe, J. steidr .nan r aon nequest by the student. oe h qimn fMuto eerapitdt r etedlfrtedr C i f e t C e n r The president, Mrs. Hop- the Cartwright Vohunteer Fine the Blackstock High School ai the congregation, Pastor 71 KING ST. . BOWMAN VILLE kins opened the first meet- Brigade, a motion was pre- Anea Board, for 1960 on mo- Maracie acccpted the gaod OBTU RYing of the year with prayer. sented by Bert Gibson and tiondai Lawrence Malcolmn and i the cangregatioan &d P O E N 7 cd the installation af aificers a change of $2.50 per, each ai Council representatives ta a sermon titie, "Fnom Pria- B. J. HANCOCK for h1960. Minutes ai previaus the Assessments be ievied an the Pamks' Boards were ap- fers Dcvi ta Pulpit" migbt for mneeting, also executive meet- thel960 Taxes ion Fine Pre- painfed on motion ai L. Mai- cffcctively express bis pheas- Beverly J. Hancock, a weil- ing wene nead and appnoved. vention and Protection and ai calm and F. Trewin-Reeve une at the oppantunity af be- PC -P A D D LV R known Pont Hope merchant,'$30PICK-UP AND shon anDELIVERaYigenrute wthon mr dîed suddenhy in Toronto Gen- The treasurer rcpamted that the$30 thtti wudAson ad M ii Vnigetutdwth ncmr eral Hospital, January 6th. aur allocation had been cx- naise, appnaximafely ane halL Camp. Representative ta the task which "will ailow me to LORNE McQUARRIE. Prop. Mn. Hancock was engaged cedd11alig$700.Ralright be available in July for Part Penny Hospital Board- serem cunhndhec - for rnany years in the bard- cal nevealed 33 home caiîs. the purchase of a pumper Albert Gibson by motion aifrnunity we love." ware business on Ontario St. 20 hospital calis and 18 books satdby bis father Gerg read W.M.S. Sunday service T. Hancock. is planned ion Apnil 24. By Aiter compicting bis educa- motion ai Mirs. H. Osborne, tion at Port Hope Higb School seconded by Mrs. R. Miuin Mn. Hancock entered the bus- that two sets ai quilting iness whcre hee bas been ac- farnes be purchased. Piacing tivehy engagcd until a sudd ofa new quilts is left ta the î S,. - , rriçsionof the. nilt com-mit. i11 i 1 TmmqnAv- 1,&v 91.4 lem 0

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