Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 7

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rs~~ ~ ' MU MSAT, JAN. 141 1 MB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWPLANVILE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEi.. cSo cial & £JiersonaI Phone MA 3-3303 .Mr. and Mn'.. H.oley vis- Ried wlth Mn. Foley's sIster, 3&s. S. T. Bartlett, at Wcston, 8'cently. Mr. and Mrs. Geriald Black, Philip andi Douglem, Scarbor- ough, vialteti Mr. E. Black, King. Street, recently. Mr.and Mrs. G. Cainen had dinaier on Satin-day evcxing with Mr. James A. Werr, En- niskillen. Miss Roselea Bothhune, Yar- mnouth, NS., visited ever tie bholidays wlth her brother, Mr'. and Mi.. Eugenc Bethune. MT&. and, M-s. Ciaarlie Von- aIing, BIackstcck, T&. William lh¶ompson, Oshawa, vlsitcd Mr. anti Mis. OrT Ve=ng on Sun- day. Mr. andi Mss. G. W. Fitchett andi famlly, Toroncte, visltcd their aunits, Misses Elizabeth and Carne Pvintion, on Satur- day. Mi. and Ms-s. Vemn Saunders and sons, Alan an~d Bob, Tor- onto, spent Saturdiay wlth is parenits, Mr. and MTrs. A. Saun- ders, WYaverly Rd. New Year's guests with Mrs. E. Adler were Mm. and Mms. Bars-y Pennington, Mr. and Mms. AI! Pennântgton FAw Miss LCs, ahi of Tor-onto. Mrs. A. E. Lyle of Breslin's Ladies Weer was in Toronto iast week attendîing tile annual clothing "Market Weeck" held at tile Royal York Hotel. In the obi~u r-- ef 1 "m-. Alvin A. Stacey the naine of the Can- adian Legion Branci 1'48 shoulti have appeared among those payincg tribute with fior- ai offenirags. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Woodi, their daugilter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Ms-s. Gordon Nichol, London, Ont, have just ro- turneti frein a threc-weok va- cation at Miami Beach and other points in Floride. Mr. and Mns. J. A. Carpen- tcr, Joihn, Janet and Davidi of Gueph, Ontaqio, were New Year's weokend visitera wîih the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Adleoe, and Ms-s. Carponte's slater, ?&-. andi Mim E. BeVh- une. Oshawam andi District Movie Club will hold their first meet- ing o! 1960 on Thursday, Jan. 14, at 8:15 p.m. in tile Liens ConnTunity Confire. On Thurs- day, January 2Mt., the club wlI visit thec Toroto Movie Club. Many other intereating events have been planned, or are belng planneti, te make 1960 a Most succesaful year or if i club. Dlxmer guesta with Mr. and Ms-s. E. V. Hoar, King Street East, last Saturday evomdng were their son, Mr-. andi Mis. Charles V. Heer and faniiiy, Mb. Hoar's bnmtIir, Mr. and Mis. Harold Hoar and fanuily, andi is sister, Mr. andi Mas. Hcrb Farnell andi fanlly, al of Toronito, and is sister, Mr. andI Mss. Harry Kerr andi fain- Uly of Oecwa. On WedL., Jan. 6, the H. & S. oxecutive helti their meeting at Onas-bo St. School with Mrs. Ralph Aines psesiding. Plana fors future megqtlngs were dis- cussed with tie teachers in at- tendance. Mr. A. Tilempaon supervising principal presentcd Mis. Rose McDonald with hor pat presidonts pin andt tank- cd her for her fine le'adership during thie past 2 years. Miss Mae Bottrell anti Miss Einca Bottreil entertainot ai the Fiying Dutchinan Motea Hotel on Sunday at a dinner in honour of tic 4th aniniver- sas-y of thc wedding cf their brotherand sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bottreil. Other guesta wcre N. and Mrs. Nor- man Bottreli and Mr. andi Mrs E. J. Depp, al cf Toronto, and Mrs. James Rinneard, Oshawa. Ms-s. Stan Morrison's Group cf Trinity Church W.A. catered for tile deicleus dinner ser- ved at thc Christmnas Party for Cripplod Ohildren ibid by tie Bowmanville Rotary Club re- cently. In the account cf thle party pubiahed in tile Canad- ian Siatesman lest wcek it was inadvertcntly stated by mis- take that Mrs. Forbes Hey- land's Group had catered for tuis evenit. Mr. and Ms-s. E. Y. (Ted) Joncs o!f ort William, whe have ibeen spending tie Christ- mas ioidays with their chillt- mon in Montreal anti Kingston, stoppeti off in Bowmanvilie cn Tucsdiay te renew aid acquain- tËnces. Mr. Jones commented on Uic nuniber of improve- merti shown in thc stores along Kinig Street since he liveti here areundtthe turn of the century. Ms-r. and Ms-s. Jon- esintend to icave shortly te spendth ie rest o! the winfter in Honiolulu. Dr. Gee. W. JameSs anti Edi- toi John M. James were in Toroncto Fridjay evcniing attend- ing a'banquet at tie Park Plaza Hotel. Tic occasion was feaVured by a presentation cf an Honoras-y Life Memberahip plaque o! the Canadian Weck- iy Newspapcr Aesaciation giv- en te M1&. W. Frank Pendergast, ,COMING to the BAPTIST CHURCH THE FIM ENTITLED "JOHN WESLE Y" SATURDAàYg JAN. l61hi 8 p.m. No admission foc - A collection taken Ail Welcome BOWMANVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Nelson near Liberty Pastor E. Boomer The Church That Cares REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowzanvil.e MORNTNMG SERVICE - 10:00 a.nt - English EVENffNG SERVICE - 7:30 p.rn. - Dutch Sunday School immediately af ter Sunday morning service. "'Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:-30 amn every Sunday, CFRB Trinity Unit ed Church 1Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. IOrganist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11a.. MORNING WORSHIP "Yours By Creation" 1 7 p.n. - EVENING WORSHIP "The Curse of Double Mindedness" 8:05 p.m. - Young People's Union SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS 11:00 a.n. - Nunrey - Beginners 11:20 ant - Kindergarten - Prlrnary 12:10 prn. - Junior, Intermediate, Senior VERYONE WELCOME wiao is shortly te, retire ai 33 ycars service as assistarb the President o! the J'mpe 011 Co. while in charge of Public Relations operutionE the company. The happy p. included members cf the Ei utive Committee of CWJNAi seme cf Mr. Prenderga long.- time weekly publ friends. Gehneva i Mucklin (Continued froin page onx forma of armed force, the horrible fact is that1 cannot now prevent Ru frein consummating the( qucat of the world witlhout serting te nuclear bombs stop iler. Yet thle meret ing cf nuclear bomba has rcady poliuted thle wilolev worhd." the speaker clain Mass Retaliation HIe spoke cf the West's sI tcgy of mass retaliation, asscrted that the main r tary instrument of tilamE cd resta on the United StE Strategie Air Force, located more than 70 bases onf continents and in many co tries. This air force is arr with ilydrogen bomba, and for nuclear war and solutely useless for anyti cisc in General Macklin's ien. Frotect Those Bases "anada's role in fiais is cillary te that cf the U.S. canrnot be othcrwise, since have no nuclear bomba, means te deliver thena. C esequently oui' job la te prol the bases of the United Ste eAir Force. The functior - ahi those defences called I sRAD is net te dcfend our tics, or or hives in any rect sense. The whoie cel rsal system la for tile warr and protection cf air bw se that the huge bombera c net be surprised and deati eti on the ground." "Canada's role in this is that tuis is the fonction of! great radar chains in ne: cmn Canada, and la aIse work cf jet interceptors. asserted that the RCAF simply a part of a groatx Sclear deterrent. Neccssary Deterrent He enaphasizedth iat it 3neccssary te have tus det m ent since Russia has ar clear bomb. Canada's erre: in assuming tilat we can rg on tus deterrent ahane,1 speaker chargcd. He clair that that la a dangerousa costly faliacy. The truth tilat Russia's aima o! wci Êconqucat have neyer vaxi andi Russian power hasi creased àall ever tic worîd thc past 10 yeara, the spea ci remarked. Military Swlndle General Macklin clamn that NORAD la a ilita awindle. He said that NORA eouid net defend the Amin can continent againat n clear bomba. "I say there ne air defence o! Canada ai there neyer will be one if t] woapon la the nuclear bomb ho emphatically stateti. A Colonial Appendage Tic speaker claimed th what he termed a hopelessa tcmpt to produce a direct & fense againat nuclear atta( has ceat Canada the indepei dence cf Uic RCAF. "Our A Force is now littie more tiE a colonial appenýdage of tl U. S. Air Force. Its chie! figi ing ciementa can only go in' action on orders given1 Ainericans,"1 he cilarged. Complete Reorganization Genenal Macklin propost tilat Canadia should "get ci of the wicked business1 nuclear stratiegy," get back oi air force and ream it, ar that th-ere should be a con plete re-organization of Cai ada's Defence Depaa'tment. E aise advocated ncreased ma power for defence. Ms-s. Wemry, Uie president tic club, thanketi Gener. Mackiin for coming te Bei manville te addîress the Cet adian Club of West Dus-ha: Sile said thbot his message ha given the members matter fc sober thougilt, and rmnarke that although ile has retire frein the Canadian As-ny b is still on guard for i country. Tic next meeting o! th Caniadian Club of Weat Dua hain will ibe hehd on Februar Isti when Arthlur L. Placliý B.A., F.RS.C., will speak o "Canadian Lites-ature and Na tionalisin." Reeve Pràlweents (Continuied frein page one) assistance o! thle many peop! witi whoîn you wiil be worl ing and associating, that ti affaira of tis atownship wi be promote ini a sounti ar orderly manner. Dariington Township has population cf approximatel 8,500 people, thle largesti thc County o! Durhlam, an an assessment over $6,000,001 As your new Reeve I fully ai preciate Uic rcsponsibilltit tiat til office carrnes and ii tuis office I pletige what abil ity I have in the dischargiz o! Uic duties which wil b mine, anti prornoting at a tumes tie intereats. cf thi township and legisîation !c tic benefit o! our people. Tic many probIemi the will present tileiselves te i. wil be tee compiex teti with satisfactorily with onl co council meeting a mentl I would therefore suggest the we holti two meetings eac montil. I wouiti aiso sugge! that we should hlave commil tees cf council. These conr initt'ees would net have ai therity te make policy, bu ratier ticy ahouit ,tudy th a e i~ p.m. - Barons vs. Bombera- rd4 to. 1:40 p.m.-Hornets vs. Bisons. Ki era LIONS MIDGET - JUVEN- t [the,~4<l ILE LEAGUE . 2:30 pin.. iof (hJecra t1*0n R eview Generals vs. Rockets; 3:10 p.F :artil m.-Raiders vs. Cornets. ,xec- By IDouglas Rit£ GIRLS' BROOMBALL - 0 and ________________________ Monday, Jan. 18-5:15 p.m.- rast's :" Boones vs. Presicys; 6:00 p.m. isher Workshop [n Design r onTosn ieto Aaosv.Fbes Youar initd t, Wok-of Recreation, Town Hall, Co- Minor Hockey League j Clui shop In Design for instructors: bourg, Ontario or you may Standings Mrs and potential leaders in both! contact Doug Rigg at the LionsAtmLau I Ofi Painting and Crafts to belCommunity Centre if you re- w L T Pts to I heid at the Cobourg District quire further information. WornL T_____ 3i O6 M HîhSho nWednesday, Minor Hockey Bombera ___ 2 1 1 5 be1 Jna 2th, starting at 8:001 Most of the Minor Hockey Indians ___- e pm. sharp. teams swung back into action, Bisons 2 2 1O5 4 h le) Good design is fundamen- last Saturday #ter a two Barons 1_____i3 0 2 appý tai to ail artistie endeavor. we practice session. Two Ranis 1 3 0 2 196C and This workshop will be a ser- two weeks of rest didn't seexn P.WeLau n they jbus approach to the basic to bother any of the teams as, PeWeLege ln ,ssia problems of Design as faced they took to the ice in pre- W L T Pts assil con- by the painter and the crafts- paration for the coming play- Wings _ _5 0 1 il ofc [t re- man.1 offs. Ai leiague playoffs wafl Giants _____3 0 2 8 m 'a to Please bring craft projccts'start on Saturday, January Leafs 3 2 Ô 6 Seci test- that you have made or your 30th. Beaars ____- 32320 1 5 fti sa-own oul paintings for critical Pee Wee League Beaws _____ 2 2 1 tOrt wieanalysis by the leader of the, I n the first Pce Wee game Bruins ____--i4 O 2 was med. course, Mr. Paul Bennett, the of the day the Leafs broke al agr te new Art and Crafta Adviser 0-0 deadlock late in the -final RnesO5OOet stra- with the Community Pro-. period to defeat the Hawks flantani League paig and grammes Branch, Dejartment 1-0. Dennis Homeniuk <Kerry W L T Pts u mili- of Education. Dickens) scored -the winning Cubs _____-4 i 0 8 Il ieth- Registration wiil be lirnit- goal for the Leafs. The w;n Lions ~ 4 1 0 8 prol ates cd. Advance registration with moved the Leafs into a third Braves 3 3 0 6 vil !d at a $1.00 fee may be sent be- place tic in the league stand- Flycrs- 3 2 0 6 bec four fore Monay, January i8th to ings. Pirates 3 2 O 6 sers oun- ln the second Pee Wee game Tigers- 2 2 1 5 Di -mcd many probiems, do rcsearchi the Bears defeated the Bruins Huskies 0 5 1 1 men id is and fact finding, and present' 3-1 to move into fourth place Lions M.dget-Jnvenlle League wl. ab- to counili to act upon. inteeastanig. o-W L T Pts vass hing If it is the wish of this' ris Honeyman, Bill Summers* Orphans 4 1 i1 9 î op- coundil the committees 1 pro- ford (Jerry Siebarth) and Rockets ______ wi 6 ho pose as foilows: Lawrence Wright (Morris Generals 2 2 i 5 by Finance-ihe financing of Honeyman) 'accounted for the Maroons___- 2 2 1 5 o an a municipality, the seliing of Bas ol rhrJcsnCornets ___-2 1 i 5 bers jdebentures, and thc borrow- (Larry Simpson) kept the Raiders 0___ 3 2 2 tain we mng of money at high interest Bruins from being blanked Dodgers i4O2pi wrates has become a probiem when they scored during the _________ oroflk last two minutes of the gaine. Brov :ý fgreat concern. I would lk In the third Pce Wee gaine SCREECH OWL hian )tect our finance committec to give o the day the Giants and Stut Lates a thorough study of our audit ofgs the two top tcams in This Friday night the Stu- Catt I ()f and our debenture debt, and the league, playcd te a i-1 dent Council ls running an- neli, NO explore all sources of possible tic. Lanny Buirns <Terry De- other dance. It wili begin at Gutl ci- revenue, I think we should vitt) accounted for the Giants' 8:30 and a rock 'n roll band Mu]l di study sorme system of payment of taxes whereby people of goal. Guy Parks was the goal from. Oshawa is cxpcctcd to J.S )o-the township could benefit scorer for the Wings. John play for us sometime durlng G.E las-omtehghitrstw r Lockhart of the Wings coiiect- the evening. Prizes for spot ON un for te ig interest ecd the only, penalty of thc dances wil be gîven out as Bowý ses, poaing. cTisisth gm for charging. The tie u.sual. Wc- hope to sce as hou. roy largest expenditure of mon- awat the Wings oniy one win m.any students there as pos- int cy the township has. I think awy frein clinching the sible. Ties an- our entire counicil sol tra- league titie. the vel over ail the raou nd In the fourth and final Pe rth- study their needs. We should Wee game of the day the Can- the have a netr aeec adians defcated the Rangers COMPETITIVErmucu Heya fan ivenour equmaeneac2-i to hand the Rangers their He year of iai or equiinent, fifth straight loss. Paul Park- nu- some ofint pis ws tng er, Gerald McDonaid wcre flU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' moei'ear hni s the goal scorers for the Cana- worth. I would like to sec our dians. John Connors account- ncw proposed shed complet- cd for the Rangers' only goal. la cd, and work co-operation Chrle wA U f1he11a- ter- with the counties for better Charlie Ewart c the anap-1 " nu- snwpoigadsnigaity of the game for ciipping. ýr is conditions in particular. We rely have the overpass south of Bantani League the Courtice to proceed with and In the first Bantain gaine ,ed a developinent road to, press of the day the Braves iead by and for, many roada nced worIc Brian Forscy defeated the iis on thein, and severai of our Tee Pees 6-3. Brian Forsey SPECIAL VALVU SA»I rid bridges are dangerous. collected five of the six ied Property and Agriculture- Braves' goals and assistcd on in- This comimittee wouid deai thc sixth one. Murray Brown in with ail the varlous proper- coilectcd one goal and two _______________ ýak- tics that thc township has an assists for the Braves. Bob interest in, and the. many pro- Sleep (2) and Pat Vinish ac- bleis pertai.ning to agricul- counted for the Tee Pees' goals. l turc. Sieep, Vinish and Gary Down ncd Legislation and By-aws- aise coilected assists for the ;ary As mcntioncd earlier Darling- Tee Pees. The win movcd the A- ton ia the largest municipal- Braves into a three way tic -i ý ri- ity in the County of Durham. for third place in the league nu-' It shouid be our duty to make standing. Fred Alldread of the '~il the strongest. Legisiation Braves coilected the only pen- nd mnust be for sound progreas alty of the game for tripplng. the and orderiy dcvelopme'-t.I the second Bantam gaine ib," There are many problerns the Huskies picked up their which must be clarified. Some first point of the season when areas of our township are they tied the Tigers 1-1. Gary hat mainly urban in character Akey (Wayne Pearce) ac- at- whilc others are predominate- counted the Huskies' goal. le- ly rural. The wclfare of both Rîcky Gay was the goal get- ck must be recognized and their ter for the Tigers. The Hus- n- dependence upon each other. kies collected three of the Mr I suggest study shouid be five penalties handcd eut. P ,an given to enlarging the mcm- In the third and final Ban- te bership of council for greater tam gaine of the day the Cubs SPR S N T ht representation of the peo- deféateil the Pirates 6-i to nte ple and to administer the al- move into a first place tic it continues to grow and de- "Bucky" Hughes led the Cuba s3 velop. attack scoring four times and 0 3t.e Your Deputy - Reeve and assîsting on one. Alan Hooper - - _____ cd myself wili be your represen- and Dennis Danku accounted Dut tatives at Counties Council, for the Cuba' other two goals. of and tis township should David Kerr and David Ton-. Tour a iysB lt )ur make the fulleat use cf allkin cach coilected two assiats Fml'sH ai tnd county services available. for the Cuba. Don McMurtcrl M.- Our thinking teday mnust (Terry Walton) scored the n- be, flot of yesterday, but ra- Pirates' lone goal. fsI mportant Hle ther of tomorrow, so let us Atem League eraleperodhe had his ewn 11e gaine the Raiders and Or- large grocery store in Oshawa, phans played te a 4-4 tie. Irv- for ALL )le and later conducted a grocery ing Gil (2), Mickey Dickens fhar heto continue the good service scorers for the Raiders. Irving pe ,il of Tate's grocery and meat Gi and Jack Whalen collect- nddii tens and he is par- cd assista on the Raiders' iti ilarly intercated and cx- goals. Jiîn McKnight (Larry pert ini regard te vegetables. Welsh), Donald Smnith, Jack a Mr. and Mrs. Pentland plan Hallowell (Deug. Jaimes), and [y to anove to Bownianvulle as Larry Welsh wcre the goali in soon as they can obtain a scorers fer the Orphans. Thel id furnished apartinent here. In!I Orphans collected three cf the O.) the meantime Mr. Pcntiand is j four penalties handed eut. P' cornmuting to and from To-1 In the second Midget-Juven- ,e ronto. lie gaine the Maroons defeat-à in cd the short-handed Dodgers il- 5-0. John Twist, Kcith Bail, i f o r i I David Werry (2) and BrianON Y$ u3 TUE TIM The w in moved the Mareons or A TUETIM E intoa third place tic in the Ne:ndto ANeLy!.dy .etsYa league standings.aeasfi uie.Itfeeling, and may be Games scheduled fer Satur- us kt erieusuly u'agjust àa nq« lows: a cuseburnaqrtation or BANTAM LEAGUE - 7:00 'y Uaddu dacemltfSis telimte »to a.m.-Fiycrs vs Braves; 7:45 h.- Rae DUs Kdney uUa. Dodd'à help a.in. - Huskies vs Tee Pees at sî.md the ki&ffl o m aev this(C.I.); 8:35 a.m.-Piratcs vs.] e. h cedin ubh c.y.efée.ceauae back- Lions; 9:20 a.m.-Cusv ýt ache and "edfeeling. 1T=hen feO el igers. l x t - be aue,, est better, yogi better. Cet PEE W EE LEAGUE-l 10:2 ' - DodaKinyNa o.Lokfrte am. - -Ranravs. BHawks; Uneita box viii, the ted band aI a&P '- 11:05 a.i.-Gal s ria i eie u mws.Yecsdepead@Dodd s.so 111:55 a.m.-Leafsvs Beara. rie - 1,, ATOM LEAGUF. - 12:40 mnettes Plan cr Canvass )n Feb. lst A. meeting of the Kinette .b was held at the home of s. I. Brown on Dec. 29th. The meeting was devoted plans for the forthcoxning irch of Dimes campaign te ibid this year on Monday, >. lst. vira. S. Dunn who has been pointed cilairman of thle 60 Blitz procceded te eut- ke campaign arrangements, isted by Mrs. Betty Parker Club 15. vira. Richard A. Donald, ,retary for Central Ontario the Rehabilitation Founda- i for Poliomyclitica and the ;ilopaedically Disabled aise tpresent te assiat the Kmn- es in setting up tile cam- ign and showcd this year's )hlicity material. :was cstimated that ap- xinatcly 150 Bewman- le mothers would necd te centacted te act as canvas- ýon the night cf thc Blitz. During the coming wcck a-abers of thc Kinette Club Il be phoning local mothers cvery street te act as can- ssers cri Feil. lat. Anyene shing te volunteer for one ur on til date may do se getting in toucil with any the foilowing club mcm- rs, who act as district cap- na: Mrs. S. Dunn (Cam- ln Chaîmman, Mesdames 1. wn, U. Latilangue, O. Wii- as, J. Werry, L. Dewell, D. itt, M. Cain, A. Hooper, C. tran, H. Coiiocutt, K. Con- JW. Frank, J. Grahamn, R. thric, M. Larmer, R. Mc- ien, W. Rewe, W. Smnithl, Stutt, B. Syer, G. Wilcox, Sager, K. Lycett. )ver $1900 was raiscd in ,snanvilîe in 1959 in a one ir Blitz, and over $521,000 the Province e! Ontarie.1 ese funds are being used CS PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IlliTiLi LU] Il' 1 REMND»ERS FOR TRIS WEEK SPECIAL VALUES i IMDA. Brand - Rtegular Sic Wax Paper - - 28c, 2 For1 55CI Toilet Tissus . . . 2 For 27c LD.A. Brand - Pink-Yellow-lVhite - Reg. 2129e Paper Napkins - 17c, 2 For 33c I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 19e, 2 for 37e Floor Wax m m m 45c, 2 Fer 89C LUA. 4Eatsl-Gloss" - 1 lb. tin - reg. 59c Cainphorated Dii - - » 33c I.n.A. Brand - 4 ounces - Reg. 40e I.DA. Brand Cod Liver 011 Capsules re. 8c 73c I.D.A. Brand I.DA. Brand SACCHARIN HALIBUT LIVER TABLETS OIL CAPSULES %/ Grain 100'8 250's 500'3 90018 1000's reg. reg. reg. reg. 55a reg. 79o 1,1 2.29 4.29 39c 59c 89c 1.89 3.49 Wash Cloths vau 2 For 25ci Bot Waler Boille "Minuter" Good Qualit7 Nlomzma Skia Cream m m 79ci ounces 1.351 Pepsodent Dental Cream 2 For 99.c1 aug. 680 size tube - DON'T LET A COLD CET YOU DGWN Tisere are ne "cures" for the common cold, but that ln no reason why Fou should be miserable when Fou get one. Tour pharmaciat is ready to help you select pre- parations deslgned te alieviate the symptomis and isomfort of a cough or cold. Ecearch has given the health professions many new and potent drugs te combat respiratory diseas- on. Seék the advice of your doctor te prevent a minor Infection froin becomlng a major health problein. 1Chest Rub. NOMTRE PROO% bT bdéersn AUbU Z8Z.bk~-~Wmk.àogqma hu~aU m l0oMALm 69e Lii. Baby NPmoe" PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor Drugs ur Local I.D.A Drug Store v j to, bring an active life back' o! expensive cquîpment sucl% te approxîmately 1,000 te i.-; as wheei chairs. braces, crut- 200 handicappcd persons an ches-even rocking beds and nuaily and the procesa takes cheat respirators. Medical many forma. It couid be an knowvledge makes ti lal pois- artificial limb, or assistance sible, and our aim in the in meeting hospital bills. Marcil of Dimes la to make At SometimesA i takes the form available. Wideman's Ladies' Wear 48 King St. E. owmanvilie J.ANUARY CLEARANCE r DRESSES# Reg. to $24.951.0 Clearance --- --- $1000Es. . 2 For $ 18.00 SABRE SLIMqS, 100% Merio Worsted Sale --------- - ------r . 00.U CLEARING CAR COATS Grey Flannel SLACKS Clearance ____ ___$5.95 Ban Lon CARDIGANS, Sizes 14 to 20 - Sale ------- $4.95 (No iBlack, Brown or White) COATS and RATS Reduced for January Clearance Exquisite Long Line BRASSIERE Reg. $3.95 - Sale ____-$2.50 Nylon SLIPS $2.19 Flannelette PYJAMAS - --------------- 21 OTHER CLEARING LINES EUCED FOR BUICK SALE ALL SALES FINAL i TOUR DRUGOIST RICOMMEN DS MULTIPLE VITAMINS loch tableteontains 7 ontwo vitomins. Coite bu à 4 da <da>. vcam j" Dronchida Cough Syrup 85c -59c Cold Capsules - 1.25 Phone MA 3-5792 -1 ------------ V 1 it ' 1 , 's 7- Ir d 1. p d e i

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