Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 3

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?!UJRDAT, AN. 4tb, ees T1i~ !ATflTAWq'rA'wrnJw UàwRfavm.FIT T??V M? - ----. *SV é*UL .1Ki IVedIciq 3IUTTON~ - MAUDSLEY of Rosepoint lace and nylon! net featuring a bodice with Apretty double-ring cere- asqi trimxned sabrina mnony teck place in Ail Saints nreckline. A silver crown. stud- , <Anglican Church, Peterbor- ded with seed pearis and - ough, on Saturday, November diamantes held her waist- 124, 1959, when Rev. Maurice length circulai veil o! tulle ý)Woole oficiated at the mar- illusion and she carried a nose- niage of Helen Joan Maudsley, gay cf pink sweetheart rosesý daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Win. with white chrysanthemum l4audsley Sr., and Mr. ROY petals and large white bow. George Mutton o! Toronto. 'The groom is the son o! Mi. The bride's attendants werel and Mis. Floyd Mutton, Bow- ber sister, Mis. Robert Robb- ~tanvlle. * s as matron of honor and Thnvle wdin uiewsMiss Shirley Maudsley as The eddng usi w I bridesmaid, with sister-n Tlayed by organist Norman law Mrs. Wm. Maudsley Jr. M1urrie and Mrs. Wmn. Pier- alse as brldesmaid. cey was soloist. During the Royal blue taffeta with ini- communion sbe sang "The set skirt panels in mist blue Lord's Prayer" and duringfashionedi lie matron of hon- the signing of the register '«O or's balerina length gown Ccd o! Love". and she wore a cummerbund, The bride, given in mar- fealier hat, wristlets and niage by ber father, wore a sbees in mist blue. The brides- floor-length gown with bouf-1 mxaids' dresses were in mist fant skirt in alternate rows blue with royal blue panels,, LHVEYU EADTHS N Two men were adrift ln a lite- boat and one had started to ~,ray: "Flease. Lord, If you spare my life this once 1 prom- ise neyer to take another drink ..neyer to ... HodIt, Jim," bis friend apoke up. "'Don't commit yourself, 1 thlnk 1 sec land." - Tbere's sound advice. Neyer commit yourself until you're sure o! ail the tacts. This applies te dry cleaning, tee. * Before sending your clotbing te the cleaners be sure they'll receive the finest care. They will, when you send them te us. cari Luei Something to Remember.. "It takes 10 inches snow to equal an inch of rain!" .4 é~/~/ I JANUARY GNLT BU L'O VA CLEARANCE SALE .W AS NUCH AS $20.00 FOR YOUS GLD WATCH DOUBLE OUR USUAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Ç%ICE 29.95 39.75 49.50 59.50 69.50 79.50 89.50 100.00 REGULAR ALLOWANCE JANUARY ALLOWANCE 6.00 8.00 1000 12.900 1400 16.00 1800 20.00 MARR'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 39 King St. W. Bowinanville MeliAT EosTESs! She knows today's -' rim nmoderns prefer lighi refreshint. ~he serves today'a Pepsi. Neyer heavy, nover tee sweet, it refreshes without fiffing. Plan te serve it at your party4 Euy h lun thebad 6-hot&soro SUM IEV MAGES LTD., 124 Omurcli St.,1 of I Family Dinner Marks Fiftieth lAt Peterboro A small dinner party for the family cf Mi. and Mis. Irwin Ramley o! 302 Maitland Ave., Peterborough, on Jan. 4th, marked their golden wedding anniversary. Mr-. Hamley is a native cf Bowmanvile, being a son cf the late Mi. and Mis. Lewis Ham-iey who lîved in the bouse on Ontario St., owned and oc- cupied for many yeaîs by Mr. E. H. Brown. Mr. and Mis. Hamley (the former Emma Craig) weîe maîried on January 4, 1910 in St. George's Anglican Churcli, Guelph. After a boneymoon trip te Chicago, they sett_ d in Redi Deer, Aberta, where they lived fer 17 years. They came te Peterborough in 1927. Mr. Hamley startec work for Trebulcock Bics., where bis brother, Normar Hamley, manages the store since lie deaths o! bis bic. thers-in-law, Fred and Paul Tnebilcock, natives o! Bow- manvilie. He stayed with thLs !irm untâl bis retiremient in 1958 due te il bealtb. They bad liree sons; Lewis, their eldest son, lives in King- ston; Haîîy, is an administra- toi with the Peterboroughi board o! education, and Ken- neth is a foreman at Westclox cf Canada Limited. They aise have twe grandchildren. Mi. Hamley has retained membership in the Masonic Lodige of Red Deer, and hast summer was presentedi with a 50-year jewel on behal! cf the Grand Lodge o! Alberta by Cointhian Lodge cf Peter- boroughi. Later the Grand Master cf Alberta visited bim at bis home bere. They are members o! Tria- ity United Cbuich. Mitchell's H.&S. Makes Presentation Exchange Vows Recently * Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Mutton are shcwn follcw- ing their marriage in Ahl Saints Anglican Churcb, Peterborough, on Saturday, Nevember 14, 1959. The bride is the former Helen J. Maudsley, daughter cf Mr. and Mis. Wm. Maudsley Si. of Peterborough. Mr. Mutton is the son cf Mr. and Mis. Floyd Mutton, Ontario Street, Bowmanville. -Photo by Wolf Hampton Institut e Hears Address on "Your Footprints"p' Hampton Women's Institute Januaîy meeting was held Tuesday afternoon, January 5, with the first vice presi- ident, Mis. Burrows, presid- iag. The west greup with Mis. Chant la the chair had charge cf the program. Mis. Geo. 1Gilbert spoke on the motte, "Every day is like a pathway through snew. Be careful how Lyou step, hecause every marks wll show". She said that eacb day of oui ife is like a foot priaI. We should be very careful te have a good influence or those with whomn we coeinl contact. Remember the spok. en word can do much good or bring much sorrow, can beal or can hurt. As we pass on fromi this world we leave foot prinIs on lie sands ef lime. Mrs. Meuwin Meuntjoy ren- dened an enjoyable piano soie. Mus. Chant read a paper on Citizenship which had been pîepared by Mis. Lorenzo Mitciel's CornerasRenme and Truu. She stresseci the im- S Scbool Association beld its re- portance o! leading a busy, gular meeting recently with useful and helpful life. The Mirs. William Nemis puesiding. îoad of service and co-oper- Mis. Arthur Peeling read the alion is pîebably the only minutes cf lie hast meeting road by which we shail and i\s. Rarry Oyler gave achieve that abundant hife tbe îreasuneî's report. whîch we ail desire. We should The membershîp was enter- acquire friends and share oui tained by the senior grade lives with others. Usually we pupils who performed a find the best of hife is faîther "Scene o! the Nativity" di- on. Its real hure 15 bxdden rected by Mis, W. Gilbank. fîom. oui eyes somewheîe be- The membersbip and pupiIs hind the bilis cf lime. also joined in the singing cf carols accompanied by Mu5 r i Tom Sobîl at lie piano. ' rnity W M S A duplicaling machine don- ated by the Association was g presented by Mis. William Cook, Past Puesident, te Mus. Instalis mrs W. Gilbank who accept d with U thanks on behaif cf th[e te ach-19 0 O rc r ers. Mis. Gihbank's classa won 1 6 f c r the attendance banner for Trinity W.M.S. held its first December. meeting of the aew year, The meeting was adjourn- Tuesday aflernoon, wxth a ed with the singing cf the an- good atteneilce. Mrs.E. Buad- tem. e f y rslîMas e ley's Group w-as in charge of servedbyMr . Mchael Ne- th pWu sipSe.Takig~ a mis and ber comxnittee. *prt inchiuded Mr3. IH. Belfl Mrs. H. Waters and Mis. G., Badger. Mis. W. Pring sang a beal;- tiful solo entitled "~In the Hol- low cf Ris Hand", accompaxi- ied by Mis. R. Haflowelh. Mrs. W. K. Houshander gave a sphendid address on "Thoughls and Advice for the Cenung \Nlj Vear". The offeîing was re- ceived by Mus. N. Allia andI Miss I. Weekes and dedicaled by Mis. G. Badger. Oui new President, Mus. D. 'V I ~Alldiead took the chair for the annual reports c! the varicus secrelaries. Bev. W. K. Housiander la- stalled the foliowiag officeusi for 1960: Past Pues., Mis. S. James; Pies., Mis. D. Ahi- dread; ist Vice, Mus. A. G. Brooks; sec'y, Mus. E. J. Gibbs, Ccir. Sec'y, Mis. H. Couch; Press Sec'y, Mis. G. Badgeu; Treasurer, Mrs. H. Waters; Christian Stewardship, Miïss I. [JWeekes; Comiruaiity Friend- ship, Mis. W. R. Sîrike and M&s. R. Hutchinson; Litera- lune Sec'y, Mis. C. A. Wight; S Temperance and Citizenship, S Mis. E. Bragg; Supply secy, Mrs. C. G. Morris; Mission- ary Monthly Sec'y, Mis. W. Woblley, Mis. A. B. Lobb; Pianist, Mis. R. HalloweU;, Boys' Mission Band Sec'y, Mis. C. G. Morris; Girls' Mission R Band Sec'y, Mis. G. Elliott; Associate Membens Sec'y, Mis. S. James, Mis. E. Maikle Mis. Badger; Group Leaders, 1, Mis. E. W. Sisson; 2, Mis. E. Lea- Bew-mvill. Ont shmnan 3, Mis. E. Osborne; 14. Mmi E. BradIcy. eAil W. 1. members are veryl d interested in the fact. that the y home of the late Adelaide Hoodless. founder of the W. -I., has been purchased as a museumn and show place by the Federated WVomen's Insti- etute of Ontario. Next month's meeting will be held on Feb. 2, at eigqt o'clock. It is "family night' and every one la invited. BETHANY Mrs. Frances Galloway suf- 1 fered a sudden heart attack at 1her home and was taken tu *Civic Hosipital, Peterborough, 1on Wednesday. 1 Mrs. Rosa Edmunds, Mill- 3 brook, is vsiiting with Mr. and Mis. Reg. Edmunds for two weeks. In celebration of t h e i r àâughiter Katharine's si xc t h birthdaY, Dr. S. L. Speller and Mra. Speller extertainie& with a Party for Kathy's friends. Games were played and mov- ing pictures were taken. Lunch was served complete with a large birthday cake. T1hose present were Grace Smith, Jo- anne- Edm.unds, Judîy - Lyxm Sisson, Lynida Speller, Char- maine Wilson, Jili Wood, Mai- lene Smith, Wendy Preston, Lynda Neals, David Speller, Ricky Wentorth and Donald Spelier. Mr. and Mis. William Mark left on Mondlay to spend the remiainder of the wùnter mon- ths in St. Petersberg, Florida. Mr. William Fowler who bas been il1 for some time, was taken to The Mllibrook Nurs- ing Home anl Thursday. Ladies' Guild The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church were enter- tained at thee home of Mis. A edical Mirror No Fast Rule for Bood Pressure Q. là "100 plus Your ae a good s'vay goLellr1 ,haa your blood pressure should be? A. No. There is ne set rule about what the blocd pressure "should" be. What is satisfactory for oe person may not be suitable for another, just as some automo- biles run better with high octane gasoline; others de best with low octane fuel. People, like cars, are not ail alike. Some folks in later life may have a pressure cf up- wards cf 200, yet for theni, ill tihings consideréd, it is a level at which the body functions satisfac- torily. Officia of the same age may have a pressure cf 120 or 130 and for these inOividuals it is-just rigbt. Blood pressure dees tend te risc as wc get eider. How- ever, other things have a bearing on blood pressure. Emotionse ten- siens, diseases cf the kidncys or arteries, and diet - ail influence blood pressure. If it is cicarly toc high, dectora have ways cf bring- ing it down. If it is toc low the doctor will do things te bîing it up a bit. PreWdm cafled for pr«mptl mmd deUveed qukkiy. Questions directed t ScL-ncetEdi- lors, P.0. Box 396, MadLson Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. yul be In- corried In tha. columni ihen possile. -1 Woman's Association At lie meeting of the Wo- man's Associatdon cf the Uni- ted Churdi, beldi at the home c! Mis. Otto Spencer on Tues- dey afternoon, Bey. William Duf! held an Induction service for lie new officers cf 1960: President, Mrs. Mansel Finney; firsi vice president, Mis. James Fraser; second vice president, Mis. Carl Porteous; treasurer, Ma-s. Walter Neals; secretary, Mis. Thiomas Jenninga; Gîoup Leaders, Mis. 0. Spencer, Mis. C. Rowan, Mis. H. Coppins, Mis. John WhÏte and Mis. T. MalcoIrason. Mr. Duf f readi lie sicripture lesson frrom Luke 22:* 24-27 and following the nesponses by lie mernbers, led inpraYer for guidiance. Ten'vpresident, Mrs. Fin- ney cbaired lie meeting and Peadta essage o! New Year's geetu ~fromi lie Dominion Presidenit, Mrs. J. W. McKun- non. Ihe program was ini charge. and thefr cummnerbunds, tes- ther hats, wristlets and ahoes were aLse royal blue. Ail had nosegays o! blue tinted chrys- anthemums circled with white. The groom was attended by Lhis father ani the ushers were Wm. Maudsley Jr. and Paul Leddy. IThe reception was held in thle church parlor where the bride's mother received the guests in an Alice blue esa- broidered nylon sheath dress with burnt orange bat andî gloves, grey haridbag andi shoes. Her corsage was of bronze roses. Assisting, the groom's mother chose a tur- quoise linen sheath with pink bat and gloves, black suede accessories and corsage of pink carnations. For the wedding trip te New York City, the bride donned a turquoise cashmere wool sheath dress with satin cum- merbund, brown and beige ac- cessories, brown fur coat and corsage of yeliow and bronze 'mums. Mi. and Mrs. Mutton reside at 7 Greentree Drive in Toronto. Guests were present from Oshawa, Toronto, Coiborne, Bowmanville and Milton. Adddson ScoVt and Mis. R. SA , Z 4c - b.uA FANC APPLE AUCE 15-oz. APPLE AUCE tins SAVE 14e - CLARK'S 15-oz. Beans with Pork 3 *tins SAVE 12e - IGA INSTANT CHOCOLATE SAVE 12c - VELVET FLOUR .25C '39c John Palmeri for theïr meeting on Tuesday night with M&s. MorMa Bigelow pres±ling and Mms G. E. Meades leading the prayers. Mrs. Glenn Wentwortx, sec- retary, gave a full report of the year's activities, and the tresurer, Ma-s. John Palmier gave the finsancial report qtat- ing a substanitial balance. Miss Fbo Smith was appoint- ed as convenor of lie Sunshine gEOup; Mrs. Cawl Smih as so- cial convenor and Mrs. John Palmer lni charge o! transpor- tation. Mis. G. E. Mleades reported for lie Sunshine commiittee of last year, noting tie number of carde and gi.fts sent to sick and shut-ins -durinsg the year as well as Uhoe specially remem- bered at Christmas. Plans were macle for the De- diication Service Io be held for the newly built Parish Hall on lie evening of Thursday, Jan- uary 14th, wben lie Rigbt Rev. G. B. Snell of Toronto will of- ficiate. The memnbers of The Ladies Guild and The Womans Auxiliary will serve lunch fol- lowing lie service. It Wa.S agreed to purchase cups and saucers for Churcb Kitchen wih the money re- ceived at Ilhe Christmas meet- ing, Which '%vas in lieu o! the usual exchange of gifts. Followin~g the closîng pray-1 ers, a social bour was enjoyed1 with lunch served by the hos- tess. The next meeting will be held at lie home cf is. MUer- vin Smith. 9of Group One led by Mm .. -Spencer who exp]ained the 1 heme of the meeting "The' Spirit of Man la The Candile cf The Lord". Mis. G. Waddell read an article 'Be A Lamp- lighter" taken from the study Bbock "Look Up - Lift Up"l, rmentioning ini particular the duty of every Christian to keep burning the lamps o!f ailli, Hc>Pe and Love; aise an article written .by Rev. A. C. F'orrest, "The God Who Goes Before". Mi. Duff gave an interesting talk on thie work of Wom-an's Associations, their aims and objectives, as contained in the fChurcliMenual, stating the Eprime interest should be to deepen the spiritual life cf vo- mien in lie cb'urch; to help menibers in renewing and pi-ac- ticing their faithli; te be inter- ested in social wel!are work, employing theïr christian stew- aixlship by giving of time and talents as well as financial support in upkeep cf Chuîchi and Parsonage property. Con- tinuing, Mr. Duf! spoke cf bis own personal experience in searching for an intellectual belief and bis final decision teý enter the Ministry, concluding with "We must each one live daily with God, lookinug for a deepening of oui spiritual ex- periences, practicing d a ily, prayer and Bible reading, for it is only by understanding RIS WORD that we can truly live a full life." A ddscussion period on "Whiat, l the Christian Way cf Life?" followed, in which ah1 members expressed opin- ions. The script-are lesson from the Bock of Proverbs was read by Mirs. R. Cari. The minutes cf previous meeting and the cor- respondence wliich included many "Thank You" notes from those who had been sent Sun- shine boxes at Christmas and fromn two bereaved families fer floral tributes. wvas îead by secretary Mrs. T. Jennings, who corceluded with a Prayer for direction in lie New Yiear. 'Plie treasurer, Mis. W. Neals reported total receipts o! the1 year as $1,066.35, with expend_- htures of $756.1 8 and balancel on hand cf $310.18. It wasi agreed te donate $45.00 te lie' Missionary and Maintenancel fund of lie Chuîch. Hymns sung were "Ite Lord Is My Light and Saving Health" and 'Forth In Thy Naine, Oh Lord IGo". Duîing the social heur liat follc>wed lie meeting, lunch wvas served by Misa Laura Rut- chinson, Mis. G. Waddell, Mra. Regulai. Monarch Mtinin 39 1Ak Ii 71lb. A-2 ks btAIN. ~ 7C -49.c 210-ý43 c Birds Eye Frozen FRENCH GREEN bag Y C SHOP AND SAVE AT Lean, Boneless,, Rolled Beef POT ROAST Lean MINCED BEEF Itolled Plate lb .3 lb. 39c 0 a 0 Bowmanville IGA Market DOWEAn VIL m ONTARIO Toms' IGA Market nEWCASTEI OnTAiIO M large, Juicy Clusters - U.S. No. 1 Emperorý GRAPES 3ILb39 Pineapple Variety, Bursting with Juice 3Doz. Florida Oranges 3 5o89c 1 -r CRM? ght-provoking talk and to the Mrs. T. JengSmbexpremeeê members of Group On. the thanks of the inembers to The next mneeting will b. Mrs. Spencer for the use of her held at the home of M.rs. J. C. hczme; to Mr. Duff for his ttiou- Cumxniskey. Doctors' -Specialists' Surgeons'-Osteopaths' Anaesthetists' Fees Paid "T7he Ontario Hospital Insurance plan offers protec- tion againsi the coMt of essentiai HOSPITAL care. IT DOES NOT cover medicai or surgical tees." The Transportation Insurance Company now offers ~ to the residents of Ontario a Physician and Surgeon à, coverage that pays doctors' bis; At Home - In Hospital - In Doctor"s Office IIIGHLIGHTS 1-Individual coverage. 2-Family coverage. 3-One Aduit family coverage. 4--No Médical exarninations requlred 5--Coverage extends coast-to-coast Inciuding United States. Also - New Lost Wages Plan Up to $300 a month, even for life, if you are unable to, work due to, an accident or illness. For further information, please fill out coupon and mail to your area representative, T. McBride, c/o Advertiser No. 6, P.O. Box 190, Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. 1 ý à --MMMmmý Name 1- 1- 1 - Address _____________Tovn_ _ __ _ _ Occupation Age Phone _______MARRIED( Doctors Plan() SINGLE - Lest Wages Plan () WIDOWEDC) MAT, JAN. 14th, IM à THE CANADMN STATEMMAN. BOWIEAWvffýLir- nmTAlqTn 1" MI qqmim

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