Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 2

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I Religo looday Thie Love of Christ A WeekIy TaIk By Rey . L.ILNicholson The Apostie Paul says that The Seriptures declare that himself, and became obedienl love la the greatest thing in 'God la love", and we can unto death, even death on i the world. It is the most po. understand this only by stu- cross." (PILil. 2:6-8 R.S.V.). tant force in the universe. lying love as it exista amoflg Jesus looked upon thia Whcn everything else fails, men, for love in God must world and saw ail the suffer. love conquers. Paul says that be essentîa]ly the sanie as love mng and sarrow of men. He "Love neyer faileth." in man. The highest type of saw themn held in the bitter human love is that of a moth- bondage of sin. He was mov- er for hier child. A true moth- ed with infinite compassion . ~ .6er will den herself and make and voluntarily' he left the any sacrifice for the welfare glories of the Heavenly king- of hier chi]d. She will toil dom. He came to earth in the early and late, and pour out form 0of man. He went about bier very life-blood for the doing good. He healed thei ~ -..sake of bier children. In the s ick e cleansed the leper; ie time of sickness she will wateh gave sight te the blind anc by the bedside, day and night, made the deaf to hear; hie re- until utterly exhausted. stored the cripple; hie comfort- Amother'a love neyer fis ed the sorrowful; hie raiaed the S Though lier boy may have dead. sunk to the lowest depth of Hetoth il cldn degradation and shame; though eto teltieejde -~the whole world tturn against in his arns and blessed them. ~ hm. he iIlneyr lavehlmHe lived a selfless life. He nor fosae wlm. vrlev h thought only o! others. His I ~ ~ Many years ago, when the wolg evie was men.n h Hon, W. E. Gladstone, the lvn evc fmn Prime Minister o! Great Bni- Yeu would have thought tain, stood up in the House o! that men would have loved Commons to announce the the Man Christ Jesus, whc A DUIRO PUMP death o! Princess Alice, daugh- was the embodiment of love, ter of Queen Victoria, hie told but they despîsed and neject- MeanuSetter Living 1! a rather touching story o! a ed him. They bu!fetted and motber's love. Her littie boy spat upon hini. They pressed UR DURO Water Sys- waa il] with diphtheria, and a cruel crown o! thorns upon tern gives us resh, pure the mother hiad been caution- bis brow, and at last they water when and where wc ed nlot to inhale the poisoned cried: "Away with hlm! Cru- ateed it . . . adds te aur con. breath. One day the child waa cify hlm! Crucify hl.m!" And venience and comfort of daily tossing in the delirium o! fe- they took him and nailed hlm life. ver. His mother was sitting to the cross. DURO Puinps arc avail. beside hlm. She placed hier ,Vaen I survey the wondrous able in al size3 ta meetin soft hand on his brow and Cross divdua neds Sc yur gently caressed hini. The On wbich the Prince af diviuai er rdU Se or motber-touch aeemned te cool glory died, PluberorDUR daler the fevered brain and drive M~y iichest gain I count but for fou information or wiite away the delirium. The boy lbas, fer FREE falder, "ýRuninif recovered consciousnesa and And pour contempt on al Water, the. Farm Necessiti'» îooking into, the face of his mv pride. affectionate mother, hie plead- ed: "Take me, mammna." The Were the whoe realm o! mother could not refuse; she nature mine, took him into hier lap -and That were an offering far there hie nestled. Then bis too smati; little arma crept around lier Love so amnazing, so divine, 'I Fneck and lie whispered: "Kiss Demanda my seul, my life, __me mamma! Kiss me maînma!" My al."1 The mnother-love was stron- ger than the instinct for safe- ty. Spe bent over adpressed YE E TO kissed him and she died. She died because she loved. Mr. Sterling McGiII has ac- That la an illustration of a cepted employment with Gen- mother's love, but the love of eral Motors of Oshawa, stant- Jesus Christ is infinitely mng w'ork last Monday. greater than that of any par- Despite lthe inclemenit wea- a ent. Think who hie was! He ther, several Yelvertoni an s PUMPS & SOFTENEI was the Creator, Maker of werc able to be present et thie LHN ED PF& Heaven and earth, the sea a;nd peetto o i.adMs ON DO N CA N AI ail that in tbem la. Hle was rsîtio frM.ad r. LONDO C A A 1 G9d over ail, blessed for- Arthur Hyland on Friday ev- ever. The Apostie Paul says: eninig at Blackstock when the "Who, though lie was in the newl3rweds were prese n t e d J ~~DOGform of God, did nlot count withaen arnichair Imti JACK BRO CH'equality with God a thing to communiity. PLUMBING and HEATING be grasped, but emptied him- On Thursday afternoon, Vel- DiviionStret Suth self. taking the forni of a aer- verton W.A. ladies were guests Diviion tret 8oth, vant, being boni in the like- o! Mrs. Jim Sommerville at MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE niess of men. And being found the Janetville pa oniage for _ _ - ------ in human in, hie humbled the initial meeting of 1960. The Of courue, thin crack trai snt likely to pull in at your Imperiai Essomservice station, but i, ko is an important Iniperial customer and plays quite a part in your cveryday dri-ving. Why competition among oil companies for customners like 'The Canadian" benefits you You and customers lik-e the railroads want to be sure thât you arc getting the best products, the best service and the best price. In Canada there are 74 oil companies competing to serve you and your car. Imperial is one of themn and has 13,000 people working in oil fields, research lahoratories, refineries and sales forces-ail helping to compete fbr business. The standard& of qualit>', service and price that it takes to win railroad business benefit al aur customers, large and saial. That's one reason Canadians have made Esso -stations the busiest on Gànadian roada. ~ IPF»ERIAL OIL LIMITED ...tor 79 years a leauer in Canada's growth Mr. Fraink Worm~ll, Sr. is not well suffering from a heart condition. Mir. andi Mrs. Jas. Adamis o! Toronto spent Sundiay witih Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reidhrath. Mn. Trumian Henderson bas bati a well-digger drilling for a new well. Mrs. Florence MeGee and Miss Anne Evana o! Toranto and Mr. Earl MeLeod o!fQOsh- awa were weekend visitons with Mr. and Mirs. Raymond Bruce. Mr. Ulrioh Ruegger la in Memoril Hospital, Bowman- ville, for treatmnent. nhe halil committee held very successful card party Wednes- day .There were 16 tables. i The Januany meeting o! the Women's Missonary Society was belti on Wedsiesday after- noon at the home o! Mrs. Ar- noldi Wade. The Worship Ser- vice vqas conducted by Mcar. S. J. Lancaster. Mca. Arn o 1 d Wade waa in dbiarge of the programme, Women in Chanig- ,lng Affrica. Thanmk you Jettera were read andth Ve meeting closeti with the Mizpah bene- ddicion. xiew Preaident, Joyce Malcolmi, chaired the melang. The Devotiomal was coniven- ed 1ýrMrs. Sommerville. Peg- g tcey ee the Seripture found in John, Ctiapt. I. Mrm. Sommerville provlded a read- ing on New Year's followed by prayer. Mmi Isabelle Wilson, the new Secretary, reed tihe minutes and roll oeIl wa answered by joinkng for 1960. The 1960 Treasurer, Mra. Janet Spence- ley, gave the financial report. nt Cornie Malcolm -la the. new a Flower and Fruit Treasurer. Miss Emma Henders donated l$15.00 ta tihe Parnonage Fund rcollected from the sale of leChristmas Carda. r Plams were made for the v- Yelverton Oc>ngregational Me- )n etin-g on Jan., 15, 1960, to take ie thbe form o! a Pot Luck supper g. as par usuel. ie Doris Rawaa convened the t program: a poem, Prayer in ktbe Forest by Amie Rqwan, e and readinga by Janet Spence- dley andi the convennn. Lun(ch > wias served by hoatesa, Myra t- Plage, Eileen Malcolm, Doris Rowan and Mns. Sommerville. Next meeting to be held in n Cihuréh Hall in February. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader Lof Oshawa were Sunday visit- dors with Mr. and Mri. Cliiton Farrow. Mrs. MiI>ton Kimball is on dthe sick list and under the Dr.'s dcane. n Mn. andi Mrs-. Murray Por- yter spent Sunday with Mr. and [Mrs. Stacey o! Oshawa. CI Mra. George Ovens is spend- aing a few diays with Mr. and SALE 0F SUITS, TOPCOATS, ETC. CONTINUES p Li es - . - '----t.--. ~ -~ç~~,,----~--.---; -- -~ i-evia4M. tvmuumn, .jin J. Maxwell Bellamy, 45, of andi L. Beacock; Sick Coni., H. 34 Wirterton Ave., East Kil- Swain and E. Dorreil. donan, a municipal auditor Visiting D.C.M., W. Taylor for là years, dieti Thuraday, addnessed the lodge. Shorit December 31, at Winnipeg speeches were made by tihe General Hospital. newly electeti officers and new memben. Lunczh was senved M. Bellarny was born ini anda scil hurspet.L.OL.Gainsboro, Sask., andi laten anvitesocal meour set . iOL 4ovi Canieviale, Saàsk., invies llmembrs o jitn her heliveti until comifng the next regular meeting, Feb., ta Winni ei 1934. During 1lst, at 8 P.fl. the Second World War he The mnfiltY Scout and Cub senved with the ROAF' attain- executive meeting was helM at ing the nank o! flying officer. Stan Rahm%' Sundiav evening. At the time o! bis death he The new chairman Neil Bailey was a neserve officer with was in charge. the ROAF ait Portage. Oher new officers now act- Mr ela. a atpe oonm;ae rear, VNor Malanident of Manitoba Municipal colm Seretay, ormaVanAuditors' Association, a mem- Camp. Thene are two new ber of RCAF Association 500, menthars on the executive Winnipeg andi the Air Force namely, Ivan Thompson and ]Branch, Manitoba 156, Cana- Gilbiert Marlow. dian Legion. He belonged ta A Fther and Son banquet the Unitedi Church ait Carie- la being planneti for Februmry. vale, andi in Winnipeg was a Cubs con-anenced hoc ke y nember o! Knox Unitedi practise Saturday. This is to Church. be helti each SaturdaY morn- e is surviveti by bis wi- ing from 9 to 11. dow, Winnifred; hia parents, Mr. and Mira. Harry Mellamy; wiymvvmtwo sons, Douglas andi Don- OBITUARY alti; two agtrLnad Shirley; a cousin, Mirs. Mar- THEODORE SALTER garet Hâthaway, Deloraine, Man. Followmng a leîîgthy illness, Funeral service whîch was the death occurred at bis helti on Monday, Jan. 4, froni home in Hampton on Tuesday, the Mordue Funeral Home, January 5th., of Theodore waa in change of the Royal Salter. He was in his 91st Canadian Air Fonce with Pa- year. dre Galbraith conductlng the A son of the late Jesse and service. The palîbearers were Catherine Salter, the deceas- municipal auditors andi the ed was born ini Pickering bunial was heldini Elmwood Township on October 21, 1869, Cemetery.

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