Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 1

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New Council Takes Office on Darlington Township 4- a After a hectic election last December, there was that, in future, Darlington will hold two open were mnany changes in the personnel of Darlington's council meetings a month. In the near future, a special Municipal Council. Last week, the new officers took session is pl4nned to deal with financial matters. The over with only two of last year's members remaining. new council, from left to right: Councillor Harold M The -meeting, un.der the direction of Reeve Garnet B. Muir, Deputy-Reeve A. L. Blanchard, Reeve Garnet fM M Rtickard, started with a luncheon at which Mr. and B. Rickard, Councillor Fred G. Sm ith, Councillor Sid- LlU Mrs. Rickard were hosts.. One of the major changes ney Cornish and Township Clerk Walter Rundie. ini procedure -that developed during the first meeting G en. ýMacklin Blasts Défence Polîcy During Address af Canadian Club' Claims NORAD 15 Military Swindle Use of the hydrogen bom-b his military career. Born in was castigated by Major Gen- Scarborough, Ont., he was eral W. H. S. Macklin, C.B E.,1 educated at Markham High - IlSchool, and succeeded in join- C.D., B.Sc., in his address tof ing the Canadian Army at the tie Canadian Club of West'age o! 16 during World War Duarham at the Lions Com- I H e had several years active rnunity Centre last ThursdayIserv.ice in France, and was evening. General Macklin liv-iwîth Major Joe O'Neill, Bow- .d up to his reputation for1 manvilie, at Mons on Novem- controversy by his strong cnit-!ber llth, 1918 when the Ger- Icism of the defence poiicy of~ mans surrendered. Canada. After obtaining his B.Sc at Mrs. Kenneth Werry, presi-1the University of Toronto, dent of the club, introduced General Macklîn rejoined the General Macklin and told oflICana dian Army. He was sta- VJ/3as anc1 £Pfeces WHAT'S YOUR HOBBY ? - A Bowmanville lady believes that there are many folks in this area who have hobbies or crafts of great interest to the general public. She recails a show that was put on here several years ago when the wide variety of citizen hobbies were displayed for several days and wonders if such an affair could be arranged agaii, for thîs year. She would like to contact anybýie interested in such a project. Her 'phone nunmber is MA 3-3587. Please cail between 3 and 6:30 p.m., or write to Hobby Corner, c/o The :,,Çanadiah Statesman, P.O. Box 190. t1 "V TOSE HANDY JEEPS We couldn't help thinking on Tuesday night that the Jeep was one of. the greatest inventions of this age. In war they were the ideal vehicles for ail manner of pupses and in peace they have carried right on being0useful. On Tuesday, members of the Town Wors Dept made quick work of spreading salt along the sidewalks. Back end of the Jeep was filled with sait and driven along the sidewalks while two men walked behind, spreading the ice- rnelting produet. t t.i. t. i WRECK TRADING POST - Cousin Glenn "Jesse" James who runs a Trading Post at Welcome as well as a furnîture store in Port Hope had trouble Iast week. The intenior of the Trading Post look- ed as though it had been -hit by a cyclone. Appar- ently, two Port Hope men, one 30 and another 17, had a most enjoyable (to them) time. They were arraigned in court last Friday and convicted. One of the items damaged and irreplaceable was the guest book containing names of visitors from ahl over the world. You can't help wondening what gets into people to do such crazy things. ** t OPENING SOON ? - Bowmanville Public School Board will meet tonight at Central School when one of the items on the agenda probably will be the impendîng opening of the new Lord Elgin School. Engîneers and school authorities from al over Canada and the U.S.A. have a particular interest in this school because of its unusual heat- ing system. It wîll use electric power instead of gas, oil or coal. HEAT 'EM UP - A news release from Ontario Hydro tells about an interesting experiment they tried during the big ice storm a couple of weeks ago. This is net te be confused with the lesser one that hit thîs area on Tuesday. Between Barrie and Kitchener the ice was twô tb three inches thick and pear-shaped on part cf the 70- mile cireuit. They were able to concentrate over 1,300 amperes of electric current inte this section, heating the wires and nwlting the ice. 'Unfortun- ately, this expeniment, neyer before attempted in Ontario, was only feasible on these two lines. t t t i. t A SAD NOTICE - His many friends, in the Orono district and those formerly with the Midland Regiment, will be shocked and very sorry te learn thât Major P. J. Bigelow's wife died on Monday in Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. She had been 111 for some time. They have four 'kchildren, Willa 19, Allen 16, Ross 14 andl Nadine 9. W'Mr. Bigelow is Principal cf the Port Hope High School. The funeral was helal yesterday with inter- ment in Lang Memorial, Orono. HEADS NEW OFFICE - Many former Bowman- Se boys are making great progress in business les. The Iatest te appear in the news is James 1. Clark who has been appointed Ontario Branch -Mana-aer for the Pearl Assurance Company. If any cf his former f riends here would like te cal personally --ind congratulate Jim on his new gppointment,, 'iis office is at 25 Adelaide Street West, Suite 608, Toronto. Ris photo appeared in ail of the financial publications recently and rtrayed a handsome, moustached, curly-haired a~4distinguished executive, quite different from taknfun-loving lad who used to be 50 popular here. ý.kgwith his brothers Bob and Ted. The other two boys are also in the insurance field. They wesons of the late Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark. 1: Mr Major General Macklin tioned in different parts- o Canada between the twi World Wars, and also took; Staff Course at an Imperia Army Sehool in India. Durin, Wold War Il he held impor. tant comm-ands, andal ate]. wards the position of Adft. tant. He retired in 1955, Mrs Durhami, County's Great Family Journal vvi~LjuJ.lA:J.lVUr 14 Pages lOc Per CODY I-ce Strikes Again Ice conditions in the district despite the menacîng appear- ance of glitterîng coated trees andl slippery ground are not nearly as serious as they were during the last two recent ice stormns. Teiegraph service has flot been interrnt- ed, andl whàle aiternate tele- p~hone lines have to be used to cail Port Hope, Clarke and, Blackstock, only comparative- ly few subscribetrs have had their se'rvice dtsrupted. In Bowmanviiie the Depart- ment of Works crew have been husy spreading sait and sand on the icy streets. One accident due tO gia.re ice on Scugog 1 cé .j.nn.,. ,afaag when a telephone pole wa s broken by a skiddiig truck atl 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. This11 ge SIight accident happened near the at the On'tario Hydro office on Rehoboth Christian Reformed Wednesday afternoon. Church through no fault of thei Rex Wakiers, manager of the dtriver of the truck, Clifford Ontario Hydro here, stated Allin, police state. yesterday thaýt there was so The Ontario Hydýro received much damage during the first some caQls around 3 a.m. on two ice storms tihat meny rural Wednesday morning and repair uines had ibeen cleareal of over- crews were dispatched at once. hanging treles by the repair Everything was in shape again crews, andl this has lessened iby noon, andl onily a few other the danger from thie present calis for repairs were received widespread ice conditions. However, he pointeal out thet shoulal a strong wind stert be- fore a tihaw, or further !ce New upt. develops the situation would become more serious. Bowmanville Public -Utilities Commission dealt promptly with tihe small nuniber o! cella it received. G. T. Van Bridger, - the mrnager, said Vhîat no ance service for more than an hour. Ail members o! Branci 178 of the Canadian Legion and the generel public are cordial. ly inviteal to attend the Branch Public Speaking Con. test to be helal in the Legiort HLall, Bowm, aniieon Fnl i,)p in s eaK Th= Reeve of Darling . c ertionwith the var-7 IgnoantOn efe e on awn o ut cos dpaterainte __and___ Ud General Macklin chargcdi Water Pressure 'In Bow- ard, gave the following ad- enation with members p cfd p l that most Canadians are ci.J manvilie was not as stroiig dness at the inaugural meet- council, which I plealge my_1 e M a g r then ignorant of, on indiffer-1 as usuai on Wednesday ing of Danlington Municipal self to and h s s essential forj *__ ent to matters of defence. He morning, due to a break Council, which was held at the most efficient operation s..> e asserteal that the people of 1 ini the large watermain teTwsipHlHm Tomembers o! council, you this country have been tolal from the lake. tno hrdyatron have this day taken over the that air power alone cua PUC repairmen are on January 7th.re~osb~cfteamis c e sG ce y T a ic C inc decide the outcome of a war. the job, but due te diffi- Members of council, offi- tratien of the business of thisT t s r c y Older Arms Obsolete cuit Ice conditions, it is cials of the township repres- township. To some of you IfYuWn e- lg expecteri te be several entatives cf the press, ladies this will be a new experience. George Pentland, Toronto, Ible this year for a. driv- "Canadians are now to'd' days before the main and gentiemen, today I woulai Some of you have had broad who has had many years' ex- .. er's license, or If you are that in the event cf another will again be In opera- like ta express a special wel- experience in other fields cf perience in the grocery busi- planning to change from world war, nuclear bombsý tien. come toaIal who make uP service. Some of you have ness, started work as the new an operator's license te will be used, civilians wiliý In the meantime, wa- our audience. The people who previous experience here, but manager of Tate's Grocery a. chauffeur's license it be killed in millions, anal this ter for Bowmanville is are sitting at this table are as we look out into the nevv Store here on Tuesday. No Thomas K. Stewart wîîî be necessary that you will quickly decide the eut- being brought into town the people you have electeal year we face new problems, further word has been re- the recently appointeal Super- attend Traffic Clinic. This come. This fearful thing is via the mains from the to administer the affaîrs of new to everyone. ceiveal regarding William H. intendent o! the Bowmanvîlle appJlies to all Persans who nowthebais f te hol nrthrn pr in s nd hi tojlhip Th srviesTate's mysterieus disappear~- Department of Works, will require a. signature from strategy of the Western Pow- creeks which until a few that we will be providing wîîIn xedigawlcm oance in Montreal on Christ- take up his new duties next the Police before th y ens. Thindly, it has been dinm-o, oyearetacnga ne no u ar ht h entre ton lh thew- hb usionesswe will bmoeydo: ulate you on being entrusteal mas day. Although foul play Monday, Januany l8th. lnay obtain a lîcense. the ir t-w with thea- Tresponessibilityb dowhis suspected it is hopeal that Mn. Stewart was a ifembet' Teeaen.ciîut older, on conventional armeal ter supply. ing is your business, so 1 en- ihtersosblt hc hr r oeiisI couag yu o oiew unpr- 5 owyous utmoe ari-this is enroneous. 'of the Port Hope Division of July and August. 1 f, oeein~ wth ntees an clanly on offering your time During the last three weeks the Ontario Department o ol be wise to regiter understanding. Peel fnee te anal talents for the service of Fat Yeo, the former ewner o! Hiehwas Sforimny ydeto 9'sa.osil I r D ra m W o kshoffer any suggestions, or con- your township. The people the store has carried on the He as n upetwinhteTonde iptdof 85 so o s possie nor 1? rarria 1i1orks OP structive criticisms that are have entrusteal you with this business for Mrs. Tate. R. . eRad nnotnih owsi de tatyoue.rec tegreat nesponsibility and 1 im- Lovekin, Newcastle, îawyer for several years anal for the .dly in tre btow nip. prf t e ss u o e vr t o- fr M s ae e n of last four years he has helal that The first Traffle Clinie W i i M e a . 1 Tii Te the officiais of thîs town s ider it as such, and in sa do- great assistance to her through poitoninDaligtn.0f190 ay ngco nud o shi yo ho al a v ry mpo ..ing I am n f the firm convic- is advice. H e has w orke al M . Stew art, w ho reside s t T e d y n g t a u r On hurda, Jnuay 4th fltsforsceer; M. Gore tnt na reposibl oiintion that with the experience bard to disentangle red tape 182 Church Street,Bomn- 1l2th. O u faclssf 25an OnBowmay Jn a - 1 Mrlan noed pet r ere w n thendutiespcf yourofice.oneach cf you have had, anal analthrough bis knowledge ville, is a member of the co- 1 wre ucesu n vill L:5p.ion etrthe Dura- gîetna deotraptn of is cn thedute youo ffthe 1ohrksledge you have gain-anal wide legal experience as gregation of St. Paul's United re c ei ve d their Cllnie hami Drama Workshop wi]l craft, anal laten in the yean a1 Yeu have been doîng anal look ed aideal by the advice and. solved problems concerning ChuErch eisLoa emberF. adrds N in e eo e fat-e meet aan This meeting oe director in the profes-' forward to a yean of continu- (Continued on page seven) (Continued on page seven) A.M., No. 209, Lanark. tend the February Clinie. he devoteal to the problems ofsional theatre will work with a director, theoretically anal the group ta refin"- certain technically discussed by Mrs.1 techniques. Genenally, theTo n H or O ta i u e l B l Ch m o s Robent Sheridan, anal demon- Workshop hopes to further a strateal by Miss -Madeline working knowledge o! thea- Tooley. ýThe play under dis- tre among its members, witi cussion is Thorton Wiider's the stress put upon group "Our Town," andl excerpts of, participation in ail projects. Act II wili be acteal eut by; Membenship is open to any- members of the Wonkshop,' one in the general area of under Miss Teoley's direction. Bowinanville, Oshawa, New- This Workshop is designeal castie anal Orono, anal those te deai witin ail aspects of the'interesteal are weicome to at-1 theatre - playwniting, produc- tend the forthcoming meeting tnandaf ont e plighting, 7:45 p.m. inuBanville ".« stiert anal action tehne, on:T5up day inuBwary 4t at..e. speech andc puppetry. Demon- 'Lions Centre. The Workshop :f strations will be arrangeal ta meets on alternate Thunsday - illustrate the construction cf evenings until May. I t', 1 forces are obsolete and wor- hear now many notic thiess," General Macklin clai- reading this item. med.Dlvr ysie. It ýis an alteration Deliery y Misilesiderabie problem in t N;othing can stand against w this bomb, the speaker said. bu t one wich, in the He added that airmen have the'advantage of ever found that in nuclear war Instead of eight col there wil soon be no place this week's issue has in armament plans of any airwdt force at ail. "The bomb is same it as formerl, what matters and not the air- To achieve this, eac Plane, and the bomb can be narrower than formerIý deiivered by missile," General rule running betweer Macklin stated. Mutal nniilaionlessened and, finally,1 Despite the fact that the ferred under great pri British Government has said paper, which shrinks c that use of nuclear bombs the procedures become would mean mutual annihil- as they involve casting ation, the United States Gov- Tenw ernment has leaned more and Th e measuren more on an ail-nuclear stra- some difficulty but shoi tegy,an Canada has gone for the next issue. Thi right along with the Ameni- is that readers ivili rei cans, Gencral Mackiin said. nesoad rtigpr Nuclear Test Pollution esoadrtinpr "Alhied nations have had may have fewer pages less and less devoted to other of (Contuinued on page seven> ir i g l.aWater Main 9.,From the Lake Ouf fine Subscribers may I change in the appear, Statesman this week. J, i * 1' v or May not nofice a major rnce of their copy of The .It wiIl be interesting to iced the difference before which has presented a con-. the mechanical department, elong run should work to ryone concerned. flumns of type on one page, nine - in just about the ly. ch colui»n is now set a littie ly. The space taken by the n columns has also been the entire page is trans- *essure to a special matrix onsiderably. From then on, a littie difficuit to explain, 9circular stereos, etc. nents have given the staff uld ail be straightened out ie end resuit of the change eceive an extra column of page and the overali paper than formerly. on Reeve Presents of 1960 Pro gram Fire Chief W. Hockney1Q. Gives Annual Report . .*;; 70 Alorms Last Year ..~ Bowmanville's Fine Depant-1 as Christn-,as when the !ire ment respondeal to 70 cal azard is greater than usuai. alarms anal four false alarmsý Dur(ng the year, the depart- g$ during 1959, according te a1 ment purchaseal a nîew, fully - report issued by Fine Chief; equipped truck te replace one ~~ Walter Hackney. last week. that l' as been in use for many 0f this number 40 cf the fines1 years. It bas 'lone a great were in the towns~hip anal30! deal te uxprove the efficien-::: . were in Bowmanville. cy of the fine fighting equip- Total damages incurreci due ment, has adcled considerably tI te ires in the sanie peried te the pnide the depantment were $47,000 appnoximately mnembens have in their organ- th aeas the pre ea uzation the ame rcvous r.1 Chief Hacknev uries every Duning the yean, over 100 citizen te tal<e th.e utinost pre- stores, homes, apantnents' cautions during 1960, ta lower public buildings anal places of! the fine losses anal the num- .. . business wene inspecteal. The ber of calîs. In the rneantime, schools were given regular'the local fine cepartment will fire inspections anal drills as' coninue training within the well as ftire preventien talks.: brigade anal in cooperation Bowmanville's Juvenile Basebali Champions cf Ontario were Fine Chief Hackney also ar-' with other depantments in mu- given a civic banquet last Wedilesday evening, January 6th, when rangeal with the local paper tuai aid exercises so this dis- hywr rsne ihidvda rpisb i osi ao to provide adequate pilicity trict will continue ta have te eepee Twih iayorviduaries bH is Worshanqu Mtor during Fine Prevention week, the fixest fine protction Pos Wi1frid Carruthers. TeMyrepandta h aqe ol and on other occasions such sible. lhave been held -eanlier but the baîl season did net conclude until1 tee close to Christmas te arrange it. Included in thi5 photo, fz'om ieft te night: guest speaker, David Savage, manager of the Plaza Theatre, Oshawa; Captain Jim Moorcraf t; Magician Ron Leonard, Mayor Carruthers, and chairman of the nieeti4g, former Couriciilor A. H. Sturrock. Notice thé' Difference? BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY l4th, 1960 1A la-- 1 1 VnT mur i nc 10e Per Copy NUMBER2 th.

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