N .~. - PAGE TOTJRTFDE Social Studies ln their private 18 Private School shos Teachers Visit- Here tecrilwloe ie themn, and for the generous 0 way in which they sacrificed For oin Dicusion a part of their firee day ta help For J int iscu sion their colleagues in the pri- Last Saturday, the staff of iMr. Thompson and his staff i vate schools. Knox Christian School play-; were kept busy answering* A comon purpose, that of ed host to 18 teachers frorn questions, expressing opin-i trainieng Canadian boys and similar private sehools in ions, giving advice recom- girls to take their place as Brockville, Trenton, Weston,l mending texts. good citizens in a Christian Willowdale, Holland Marsh,i -It was a happy meeting in society, binds them together. Springdale, Brampton, and. which the private school The private school teachers Clarkson. This group repres- teachers received much valu- are thankful ta Mr Thompson ents the eastern section of theo able information to help themn and bis staff members for this Canadian Christian Teachers'linl handling the program afisplendid meeting. Association of Ontario. 1 The highlight of the day 5a 5 Central Public School, Bow i c E- ,, v e b r rnanville, to meet with theirj collagus in the publiceLI schools and to discuss -Social H a H a ' l oR b i and welcomed by supervismng principal, A. M. Thompsoý pals, T. Turner, M. Slute, an G V dv c or 1 6 A. A. Merkley, principal elect Over 100 members of the by the Oshawa Little Thea- Miss M. Couch, and teacher:Trinity United Church Jack tre. One of the plays, «'Over- Mr. Morrisan. !and Jill Club were present at laid" features three of aur ,No preparations had been,!their annuai banquet held in own Jack and Jili memnbers, made ta engage in anythingi the Trinity Sunday Scl2ool, Jean Darch andi Ken Hockn like a formai discussion of' Tuesday evening, Jan. 5. The in the cast and Jean Sheridan the subject, but it was soon; tables were attractively de- directing the play. evident that the hasts werel corateti with an arrangement Jack Munday reported that as eager ta give information,'ý of red carnations, white chrys- Cornz-A-Poppin' was slowly as the visitors were ta get it.îanthemums and i ed candles. beginning to take shape. The For the next hour and a hal The members and guesis show is scheduleti for March enjoyed a deliciaus roast beef 31, April 1 andi 2. dinner served by members of Mvusical entertalnment for Trinity W.A., after which the evening was provided by S tudeba ker KnHokn e teclub i~n teBedBndr-ebr ivs hic ight of the eveflifg was an the barber-shop qatt G ive Ch ice apprprite ddres gvenby Retiring Presidents, Bob and L r Rabbi Bernard Baskin of the Jean Stevens, expressedtir tIAnshe Sholam Temple, Ham- appreciation for the opea I '6 a k ilton, Ont. tion they received during i There's a compact car ta1 Rabbi Baskin was introduc- their term of office. With Jean suit everv taste and pockted by Rev. Wm. K. Housian-- having the last remarks, she 4 in the great new 1960 LARK der 'who knew the speaker handeti aver the office to the line by Studebaker! See them well, having been associateti incoming Presidents, Doug and now at Graham's Garage. with him in the city ai Ham- Ethel Wight. Doug madie his Take your pick af glamorous ilton. inaugural speech, reviewing new convertible, 2 and 4-doorý Rabbi Baskin feit his adi- the highlights ai the past year station wagons, hardtop and, dress was a dangeous one- andi hoping that 1960 would 2 and 4-door sedans. -Take for he was goîng ta give ad- be just as successful. your pick of engine pawer,I vice. "lTen suggestions for Ethel introduced the fallow- too! The '60 Lark's the onlyljmore wholesome living in ing executive for 1960: Han- corîpact car built in Canada1 1960" was a most fitting topic orary Presidents, Rev. andi that offers you a choice of 6 for the beginning oi a new Mrs. Wm. K. Hausiander; Past or V8 engines! Anti there are year. Presidents, Bob andi Jean Ste- pIl the power options and ac-ý The suggestions upan which yens; Vice-Presitients, Ken andi cessories you couiti ask for,~ he enlargeti were as foliows: Elva Hockin.; Recordîng Se- plus a terrific selection Of Learn ta spenti some time cretaries, Tom andi Kay Reh- sparkling new colour schemes alone. Try ta maintain yaurlder; Treasurers, Keith anti pnd long-wearing, easy ta individual ity la 1960. Try tao Jean Billett; Corresponding dlean uphoîsteries. W h at read at least one gaod book a Secretaries, Clint andi Grace you're looking for in a -corm- month. Try to avoiti a static Barrett; Bulletin Editors, pact car, you're sure ta, find mmnd in 1960. Learn ta accept Jack and Marg Munday; Mem- in the '60- Lark! Sa corne onanitnsrm yu lmt- bership, Bill and June Bragg; ' down ta Graham's Garage, tions. Try to eliminate envy Social Conveners, Ai anti Bet- Haydon. Look the '60 Larks from your life. Try ta treat ty Lobb, Ken and Jean Sum- over. Take one out for a test each person as an indîvidual. e rsiard. dirive and fînd out just haw Adapt a basically religious at- A most enjoyable evening enjoyable driving can be!. titude towards 'lufe. Experi- was brought ta a close with ence the joy of serving others. the singin.g of "Abide With t Make optimismn rather than Me" 'j V4 IUih. pessimism yaur daily philosa- -BY GEN RE D,ýIRY phy of living. A esaid if we coulti live H Y O r ~ ,. ~. ~.these suggestions it would H Y O ti È,transform aur lives anti we W.A. Jauary meeting wil .........could indeeti cail ourselves ibe held Thursday afternoon, blesseti amang men. (today) at 2.30o'c1lock at the ~~, ~ Prolonged applause by his hm fMs .Jns audience greeteti Rabbi Bas- '1, km at he onclsio aihis MT. and Mrs. George Bert- addresantthe ppeciat f inrim and iaimily, Taunton were addes n the uwa epresed by Saturday evening visitors with onna the. a xpesdb Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrîm andi Prior ta the serving ai thefai. dinner, it was Mrs. Houslan- Mr. Earl Thonipson, Mr. Don- Mrs. Baskin, wife of the guest and Rolandi Thompson, Hamp- speaerwitha lvely0,r ton, at Mi's. W. Thompson's. sage of white carnations. t Mrs. A. MeNeil, Mr. D. Mac- was later learneti that it was Kenzie ancl son, Toronito, were Mrs. Baskin's birthday, sa the recen't visitions of Mr. and, Mirs. flowens were doubly appre- Archie MeNeil. ciateti. Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Ander- a-m ls One of the announcements son and Blle, Part Hope, vis- W.~hoe4f IPints claIm made by retiring president iteti Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Tre- And you have ta ogre@ Bob Stevens, was the presen- win. Thot milk as afood tation ai thrceone act _plaYs Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Ashton os a necessity. _ _andi family, Mr. andi Mis. Lloyâ Turn Old FurnituAre eti Mis. Muriel Brownilee, Tan- InoCash anti were Satundiay evening vis- wlth itars at Mr. and Mrs. Ciem Rahm 's. S T T S MA N Mrs. K. Cowling, Mrs. George C CL A S SIF1E D S 1Tabb, AntShreyiieiRs party. Johnny, Brenda. Diane andi Allan Cameron, Pontyp o a 1, were overndght guests at Wes Cameron's,. Mr. anti MTs. Rov Thomas, Kim andi Debbie, Scarborough, were supper guests at Russel Staiinton's. Mr. and Mrs. Wîlfred Frank andi Davîi w e r e weekn 5 8 .,0 0guests at Robert Kilien's. PRICED Mr. George Sonley, Mr. and AS LOW AS $ 5 eMirs. Ted Soniley, Toronito, vis- iteti at Fred Cameron's. Your$87 Use Ca Accpte asMaster Scott Stainton is Your$87 Use Ca Accpte ashome again aiter spending a - down paymnent week at the Oshawa General Balace -EasyMontly TrmsHospitai. Balace asy ontly TrmsMrs. Harry Polaz, Mrs. Ted Collis, Oshawa, visiteti their Corne in today!-- Test drive the 1960 Lark siter Mrs. R. C. Stainton on by Studebaker Monciy af last week. Mr&. an"Mrs. Jim Stainiton anti Davy, Mis. Russell Stain- M IS ton were supper guests at Roy Thomas, Scarborough., on Tues- G RA H AM ' ( A D A P~ ESolina, were Suncley visitors at G A AG Normaen Leach's. Mr. andi Mrs. Charles Mit- STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE chell andi Terry, Toronito, visit- COlfax3-2233et at Russell Perkins. Colfx 3-233Master Douglas Stainton vis- fimydon T.R. 1, Bowmanville itietiha grandwirents Mr. andi Mirs. Leonerd Shaw, Ohwa, on Tue8aay. TEE CANADIMN VATESMAN, BWMANvHLEz GONTAIZO Shop for your Spring and Summer wardrobe now while, there are good savings - dur» ing this money saving event. See these Fabric Sale special values from omong a spark- ling new selection of 1960 Spring fabriïcs. Re much admiu'ed in your own moetion of Imported Americon Foshiôn Prints "Sunkist" the print with the light soft silky feel ta make you look your best every time warn. Woveh of acetafe and cotton in just the right weight for wearing early and lofe spring. In the grandesf selections of "different" pafterns --al[ new for 1960 spring. See, select and -ew now for spring. Chaos. f rom pr.domninating fanes of Pink, Green, Blue, Tangerine, Ton, Brown, Grey, Fuchsia, Turquoise, Mauve, Block and White-45" wide. Reg. 11.49-Jenuory Fabric Sale-yard 1.19. 0 With DR.'s exclusive g"wrinkle-uhed with Dri-Dan" 0 Little or noa ironing needed 0 Will flot shrink out of fit a Fait colors-35" wide Reg. 9.29 JanuaryKU Fabrlc Sale, yard .....M99 Choase the ulfimnate in carefre wash and wear cottons "Don River" woven Ginghoms for 1960. Now with exclusive "wrinkle-shed Dri-Don" finish thot needs littie or no ironing and will not shrink out of fit. The qualifies you expect and appreciafe in a beffer dress yau sew yourself. Every piece i s waven af fine combed caftan and in new 1960 patte rn. Choose f rom woven checks or plaids in fast colors of Beige, Turquoise, Pink, Yellow, Rose, Green, Avocado, Fushsia or Mauve - 35"-36" wide. Reg. 1.29-January Fabric Sale--yard .99. Moka your own glumorous party f rocks Plain Faille Taffela *Vary fine waava acaett *Tan colors plus white *47" wide Januaryo Fabris Sale, yard ....M8 Finely woven ribbed faffeta ta make into your own glamorous evening wear--ofter f ive blouses, dresses or children's parfy frocks. You'll like its sleek silken crisp texture look and the selection of gloriaus colors--Pink, Light Blue, Light Turquoise, Apple Green, Shocking Pink, Red, Yellow, Navy, Black or White. Reg. .98-Jonuary Fabric Sale-yard .88. Fashions most favorad sports fabric Wfashable Sportscord, 0 Preshrunk and water rapellant 0 Completely washable by Iaundry, machina or hand 0 40" wide Reg. 1.39 January Eu Fabie Sale,9 yard .....M9 You'll be picking fashions new popular fabric when you choose sportscord. Woven of aJI caftan and styled for sporfswear. Ideal for jackets, shorts, slacks or shirts because if is preshrunk, is completely washable by laundry or of home,' 40" wide and cornés in six of fashions newest colors-Wheat, Almond Green, South Sea Blue, Brown, Poinseftia Red, Skipper B lue- Reg. 1 .39-January Fabric Sale-Yard .99. A fine fabric for so muny things! Low, Iow priced! lmported ""Sanforized" Gingham 0 Marcarizad cotton 0 Fut washabla colons 0 35" - 36"" wida Januaryn Fabie Sale# yard ....M5 lmported fine ginghom with the qualifies you look for-"Sanforized"- Mercerized-and washable. A fine caftan fabric sa suitable for women's and children's blouses and dresses, men's and boys' sportshirts and curtains for kitchen or cottage. Se. if in a rainbow af colors in the goyest plaids.. 35"-36" wide. Specially purchased for January Fobric Saho- yard .59. *Light, silky-soft Acetote ond Cotton Fabric 0 Hand washable *Ait new 1960 patterns and colors * 45" wide Reg. 1.49 January Fabric Sale yarde Save .31 yard on this "sturdy-wear" fabric lmporled (otton (orduroy 319 Reg. 1. 19 January Fabric Sale,.8 yard .... Here is a remorkable value at a low, Fow sale price! Soft velvety fine wale cotton corduroy sa sturdy and good wearing for sportswear, chiJdren's wear, suits, jumpers, overalîs. Washable, of course. Choose f rom Red, Turquoise, Kelly, Pink, Yellow, Corol, Copen, Spanish Tile, Light Blue or Black. Reg. 1.19 yard-January Fobric Sae-yard .88. 'You'il lika the way it sews, washes and weas ""Jerseylaine"' Loomed in England January 300 Fabie Sais, yard ...... You'Il like Jerseylaine for if is quite tînlike any other fabric - woven of rayon yet-feels like wool. Heavy enough for winter yet light enough for spring. It sews easier (th'bse who sew at home have told us so) and washes and wears beautifully. Is shrink confrolled and crease resîstant because it if "Tebelized". And cornes in sixteen Iovely colors-Coral, Royal, Brown, Tan, Turquoise, Forest Gýeen, Teal, Sand, Blue, Avocado, Rose Lt. Green, Lt. Blue, Red, Navy, Black. January Fabric Sole--yard 1.00. *Reg. Trademark Shrink controllad-Minicare finish!i Fine Amerktan Prinled (otton January Fabric Sale, Import American prinfs in 1960 spring pafterns you will want to sew Irto soarnany things for Spring. Choose from small florals, filigrce dic:i,jrs, geomefrics, jewel effects, ivy league or bold rose patterns. AIl s.itr*nk confrolled sa your garments will keep their size. And "'Minicar-e" f in;ý>hed ta launder easier and sfay f resh with less care longer. Jonuary Fobric Sle-yard .66. By "Texmuda"" a nome you know! Sale Priced! "Sanforized" Broadcloth JanuaryA F: brie Sale, Broodcloth, fhe practical fabric for a wide variefy of uses. This one fitnely woven by "Texmade-" a nome you know for qualify and "Sanforîzec" se-' yau con be sure whatever you moka will keep its size. Chaos. f rom colors of Pink, Blue, Mint Green, Red, Yellow or White. Reg. .69-Jonuary Feabrie Sa-yrd .59. m STORE HOUES Mon., Tues., Thums, Sat. - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: 9:00 &.n. to 12:30 p.m. Friday: 9:00 am.ta 9:00 p.m. 5 lin§ SL Ead of Bowmanville MA 3-5451 £~ ' ~1TR~flAV IAN IMII 1 ---.5 - *Soft, velvety, fine wala *Washable, *Nina spring colors *35"" - 36"" widit *Woyen of rayon-looks end feels like wool * Iîebelized*"î for coptrolled skrinkage and creame resistance *35"-36" wide " Wide choica of Spring 1960 " Washable colors " 35"-36"" wida e in washabla colors of Pink, Blue, Mint Grean, Red, Yallow or White e 35" - 36" wide i * J' TRUPSDAT. 3AN. létIL lg»'-" Choosa the ultimata mn "Cure frea Wsh and Wear"* Cotton "'Dan River" Woven Ginghams