Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 9

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?RUIISDAY, iAiq'. î4th, 1960 DAEW ITflI~ fl8a.... Cfl = SdtJtVJ.sN. ~'.S W SSfl~ V IL~AJfl, tS~~ * OLJAJ 0 0 ~* qTHE! PAMAflTAN T O'AI7ATPM ÈnWUAMIM.r.? e nW1'R7 Souihern Fried Chicken French Fried Shrimps Deluxe Hamburgers Hot Dogs ALL ABOVE ORDERS PREPARED TO TAKE OUT We are prepared to cater to Famiiy Sts-day Dinners SmaII Banquets and Family Receptions Phono Newcastle 3206 FOR RESERVATIONS the year and 43 retiremanis. percenzauJ'> me >."ays1pewt ig igeo 5 Thara wera 214 pupils on te the sehool was open witb a nd b igh atriple aing64 5 7 rail on the last day, Dacem- transfer, admissions or ra- anuaig ripl Jaet ofr6c5. tiremnts.rolled the higb single ai 247, Ae nt 1959. duin A Christmas party was held witb Jean McCuliough having Accienatteseoed cdun on the Iast day ai school and a higb tripla of 575. thaon ycroakte schonecud the pupils and staff of the cdaa rkn ean rsh-acal remsgrtu a Teenage League ed filger and a number aifhschool ard os ratsuplyic anay2 oglsJs cuts, nosebleeds, etc. There the icacreanboard cflt orlied the highest2-' sc-gag ore were 2,544 days absent during h c ranadcoclt oldtehgetsoe e the year among thea pýL milk, ta Mr. John Richard for bowled la the teenaga league and 1 dvs asen fpu-th the appies and ta Mr. John wif h a single ai 267 in a sia-1 tad rs iledav raent fr th Heatlia ai the Flying Scots- gle game and a bigh triple ai attendance for the year was man Restaurant who donated j 615. 194-97. chocolate bar for each pupill January 9--Gary Barchard'i The94n.97. s f heini thcschool. rolled the bîgh single ai the frTbeetnin n ftesoarh Films wera shown twicc afternoon with 223 'while Bob was the electian of the îaîîaw- drng the monl-h. The schaal Brown i-oed a bigh score o! ing officers for 1960. Chair- naw bas a iist af 46 film strips 502 in three gamnes ta top the man, John Richard; Vice in its Iibrary. lau o h fL-non Chairman, Mrs. Pauline ______________________ Storks; Finance Committea Chairman, George Chard; Property, Irvin Mcçullough; Purchasina- Coznmittca, D. G. Î e c s l Walton, ChTlean and st/e McCullough and Marlow Han- ~ Socieia/ ni /ÇPe7)Ursona/ ,l. 'BOYS IN CLEAN, ILGW MIUGAE, USEP CARS! 1959 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. HARDTGP Dyna-Flow transmission, custom built rai1io, white waIl tires, -two-tone marcoaa and ivory, red interior trim, Skylight red leather head lining. One owner car, only 37,000 miles. 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN Two-tone grey and ivory. Very clean insîde and out. License H5519. 19 54 PONTIAC COACH Two-tone beige and maroon. No rust, dlean car. License A14788. 1953 DUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN Dyna-Flow transmission, custom buit radio, Color, maroon. Cleau car. License H3821. 9 Used- Cars To Choose From 9 1948 Io 1951 RANGING FROM ~'.50.00- t. 8150.00 NICHOLS a Chovrolet and Corvafr Cars COMMTIE Phone MA 3-392 )r. and MArs. E. E. 1. Han-I Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agriew,1 cock *of Truro, N. S., and Mr. Mxs. H. Hunter and Mr. Keith S and Mrs. Phillp Veitch andiBrown of Peterborough visit- S Susan of London, Ont., bave cd briefly with Mr-. and Mrs. ~.been visiting with Mr. and 1Gardon Agnew on Sunday en- Mrs. Clarence J. Allun, route home frorn Port Col-, :r- The Rev. and Mrs. T. Ed- borne where they attended win Hancock and daughter the Agnew-Noxel wedding on 6M Anne of Fort Erie, Mr. and Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Hancock and boys Du ring the holiday season of Bowrnanville and Mrs. Ms ateMsnwt h Eva Awde spent New Year'sj Masste asoe findsthe Day with Miss Louise Han- astsistaabf outthirtygsts cock. hsest bu hryget Friends of Mrs. C. R. Love-, at twa seasonal afternoon kin will be sorry ta learn that, teas. At the first one tea was she is a patient in Memorial, poured by Mrs. J. C. Porter ,Hopitl, owmnvile nd'wbile 'at the second Mrs. H. will join witb us in wisbing J. Tms did the pauring. her a speedy and complete Mr. Jim Dean of the Rayai recovery. Canadian Navy in Halifax is Friends of Miss C. B. But. eniûying a month's furlough ler will be pleased ta learn at the home af bis parents, that she bas returned ta her Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean. home from Memorial Hospi- Deer are visiting the vil- pital in Bowmanville. lag-e again. A yaung fawn was Miss Olive Thora gave a sighted on Sunday eveningý ta last Wednesday in honour 'running across a field owj-' of ber friend Miss Lillian Dal- cd by Irwin Colwill, on acros tan of Toronto so that she the property af, R. B. Riekard. mnight again meet old acquain-1 and travelling south acros tances. Miss Naomi Harrackcs the C .N.R. tracks in tbe late' presided oven the tea table, afternoan. Evening W.A. Couples Club Sews on Quili WiiI Operate NEWCASTLE - Membr ~ 0~7Arena Booth Gee'in the ParshAuxilliary 1 NEWCASTLE - Members met i the arishHall cri ai the Merry Marricd Cou- Wednasday evcning, Jan. 6th pies' Club gathcrcd in thec with the vice president Mrs Lions room ai the commun ity Ai! Garrod presiding in the1 hall an Wcdncsday evening,I absence ai the president, Mi-s.lIJan. 6th, for thair first meet-I Dewdney. ji ng af the new year, with 15' Foliowing the opening pray-, couples ini attendance. ersthemintesai he last The first part ai the aven-, meeting were read and the ing was spent in playing Court treasurer read ber report. Whist when a pleasant tinie The Dorcas conittee set was enjoyed by all. 1 up a quilt and the members During the business part ci apent the evening sewing on the meeting officers were el-1 It. lectcd for 1960 as ialiows, Pre-' Mrs. Garrad announced that1 sident, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mun-i thec next regular meeting i-o; Vice Pi-esident, Mr. andi would be held on January Mrs. Bill Allia Secretary-', 2th when the annual reports Treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Bob' wauld be given. She remind- Allun and Press Sacretary, Mn.' ed the membars that the' and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Branch will be meeting the At thc request ai the Arenai tii-st and third Wednesdays o! Committee thc club decided each month this year. ýta operate the refreshmant ,,ah metn was brougbt ta, bootb at the Menianial Ai-ena' coclsin it teserving agai lswntr a npast orefrealunent& _- __- 1yeara . ____1____ <1k Vewad/.9à4p~rnirf12 Cobourg Gordon Agnew, EdiiorPhn 3621Ac o p n r L oIdOn Visit to C a kS Wrp\MS to H NEWCASTLE - Lion Wib key din >Re ve Cun in ham SI Thompson, Chais-mpn of Zone bers of I 10 and 12 members of bis of the IA Ine n to a home (Cobourg) club attend- the Unit ed the regular meeting of the ed by. t] Necastle Lions Cub on ors ali1k 0f Steady Increase in Work Meeting Here Thr'a evening in the Lins Lin room f theNewcastle Corn- presided' NEWCASTLE- The eu munity Hall. A delicious tus-- ing wit1h 'During His 7 Years in OfficeWoa aMsso 1 ocey nng. N<EWCASTLE - A briefthree membars of the Public what la donc and that ail that ln the Sund.ay School Communioy le ZZo service of prayer was con- Sclicol Board, Messrs. John la possible wiil be done forThde Mn. ere Allin oeni- C m utten thh Clucted by the Rav. D. R.!Rickard, Irvin McCullough the best interest of the largeat dnthMs e oeet in l oen-e ai tndth w I]Dewdney of St. George's An-adDuls ato.nnbrpsiedrig thoughts for the New YeanlI Internat! glican Church at the inaugur-1 In bis inaugural address to year ta corne. Bovllwe y rye. ingC el meeting ai the 1960 village. council reeva D. J. Cunning- A latter was read to cou- floe ypae.,LosC conél n onay. vein.i amse smeha o ar c il Informing them that th The Rev. M. C. Fisher con-u servicec Falowngthe prayers, Mr.1 forbiees.H sadts community hall bad been ac- ducted a brie! service af in- e' t the pre Dewdnay spoke briefly telling' would be his seventh year as cepted as a coni.unlty centre stallation o! the newly clect- qatr coucî h bd e orplins: mmbr i hecoacl ndunder the Conimunity Cen- ed offilcers ai the soclaty, and ling and taui hae an o itr halaisaubrfth e s i and e tres Act and that It would be niembers af Group 3 conduet- NEWCASTLE - Followlng country. eligible for a 25% grant tram cd the devotsonai partdaMethe are the standings af the Mon- Introdi 8s1me experienca in publie a!- finds the work ai the courtn- gbefra2%gatfon dtedvtoa ato h ayeeiglde'lauCreh lfice hiniseli, congratulated the cil is increasing eva ry year te rvicalgveamn fs sric.day evnin ades lage, Canvtb, Couci o te im gie ndifloks a bug h ail capital expenditures in the A memorili service was theaF ndth evening Mixa dnai cona l thaeo looingarthe il e n tbbkgas thouyc fture. oiosware passed held ln meniary ai the late Lag e dteTuesday aen- eîa totejbo okn fe hwl ethe es yt. f Mtosing Men's League as ai Mon- bis tour, aifairs of the village, a tbank-l authorizing a donation ai $5.00 MTs. Clenience who was a1 day January llth in the corn- visit a1 less job. Red v Cunrringham thank- ta the St. John's Ambulance valued niembar o! the Society mnunity bowling leagues un lsland r edthe* members for the co- and the joining ai the Ontario; before ber death. 1telclaly.si al Reeve D. J. Cunnlngham 'operatian they had given hlm Good Roads Association. A discussion on the Studythloaaîcssadac and Councillors Fred Couch,lin the past and hoped that the' Aiter considerable discus- Book was conducted by Mrs. Monday Ladies' League belonged Frank Hoar, Brenton RickardIsamae co aparation would pre- sian fram the Ontario Depart- W. F. Rickard aiter whicht Pts where th and M~urray Pates-son wereivail during 1960. He said wc ment ai Transport complain- the annuai reports ai tbe ai- Thunderbirds -34 ta help adtniinstared the oath ai o..t don't expect ta satisiy al ai ing o! stop signs arectcd by ficers were given with the Catalacs-.... .30 was kep lice by the village clerk, Mrs. !the people but wa hope the coun.cil at the corner ai King treasurer reporting the sa-1 Corvettes 251 the iepe Nattie Butler, followed byýmajority will be satisfiad with and North streets lntcrfering ciaty had rcached its alloca- Lei to vers .- 21 meai . w with the trafiic signais, it was tian of $775.00. Wildcats 17 decided the clark should write During the business part nil Aces -----6 ta tha dapartment inforniing the meeting plans wara dis- i Frlday Mixed League . arn tbhat couneil bad not cussed for the holding ai an Highjacks 30 erected n stop signs at this International Meeting when Hûtslîots -_______ 28 CAGO Fitersection and that thera rapresantatives from all na- Under __g 26 ________________________________wera no traffic signais at tbis tions now living in the vil- is ________2 intersection. Believing the de- laga would be invitad ta at. 1 etycts ....21 take in tba corner, councillors meeting. Mrs. M. C. Fisherl es1 EU ~~warecocnvinced Mil and King offcred bar home for a mcm-Sgaet16 O W NI ERS~H IP was ecorner meant but as bership tea ta be held in Feb- Arowis 3 the rfi inl are turneq ray Men's Tuesdai- League of tngtte sto lgns arc It was announced that marn- Typhoons 47 necesarvwhenthesignais ing and iternoan sessions o ros3 M r. and Mrs. Frank Carpenier aentl operation. It la un- the W.M.S. Prasbytarial Exe-1 Spittiras -.. 30 dersfood the stop signs refer- cutive meeting would be held Wildeats --.27 have purhasei-ad 'ta are the property of the ini the local church and Sun- Avengers 2 have purchasedDepartmant anyway and havei day Schoal hall on Wednes- Hurricanes _____-23 I1. Wbeen there fryears. Iday, January 20tb. Sabres----------- 22 -' Mustangs 20 Lf' HONEY HOLLOW The hihsnl crsré cordd inthe astweeic in JohnRick rd H ads the aboya leagues were Mary RESTAURANT Jh ,kadH as Dewdney with ascore of 282 NEWCASTLE Public School Board . In the Wednesday aitar- adannounce the restaurant NEWCASTLE- According George Meadows was re-aP- noon Ladies' League and tha adta the report given to the pointed Truant Officer for the Teenage League, high scores will remnain open al vinter Public School Board last Mon- year 1960. arc 1listed for the last two Day and Evening day evening by the school December Report weaks) principal, Ronald Munro, the The principal's report for Ladies' League student enroinient rose bi- tan fecenibar reveaied thera aee.30 hCuh took SPE IAL IE : drig 159 Threwer abeen an attendance oai2,83botb thc blgb sinigle and tri- __________________total o! 53 admissions duringi + ,rpn ..,..., - + if;... V S1"ECIAL 10oz TOMA TO SOUurt SERVE OFTEN - LIBBY FANCY TOMA TO JUICE SPECIAL 20 or» tin Swiss Choc. Cream Sandwich Sirawberry Cream Sandwich Bullerscoich Cream Sandwich One Fuit Pound' Dominion Pure Milk CHOCOLATE BUDS Gi A* A I A *Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday January 18 - 19 - 20 OnIy POPULAR BRAND Cigarettes.0 CARTON 0F 200360 pkg. 69< Local Grown No. 1 Grade Eating or Cooklug COU RTLA MD A PPLES 6-qt. bkt. 49C Ail merchandise uold at your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionally guar- anteed to, give 100% satisfaction. Values effective, n Bowmanville until closing' time, Saturday, Jan. l6th, 1960 DOMINION STORES LIMITED visit. Members af the Cobourg Sclub who were visltlng wore introduced and Lion John rLions MembersWanepresented a plaque meniento of their visit. AU membens of the Newcastle ZoneChaimanCub ere invited to attend the CbugCu nTus bday, Jan. A4th whenl Lion Brenton Rickard, the Deputy Newcaste ClubDistrict Governor, %ould be se erved by mem- pers. During that meeting the Cobourg club. the south west group members said a pr«ayer for the Lion Frank Hoar reported Y'oman's Association of good,- ealth of everyone in on the turkey shoot and $500 ted C.burch was enjoy- the world. draw sponsored by the club. the members and visit- Lion Wib aIso told of a caîl He said the total net pro- ke. that bad been received by the ceeds for the draw were niuch president Chas. Megit Secretary o! the Danfort less than had been boped for dfor -the lively meet- Lions in Toronto tram, the In. $23.30. lie said $270 had been hLion Bill Storks act- ternational secretary regard. talcen in at the turkey shoot tail twister for the ing a blind girl in Toronto wlth expenses, leus two ad- who was seeking a seaig vertisements $187.13 leaving [res3ing the membera, eye dog. This club went ta $82.85. me Chairmaxi wbo had work and within one weec It %vas announeed that the îmr a sick bed to at- the girl was taken ta the un- D.D.G. Lion Brenton Rlckard Imeeting, told of some ited States where she gat would be making bis officiai vork being done by the dog and becanie acquainted visita to Cobourg on January anal Association of with it and was 'trained how 14th and Little Britain on the 'ubs. It la the largest ta use the dag. The girl is, 2lst and as many local mem- club In the world and now travelling in Toronto bers as possible were iirged 'sident spends three city of Torontocity af Toronto to accompany him. an these 3i bfis terni travel. with the aid ai ber dog, just occasions. Lion Chas. Glkes 1visiting clubs in each one of the many services per- accompanied Lion Brenton ta formed 'by Lions clubs. In Norwoad an Tbursday even- iuced by Lion Rod ciosing bis tallc tbe speaker I.ng. ithe Z o n e Chair- advised the merabers the fi- aIdo one International nal meeting of the year t who while xnaking year would be held in PortBR W S r, had been taken to Hope on March 25th when the R W ' club of lepers an an new Zone chairman will be nortb af Hawaii. Ha elected. He urged the local Usa atheeni Brn>wn had Ii member of the club riembers ta attend this meet.-lber tonsîls removed at Bow- I ta this leper caîony ing. manville Hospital en Frid'aY bey had formed a club Lion Frank Hoar expressed morning. We hope she will be Sothers. The visitor the thanks of the members ta feeling bener socs- Pt at a distance from the Zone chairnian for his Ms-s. G. Kozub had an opera- er members and t'le talk and presented hlm with tion at Bowmanville Hospital ras sari-ad by non-le- a gift as a memnento o! his' on Monday. She l. now home. 9 O1.00 7 FOR 100 REAL VALUE PRIDE 0F NEWI ORLEAN4S FANCY SHRIMP tin:Z SPECIAL PURCHASE ASHTON BRAND - WHOLE Choêne Apricots 28 oz. tin FOR n0 BIEF STEW tiWn BISCUIT FEATURE -TOUR CHOICE I -r' I - i. -42 m- ROY Oldsmohio w. D WNNVILE Chevrolel Trucks Phone NA 3-3353 d TRI] MAT, JAN. 14th, IM l VAGIE mm ý 9and we hope lier convaltweaW Weekend visitors wthle*i' àand mrm.H. sinclairand fum- 1ily were Mr. and Mms CUffoç'd Lundy, Helen and Joey Dm-. mis, ail of Toronto. Mr. John Sinclair spent Ti diy in Toronto. Mr. and Mms. H. Pitt: mM farnily with Mr. and Mrs. 1Powell on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. George MeNaIr have bouglit« Mr. Harold Wrl- Sgbt's house and wlll be moving themre shortly. 1&. and 'M". Cannons aMd ttheir five cbldren have mved in to Mr-, Arrold Brown's bouse Wencly and Vicki are attend- ing school. Mr-. and Mrs. Pitt and fam- iy, Mr. and Mrs. Curson spent the holiday weekend la Toron- to. Mr- and Mrs. R. Boyes, Tor- tonta; Mr-. and Mrs. T. Wood- lock, Bowmanville, wlth Mr. iand Mrm. T. Wilson on Sunday. FAIMSERVICE DEAX>, 011 & CRIPPLID FARM STOCK Rtemeved Free of Chut@g 1Immediste 21-Ur. Service Ask Your operatot For ZERith 66550 No Tol Charte Nlck Fecoul - Iyeterbirougb

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