Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1959, p. 20

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St.- -. '. .~... PAGE -1WENTI - lQN ANDIA zà1'm ia. I DR~iAM ~.V Llak N UT Births1 In Memonacm Articles for Sale1 Work Wanted K'UTTON-Ted and Betty are:ADAMS-In loving memory of APPLES and sweet eider, W. CARPENTER work and repairs. pleased to announce the birth of a dear brother, Gary Adams, T. Cox, MA 3-2927. 52-1*j Free estimates. Phonie MArket their son, Douglas Edward. on who was taken suddenly, De- ---- --13-5212. 51-2* the l7th of December, at Me- cember 27th, 1956. WA'rER for sale. Delivered. inorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 'He is gone but not forgotten, Phone Ciif Pethick, COlfaxiFULLY experienced pruner.f 52-1: And, as dawns another ye'ar, 3-2131. 36-tf Will work by hour or contract. ti u lnl ouo h inkin Stan Rowe, Newtonville. Clarke In urloel orsofthn ngLIGHT wool ln stove lengths, 622. 52-4*I EWING-Mr. and Mrs. JiJTl Thoughts of hirn are always $10 per load. Phone COlfax Ewmng (nee Dorothy Snowden) 1 ea. 3-2275. 49-tf PLUMBING, heatlng eaves- of Seven Islands, Quebec, are; Days of sadness wiUl corne oer1 troughing, free estimates. Har- happy to announce the arrivai 1 us A NUMBER of freshly kiiled, vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax of their chosen son, David Friends may think the wound turkeys, also breeders. Laverne3-21o rn17. 3-t James on Dec. 16, 1959. David's is. healed,' Harness, Orono. Phone 15 R 10. 221o Orn17. 3-t birthday is Sept. 21, 1959. But they littie know the- sorrow, 51-.2* FO chimney work, new or 52-1 coneale d.thn he eat repair or any brick, block or conThatle itinte ea KEYS cut automnaticafly, while concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. WILLIAMS-Bob and Ruth (nee -Lovingly remembered by 1 you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- Cail L. Turner, Phone MA Reyi)olds) are happy to an- S .ster, brothers and farnilies. ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf nounce the birth of _______ dagt 21 il.4-f OR prompt, early delivery of er Patricia Jean, born Decemn-1, ber 9th, 1959, at Memorial Hos- GRIFFIN-In loving memory off CHRISTMAS trees, choice prun- j your Statesman, if you live in pital, Bowmanville. A babyi a dear friend who left sudden- ed Scotch pine. Delivery. C. the vicinity of Wellington, Car- sister for Cheryl and Lynn. 'lY, December 25th, 1958. Gimblett, 123 Ontario St., MA lisie or Liberty Sts., Phone Bill 52-V A year today dear Reg wvas13-5835, . 50-3*1eeMre -59atff called 5pm 5If Marriages To his eternal rest; sn WATER, bard and soft. deliver- TE V EN F Marige Gone where the nesigso ed. Prompt service. Robert H.1 WEES BEY-Ms.elin sweeî. anel Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA I E V EN O ÏEK - LY-r.Mlin 1Ai-d taken when God knew 3-5805. 31-tf WELL DIGGING }lutchinson announces the mar- best. 'ae fhe auh e Ru We miss hiîn here so very much, SAVE on lumber. direct from CLEAN OUT ElnzDec.th, 99,eter theR. Uni- u presence oft seeins nich mil] to you Phillips Limber COMPRESSOR WORK on ec.19t, 159,at he ni-Butwe ail hope in Heaveî"j Co., Kinmount, Ontario. PhoneK versity Chapel, Char]lottesville, nmtet117 r Il. l3tl RAndolph 8-6974 Virginia bytheRev Hery h ere no one says goodbye. j___ 50-411 Chetha. 5,1*-Lovingly remembered by Pat.I ELECTRICAL Repars-Prompt DetsI_____ 52-1 service te electrical appliances. Plaslering Renairs 3 Deathslarge and sinall. Lander Hard- 1 _________ -- GRIFFIN-In loving n-emory of, ware. Phonie MA 3-5774. 43-tf QUICK SERVICE BROOKS-At Memorial H-os- our dear son and brother, Reg- MIXEUhadwodND5 lad,2 D pital, Bowmanville, on Satur-1 inald .R. Griffin, who passed'IE ado,$3la,2d day, December I9th, 1959 jR . T F Gerg Boosagd 5 eas:away suddenly on December 25, cords, resawed; also hardwood -cL121J GereBokae àyasi1958. limbs, $30 load, delivered. J. A. 54 King St. E. MA 3-50303 Beloved husband of Lydia. He little thought when leavingi Carscadden. Phone Orono 35r9. 16-tf Brooks and dear father of! home 504 i Essle, Lenna (Mrs. S. Froats),1 He would no more returri, 5f4i--- - - - - Clarence, Don, Evelyn (Mrs. T.' That lie in death se soon would INSULATION, blowing method, KEITH DAVEY n C. Wella( r),AGerge, Erjvi, sleep, wth rock wool. Workmanship Lvso JAnd leave us here te mournguarnteedsfreek Shinners s (Mrs. J. Moffatt), Josie and We do not know what pain lie Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke iADGEEA RNR T Mri.Sriewas held in! oe 2420. 39-tfAN GNEA TR SP T- teMaris S erviceapeor e, _____nt____________die, Bowmarville on Monday, Dec. We only know lie passed away W9RK boots and shoes at bar- .LPhone CO32 9 2lst at 2 o'clock. Intermentl n neyer said goodbye. gain prices, brown and black, 46-2639 Bowmanville Cemetery. 52-1 -_'cdly missed by Mom, Dad ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe Re- 4626 the~~~~ MorsFnrlC apend ai notseepaihim0dieners. . o .,Bowanl 1.oe H~ALL, Everett O., of 265 Re-'ad ailv 2 ilpir,.OEast. W..Bowman- le Save M nyai T gent St., London, at Victoria 1PAYNE-In loving memnoî-y O la-.i Hospital, London, on Thursday, a dea, wie and moter, E v a 'r I 42-tf Dave'sandShoe Repair December 17, 1959, in his 64thlILaverna Payne, who passed HEARING aid service, Testing F year, beloved husband of Adalaway December 28, 1957. service and coniplete stock of FAST,. PROMPT SERVICE (Cooledgre) Hall; dear father of Today recalîs sad memories j batteries and cords at Higgon 26 Ontarlo St., Bowmnanville Orlon Stewart Hall, Weston; j fada fohrgn orsElectric Lîmited, 38 King St. E., CORNER KING and ONTARIO Mrs. John (Audrey) Stevens, And the ones who think of lier BoManIle.Tepoe M24t- Seaforth, and Mrs. Allen (Mur- today j335 7-tf iel) Loney, Windsor; brother Of Are the ones loved best, PLUMBING HEATING Mrs. Cyril <Mary) Churchley, -Ever remernbered by hier DO your own floors and rugs-- EAVESTROUGHING Oshawa; Eber J. Hall and How-1 husba, eand and aiyTONYasner lorplshro ard L. Hall, both of Toronto. 52_e1ç,dfail . Rugena aner, flaoo pohhror) T N A R Rested at Needharn Memorial 52 frugcLeander (Hadamporetho .in ______ ron LaderHrwmarle, 7 KinMor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Chapel, 520 Dundas St., Lon- PHAYRE--In ioving mienorv, of St*EBomnile hone Webster-ta elr-Gs-O don, where funerai service was a dear father an d grandfathier, M -74 20-tf-AlsDae- s- i boder onth atu ,n. Inem-ey ec.18,195. er'Seeus fr fee etimtes66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 bonduted on 3 a3urday, Derm- t ecy Pa18, wo 19sd5aayGET the îump an aid man wint- 1 BOWMANVILLE Forest Lawn Memoriai Gardens, Looking back wiih mniories anCr! euay rrees" u imaDoos __ ________________ London. In lieu of flowers Upon the path you trod, onI 20-tf luinmDor contibutons ay b mad teand Windows. You will be ctributionsal. Mma b Bursary We bles the hours we had with aae o cnncite the E. O. Hall Memonial they Fund, London, Ont. 52-11 And leave the rest with God. are fron, eowan Equipment Co.,1 -Lovingly remnembered by RO jl34 King St. E., Bowmanvile, or 1 SWALLOW, Agnes -Suddenly, Thelma and family. 52-1iPon e MA 3-5689. 40-tf! »t Memoial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday, December Crs fT ak 22nd. 1959, Agnes Phipps, belov- _ _ o h nk U K EY S low and dear mother of Cl if-1 The familyoftele Wilbert CHOICE YOUJNG BIRDS j lord; Edna (Mrs. William Laird) 1Lu1nn wish to thank their ALL WEIGHTS of Bowmanville, in her 84th friends, relatives and neighborsl DRESSED AND DELIVERED year. Resting at Northcutt & for the beautiful floral offenîngs I Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division and numerous acts of kindness I~l~ St., Bowmanville. Service on; during their recent sad bereave-MA 35 8 Thursday, December 24th at ment.. 52-1 TTT rTTT r 1:0Peaatme ter, ontoun Te fainily of the. late Alfred PF.L FINNJ..LONLÀL PleaantCemtery5To -nt. Laird wishies to thank ail the MAPLE GROVE --______________ - fiends and neighbours for their 48-5 Comin Evens I ympathy expressed in thought- Co in E ens fui kindnesses, messages, and1 Pre-Chri.simas Special Hih1a 1 beautiful flowers. Hi h a 1 Dance at Tyrone hall, Satur-1 The Laird Family. 4'T.f414 day, December 26. Clara Nes- 1 52-1,P* Tower Isalfo bitt's Music Makers. Sponsor- iA~aALln__ # d by Tyrone Orange Lodges.! , The famnily of the late George Ai-hnnlArîlt stle Waodview Comimunity Centre, grateful thanks to Dr. Rundie, Alil No GConslrcio .-Monster Bingo. Twenty gamesi nurses and staff of Memorial nr -twety ollas; ive ame-- Hospital, Rev. Turner, Memor- 95 twety dollars; fve jackpot and ialPark Association, neighbours ý thity olars $10 ackotanand friends, also ta Morris Fun-, ALSO REPAIRS or CHANGES pnizej.cNeotsMca,$25 .mo eral Chapel for kindnessq shown' Cail MA 3-2312 Harry Locke nc twoe. ex Mak ots a $250.m.Doo Red Barn, Oshawva. 46-tfl them at this time. 52-1 MA T'P fu j - APIL E L UILVJ OUTDOOR SHIRTS AND Notices We wish ta thank al aur r.V ~RVC for girls anid boys. Up to fniends and neighbors of Union TV SE VIEYour cholce - Efetv-ti aeDcme Community who gave us the 5-!SIPR Effctie tis at, Dcemer ovey amp andi mirror, also 5- LIPR 24 159 wllno e esan-jewellery boxes. 'rhey are;j Fine hand embroldered or Dar ible for any debts incurred by' certainly appreciated i n Our îîew for ladies, with leather soie. my wife, Dorothy Conlin. homne.j Alil sizes. Pair_______ Wesley Cnln. ')-3* j MissE. Knapp./, Jf~FIE ENSTS - NEW J Clarence and Merle Avery A M( I FIN MESliK ad 10%-I nd a iX4' ~1 Regular $1.95, $2.75, $2.95 Skf SapeîgVour eholce ______ Skate harpenng iX sincere thanks ta Doctors, Mc.uIt's pots tor ~ Neil Malcolm. 52-1 1 r ws" ta thank al aur, O sborne's Sports Store friends, neighbours, Trinity 52-1 United Church, Bowmnil Orange Lodge, Lions Club and Pets for Sal for the many acts of kind- * - - - Ifruit, cards and good wishes PUPPIES free for gaod homes.' during my recent stay in Hos- VUR ESSO MA 3-2665. 52-1 pital in Oshawa. A special DISRIBUTOR FREETwokitensta e gventhanks ta Dr. Rowsell and the FFiOLGSLN ta good homes, three months aid safa saaGnrlHo OO I .ES Phone Newcastle 2114. 52-i pitai. Ernie Bradley. .i Personalh ta thank al mi fredrelatives and neighbourst Wanted HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber for their many messages of,_________________________ goods) mailed pastpaid in plain'sympatmy, acts of kindness and DEAD and crpedfrusok sealed envelope with price list. the beautiful floral afferings. A picked up promptly. Telephane Six samples 25c, 24 samples special thank you ta the W.A., COlfax 3-2721, MargwiD Fur $1.00. M ail Order Dept. T-28, also Rev. F. J. Jackson and1 Farm, Tyrone. 37-tfI Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91. Ham- Northcutt & Smith for their -.. . . . ilton, Onit. 1-52 kind, efficient service during ONE or two fumnished rooms,l - m- my recent sad bereavement lu I central location prefemred. Write Piano uning the loss of a kind and loviîîg Advertiser 4, c/o The Canadian1 husband. Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bomv- ARTHUR Collison.ý Telephone MyteVru jmnil.5- MArket 3-3900. 38-tf Myt52iru.- avil. - PIAN TUNNG - Nursing Home PIANO T TJ I N GACCOMMODATION for ladiest AND ALL REPAIES À A- *Free EstimaS., * Guaranteed Workmanshjp Ma3-5674 AMBROSE ENGLI and gentlemen at Lyntonhurst Manor Rest Home. Telephon The South Haven Rest Homej -Licensed accommodation avail- 4g9-t able for up or bed patients. Phone Newcastle 4441. 29-tf The Indian Princega fine and sleeping too. Regular price.$2.00 Tour cholce - Oniy U...irs ror Sale HALF-TON GMC truck. Apply 85 Duke St. 52-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six manths ta pay. l'or personal service at yaur home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, caliect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Mot ors RA 3-4494 - Res, RA 5-5574 607 Ring St. East <Just East af Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED televisiaon d radia service, ta ail makes. ,Saine day service. Television Service Co. Phone MIA 3-3883.j 49-tf; REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, ta ai] maires of electric motors. Fliggon Elec- trie. 38 K.ing East Phone MAI 3-.3à05. 7-tf REPAIRS te ail makces of sew- ing machines. Pree pickup and dlivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tfj RAVE TUBES WILL TRAVEL1 TED'S RADIO & ,TELEVISION SERVICE Phone MA 3-5234 Guaranteed Work at at Reasonabie Rates Hundreds of Fine French Jewellery NECKLACES Reg. $1.50, $1.75, $1.95. Tour choice- 49e WATFORD CRYSTAL The world's mont famous crystal, Watford of Engiand - Reduced by 331,% SCOTTISH JEWELLERY Haudmade. Priced up ta $2.95. TYour cholce ____________.99e dolls, 89C M For tient SEVEN-raomed house, $75 a month. Phone MA 3-5038. 52-1 * ONE bedroom apartment, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Barrett Apartments, MA 3-3611. 49-tf TWO 2-room apartments, priv- ate baths, $40 and $45 each. Apply Apt. No. 5, 39 Elgin St. 52-1*, APARTMENT in Victor Manor, King St. W. Available im- mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, MA 3-7035. 43-tf STORE, in the Knight Block, King St. East. Available Dec. lst. Apply ta Mrs. Wes Knight, Phone MA 3-5448. 45-tf HEATED apartment, 3 raoms, kitchenette and bathroom, elec- tric washer and dryer, $60.00. Phone MA 3-5996. 47-tf AVAILABLE' November lst, five-room office, 2nd floor, main street. S. R. James, 24 King East, Bowmanville. 44-tf APARTMENT - Living-room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath. Inlaid linoleum. Coit apart- ments, 23 Temperance. Phone MA 3-2555. 49-tf NEWLY decorated heated apart- ment. Three roanis, bath, kitch- eniette and washer service. Ap- ply 90 Queen St., Apt. 3. Phone1 MA 3-5277. 50-tf Apply N.3. SCOTT 140 Ditke Street Solitude is as needful ta the imagination as society is whole- some for the character.-James Russeli Lowell. Oehinrni t.n11s~é.t Help Wanted DEALER wanted: 170 farm- home necessities - medicines, vitamins, spices. foads, etc., well known in every caunty. For paticulars, write Raw- leigh's. Dept. L-140-142, »05 Richelieu, Montreal. 52-1 .Applications for Road Superintendent Applicatons will be recelved by the undersigned until noon, January 13, 1960, for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Darlington. Ap- Plicants should state age, ex- perlence and salary required. As thîs Position invoives the management of an extensive Programme of road construction and paving, applicants wlth ex- Penience in these matters wlll be given preference. Costs of bene- fits shared by the municipality. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk, Township of Dariington. 52-2 Livestock for Sale YOUNG Holstein cow due ta freshen January Sth. W. A. Adams, Newcastle 2137. 52-1* YOUNG, Shorthorn cows and bulîs at farier's prices. J. Baker, Hampton. 48-tf Wanted toBuy' TURNIP pulper. Phone MArket 3-7019. 52-1 ALL kinds of live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid.1 M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furnýiture, appliances, television,l sewing machines, etc. Also seli and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Real Estate forSale CHABL-ËES RANKINE REAL ESTATE BROKER Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year CHARLIE RANKINE 52-1 Leask Real Estate IMERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW TEAR ta mny Frlends and Cliente M. E. LEASE Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvmfl MArket 3-5919 Sales Staff: Freddy L. Ames - MA 3-3408 52-1 1VcQUAY AND KIDD REALTORS and WALTER FRANK wlsh te, extend Best Wishes ta ail for a very and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 52-1 SALEi CE A YEAR RIO TRADING AND CONTINENTAL COFFEE SHOP - 3 miles north of Oronoi mile north of Kirby imences Wednesday. Dec. 9th )pen every day 1 p.m. until 12:00 midnight luding Sundays until and including Dec. 24th BLOUSES 114 years. - 1.29 knask Slippers Many colors. 89e SCARVES 99e and SAUCER n. 89e iny authentic Box. 99 REPAIRS taail] makes of re-! SELF-contained heated down- frigerators, domestic and com- stairs partly furnished apart- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- ment, suitable for working gon Electric Limited, 38 King couple or single persan. Im- St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf 1 mediate possession. Phone MA 3-5891 or CO 3-2220. 50-tf WorkWante -d I APARTMENT O SHAWA TV 'SELF-CONTAINED - HEATED rELE VISION AERIAL SALES ALL CONVENIENCES INSTLLAIONandREPIRSTwvo Floors NSTALATo nd EAIS Twc Private Entrances Phone Electrie Stove and Refrigerator Rowmanville Oshawa ,smppied MA 3-5919 RA 8-81801i BILL AND BOB LEASK THREE BEDROOMS 39- tf NEWLY DECORATED - - --GARAGE AVAILABLE POST Genuine Toledo (Spain) and Aurora Boreallis complete JEWELLERY SETS in leather and veivet boxes. Regular up ta $26.95. Your choice ____$5.95 MEN'S CUFF LINK SETS In finest leather and silk boxes. Reg. ta $6.95. Tour cholce $1.79 LADIES' RINGS Reg. up ta $2.95. Tour choice for only 49e SAILOR CAPS Boys' and Girls'. AUl Wooi. Reg. $1.50 - $1.95. Tour choice -.ea. 49e CHINA Royal Wlnton famous Pip the Panda Cup and Saucer, Bread and Butter, Candy Dîshes for aur children - Reduced 50% PIILLOW CASES AIl hand embroldered. In fine gift boxe.. Reg. $2.75 to $3.95. Tour cholce - $1.99 Hundreds of othor gifta redueed up ta 60% ALL PIJRCHASES GIFT WRAPPED FOR CHRISTMAS ATN0XRACAG FINE TARTAN CAR BLANKETS 54" x 68" in the bandy carrying bag. Beversible. Ideal for camping, too! Regular $3.95 and $4.95$19 Tour choice --_------ NIEN'S SWEATERS and CARDIGANS The most famous genuine Tony Day and Huntleigh of Lon- don Sweaters and' Cardigans for men. Ail wool, wool and cashmere wool and nylon, orlon, etc. Regular $8.95 and $12.95 $5.95 Tour ehoice - ------___ NENI'S SIRTS AUl flrst, brand namne shirts, Wooi, fine cotton, jersey, etc. Regular $5.95, $6.95, $8.95 Tour cholce for oniy - $3.95 Only small sizes left. (Three for $10.00) TEAPOTS The famous Wînstan of England Teapot, Sugar and Cream. Regular $4.95 Tour Choice. ______$1._________ CUP AND SAUCER CITIES Finest Stratford English fane China Regular $3.95 gn Tour choîce $1.981_ ~' SERVICE Genuine Vyella WHERE WT H OPIET I Boys' and Girls' -Jackets GOOD DRIVERS 1 CITIES SERVICE (If it shrinks, we replace) For up ta 12 years SO O A charming gift for children or aduit with Not aIl sîzes Ieft SO O Re.$12,95 and $14.95 $9 OD AOIEpuchase of gas and this coupon. Yorchoice.$6-95__________I DOLLSAND OIL INDIAN PRINCE AND PRINCESS Gift Boxed - Regular 99e . Pair 39o OUR COFFEE SHOP IS FAMOUS FOR VIENNA COFFEE AND VIENNA PASTRY àý Nany More GUif Items To. Namerons Io Mention à r"w- £-- le-1- 1 "-- v%-- . TIM CMADM STATESbLR- INnWU,&Wvn.t.le nm-Pà uw% S2-tf ', 1 F

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