Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1959, p. 11

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URSDAY, DEC. 24th, 1959 PEE WEE LEAGUE-Dec. 26, place tie in the league stand- 7.30 - 8:30-Bruins and Leafs; ings. Sharon Burgess (Karen 8:35 - 9:35-Rangers and Cana- Burgess), Betty Lou Rundie, dians; 9:40 - 10:40 - Wings and Greta Crawford (Shirley Tom- »ears (Clean Ice); 10:50 - 11:50 linson) wore the geai scorers -Giants and Hawks. for the Avalons. Betty Lou Run- ATOM LEAGUE - 11:55 - dle cf the Avalons picked up 12:55-Hornets and Rams; 1:00 the only penalty cf the game *2:00-Bombers a.nd Barons. !for holding the bail. BANTAM LEAGUE-Jan. 2:; In the second game cf the 7:30 -8:30 - Lions and Tigers; afternoon the Fabiens scored 8:35 - 9:35-Tee Pees and Fly-t twice in tbe first period te de- ers (Clean Ice); 9:45 - 10:45 - feat the Boones 2-1. Chîisty Hiuskies and Braves, 10:50 -1 Samelîs and Je Anne Wood- 11:,50 - Indians and Bisons 1 ward (Mardie Dawson) weîe (Clean and Flood); 12:05 - 1:05i the goal-getters for the Fabions. -Cubs (B) and Dodgers (MJ). Susan Calver scored the Boones' MIDGET-JUVENILE League onîy goal. 1:10 -2:10 - Gernerals and Raiders (Clean Ice); 2:20 - Broombaîl games scbeduled 3:20 - Qiphans and Rockets; for next week are as fellows: 3:25 - 4:25 - Cornets and Ma- Dec. 28-5:15 p.m.-Fabiens vs. reons; 4:30-Pirates (B>. Presleys; 6:00 p.m.-Avalons vs. Broomball ons In the first Broombali game' Atomn Hockey played last Monday afternoon 1 In the first Atoni hockey thý- Avalons defeaýed the Pres- gaine played Iast Saturday the leys 3-0 te move into a first Hornets defeated the Barons 7-4 to move into a second place tie witb the Bisons. John Wor- S den was the big scorer for the Hornets picking up four goals and -an assist. Danny Nowlan (2) and Deug. Hayes accounted for the other Hornet goals. Bri- an Ogden and Danny Nowlan added assists on the Hornets' goals. Paul Charbonneau (David Edmondson), Borys Wereszcn- ski (Charbonneau)i, David Stutt Iand Greg Corden were the goalj scorers for the Barons. John '00w a "«r* Hendry cf the Barons picked iup the only penalty of the game Cl~itmasis aUrneet ~for holding the puck. Ini the second Atom game the surprises and we hope A Bisons came up with their sec- ond straîght win by defeating you will have many the Rams 4-2. The win movad h ap py o n es! Here's the Bisons into a second place tie in the league standings. Ron wlshing you the best of Webb (2), Gary Bail and Kim everything! for the Bisons. Brutce Weish and Ronald McMullen accounted for the Rams' two goals. Ron Webb NEWCASTLE cf the Bisons collected the only penalty of the game for charg- îS ng. DRY CLeEàNERSPee Wee League 1 PHONE 3831 In the first Pee Wee game of1 . . . . . . .th e d ay th e W în g s ch alk ed u p ~ j their fifth straight win by de- u'ggu'sugumu"uu'gg"g"g>'feating the Leafs 2-1. The wîn moved the Wings three points above the idle Giants in thec league standings. Paul Lucas1 (Wayne Barrett) and Jim Diii-c ing (Dennis MeFeeters) scoredI first period goals for the Wings.1 Kerry Dickens (Tommy Car-1 ter) accounted foi the Leafs't loue goal.r In the second Pee Wee gameE G ~ the Bruins picked up their first wiu cf the season by defeating the winless Rangers 2-0. Randy Dewell accounted fer bcth Bruins goals with Randy Beau- I prie pickiug up an assist on the first goal. Terry Ccc of the Rau- gers collected the only penalty P cf the game fer tripping. 1 In te thrd Pe We ga ] cf the day the Hawks picked up their first win cf the season by b defeating the Canadians 1-0.S Michael Bothwell (Jef f Gil- booiy) scored early in the first perîod fer the Hawks. No pen- alties were handed eut in the gm.Bantam LeagueA In the first Bantam game cf F t the morning the Tigers defeat- B I ~ed tbe Tee Pees 5-2. Rieky GaY p (2), George Moore (Howard Edrnondseu>, Jerry Falls (Da- EVE'S CANADA IO89 CA Il Deauf y Salon M Newcastle In tune with the spirit oe the festive season, we seul glad greetings te yen sud yours. Have a very merty Chrtmast HAROLD & BILL COUCH NEWCASTLE R. B. RICKARD Niewcasill PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC w (R ecrea tion (R eviews By Douglas ftigg WL T Wings 5 0O Giants ______3 0O Leafs ___..2 20 Hawks 1____1__i m Canadians ____ 2 30 Bears ______ 1 2 1 Bruins ______ 1 3 0 Rangers - 0 O4 0 Bantam Hockey League Lions _ _ _ _ _4 Cubs _ __ _ _3 Pirates ______3 Flyers 3 Tigers -2 Braves 2 Tee Pees ____ 1 Huskies __ .0 Lions Midtet-Juvenile w Orphans 4 Roekets _____3 Cornets ______2 Generals 2 Maroons1 Dodgers 1 Raiders 0____ Pts 0 10 1 7 0 4 2 4 0 4 1L3 0>2 00 W L T Ptsi 1 08 1 06 1 0 6 20 6 2 04 3 04 30 2 50 0 League L T Pts 1 08 10 6 11 5 2 15 2 13 3 02 3 11 LONG SÂULT Giad to report Mms. Ernest Harper is improving in Men- criai Hospitial, Bownianviile, following a stroke she suffered Thursday morning. Mur. and Mis. Fred Broad and Lesley, Teornto, vsiited Mr. and Mis. G. Fletcher Sunday afternlcon. Mr. John TofRli, Oshawa, vis- ited at thie Kovaca' horne Sun- day afternoon. About 40 friends and neigli- bours met at the home of Mr. anid Mis. Gordon Baker Set- urday night and pleasantlyi surprised Mr. and Mis. G. Flet- cher wbo on Christmas Day will oelebiate their 4th wed- ding anniversary. When il had assenibled Mi. Ebaker cal-ed no ?&. and Mis. Fletcher tic take the twe chairs cf. honor "and&ter Mis. Orme Miler hiad pinned a corsage on the bride, a nxicely woided ad- dress was read. At the proper trne Mi. Robt. Simn presented toem with an electric cdock and an electiic fry pan. Both made fitting replies andi aftei a del- icicus lunci was served the ro- mainider of the evening was Werit Üm d"cing. _____ IMCANAD)IANSTATUP4AY. DOWMANVIlL. OWTAEI0 SOLINA Gr..ting You and Yours ut Christ mas McLAREN'S FINA SERVICE STATION NEWCASTLE PHONE 4456" W. wish for you 0 holiday filed with MI1 the gay trimmin's. JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE Newcastle vid Stainten), and John Bergs- ma (John Kilpatrick) accunt- ed for the Tigers' goals. Bob Sleep (Bill Scott) and Gary Dewns (James Homeniuk) were the goal accrois for the Tee Pees. The two teams each col- lected three penalties during the garne. Iu the second Bantarn game the Pirates handed the Huskies their fifth straight defeat by a 4-1 score. The win rnoved the Pirates inte a second place tie.1 Don McMurter (2), Peter Wer- ry (Steven Burns) and Steven Burns accounted fer the Pirates' goals. Terry Walton (2) and Denny Wilkins aIse collected assists on the Pirates' geals. John Depew (Donald Martin) scoied the Huskies' cnly goal. The Huskies collected ail thîco of the penalties handed out. In the tird Bantam game of the morning the Flyeîs handed the Cubs their first defeat by a 3-0 score. Paul Peterson (2) and Peter Bothwell were the goal scoiers for the Flyers. Gene Balsen of the Flyeîs as- sisted on ail three goals. Talbot Thompson cf tho Cubs suffered a broken wrist during the game, when be feIl into the boards behind the goal. Taullie will probably be lost te the Cubs for the remainder cf the season. In the fourth and final Ban- tam game cf the morning the Lions defeated the Braves 3-0 to move into sole possession of fiîst place in the league stand- ings. Gary Tubb Glen Clarke and Dennis Gay (Gary Tubb) accounted for the Lions' three goals. Lions Mldget-.Tuvenile League Iu the fiîst Midget-Juvenile game the Generals defeated the Mareons 2-1 to move into a third place tie in the league standings. Roger Meadows and Walter Gibson were the goal getters for the Generals. Alan Osborne (Scott Essery) accoun- ted for the Maroons' only goal. The Marcons collected three cf the foui penalties handed eut. In the second Midget-Juven- ile gamo the Qîphans defeated the Dodgers 8-0 to move into tiîst place in the league stand- ings. Jon Hancock (3), Jim Me-l Knigbt (3), Dcnald Smith, Paul Mutten were the goal scorers for the Qîphans. Doug. James (2), Donald Smith (2), Larry Jamiesen and Ted Brown col- lected assists on the Gîphans' goals. Don Masterson cf the1 Dcdgers collected the only pen- alty ef tbe game for cross check- ing. In the third and final game cf the day the Cornets hand.. the Rcckets their first defeat of the season by a 6-1 score. Don Bagnell (2), Bob Burgess, Larry Pearce, Neil H-ooey and Don Welsh were the gpal get- tors for the Cornets. Alex Wise- man (2) and Don Bagnell pick- ed up assists on the Cornets' goals. Grant Flintoff (Ray Crembie) accounted fer the Rockets' only goal. The Cornets picked up four (if the seven penalties banded eut. During the next two woeks thero will probably be seme playor changes made in ail loagues in eider te help streng- then the leaguos rather than having one or twe teams dom- mnate the league. Piactices will be held during the next two Saturdays. League Standings As Of gaturday, December lgth. Girls' Brooinball League Oa.alos ____W L T Pts I Fabiens ______1 0 1 3 Boes ____ 1 1 Eresleys 0 1 1 1 Atom Hockey League W LT Pts BoMbeis 2 0 1 5 Hornets 2 1 0 4 Bisons _____ 2 2'0 4 :ndians 1___ ii1 13 Barons - 1 i2 0 2 Rams 1 3 0 2 Pee Wee Hockey League PACE UL~VUW After Wait Drinks Hours a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons aftezK¶ed the christ- eniW service for Marilyn Tink, daughter of Mvr. and Mrs. Ken Tink, at Ebbenezet, on Sunday and were guests at their home ater the service. A Christmas f.anily party was held at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox's Saturday night.. Those present were Mr. anid Mis. Hil- ton Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tin±k and Brian, M.r. and Mis. Ken Tink and Marilyn, al of Ebenezer, Mr. and Mx's. Keith Shackleton and Barry of Bow- manville. nhe Explorer group had an enjoyable Christmas meetiing with their motihers as guests at] the home of thfeir leader, Mi&s. Bruce Tink on Saturday after- noon. The rol eal was ans- wered with a favorite Christ- mas food .Mrs. M .Vice was pianist for the carol singing in the wiorship service. Seripture passages were read by Peggy Milison, Joan Westdake and Wendy Nesbitt and Jean Baker read a poemn. Mis. Tink read a story. nhe play was presented for the mothers and an exchan- ge of gift.s and lunch followed. The Sunday Sehool room w's weil filled on Sunday morn- ing when a splendâd Christmas pirogram was presented. Car- ols were played on the piano by Pat Davis as the people ga- thered. Gien Werry and Larry Biorne read passages contain- ing the Christmas story from the Bible. The offering was îeceived by Lorne Tink, Ronhnie Baker, Ronnie Broome and Edgar Wer- ry. Assistant superintendent, Pearl Leach, took charge of the opendng of the program a'nd for the remainder, Mrs. Charles Lengmaid was in, charge. Recitations weîe given by Linda Flett, Donna Wotten, Walter Taylor, Ellen Cryder- man, Gordon Westlake, Nancy Knox, Philip Broome and Mur- ray Yellowlees. Vocal duets were sung by Karen and Bren- da Yellowlees and Susan and Kattiy Vioe. The beginners and prlmnary classes sang Christmas scngs. Peggy MiUson read the story of the first Christmas. This was interspersed with carols played by Pat Davis .The Explorer group pîesented a Christmnas pageant. To conclude the pîogram Rev. F. Reed spoke ibriefly on cus- toms of other lands. He left with us the Roumanrian Christ- ma-s greeting "May the birth of Christ make you happy.' The C.G.I.T .and Explorer groups cf Selina, along with girls fromn Zion, had an im- pressive vesper and candie lighting service on Sunday ev- enmng. Juanuita Frazer condue- ted the service with several Solina and Zion girls reading seripture passages. A double duet was sung by Marie Flett, Dianne Tinkl,, Ev- elyn Hockaday and Phyllis Westlake, and a double maie quartette coinposed of ,.Wes His, R. Osborne, Stan Mill- son, Ken Knox. Don Taylor, Edgar Werry, Harold Yellow- lees and harvey \'eilowlees sang "O Holy N±Tght". i( offerine %vas received by 'Arlene Westlak'., Sharon Spir- ',s, Jean Baker and Joan West- lake. A beautiful basket of flow- ers was placed at the altar in ioving memory cf Mi. Harvey Crossman by bis family. Sympathy is extended te Mis. Walter Parrinder on the pas- sing cf her mother, Mis. Bic- mell. Mis. H. E. Tink attended chiurch service at Ebenezer on Sunday when hier great-gîand- daughter, Marilyn Tink, dau- glbter cf Mi. and Mis. Ken Tink was christened. Mi. and Mim. Roy Langmaid visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Mof- fatt Orono. Mi. and Mis. Tom Baker and family attended a family Christmas party Satuîday ev- eniing at the home of Mi. and Mis. Howard Ormistion Bow- manville. Mi. and Mirs. Harold Moore, Heather and George, Bowman- ville, visited Mi. and Mis. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mi. Edwin Cook, Bowman- ville, visited Mi. and Mis. Frank Westlake, Jr. and family. Mir.and 'Mis. Isaac Hardy and Stanley visited ait Mi. and Mis. Fred Hardy's, New Tor- onto. Mi. aind Mis. John Knox and Nancy visited Mi. and Mis. Wm. Knox at Brougham. Mi. Wesley Powell and Miss Mabel Powell, Oshawa, visited Mr. and 1Ms. N. Wotten. Mr. and Mis. N. Wotten vis- ited on Sundlay with friends at Blaeckstock W.I. Meeting There were. 47 ladies present at the Christmnas meeting cf thi Solina Branch cf the W.I. in the community hall on Thu- rsday eveidng, Decerabeir lOt. During the business peiiod it was decided to rememnber sev- eral of cuir former residents with gifts and cards. Mis. Rodovic read two let- ters fromn oui English corres- pondent -in Bilton Yorkshire.i Rol call was answeîed by a" gift for the people in the Gol- den Plough Home at Cobourg. Elach member aise contributed a jar cf fruit te the family of a seriously 111 member. Mis. Wes His, leader cf Ba- ker's gicup, was in charge of the programme. Mis. Frank Westilake Jr. gave cemments on the motte, "gifts without the giver are baie". Mis. Howard Millson sang a vocal solo-- 'The Bell5 cf Christmas". Miss Lena Taylor introduced the speaker of the evening, Mis. Fesse Van Nest cf Bowmanville. She gave a dlemonotration on the making cf Christmas decor- IjNewc John F. DeWith BEALTOR and GENERAL INSURANCE castie Phone 3341 M BOWMANVILLE IGA TOMS' IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ont.1 Newcastle, Ont, ýt . . Before Driving The average 140-lb. person 7should wait at least twc hours before driving after he bas con- srumed two alcobolic drinks, the Aicoboiism Research Foundation stated today. By two drinks the Foundation means two 1 'a-oz. shots of whiskey, gin or rum, or two 3-oz. drinks of sherry or port, or two 12-oz. bottles of beer, ail of wbiich are about equal in alco- bolic content. Rougbiy another two bours sobering up time shouid be add- ed for each additional drink afteî the second one. In other words, after three drinks, wait four hours before driving; afteî four drinks waît six hours; after five drinks, wait eight hours; and so on. These suggested safe waiting periods are based on the average time it takes to reduce bioodi alcohol levels to .03%, as com- puted from a formula developed some years ago by scientists as- socîated with the Alcobolism Research Foundation. Impair- ment of driving ability was sbown by recent R.C.M.P. tests to exist in some individuals with as littie as .03% blood alcohol, aitbough somewhat more than this was needed to impair niost of the drivers tested. People wbo are 25-30 lbs. lighter than the 140-lb. average should wait one hour more than the times given. People wbo are that much heavier could deduct one bour, provided their i weight is based on a correspond- ingly larger frame and not simp- ly on excess fat. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin beld a family gathering on Sat- urday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin and Car- ol, Mimico; Mr. anid Mrs. Fred Trewin and Eaîle Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright Mr. S. Post, Blackstock; Mr. anîd Mis. Fred Toms, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs.i C. E. Horn, Oshawa; Mr. an.d Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Haydon. Mi. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and family were with Mr. Ol- iver Beckett and Arvilla. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brock and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass and Ronnie, Bowman- ville, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright, weîe visitors on Sun- day with Mi. and Mis. P. Tre- sise, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Lead- beateir and boys visited their ladies was a small hat coveîed with pheasant feathers. Lunch was served by the group in the lower bail wbich was nîcely decorated for the occasion. The bells ring out a mes- sage of good cheer! Mar peace dweli in your heart and may every day ho merry as Christmast NEWCASTLE BLOCK CO. S. Biersteker B. DeBruin .3 ul ------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - id 1 m The Siaiesman Sold Ai Following Siores: Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany ,Jobnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle .». Brown, Newtonviile Porter's Gen. Store, Newtenville C. Petbick, Enniskiiien T. M. Siemon, Enniskiiien F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Truii's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blytb's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool i C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wrn. Turansky, Kendal Eenderson's Bock Store, Oshawa1 Heuse That Jack Bufit R.R& 4, Oshawa 0 0 0 - Bowmanville - Rlckaby's Ltd. - "'Blg 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Pearson's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovel Oke's Smoke Shop 'The Fiying Dutchman Wesseis Store Crystal Dairy -The Statesman Office Merry Christmas We'd like ta put our wishes for a icyful holiday in your stock- Ing! Cheerlest of Yule- tides, ailI QUINNEY'S Barber Shop Newcstl 1- * 1'. . .t~- - parents in Toronto on Satur- 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. RaIjh Vir. day. tue. Mr. John Griffin, Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry Robert were Sunday evening were Sunday callers at Mr. and callers at Mr. and Mis. Russell Mrs. Frak Dorland's, Bownian- Griffin's. ville. Sorry Mis. Dorland ha$ Miss Shirley Milis, R.N, since been taken te Oshawa Kingston, is home on h-" General Hospital. Her many M.r. and Mrs. Harold AverY, Enniskillen friend6 wish her a Ronnde and Sharon, UniDin- 2 speedy recovery. Norman Avery and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaugti- Salem; Mr. and Mis. Robert lin, Ralph and Brenda, were Wilson anid Brian, Oshawa, Saturday eveniing visitors at were visitors at Mr. and Mis. Mi;. and Mrs. Clarence Avery's. Clarence Avery's. The peopie of Enniskillen en- Mr. and M.rs. Wilbuî TOMS, jcyed the beautiful Christmnas Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Graham, Carols over the loud speaker were recent ddnner guests at at Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M%&. and M'rs. Fred Toms. Wearn's home on Sunday also Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Page, the Christmas lights of the vil- Peterborough; Miss Clara Page, lg d uht h hit Toronto; Mis. Howard Brad- ma e ad muh t teChrs ley, Maple Grove, were Sun- masfe tivite tMr.I day visitors with Mrs. Etta Stevens is improving nicely. Page. Mr. and Mis. Floyd Pethick and Robin, weîe with bis par- ents Mr. and Mis. S. R. Peth- ick. Mis. Lifla Flewelling, Mis. Jack Herod, Weston. spent Monday with the Griffin rela- tives. Miss Nancy Wood, Guelph, who visited her grandparents, the S. R. Pehticks on Saturday, ~ bas since left by plane at Mal-~ ton Airport to spend Xmas bol- idays with her parents, Mr. and Mis. J. L. Switzer, Gates Mils, Ohio. Mrs. Win. E. Reid, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms on Monday. Mi. and Mrs E. W. Begley, Carole and Bruce Begley, Bruce and Chester Milis, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and famlly, attended a family gathering at Mr. and Mvrs. Cecii Milis, MvIapie Grovei Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton, Linda and Gail, Mr. Keith Cryderman, were with Mrs. C. Cowie an'd Roy, Beaverton. Mr. Ptnd Mrs. Clifford Petb - ick, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mis. Floyd Petbick's, Toi- à JDYOUS CHRISIMASI onto. Last week Mi. and Mis. C. Pethick were visitors at Mis. John F'lemning's, Unrionville. H3ELEN'S Enniskillen correspon d e n t, wihe M.James, the Staff and GROCETERIA ail the readers of the paper a very Merry Cbristmas and Newcastle Happy New Year. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, PAGE w2m v

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