* '-~ V '1 -77 tVBUEBDAY, IDC. lit. blu MM CANADIAN UTATUBMAN, EOWMANV1LLE ONTANJO PAGE NINETEEN Public Warned A bout Door Canvassers * Cftlzens of tis area were f0- 1 wasn't even for sale.' She gaie day warned to be wary of door-1 the salesman 'kept insisting the to-door salesmen offering spe-l machine wasn't on the market, elàal 'bargains that expire that' but she could have one if si-i ivery- night. Residents were would signu p for the milk sup- urged to read ail offered sales ply. ,çontracts carefuily. 'It is what Si To Purchase I*1 the contract that rnatterw The family finaily si.gned ui ~ms nt watthesaes a s at $15 a month for 12 months ~irpromises.' plus $10 a month for the nexl * 'Many calîs caone fram womn- six manths, a total of $240. O1 onwho have slgned contracts that amocunt $180 buys the mix. ý1"fter being visited by fast-taik- ing machine and the rest gaee ing salesmen. They want t<> for milk powder. Anothez * now what to do. The best they hausewife, approached bym ;"4*n do is ta coak their husbands salesman for another companj *good dinn er and break the with a similar arrangem-ent, said Uws geltly. she could flot get out of the AnComplaints Iflerease contract even when she discov. Anincreasing number of ered her ohildren did not LikE oemplints are being filed with the milk powder drink. authomities by housewives as a In Toronto, the first Division îsult of a doar-to-doorf cam- Court threw out two attempte paign invalving the sale a6 milk by a milk powder distributing &Dwder and eiectric mixers. cornpany ta collect accountý Musewives charge that the fromn customers wha had a Ïcheme, which appears faim change of heart. The judgment W,ýhen explained by fast-talking noted that the salesnxan's real âalesmen, is far fmom satisfac- reasan in calling was flot te tiory. Sîmilar complaints are re- demionstrate powdered miii ported to have been filed in 1alonc, but ta effeet the sale of Toronto, Èàrrie and Southamp- a mixer. 'The defendant,a ton. woriçîng muan, was no match foi The houseïvives complain that the persuasive talk and pressure what purports ta be merely a saiesmanship,' the judge noted, demnonstrâtfon of a newr milk 'with the resuit the defendant pmoduct ends up with the sale signed a conditional sales con- of the powder and an expensive tract and a promissory note.' machine. One housewife said. Action Dismissed whe was comxitted for a year's supply of milk powder and a. Thie judge said lhe was dils- machine, costing $180. 'We are! missing the campany's actionr tsatisfied with the milk powder,1 since the ternis af the promis- but my husband and I now feel sOry note were inconsistent thé machine..is f ar too expen- with those of the sales cortract sivé,' she said. 'and at the time, Two Barrie residents registereâ the saiesman said the machine complants that the cost o! the BACKACH E Maey b.Warning Backache w ctes auedby Iazy Iidney action. W1 n eyagtout cf eider, exce a dda and wastes remain i dmite ali. Thon baclacho, di. turbed rosI or Ot tired-out and heavy. headed feeling may soon follow. Tbat's IIIÔ imne le ake Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dedd'a tinalate the kidneys Io normal action Thon you feel better-aleep btter-werk botter. Got Dodd's Kidney PUs now. 59 machine and powdered rnik with carrying charges, would meacis nearly $300. Two manufactumers of simil- ar mixing equipment said thse machines offered with the milk powder contract would retail at less than $50. One thought a similar machine might cost $30. One o! thse women said sise had not realized at tise time o! pur- chase that the machine was so costly since thse sales talk had centred an tise savings possible by cutting our dairy-baught, inilk. A Kitchener isousewife. told tise same tising said thse cinpari- sian was net fair since tise cost STfILL TIME! t. make your selection at Rickaby's "Big 20"1 from our large stock of Christmas gifts. English China - Spode - Royal Doulton -LACE TABLE CLOTHS BRIDGE SETS Fine qualiy Wallef s (Name or initiais ini gold free) AND -MANY OTHER LOVELY ARTICLES 1.TO0 CHOOSE FRON1. ONLY 7 DAYS MORE! Cornei today and brovyse around. d of reguler 23-oent milk was0 ecompared with the skim nulk 1 mad bythemachine. Skim 1.PT.S. e milk fromn dairies casts 17 cents LJ.I.J -a quart here. The housewife said the oddlGoH thing was that the machine was H p absolutely unnecessary ta o the milk powder suppIedby f The Hon. Minister of! ýs &LJii1UI addressed t r tario Trainiri a Rev. Ronald H. LoI conduc- B<>wman~ville yted the annual White Gi1t ser- eveming. AI dvice at Kediron on Sunday rSmn- school gathe: 'ing before a large congregation, luzn after dir e assisted by Sunday School su- rison, supei -perintendent Howard Farndale, TriinUg Sel who called thse classes, as the Wardrope. ri girls -and boys presented their Best wisl s white parcels in groups at thse Christmas a 9 altar. The Sccriptume was read Year were .s by Keith Tregunna. Michael Wardmope tc a Hurst read thse paemn, "If I Had niinded theux It Lived ini Bethlehem". Mrs. Rod- could bring igem Bishop told the stomy. ness because In addition ta the lighted et thse Traini k evemgreen tree at thse churoh béing a1ford afront, baskets o!f'Imums lent to start an rtheir beauty, in lavmng nmemory Mr. Wamdi eo! the late Harvey Orossman. tention ta tf 1, On behaîf o! the congregation the Ontario' tRev. R. H. Love expressed sym- Boys herej pathy ta the family o! the de- the large nu ceased. At thse time af his pass- lowed ta go ing, Mr. Crossman heid the of- Christmas1 fice of treasurer of Kedron Un- return to th *ited Church, as a member of This year ri thse Board af Stewards and was Training Sc -also a trustee o! the Church. ville are goir t Kedron friends and neighboms mas. About'4 attended tise memorial service Those who conducted by the Rev. R. H. mas at the Love on Wednesday. Mlany ones flot cli beautiful floral tributes also are recent Ibore testimony to the hîgis es- whose behaN teem held for the deceased. ranted leave * Kedron relatives, besides his Last yeam 21 wife, tise former Lauretta Nay- fer Ohristrni lom, include his sister, Mrs. Har- percentage i tvey Pascoe, and nepbews Grant but biseme Îi *and Douglas Pascoe. Pail-bear- number of bi ers for tise late Mr. Crossman Sehool. were friends tismougis the years., The boys Ross Lee, M. 1. Morgan, John durlng the Glovor, William Mountjoy, will en3oy a Clarence Werry and Harold December 21 Werry. In his home, his business thse Toronto of farming, comimunity life, in is ant annua] chureis, and aanong a wlde cir- be a speciai dle o! friends, tise memory of a for tisem on1 fine personality and a life well a progmam of lived, wull be long cherished. lias been arri Thse annual meeting o! Ke- daiys. dron SIna Scisool was held on Tlhursday evening, with Howard Farndale preslding for 1reports and discussions on cur-co ent business. Rev. R. H. Love presided for election of officers, ebOflZer1 on which thse report wil be !et for thcfi given upon affirmation of th<,se g at thse h10 chosen for office who wme not MeDolialci. P present at the meeting. Treas- Muir opened aier o! S. S., Alvin Spencer, a Christmas reported a satisfactory condition Minutes w~ financiaily, and stated that thse W. Brown ai use o! the duplex envelopes had man gave t] proven advantageous. A motiion port showing of appreciatian to aIl officers unîti Dec. ls and teachers was passed, to ex- took roll cal: [press tise gratitude of thase w*so Next meeti eacih Sunday benefit fromt the Sunday Scho interest and devotion given in upDper me this work of the ohuroh achool. Mms. A. Miii At thse weekend with ail out- Brown are in doors coated with dazzling sil- inivitations to, ver, and boughs and grasses attend; Mme.1 gracefuiiy cw-ved-beeatriheir 'Gay te asshg load of filigree and lace, cam- arrangemients ema enthusiasts were clicking A mieeting away i happy concentration yearly report along thse rural roads. Others, nesday, Dec. inclined ta active outidoor sports, thse presidenit 'dottcd the e ls and made paths Mrs. A. M through the unbroken white by Mrs. H. N carpet b~y the waodi. Nostalgie Hawke, prese, thoughs were amaused in many mas thoughuli at thse sight o! a cutter, horse- have thought dawn, ci.cling field with a God". tlvrs. E joily group abard; all tiis Christmasc within a mile of Kedmon Com- with a very1 nsunity Centre. The everI mb- irs. H. si ent fly in thse ointment was for thse Nô-i] provided by hydro failures, off The following in some areas for somne hours, WMa<>td -and telephone troubles as lines Wilfred Bm gave way beneatis the wei(iit deuit, Miss Ar of ice. Mis. Charlie 0 JLM1U A man who lhan reformed Il himnseli has conributed his ful ""BIGy____ ahare towards tihe reformnatio n of his neighbor.-Norman Dovug- For a S uccessf u Christmas Menu use DELICIQUS WHIPPING PRESN DAILY PROM DRIVER C MLF OR AT DAJIT FIT GLEN RAE PHONE MA 3-54 98 King St. W. DAIRY a-.- - i. formChitianLO ICorrespondii% 'Alex Muir. Secretary fi wardship, 1M Secretamy for endtsip,bMme. cmetaxy for Emnie Geiarin4 Supply, àMiss Mvme. Sweetil of appoeeciatio for hcr leadie Mlary for thse Meeting cloe giving tiseir money to ti work in Oshe donated. Mm MmeS. Niohols Chsristmas lur tests were onj Ebeisezer Ex Courtice Expli C.G.I.T. Cand] Courtice Chus ening. Whsite Gift semved atf Chumch on S Superinitendeni Tink conducte4 sisted by IV end Mrs. A. gave tise storý ley preaehed sermon and thi cial numbers,]ý Mis. Wes Dow] Pay Osborne sE arrangement c BUR] Boys orne hristmas George Wardrope, Reform, Institutions, se lads at tise On- Ig Sehool for Boys, e, on Wednesday Il tise boys in tise ered in the auditor- m er, and John Mur- rintendent of the -ool. intmoduced Mr. ;hes for a Memry and a Happy New îextended by Mr. >o tise boys. He me- i that the New Year gthem, truc happi- ethroug tiseir stay ing Sehool they are Led tise opportunity new life. rope aiso drew at- the proud record of Training Scisoal for in connection witis umbems annually al- )home ta spenc tise holidays, and who se scisool wiilingly. S180 boys !mom the ,hoo1 in Bowman. ing home for Christ- 45 boys wiil remamn. wili spend Christ- school are either1 igible because they arrivais, or boys rieur has nat war- ebeîng given them. 12 boys went home ms. This year tise is about tise same, -s a smaller total boys at tise Tmainingý who remnain there Christmas season Christmas Pamty on Ist ta be given by ,Rotary Club. This Levent. There will 1 Christmas binnem December 25th, and )f sports and parties ranged for tise holi- JRTICE Evcning Auxiliary îr Christmais meet- ome o! Mme. Anigus ?resident Mrs. Alex 1tise meeting with. thought. rere read hy Mrs. 'id [Un. H. Swoet- lhe tmeasurer's re- g$202.50 raised up st.. blre. E Gearing il. iol room when a îng wiil be held. ir andi Mis. W. acharge o! seniding [aal new ladies ta H. Gay, 'Miss Jean sand progmra. te filR out the ts ta be on Wed- 9, at tise home o! leDonaild, assisted uichols and Mme. R. ented sanie Christ- Ls an "Whso could to! Miristimas, but Iamry Gay gave a lievational closing beautiful stomy. Weetman repomted inating Committec. g late of officeme 1;President, Mme. own; Vice. Presi- rii Hoit; Seeretary, SElliott; Secmetary iCitizenship ansd 9 Secretary, Mme. for Christian Ste- dm. Harry Gay; rCommunity Pmi- Rass Hawke; Se- Literatume, Mme. ig; Secretary for Jean Gay. ,an moved a vote on teaNMme. Muir reship o! thse Aux- Spast two years. sPed with thse girls special gifts of ie Cemebral Palsy ewa; $12.50.. was s. McDoniald. and served a special ncia and two con- ijoyed. Kplomers joined tise amrers at a specual lelight service a-t ceh on S'unday ev- Service was oh- Ebenezer Unitedi Sunday momning. it Mr. Water ed thse service as- ,M. Garnet Tubis McDonald who ry. Mr. R. Cross- a vpmv fittinq Le choir sang spe- M"lr. Lloyd Down, 7n and Mrs. Mur- 5ang a special tria of Sulent Night. KETON Don't forget our White Gift Service on. Sunday morning at il a.m., December 20th. This will be a combined service. Sympathy ig extended te tise re- latives and friends in tise pass- ing o! Mr. Cyrus Trick in Syracuse, and the pagsing o! Mm. Robert HlulI in Uxbridge. The oommunity extends deepest syni- pathy. A baby shower was held at tie hanse of Mme. Ruths McCullough lait Monday evening, December 7th, in the honaur o! Mme. Lor- raine Vickemy. Eighteen ladies were present for tise occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Kesusetit Larmer, Peterborough, Mr. and Mss. Ed- ward MeMahon and famuly, Blackstack. we-re Strday gue-7ts o! Mmr. and Mmer. Harold Larmes. Memue.james and George Smellie, Toronto, were recent guests o! Mr. and Mme. Earl Oliver and family. Mr. Allan Larmer, Toronto, spent tise weekend with hie par- ents, Mr. and Mme. Harold Lar- mer. GIad ta report that Mm. Thsomas Hodge is feeling inucis improved aftem his ecent illness. Mr. and Mre. R. T. Harvey and famiy were weekend guests af Mm. and Mme. J. A. Turnbull and family. Sommy ta report that Mrs. B. Hubbamd is under the doctor's came. Mme. E. M. Adams je împmoving after hem ecent accident. Miss Patsy Gibbs, Tymane, spent the weekend with Miss Carat Abbott. Mrs. Celina Lavery spent a few days with Mr. Thomas Trick and Mme. Esther Carnochan. Mm. and Mrs. Nieuwland, Whit- by, Mr. G. Bick, Whitby, Mm. and Mrs. Peter Duivesteyn and family weme Sunday guests of Mm. and Mrm. Jasper Vendenisof, and Mm. and Mrs. W. Vandemley and fam- ily. Mr. and Mis. Charles Walmsley adfamily, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mîr. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey and family. Mr. anid Mrs. Albert Adams and family, Bowmanville, were, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mme. E. M. Adams. Congratulations ta Miss Jeanne Coulter, a former teacher here., who was recently awarded thse Royal Conservatory of Music Silver Medal for tise highest mark in Ontario in Grade IX Singing examinations in 1959. Miss Cou Item attended a recital an December 2nd by senior stuci- ente of thse Conservatory in thse Concert Hall, following which the, Presentation of the Medalà was made ta tise highest reaching can- didate in eacis examination in Piano, Singing, Organ, Violin and Elocution. As well as Miss Coul- tem's mark being thse highest in in the Province, it was also tise highest in Eastern Canada, for which she was, a few weeks ago, awamded tise Frederick Hari Scholarship of $50.00. FOR EXTfRA HOLIDAY FUN PLAN à CHRISTMAS £IVE a Kodak Camera TAKE Hol1iday Pictures PROWINE CZ~nt 1efloutLCAMERA Electric eye ma/ces 'yoïr settings 1or you 1 'At fast you cohave a complet. fy automatic movie camera with electric-eye exposure contrai - et on amozingly Iow pricel No settings ta make - you just aint und shoot in sun or shade even indoors with photofiood i famps. The electric eye sets the exposure automaticolly. Ras fatJ *12.3 Ions, easy loadiog. Us à 'thrifty 8nim film. $89.50 friake ... show ... KODAK 1"1 CAMERA OUTFIT tverything needed for color-stide enjoymerns FAmazingiy low.cost cotor.slîde outfit featuring the Kodakr Pan? Il-Kodak's easiest-to-use min;. ature camera. Also includes unique new Kodak Pocket Flash.. older, fiashbulbs, batteries, slide viewer, and a 20-exposure roll of wonderful Iodachrone FiInp for color.slide moking. A tree, $47.50 SMAT Gift PACKAGE -NE WTON VILLE Supplies, Mrs. Arnold Wade. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. R. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Elliott have sold their farmn and moved back to Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams of Toronto spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. They also visited her father Mr. Reichbrath who is improving in Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanville. Mr. Melville Cox of North Bay spent the weekerd wîth his father, Mr. Wilfred Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Middle- ton have moved to Oshawa. .Mrs. Sid Stacey underwent a minor aperation at Mernorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Tues- day. Mrs. Frank Millican, teacher in The Decexnber meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Wade on December 2nd. The Wor- ship Service was in charge of Mrs. Sid Lancaster. It was decided to send a Christ- mas card with a one dollar bill inside to Bobby Falls. Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Mrs. Arnold Wade were named a com- mittee to look after bale. Rev. Mr. White then took the chair for the election of next year's officers: Hon. President, Mrs. Cecil Burley; President, Mrs. S. 3. Lancaster; lst Vice- President, Mrs. R. C. White; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Roy Best; Secretary, Mrs. Arnold Wade; Treasurer, Mrs. George MeCul- lough. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Cecil'Robinson; Christian Citizen- ship, Mrs. Edith Pearce; Com- munity Friendship, Mrs. G. W. Jones; Associate Members, Mrs. Roy fleçt; Missionary Monthly and World Friends, Mrs. Pearce; Baby Band & Cradie Roll, Mrs. Kimbali and Mrs. Bruce; Litera- ture, Mrs. R. C. White; Press Secretary, Mrs. G. W. Jones; THE CHTRISTMAS STAR I've tried f0 catch a. vision, 0f those ages long gone by, Before the Christmas Star glow- ed bright And radiance filled the sky. 1-Iow- cold and distant must have been, Those night skies long ago. No wondrous Star of hope ib lead The myriad souls below. ]But with the coming of the Star Which told our Saviour's birth. The angels sang -.all heaven urejoiced As joy came down -to earth. "Peace and goodwfll," the aii- gels sang Trhe night the wondrous Gif t was given, Okh! neyer may thcir mnu.,ic cease But echo back the strains to Heaven. -M-ari orie Cunningham our senior rooni, is on the sick list. Mrs. Ross Brown is relieving. Miss Audrey Monk of Toronto was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caswell. Saturday night's ice storit proved to be one of the worst ex- perienced in these parts in a long ture. Pales and wires were dowîi, disrupting telephone and hydro service. There was no church ser-vice and no Sunday School as the power was off. Sanie were with- out light or heat front 6.30 p.m. Satumday until 11.30 a.nî. Sunday. Sunday forenoon neighibours were calling back and forth try- ing f0 look after those who had n means of getting anything hot te est or drink. 1Ithink you'II really go for my Special this week SNOW TIRES SUBURBANITE RETREADS as low as s13.95 ea. MA 3-3231 Bowmanville -h Send her your love with. YAR DLEY RED ROSES TALC POWDER and SOAP $2 Aire aviiable in Lotus, Laveder and Freesaa. Just ow of the snan4 Yardletj Gi! t SeÎs a! Send himt tour good wishes wilh this good grooming gift YARFZD LE V Ckristwm-packafled e AFTER SHAVING LOTION a INVISIBLEJ TALC Closed Christmas Ev., 6 p.rn. I t cf te lte Il MDV' Lw i L 16%0 4'THE REXALL STORE" 15 King Si. W. Downanville X-A 3-5778 LINENS witb Class "A" Trade Cars love Sheil, you'II love Sheil Servicea Frank's Garage HL and Service Station e Your SHELL Dealer DEALER I Bepairs - Tune-up - Lubrication IMEUL PRODUCIS z z- r n r r r Plum Pudding-this beightoold leuf gift contains a wonderfui Blue Grass or Jun. Geranlum bath soup. $1.00 Fracront Pebble Bath SaIs te soften and perfume the water for her bath. )une G.ranium. tiIacd Pine.. , $200 CREAM m ÉVUIm 72 Seugog St