Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 18

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c- PAGE EIGHErEN TER CANADIAN STATESUMN. OWMANVILL.ONTAMOU 'r' L~UL1~.L1ftZ, flUV. irna, 1958 7F0 al ~ . 1 m LUs W'YLIE-Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wylie (nee Louise Cox) Lon- don, Ont, are happy to announce the arrivai cf their chosen daughter, Adrienne Louise, a baby sister for Brock. 47-1' Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coutts, R1axpton, are happy to announce the engagement of their daught- er Isabella Margaret, to James Richard Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell cf Bowman- ville. The wedding wifl take place at Hampton United Church on November 28 at 3 o'clock. 47-1 Deaths BROOME, Susan-At bbc Hos- pitl for Sick Children, Toronto, on Thursday, November l2th, 1959, Susan Broome, beloved daughter cf John\ and the late Eva Ruth Broome, age 10 yearg. Private funeral service was held at Northcutt & Smith Funemal Home, on Friday, November 13th at 3 p.m. Intenment Zion Cemetery. 47-1 CURRAN, James-At Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tues- day, November l7th, 1959, James Curran, beloved husband of tbc late Lottie Curan, in bis 82nd year. Resting at Nothcutt & Smith Funoral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville, until Fniday, November 2th thon te United Church, Burketon, for service at 2:30 p.m. Intemment St. John's Anglican Coem et er y, Blackstock. 47-1 HUMPAG-In St. Catharines, on Sunday, Novembor 15, 1959,. George William Humpago, in bis 83md year, dean husband of Alice Mary Humpage and fath- er o! Domothy (Mrs. C. Weber), Arthur cf Kitchener and George cf St. Catharines. Funeral serv- ice was held i St. Catharines on Wednesday, November l8th. Interment St. Catharines. 47-1' In Memnoriaim BLUNT-In loving memory cf a dean wife and mother, Joan, who died on November 17, 1957. ]Deep in thé heant lies a picture Of a loved one laid ta rosI, In memory's franc we shal keop il Because she was anc cf bbc bost. -Ever remombcred by Frank and Jimmy. 47-1' DAVEY-In loving memory cf William Raymond Davey who passcd away November 7th, 1957.1 -Ever remembened by wife Bolva and family. 47-11 McGIL-In loving momory of xny parents, Mr. and NMrs. Chas. McGill. They are gene but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year While they be in peaceful sleep Their momory I shahl always1 kcep. -Daughter Mildred. 47-1' McLAUGHLIN-In memory o! a dear husband and father, William McLaughlin, who died November 2Otb, 1956. There's a sad, but sweet remembrance, Thero's a memomy fond and truc. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 47-1* Arlicles 101 baie 1 LADY'S grey fur coat. MArket 3-3061. 47-1 i3-PIECE bedroom suite, baby's tcrib. MA 3-5833. 47-1 SPACE heater, used ane season. Phone 13 r 24 Clarke. 47-1 THREE-piece girls' hat and coat set, size 4. MA 3-5642. 47-1 BABY carrnage, gcod condition, $20. Phone MA 3-3753. 47-i ELECTRIC water tank, i good condition. Phone MA 3-3055. 47-1' COLEMAN space heater, $30; four or five room size. MArket 3-2110. 47-1 ONE Findlay cook stove, one Findlay heater. Phone COlfax 3-2435. 47-1* ONE or 11k-ton truck hoist. Harry Vandcer Belt Jr., Phone MýA 3-5026. 47-1 39-INCI- single steel bcd and springs. Good condition. MA 3-3697. 47-1* WATER for sale. Deivered. Phone Cliff Pethlck, COlfax 3-2131. 36-tf CHESTERFIELD, $5.00; baby's blue bunting bag, $2.50. Phone MA 3-5968. 47-1 GIRL'S Sampson figure skates, size 7, like new, reasonable. MA 3-3545. 47-i HARDWOOD and llght wood in stove lengths, $10 per load. Phone COlfax 3-2275. 45-tf MIXED Hardwood, $35 a load, 2 cords, resawed. J. A. Car- scaddon, Phone Orono 35 R 9. 45-9* KEYS cut automaticafly, whilc you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf FOR the besfr in toys at the very best price - Sec Bowmanville Gift & Toy, 15 Tomperance St. South. 47-1 IWATER, hard and soft, 4eliver- e d. Prompt service. Robert H. C ale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf BOY'S skates, size 6½/, used one season; lady's winter coat, size 18, excellent condition. MA 3-5080. 47-1 THREE-picce chosterfield suite, Westinghouse refrigerator, buf- fet, woodon con,%bination door. Phone MA 3-2198. 47-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service te electrical appliances, large and small. Lander liard- I ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf SAEo1um .dretfa mill te you. Phulips Lumber Ce, Kinmount, Ontario. Phonol INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Worlmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade.' Phono Carke 2420. 39-tf APPLES for sale. Spy, De- licious, fancy grade, $1.50 bush- el. Sweet apple cider, 60c gai. For free delivery Phone 2237 Orono. Albert Pas. 47-1 RHEUMATIC Pain? If you suf-1 fer from backaches, lumbago,9 sciatica, try Rumacaps today te holp bring you prompt relief. Druggists evorywhcre. 47-1 Coming Events CARROTS for sale, 50c per Dance aI Tymone Hall, Satur- Eymann, ý il~e bselR. NW. day, Nov. 2hst. Pontypool Omch- ails' Garage, Courtice, go notb estra. Admission 75c. 47-1* te first corner. (Famm). 47-tf WORK boots and shees aI bar- Don'l- ferget Trinity Faîl Faim, gain priccŽs, -bmown and black, Fiday, November 20 aI 2 p.n. j all sizes. Bowmanville Shoe Re- Gene and bring Your friends. pair, 80 King St. W., Bowman- 45-3 ville. East o! Bowmanvilie St. Andmew's bazaar, Fiday, C--er.42I Nov. 27th, 3 te 6 p.m. Plai ndtHERNG aid service. Testing fancy sewing, home baking, scrvice and complote stock cf parcel post, aftcmnoon tea. batteries and cords aI Higgen 46-2 Eiectmic Limîted, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA Junior Fammers' Dances, New 3-3305. 7-tf casîle Hall, Fmi., Nov. 20, 9:30 te 12:30; Saturday, Decr. 5. Jim,, DO your own faonrs and rugs- Fisbem's Orchestra. Everyone Rent a sander, floor polisher or welcone. Admission, $1.00 per ýrug cleaner (sliampoe niethod) persan. 47-1i fron Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvllle. Phono Hamupton United C h u n c h i MA 3-5774. 20-tf JDoication Seér-vice cf-Ncèw Christian Education Contre, Sunday, November 29tb, 2:30i m.. Special speaker, Rev. E. JKersey, Tarante. 47-i Wocdview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door rizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., icd Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Hockey Mothers will mccl at the Lions Centre on Tuesday, Novembcn 24th at 2 o'clock. If ,vou have a son playing hockey in the Recroation Dept. Town League you are cordialiy invît- ed te attend this meeting. 47-1 The annual' meeting and banquet of Durham County Fed- cration of Agriculture will be held in Cavan Hall on Satur- day, -Nov. 28th at 12:00 neen. Guest speaker, Rev. V. E. R. Zufelt of Omlemee. Door pnize. Tickets $1.50, frein any director. 46-3 Cartwright High School Com- mnencement Exorcises will be held i the Community Hall in Blackstock, Friday, November 27, 8:30 p.m. The pnogram wil include the awarding cf certif- Icates, poficiency prizes and field day prizes. Girls' Choir, boys' gmasisand etone-act Ob RowTn repoW. 47-2 AFRICAN violets; large ivys; Coleus; Rose begonias, five col-1 ours; babies tears; philodendron; nephthytis; ferns; other vanieties tee numerous te mention. 25c up. Mrs. Abrams, 26 Division St., MA 3-2843. 47-2 FOUR-bumner gas steve, Frigi- daire refrigerator, Singer treadle scwing machine, 21" television, liquor cabinet, eyclopedia set, mantel radio, car radie and vacuum cleaner at Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King St. W., MA 3-7231. 47-1 GET the jump on old man wint- or! Sec us for froc estimates on "'Cahayes" Aluminum Doors and Windows. You will be amazed how economical thoy are from Cowan Equipment Ce., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, or Phono MA 3-5689. 40-tf Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telephone MvArket 3-3900. 38-tf iirucles for :ie EASY washer, good condition. MA 3-2108. 47-1 CHRISTMAUS trees, approxim- ately 2,000, standing. Mrs. Jean Curtis, Kendal, 6 R 4 Orono. 46-2 IVORY enamel Bake-Rite kitch- en range, complete with two où burners. Phone CO 3-2475. 47-1 IMPORTED. English r a neh house Tweed rugs, 6 x 9, $39; tri-lite lamps, $14.95; hassocks, $3.25; Arbonite coffee tables. $9.95. Trade-in rangette, closed elementa, $19.50. Murphy Furn- iture, King W., MA 3-3781. 47-1' LOO 0K 401 TOWER INSTALLATION WITH ALL CHANNEL AERIAL INSTALLED 69.50 No Guy WIres AU Wclded Construction SCail MA 3-2312 HARRY LOCKE MAPLE GROVE TV SERVICE 47-2 Cars for SaIe 1952.PONTIAC, 4-door, good runnlng condition. MA 3-2108. 47-1 1950 PONTIAC motor, trans- mission and rad. CO 3-2462. 47-1* '51 FORD haif-ton pick-up. 206 lKing E., Bowmanvllle. Sce any time after 5 p.m. 47-1' 1939 PONTIAC in goed con- dition, $45.00. Apply Momn Whyte's, Bowmanville. 47-1* '59 METEOR, four-door, deluxe trim, windshield washers. Im- maculate. Phone MA 3-7283. 47-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months te pay. For porsonal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RIA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Livestock for Sale 34 WEANED pigs. E. R. Knowl- 'on, CO 3-2687. 47-1* TWENTY pigs, 6 weeks aId. Phone CO 3-2459. 47-1 PIGS and baled stmaw. Austin Wood, MA 3-2388. 47-1' PUREBRED Holstein heifer, fre-h Dec. 1. Herd accredited! and lisîcd. Fred R. Stevens. 47-1' TWO Jersey beifers due ta freshen soon; 1 Jersey heifer (open), 10 months old, vaccinal- cd and fron Brucellosis froc hêmd. G. E. Robinson, Janet- ville, Ont. 47-1 Wanted to Buy ALL kinds of live poultry wantod. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, scwing machines, etc. Aisoselo and cxchange. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-7231i. 42-tf HIGHEST pricos pald for live peirgoose feathers, teather tnicks,rscrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf A 100-150 acre farm with bush. Buildings net important. Around 20 miles Bowmanvjlle. Write Advertisor 1003, c/o The Canad- ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 47-1 PIANO TUNING AND ALL REPAIES 'Froc Estimates * Guaranteed Workmansblp MA 3-5674 AMBROSE ENGLI Tuner for Toronto Consrvatory of Mi-ci U8-41 w oric w anteat 1 ielp w antea FOR custom chain saw work BABYSITTER, fron 12:30 until Phono CO 3-2414. 47-2' 6 p.m., 5 days week. Call MA 3-3608.47f HOUSEWORK wantod, two days woekly. MA 3-5642. 47-1 1WANTED-Woman for generai rAnn.n housework. Tolephone MlAketý CARPENTER wonk and ropairs.1 3-3144 47-lf Free estimate. 3U 3-5212 47-1 RELIABLE womnan wants babyý sitting day or evening. Phone MA 3-5077. 4M~ PLUMBING, heating caves- troughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf INSTRUCTORS for figure skat- ing at Newcastle Arena. Apply te, Mrs. Brenton Rlckard, New- castle 3936. 47-1 STENOGRAPHER - Bookkeeper for local retail store, shorthand not necessary. Apply to Adver- tiser 1002, c/o The Canadian Statesman. P.O. Box 190, Bow- FOR chimney work, new or1 manville. 47-i- repair or any brick, block or - concrete work. P.O..Box 1083. RELIABLE girl for domesticI Call L. Turner, Phono MA position in Oshawa. Live in, 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf private roin and washroom; WHITEWASHING and dsn 1001, c/o The Canadian States- fecting stables, ec reestîn- man, P.O. Box 190, Bcwman- ates, aIl work guaranteed. Tele- ville. 47-2 C h e Cark 471. ert .Lomp-1 'aNewtonvffle. 36-tf Anger Construction CO. LTD. Chlrnneys Rebulit and Repairedi Brick - Concrete - Carpentry Phone Roy Anger MA 3-2273 33-tf PHONE MA 3-2253 WHEELOCK TILING FLOOR » WALL - CEJ.ING Cali after 5 p.m. 47-11j Plastering Repairs 1QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORKI R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-503d' 16-t! KEITH DAVEY Livestock Shippers AND GENERAL TRANSPORT DEALER Wanted: 170 farm- home necessities - medlcines,l vitamins, spices, foods, etc., well known in every county. For particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept.\JK-l40-142, 4005 Richelieu, Montréal. 47-1 ATTENTION! Make more money than you thought possible with a saleable lino like Familex. 250 guarantecd household and farm necessities - a large assort- ment of Gift Boxes - smart salesmen are going after this tremendous business. Want to go ahead? Want te earn high commission and bonus? Wrant toi succeed? Write te Famii1ex,1 Dept. R. 3, 1600 Delorimier,l Montreal. 47-i1 Needed Immediaiely FOUR LADIES with Ambition to Earn Money GOOD INCOME Part-time openings in Townships of Manvers, Clarke and Hope Write today to Miss K. MacKean 528 Gilmour St. Peterborough or Phone RI 3-4006 47-i Phone CO 3-2639 $18,000 IS NOTTH JTOO MUCH FORTH 46-26* MAN WE WAN4T Because we pay our top moni ANTENNAE other cities fron $14,000 te $24,000 in a year, Ibis oponing Instaled Repared in bbc Bowmanville amea is Insflled - Reaire womtb just as mucb te, the right Movedi If you are bctween 45 and 651 PHONE COLLECT RA 5-84 can niake short auto trips- 46t can call on small town rural and 46t.industrial prepemty owners... I hope te hear fron you righi S ave Money at away. I would like te have you satwitb us soonan stay for FAST, PROMPT SERVICE A. L. CANNING, President 26 Ontarlo St., Bowmanvile Texas Refinery Corp. 1-G 711, Fort Worth, 1. Texas CORNER KING and ONTARIO1 47-1 24-tI PLUMBING - HËATING .I 1,4 i once ..dt1ure ito EAVESTROUGHING In the Estate of ROSS ED- TONY BAARS WARD HENNING, eceased. MorSan Paerati, Mrrionaain st e sta c oss Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - 011, ward Henning, laIe cf tbe Town 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127! o! Bowmanville in the Ceunty BOWMANVILLE ( of Durham, deceased, who died 20-tf ion on about bbe 22nd day o! May, 1958, are hereby notified ~~"~" Tv ite send in te Strike & Stnike, OSHA A TV Solicitors for the Administraton, TELE VISION AERIAL SALES B1owmanville, Ontario, on or1 before thc IsI day o! December, INSTALLATION and REPAIRSý 1959 , full particulars cf theirj Phoneo1 daims. Bowmanvlel, Oshawa Imnediately a! 1er the said MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180, ist day o! December, 1959, the BILL AND BOB LEASK assets o! bbc Testator will be 39-tf distributed amongst the parties i entitled thereto, having regard 'T'TTlT~C'only te dlaims o! wbich the said HAVE TUBES isolicitors for the Adrninistratom ohl hn bave notice. WILL TRAVEL' shlT4lD at Bowmanville, On- tarie, Ibis lltb day of Novem- TED'S RADIO & ber, 1959. TELEVISION SERVICE Strike & Strike, Phono MA 3-5234 Solicitors for Harold Henning, Guaranteed Work at Administrator. at Reasonable Rates, 1 Notice to Creditors Repatirs 7- In the Estt ! MB RADIO and television repairs. MAY AGELLf cAse.LPrompt service. Pick-up and MAYBAGELL Deeasd.. delivemy. George's, 85 Kn St. All persens baving lis Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf- against the estale cf Kate Mabel,______-________ May Bagnell, hale o! the Town1 GUARANTEED television and o! Bowmanville in the Counity radio service, te ahl makes. o! Durham, deceased, who died Same day service. Television on or about bbc 81b day qf Service Ce. Phono MA 3-3883. October, 1959, are hereby noti- 4-f1 fied te send ta Stnike & Strike,49t the solicitors for the Executor, REPAIRS and rewinding, ar- Bowmanville, Ontario, on om be- attires turned, te aUl makes cf fore tbc lst day of December, electnie motors. Higgon Elec- 1959, full partîculars o! thour tric, 38 King East, Phono MA dlaim.. 3-3305. 7-tf Imnediately aflen the saîd lst day o! December, 1959, bbcEAISt llmks fsw assoIs cf the tostatnix wilh Oe ing machines. Froc pickup and disîibuted amongst bhc parties delivery. Lavcrty's Bargain ontithed thereto, having regard!Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA only te dcaims o! wbicb the said 3-7231. 44-t! solicitors for the execulor shall thon have notice. REPAIRS te ail makes o! ne- DATED at Bowmanville, On-, frigomatons, domestic and coin- tarie, Ibis 1Oth day of Novon- morcial; mihking coones. Hig- ber, 1959. gon Electrie Limited, 38 1in Strike & Strike, jSt. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-t Soicitor for Donald Edward Saunders, Pets for Sale Executor.1 46-3; FREE-Four half-grown ittens. Phono CO 3-2311. 47-i Peso alPURE Germ-an Shepherd pup- WHY Feel Old? Ostrex Tonic pies. Female, $15; maie, $25. Tablets help thousands o! men, Apply 25 Fairbanks St., Oshawa, women past 40 feel ycunger. Phn«A549.4- Qnly69c At47-1 Business Qptunity CHESTERPIELD-S and odd, CHINCHILLAS - You make1 chairs re-upbolstered ta look money raising Chinchillas (tbey 1 botter than new. Go where you are nal rabbita). Strong do-Ià get the best for lpetq lFor fret mestic and exnort aket. 5 F-or tient MODERN apartment, central lo- cation. MA 3-5784. 47-1*1 $50 MONTHI, 4-rooM apartment. Reail Estate for Sale 1)Real Estate for Sa e TWO acres cf land on the paved road in Courtice. Phone RA 8-0194. 45-4 1 entral location. MA -3-3394. j Mc ua-ad-id YOUNG lady te share apart-I REALTORS ment Phoe M 3-703 aterMembers cf Oshawa and tilstr1ct mentP. Phno A47-23aferReal Estate Board - Trout stream with 20 acres 1FARM bouse for nent with hydre land, near. Bowmanville. $3,000 and bathroom. Phono COlfax jwxth $ 1,000 down. 3-2615. 46-2' 125 acre stock farm, excellent buildings, only $175 pen acre TWO-bedroom apartment, child-? with low down payment. non welcome. Private entrance.! Sun-n-nomreoet on Rice Lake, MA 3-5798. 47-1 fully equipped. Only $15,000 SIX-reomed bouse, cil heated, il prce. 2-storey home in attachcd garage. Phono MArket Orono. Only $1,500 down. 3-3050 after 5 p.n. 47-11 *-Bedroom brick bungalow !wit attached garage. This is -IVE-noon bhouse, near Maple e,,e of Bowmanville's botter « hmes, acreages and busînessos. FIVE rooms and bath, bot water WALTER FRANK heat. Adults preferred; % mile 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 west o! tewn limita. Fred R. Bowmanville Stevens. 47-1' 47-i COMFORTABLE living accom- Chre-. modation for nurse -or teacher. Charles lRankine Available Jan. 1, 1960. MArket REAL ESTATE BROKER 3-5126. 47-1 Opportunity for investor orý APARTMENT in Victor Manor, bandyînan. This throe-storey; King St. W. Available im-isolid brick in top condition bas mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, five now apartments, ah wîtb MA 3-7035. 43-tf, soparate bathmoom, ah occupied. Central laundry. Room for five STORE, in the Knigbt Block, more apartmonts. Home is an King St. East. Available Dec. opp)ortunity te make yeurself lst. Apply te Mrs. WesKngt independent for life. Other tre- Phono MA 3-5448.4-t mendous potential involved, - Iwhicb will be discloscd te inter- HEATED apartmont, 3 ooms, 'ested prospects. Terms and kitchenette and bathroom, elcc-; price arranged. tric washem and dmyem, $60-00-1 Two N.H.A. resale bungalows. Phono MA 3-5996. 47-tf ýLow interest and low carrying AVAILAB -E Novembe 1 . t 'charges. Substantial down pay- AVAIABLE Noveber Stment moquired. five-roon office, 2nd floor, main street. S. R. James, 24 King;:2Zrilng St.W. Bowmanville East, Bowmanville. 44-tf MA 3-2453 THREE roonis, unfumnisbed, or $50.00 a month, at four corners,. Saiesman - Clarence Soper Bowmanville. Apply 23 Temp- MA 3-2246 oranco, Apartmont 5. 44-tf d7-1 FIVE-roen apartment, garage, rTnx l hot wator, fumnace, in village on paved road close te Oshawa. Sool across road. CO 3-2394. 1 47-i FURNISHED bcd sitting roin and kitchenette, available un- mediately. Apply 72 Scugog St., or Phono MA 3-3231 in the evenmng. 47-1 FRONT heatcd apartmont, first floor, 3 rooms and separate bath. Hcavy wiring. Self-con- tainod. Centrally iccated. MA 3-5416. 47-i UPSTAIRS heated apartmont, threo rooms, bath, kitchenette. Washcr service. Apply 90 Qucen St., Apt. 3. Phone MA I 3-ý5277. 47-tf SIX-room franc house in New- tonville, centrally located. Im- mediato ,possession. Contact Striko & Strike, Barnisters, Bow- manville. 47-1* APARTMENT - available Nov. 23; hoated; steve and réfriger- ator supplied at Kingsway Apts. Apply N. J. Scott. Telephene MA 3-3345. 46-3 THREE-bedroom brick house, ail heat, garage, central. Furn- ishod or unfurnished. Immed- iate possession. Would seil. Phono MA 3-3098. 47-1' ONE three-roomed and one 4- roemed heated, unfurnished apartnonts on King St. E. Avail- able imnediately. Phono Osha- wa RA 5-6133. 47-i1 THREE-room unfurnished heat- ed apartment with privato- trance, ail modemn convenience's, 3-piece bath, large kitchen with dinette, nicely deceratedur tains and floor ceverings. :Avail- able about Nov. 20. Quiet, pniv- ate home. - Adults only. 58 Hunt, St., Bownanville. MA 3-3807.1 47-1* Auction Sales 'Due te adverse weathcr con- ditions the auction sale o! Mr. Omer Van Leame had te be pest- poned te Saturday, Nov. 21st. This sale of new and almost now furniture wiil be hold in the Orange Hall, Pontypool. Ted Spencely, clerk; R. J. Payne, auctioncer. 47-1 The undorsigned auctioneer will soUl by public auctien on Saturday, November 2lst for the Public Trustees, the chattels cf Paul Zanolynski, 237 Simpson Avenue, Bewmanville, his heuse- hoid effects, seme implements, large quantity of apple barrels and numerous articles. Torms cash. Sale at 1:30 pan. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 47-1 Bailiff auction sale cf used trucks, by virtue cf Chattel Mortgage Warrant wull be cf- fered fer sale by public auetion at the residenceocf Bill Stack, Lot 1, Cen. 5, East Whitby, 5 miles nerth-east cf- Oshawa, on Saturday, November 21, 1959: Three 1958 Bedford panel trucks, three 1953 Chevrolet panel trucks, one 1953 G.M.C. panel truck, one 1955 G.M.C. panel truck, one 1955 Cbev. panel truck, one 1951 G.M.C. stake truck, anc 1947 Dodge car, anc 1952 Chev. panel truck. Terms cash. Sale at 10 a.m. Bul Stack, licensed and bonded, Bailiff. Ted Jackson, Auction- cor. 47-1' Personcd 1 1GE 1C uppiles - (Rubber goods) niailed postpaldi n plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six immorles 25. 24Oa .ohrlf. estimate, - - ~j.. tStoehoseChinc hilla, 100 i~j~iOrderDc1T2 frocpcku~ nd IdintonAve, Toronto 12, On- .j ube Co. Box .H- Oa=onwa. 44-101 aeoll. 0" 1 CpI.gJ. JluVVUJ REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSCRANCE 99 King St. E. flowmanville Toiephone'MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesuxan - J. A. Barbon MA 3-3098 Lavely 6 room bungalow on a beautifully landscapcd lot close te school. Hot water heating. Some hardwood floors. Garage. Pniced for quick sale at $10,500. Reasonable ternfis arrangcd. Bowling alley doing a very good business. Fully equipped, 5 and 10 pin. For price and terms caîl office. Will be shown by appointment only. No triflers please.- Business block on King Street, vory good returns, low down payment. Five-roon semi-detached i½- storoy home, centrai location. $1,500 down. 47-1 De With Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 13, acres womkable with open quota~ 100' x 40' bank bamn, bulk cool cm; 8 roomed brick bouse. Aslt ing prico $24,000. Ternis. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, I& acres workable, with 4 tan milk quota, stream, L-shapec bank barn, drive sbed, silo, etc. 8 reomed brick bouse with al modemn conveniences. Askinj price $25,000. Torms. 90 Acre farn. near Millbroolf 80 acres workable, banik barr j pend, garage, etc.; 8 reemoc brick bouse. Asking $1,000 Torms. DAIRY FARM, 365 acres wit] 7 cans milk quota, 275 acre. womkable, L-shaped bank bar] witb steel stanchions, watei bowls, new silo; extra 50' x 30 barn; 3 homos with modemn con. vonieuces. Asking pnice $35,000 IEasy ternis. 121 Acre farrm on 401 High« way, near Port Hope; 100 acres workable, 85' x 35' bank barn, water bowls, strean, etc.; IC [roomed brick home witb cil furuace, runnmng bot and cold water. Asking pnice $25,000, Ternis arranged. 250 Acre farm, 125 acres workable, 65' x 52' bank barn, running water, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed home with modern conveniencos. Asking price $18,000. Easy torms. 3 Bedroom, brick veneer, ai. most new bungalow, in Bow. manville, with ail modern con- veniences, hardwood and bile faonrs, full basenent, modern kitchen, etc. Asking $13,500. Ternis arrangod. 2 Bedroon bungalow I Bow. manville with all modern con- veniences, hardwood floons, full basement, modemn kitchen. Pnice $9,000. Torms arrangod. S3 Bedroom, brick veneer bungalow on Third Street in Bowmanville, aîl modern con- veniencos, bardwood and t11e floors, kitchen cupboards. Price $10,000. Torms arranged. GENERAL STORE, compris- Ing o! store, stock-room, 6 nooms living quartons and attachcd garage. Building 8 years aid wlth modemn conveniences. Asic- ing $16,000. Tenrps. 5 Roomed, almost new, brick veneon bungalow with ail mod- cmn conveniences on 2 acre lot near Courtice. Price $12,500. Easy tenms. Contact John F. De Wiih Lealtor and General Inmum Newcastle Phione 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvifl MA 3-3950 Ros Davidson, Betbany phoneZI r a '74i 1LOW down payment for a new 5-roomned brick bungalow and 1two acres cf land., Phone RA 8-0194. 45-4 136-ACRE tobacco farm with 41 acres tobacco rights. Fi.dly equipped with irrigation systeW. Plenty of water, 2 tractors, 14o'* greenhouse. About 100o acres tobacco land; 2 miles north of Newtonvulle, % mile West Tele- phone Clarke 16 r 32. 45-3' FOR SALE General Store in Smaii Viiajpc Brick residence attached with ahl conveniences, priced te seil at less than $12,000.00., DON WATERMAN Realtor LINDSAY, ONT. FA 4-3744 4M~ Leaisk Real Estate: 6 roomn brick bungalow, 4- piece bath, gas furnace, finished recreation room, new garage, landscaped lot. Terms. New brick i ½ -storey house on 10 acres on outskirts of town. 4-piece bath, furnace. Good soUl for market garden. Terms. . We have bungalows, incomp homes, farms, too numerous t& list. Caîl at the office M. E. LEASE Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. flowmanvillg MArket 3-5919 Sales Staff: Freddy L. Ames » MA 3-3406 47-1 Pedwell Real Estate Estate sale, known as the Thornton property in Coîborne, 10 rooms, 6 bedrooms, conven- iences, cil furnace, fireplace, garage, large landscaped grounds -an ideal place for nursing home. Asking $10,000. Hali cash. 200 acre farm, on paved road. bank barn 40' x 60', insul-brick house, 6 rooms, ahl level, lots cof water. $15,100. Terms.. We have 5 good houses in Orono. All can be bought reas- onable, seme with small dowa payments. Money to lban. Newcaste Phono 3858 47-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER 400 acres, suitable for tobaccof neVer-failing stream, 3 sets eo buildings, good location. Price $46,000.00. Torms. 100 acres - frontago on two pavements. 7-roon franc bouse, bank bamn 32 x 85. Price only $21,000.00. Tomis. 100 acres with beautifuL strearn, buildings in pon ne-, pair, very nice bush. This is,' a vemy scenie fanm. CaUl us for-,ý information. 100 acres witb 4-room. bricle house, small barn, 25,000 Christ.,; mas trees. - A good investment-, at $9,500.00. Terms. 34 acres with small strean, sone bush. Pmiced at only $100.00 per acre. 20 acres with cottage, mostly bush - 80 rods river frontage, Owner must scîll. Give us an. off or. 3 acres witb a five-room, bungalow, bath, fumnace, small." barn. Price only $5,000.00,,, Ternis. 21/2 acres with small barrin, ' seme fruit trocs. Prico $ 1,500.00,' 12 acres witb 5-oon fully modem brick bungalow, more acres available. Pnice $12,500. Vemy low down payment. Two-bodroon bungalow at, Maple Grove, eue year old,, bath, largo lot. Pnice $7,500.00."- Down $500.00. 1119 Scugog St. BownianvilUe Cali MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Phono MA 3-3500 0 Nursing Home Il dThe South Haven Rost Hm -Licensed accommodation avaîl- able for up or bcd patients. sPhono Newcastle 4441. 29-tf e CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - 1 RATES ARITICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE ~FIS ENT .-NELP WAJIM CAMS FOIR SALE LOST - rouiND - ETC. Cash R~ae h rj oro Muet b.ald by date ci insertion 'U chcged, am additional 25o will b. addad. A chag: ci25c will bufmode tu ROTIOU . -0comma EVEU AND CARDS 0F THANKI duE a word with a mainimum si O 8.00 for 25 words or lem. MARMOU - !o ATuES 81.00 par Insertion M MNMONIAIS 81.00 plus 100 a lUnesora Dimplay ClasuUled ai OSAO per r Ichiwith a minimum ci ona inch. AddMfonal Inzertions ai the sase t rate&. An ClaufIUed Adte muet be te thia office flot latar than 12 o'clock accu. Wednesday.T Bond caah, stamps ot monay orase cacd mave monay. cup f"u ouf for handyrem. OFFICE ROUIS$ Monday thzough Fridcry 8:30 a.m. te 5 p.M. Saturday 0:.30 a.M tb 12 Nocm Tho Canadian Stabeumaa Dial MArket 3-3303 à» OaasffladAd Service * ~ 'p. - m d1 cei Mt fr1 cal ti Mi cal RO Of' W. der Mr atlO tesé tem 0"~ nm ary Ueni low but. Smr A1 e quw -P -t M" m 1 %,-lçm"wý - 'r-777 ýý - Mun& p 1 hTÉ%e;à-qý% 4p% 1 1 Peter Feddema

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