r .~. - WJL~V.L.O.LJLTAKIU THtRDY O.lh.l .bister and Brother Meet Atter 47 Years th*e' Mr. and Mrs. E. Passant, Duke St., Bowmanvifle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Webb for several weeks before dOiintly returned from a most enjoyable seven-weeks' flying back home. While in England Mrs. Passant cele- th~e 'tion ini England. It was their first visit to the Old brated her 7th birthday. Pictured above from left to boariitry since leaving there 47 years ago. The re-union right are Mrs. Webb, Mr. Webb, Mrs. Passant and Mr. the her brother, Mr. G. F. Webb of Pershore, Eng., was Passant. osoccasion for Mrs. Passant. Mr. and Mrs. Passant * Zobourt, Friday, Nov. 13 2.55 a.m. on Saturday, ist. 29th, Cpl. Freethy ol and, Bowmaanville Police De- ind 'het ,àrested four men inl ,vlst7-udson five pass. coupe. ww.nad observed these men op- ,,.,oosite the Brewer's R etail store. He kept the vehicle un- der observation until ot reach- ed Temperance St. The driver could neither pro- duce an ownership card for the car or a driver's license. 4.00 a.m.- one main escaped. This had its sequel in Magis- ttrate'5 Court here today. He was sefitenced to 31/2 years for being in possession o! stolen goods plus 6 m.onths consecu- tive for escaping gaol. Total time 4 years. The other three men turned over ta Lindsay Police Depart- ment for the bad cheque char- ges. They were sentenced to 8 months in the Ontario Reform- atory. -One man was on parole hud tried to negotiate th from 401 io Duke St. and ed skidding. He ended the ditch on Liberty St. E arrested by P.C. Parker p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12t1 He stated that lie haÈ corne depressed as lie haÉ working for 65e an hour Niagara District getting crops and he was wet 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.ni. He ed drinking in St. Cati and got as far as Bowma He had no driver's licen -had lost it three and months ago for Impaired ing. KEDRON he turn d start- Up in H~e was at 7.55 hl. id be- id been in the in the from D start- harines anville. se. He a haif 1 Driv'- The car was searched and the from Kinig5ton Pen., and he Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover we're mnen were arrested on a charge was returned there to serve the weekend guests o! Mr. and of being in possession of stolen balance of his paroled timje Mrs. J. K. Glover, Strathroy. goods. These were a Paymas- plus tihe eight months. Mrs. J. Elliotut has returned ter cheque writer, a typewri.. The men were the owners home following illness in Os'h- ter, $280.00 worth of phono. of lengthy records and most awa General Hospital. graph needîci, a rubber stamrP had been released from peni- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mac- outfit with the naine of a con- tentiary thtis year. They were Donald, Sterling, were weekend struction company on it; glov- from New Brunswick, Winni- guests o! M'r. and Mrs. Ron ,ý_es- hack saw blades and many peg, man, and two from Tor- Werry. iôpeitems. They were well onto. Little Miss Katharie Rosnak set uip to-sfJçece guflible mier- A-Belleville man was1 sen- is il with pneumonia in Osh- chants with bogus cheques. tenced to seven deays in Gaol awa Hospital, and babyRo Sognetime between 2.55 and for Drunk Driving today. He ibert Watson is aiso a patien - there. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. M. Armstrong, R.N, of Copperdliff, was a Saturday Commenc ment Ex rcises evening guesi o! Mrs. J. Elot Comm ncem nt tercuses Sidney Trevail and Douglas NOVENDER 20 - pthe weekend at NOVEM ER 2 - 8p.m.home, a respite from studies at at the Ryerson Sehiool of Technology. HIGH CHOOLMrs. Bryan Bastin and chIld- EveroneWelome- Fee dmisio ren, Cobourg, are with parents Everone elcme Fee'dmision Mr. and Mýrs. J. Elliott, while BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB Bryan is receiving treatment presents in Cobourg General Hospital. Mr. and' Mrs. Douglas Baum- TEEBEE ONE-ACT PLATS hour and Barry vsited Mrs. each nigjit ville during the weekend. Un- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 fortunately Barry became il THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 and is presently a patient la FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 Belleville General Hospital. at theMrs. W. Spry anid ber sister, ] at theMiss Mabel Robinson atten>ded BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL the funeral lan Montreal on 8 p.m. Monday o! their sister-in-law,f Admission - 50e * - No Reserved Seats the late Mrs. Elford Robinson. _____________________________Mr. and Mrs. H. Werry were a 1959 Chev. Bel Aire Coach 6-cyL. Wheel dises Power Gilde transmission Padded dash and washers Cameo Coral 1959 Ch. BeDl Aire 4-Dr. Rardtop 6-cyL Power Gilde White waII tires, wheel dises and washers Black. -5 BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-3353 IPp LSaturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlowe, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Everson Norton and sons of Markham were Sundjay guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Everson retur- ned home last week following extended business trips to Ar- kansas, U.S., Calgary and Mani- toba. Mr. Douglas Baumihour last week atterided the funerais o! his brother Bert Baunihour and bhis brother-in-law Lloyd 0'- Neill, suddenly kiled near Ba-n- croft. Mrs. James Pengelly and eildren who have ibeen living at King City have been spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. Snowden. Many local folk have been attenddng the Royal Winter Pair, Toronto. Mr. Stanley Bagg was a successful echibitor in the sheep classes. Mrs. Roy Hepburn Is present- ly under tihe doctor's care, fol- lowing severe illness on Sun. day.an r.DulsL i'. nd Mrs. Rougrtasoot visited MOrs. Rob tert Booth oarleyrillia, o th eoccas ofm berurite birtday recei and, aric eaJerson, Gorc and C ao ln, BeerktIsp ad fewds Cast.Week wth A lrg Mr.C F. erry.n A letagedcon rgon Snd MIDsent ait dro fn un mornuipiortiothe aftiernîo FadrilyeVisiateioocari utiner headershpHo!rVFa dlatind Cheman Howcar dalte e, ndtepleneachiria for teSetrpln Wli Doubles Club The Doubles Club have se- cepted an invitation ta join with Albert Street Club on November 28, for a Ohristmnas Party, when the local group- will p:rovide the entertainment. Tickets are avoulable through William Snowden for the an- nual Doubles Club <lance at NortLhminster Hall on Novem- ber 27. The executlve members o! the Columibus - Kedron group are requested ta meet at the home of Mr. andl Mrs. W. Snow- den on November 24 to plan the annual candlelight service. United Links Class 7%e United Links class o! Young people met at the home of Jeanine Werry on Sund'aqy evening. Worshlp was led by lune Davis, assisted by Sharon Wilbur and Carol Spencer. President Eleanor Mountjoy conducted business la which $25-00 was voted ta tihe Sun- loy School. Secretary Alan F'rancis read minutes and trea- surer Robert Spencer reported on finances. Refreshments were served >y teachers, M\rs. R. Bishop and Mrs. H. Werry and Jeanine. Group singing around an open, fire concluded the programr. The next meeting is planned for December 15 at the home f Mrs. Bishop, when ail Ked- ron young people are cordialiy [nvited. ove Of don tly. don Mtr. ras lay :on out sut- 'n. aen am ti o r, si NE WTON VILLE 'ISundaY visitors at George IStapletons were Mrs. B er t Caldwell, Mr. ad Mrs Ens iHalse, Beverley and Ray, Tor- onto; Miss Sandra Bragg, Bow- manville, and Miss Dorothy Stapleton, Kingston. Annive1x;ary visitors at the' George Stapletons were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid, Orono. Mr. F. B. Nickle, Bancroft, was a recent visitor with tihe George Stapletons. Mr. anid Ms. Wallace Bough- en were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gordon of Whitby. M.r. Chas. Allin, Mr. Wes- ley AlUin and Mrs. Dawson o! Bowmanville with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt on Tueaday.1 Miss Claudette Beaulieu had lier tonsils removed at Memnor- ial Hospital, Bowgmanville, on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Brown and daugh- ter Karen of Scarborougli, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Wade. Mr. Jas. Dryden, teacher at Port Granby chool, la on the slck ]it. . Ross Brown in relleving. Mr. and Mrm. C. M. Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibbie of Oshawa. Mrs. Nellie McI-olin, whio h«i been taying with Mm. Wm. -- - - I In Magistrates Courtl (Written by A. Kurb) I.. Il' IL. IL q ~k.. YOUR CHANCE 0 6 a To SAVE MONEY! SONLY 1959 CHEV. MODELS ALL NEW CARS - WITH NEW CAR WARRANTY "-ROY W. Oldsmobile NICHOLS m Chevrolet and Corvair Dealer 1959 Chev. Discayne Coachi 6-cyl. Power Glide Wheel dises and white wall tires 1 Aspen Green 1959 Chev. Discayne Sedan 8-«cyL. Wheel dises Power Glide transmission Highland Green COURTICE Phone MA 3-3922 1959 Chev. Del Airs Sedai 8-cyL Power Glido transmission, wheel dises Highland Green 1 d'e 0 a 1 n . 1 à à 'à r. à -W ik Av a I N 4 - 1 il ý E 1 - - . . - . [4 Sue akt 1 - 1 1 PAGE TER MM CANiADIAN STATUMAW lb'MM&lrwwvip