Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1959, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAiUO ~'mm~ A V f~IW an ~ a, ~ s. Doctors Could Form Angelic Missy Frost Line in Bottie ~<<x:.. Against Dread Cancer, The family physician' can Oshawa, Thursday night Oct. foi-m the front line in the figt '5 everal from the Bowman-, against cancer, Dr. M.* B. Dvvil Branch attended. znond, Ontario Health Minister, "It would be a great improve-; told the annual meeting of the ment in the batttle with cancer Ontario County Unit of the if more clinical examinations Canadian Cancer Society in for cancer werc mode by the - - 1family physician, and if he re- .. ported ail his flndings to con-i cer research centres, Dr. Dy- mond said. "He is a wasted re- F K E E source, which, if handled pro-: ~. F RE! perly, could be an important weapon for research." TELEPHRONE AID c r asth oge"eeo today. Help Har-ofHearn"Ten to fifteen yeors ago", Help Had-ofHeaîng he said, "there werc a number Persons Use Telephone of diseases which were spoken; of in whispers, in fear, such asý ' If yen are hard-of-hearing, tuberculosis. One by one, they Maico wants you te have have been conquered, and oneý this patented device for your of the most important weapons j telephone. It reduces back-I in their defeat has been public tround noises and heips education."............. yen hear 'phone conversa- "The truth about disease tion easier. Maico offers must be brought plainly to thei this te you FREE, with no open if it is te be fought," Dr. j obligation whatsoever,- to Dymond said. "There are many dernonstrate te you that a who listened to the gospel of hearlng losean be over- truth about cancer w ho can I cornein any ways. Our thank that foct that they are supply of these telephone olive today, and well". receiver aids is limlted. "Even now", he said, "1there: Stop i or write for yours are people in Ontario who think..... today. You'Il find it a thot cancer means certain wonderful help. death. This, of course, is flot Little Valerie Ann Brownell pictured above will be * Qtruc. More than 60 percent of one year old on'November lat next. She is the daughter A i~~~~l cases trcated in time areofM.adMsNelB wnlofRR 2,omnvl. , completely cured".ofM.adMs elBonlofRR2,ow nvl. M A IC O The health minister spoke of Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp, R.R. 2, the research centres recently Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brownell of Hearing Service establishcd in the fight wi4h Fmnch, Ont. cancer. He spoke of the new -ht yHrsySuiOhw SPrincess Margaret Hospital in -ht yHrsySuiOhw MAICO i Toronto, of which, he said, 25 HEARING SERVICE per cent cf the floor space is said, "ours is a world effort, donc in the field of educotion. 850 Yong St., Toronto e .evoted to research laberotor- There are ne state political "There should be an organiz- î es. boundaries, fia national secrets. cd program of education in cur WA 4-2317 * "1 wauld rccammend thot Step by step, scientists the colleges and high schoIs," he Please even the layman should sPend1 world over are breakig through said. "Our youtir is ready and SedFree Telephone Aid an heur or two walking through1 the barrier ta cancer preven- hungry for knowledge about Nare this hospitol," he said. "There tion and cure. Reports are fi-ce- medicine-a visit ta 'Mediscope' * ddress __________ an atmosphere there whlch ly published and cxchanged by in Tomante wil show this.-ond jfis hard te describe, a feeling the research of ail countries."1 it is net morbid curiosity, they City that the doctors and scientists "With this united effort, I are anxieus ta learn. Education * elphnefthat they are about ta, break be won, even in our lifetime." purpose, as I sec it. Our yo>uth CS/MV/10/29/59~ through at any moment."1 Dr. *Dymo*nd congratuloted con learn at an carly oge the J ----------- "Thank God", Dr. Dymond the socicty in the work it has danger signais of cancer, and __________________________________________________________________ a considerable number of theni Will, I am sure, become suffi- S ~ - 'e ~cientiy interested in this fascin- <~. ~ating field te embark on a car- *~».<.'- ,~ er of medical research." The d0ctor commended the work donc by the cancer so- ciety's mobile "Little Red MORECOLO S 1Door", whîch tokes cancer cdu- W to take -advontage of this ser- vice," he said. U]t is your responsibility,1" he said, "thot the battie moy ot be lest, nom the victory de- laycd. Complacency is yeur big- gest enemy"l. SHEPPARI3 &GILL LUMBER 96 Ring Si. E. Dowmauville MArkei 3-5715 as your new SD EALER Aknoiher n.w Roloz. Dealer to give you the wonderful Colorizer service.. Visit the store soon and mee the big new Color Album of 1322 colora in al paint finishes. You can "dial yourself a color-echeme" with the Color Harmony Selector and try ail the other exclusive Flo-glaze Decorating Aids. VISIT THE NEWEST FLO-GLAZE DEALER SOON Mq AINS m. »-f SHEPPARD 8 GILL LUMBIER "1EUVRYTHING FOR BUILDERS" 96 King Si. E. Bswuaauviile NArkei 3-5715 HÂYDAON Mr-. end Mrs. Murray Tabb and family, Bowimanville, wc-e Saturday eveniing visitora at Mrs. K. Cowling's and Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Rolanid Thomn- son, Dawn and Heather, Hamp-_ tan; Mm. Lloyd Thompson and Temry, Taranto, visitcd Mrs. W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Qi-mis- ton, Mirs. Ivan Sharp and Lin- do, Enniskillen, were Sunday visitai-s ut Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. John Graham, Bowman- ville, visjted Mrs. H. Crssman and Mire. Richard McNeil on Tuesd'ay. Mr. and Mrs. Olaytion Read a'nd Rojbie, Peterboro ug h, wcre ovemnight gucats at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read, Thurs- dey. Mr-. and Mrs. Jim Graham and f o m i 1 y, B'owmanville, were Saturdiay evcning collers at Mr. and Mms.' Leslie G'ra- ham's. *Mrs. J. Patts and Mary, Mrs. W. Martin visited Mr. and Mrs. B e r t Ferguson, Eniniskillcn, iSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gai- ord and Mr. anid Mrs. Chai-lie IGarmard attended Salem Hamv- est Home Service on Sunday jafternoon anid were tea guests a! Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin, Blackstock. Mr. aind Mrs. Walter Love- ridge visited Mr. and Mrs. jDouglas Strawbridge and, bm- ily, Hampton, on Sunday. iMms. Arthur Trewrn is a jpatient in the Oshawa Hospital having had, an ear operation. William Trewin is staying with his aunt, Mirs. Walter Laverid- ge while his mother is away. . Mr. and Mrs. Ron Raiim and family attcnded a bitthday Party for Miss Betity Dýwson, Qi-ana on Sunday. jThe church stewards had a veciy succcssful sole in the church shed on Saturdo.y a!- ternoon. Mrs. Lloyd Siemon arnd Mme. C. Gai-mord attended the senti- onnual meeting of the Oshawa Presbytery W.A. at St. Paul's Cburch, Bownianville on Thu- rsday. Mr. and Mms. W. Rahm, Ty- rne, acccmpanied Mr. and Mme. Clem Rahm ami faznily 'and visited Mr. and Mrs. A. iPerger and Mr-. and Mrs. M. ISniley, Hamilton, Sunday. Mm. Mlton Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sieman, attended iHàmPton Ainiversary Service A WORD TO THE WV"S Before frying or boilihg fish rub a cut lemon over the sur- face o! the fish, or dip pieces in lemon juice. If don4. abou!t a haif-haur before cooeing, it will cut down that fish3,* amoke that tells everyane "1wiý't's for dinner". For practical aistance 1with your cooking problems, send y'our enquiries, Aynth a siamped, self-addressed: envel- ,ope to: Ann Bradley, Itox 147. My, What *a Bright Light Tiny Patrecia Ann, wl. tember 22nd last, seems to I flash bulb. She is the daug« Wright, Camp Petawawa, Ont Charlotte Forder, Port Perr3 on Sunday, and wcrc tea gue- sts of Mrs. W. White and Miss Nancy Johns. Mr. Henry Ashton will celc- ibr'ate his 82nd birthday on Thursday, Oct. 29th. Congrat- ulations Mr. Ashton. W.A. are holding a Hallow- c'en Party in the church on Fmriday evening. Sundey Schaol as usual Sun- day morning ot 10.30. Churoh Service Sundlay evcning at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and fomily and Mrs. K. Caw- ling attended Salemn Harvest Home Service, and weme tea gucats of Mr. and Mrs. Fare- wcIl Blackburn. PONTYPOOL * . Ballyduff Anniversary Serv- ices were weIll ttended on Sun- '~day. The Irish Trio from Toron-, ta were well received at both services. The Church was vcry suitably decoroted with flowers, leaves, vegetables, etc. Several from liere attended the presentation and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kerr cf Peterborough which was held in the Orange liaUl on Friday even- ing. We cxtend aur best wish- es ta the ncwlyweds. One of the llghtest crops cf patataes in history has been harvcsted. A strong dcmand is reported with prices at the $2 level. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy, Qi-ana, and Mr. and Mms. Laur- ence Goddard, Bowmanvilie, werc Sunday visitera with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne. Juvenile Orange Lodge A Juvenile Orange Lodge wos instituted an Saturday afternoon ho was one year old on Sep- in the Orange Hall with R. W. have been a bit owed by the Sister Pilling, Grand Juvenile rhter of Mr-. and Mrs. D. j. Director, officiating. The dcgree work was put on t. Proud grandmother is Mrs. yBsBe J..ofPtr yr, formerly of Bowmanville. borough. Among L.O.B.A. mcm- bers present werc the Grand Mistress R.W. Sister Sproats MANVERS STATION and Immediate Past Mistress R. Mrs. Mervin Smith, teacher Thiy* new lodge will be known at Bethany and Mrs. Earl as Unity J.O.L. 444 with Sister Argue, teacher at Foulis School, Jean Rusk as Guardian and ottended the Teachers W.A.F: Wor. Sis. Thelma Payne as As- T.A.O. meeting at Dr. Powes sstant Guardion. Schooi in Port Hope on Saur Lunch was served by Pcnity- day. pool L.O.B.A. aftcr the follow- day. ing officers were elected and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MagilI and installed: President, Ann Gil- family, Barrie, spent the weck- bank;, Vice-President, Carclyn end with Mrs. W. Bradley. FouIis; Rec. Sec'y, Sandra Fallis; Mr. and Mms. Keith Horris and Fin. Sec'y, Dianne Lethangue; Mrs. Alan Ough, Port Hope, Treasurer, Judy Harner; Chap- werc Saturday evening visitars loin, Terry Fisk; Standard Bear- with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Olan. ers, Ralph Kellctt and Linda Mrs. Ivan Kellett wos nati- Willis; Lecturers, Dionne Curtis fied she held a lucky ticket from and Johft Van Wieringen; lst Lindsay Fair on a Wm. Rogers Guard, Richard Streng; 2nd cabinet of silver or a 14-piece Guard, Sandra Willls. 29th, 19M0 stainless steel kitchen net A group of ladies from this district attended the L.OMB.A meeting at Janetville, Monday night, when four members were given the Scarlet Degree. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- man, Linda and Marlyn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young- man on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Atchison, Fraserville, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue. Mr. Seymour from Peter- borough was the speaker at the church service on Sunday mcmn- ing, taking as his text, "Lord, teach me to pray". The new minister is moving into the par- sonage at Bethany this week and will take over his new du- ties November lst. Mr. Wilmat Horner and Archie Rupert spent the weekencf at Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter, Sandra and Donna, Newton- ville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter. Rev. James Harvey, Troronto, a former student on this circuit, called on same of his aid friqnds last week. USED CA SPECIALS 1958 FORD 6 SEDAN Very 10w inileage. New car guarantee. 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN New paint. Very dlean car. 152 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE Radio, new top, new paint. 1951 DODGE SEDAN New tires, radio. Excellent body. 1953 DODGE ONE.,TON Stake body. Compietciy reconditioned. 1948 CHEV. %/-Ton Pickup Good running condition. DLACKSTOCK NOTORS PHONE 70 Cash - Trade or Termes LONG SÀtJLT About 90 friends and neigh. bours gathered in Tyrone Com- munity Hall, Saturday evening for a presentation in honor o 1oui newly-weds Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs. They were- presented with a platform rock,4, er and plate glass mirror oê, behalf of the Tyrone and Long' Sault communities. After a very lovely lunch eveiyone en- joyed dancing. Music was sup- plied by Mrs. D. Davey and Messrs. Henry Stainton and Stuart Hooey. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker and family, Cookstown; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and, Bruce Tyrone, were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Sorry to report Mrs. May Johns is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and family, Tyrone, were Sun- day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs and Mjrs. S. Kovacs. .legf1J Mr. and Mrs. F. E. l:0à Bowmanville, visited with Mr. Robert Sim, Sunday afternoon.- Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith, Bowmanvjlle, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith, Sunday after- noon. 1 PAGE S TES CANADL4X STATESMAN, BOWMANVnýLE, oNTAIUO ilf"m-qlr)Av- rxlwr .1 96 Ming Si. E. Bewmanville MArket 3-5715

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