PAGE TENTECAAANSASM . WAV1J O4r Tf Darlington Cattie Tops Iln Parish Jersey Show At Oshawa Fair Friday The Ontario and Durham number of cattie shown this Jersey Cattie Club held its 131h year was about the samne as last aunuai Panish show at the Osri- yean, but that the quality o! awa Pair Friday afternoon. the animnals was higher this Pnizes were awanded in 20; year. o! the 21 sections with no en- I An officiai o! the cattie cu tries being recorded in the buIll' egretted that no Aynshires yeaiin caegry.Tweve b-were shown. Two com petitors bons were also awarded to class were slated to show their cattle winnens. 1 but a bad blood test !romn one Robent Stenger and Sons, Of! animal resulted in the health Enniskillen,, jule-1 this yean's' authonities nefusiug to let onel show sweepîng 20 firsts aud jo! the farmers compete. The four sconds.othen farruer nefused ta show Carl Bradley, of Hampton.i his cattie alone. was next with eight firsts, 1l Rs1t1!Jrsyctteso sec~onds, five thirds, thnee1 eutofJrycal sw fourths sud one in f i!th. iwene: W. F. Batt 1ndSoso Bull cal! bornu aten July 1- Brooklil, picked up ail the ne- 1. R. Stenger sud Sons; 2. Carl maining pnizes with four firsts Bradley. two scond, thre thrds , Bull two years sud over -1 one Bradley. an Sos2.Cr Quality Better Heifer cal! - 1. Batty andj Robent Battv said that the Sons; 2. Carl Bnadley; 3. Batty Canadian National EXHIBITION SPECIALS Garton Coach Lines Limited Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic, parking, or crowding for street cars. Buses take passengers into Exhibition Grounds and remain there for the convenience of passengers until 15 minutes after evening grandstand performance. Reserve grandstand tickets now at Garton Coach Lines office. Buses Dailyfrom Bowmanville Sat., August I9th to Sat, September lIth From -Ail Other Points Scheduled Fri., Sept. 41h and Sal., Sept. 51h oniy Leaving Read Down A.M. 7:20 Jane 7:30 Yelv 7:40 Nesil 7:50 Blac] 8:00 Dur! 8:10 Enni 8:20 Hani *8:45 BOli Arrive Read up A.M. 1:20 1:10 etville verlon flefon :kslock l: 12: kelon 12: iskillen 12: apion 12: TMAN VILLE 12: Arrive 10:15 a.m. at Toronto E3 Fares include Exhibition Adit Sat, Sept. Sth only-Special Extra1 C.N.E. Grounds for Bowmanville on] Children - Hait Fai For Information Phone: Bowmanville. Oshawa RAndolph 3-717. Rtsi. Fare 4.40 4.25 -j ELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday the 4-H Club 1:5 4.00 girls attended their achieve-1 meut day with their leaders. It :5 375 was held at Orono hall. MI*Ss 1:55 3.75 Lampman, Miss Pritchard and 1:45 3.0 MissqLillicrop, home economist, 1wene the leaders. Miss Lilllcrop :45 our new home economist, con- :35 335 duted the jud.9ing. The other :25 3e25 1 the exiisuad demonstra- khibition club, as she has left our county and gone to another place. The mission demonstrations were well doue Bus wli leve sud the exhihits vene also good. Bus ill eave On Saturday the Congrega- ]y at 6:30 p.m. tional picnic was heid several re attending from. hene. Little Evelyn Beatty, daugh-1 MArket3-381 ter o! Mr. sud Mrs. Ross Beat- 7Ak -81 ty, is lu the hospital. We hope n she is soon homne again. Mrs. P. Wooiacott was rush- - - ed to the hospital with au at- ~îL:s y EXTRA ENERGY *..FOR SCHOOL Our vitamin-rich înilk and cream are your youngsters' miost coinplete food! ,Cail us today for home delivery. GLEN 98 KING ST. W. RAE DAIRY PHONE MA 3-5444 BOWMANVILLE Processo rs Attend cil Meeting -, ýe TV£V&%àl %-Pl ATRURSDAY shoots are cut clean and flot bruised. Use stakes and lines as guides for correct height and evenness. Clip the sides f irst-the eut- tings from the top will then fail clean, and the desired heigh can be determined more easu.-t yesr's match in Nonthumben- 1959 International Plowing pie Grove, were Sunday even-1 land County at the Gondon Mc- Match which is being* heid at ing visitons with Mn. aud Mrs. jGee farm north o! Brighton it Peter Corners iu Wentworth L. Welsh. fwould be desirabie to hold the County which is not fan from Mrs. Margaret Mack sud! event this year well over in the well known Ciappison 'slGlIoria Jean, Toronto, holiday-, Durham County. Corners on No. 5 highway. c d last week with Mr. sud Mrs.: On motion o! Stanley Aluin The horse plowman has, Matthew Marchant. ansd Frank Tinney, the invita- largeiy disappeared iu the' ______________ tion o! Herman Schmid o! New- change of farm wonk. Classes castle to his farm at lot 27, are made available for ail types FI concession 2 o! Clarke Town- o! machinery plows. The drag F X SERVICE ship was accepted with plans type wiil do a somewhat hetten fDIEAD. OLD and CRIPPLED for the event to be held on job but there is a considerahie FARM STOCK Wednesday, Octoben 7th. interest lu the mouuted piows1 Removed Free o! Charge Te foliowiug committce was which are very convenient to Immediate 24-Hr. Service nmdto arrange aIl detail ne- move about and do a veny use- SYORPEA RFR lative to t.he match including fui service. Auy good pîowmen AS OR PRTRFR local pnizes, lunches for piow- has a neasonable chance at this Z nt 65 su ada booth for the day o! match as classes are made . Z nt 65 the match: Will Allin, Newcas- available for beginners. No Toli Charge tle, Convenor; Stan Aluin, Or- Recommendations for plow- Nick Peconi PeterboroughI ono No. 1, 2nd Vice President; ing is au easiiy undenstood _______________ Herman Schmid, Newcastle, booklet -available from the- _____________ Howard Henry, Campbellcrof t Agicultural offices iu our ______________ No. 2, District Director. counties sud tells the deta ils o! The secretary was iustructed this work and what the officiai to request the Ontario Associa- judge is looking for as he scores tion for a judge with the fol- the land. lowing order: Alex McKinuey, The Peterborough County Wiil Clarke, Win Timbens. First match wiil be held at the farn SNOW TUME Vice President Stanley Msck- o! Robent Jackson at Peterbor- ough No. 6 on Saturday, Sep- IS NO TIME tember l2th. tack o! appendicitis but has ne- This wouid be a gooci oppor- T R E turned home again. tun ity for Duîrham sud North- T R E Mn. sud Mrs. H. Quantrii. um'oerîand Plowrmen to part ici- visited with Mrs. Duddenhof- pate iu prepa ration for their fer, Orillia, sud with Mr. aud home event. The plow remiains Mrs. G. Durward. Sunderland, the basic farm implernent in Friday and brought John homne most parts of Oniario and the who has visited thene for a few Match has a place in Agricul- days. tunal activities. Mrs.. E. Eiliott, Oshawa, -visit-- cd witxh her sister, Mis. Quan- trill this week. Mr. sud Mrs. E. Thoinpson, Paris, Ont., visited at Thick- soifs on Tuesclar. rs. Thonip-i son is the -secretary for the In- stitute holidays at Guelph sud Kem.pvillc. She was on her wsy to Kempvile -for the Institute holiday. Mss. H. Thickson, IMn. J. Strong sud Miss Rowciif! visited in Bcthsny on Suuday. Sunday Sohool aud church services were heid as usual. Holstein Assn. Appoints New Inspec tor Grant Miller has becu ap- jpointed as a Selective Registra- tion Inspector for the Holstein- FrPiesian Association o! Canada. 'Now located at Cumberland, nean Ottawa,- Mn. Miller itals native o! Brome, Quebec, sud1 is luntin both French aud1 Enlsh. For several years ne1 baLs been hcrdsman lu the Sunl IDrearu herd o! Stackhouse sud Minion at Cumberland. In his new position Mn. Miller will join Wray G. Taylor o! Brant- ford sud Evenett Brown o! Or- oro, Ontario, as the three full- time Inspectora of the Associa- tion. These three men will be key figures in the expanding type classification program which !orms such an important part o! the Association's ser- vice to its 13,000 members throughout Canada. Trimming Tips 'For AliHedges Hcdges that nun wild in the hot growing season need that' extra trim to bring the home; grouuds out of the "jungle" catcgory. And landscape spe- cialists o! the Ontario Depant- ment o! Agriculture have work- cd on a few timely tîps which might produce this change in, the best interests of both gar- dener and garden. Tnimmiug an established, hedge should be doue at the? time o! its niost rapid growth-1 sud that time seems to be right about uow. Other factors might include the species o! hiedge, rate oï growtà sud the matter o! convenieiîce. Trimmning o! a long hedge should not be stant- ed unless it can be finishcd in one operation. Hedge trimming is o!teu one of the first spning projects. Iu many cases this is the ouly tnimming during the year for an informai hedge. But ranely is this one cutting enough to keep a formai hedge in perfect conitin. A second pruniug will eliminate bulges at the top sud brush heads which may result f nom earlier pruning. If possible, hcdges should be trimmed durng duil wcather, otherwise the brîght suushiue will burnuUic eut tips. Do not be too auxious to prune in au- tunin; the nesulting uew gnowth mnay be winten-injured. Hene are a !ew pointera on how to trim: Use slar-p tools 30 that thé- STOVE Fi your FAMOUS coal bin with READING - NUT - PEA VAUG. 27tx. 1959 Splendid Sheep Show HeId at Oshawa Fair and Sons, 4. Carl Bradley. Heifer cal! - 1. Batty and .0 o r Sons; 2. Carl Bradley; 3. BaD a ry and Sons; 4. tbarl Bradley. Hefrjunior calf-l. BattyE and Sons; 2. Carl Bradley; 3.1 xpe cted -to Batty and Sons; 4. Carl Brad-Co ley. Da iry on Heifer senior cal! - 1. R. Stenger and Sons; 2. W. F. Bat- ty and Sons; 3. Carl Bradley; 4. Nearly 500 dairy processors W. F. Battty and Sons; 5. Car, and guests !romn ail Provinces, i radley. including lndustry representa- Heifen junior yearling - 1. tives fromn the United States R. Stenger and Sons; 2. Carl and the United Kingdom, as Bradley. well as Dominion and Provin- Heifer senior yealing-l R. cial dairy officiais, will attend Stenger and Sons; 2. R. Sten- the Annual Meeting of The Na- ger and Sons; 3. Carl Bradley. tional Dairy Council o! Canada Heifer two year dry - 1. R. at Banff Springs Hotel, Alber- Stenger and Sons, ta, September l4th, lSth and Heifer two yeans inu milk-l. l6th. Carl Bradley. With substantial surpluses of Cow thnee years and over certain dairy products on hand, dry-I. R. Stenger and Sonsf the theme o! the meeting will 2. Carl Bradley.' be "Markets Matter Most". Co w over three and under Council President. E. A. Lewis, five years, in milk-1. R. Sten- Calgary, will open the three- ger and Sons; 2. Carl Bradley. day sessions which wili coin- Cow five yeans and over, in cide with the 350th Anniver- milk - 1. Carl Bradley- 2.R. sary of dainying in . Canada. Stenger and Sons; 3. Carl Brad-* Dairy cows were first brought ley. to Canada on a permanent ba- Best uddered coy - 1. Carl sis in 1608 by Samuel de Cham- Bradley; 2. R. Sten.ger sud; plain. Sons.1 The meeting marks the 40th Junior herd - i. R. Stenger Anniversary of the Council. and Sons; 2. Carl Bradley Th e occasion wiil be marked Junior get-of-sire - 1. R. by a special exhibit o! histori- Stengen and Sons: 2. W. F. Bat- cal pictures aild documents ne- ty ad Sns;3. Carl Bradley. lating to the deveiopment of Open get-of-sire - 1. R. Sten- the Industry. ger and Sons: 2. Carl Bradley. Speakers inciude-Dr. E. W. Progeny o! dam - 1. Carl McHenny, Professor of Nutri- Bradley; 2, R. Stenger aud tion, School of Hygiene, Univ- Sons: 3. Carl Bradley. ersity o! Toronto, on the sub- Graded herd - 1. R. Stenger ject "Dairy Foods and the Con- and Sons: 2. Carl Bradley. sumer"; Dean Prather. A. C., Special Bokar Farm trophy Nielsen Company Limited, on for best ca]! from classes four the subject "Whene is the Mar- and five - 1. Douglas Batty ket?"; Dr. K. G. Weckel, Sen- with Crescent BA Bet Eden. ion Professor o! Dairying and Food Technology, University o! Rlbbons Awarded Wisconsin, on the subjeet «"Re- Ribbons awarded at JerseyI search Makes Markets"; Dr. D. Cattle show went to: L. Gibson, Head, Dairy Depant- Junior championship, male- ment, University of Saskatche- R. Stenger sud Sons with En- wan, on the subject "Impnoving niskillen Surprising Servant. Nature's Product"'; G. L. White, Reserve junior championship, Editor, Canadian Dairy and Ice male - Carl Bradley with Win- Creamn Journal, on the subjact dylea Beacon Duke. "Good Relations are Good for Senior championship, male- You"; Richard Loftus, General R. Stenger aud Sons with En- Manager. Sales Promotion and niskillen Royal Motto. Advertising, H. J. Heinz Comn- Reserve senior champion- pauy Limited, on the subject ship, maie - Carl Bradley with 1 "Merchandising is our Future". Windylea Farineuce Dreainer. 1 Councl Director J. M. Hart- Grand chamapiouship, maie- wick, Wellington, Ontarijo, will R.Sten.ger and Sons with En- serve as Moderaton o! a Forum niskillen Royal Motto. which will discuss problems. Reserve grand champiouship, male - R. Stenger snd Sons Servant. : e L L I I ~ 5, Junior charnpionshlp, --ae o ' ti s i Enniskiilen Emblem Rose. maeeR. champiouship, te-To Be HeId i male- R.Stengen aud Sons with Enniskillen Motto Lady. 1 -Carlor calp ihpB emaolevv e n s Senrior oalp ihp, eale n W e Pinn Happy. Senior reserve championshîp, The executive o! the Durham! femaie - R. Stenger aud Sons and Northumberland Plow- with Enniskillen Servant Deli- mcn's Association met in the Iah. - Counties Building at Cobourg Grand chanipionship, female1 on Thursday evening, July 23 1, --Carl Bradley with Beaconi to plan the local match. The, Pinn Happy.é minutes o! previous meetingsj Resenve grand cbampionshîp, read by Secretary Raiph C. V female - R. Stenger and Sons Banbury -wene adopted on mo-' i with Enniskillen Servant Deli-I tion o! Messrs Bruce Eagleson i lah.-Times. and Howard Aflin.i I tf xas felt fha4' ,w-h the ihc~ ifrom "Cow to Consumer". Par- ticipants will be-W. B. Rettie, ' President, Dairy Farmers ofý0 1 h e iCanada, F. L. Hart. President ' iDominion Dainies Limited,Sh Montreal; Ronald H. Jenkins,i h w e v Ltd., Calgary; Miss Isabel At- W kinson, President, Canadian As-' H orses at Fair sociation of Consumera. fWhile current stocks of but-; Only three exhibitors entered ter, 112,000,000 pounds, and the heavy horses classes Friday skim milk powder, 64,000,000) at the Oshawa and District pounds on August ist, are well Fali Fair at Alexandra Park, in excess of domestic riequire- but these horsemen had enough ments and present a serious horses to make the judging dif- disposai problem, dairymen are, ficuit. grateful for the record-smash- In the Percheron class, Wil- ing ice cream sales they have 1 mot Shea, of Manilla and Les enjoyed this summier, running; Cochrane, of Eiifield, took the at more than 10 per cent above honors. In the Belgian class, a year ago. Domestic sales of Len Stevenson of Enfîeld, took fluid milk, cheese and evapor- the honors. ated inilk are runnin.g at about The resuits are as follows:. last year levels. However, but- Percherons ter consumption continues its sharp decline and in July alone Brood Mare - W. Shea. L. was about 12 per cent or more Cochrane, L. Cochrane. than 3,000,000 pounds under a Foal of Brood Mare -- W. year ago. Shea, L. Cochrane, L. Cochrane. Cheese export sales to the Span and Equipment - W. United Kingdoni have been Shea, L.Cochraa-le. unexpectedi 'v buoyant. the re- Best exhibit of Percherons on suit of eairlier unfavourable halter- W. Shiea, L. Cochrane. production conditions in certain! Percheron or Belgian, four- European countries. However, horse hitch - W. Shea, L. Stev- United Kingdoîn production is'enson. improvîng and dairymen feel that export market prospects Belgians for this product are limited, Brpod Mare - lst and 2nd. Many new processing and L. Stevenson. merchandising trends wiIl be 'Foal of Brood Mare - ist and discussed by the delegates. 2nd, L. Stevenson. These include the expanding Mare or gelding, 3 years or use of haif-gallon and three- over -lst, 2nd and 3rd, L. Ste- quart milk containers, larger, vensoxi. ice cream packages, bulk tank:ý Span and equrent-1st and operatiohg on the farm and for, 2nd, L. Stevenson. transportîng milk to dainies,1 Best exhibit, Belgian on hal- sales trends -for milk with a ter four or more-L. Stevenson. lower fat content. Reports wvll __________ be presented on i 2search to in-1 prove the spreadability o! but- S LE ter, production of a low-calorieSA E ail-dairy spread and on consumn- er pref erence surveys o! dairy Sincere sympathy is extend- foods. Dairy products purchase, ed to Mrs. Cecil Collacott and and re-sale programis under, Marie, Hampton, in. the pass- Federal Agricultural stabiliza- ing of Mr. C. Collacott. They tion also will receive the atten- were former residents of this tion of the delegates. -Icomnmunity. A niumber from Ihere attended the funeral fromn Home on Mýonday. )wing atch Master Jeff Lehman is stay- in D rha mRrag whle teirparents, Mr.1i a nd Mrs. Bruce Lehman, Brook- lin, are on a two weeks' motor. I ay, 'ict. 7 t rip t h et Mr. and Mrs. Hector SadIer' and family, Port Hope, Mr. and lin of Cobourg was instructed Mrs. Carneron Jacobs and fam- to inspeet the Golden PiOugh ily, Toronto, were Satunday Cairn and have any painting, supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. cleaning or other repair attend- F. Blackburn. ed and the Treasuner to pay M.ajMs Gri hc the account. .kMr. n E rie ndRuhenjoyedac Presîdent Don Budd o! Port amtoric nd tothe St. La Hope No. 1, expects a goodrence Seawariano thenSt.eawer turnout o! plowrnen fromn the rneSaa n te atr Ulnited Counties for this eveiut.ponsltwek It is hoped that some suce- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McMahon,, ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERU', MARKETING BOARD REPRES(NFING 50,000 CR 'RODUCIRS Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with-,every purchase of gas Vigor Oul SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville «We Specialize in Personai Service" CORNER OF MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Stamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts Complete Lubrîcation at a Reas onable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Free! 1 . Don't Let Winter Catch You Cold! ANTHRACITE THE WORLD'S FINEST HARD COAL - RED TRADEMARK LAST CHANCE TO $AVE$$$ WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE .... JUST CALL MA 3-5410 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY STEPHEN FUELS. Office at C.N.R. Yards, Bowmanville Large Entry inesaesituation i pplied in the Hampshire class as Lloyd Boyd Ayre, chairman of the Ayre of Bowmanville swept all sheep exhibit comxnittee, said it jseven first prizes. was particularly gratifying to The Suffolk division was split see the unusually large number Jbctween Boyd Ayre. Hamnpton. Iof entries in il classes this year. who took fou'r firsts: Tr. C. Glas- He noted that theY came frorn pell and Son. R.R. 2. Oshawa, ai] over the province - froni who took one aud Raymnd as far away as the Niagara Pen-Comfort. St. Anne«s. who took insula and nortli of Barrie. tvo. MVlr. Ayre said that n The Cheviot ulass saw q cleati the entries in the Oshawa Fair s b\1iyBovd Avre who cap- would exhibit ini the Ottawa 'tured a]] seven isIl aces.- Fair. Times. Judging Resu Its ________ The resuits of the show are as follows: Do flot for,-et that al) honest. Class 22 - Cotswolds; Ram, 21 wise zeai, a loxvly, triumphart shears; Ram, shearling; Ramn, jtr'ust. j true heart. and a heip- lamb: Ewe, 2 shears; Ewý,I ing hand constitute mnan. and shearling; and Ewe Lamb. T nothing ls is mani or wvoman. C. Glaspeil and son, R . R. 2, -Mary Baker Eddy. "One of the biggest aud finest sheep exhibits seen at the Osha- wva Fail Fair in a long time." This was the comment o! Mil- ton Fisher, o! Caesanea, chie! judge of the exhibit. Mn. Fisher said he felt that the Counties o! Durham, Vic- toria and Ontario wene the "hot- house for sheep in Ontario". When asked which class he felt showed the best examples he rep]ied that Suffolk seemed to be the most popular. "I am very pleased with the quality o! the show. The Osha- wa Pain Board should be happy that they eau bning out an out- standing show o! this calibreea aften yean." Oshawa, took ail seven firs prizes. The spoils in the Leicester ciass were divided between Norman Green and son, ý of Nestieton, who took five first prizes and John Penne], o! Brad- fond, who took twvo. lu the Shropshire division Raymond Comfort. St. AnneYs. Ont., wvon two first pnizes along with Elswonî h Crawford, o! Minesing and Harold Skinner. o! Tyrone, who also took twvo each. Mn. Skinner made a dleain sweep in the Oxford Downis eiass as he took ail seven first prizes. Ail good ,sandwiches begin wi*th BUTTER! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO