Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 11

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_?HtJRSDAY, AUG. Oas. issu TflE CANADJAN s'rAT~MAN, BO'WMANVHJLE. ONTABIO PAGE ELEVEN Local Teams Win 8< ln Fine Holiday Tc Walter Douglas Wiî NEWCASTLE-Civie Holida&y with a honei Maonday was a great day for the lowcti by tw4) home folks ini Newcastle wben ens choice sc-) bath thc Junior anti Interme-1 the final run diate teams of the Newcastle Orano. Merchants Bail Club won their The Ncwcasi garnes befone a gooti cnawtiof first ruii, int fans in the holiday aftennoon by anothen i Tournament by close scores tenth ta win' over Onono and Newtonville The Newcastl anti ta top it ail off a local man, Lane pitcbing Walter Douglas, wvas winnen of laugh catching thc big draw, at the evenngbtgv carnivai, for a movie camerýa.gstnusckg oeut In the first game the New- K. West pitf castie Juveniles took the Qi-ana rcceiving for Intermediates 3 ta 2 in a ten six bits issue inning scheduleà game of the b alls and struc Lakesnore Minai- League. Or- I In the secori ana gat their only two i-uns n!f castie lnterr Uic gaine in the third inning1 South- Durhai er by Shetler fol- b) its and a field- .)ring Mercer with aof the gamne for Mtle club scored its the fifth followed in the sixth and the game 3 to, 2. le battery o! T. ýg and D. McCui- g allowed only 5 ip no walks and batters. ;ching and Shetier rOrono allowed id tu-o bases on .ck out 11 batters. id game thc New- nediates o! the îm Leag ue also î lewcast/'e Social anc1 £ersonal Recent visitors with Mrs. P. Marian Fisher of Belleville at- F. LeGresley were Archdeacon1 tended the Rickard Picnic here and Mrs. C. W. Balfour of Pe- ion Saturday and were week- terborough, Mr. and Mrs. Wool- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. ly o! Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard Allun, Mr. and Mrs. Heward of Lachine, Que., Miss Bill Allun and Mr. and Mrs. M. Reidhead of North Bay'and Stanley Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Simons of Toron-. The Rev. Victor Vagel, min- to. lister of the United Church o! Mrs. G. H. Hodgson visited1 Christ in York, Penn. will be, for a few days last week with occupying the United Church ber dau.ghter and son-in-law, parsonage for the next three Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pingle weeks and will be preaching at end family, Bowmanville. the nxorning services in the Weekend visitors with Mr. church during the month of and -Mrs. Gordon Agnew were August. Mr. andi Mrs. C. J. Agnew andJ The Rev. M. C. Fisher and faily, Port Coiborne, Mrs. E.t family are holidaying at a cot- King and Mr. H. Hunter of Pe- tage on Shadow Lake near Nor- terborough.j land during the month of Au- Mrý. and Mrs. Barry Hicks gust. spent Tuesday with Mrs. Hicks' Mr and Mrs. Orval Stinson parents the Bey. and Mrs. .1. and 'family of Chesley were C. Fisher after honeymooning weekend visitors with Mr. and in Pennsylvania and New York Mrs. Albert Pearce and fanily. States. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks will Marilyn and Linda Stinson live in Toronto.j stayed on to visit for the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes Mr. Wayne McMullen of To- spent the weekend visiting ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. with hier parents, Mr. and Mis. Albert Pearce and family on E. Copping in Orono. Monday. Mrn. A. H. Fisher and Miss M" %-41ffi-e d%"Afl:. i u FOUR CAN BE CR0 WDED Ves, in a small apartmrent, a family of four can be crowd- cd. That's why this fainily decideti to builti a home of their awn. Andi this father bas already madie ane wise decision. He bas tolti his Sun Life agent that he wants to take out a Sun Life Mortgage Protection Policy. In that way, the house will really belong ta hia faniily if ho shault i de prematurely. Tour home is one of t/our most importanlt posseti ong. Let me help you sa e guard tt for your family. ]Banner Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St, Bowmanville SUN LIFE 0F CANADA family spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodhouse in Brampton. Mr. anti Mis. Chas. Megit anti son Wayne sperit a week's holi- day at Oar Lake, near Barrie. His niany friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. Stanley Graham la ill andi is a patient in Memorial Hospital iu Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Eric are holidaying thia week at Caesarea, on Lake Scu- gog. Janie and Tommy Britton of Belleville have been visiting for the past two weeks with their grandiparents, Mr. anti, Mrs. H. S. Britton. jMrs. J. D. Cunning*ham of Bowmanville spent last week with M.r. andi Mrs. H. S. Brit- Newcastle Playground Report By Sharon Hancock On Friday, Juiy 31st the aid- er ohildren had a bubble gum blowing contest which proveti to be quite iuteresting. By the time 1 judged the size a! the bubbles they seemed to be much smaller than when they had just been practicing. lIow- ever Karen Lee Parker won Iwith a fair sized bubbie. Throughout the week we dd finger printing, weaving anti also made clothes pin dolîs inI aur Arts anti Crafts perioti. On Saturday, August lst from 10.30 ta 11.30 a.m. we climax- ed the threç weeks with "Open House". The chiltiren sang songs tbey had learned andi How would you ike $500 right now? See HFC for the fastest I 1 a evc in Canada I Whcthet ySu wouid tike $50, $MO orem machas $2M0, you'te vise ta get your loan aM HFC. Why? Bccause you'll receive prompt seryim . HC prides ISselr ce ev the fastest servce availablo im Canada. With bigger r(iup ta $2500) now available for today's greateaceds, -why not phone or vaut HFC today? You nccd no bankablo security and yau get B LMf nuMance M 1v roup raue with no age fit or nedial examination, i;HOUSEHOLD FINANCE' 64 King Srooe East.- 1 9 : 9 '-S ::TI.phiouo RA S-6326ý Oshawa shopping Cotre . . . . . . ..TeIepl RA -1 139 OSHAWA fflm guw, Uà «"Joe", as he was calleti by ail, Girls fromn Maple Grave wha [GA TABLERIT will be greatly misseti, parti- are attendîng Girl Guide Campj cularly by the ageti anti infirin at Pidgean Lake this week are1 bis kth cnetieotrin. He J eand eqMay WJae Ln, B1A D ohe kidre anhomevotior e e an brecunt eggMay Waen-,LD was a niemben of St. John's venty anti Faye Bothwell. Church o! Engianti. fMn. anti Mrs. Robert Scott, Froin 1939 te 1945 the late Linda andi Charles, have returu- MR Mn. Chiltis serveti with the eti trai holitisys in New Bruns- SO R Mîilanti Regiment as Supply wick whcne thcy visitiet thein Sergeant, and Uic many beau- parensts. tiful floral tributes attestedte t Miss Margaret Snowtien was! ESSEX thc estcem in which Uic deceas- pleasanitly surpriseti on Satur- FLAVORTITE H O ' cd was heiti. day evcning when snle was pi- Besides bis widow, le!t ta mnourn his passing are bis par- ents, Mn. anti MTs. J. F. Now on Sale! .Chiltis; two sisters, Grace (Mis. G. Terhune) andi Mary (Mrs. M. McKnigbt); anti two broUi- M 3II ers, Jack of Taranto anti Don. au 3 30 Rev. A. C. Herbent officiatetife SH O P A N I at the service wbicb was helt mu' in the Morris Fumerai Chape N R on Thursday. Juiy 23, 1959, Crmaton wath iTrntin CaroeB om a Creation was aiterant inCre-a Bowmanvile Ccmctery.I Palîbeaners were Messrs. P. Covling, L. A. Parker, J. Park- i Tm' 1 en, L. Parker Jr., J. Martin, A. T Mrvatin and R. Evans. - i , q sented with a card table andi chair set, at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden. Blackstock, on Saturday even- K- ing at a family shower, priar to her marriage iater this pontli. Mr. and Mis. Eric Freehorn and f!amily, Lindsay, were week- PINU ~&Iendi guests o! Mr. and Mms Ced- rie Russell. Mr. -and Mns. Neil Bnowneil *u. and Valerie andi Miss Mary Van mii C llect Camp spent îast week at Rice :)th Games Pa pers Next Lake.t~ ee una lin Fed Gale, Ajax, Mr. Burk ur arp fMrs. Robert Rogers, wan )una en Mo dcy ville, visiteti at the home o! ber s on Mr. and MmR.Bon Rogers NEWCASTLE- Jim Bannes on Thursday afternoon. ~ '. arr era informs us that the regulard Carlas, David anti Jin tny- r)s Cm e ra monthiy collection of olti news- erman went ta Trenton last papers, magazines, etc., sal1 itors andsti d cousins. Mr. andi came from behint inl a close md yteSgn os r.Ens uh n aiya fixture to wiu over the New- aieb teSiiaCby Ms.rnsBshadfmiyt Ltonvîlle R.oyals by a score of gnoup -o! the Unitedi Church on Glen Miller. i t 10. The Newtonville club. thc first Monday of each month' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp, Mr. Haroldi Macklin. Mrs. Samn were leading by a score O! 10 has been postponed until the se- Sniowden anti Mrs. Cyril Luke, ta 4 earlier in the gaine but' 1Newcastle came back ta tie it canti Monday of the month; spent Saturday with iMr. anti up andi win the zeven inning (next Monday) for August ai-id, Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf at their cot- gm yIl ta lu inthe end ptmbr.jtage on Rice Lake. gIn e e ig 1 e0 dfl eplmbr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Labrec- In teavenin the intcnesty It has been found that Cal-' que visited Mn. andi Mrs. James ihall wbere the Merchants' baIl lection on public bolitiays bas. Allen, Oshawa, on Sunday even- club had set up a cannival on nfot been satisfactory as both i ng. the lawn with bingo anti other the boys anti the people with BReverenti Stanlev Snowden games which wcre kept busy1 papers are usually away on! spent Saturtiay night with his* most af the evcning andi to cli-1 holitisys. Thus, as the first parents Mr. anti Mrs. Lloydi max the big day a tiraw was1 Monday in August antiSep- Snowden prior ta preaching in matie late in the evening on a! tember are Publie Holitisys the bhiS ncwý circuit at Millbrook. movie camera which was won, boys will be collecting on the Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Snowden by Walter Douglas o! Newcas-! second Monday for these ,anti Betty Lou accompanie i by tl. months. Mr. and' Mrs. Wes Down anti tic.__________________ i Paul. enjoyet a trip along the JSt. Lawrence Seaway andi acnoss jta Watertown. N.Y., returning ta Test D -rilin Sta ts anada via the beautiful Ivy iLee Bridge. r M. and Mrs. Cynil 'Barr andi For N w Wa er S Pl amily spent the holiday week- NEWCASTLE-According ta mation watenworks for the vil- Mrs. Alfredi Tcnthorey at L'Amn- Reeve Douglas Cunningham the lage is drawing dloser anti tobi.ntjo Ontario Waten Resources Coin- Mr. anti Mrs. Mervin Storie mission have let the job of test look at lawus anti gardens in anti family, Uxbrid(ge. visiteti drilling ta !ind a suitable wa- the village duning Uic past Mr. and Mrs. Eti. Holmes on ter supply in the village ta couple of weeks it looks like it Friday. Normi Faulkner of Peterborough is not too soon, ta say nothing Mn. anti Mrs. flan Brooks at- who said he expects ta stant off the nunîbers off tanks of wa tended the weddîng of ber bro- tiilling in the village the lat- ter that are being tirawn intu tiier in Nestieton last Saturday ter part o! this week. the village every day ta f111 up' anti went on ta spend the week- So, according to this infan-, dry wells.. end with Mr. andi Mrs. Ted Hut- ton at their cottage on South 'Lake. playeti a couple o! their favour- MA T PifV Mr. and Mns. William Lewis ite games. We also bati a draw J,'A3J.LE GRO'JVE. spent the~ weckenti at Baptiiste1 on a cake which was won by Lake wîth Mns. Stanley Snow- Mrs. Alec Hentiry. Mn. Sam Miss Miltireti Snowden has den anti family at their cottage Brereton, chairman o the IRe-: been holidaying with friendsths e atiMreLodSiote wînning ticket. The chiltinen MTýanotick. 'and Mr. anti Mrs. Wes Downi were quite enthuseti about seli- Master Peter Pritchardi, Mari- enjayeti the double-heatier bal îng the tickets andti tey sold otick, is visitin g bis gnandrnothen game at Maple Leaf Staduium,1 close to $12.00 worth (at 5 Mrs. L. C. Snowtien. Toronto. on Wednesday evening., cents a ticket> whicb we don- Mrs. Norman Burgess, Ton- ate to ta ur Recreation Com- n- o svstgM.aàM$ n-ittee ta heip repay them. 1 oynto s îangMn ad i would like to tbank M.rs. GordiRyVnap Gray very much for mnaking Mn. and Mi-s. Tom Lotige anti the cake for us. It was clecar- Heathen, ilver Springs, Mary- ateti with fancy icing antio l and, have returneci home aften it was witten, "Newcastle visîting Mn. anti Mns. Sain Van-! Playground". Camp. The hiirens Ats nti The Women's Institute will Cnafts were also on dispiay anti meetat0,ic huroHamon Mon.1y. the chiltiren closed the pnognam Ags 0 hn apo .. will be guests andi will provide singing "Goutibye Ladies, Fane- tepgam wcll entlmen. We ad a Mn. anti Mrs. Howard Cryder- gooti crowd la attendance antid aCroKery shrat one fo ud lit n kesr.-Ralpb were weekenti guests of one or spponing ia.Mr. anti Mns. Harry Clarke,, O O *Binbnook. Just as a footnote ta this Mr. Jîm Laverty acconipaniet i fine report by Sharon, thc Mn. Edigar Milison, Newcastle, ý Chairman o! the Recreation on a fishing trip ta Apsley, over! Committee wishes toadait the the weckend. thanks o! the entire canîmittee Mnr. andi Mrs. Jerome Leavis f taý the parents anti frientis of spent a few tiays last week vis- the chiltinen attentiing summer iting relatives in Gananoque. playgraund activities for thein Mrs. Sain Snowden, Mrs. Cy- interest anti support sbown by ril Luke anti Mr. Howard Mack- their attendance at the finst, lin, Oshawa, were dinner guests' e "Open House" o! aur surnier of Mn. anti Mrs. Roy Van Camp piayground. JenMonday. This playground secins to, Mill. Char-les Depew, Bowman- -___________ have met with your approva illVan Ca dMron Snd . SvR6onylino'Fn for which we are very glatianVa n Cr.amoSntiMs i Coilisscon spenortim we wish ta point out that any1 Mr.ecnd r.JmClisspn chîldi-en becaming five years o! te ekn at thein cottage at age during the playgnound ac- Twin Lakes. h t a ten attha tie.with Mn. andi Mis. Cetinic Rus- CH ES. It bas been gratifying ta this'sell andi family. C H E SE committee ta sec yaun enthus. Lairdi Wilton is home on fur- iasmn towards thc playgrounti lough froin Camp Shijia in Non- andtihUi swimming instruction thern Manitoba. courses sponsoneti by the. com- _Mn. anti Mrs. William Hawk- mittec anti' we just want you shaw, Kitchener, anti Len Gooti- A ta know that if we continu tamuirphy, Boywmnillea lIed omn FE A U R E VA dozen good size$10 vegetables are available - fresh daily! FROZEN Bird s Eye PEAS "-z19c' Save 4c - Welchade Grape Drink Save 7c - Saico - Mandarin Oranges Save 6c- Kam, 32-oz I ii . tins LUNCHEON MEAT Save 10e - Salad Dressing Miracle Whip fl~ACTC BladeBone RO STSRemoved RIB ROASTS fT DOG WIENERS Volume 12 - "Food Buying uae' and Meal Planning" auomemae' D SAVE AT 35C 12-OZ. 39 32-oz jar~ 59C or lb. 2 lb. poly bag 79C Encyclopedia.ach 69c1 ivileIAMarket DGWNAV LL ille IGONTAIO CA IAarketNEWCASTLE, NAI 0 0 a Federafion's Annual Session Approves Many Resolutions The closing sessions of the. sumption of dairy produets port from the Federal Treas- Canadian Federation of Agri- through a consumer subsidy. ury, and that it is civorced culture semi-aninua.i meeting in The Board passed a resolution fromn political pressures or in1- Winnipeg, saw the CFA Direc- which put forth three requests fluence. tors dealing with a number of* to the Canadian governient, The C.F.A. Board also wiiI. topics, notably dairy support dealing with butter- recommend to the Departinent price polîcy, and radio and 1. The continuation of the of Labour that the Unemploy'- television broadcasting. The na- present 64e per pound floor ment Insurance Commnission tional farm organization pr'o- price on butter. consider the establishment of posed several inoves designed 2.Teisiuino o.aporr fvlnaiuen to offer an increased measure 2. e isitution o!racon- at pogme o! lunta fr upem of securitv to the dairy indus- bsum e sutdy t a rte thacon-loymrsen nsu ancefotain try, and one of these wvas also. rn h utrpiet o-wres hnte r a n aimd a inreaingtheconsumners to a level that would sured on a compulsory plan be- aimd a inreaingthecon enourge consumption. cause of special crops or apecial 3.Asurance that the con- areas. O BTUA Y umers would receive the full This was the closing session OBITUARYbenefit of such a subsidy. of the C.F.A. Semi-annual The other resolutions called meeting. and plans were laid JOHN F. ANDREWS for the Federal goverrnent to for the annual meeting whicli Funeral service was held, continue the present floor price wîll take place in Toronto, in Satuday Auustist intheon skim milk powder until the late January 1960. The three SaItrday, Agstl frthe lute'end o! the dairv year, (April 1, day meeting was held in the MJos h Apews fo thed ate .nd that a change be Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg. Thursday, July 29, in the Osh I made in the regulations gov- awaGenralHosita afer n:erning the .25e per hundred awa Gnera Hosital fteran'veight payment on secondary ilnsao ou onh.milk, ailowing ail producers of HL IT The service was conducted this product to qualify for the .. by the Reverend Dr. George payment. I YGE A AR Telford of St. Andrews United In the field of broadcasting, Church -and interment filoe the Canadian Federat ion of.... in Mount Lawn Cemetery.I Agriculture went on record as The' very large number of strongly reaffirming its convic- floral tributes from relatives,! tions that "the CBC is essen- friends. neighbours and organ- tial to the future. welf are of our izations were indicative of theý citizens, and to the unity of love and esteemn in which theaur nation to, deceased was held. (a) maintain and further de- Palibearers were Alec Bea - velop a single system of na-.' ton Pal Mlle, Jhn owlrtional broadcasting of which Don Paul MellesbJohnMFortin, bth the CBC and private sta- ' Dn Oly.yA.An berMntintions are a part, an J A Adeso.(b) maintain a national Mr. Andrews was barri ati broadcasting service adequate- Collingwood, Ontario. Novem- iy financed by public revenue, ber 30, 1916. (c) create a climate in which "<' He was married ta the former such a systemn can be conduct- Madge Moses at St. Andrew's ed independently and ixnpar- United Church, Oshawa, by the tially, Rev. Dr. Telford in 1942. (d) ensure ta the public through "JY@owawayyourcosmetici He resided in Oshawa most the national system. a proper 'Cause it's thec gospel truth of his life and was educated overail balance o! broadcasts hee designed to be informative, en- A dairy diet insures here. ghtening and entertaining and The bloom of youth. Mr. Andrews was employed which are at ail times in good at the Gerieral Motors of Can- taste and of the highest pas- ada plant for 23 years in the sible standard."I products service departmnent. At Dealing further with the to- the time of his death he was pic of the CBC, the Federation supervisor of the returied resolved that "the CFA re-en- ..J? sLG&f goods section. dorse its confidence in the He is survived by his wife ability of the Canadian Broadi- m and his parents, Hugh and Mary casting Corporation ta operateM. 1-44 Andrews; one sister, Eileen; a comprehensive and varied na- ..F11 * LNREISGO two brothers, Ernest and Rus-itional Broadcasting service pro- sell, ail o! Oshawa. viding it receives adequate sup-L ëaI Prices effective August 5, 6, j7 8 Large, Juicy, Sweet - Clusters d Malaga GRA&PES 21b25c Perfect for Juice or Salads nR CANÀDLI%À STATUUM, BOWMANVnJ,& ONTARID PAGZ ELUVM Sunkist OrangesAn a3eitn sotetc i orfvuiefut n

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