Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANY1LL~ CTA~O THU~RSDAY, AUG. Otb, 1959 Check Records for Identification Purposes Isobel Webb, Child Welfare Supervisor, is chec] ing the records of these four youngsters at WhytehavE to make certain they are sent to the correct destinatiol Others from the Dept. of Welf are who assisted in tI. Close Wh".tehaven for Some of those responsible for the surprise off icir en Friday, included f rom left to right, Deputy Mini Brown, Dr. Jean Moore, Dr. John Sinclair and Noble1 mediately after they had notified Mr. and Mrs. Whyte1 100 of the children living on the premises. I Durham County Agricultural Calendar August 7th, 8th and 9th - trip with Hastinigs and Nortl Junior Farmer Bus trip to Mid- umberland Juniors. iesex County. Junior Farmers Monday, August lth, 8:0 ïromn the counties of Hastings, p.m. - Durham 4-H Tractc ]Peterborough, Northumberland Club meeting to be held at th and Durham have been invited Ontario Dept. of Agricuitur to be the guests of Middlesex Board Room, Bowmanville. M: Juniors in their homes for this Ralph Gregg, Engineering SpE weekend. Arrangements are be- cialist for Durham County wî Ing completed for a joint bus discuss the cooling systen: tires, clutches and winterizin the tractor. FARN SERVICE Jnir a ugus Ptrboro DEA», OLD and CRIPPLED Exhibition. This will includ FARM STOCK judging competitions, an agi ]Removed Free of Charge cultural quiz and identifici Immediate 24-Hr. Service tion contest, demonstrationr 1 KYU PRTRFR prizes and the Canada Packei ASK YUR OERATO FOR Dinner, followed by the Grand ZEnih 6550stand Performance. Ail 4-1 Unih 6550Club membersar urgedt No ToIl Charge participate. Each wili receive Kick Peconi - Peterborough Junior Day application forr and these should be returne, LOOK AND LEARN N0W YOU CAN GET S0 NUCH MORE FOR NUCH LESS IN ... OUR PRICES ON~ NEW LARK $1558 MODELS START AS LOW AS.,. Are Consuii 0f Retailers Is the Canadian consumeri aware of the prablems and dif-j ficulties of keeping an adequate supply of food on store caun- ters? One of the suggested top- ies for next season's Farmn Ra- dia Forum, The Consumer and the Farmer, brings ta mind the vast plants operated by the vanlous grocery rehgins. These tremendous establishments are as necessany ta retail apenation as the land itself je to the grower. At one end of the warehouses are receiving lines where huge truck-loads o! Ontario-grown fruits and vegetables are un- loaded daily. Perishable prod- uce is stored in refnigerated roonis until distributed among individual retail outlets throu- ghout the province. In many instances they must first be re- packaged in consumer-conven- ient containers. Spinach and radishes, for example, are like- ly ta arrive at warehouses in hampers, where they must be sorted, washed and packaged or bunched, as the case xnay be. n~ ~ ~ ~ vr es-Aw e Osoid-fruited variety tlh: > cnditions. The color 1Isbtte fl L I than Red Jacket but flot- quite Problems? equal to Rutgers," says Kerr. "The plant is medium in size, as well as the labar involved and unfortunately, cover la only ini these operations, all must be fair smnce the foliage is some- paid for in the over-the-counter what wilty, and the fruit there- selling price. fore susceptible to sun scald. -The green fruit colon is uniform Week-ends and holidays pres- and does not develop a leather ent particular problems, for the end." grower must harvest his crops Vinered is an earlier variety, when they are veady, of course. selected from a cross of the The wholesaler then often has small-fruited, very early var- ta refrigerate shipments for a iety Chatham and the late van- day or two before distribution iety Rutgers. Vinered is redder to retailers. than Vioeroy but has a small Marvels of modern efficiency, plant size. It should be close these produce warehouses are planted and heavily fertilized fully mechanized, maintaining ta compensate for this. The im- a steady flow of fresh food mature fruit of Vinered hias from Ontario farms to Ontario dark green shoulders but us- tables. The Farm Products In- uaily ripens without much lea-1 spection Service of the.Ontario ther end. It has a very firm Department of Agriculture flesh. xnaintains continuai surveil- lance to insure that the fruit and vegetables offered for sale The oniy values that are meet every requiremnt af everlasting are spiritual, and grade, size and other regula- when we lose them we lose tians. In this way standards everything.-Anthcrny H. Evans. are nat only niaintained but Every act of man is a moral improved through new regula- act, ta be tested by moral, and tions and so the consumer is not by econamic, cniteria.. - assured of the best possible Robert Maynard Hutchins. ýk- complicated task of sorting out the children were Burma' ýnupp ganJ5OlC. ,a nanaming io * jJ.iL UUuce wA&e my.YÂ. en Morlock, Veronica Frank, D. Crittenden and Elma Wool- )n. leor hey worked from eight o'clock until after mnidnight M id-Sumnner Cultivationi Childfre oen GotdeWaysb.- For Good Weed Control Chil ren .oo W ay toThe Field Crops Branch, On- great numbers of ragweed and Ring a Bell tario Departrnent of Agricul- other summer annuals. The It's pon practice to wait un- summen cul tivation ford better ings immediately afterth til a bull has demonstrated lie weed contrai. The metbods will nurse crop has been removed can't be handled by a halter naturally vary with the species will be heipful for many weeds, before you ring him. The dem- of weeds and their habitat, pre- and especially for ragweed. The onstration time may end up in valence, and nature of their mower bar should be raised to tragedy. sipnead. four inches to cut off the heads Livestock experts of the On- Fields that are ta be sawn ta of annual weeds, and no harn tario Department of Agricul- fali wheat can be ploughed or bas been noticed to the hay ture suggest ringing the bull cultivated early. Most of the mixtures. whenhe' abut ne earaI1 annual weed seeds in the top- The full use of chemicals has agn e. s abcoppering of osi ill germinate and be des- becomne a recognized practice 21/4 inches in diameter - no! troyed by subsequent cultiva- on many fanms. 2,4-D may be larger or it might interfere with 1 tien.. Many of the noots of per- used up ta 16 ounces of acid bis eating. ennial weeds will be brought per acre on non-legume sods ta Insertîng the ring is no easy 1ta the surface, whene they will kill winter annual and biennial job, and it is a goad idea ta be killed by the bot suni. This weeds such as wild carrot, yel- tie the bull up snugly with ai method net only insures less low racket, leafy spurge and halten te a solid post and cnawd' weed competition te the wheat bindweed. The new forms, such him up against a wall ta pre- crop, but also will severely as 2, 4-DB may be used safely vent struggling. Grab the nos- weaken, If not entirely destroy, wbere alfalfa is present, up ta tnils with the thumb andfoe Canada thistle, spurge, cough, 16 aunces of acid per acre. Ex- fingers, pull forward on the mlkweed, and s0w thistle. tension Circular 75A of the nose, and with a trocan andi A modification of this systemn Ontario Department of Agri- canula (a knife or iran punch aIo early after-harvest cultiva- culture gives the needed infor- will also do) pierce the thick1 tien on grain fields not seeded mation for this wonk. A capy partition betweeni the nostnils. 1down bas long been recom- is obtainable from the office of Both the trocar and canula1 mended as a good weed contrai the county agricultural repres- are pushed thnough, then thelmeasure. This plan destroys.entative. trocar is removed and the can- ula left in place. The sharp end of the ring is next placed in the canula and is pushed onLo k frD e R d through the nase at the same time the canula is nemoved. ai visit toWhytehaveTe ring can then be snap-Ir ce s g T o a oe ialvist t WhtehvenMission pd shut ta a scnew inserted taP o e s ng T m t e iister of Health Dr. Gordon keep it closed. It might pay ta Drew who are seen here im- h old a box unden the ring until Farmers who wanted ta try who have the vanleties. that they were removing over the screw is well stanted: out the new deep red process- The story of how Vincland otherwise the bull might flick ing tamates- Viniered and researcher E. A. Kerr develop- bis bcad and the screw get lost. Viceray - this spring, and cd Vinened and Viceroy is in- tate the ntaia o the and smteneSal couldn't because of short seed teresting. Says Kerr. "Mast o! tote naroDept. o Agni-th jointan hingestse supplies, might réeeber ta aur early Ontario varieties were culture, '164 Hunten St., Peter- thât there's- na irritation, have a look at the plants this developed fan the fnesh market borough before August 6th or A bull should be taught ta summer. The processing caml- and wcre pale in calor for pro- ta the Ontario Dept. af Agri- offer bis nase ta bis keepen. panies bought most of the seed cessing. The two new varieties culture, Box 730, Bowmanville, This can be done if the bull1 early in the year and wil be have good colon and inlike most before August îst. isn't abusively treated; makeI able ta direct you ta growers deep red tomatoes, are able te Tuesday, Aug. 18, 8:00 .. sure the bull isn't hitched or set fruit at lowcr tempera- The final meeting af the Dur handled during the time the turcs."1 ham 4-H Swine Club will be opening is healing. It's easien ow 1 o tr l Bath the varieties have the h-held at 8:00 p.m. Demo nst'ra- tea tach a bull ta mind, too, if How to Co tr deep red variety, Rutgers, as tiens will be featured on the he's been. balter broken wben * one a! their parents. Object af prprto fteglsfor the a caîf. theon tomn i u Vincland research was ta ýor show and on showrnanship. A enabl srodtw W e sin Y u breed for large leaves (ta bold he final quiz will be answened. yeans of age, it might be wise , the colon),,earliness, and yield. re, iy, ta put a stronger ring inl bis iiw r G ce TeVcnyvneyl r ay, August 21st-Oshawa nase. This can be about 21/2 ta swe a de elecion rom arBauty iby Ir.Far. ll4-H Club members 3 inches in diameter and pre- slcinfonaButrb i re in ge thet exhibit hr calves ferabîy made af cannon metal. "The best rule for weed con- in Fair junior section of Oshawa Check the ring eveny month trol in the flowen garden s ta as r. esth beef and dairy from. then on te make sure it tackle annual weed: n h ng alesmay besbown and judg- basn't weakened by wear or seedling stage nd perennial Durham-Ontario County Dairy ane inch piece af nubber tubingj out ai control," says Batanist Shwfrdese saloafa slipped over the lower part of R. O. Bibbcy of the Ontario De- r-tune as well as the Big 4, Gold-* the ring will cut down a great partmcnt af Agriculture. ,a- en Guernsey Club Show. deal af the wear. Many weeds can be control- ri, Satunday, August 29th - led by mthod Bu som and ns Blackstock Fair. A feature aof hoeing mto.BtÈm ed ýd- the fair will be the Achieve- cannat be dealt wth that easily. H ment Days fan the Durham 4-H 4 Seeds of wecds such as chick- ta 4HfCl Cu n teDra weed, purslane, and the annual E a4- Swine Club, grasses can remain mn the soil .m Thursday, September 3rd, for sevenal years and then ed 8:00 p.m.-Final meeting af the . sprout at th slightest opportun- -Durham 4-H Grain Club at the ity. The annual grasses and Pouto Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, ~purln r aegerrminators, Pouto Board Room, Bowmanville. wie èiked griae Judging and a quid will be thraughout the growing season. part of the pragram. Thus it can be seen that thase Satunday, Sept. 5th - Port c 'spring cultivations wcre of Hope Fair, whicha will be the littie value for control. Once Achivemet Das fo theDur past the seedling stage, these ham 4-H Tracton Club and the . setos moyr cttadir-tf ey aN Hope 4-H Caîf Club. < 0 s>~ hedtionocttemovdfrathe r Tuesday, Sept. 8th, 8:00 p.m. hod ut'o rmoed___nth -The final meeting af the Dur- . - ganden arca. ham 4-H Sheep Club will be Pesky annual wecds may be B u e l held at the fanm af Mn. Ralph best controlled in the seedfling B u e i GlaspeIl, Bowmanville. This A U P M stage by being hoed in hot, dry will feature judging and a A U O P M weather. Once they have be- quiz. Means Better Living 11 come establisbed, a more ex- Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 8:30tensive system sbould be adopt-Th o ty fDu a.m.--Thïe Junior Farmer and f\RDR atrSs d. Finst pull the weeds by band 4-H Judging Competîtions will 0 erigivcs us fresh, pure o a hm at hnrk lie held at the C.N.E. in Toron- and destnoy by composting or eradicalion of Brn tO*Thursday, Sept.water when and whre we burning. wespeetaDsae c. T t.need i-...adds ta aur Pecnn-a finrs ay Spl oth, 7:30 venience and comfort of daily diferent pal em sine reep-aBse sAc. T p.m.-The fnlmeeting of the ife. différets o tern w e reofen- Durham 4-H Dairy Cal Club UOPmsaeaal '1ro fthwedaeotn already cm ec will be held at the fanm of DR up r vi- en wincd with those af desir- cm ec Ross Stevens, Glen Rae Dairy able in ail sizes ta meet in-. able flowcrs on shrubs. Wberc Farmn, 1 mile west of Bowman- dividual needs. Seec ou a large border is heavily in-ai calile ownersî ville. I will feature a quiz and Plumber or DURO dealer fested with weeds like gout- judging and hints on prepana- for full information or write weed and couch grass, it is gen- tion for the achievement day. for FREZ folder, URuRU;DU erally advisabîe ta remove the assemhling and rem Saturday, Sept. l2th-Orono Wateir, the Faim Necessi>y" perennials befone attempting Fair, which will sponsor the ta eradicate the wecds. Il the Aheeetdays for Durham same flower roots are later ne- i thoir pouding visil 4-H Dairy Caîf Club, the Dur- planted in the arca, cane must ham 4-H Grain Club and the be taken that ail entwining .Dra 4HPuI l ub - -. In weed roots ave been-reUove. 1--ca-lle-J Jv lysjbuti ALWAYU you1 METTER WETH ONTJ BUTRIER SALEM There wilI be no church ser. vice until September 7 as Rev. F. Jackson is on holidays. Sympathy is extended to Mr. L. Squair and other relatives in the passing of Mr. Squair's ne- Phew, Mr. Neil Moffat, Orono. Miss Marion Butteny was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leary, Napanee. Misses Bea Craig and Grace Blackburn are attcnding Young People's Leadership camp at Quin-Mo-Lac this week. Mrs. Bob Collacott and Joan are spending a week's holiday with lier sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker and fam-ily, Otta- wa. M.r. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Nancy and Jimmy, Chathami, were weekend visitons with his parents, Mx. and Mrs. J. Hall. Nancy and Jimmy remained for the rest of this month_ Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton and family were Sunday visit- ors with ber sister, Mr. and Mns. Bruce Little, Agincouri. Janet and Billy Little returned home with them after holiday. ing with their cousins. Several fromn here attended4W the prognam provided by those who attended Vacation School at Tyrone last Fniday night.. Lst like milk uer belongs on rfamily table! No. 889 IrXIO, CRUAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD 1IESENVTIPG 50,000 CRIAM PRODUCERS 1~ ATTENTION FARNERS ! USED EQU IPMENT International Grain Binder In good shape - Make an aller 6 fi. Case Combine wiih power lake-oli 6 fIL Case Combine wilh Nolor Both combines i top condition International Farmaîl Cub Tracior, wilh mower and plaugh Farmail Super "C"' Tracior, wilh 2-row cullivalor SPECIAL FINANCE TEINS Cowan Equipment Company 134 King St ME Bowmanvile MA 3-5689 PARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Service - Health of Animais Division OTICE sçis Control Areas irham ha: boom declared au area for the icellosis under the Animal Coniagiaus te lesting of caille for Brucellosis has ed. lu accordance with the Regulalion, are requiredd b assisi Velerinarians hy' ;lraining iheir caille on heing uolified ai ts. nio the area munsi ho accompanied by a oblainable ai any office of the Health ai SCanada Deparimeni of Agriculture. 1co-operalion of ALL caille owners will es ho made iowards completion of the ho henefil ofai ilconcerued. VIGLATING AIT PROVISIONS 0F ARE LIABLE TO A PENALTY. .4 ýF Tim CANADME . BOWMANVM.& owrAmo 9mu ODAT, Auc. @th, 1059 PMM TEff

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